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Tyler A. Thompson, Tyler J .Urish,

Owen L. Luetkemeyer, Andrew T. Miller

Art by Assassin Games

Using d66 12. Traffic Problem
A d66, despite its perhaps misleading name, The Party comes to a roadblock manned by
is not a 66-sided die, and does not provide 66 a guard, currently turning away a salesman in
possible outcomes. Instead, it is a roll of a rush to place his delivery across town. The
2d6, with 36 possible outcomes, generated guard says the road ahead has fallen into
by using the value of one d6 as the “tens disrepair, and the repair crews aren't due for
digit” and the value of the other d6 as the another day. The salesman is offering the
“units digit”. guard money to go through, but the guard
insists it is too dangerous as it bridges over a
To determine which d6 represents which creek.
unit, one can use two distinct d6 and
determine in advance which is which, roll the
units digit d6 first and the tens digit d6
second, or simply dictate that the left-most 13. Street Urchins
d6 is always the units digit.
A group of street urchins blocks the path to
Thank you for your patronage your intended destination. Currently they
are begging but a few of the urchins appear
Subscribe to our mailing list in order to get unscrupulous and may attempt more
the most up to date news about our proactive means than begging to acquire
company, our releases, and (naturally) any your gold.
Or follow us on twitter: @sadfishegames 14. Food Stand
A man selling dubious cooked meats here for
a relatively affordable price. The food is
delicious if eaten, but also suspicious and
gives a 25% chance of making the eater
rather ill for 1d6 days.

11. Tailing Thief 15. Waste Management

A young man tails the Party through town, While walking down an alley a window
less stealthily than he thinks he is being but opens above you and someone empties a
is rather agile when it comes avoiding chamber pot out the window. Someone
confrontation whenever anyone tries to stop struck may be exposed to local diseases.
him. It is clear he wants something from the
Party and is unwilling to ask for it - he has
been tasked with retrieving a specific item
someone is carrying, and is foolishly
determined to complete that task.
16. Shell Game
A group of street vendors, each running

their own shell game, line the road. They are 24. Procession of
happy to take passers into their game, and
very convincing and persistent in drawing Prisoners
them in. Some of the games play legit - A small squad of city guard lead criminals
others are cheating, but doing a superb job towards their grizzly fate. Each is shackled to
of it. one another by the hands. Each has a large
metal helmet covering their faces. One of
them is a well-connected noble who would
graciously reward the party for his escape. A
21. Reckless Routiers few others are making similar claims but are
A trio of armored young men are causing a little less convincing.
trouble in the street, challenging others to
fight them and mocking all who refuse.
They apparently have necessary writs or
other permission needed to do this, and 25. Guildsmen On Strike
seem to have connections. Their attention A nearby workshop has a small crowd
turns to the Party as they pass. gathered. Apparently, one of the key local
guilds has refused to work with the local
guard or lords after some kerfuffle. Tensions
have risen and appear close to coming to a
22. Showmanship hear at this workshop, with a number of
A traveling troupe is putting on a guildsmen and their apprentices standing
performance in a nearby courtyard and armed before a group of soldiers intent on
dozens have gathered to watch. The troupe seeing the guild back to work. Violence
attempts to cajole a Party member into seems imminent, and likely to spread once
joining their performance in a moment of sparked.
inspired participation - their performance on
subsequent relevant checks determines their
share of tips or if an audience member
rewards them. 26. A Common
A common pickpocket runs into the party
23. Procession of Faith and drops some their wares as they run into
the party. Decide whether or not the Thief
A large crowd of the faithful are marching pulls anything off of a party member or if
through the street led by an archbishop. the town guard are involved. If the guard get
Certain Acolytes are carrying large symbols involved, there is a 50/50 chance the guards
of faith, fanatics are screaming at the public believe the Party to be aiding the pickpocket.
to repent. Depending on the party's
affiliation, this could be a boon or a difficult
31. Customs Shakedown
A group of men and women in seemingly
official outfitting approach the Party and
demand to "search their wares", alleging progressively heavier within a few moments.
some sort of tax is due. Whether they are Suddenly hundreds of frogs and other
actual officers or not or whether there is any lizards fall from the sky, landing both dead
such "tax" that exists, it is obvious they want and alive. This oddity ends as quickly as it
and expect a bribe, their pick of the Party's started but is considered a frightening omen
belongings, or a fight. by the townsfolk.

32. Something Beneath 36. Fiery Preaching

The Party passes tentacle or some other A preacher stands atop a box on the road.
extremity or perhaps a small, monstrous He shouts about salvation and peace, while
creature of some sort darting into a gutter or at the same time warning of doom and
hole in the town’s road. No one else seems to hellfire. Few listen. When he spots the party,
have seen it, and outright denies anything he accuses them of being the source of
having been there. coming suffering. Depending in the party,
others may be inclined to believe him.

33. Pack of Pariahs

41. Fenced Wares
A mass of dogs moves through the town,
not quite aggressive but certainly not A man with a hastily set up stall away from
friendly. The locals take shelter as the dogs the main market square has a variety of
near. Of caught in the open, they surround common and rare goods for sale at discount
the party, snapping at them. They get bored rates. He is calm and polite, but clearly on
and move on if the Party endures, or happilly constant alert for local authorities.
squabble over any food given, leaving the
Party alone.
42. Plague
34. Sea of Vermin Locals clearly infected with some sort of
disease roam the streets. Others steer clear
As the party is walking they are met by but the guards are unwilling to clear them
thousands of rats running through the out. They approach the party, begging for
streets away from…something. It seems as help - coughing all the while.
though whatever they’re running from is
heading this way. Most of the townsfolk
hurry indoors and defend themselves from
the oncoming swarm. 43 Raucous Festivities
Some sort of local holiday or ritual is
suddenly hand, and the city is wild with
35. Raining Frogs partying, to the point that ordinary business
is hard to carry out - bringing all the fun and
The party is met with a storm that gets problems that to much partying comes with.
desperate to pay outsiders for bodyguard
work while he does business in town. So
44. Blood in the Streets thorough is his fear of trouble that he will
pay premium rates - as if he is expecting
While the Party is in town, masked men and serious trouble of some sort.
woman suddenly begin stabbing others
nearby, in a targeted fashion. Some sort of
local political issue has broken into factional
violence. 53. Charlatan
A robed man sells “magic items” in town,
swearing to their potency with various
45. Adopted effects. If examined, they are indeed magical,
though all they do is warm the wearer - and
A stray dog (or cat, or something) follows none are wearable garments or accessories.
the Party through town, seemingly
everywhere. It refuses to lose their trail, and
even follows them after they leave town.
54. Lost Coin Purse
A purse loaded with local currency is in a
46. High Alert gutter, just barely noticed by a Party member.
It is a substantial sum of money, list after
The local guard are looking for someone or some unlawful activity. What the Party does
something, and stop the Party to ask with it may make serious enemies.
questions or search their things. The Party
are unrelated to the issue, but that does not
mean the guard will miss other illicit items in
their possession or their unlawful deeds. 55. Offended Dignitary
The entourage of a visiting dignitary parades
through town. Unfortunately, for some
51. Out of Work esoteric reason, he or she takes offense at the
Party’s presence creating a precarious and
A group of apparent mercenaries are staying dangerous situation for everyone.
in town, looking for work. They are not
trying to cause trouble but as they incur
debts, grow bored from being idle, and
offend the locals, they are on their way to a 56. Stampede
major issue, which may reach a head while
the Party is present. Livestock suddenly run through the streets,
having escaped or been let loose by
someone. They are frantic and dangerous,
putting lives and homes at risk.
52. Bodyguard Work
A nervous merchant with his wagons is
61. A Man Stands in the
Doorway still. Silence hangs in the air. To all
inspections, it is simply an empty, wooden
As the Party walks through the streets, they bucket. Once removed from sight or
notice a man, covered from head to toe in otherwise displaced, the townspeople
robes, watches them from a distance at resume their lives.
multiple street corners and intersections
along their path. He seems to move faster
than the party no matter the rate of travel.
After (1d6) sightings, at the next intersection, 64. Stroke of Genius
a single black letter sealed with blood red
wax lies on the ground. Inside is a simple, A strange character bursts from a house,
slightly torn parchment that reads "We're their hair slightly smoldering, and screams
Waiting." "I've finally done it!" They hold a strange
artifact in their hand aloft. As the Party
approaches, the character thrusts the object
into their hands. "Take this, you'll need it for
62. As Above, So Below your journey ahead! You'll know when to use
it!" The artifact is quite heavy and appears to
After turning a corner, the city streets fall be made out of an exceedingly rare metal,
silent and empty. Turning back reveals the and it occasionally produces a light hum and
same, as though every living creature a spark of light.
suddenly vanished. After a light bit of
exploring, a familiar sign to the Party has
changed its text and now reads:
65. Meteorite?
"To those who find themselves lost,
A meteorite the size of a bucket falls from
I'll accompany you here with no cost. the sky, crashing in front of the party. The
meteorite makes a dramatic entrance but the
I may not always be seen, damage it does to the area is surface level at
best. The meteorite is composed of unusual
if my window's not clean, metals that are incredibly effective when
and our roads will match but not cross. forged into a weapon.

Who am I?"
The Party can be returned to the original city 66. Miracle on Main
by saying the answer to the riddle out loud: Street
"[Our] Reflection"
TIn the center of town, a group of people
stand atop an unspeakably massive pile of
bread, handing a loaf to all who approach.
63. A Bucket? The commoners in the city have all gathered
and cheer loudly, while various city officials,
A bucket falls from the sky, clattering in guards, and main street business owners
front of the Party. Everyone in the street attempt to curtail or contain the madness.
gasps and turns to look, standing completely

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