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Aksan, J. A. (2021).

Effect Of Modular Distance Learning Approach To Academic Performance In

Mathematics Of Students In Mindanao State University-Sulu Senior High School Amidst Covid-19
Pandemic. Open Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4), 386-409.


Gesim, Shairel M., (2021) Effect of Modular Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Students. Aclc College of Iriga, (Online)

Local Literature

According to Bagood (2020), the transition of education delivery to modular distancelearning has
wrought difficulties for the quality of education, on the part of school staff. TheDepEd is actively trying
to find new ways to address current issues and capacitate its teachersand school heads for the IT-based
distance learning. Instructors along with Program Supervisorsprepared modules beginning in May 2020
in all subjects for all grade/year level across fourquarters in accordance to the "Essential Learning
Competencies". These self-learning modulesare typically pre-tested, discussed and assessed, thus
making them learning packages. Themodule listings are distributed to all learners with the class
schedule. The course will trainstudents on what topics to study and reinforce with them for the
upcoming week.

According to Magsambol (2020), Modular learning is the "backbone" on which the DepEd uses distance
education. To help learning online, such as via the internet or text-basedcontent, we should create
another set of modules. The reason the school has been delayed ispresumably because they had a new
printer that needed to be shipped. Having problems with themodules which are due to be used, this can
be a common situation days before the opening of theschools.
According to Magsambol (2020), under the

manuals in one year. The vocational certificates will be issued to parents before classes begin.
InBarangays where there is no school, there will be designated drop-off points for school supplies.We
intend to distribute the program four times during the school year. Completed assignmentsheets will be
issued by parents to teachers. They can send their homework to the teachers inschool or at pick-up
points in specified locations. Students' progress on the summative andevaluation tasks will be observed.
The Department of Education confirmed the schools won't beconducting periodical exams this year,
causing "distance cheating."."Education cannot be postponed, Secretary Briones says." To address the
needs ofmillions of students, the government adopted an educational distance learning strategy.
Distancelearning, also known as correspondence training or self-study, is a mode of education where
littleor no face-to-face contact exists between students and their teachers. This form is divided intothree
sections. That is the one of the more convenient student resources for most of the averageFilipino
students. It was the most common system of study between parents/guardians and wasthe most
preferred form of study (LESF) (Chin, 2020).According to Malaya (2020), Asynchronous e-learning
features individualized instructionwhich allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in written,
digital or electronic copywhichever is applicable to the learner. Learners with Modular Distance Learning
can also useother tools such as textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, etc. Many teachers would have
todeliver instructional materials that are relevant. Students can now access these materials fromtheir
home computer, tablet PC, or smartphone.2.4

manuals in one year. The vocational certificates will be issued to parents before classes begin.
InBarangays where there is no school, there will be designated drop-off points for school supplies.We
intend to distribute the program four times during the school year. Completed assignmentsheets will be
issued by parents to teachers. They can send their homework to the teachers inschool or at pick-up
points in specified locations. Students' progress on the summative andevaluation tasks will be observed.
The Department of Education confirmed the schools won't beconducting periodical exams this year,
causing "distance cheating.".

Foreign Literature

CHAPTER 2Review of Related LiteratureThis chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, published
journals, generalizations orconclusions, methodologies and other parts that may help strengthen the
study. Those that wereincluded in this chapter helps in familiarizing and making a strong proof that are
relevant andsimilar to the present study.2.1 Introductory ParagraphIn this chapter, the review of related
literature and studies of the study about the effect ofmodular learning to the academic performance of
Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Irigawill be presented on both local and foreign related literature
and studies.2.2 Foreign LiteratureAccording to Rodeiro & Nadas (2011), The proponents of modular
schemes claim thattheir benefits are in terms of curriculum versatility (number and timing of
modularexaminations), short-term evaluation targets, daily input, re-sit opportunities and increasing

encouragement among students. The modular assessment is criticized for fragmenting

learning,students joining assessments unprepared, over-teaching for the exam, and assessment
overload.Furthermore, people are claiming that GCSEs are becoming less and less demanding due to
theirbeing less difficult, which has caused a decline in confidence in the qualification as a
whole.According to Alelaimat (2012), The most commonly used small teaching unit (modules)that is a
small teaching unit that adopts the principle of self-education strategy andindividualization. Also, the
unit involves unique objectives. And activates as it is done in alogical sequence to allow the learner to
achieve the goals and improve the mastery. As it is donein a logical sequence and sets a limit of
adeptness which is reached according to the speed of theself-learner so she/he can learn
quickest.According to Joyce (2020), Modular schooling cuts the time it takes to learn and therebyallows
for bigger immediate improvements in ability and value. Working professionals can learnnew skills in
shorter periods of time, even as they work, which pays off in additional skill andcredentialing at the
same time, rather than only at the end. It enables you to tailor your educationto the unique needs of
your job prospects. You can supplement your education with a specificcertificate or portion of a degree
to better prepare yourself for data science jobs, and more easilycombine humanities skills with
technology skills, communication skills with coding skills,analytical skills with design skills, etc.Boise State
University states that A Modular Learning Environment is a unit, chapter,subject, or section of
instruction. It is a standard unit within your course that is structured toencourage student progress. The
length of a week is dependent on the lesson content and yourteaching style. An online teaching and
learning environment with a facilitated framework isessential for the presentation and implementation
of the online learning process.
Foreign love love

Shuja, A., Qureshi, I. A., Schaeffer, D. M., & Zareen, M. (2019). Effect of m-learning on students’
academic performance mediated by facilitation discourse and flexibility. University of Sialkot Pakistan,
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 11(2), 158–200.

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREThe advent of the Coronavirus 19 pandemic prompted changes in the
educational setup.Thus, new modalities of learning need to be established as alternatives to the
traditional in-person learning. The secretary of the Department of Education in the Philippines has
stated thataside from the online method of delivering education, modular learning is also established as
analternative, especially for those who don’t have access to the internet (Hernando-Malipot,
2020).However, extensive research has been conducted as to how effective these modalities are
towardsacademic performance.Online Learning Online learning is a distance learning modality that has
become the largest sector ofdistance learning in the past few years (Bartley & Golek, 2004). One of the
reasons why it hasbeen so popular is because of the many purported benefits of such learning modality.
Accordingto the U.S. Department of Education (2010), students who took all or a part of their course in
theonline setting performed significantly better, on average, than those who took the same coursefully
through the traditional in-person instruction. However, some researchers argue that that online learning
does not have any significantadvantages over other modalities of learning. Neuhauser (2002) compared
two sections of thesame course using two different modalities – in-person and online. The results
revealed that thereare no significant differences in test scores, assignments, and grades of the students.
However,the online group’s averages performed slightly better. Zhao et. al. (2005) stated similar results
ofa null result on the effectivity of online classes. It states that there is no significant differencebetween
distance education and traditional education towards academic performance. However,

the study states that potentially, online classes could provide a significantly better result if the“right”
mixture of human and technology is achieved. Similarly, Steinwig et. al. (2005) exhibited no significant
differences in academic resultsbetween online and other modalities for special courses. Another study
that provided similarresults was Buzhardt & Semb (2005) which compared academic performances
between studentswho used online study guides versus those who used the traditional pen and paper.
Resultsshowed that although students using online modalities expressed higher satisfaction, they did
notdiffer in academic performance. Dobbs, et. al (2009) studied student perceptions about different
learning modalities. Thestudy found out that around 30% of the students felt that they had learned
more in the onlinesetup and stated that it was more intellectually challenging. However, that is not the
case for alltypes of learners. According to Irani et. al. (2003), personality type affected student
performancegreatly, with introverts exhibiting a more positive response to web-based technological

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Presented in this chapter are foreign and local
literatures and studies gathered from online journal resources used by the researchers who was
seeking of this paper as a guide in order to have a more accurate studies. This Related Literature
helped the researchers have a better understanding and a wider perspective on the topic gathered.
Local Literature

Local Literature
According to Lev Vygotsky (2000), Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-
Learning Modules (SLM) based on the Most Essential Learning competencies (MELCS). The
modules include sections on motivation and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both
teachers’ and students’ desired competencies. Teachers will monitor the learners’ progress through
home visits. The modular approach situates Filipino students to learn in the comfort of their homes.
Limited contact with teachers will place parents or guardians as the learners’ model or the “More
Knowledgeable Other” (MKO). Someone has a better understanding or higher ability level than the
learner, concerning a particular task, process, or concept.

Human learning is a social process. Parents are partners of teachers in education. They are ‘home
facilitators,’ the ‘tagapagdaloy‘ means channel, but they will not teach the subject matter. It is the
teacher’s duty to teach, Dr. Lourdes Servito,(2001). A Filipino author, cited that a module is a self
contained and independent unit of instruction with a primary focus on a few well-defined objectives.
A handout distributed during the Workshop in the Application of Educational Technology – DECS-
UNESCO referred to it as a set of learning opportunities systematically organized around a well-
defined topic containing the elements of instruction that cover specific objectives, teaching-
learning activities and evaluation using criterion-referenced measures, Morallo,(2000). As Fe C.
Nepomuceno, (2000) cited, a module can be a short segment programme interwoven between other
forms of instruction to cover limited, specific units rather than an entire course. Another Filipino
author, classified the use of modules, together with programmed instruction, self-learning kits and
correspondence courses, and mastery learning technique, under the self-pacing method of
instruction, Garcia,(2015).

Foreign Literature

Rockley and Cooper (2012), also suggested to investigate m-learning and its consequences on students’
performance in terms of achieving educational goals.Excitingly, students are ready to accept the notion
of using mobile technology for accomplishing learning objectives as they are more comfortable in using
mobile handsets. Apart from verbal cues, non-verbal communication plays active role in coordinating
sender’s emotions and attitudes that ultimately promote students to become more engaged in
classroom discussions and give feedback (Ebrahim, Ezzadeen, & Alhazmi, 2015). M-learning offers
greater opportunity for audience to take benefit of social interactions for accomplishing highest
standards of learning and academic performance (Almutairy, Davies, & Dimitriadi, 2015). The feature of
social communication in broadcasted mobile learning is useful for incapacitating the absence or clarity
of verbal cues that ultimately boosts the understanding and engagement of teachers and students.
Salinda Premadasa and Gayan N. Meegama (2013) investigated the dynamics of mlearning associated
with use of learning management systems such as Moodle, that ensure access to campus wide and off-
campus course content. By means of mobile based learning resources, the face-to-face discussion
effectively takes place thus allowing for more rich understanding and improved educational productivity
of students (Balaji & Chakrabarti, 2010).

M-learning has been found to have direct positive effect on learners’ academic success, however, the
influence is distinct when the instructor facilitates and tracks the discussion towards main content
(Wilen-Daugenti, 2009). The role of instructors is therefore, instrumental in removing the bottlenecks to
students’ outstanding educational learning (Alrasheedi & Capretz, 2015). One of the best features of m-
learning is access to learning material with mobility and ubiquity, promoting flexibility in terms of
location, place, time, speed and space, which is quite impossible for desktop internet users (Andrews et
al., 2011). M-learning involves knowledge sharing, problem solving and

one-to-one discussion, thus allowing for maximum extent of feedback among both the

teaching and learning ends (Keskin & Metcalf, 2011). Students regard this form of

learning as source of most “instant support” in online collaborative learning (Hamm,

Saltsman, Baldridge, & Perkins, 2013). Analyzing the usage of mobile learning for

gaining prompt knowledge and its effect on academic performance of students in

education industry has created remarkable interest for the researchers since previous

years (Alrasheedi & Capretz, 2015). However, the cause and effect relationship between

m-learning and students’ academic performance is likely to be mediated by facilitation

discourse (Balaji & Chakrabarti, 2010) and flexibility (Fuegen, 2012).

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