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Summer 2017

ART 3700
Elementary Art Methods

Instructor Course Description

In this course, we will explore the field of visual art education,
Maele Shakespear, M.Ed. including the following areas: aesthetic awareness and sensitivity,
Adjunct Faculty visual literacy, and creative and critical thinking. This course is
designed as an introduction to the theories, approaches, skills,
Department of Art & Design objectives and procedures needed to teach the visual arts at the
elementary school level. This includes experiences appropriate to
Office Hours: by appointment
children’s developmental levels of artistic expression as well as
Contact: developing your understanding of the unique and essential
contributions visual art education makes to a child’s cognitive,
801-673-7920 (text or call)
emotional and social development.

Text & Supplies Learning Outcomes

Required readings for this In this class you will:
course will be posted on •Develop an understanding of what art has been for previous
Canvas. societies and what art is in today’s society, and why it is
Students are responsible for
providing their own supplies to •Develop a basic understanding of the purposes of making and
complete projects. A supply appreciating art, and how it relates to the development of
relevant art lessons and units.
list can be found at: http:// •Know the stages of development of the child’s images, and
blicku/JHK67HG6RKBM7/ develop an understanding of these images.
items/ •Learn contemporary principles as well as the traditional
elements and principles of art and design while developing skills
Student in various drawing, painting, printmaking, and 3-D media.
Responsibilities •Develop the ability to evaluate art lessons and experiences as to
their relevance and applicability for the elementary art classroom.
Come to class on-time and
prepared (project posted for
critique, bring a device &

Complete readings and be

ready to participate in class

Art 3700 1
Summer 2017

Learning Outcomes Continued . . .

•Be able to develop sequential lesson and unit plans in art that
focus on the right amount of constraints to generate unique and
creative solutions for a variety of problems while avoiding
stereotypical solutions.
•Develop effective classroom questioning strategies that
encourage independent exploration and creativity in students.
Assignments •Become familiar with the current trends, philosophies, and
literature in art education, art historical examples, and
Each Student’s Final Grade will environmental/community sources available for sequential
be Based on the Following elementary planning.
•Select and develop ideas and visual materials for an elementary
• Participation - Students receive art curriculum (including audio-visual aides).
5-points each class meeting for
•Demonstrate the ability to develop lesson/unit plans and
being prepared and
instructional delivery that includes the strategic use of the
completing in-class activities. underlying cognitive, emotional and social skills uniquely
• Projects - Students can receive developed in art education.
up to 10-points for every •Learn the importance and methods to display and exhibit
project completed. Students children’s art.
are always able to rework
•Learn the potential of integrating quality art experiences across
projects for a better grade.
the curriculum to enhance overall learning in other subjects.
• Discussion Prompts - Students
can receive up to 5-points for
completing readings and
responding to a discussion
prompt that will prepare them
Course Policy Information
for the following class. Attendance/Lateness Policy
• Lesson Plan - Students will Students who arrive late to class will be docked participation
write an age-appropriate points for the day. In the case that a student is absent, they will
lesson plan that will be miss all of the participation points for the day. These points
submitted to a google file to cannot be made up.
be shared with classmates. Policy for Late Work
• Practicum - Students will teach
Late work will only be accepted in the case of an extenuating
their lesson plan to a group of circumstance.
children and prepare a
presentation about their Policy for Missed Assignments
experience to share with class Missed assignments cannot be made up.
Policy for Extra Credit
• Final - Students will submit a
final portfolio through campus Students are able and invited to complete extra credit projects
mail. The portfolio will consist and/or experiences. Extra credit points will be recorded but not
of work done throughout the added to a student’s grade until final grades are calculated. To
semester. receive extra credit points students will first need to have
turned in and completed all assignments for the semester.

Art 3700 2
Summer 2017

Syllabus Change Policy

This syllabus is a guide and every attempt is made to provide an accurate overview of the course.
However, circumstances and events may make it necessary for the instructor to modify the syllabus
during the semester and may depend, in part, on the progress, needs, and experiences of the students.
Changes to the syllabus will be made with advance notice.

Grading Methods and Scale

Assignments are worth 10-points each and are to be completed for critique the following class. Once
critique has taken place for a given assignment, students are welcome to rework or redo any part of the
assignment before turning it in for a grade.
Because “life happens,” students are given one “bye” in which they can substitute extra credit for class
participation points that they may have missed. For extenuating circumstances, the instructor reserves
the right to work on an individual basis with a student to help him/her fulfill the requirements of the
The number of points possible divided by the number of points earned will result in a percentage which
will determine a grade. The grading scale is as follows:
90 – 100%=A
Below 59%=F
A = outstanding work that shows exceptional effort and ability
B = excels on assignments and course requirements
C = meets minimum requirements of all assignments and course
D = does not meet minimum requirements of all assignments and course
F = does not meet minimum for any assignment or for any course requirement
Withdrawal Policy and “I” Grade
Students are required to complete all courses for which they are registered by the end of the semester. In
some cases, a student may be unable to complete all of the coursework because of extenuating
circumstances, but not due to poor performance or to retain financial aid. The term ‘extenuating
circumstances’ includes: (1) incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes for a
minimum period of two weeks, (2) a death in the immediate family, (3) financial responsibilities requiring a
student to alter a work schedule to secure employment, (4) change in work schedule as required by an
employer, or (5) other emergencies deemed appropriate by the instructor.

Americans with Disabilities Statement & Non-Discrimination Statement

The Americans with Disabilities act states: “Reasonable accommodation will be provided for all persons
with disabilities in order to ensure equal participation within the program.” If a student has a disability
that will likely require some accommodation by the instructor, the student must contact the instructor
and document the disability through the Disability Resource Center (797-2444), preferably during the
first week of the course. Any request for special consideration relating to attendance, pedagogy, taking of
examinations, etc., must be discussed with and approved by the instructor. In cooperation with the
Disability Resource Center, course materials can be provided in alternative format, large print, audio,
diskette, or Braille.

Art 3700 3
Summer 2017

Plagiarism Statement
Plagiarism includes knowingly “representing, by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or
unpublished work of another person as one’s own in any academic exercise or activity without full and
clear acknowledgement (sic?). It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another
person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials” (Code of Policies and
Procedures for Students, Article V, Section 3A.1). The penalties for plagiarism are severe. They include
“#1) warning or reprimand and #2) grade adjustment” (see: Article VI, Section 1A): Other penalties may
also be imposed at the Dean’s discretion. These include probation, suspension, expulsion, withholding of
transcripts, denial or revocation of degrees, referral to psychological counseling, and other appropriate
disciplinary actions.

Inclusion Statement
No student is permitted to create a threatening, intimidating, or harassing environment in this course.
Classroom civility is a part of the Student Code, and infractions will be pursued through the Student
Conduct Coordinator. This course will be conducted in a safe and tolerant environment, and any person
who detracts from that environment will be instructed to leave without the ability to make up

Course Schedule
Lecture Projects Materials Readings

Week 1 Introduction to Purchase Course Syllabus

Course Supplies 10 Lessons the Arts Teach: (https://
May 8
Why Teach 0B9HQs7XSWUCsZHNpXzI0NjRkZnc/
Art? view?usp=sharing)

Week 2 What is Art? Beauty Sketchbook Art Puzzles: (

• Picasso Head Sharpie Marker file/d/
May 15 The Parts of • Alien Names Crayons 0B9HQs7XSWUCsTlZtS2k2clhYNW8/
Art (Elements Construction view?usp=sharing)
& Principles of Paper
Art) Scissors

Week 3 Visual Literacy Relationships Sketchbook Visual Literacy:

• Notan Construction file/d/
May 22 Visual Thinking • Emoji Paper 0B9HQs7XSWUCsTzQ4LVdpOXZSYnc/
Strategies Challenge Scissors/Glue view?usp=sharing
Colored Pencils Visual Thinking Strategies: https://

Art 3700 4
Summer 2017

Lecture Projects Materials Readings


Week 4 Memorial Day Nature Sketchbook No Readings :)

• Camouflaged Watercolors
May 29 NO CLASS Animals Brushes
• After the Sharpie Marker
Manner of

Week 5 Creativity Identity Sketchbook Ken Robinson, Being Creative: https://

• Self-Portrait Colored Pencils or
June 5 Studio Habits • Snowflake Markers 0B9HQs7XSWUCsOVNyZ28wakQybTA/
of Mind Challenge Sharpie Marker view?usp=sharing
Studio Habits of Mind: https://

Week 6 Human and Culture Brown Paper Bag Artistic Development: https://
Artistic • Aboriginal Art (cut to 9”x12”)
June Development (K-2, 3-4, or Tempera Paint 0B9HQs7XSWUCsYldWcllJbUtIS3c/
12 5-6) Pencil with new view?usp=sharing
Age- • Milk Jug Mask eraser Stages of Artistic Development (Young
Appropriate Paint Brush in Art):
Lesson Plans Milk Jug 0B9HQs7XSWUCsUFNOUzZ1OERKclU/
Masking Tape view?usp=sharing
Hole Punch
Shoe Polish

Week 7 Curriculum Found Lesson Depends on Rethinking Curriculum in Art: https://

Development Plan (Create a lesson plan
June BIG IDEA) chosen 0B9HQs7XSWUCsODlIODVqeE9xN0Fpd
19 3NKbXRic3oyajUtb1JF/view?usp=sharing

Week 8 Curriculum Heroes Sketchbook Kennedy Center ArtsEdge:

Integration • Super Hero Watercolors
June Illustration Sharpie Marker educators/how-to/arts-integration/what-is-
26 • Greek Vases Pencil arts-integration#background
(Scratchboard) Oil Pastels
Tempera Paint
Dish Soap

Week 9 Assessment Community Nature Print Introduction to Art Assessment: https://

Exhibiting • Cyanotypes Paper
July 3 Student Work • Pinch Pot Air Dry Clay 0B9HQs7XSWUCsekQ5S19ZYjcyaXp5N
• CityScape Sketchbook nNjUTBnYTQtbkxiZmFN/view?
Oil Pastels usp=sharing

Art 3700 5
Summer 2017

Lecture Projects Materials Readings


Week Classroom Practicum Dependent on

10 Management lesson plan with what student
in the Art resulting art chooses
July 10 Room sample

Week Students with Diversity Wire (that easily Art for All Children: https://
11 special needs/ • Wire Sculpture bends)
Gifted • Internal Texture Sketchbook id=0B9HQs7XSWUCsamk5MHR6eE5xb2
July 17 Students Watercolors xidUJ1ZzV3cnlzYzdVMjNB
Crayons, Salt,
Plastic Wrap

Week Pioneer Day Celebration Paper Lantern No Readings :)

12 • Chinese New Watercolors
NO CLASS Year Lantern Colored Card
July 24 • Collograph or stock or old file
Zentangle folders
Valentine Glue
Sharpie Marker

Week STEAM Technology Smart Phone or Making STEAM:

13 (Science, • Light Painting Tablet file/d/
Technology, • Google LED Lights and/or 0B9HQs7XSWUCsSzNqRDBBX3lWc00/
July 31 Engineering, SketchUp Flashlight view?usp=sharing
Art, & Math) Slow Shutter App
Google SketchUp
(Free Download)

Week Final Submit Portfolio

Aug 7

Art 3700 6

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