Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Note: Answer Questions From Each Section As Directed

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of Printed Pages : 4 MEC-009

Term-End Examination
June, 2014


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer questions from each section as directed.


Answer any two questions from this section. 2x20=40

1. What do you understand from the term

`precision of estimates' ? How will you assess
precision of estimates when population variance
is unknown ?

2. What is heteroscedasticity ? How will you detect

and tackle the problem of heteroscedasticity ?

3. What do you understand by the term 'scientific

explanation' ? Explain the Hypothetico-Deductive
model of scientific explanation.

4. What are the salient features of Indian

Statistical System ? What type of data are
compiled by CSO to assess the performance of
the Indian economy ?

MEC-009 1 P.T.O.
Answer any five questions from this section. 5x12=60

5. What do you mean by smoothing ? How do you

smooth time series data ?

6. What do you mean by normative measures of

inequality ? Explain Income-Welfare Index
proposed by Dalton.

7. Explain the properties expected of an Ideal

Index Number.

8. " 'Linear in parameter' regression models may

have different functional forms." Discuss.

9. Explain the various tools used in conducting the

research by way of qualitative approach.

10. Distinguish between positivism and apriorism in

economic analysis.

11. What is PRA technique ? Explain its use in

conducting research with the help of two

12. Distinguish between any three of the following :

(a) Focus Group Discussions and
Semi-structured Interviews
(b) Exploratory research studies and
Experimental research studies
(c) Data collected by NSSO and NFHS
(d) Methodological Dualism
Methodological Monoism
(e) Deduction and Induction

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13, 2014

TT.t.141.-009 : 3147TR:ff 4 * MIR

: 3 E7u2. 31W: 100

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4'- erwq 2x 20=40

1. `31TWF4 i trity‘dt Trq am -ffqg TR-0 # ?
A-R-itsen ukitui (population variance) 31---M t,
aTrq trik-wr rcmi unit
chTil ?
2. 11t1IRCII (Heteroscedasticity)
-11114.11■ T ?
Tff cha TAT TPT-(211 i
1.s-1qm 1cbR cr)14 ?
3. `41Pich t-milcntue trq aTlq 'TEIT #?
t-nilcbkui Ard•ftf
oel It9e1 I Atr- I
4. 1Tgerzf Tfif&Titf WdRIT -4t 5I ;Ef'F ?
*- 4174 (CSO) TtT(1-7(etzi
aliaRRIT •Wf cht4 tgf ti
unit 44)1;11 1 \311 ?

MEC-009 3 P.T.O.
1-1Tri II

3177T Z A elf-WNW- drf< ef-

47 / 5x 12=60

5. (-14-4(gui 3177 47fT TITO ? ehIcl 1.44*

.11-1 (VI ebki mcbik NA! ?

6. 3M1417di* aTi.q& (normative) TrrITA 3TPT ETf

IWO ? sic 4 giti uRNIRd kochig)
ogitscri 411*
7. .cr- i 3 t-gcnich -WErd-rall AtrA.R I

8. " ‘STNF '441gc114tg,' (ITITT3Riur) -9-rFtT

(models)** MTff chieficiich 'q t I" -coil
9. tawlur A. *4 cm4 mgm few
(tools) «alt«4I *I.NR
10. aTINk ftlq(sciui -sr-g- uretwg7-4 arlw
PR44T-4g 3T- T Tcf! W-A-R

11. 11.3T7.. dcfrfict) rEfT ? Aft cm ztRIITT

Trre. *r-A7 I
12. -11-1Ri too Aft ffiv 61.1 -g Tcriz :
() d tit.0 34-14f4ff TIATTIT
(V) (g),TiLiteb 34-gitiTq 31121zR 1i4 I 0-14)
(experimental) 39141TR alum-
(IT) 7q.-RP-.714.3 t. Tk-r kich oct

Nuildici4iqt-dqg ITT mink-ni lel )c-cllq

(3) 1
--4rrgiq ei aTrrrgrq
MEC-009 4 3,000

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