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Nama : Ni Nyoman Ayu Komalasari

NIM : 15.321.2305

Kelas : A9B

Multiple Choice

1. …. Stethoscope is that? it’s nurse’s.

A. Whom
B. Who
C. What
D. Whose

The answer : D

2. The women…..Playing in the yard is my son.

A. Is
B. He
C. Now
D. Was

The answer : C

3. …. Was backed up for miles on freeway.

A. Cars
B. Traffict
C. Yesterday
D. In the morning

The answer : B

4. Where are you going for…… adventure?

A. Doing
B. Your
C. Is
D. Was

The answer : B

5. ….. Do you think of the korea food? It’s very tasty.

A. Where
B. What
C. Which
D. When

The answer : B
6. Where do you…..with friends?
A. Going
B. Go
C. Doing
D. Is

The answer : B

7. I……Eating in the hospital canteen.

A. Is
B. What
C. Was
D. That

The answer : C

8. …… is the purpose of your school?

A. When
B. Who
C. What
D. Where

The answer : C

9. …… Tania working in a big kafe?

A. Are
B. Was
C. Be
D. Is

The answer : B

10. My friend…….shopping yesterday.

A. What
B. Is
C. Go
D. Went

The answer : D

11. The book and ruler…….on your desk.

A. Are
B. Is
C. Am
D. To be
The answer : B

12. Artini has……working in japan clinic for five month.

A. Is
B. Been
C. Have
D. Be

The answer : D

13. Clinical product excellence must……good.

A. To be
B. Have to
C. Be
D. Is

The answer : C

14. Protein digestion begins in the stomach……ends in the small intestine.

A. While
B. And
C. How
D. Because

The answer : B

15. ……skeleton of an insect in on the outside of it’s body.

A. Its
B. That the
C. There is a
D. The

The answer : C

16. The president has…….arrived in japan and will meet the Ministry of Trade today.
A. Still
B. Yet
C. Already
D. Soon

The answer : C

17. A free lunch will be provided for a……period of time.

A. Limit
B. Limits
C. Limited
D. Limiting

The answer : C

18. He gave a long……in honor of the retiring vice manager.

A. Speak
B. Speaker
C. Speaking
D. Speech

The answer : C

19. …….ballet dancers learn five basic positions for the arms and feet.
A. Every
B. All
C. Of every
D. All of

The answer : A

20. Do you know the girl…….. we talked to yesterday.

A. To whom
B. Who
C. Which
D. Whom

The answer : D


21. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers.
(The answer is agree, because parents raise us and educate us from chilidhood until now).
22. What do you think about stroke? (the answer, stroke is loss of brain function caused by
the cessation of blood supply to parts of the brain).
23. Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? (the answer, agree because
progress can make someone more confident and successful).
24. What do you know about heart disease? (The answer, heart disease is a condition when
the heart is experiencing interference).
25. Why does someone experience sleep disorders? ( The answer, because they experience
excessive stress).

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