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18: century political formation’ 11) Fill in the blanks: a) Two groups of nobles in the court of later mughals were and, b) The Afghan ruler who invaded India 5 times between 1748-61 was ) The states which emerged with the decline of Mughal authority were and 4) The Mughal emperor who is mainly held responsible for decline ofthe Empire was ) Nadir Shah , the ruler of invaded Delhiin {The Khalsa rose in revolt against the Mughal authority under the leadership of. 2) The Jats were prosperous h) Aurangzeb fought a protracted war in the i) The Jats became powerfiul under the leadership of . j) Khalsa was instituted in kK) was an important leader of Marathas. Q2) Short questions:- a) List the reasons for the revolt of peasants and zamindars iin the Northern and Western india ) Explain the terms Chauth and Sardeshmukhi ) Why did the Nawab of Awadh and Bengal try to do away with the Jagirdari system? dd) What was the geographical and economic importance of Awadh? ) What were the offices held by Sa’adat Khan of Bengal ? Q3 ) Long questions:- a) Give reason for the decline of the Mughal empire. ) Explain the administrative system under the Marathas? ©) What was the role of Guru Gobind Singh in the prosperity of Khalsa?

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