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1. How many module we have to learn in Apex? What are they?

a) 3 modules; Customer, Product & Order

b) Application, sales , purchase & order
c) Purchase & Sales
d) None of the above.
2. What is the full meaning of CSS?
a) Cascading Summary Sheet
b) Cascading Sheet of Style
c) Cascading Style Sheet
d) Cascading Saving Sheet
3. What is the full form of RAD?
a) Retail application developer (RAD)
b) Remote Access device (RAD)
c) Rapid application Design (RAD)
d) Rapid Application development (RAD)

Lesson: 2
4. What is APEX?
a) Programming language
b) Clint device tool
c) Rapid application Development tool
d) Application tool
5. Which one of the following page type enable developers to declaratively extend, share and
reuse the built-in page types available with Oracle Apex?
a. Chart.
b. Tree
c. Plug-ins
d. Calendar
6. What is the difference between Bind variable and Substitution string reference type?
a. Bind Variable Syntax is “:APP_ID” and Substitute string syntax is “;APP_ID”
b. Bind Variable Syntax is “&APP_ID” and Substitute string syntax is “:APP_ID”
c. Bind Variable Syntax is “:APP_ID” and Substitute string syntax is “:APP_ID”
d. Bind Variable Syntax is “:APP_ID” and Substitute string syntax is “&APP_ID.”
7. Which are found from oracle apex SQL Workshop from given following?
a) Workspace Utilities
b) Object Browser
c) Restful Services
d) Dashboard
8. Which SQL Workshop is define Web Services using SQL and PL/SQL against the database?
a. SQL Scripts
b. Object Browser
c. Utilities
d. Restful Services
e. SQL Commands
9. By default, the home page has an ID and that is...
a. 1
b. 5
c. 10
d. 20
10. A modal page corresponds to a dialog box.
a. True
b. False
11. A web application is a collection of__
a. Application pages
b. Form pages
c. Report pages
d. Web pages
12. What is workspace?
a) Working tool
b) Virtual private container
c) Application environment
d) Application tool
13. What should user do before access Oracle Apex development environment?
a) Sign in to Apex Administration Account
b) Sign in to Workspace
c) Connect to database
d) Log in to oracle Account
14. Which are the master detail page options?
a) Stacked
b) Side by side
c) Drill Down
d) Popup
15. What is the Full form of DAD?
a) Data access descriptor
b) Digital audio disk
c) Database access descriptor
d) Development Assistance Database
16. You can register a free online account by:
17. The URL consists of____________.
A. APEX server including Application ID.
B. APEX server including List ID.
C. APEX server including page ID.
D. APEX server including User ID.
18. The full form of Apex is –
a) Oracle Application Express.
b) Oracle Application Exclusive.
c) Oracle Application Excel.
d) Oracle Approach Express.
19. Column named X, the value of X in the current row denoted by_
A. #X#
B. $X$
C. ##X##
D. $$X$$

Lesson: 3

20. What is the full form of LDAP?

a. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
b. Lightweight Database Application Protocol
c. Lightweight Database Access Process
d. Lightweight Directory Application Process
21. When Creating custom authentication scheme is the best approach?
a. You Want to develop built in login form
b. When Database authentication or other methods are not adequate
c. You want to record or audit activity at the session level only
d. None
22. What is Workspace Image?
a. Images that are not available for application within the workspace
b. Images that are available to all applications for a given workspace
c. Images that are available only for one application
d. None
23. What is Application Image?
a. Images that are available only for one application
b. Images that are available to all applications for a given workspace
c. Images that are available by default
d. None
24. Which type of list we can see a list entry level and a target?
a) Dynamic list
b) Static list
c) Pop list
d) Tree list
25. Which type of values gives us values in LOV, sat runtime?
A. Static list
B. Dynamic list
C. Categories Lov
D. None of the above.
26. What is the elaboration of SSO?
A. Single Sign-Once
B. Start Sign-On
C. Single Sign-On
D. Single Sign-One
27. Which components allow in apps builder?
a) Theme
b) Color
c) Template
d) Design
28. Which is carries links such as login, logout, feedback, help etc?
a) User Interface Attributes
b) Navigation Bar List
c) Themes and Templates
d) No one
29. What is used to link various pages within an application?
A. List of value
B. Navigation bar
C. Breadcrumb
D. Plug-ins
30. How many categories of application express images?
1. 5
2. 4
3. 3
4. 2
31. Oracle Apex supports which type of shortcut?
a) PL/SQL Function Body
b) Image & Message
c) Text with JavaScript Escaped Single Quotes
d) Above all
32. What is Plug-Ins?
a) Shareable objects
b) To add additional functionality
c) HTML text
d) A & B
33. What is Lists?
a) A lists is a collection of links
b) Lists of values
c) None
34. Which type of way Dynamic lists based on?
a) SQL Query
b) PL/SQL Function
c) JavaScript
d) None of the above

35. Where from your make all sharable components?

A. App Builder
B. App gallery
C. Share Component
D. All of above
36. How many type of LOV we can create for app development?
a) A.2
b) B.3
c) C.4
d) D.5
37. List of values is used to control the values displayed and limits the user’s selection.
a) True
b) False
38. The default page template for the Universal theme is called “Standard”?
A. True
B. False
39. When create an application in Apex by Application Wizard Its uses –
a) Universal Theme.
b) Customize Theme.
c) Predefined Theme.
d) No theme use.
40. Which statement is true?
A. A list is a useful tool.
B. A list is a useful application tool.
C. A list is a useful navigation tool.
41. What are the types of application lists? (choose-3)
A. Desktop Navigation Bar (which runs across the top of the page.
B. Breadcrumbs
C. Desktop Bar (which runs down the left side of the page.
D. Desktop Navigation Menu (which runs down the left side of the page.
E. Desktop Menu (which runs down the left side of the page.
42. Where is the Desktop Navigation Menu list displayed?
A. Down the left side of the page
B. Down the right side of the page
C. Top of the page
D. Down at middle of the page
43. Dynamic list Populated by using a____
a) Procedure.
b) PL/SQL Query.
c) SQL Query.
d) Predefined Values.
44. Oracle Apex supports following shortcut___(Choose all that apply)
a) PL/SQL function Body.
b) Html text.
c) Image.
d) Message with JavaScript Escaped Special Quotes.
45. A navigation bar is used to Link various pages within an application.
a) True.
b) False.

Lesson: 4

46. What is a region?

a. Region is an area on a page that servers as a database.
b. Region is an area on a page that serves as a container for content.
c. Region is an area on a page that serves as a PL/SQL expression
d. None
47. What type of layout does Oracle APEX use?
a. 12 columns layout
b. Single column layout
c. As many columns as we like
d. None
48. What is the manning of LIKE?
a) PL/SQL like operator
b) SQL LIKE operator
c) Greater than or Equal
d) Less than
49. Which is an area on a page that serves as a container for content?
a) Sales web Application
b) App builder
c) Region
d) Hidden button
50. What is the full form of RIR?
a) Reset Interactive Report
b) Regional Internet registry
c) Reportable Item Report
d) Recordable Incident Rate
51. Why we can use button?
a) For Interaction
b) Switching
c) Submit
d) Above all
52. What is the full form of RP & RIR?
a) Reset Pagination
b) Reset Interactive Report
c) None
d) A & B
53. Which is based on a custom SQL SELECT statement or PL/SQL function?
a. Map Chart
b. Reflow Report
c. Classic Report
d. PL/SQL dynamic Content
54. Which is property of under Target?
a. Link
b. Location
c. Start New Row
d. No Link Defined
55. Classic report is simple Oracle Apex report which is based on a custom—
a) Form report statement
b) Java statement
c) SQL select statement
d) All of above

56. Start new row button stay by default on.

a) True
b) False
57. What is the meaning of JET?
a) JavaScript Extension Toolkit
b) Java Extension Toolkit
c) JavaScript Extra Tool
d) Java Extra Tool
58. How you can style region title properties?
a) JavaScript
c) C#
59. How we can present a graphical format in region?
a) Using a Badge list
b) Hidden Column
c) SQL Query
d) None of the above

60. Where we can see the Hidden Items?

a) Page Designer
b) 2)Pages at run time
c) Buttons
d) In region
61. A new region is located in the___position.
A. Content Body
B. After Header
C. Body 1
D. Body 2
62. APEX divides the width of a position into __
A. 12 “grid points” from 1 to 12
B. 14 “grid points” from 1 to 14
C. 40 “grid points” from 1 to 40
D. 20 “grid points” from 1 to 20
63. By default, column values are aligned to the ____?
A. Left
B. Right
C. Top
D. Bottom
64. We can change a region’s template from its Appearance section in the property editor.
A. True
B. False
65. Which section contains properties that specify the position of a region on its page?
a) Grid section
b) Rendering section
c) Layout section
d) Appearance section

Lesson: 5

66. Which property specifies how we want to see a page?

a. Page mode
b. Page modal
c. Report mode
d. Form mode
67. How many options does Page mode have?
a. 2.
b. 4.
c. 3.
d. 5.
68. Which one of the following best describes Oracle APEX platform?
a. It is a high-code application development platform
b. It is a no-code application development platform
c. It is a low-code application development platform
d. None

69. When new page created in Oracle APEX which is default?

a. Modal
b. Modal Dialog
c. Normal
d. Non-Modal Dialog
70. Which option is under Processing?
a. Create Page
b. Validating
c. Dialog Closed
d. Region
71. Which is property of under Appearance?
a. Link
b. Location
c. Start New Row
d. Value Placeholder

72. After adding a new customer record or editing an existing one, the page doesn’t get refreshed to
show, what you have added or amended?
a) Add Dynamic action
b) Interactive Grid Features
c) Change item Type
d) Editing date in Interactive Grid

73. By default the type of a column in an interactive grid is inherited from...

a. Base application
b. Base report
c. Base table
d. None
74. Interaction grid allows user to manipulate data simply by clicking on a cell...
a. True
b. False
75. The Home page of our application was created by the app Builder Wizard when the application
was created?
a) true
b) false
76. What is Master-detail Reports?
a) A master-detail report is a set of two reports. These reports are linked, in the sense that
each record of the detail report has an associated record in the master report.
b) A master-detail report is a set of reports. These reports are linked, in the sense that each
record of the detail report has an associated record in the master report.
c) A master-detail report is a collection of two reports. These reports are linked, in the sense
that each record of the detail report has an associated record in the master report.
d) A master-detail report is a set of three reports. These reports are linked, in the sense that
each record of the detail report has an associated record in the master report.
77. What are true about Processing tab__
a) Specify logic such as computations, validations, process &branches.
b) Its specify only page Validation.
c) Computations are not included in process tab.
d) Only a & b
78. Clear Cache indicates__
a) Make items value null.
b) You use Clear cache only a page.
c) You can’t add list of pages in Clear cache.
d) You can add multiple page number in clear cache by separated comma.

79. Available Button templates are.

a) Text
b) Icon
c) Text with Icon
d) Hot

Lesson: 6

80. Which of the following is true for APEX pages?

A. APEX pages are HTML pages controlled by HTML & CSS
B. APEX pages are modal pages
C. APEX pages are non-modal pages
D. APEX pages are Form mode pages
81. What is the ability to dynamically show or hide a page component referred to?
A. Format Rendering
B. Grid Rendering
C. Conditional Rendering
D. None
82. What is the Full form of BLOB?
a) Binary Large Object
b) Binary Large Object Both
c) Binary Low Overhead Block
d) Border Level Office Boundary
83. XSS stands for?
a) Xross-Site Scripting
b) Cross-Side Scripting
c) Cross-Site Scripting
d) Cross-Site Script
84. MIMETYPE stands for?
A. Multimedia Internet Mail Extension
B. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
C. Multimedia Internet Mail Express
D. Multipurpose Internet Mail Express

85. The page designer toolbar carries a section called…

a. tool selector
b. page selector
c. field selector
d. none
86. Which is the following an Image File Type?
a) CSV
b) PDF
c) PNG
87. Which code is used to create a process Under Processing to Delete Image?
a. SQL Query
b. PL/SQL Code
c. PL/SQL Function Body
d. SQL Query (Return Single Value)

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