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of Printed Pages : 5 I MEC-0091


Term-End Examination
June, 2016



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer questions from each section as directed.

Answer any two questions from this section.
1. What is the aim of science ? Explain the
characteristics of inductivitism as a method of
science. What are its (inductivitism) limitations ?

2. What do you mean by the term 'Scientific

Explanation' ? Explain how does Hypothetic -
Deductive model of explanation defuses the conflict
between the realists and instrumentalists.

3. State the procedure to draw sample by the method

of Simple Random Sampling With Replacement
(SRSWR). How will you estimate the population
mean and variance of sampling means with the
sample drawn by SRSWR method ?

4. What kind of data will you need to assess the

overall performance of Indian economy ? Explain
the various sources of such data.

MEC-009 1 P.T.O.
Answer any five questions from this section. 5x12=60
5. Distinguish between research design and research
methods. What type of research design would
you suggest for experimental research ?
6. State the various forms of regression models.
Which form of regression model would you like
to suggest to analyse the growth rate of the
economy ? Give illustration in support of your
7. State the various positive measures of inequality.
Explain the computation device for construction
of Kohn's index.
8. Distinguish between any three of the following :
(a) Methodological monism and
methodological dualism.
(b) Parameter and statistic
(c) Sampling and non-sampling error
(d) Cross section data and time series data
(e) Participatary Rural Appraisal (PRA) and
Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA)
9. Identify the various assumptions of classical
Linear Regression Model. What will be the
consequence of violation of the assumption of
homoscedasticity ?
10. What do you mean by Deseasonalization of a
time series data ? Explain the procedure to apply
multiplicative model to extract seasonal elements.
11. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative
data. Which tools and techniques are used to
collect qualitative data ?
12. Briefly state the various steps involved in carrying
out a research study.

MEC-009 2
714* -0 0 9
717. (aim ) trffkiT

" .9., 2016

711.711-009 : 3T0 14TTR A 31 €1T1 fartga

wig :3 Ea 3.7fir 1i afw : 100

: rq 74 r1 WlittIK 37 -. Ult 4 v7** *- drH /

"Frt4srWtt -579i'kd7R1 2x20=40

1. fa-jri i rr 3-k-FT t? f-a---Jr-i V. fafti * , c4 A'

am-R9---arq .-1- Fcilqc-iiA .1,1 otiRsql -4-r--- I 31-p-rrn-a-g
1 ,4,1141ret?

2. 4 4- "rr.9-w rakcauf' 4 3Trtrwr azrr 31R -Pa. t? c,ilettr

ft ft.4. Mchlt roR(')4u1 ". 1 51Icchc.4-111 011q - -1 4 1 1-1-110-Ich
TrfffFq 011*-tircichciIrqg11 70 4q-Ac1rc ,i1 t. Q-4 TfErti V.
--{--d1 t? gliV41zwch"

3. 'qq01. *772T t-Rei . 015i fit r-V.I -I ?Oil' (SRSWR)*TiTt•Tfrf

-4 miitc444-f richici . 1. treff .0 Wdi4if I SRSWR -Wiz
-A "r9" . 74 5irdwAri .-T ,5-1-14(sq1 17R,T1 'crq 5i 1=444-1
TITtA * Rmcil air ai-r- ft4 mcw m44?
4. (1.17ftzf 31v47117:5r .-1 TF (overall) -1 1 11q-I cl'A * rCR
371:10 ischk 1 w,hR *TOW
- ,litc\kci a+11 ? 71:1 5Icb1t t
7#0 t fedq 31-Wi -4--d-74 I

MEC-009 3
i1+-ircirod fwt Taw Mk-4 drk I 5x12=60

5. 'ON krill (research design) 74 - 1)11. -NW -14 Azfl.

31 t? 3T17 mitilPirt) (experimental) 7111T
ichi 5mi( -ON (-ciir rwr4 t ?

6. 4 , 1 1-1• 511C1 1-11-11* tqf4ti tc\41 .q7174I ft-fil

3Itar4R-if Ite4 rak(s.)trur crA4 *frig aTrq
41 .F4 TId ? 3T r4
art s Tn=t21-i7 3qwul

7. 3-171:FFM*fdf4q cilkkirrirb (positive) 14170 c1I I

TTa. P-Rklich tg3-7*77 Ted'i w1tw1 I

8. P-► --ircifigc-r itt -a19. t 411 aT9--{ :

(a) Mulio kchtlIc 74 Mull(114)111 trag
(b) mrcio "crq
(c) mkrcy-ii Aid. 74 - -arZ
(d) (cross section) tit- if chio Oft

k-1 1-Irb

(e) TrglirrquvP717 tc-q1ctri74 . 1-t-ff

9. cKilti ch(1 WTI MI 4 1 1 111 1-115M "Ntii9 411,4-1(114

-TIT' I TITT fqq7DT (homoscedasticity) "O. 1-11"4111
*r trfturr7 old t?

MEC-009 4 P.T.O.
10. •••FO• Tlite -44174-41- 3 1-TT7 3747'9
(De seasonalization)
- 379' c iT11:10- ? itT11#
93-Tiq PitIchtul 14 *M13117 (multiplicative)
Tri-wzrr c4ntse-ii 4I

11. 4 V-Ilullklicb (kc4quIlclichTP:tel4 0K-41 ,3-T -Tt? quik-1cb

Tri:W 4ch(1-1 chl•i 4g-A 74 och-1144 TT TrzrITT
f-*---zrr Aloft?
12. f ib 74N 3lv:149* -0 kku cht 4i-Hroc1
Tt -q c,41(.sql 4W

MEC-009 5

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