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Death’s Love
There was an angel named Death in the world of Menourmos. He'd died so many times that he couldn't
remember how he became Death. Dying gruesome deaths was his job, and it wasn't something he was
unfamiliar with. He’d die many times that he couldn’t remember how he became Death.

This time, death's consciousness has taken possession of Dean's body—his friend. It happens all the time, and
it only takes a few seconds. Dean goes to heaven, and death takes his place. That's how it works.

As Death's vision became clear, he wound himself in a foreboding alleyway. Suddenly, there was a girl
pointing a gun at him. She was young and blonde, with a hammer cocked. Death had seen murderers, but she
was not one of them. He extended his hand to the lady and introduced himself as Dean. Angie was her name.

"Would you take a free meal instead of my watch?" he asked, dropping the gun to her side.
Death felt sick as they walked toward the gleaming metal dinner.
He would stop his own murder. He broke the rule. Death is supposed to die. The ring bell jolted him back to
reality as he held the door open for Angie. They slid into a booth and exchanged an almost familiar look. She
began sobbing uncontrollably. The waitress approached their table and empathetically stated, "you just cried
like you saw death." Despite the tense situation, "Dean" couldn't help but smile. Angie gathered her courage
and ordered for both of them. Death inquired, "How did you know my order?" She sat across the table from him
and planted a kiss on his lips. This was Death's first experience with this sensation.

They spent the rest of the night talking and kissing. They decided to elope sometime in the early morning.
Neither had been more certain of anything in their lives. Death is happy and was scheduled for Wednesday at
7 p.m. She spoke eighteen minutes into the ceremony. "I, Angelica Myers, take you Dea.." The smell of
burning allowed the room to enter. The decorations quickly caught fire. In a last ditch effort, Death hurled
himself into his bride, giving her two minutes extra life.

He hadn't broken the cycle, but it still happened.

Death's eyes focused as he took control of his new body. He awoke to find himself in a booth, across from
Dean, in a gleaming metal dinner. He couldn't stop sobbing. "You just cried like you saw death," the waitress
said as she approached the table.

Six major elements:

1. Character
 Death- Main character in the story
 Angelica “angie” Myers- Death’s spouse
 Waitress- Working in the restaurant where the characters eat at the beginning of the story
 Dean- friend of Death
2. Setting
 World of Menourmous
 Restaurant with gleaming metal dinner
3. Plot
 Exposition- Introduction of the main character’s characteristics and problem
 Rising Action- The point where death takes and enters into the body of Dean and when he woke
 Climax- They are happy, but Death is feeling sick as he was supposed to die but he stop his
murder and broke the rule. As fast as it was, they decided to be married but before Angie could
take her bow, the church was burning.
 Falling Action- Death hurled himself into his bride hoping to give her two minutes extra life. He
hadn’t broken the cycle but it still happened.
 Denouement- Death took new body and cried as if he saw death in the same restaurant where
they eat at the first part of the story.
4. Conflict- Death is avoiding his Death, yet Angie cannot. An external conflict occurred.
5. Point of View- Third person point of view which is the narrator of the story.
6. Theme- Author wanted to convey that in life, death is inevitable. Maybe some “supernatural” instance
could, yet death of human is consequence of life and twin of living. The story wanted to convey that
death of your loved ones is more painful that your death itself.

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