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of Printed Pages : 7 EGO-05


Term-End Examination
June, 2020

Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50

Weightage : 70%

Note :Answer any five questions.

1. Define Consideration. When is consideration not

necessary ? Explain in detail. 2, 8

2. Differentiate between any two of the following :

5 each

(a) Void and illegal contracts

(b) Express and implied contracts

(c) Executed and executory contracts

P. T. O.
[2] ECb-05

3. Define fraud and its effect on contract. How

does it differ from misrepresentation ? 5, 5

4. What are the remedies available to an

aggrieved party in case of breach of a contract ?

Explain briefly different types of damages. 5, 5

5. Distinguish between a 'sale' and an "agreement

to sell'. 10

6. Define partnership. State the circumstances

under which the following can be dissolved :

2, 8
(i) a partnership

(ii) a firm

7. Define bailment. How does it differ from a

pledge ? Is finder of lost goods a bailee ? What

are his duties ? 2, 2, 2, 4

8. Discuss the rights of an agent. 10

[3 ECO-05

9. Answer the following problems. Give reasons in

support of your answer :

(a) 'X' makes an offer to sell his house to 'Y'.

dies. accepts the offer, but does not

know about the death of 'X'. Is acceptance

valid ? Can 'V sue the legal

representatives of 'X' ? 5

(b) 'X' purporting to act as an agent of An, but

without authority of Y. 'X' accepted the

offer by 2'. Subsequently 'Z' withdraws the

offer, but ratified 'X's' acceptance. Is 'Z'

bound ? 5

P. T. 0.
[4] EC0-05


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: 70%

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1. "Si ciLbrf tfilliffisfff Th-tr—A71 aLtni cher a-TrazrT

a41 61 or t? fad fawirr 2, 8

2. igyr 1:1 q-/- :

() ar-1-44TeTr 3T*v aiwq

151 ECO-05

(Tgf) WE? arrAT wiTr TIC%iff arfo-4

(Tr) ribtflkd 39 T 'ffEIT 39fl

3. chtie 411-40 31-1-444 TiiTErt WIT

sr4r4 t ?
- frrairravh t rcbg sichR ?

5, 5

4. 377-41 9T7T rskit itIZ trki TTR1 =hl tfglFl

cbtk * *17-14 dmiti 31Trar * ? f4F4R .

-4-4.{-ur c1fwt&i Tfrut1 5, 5

5. "Nwzr' grawzr 5T cbkR' Trtzi swt

at 10

6. 14107k1 ft 'MITT 411 7K1 ■ Iffthelfat

fa-aroT 41r3,1; fq-4. 3TWiff kietroliact a t faEra

2, 8

P. T. O.
[6] EC01435

7. r; q iTricrElT trzsKIIT-g- )1 74 fffili % ch it

11:19 t ? WIT 1314 1f 1 4t4 gird 004 cid

fAlfrfth t ? cbcfoq f ? 2, 2, 2, 4

8. vA . * aftIVITT cemseif ELI 10

9. riiirorigct wRziT34 * 37T *NTI alt14 art

cbituf tired ft,e. :

(r) `X"Y' alTiT Lictoi 14 TT sitctici tdT

tl X T1 ,3110 tl ditzg .517Mq

Ti ti .4F*4 Thl

4 diichl vrff wa tl wrt swrr-4

chtit ? AP * Tre

'free* TR liT7TIT tichdT t ? 5

[71 ECO-05

(13) * k"-t. VI -nett) (tot * 4(1

aiftr*R sirtu 1-*-R feT

Sr{ wT *1 wrc 'Z'

3 1F1 mtnict at Litt AUT @ Litt 9/' 'X'

kg 'ffiT ftechtuf td1 *I WIT 'z'

dil *? 5


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