Equity in Sports

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Equity across sports is rather a concept in sports law

that is very much overlooked when we compare various sports.

Equity is said to understand clearly that not every individual starts
his/her journey from the same place. Equity across sports must
advocate for those who may have been historically disadvantaged but
however today we face an issue where equity focuses chiefly on
solving gender related issues rather than other areas outside of this.
Let us take an example from sports in India. Today we have seen
how Cricket has a huge monopoly over the population of sports
viewers across the Indian sub continent. However, other sports such
as Soccer or Tennis do not hold a similar value despite having a
much larger impact across other countries. This issue can come down
to a solution which points out two key answers as to why these sports
go unnoticed in India specifically despite major attempts to
resuscitate viewership and economic impact of these sports. The first
would be the lack of a proper governing authority for other sports.
BCCI is considered to be one of the most powerful sporting
organizations across the globe and some may even go as far to state
that ICC which is a considered to be a major organization in
international cricket must always give preference to Indian sporting
authority before considering other countries with respect to the sport.
The impact that an organization such as BCCI hold with respect to
cricket cannot be found in other sports such as Soccer and Tennis.
This is due to the sheer lack of a strong governing authority that
ensures equity across each sport.

Another key factor can come down to the lack of

regulations in these sports. The BCCI has laid regulations across
every scenario available when it comes to cricket played within India
at a club or country level. There are various health, media and
geographical protocols that must be strictly maintained when
organizing any sporting activity with respect to cricket in a major
level. However, the same discipline is absent when we take a look at
soccer, tennis, hockey etc. Soccer in India is governed by AIFF
which is an organization that lacks the desideratum to become a
highly ranked organization. As of today, AIFF contains of merely 3
members in its legal advisory committee which when compared to
organizations like UEFA and BCCI is a very small number and
cannot be given the task to handle an entire country’s legal affairs.
Yes, it is true that the committee’s at AIFF are split up into various
segments but these other segments are also severely understaffed and
have been previously accused of unethical practices various number
of times. Now, if we still had such a poor foundation for soccer
internationally, we wouldn’t see the sport at the level it is today. The
lack of lack of law and legal authority has to be considered as the
key reason as to why a sport dies irrespective of the gender, caster or
creed it is played or promoted by.

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