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Oxford University Press ACknowledgements

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- T EST S ISBN I} 19 453444 8

© Oxford University Press 1996

Gatwick Express Ltd: information brochure.
Department of Health: booklet T5 - Health Advice for
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First published 1996
Five tests for the Second impression 1997 South-Eastern International. British Railways: Euro-Youth
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Cambridge Preliminary All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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exception of photocopying carried out under the The tests were piloted With various schools and groups of
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• DIANA L FRIED-BOOTH • This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not,
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The publisher grants permission for the photocopyir.g of The author is grateful to the University of Cambridge Local
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OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Commissioned photography by Rob Judges

Signs by P Squared Design

page Th_isbook contains five complete practice tests for tasks. As far as possible, the material is based on
Introduction 4 the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET), authentic sources such as newspapers.
revised in 1996. Although the revised PET is magazines, brochures, leaflets, advertisements.
broadly the same as the original test. the tests in etc. which may have to be adapted or edited to
this book reflect the changes in format and also keep within the linguistic framework of PET
Reading and Writing 6
incorporate the topic and vocabulary
Listening Part 1 consists of five short multiple-choice
18 recommendations from the Threshold Level 1990.
questions based on signs, notices and
Speaking 24 At this level, learners are expected to cope with
the language of everyday situations for general
purposes. This means that a learner, in the role of Part 2 consists of matching five short descriptions
TEST 2 of individual people or groups of people to eight
a tourist, for example, should be able to deal with
Reading and Writing 26 the kind of language she or he will come across in short texts; three texts are not used.
Ustening 38 the course of their daily travels. This would entail Part 3 is a single text with 10 true/false questions
Speaking 44 reading relevant travel documents. asking for help which require candidates to select specific
at a tourist office. booking accommodation, infonnation from the text.
dealing with any problems, filling in forms or
Part 4 is an extract from a continuous text with
TEST 3 applications, writing short and simple letters - in
five mumpre-choice questions. which test
Reading and Writing 46 other words being' able to participate in everyday
understanding of opinion and attitude as well as
Listening 58 life without needing to resort to any specialized
specific information.
Speaking 64
Part S is a gapped text with 10 multiple-choice
Candidates have to write their answers on special
questions designed to test understanding of
answer sheets. OMRs (Optical Mark Readers) for
TEST 4 vocabulary and grammatical structure.
Paper 1 (Reading and Writing) and Paper 2
Reading and Writing 66 (Ustening). In Part 3 of the Writing paper. although
Listening 78 candidates can write their answers on the question Writing
Speaking . 84 paper the written task must be transferred to the This paper has three parts with a total of 16
OMR sheet within the time allowed. At the end of questions.
the Listening Test. extra time is allowed for
TESTS Part 1 has five sentences which are all related to
candidates to transfer their answers onto the OMR
Reading and Writing 86 one theme. Candidates have to rewrite each
sheets. See pages 106-109 for examples of these
Listening sentence keeping the same meaning but using a
98 answer sheets.
different structural pattern from the original
Speaking 104
sentence. The beginning of each new sentence is
Answer sheets 106 PAPER 1
Part 2 is a form with 10 questions which
Speaking materials 110 READING AND WRITING TEST candidates must fill in with basic personal
Key 113 (1 hour 30 minutes) information, e.g. name, address and nationality
Tapescripts 116 using a number or a few words.
Sample speaking test 126 Reading
Part 3 requires candidates to write about 100
Sample student answers to writing paper 127 This paper has five parts with a total of 35 words, usually in the form of a letter and always il
questions based on a variety of reading texts and an informal style. The task is based on informatior
Writing assessment criteria 128

given at the beginning of the question and the Part 1 consists of a general conversation in which
opening sentence is provided. the candidates find out personal information about
each other, e.g. name, nationality, family
background. PAPER 1
PAPER 2 Part 2 is a situation. usually based on visual
LISTENING TEST material. which the candidates discuss with each
Reading and Writing Test
(approximately 30 minutes + 12 minutes to other, e.g. organizing a day trip.
(1 hour 30 minutes)
transfer answers) Part 3 is based on a topic. Each candidate is given
This paper has four parts with a total of 25 a different photograph, which they describe
questions based on recorded material which individually before comparing both photographs
together. Reading
candidates hear twice.

Part 1 consists of seven short dialogues or Part 4 develops directly from the topic in Part 3, Part 1
occasionally statements preceded by a question. and gives candidates an opportunity to express Questions 1-5
Each recording is accompanied by four pictures their own personal opinions and attitudes in
• Look at the sign in each question.
and candidates select the correct picture as they response to the examiner's questions.
• Someone asks you what it means.
listen. • Mark the letter next to the correct explanation - A, B, C or 0 - on your answer sheet.
Part 2 is a recording, often of a simulated radio
programme, with six multiple-choice questions MARKING
which test understanding of factual information. Each paper in PET is worth 25% of the total mark ..
In the Reading paper, however. as the raw (actual) o A Come in whenever you like.
Part 3 consists of a recording with six gapped
score comes to 35 marks, the score is weighted to
questions which candidates complete using a
number or a few words. It tests their ability to B Please ring for an appointment.
select relevant information. A pass mark at PET is approximately 70%.
Candidates are issued with individual result slips C We will call you when we are free.
Part 4 is a recorded dialogue between two people
stating whether they have passed with merit.
with six yes/no questions. Candidates are tested in
passed. narrowly failed or failed. Successful o Visitors please wait outside.
their understanding of the speakers' differences in
candidates are awarded a certificate.
opinions and feelings.
For further information about the PET. write to: .
EFL Section r--Pa~
SPEAKING TEST University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate Example answer:. I .
(10-12 minutes) 1 Hills Road ! --

Cambridge CBl 2EU

This test is taken by candidates in pairs with two
UK A Please do not take these seats.
examiners, one of whom also acts as the
intertocutor; i.e. gives the candidates their
B These seats are already reserved.
instructions and asks the questions. It may be
necessary to examine candidates in a group of
three at the end of a testing session if there is an C Stay here if you want a seat.
odd number of candidates. The test is divided into
four parts, and each part takes two to three o These seats are not being used.
minutes. The test will last slightly longer for groups [The use of colour backgrounds to texts may differ
of three candidates. from UCLES' own use.)

5 6
2 A Leave this gate open during the day. Part 2
Questions 6-10
B This gate must never be left open.
• The people below all want to book a day out by train.
• On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight day trips.
C There is no lock on this gate.
• Decide which trip (letters A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (numbers 6-10).
• For each of these numbers mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.
o Please close this gate carefully.

Part 2
Example answer:

3 A Each tour lasts less than two hours.

B A tour leaves here every two hours. 6 Mrs Williams and her friend enjoy visiting old buildings
especially in large city centres. but they are not free on a
C The tour is longer than two hours. Saturday as they have to work.

o Each tour is under an hour long.

7 Jean-Paul loves the countryside and is keen on taking

photographs. so he is looking for a trip which will give him
both possibilities.

4 A You cannot buy a drink until the interval.

B Drinks are served here before the interval.

8 Jancis and Tony would like a trip to the country that does
not leave London before nine o'clock as they hate getting
C You can ask for drinks in time for the interval. up early.

0 Drinks are served just after the start of the


9 Sarah and her brother love eating on a train and want a trip
that includes three meals. They are on holiday in June and
would also like to visit a museum.
A Villagers take care of these gardens.


B These gardens are privately owned.

These gardens are 10 '-'
'=", Tim is looking for a Saturday trip but he must be back in
looked after c We are looking for a new gardener.

by the villagers
0 Visitors may not use these gardens.
London by 21.00 hours so that he can catch the last bus
home. He is interested in boats and sailing .

7 8
A B Part 3
SUNDAY 20 OCTOBER SATURDAYS 17 & 24 AUGUST Questions 11-20
Lovely Somerset in Autumn! Leave Visi; the splendid Summer Festival in
London about 8.30. call at Reading with Malvern these two weekends. Special • Look at the statements below about Health Advice for Travellers.
breakfast served as we head for Weston- trains leave London about 8.15 and call at • Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each statement is correct or incorrect,
super-Mare. Transfer to coaches for a road Reading as breakfast is served, Travel out • If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet.
tour of the beautiful countryside before to Wales and enjoy lunch before arrival in
• If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.
our first Stop in Wells. Board the train Malvern. Now there is time to visit the
again at Taunton for the journey home Festival before catching the train for the
during which dinner will be served. Arrive homeward journey. Dinner will be served
London about 21.00 hours. and we will arrive in London at 21.30. Example answer:

c o
SATURDAY 1 JUNE SUNDAY 23 JUNE 11 The best time to get medical help is a month before you leave.
Train leaves London 07.00 and breakfast Try a Sunday luxury day out! Train leaves
is served as we head north. Arrive Durham London abou t 9.00 and breakfast is served
after a light lunch and visit this city full of on the journey. Transfer to a comfortable
history with its famous castle and
12 A doctor can tell you which drugs can be taken through customs.
coach at Repford station which takes you
cathedral. Travel by coach to the open-air I straight to the famous Shockton House
Museum of Northern Life just outside built in the heart of the city in the sixteenth
Durham. Leave Durham station for the century. Arrive back in London at 21.30 13 You should go to your dentist before departure if necessary.
journey home arriving in London after hours.
dinner on board at 22.00 hours.
14 You should never use tap water for cleaning your teeth.

SATURDAYS 15 JUNE SUNDAY 9 JUNE 15 Raw vegetables are safer than cooked ones.
AND 31 AUGUST This trip is especially for photographers.
New route for 1997. Train leaves London Leaving London at 09.30 for the Museum
about 08.30. Breakfast and a light lunch of Photography in the west country. Lunch 16 Sunbathing is safe if you use sun cream.
will he served on the journey and the train is served on arrival at the Museum and
will run slowly over thc most beautiful after a short talk hy the Museum Director
parts of the route. Leave the train in the you are free to enjoy the exhibitions in the 17 You should avoid wearing clothes which are too tight.
Lake District and take the opportuniry to aftemoon. Train arrives back in London at
photograph the countryside. Dinner will be 20.!x) hours.
served during the journey back. arriving in
18 An insect bite, unlike an animal bite, is not serious.
London at 21.30 hours.

G H 19 If you see a doctor abroad, you should see another one when you return.


Train leaves London about 09.15 with A day trip to the coast' Train leaves 20 It is important to remember which countries you visit.
breakfast served on the way. At Chepstow London at 08.00 and breakfast is served
we transfer to coaches and drive to the before you arrive at Poole Harbour. There
lovely Wye Valley where there will a boat you have the rest of the day to watch the
waiting to take you on a river trip. We will ferries or take a fishing trip. Supper is
stop on the way for a short walk. Dinner served on the return journey arriving back
will be served on the return trip. arriving in London at 20.30 hours.
back in London at 21.30 hours.

9 10
Part 4
Questions 21-25
• Read the text and questions below.
• For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - A, B, CorD
- on youf answer


Part 4

Be w.ell prepared so you Unless you know it is safe high. Try not to do anything
can enjoy your stay! always try and use bottled too energetic in the hottest
water. hours. Wear light, loose In the past few years ballooning has become a popular sport in the UK. Although it
You can get information is still quite expensive compared with other sports, many people now think of a
clothing and have plenty to
about the country you are Be careful with the balloon flight as the perfect answer for a birthdav present or a particular occasion.
drink, Bathing in the sea
visiting from your travel following foods: raw Some businesses also entertain their staff or visitors with a balloon ride and may
will cool you, but remember
agent or each country's vegetables, salads, un peeled even buy their own balloon to advertise their business products.
that accidents happen very
Embassy. If you think you fruit, raw shellfish, cream,
will need special medical ice-cream, undercooked
One of the best known balloon companies in the UK is based in Bristol in the west of
ad vice then you should see meat or fish. It is also not a If you are walking in
England. Flights arc available throughout the year and last for at least one hour.
your doctor at least two good idea to eat food which wooded areas and you get
They usually take off soon after sunrise or a couple of hours before sunset, but they
months before your has been cooked, left to go bitten or scratched then go
do not fly if it is raining or very windy. No special clothing is necessary other than
departure. If you want to cold and then heated up to the nearest hospital
outdoor clothing and either walking shoes or boots.
take any medicines abroad again, Freshly cooked foods immediately. A bite from an
with you, then find out from are safer. animal or an insect can lead
It seems that once people have experienced a balloon flight they can become so keen
your local chemist if you are to illness even if it does not
More than anything, on the sport that they want to have their own balloon. No two flights arc ever the
allowed to take them into seem dangerous at the time.
holiday makers go abroad same and people find the sport different and exciting, The company in Bristol trains
the country you're visiting. Even if you receive medical
to find the sun. However, people to fly their own balloons but warns that it can be a very expensive hobby.
help and you are feeling fit,
If you've got any doubts the sun may be much more
you should visit your own
about your teeth, see your powerful abroad than what
doctor as soon as you get 21 What is the writer trying to do in the text?
dentist as it may be difficult you arc used to in your own
back to your country.
or expensive to get help country. Take care not to lie
abroad. in the sun for too long, If you become ill when you A to tell a story about ballooning
especially in the early days. come back, tell your doctor B to advertise a new sport
Take a small first aid kit
which countries you have C to give information on ballooning
with you; it will not take up The sun can bum your skin
sta yed in or travelled
much space and could be even if you use sun creams
through. He or she will then
o to recommend a new sport
very useful and cause your body to
quickly be able to check
overheat. Even when you 22 Why would somebody read the text?
Also check the water you whether you will need
can avoid direct sun,
use for cleaning your teeth specialist medical help.
temperatures may be very
and washing your mouth. A to learn about a dangerous sport
B to find out about joininq a club
C to know more about ballooning
o to find out about ballooning costs

11 12
Part 5
23 Why could an interest in ballooning almost be a disadvantage?
Questions 26-35

A People can become addicts.

• Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space .

B Pecple lose a lot of money.

• For each question, mark the letter next to the correct word - A, B, C or D - on your answer sheet.

C It leads to business difficulties.

Part 5
D It is bad for one's health. Example answer.

24 What do we learn from the text about ballooning?

A . It's best for business advertising .. ART FACTORIES

B It has become dearer recently.

Several years ago an old factory on the edge of Paris was turned (0) an exhibition
C It can only be done during the summer.
centre. This helped many artists (26) had found it too expensive to work in the centre of
D It is considered to be rather special.
Paris, and so for the (27) few years painters, musicians, actors and other people

25 Which of these letters did the writer send to a friend? (28) had space to work and perform. The people behind the idea now (29) to
change the use of other old buildings (30) the same reasons. Sometimes the use of the
buildings can only (31) for a short period of time, a year for example, (32) the

... it was dark when (M, rook off' but opportunity is always worth it for the young artists. On one occasion a businessman lent an old was marvellous. We took off early
fortunately there was a strong building (33) the organisers for two years, and in that time the artists were (34) .
iM the morning before the sun was up
and Rew for miles. It rained qUite a lot wind. It (d08 quite wid but (tie had to put on concerts, art exhibitions and fashion shows to (35) the local people.

but it didn't seem to matur ... epecia! cfothing to keep us worm ...

0 A into B onto C up 0 out

26 A which 8 some C who D those

27 A other B past
c D C late D remaining
28 A have B must C would D had
... each ~ay we flew th, $4me rrute,
.•• so we wore only ordinary clothes and flat 29 A think B like C go D want
shoes. The views were wonderful, and it was I""iltf i"st befpre oayiight. The flights
30 A with B by C beyond 0 for
so early that the world below looked 14sttO abo"t "" hO"7 alth.o"9" I wishto
31 A take B be C seem
completely empty apart from us •.. we ,o"l~ """ st"ytO »t 10"91r ... D have
32 A but 8 so C because D since
33 A for B in C to D from
34 A suitable B able C better D successful
35 A attract B bring C provide 0 enjoy

Part 2
Questions 6-15
Part 1 • You want to join an international friendship club.
Questions 1-5 • The club has sent you their application form.
• Here are some sentences about a family restaurant. • Look at the form and answer each question.
• For each question, finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. • Write your answers on your answer sheet.
• The second sentence is started for you. Write only the missing words on your answer sheet. • You may use this page for any rough work.
• You may use this page for any rough work.

Example: Children's meals are free it they are under five. INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CLUB
Children under five ~~ .. ..?~.P~~.~?
~?~.~.~.~~ . 22 Palmer Buildings Highampton HGl 6DE

Application Form for Membership

1 There is plenty to choose from the menu.

Surname: (6) .................................... , , .
There is plenty of .
First name: (7) .......................................................•........................... '"

2 We have special seats for very young children. Address: (8) .

There ...........................•.................................................................................................. Nationality: (9) .

Date of birth (day/month/year): (10) ...................................................................•

3 There is a new menu daily.
Which languages can you speak?
Every ..................•.......•................................................ , , .. , .
(11) .
4 Hot and cold dishes are included on the menu.
What are your hobbies?
The menu . (12) . .................................................................................

5 Family tables can be reserved. Why do you want to join the Club?

You . (13) .

How long have you been learning English?

(14) .

Signature: (15) .

15 16
Part 3
Question 16
• An English-speaking friend is coming to stay with you for the weekend. Listening Test
• Write a letter telling your friend about three ideas you have for her/his visit.
• Finish the letter on your answer sheet, using about 100 words. (30 minutes + 12 minutes transfer time)
• You may use this page for any rough work.

Part 1
Questions 1-7
Dear • There are seven questions in this Part.
• For each question there are four pictures and a short recording.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon.......•..•......•.....................•.... • You will hear each recording twice.
• For each question, look at the pictures and listen to the recording.
• Choose the correct picture and put a tick (.I) in the box below it.

Example: What time is the match?

A 0 B rJ c n o n
Where is Maria?

I ..•_.

A ~

B n c [J o n
2 What are they going to eat?

A n B n c [l o [l

17 18
6 Where did the man spend his holiday?

A 0 B
4 Which picture is their mother?

c 0 o 1.=1
A I I B c 0 o 0
7 What's the problem?
5 What has happened to the boy's bike?


J Ii I
c;) II

A 0 B LJ

c 0 o Ll
c o n
19 20
Part 2 Part 3
Questions 8-13 Questions 14-19
• Look at the questions for this Part. • Look at the notes about some things which are being advertised for sale on a radio programme.
• You will hear a woman giving details about the week's activities at a summer camp. • Some information is missing.
• Put a tick (.I) in the correct box for each question. • You will hear different people talking about what they want to sell.
• For each question. fill in the missing infonmation in the numbered space ..
8 The rock climbing class meets A .=J by the pool.

B n in the car park.

e 0 by the tennis cou.rts.

o in the gym.

9 Lunch starts at A rJ 12.00. RADIO 749 5HOP WINDOW

B [l 12.30. First Geller - Isabel

e I ~ 13.00. Wants to sell a (14) .

o ,_j 13.30. Paid £500, wants £200.

Size: (15) ........................•..........•..•.............
10 The horse riding group A o leaves from the bus stop.
Ring 491268
B o arrives back at the main gate.

e has to walk back from the lesson.

Second caller - Tony
D n returns by bus for lunch.
Selling a (16) .........•.......................................
11 Disco dance classes are held in the A o open air.
I Price: -around £65.
B practice rooms. W Address: 21 (17) .......•.......•.............................
e n music studio.
Call round after 6pm
D 0 drama hall.

12 If you want to change your course you must A L.I sign another form. Third caller - Ted

B o inform your teacher. Wants to sell his (18) ....•...................................

e [I tell your group leader. Price: £340

D ,-I wait until the evening. Colours: (19) , .

Ring 73155 any time

13 In good weather A U everyone is given a picnic lunch.

B _ lunch is cooked out of doors.

C n everyone can take their trays outside.

D 0 group leaders bring a picnic.

21 22
Part 4
Questions 20-25
• Look at the six statements for this Part.
Speaking Test
• You will hear a conversation between a garage owner and a woman who recently bought a car from
• Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrect.
• If you think it is correct, put a tick (.I) in the box under A for YES. If you think it is not correct, put a Part 1 General conversation (2-3 minutes)
tick (.I) in the box under B for NO.
Tasks Identifying oneself, giving information about people, asking
direct questions.

Sub tasks Spelling, numbers, responding to questions and information.

Ask each other questions to find out information about personal details, family,
home town, schools, jobs, etc.

20 The woman is pleased with her new car. o o

Part 2 Simulated situation (2-3 minutes)
21 The. man is surprised by what the woman says. u Tasks Making plans, agreeing and disagreeing, asking for and giving opinions.

22 The woman keeps her car in the garage at night. n You have been asked to organize a day trip for Yol:lr English class together.

Look at picture 1 on page 25.

23 The woman insists that her car needs checking. n u Talk about what you would like to do and what preparations you will have to

24 The garage wants the car for a whole day. o 0

Part 3 Responding to a visual stimulus

25 The man agrees the woman can borrow a car. n (5 minutes for Parts 3 and 4 together)

Tasks Describing people and places, saying where people are and
what they are doing.

Candidate A should look at picture 1 on page 111, show it to

Candidate B and talk about it.

Candidate B should look at picture 1 on page 112, show it to

Candidate A and talk about it.

Part 4 General conversation (based on the photographs)

Tasks Talking about one's likes and dislikes, expressing opinions.

Talk to each other about spending time with friends or members of your family,
Talk about the kinds of things you like or dislike doing with your friends, and th. I

things which you like or diSlike doinq with your family.

23 24

Reading and Writing Test
(1 hour 30 minutes)

Part 1
Questions 1-5
• Look at the sign in each question.
• Someone asks you what it means.
• Mark the letter next to the correct explanation - A, B, C or 0 - on your answer sheet.


o A Come in whenever you like.

B Please ring for an appointment.

C We will call you when we are free.

o Visitors please wait outside.

~, ---------,
Part 1 :
Example answer:
o ABC 0

A Stay away because the rocks are unsafe.

B Be careful of these sharp rocks,

C Don't climb these rocks without a guide.

o Mind you don't fall off these rocks.

25 26
2 . Part 2
A You are advised to wait here for an assistant.
Questions 6-10
B You should ask if you want someone to help • Tile people below are trying to choose which TV programme to watch.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE you. • On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight TV programmes.
• Decide which programme (letters A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (numbers 6-10.
C Please help yourself if our assistants are busv • For each of those numbers mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.

o Our assistants are pleased to receive any Part 2

advice. Example answer:

3 A You must play your radio very quietly in the

6 Although Rob leads a quiet life in a small village. that
doesn't stop him from wanting to find out about the latest
B You must not bring radios into the gardens.
scientific developments.

C Do not leave your radio in these gardens.

.... Bella enjoys eating out but can't afford to spend very Jl'1ucll.
o Radios cannot be played in these gardens. 7 .

C> at the moment as she is saving for a holiday. She has never
learnt how to COOk. so now might be quite a good time to
find out'
4 A

Please help children to cross here safely.

This area is dangerous unless you can swim. 8

. =1 .:
Dan is interested in taking wildlife photographs and eruov:
any kind of programme which gives him a chance to see ",
C Stop children going too near the water. .---- protessionat photographer at work.

o This water is not safe for drinking.

9 Gina is a mUSICteacher. Although she prefers classical

music she likes to follow the Kind of music that Interests
the teenagers she teaches.
5 A This door must be lett open during the cay,

B When you leave, this door should remain open.

10 Ron's wife is in hospital. He wants to find a orogramme
C You must check this door is shut when you SUitable for his three-year-old son while he gets on With tl
depart. housework and prepares a meal.

o Please leave the key behind when you (1"

27 28
PREVIEW Questions 11-20
A B • Look at the statements below about the Hotel Alpha.
• Read the text on the opposue page to decide if each statement is correct or incorrect.
TV 3 TV 1
• If it is correct. mark A on your answer sheet.
5.30 pm An hour-lonj; children's programme 7.20 pm Find out more about .'\"'lralia·, nnimal lifc.
• If it is not correct .. mark B on your answer sheet.
PI\:~\.'lll~d hy TCITi GrC;!:~Il~. Today ...• This him wa:--.nuulc last y c: u· hy one o!
pnl~r;lnHlh: iw.:lulk:-. •.\ ull("tlm~'lIlary on r\llstralia".' hC:-.I-~I111\\"n c.uucramcn. DOli!:!;":
E;I'.tl.'rn FuropL' plus ~I look .u UII\.' ul {he: Houd. lie spl!TlI 0\'\.:1' 20() hours lil!nint! lh(- Part 3
\Hlrltl\ gl\'at on:I'h. ':'tras in rehearsal. Al;o;o a birds. animals and lish that inhabir this Example answer:
new c.uupcuuon fur chihlrcu at st"I..'ondary beauriful continent and for the til ....' lime o A B
school. bring ....:..orne of these unusual <lnimal~ to our-
t1 I will probably be able to park my car under cover.
c o
TV 3 TV 2 12 I can check in late in the evening.
9.00 pm The popular -cieucc pr(lgranllllC i, back S.10 pm Do vou stop 10 think what gOe, into the
with the lutest in techn()I(l~y and medicine. food mos: orLIS cal every day of rhc week?
Tlu. ''''-\''1.:''. cars {hal run 01} :-'lIl1light and the Tonight ..•progral1lll1~ takes il scriou-, 13 All single rooms have their own bathroom.
:-.tnry of one h'lhy·" tight to live. ....cicnritic look at the hrl.'ad ind\l:-..Iry.
Whether you bake your \1\\-'11 hrcad 01 jusl

~Iljoy buying it. lhj~ prpg.rallllll~ will ~i\"\: 14 I can have something to eat if I arrive after 23.00 hours.
you all inlcr~stil1g il1~ighlinto 'illmcthing
l1H.hl of U:'I eat every Jay or the week,
15 I need to bnng my own hair-dryer.

TV I 16 I can have a full breakfast in my room.
TV 3
5.15 pm Husv parcnr-,? Bor,'lI chiklrcn" 1)0 you \\',1111 6.45 pm If youve ~Ihva~~ w.uucd to I.:ouk. now.
tltllcthill~ ~:dllGllinll~d to cntcrtaiu your ypur chance [0 learn. In tile "lull ill arc [WO 17 I can have breakfast before 07.00 hours.
children \, hilt: you do ,,:!~c·.' lhb
:-:'i..lIlk·thin~ chcl .•.•who will rukc you through some
popular Ill'lga/.inc: prugranunc i~ for lh~ simple recipe, -rcp hy ,I<P, This " a repeat
1I1H.lcr-II\L'S. More muvic. tun. :-tongs and ut' the popular series ..•.
hown la:-.t year. JIHI ;! 18 I must reserve a table if I want dinner.
)!,,,ncs \\ ilh Carla anti I,arry. recipe hook Ip accornp.urv (he -,cric-, i:-.
available Innu Illosl gll("-, huol:-.hnp ...._
19 I have to pay to use the swimming pool.

TV 2 TV 3 20 I can take my dog to my room.

8.00 pm Villa~c lite differs all over the world. 7.40 pm Ti1~ latest new music, Pete 'I,,~)!
I",,~, al
TIHlay's pnlgr~lIllmc COUles (rom (jhalla in the hc:-.rurth~ current rap. ra~~a ;\lH.I new
\\""1 Atrica, Bcautitully lilll1~d. it 11,11\1\\', jac], .,wing plus new video f\!k·a:-.cs. Thi- i:-.
unc tby in the life uf Ilw _-\dl.:alHpoll~ the prograllllllt..' rluu 11..'lb YPli all .Ihulit
1;1l1li!~.TlkTL' is at'tl:1 I.:ltal1l"I,.' Itl sec 'nt1lC what\. hap[X:ning on ibe IlHbic .•.• ccuc ~II'HJ
Ghanaiun \\'i!dlir~ :«ollakL" such ;,1" the brings you interview- with IOI1l0ITOW'S
green mamba ;lull the spitting cobra whid'l young unisrs.
jus: lie il(.:ro~~your palh un (he- \\'a~ to

29 30
Part 4
Questions 21-25
• Read the text and questions below.

Hotel Alpha • For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - A, B, C or 0 - on your answer

Part 4
Example answer:
o Hotel Alpha is situated close to the o Breakfast is served from 06.30 to 10.00.
molorwoy and within 2 kilometres of Help yourself to as much as you like from
Newton city centre. The hotel has 220 car our breakfost buffet. A light continental
parking spaces as well as I 5 lock-up breakfast can be served in your room but
garages. Overnight charges are available this must be ordered the night before. ... and we were sorry to hear about the accident. An)Way. you mustn't feel too
on request. anxious about work. A lot of people are away on holiday this month, so there's not
o The Alpha restaurant is open for lunch as much business as usual.
o There is a 2A-hour reception service which from midday until 14.00 hours. Choose
means you can check in whenever you from a range of hot and cold dishes as When you are feeling a little better wea like to come and see you; we'll bring you
want. Fax and photocopying services are well as the daily Chef's Special. Dinner is some of your favourite chocolates - promise!
available on request at Reception. served from 19.00 - 21.00 and as we are
Now for office news. Have you heard that the boss is getting married again next
always busy it is a good idea to book a
a We offer both single and double rooms. table if you want to be sure of a place. The
month? She tried to keep it quiet but one of the secretaries heard her talking
All our rooms are comfortably furnished; about wedding arrangements over the phone, so now of course everyone knows!
restaurant is not open to non- residents
most rooms have either a shower or a bath although guests are welcome to entertain We're collecting money to buy her a present. It's really difficult to know what to get
and all double rooms have their own personal visitors. her as she has most things. Someone has suggested theatre or concert tickets,
bathrooms. which is a good idea. We can find out from her personal assistant what her plans
a Hotel Alpha has the following sports are and when she has a free evening. fhe only problem is that although we know
o All rooms have a phone and mini-bur and focilities: indoor swimming pool, multi- what she likes, we don't know whether her future husband shares her tastes.
guests are welcome to watch 1V in the gym, table tennis and snooker rooms.
lounge. Room service is available after Guests who wish to use these facilities, All being well, we'll see you some time next week. Until then we all send our good
21.00 until midnight; drinks and which are free of charge, ore asked to wishes and hope you recover quickly.
sandwiches may be ordered by dialling make arrangements through Reception.
91. Ifyou wish to order a newspaper There is an early morning swimming
please inform Reception the night before. session between 07.00 and 9.00 after
which the pool is closed until midday. 21 What is the writer trying to do in the text?
o Each room has a radiol alarm clock but
you can order a wake· up call from o Guests are not allowed to bring pets into A to give some cheerful news
Reception for a small extra charge. the hotel but for a small fee we can B to offer professional advice
arrange for animals to be looked after
o There is a hair·dryer in each room but if
nearby. Please let us know in advance if
C to describe her office work
you wish to use on iron please contad the
you wish to bring an animal with you. o to suggest ways to recover
housekeeper on each Roor who will be
pleased to help you. Small toilet items such
22 Why would somebody read the text?
as toothpaste may be bought from the
A to find out about a wedding present
B to arrange to see friends
C to learn about a person's accident
o to help them stop worrying

:3 What does the writer suggest about one of the secretaries? Part 5
Questions 26-35
A She's hard-working.
• Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
B She talks too much.
• For each question, mark the letter next to the.correct word - A, B, C or D - on your answer sheet.
C She likes secrets.
D She enjoys weddings.
Part 5
Example answer:
24 Why is it difficult to buy the boss a present? o

A She already has a lot of things.

B No one knows her fiance. YOUTH AT THE WHEEL
e They haven't much money.
One in six drivers in Britain is aged between 17 and 25. But more drivers in (0) age
D She's been mamed once before.
group are responsible (26) a greater number of accidents than older drivers; in
(27) one accident in four is the fault of a young, inexperienced driver.
25 Which of the cards below do you think the writer sent?
A team of researchers has (28) two years studying the driving performance, attitudes and
A behaviour of young people. The report (29) that not all young drivers are dangerous,
B __ --------~------_
(30) a large number of males, particularly those aged 17 to 20, do not drive as carefully
(31) other age groups. These young drivers are more likely to have (32) .

accident in their first year of driving (33) when their experience increases. The report
also notes that men are more likely to (34) driving rules than women, and that a
A BREAK girlfriend or wife in the car has a calming (35) on the driving pattern of young men.

0 A this B some C one 0 that

c D _--------1- 26 A to B for e with D from

'27 A order B place C time 0 fact

Hear spent
Get Well !8 A done B put C given D
soon 29 A says B tells e speaks D talks
miserable 30 A and B but C since D because

31 A so B like C as D that

32 A the B this C an D some

33 A than B until C D while

34 A crash B break r I) escape

35 A way B effort =nce

33 34
Writing Part 2

Part 1 Questions 6-15

Questions 1-5 • You are going to take part in a family exchange programme,
• You have received this application form.
• Here are some sentences about a new "POrtS centre.
• Look at the form and answer each question.
• For each question, finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
• The second sentence is started for you. Write only the missing words on your answer sheet. • Write your answers on your answer sheet.
• You may use this page for any rough work.
• You may use this page for any rough work.

Example: A new sports centre was opened by the president last week. '

The president .?p'et1~0 ..~'p'~:_1?~.

..~..~.~:-:' ~~.~:t::~.

Home Stays
1 Richmond Avenue
There are two separate swimming pools.

It , , , , ,..
Full name: (6) : .................................•.. , , ,.................•......
2 The main pool is just for adults.
Home address: (7) ~ .

Only adults , ,., , , " , .. , , , . Nationality: (8) ..................................................................................••...

Date of birth (day/month/year): (9) •.............•....•.............••.....•...•...•.•....•.......

3 Entry is free if you are under 18.
Sex: (10), •.•...........................•.................................•..........•............•.••...
you , , , .. , , _ .
How long have you been learning English?

4 Sports equipment can be hired. (11) •...................................•...•.•.......•.•.................................................

What are your hobbies/interests?

you , .
(12) ...................•.................. , .........................•.................•...................
5 Swimming is very good for your health.
Why do you want to stay with a foreign family?

Swimming keeps , , ,....•.............. , . (13) .....................•.....•.•....•.•..............................•..................................

Have you ar y special requests?

(14) ...........................................•..•......•.•. , .

Signature: (15) ........................•.......................... , , .

Part 3
Question 16
• Last month you and your family moved to a n~w house in another town. Listening Test
• You are writing a letter to an English-speaking friend to tell her/him about your new house,
neighbours, and the area. (30 minutes + 12 minutes transfer time)
• Finish the letter on your answer sheet, using about 100 words.
• You may use this page for any rough work.
Part 1
Questions 1-7
• There are seven questions in this Part.
• For each question there are four pictures and a short recording.
• You will hear each recording twice.
Dear • For each question, look at the pictures and listen to the recording.
• Choose the correct picture and put a tick (,I) in the box below it.
We finally moved house last month and now life has really changed. . .
Example: What time is the match?


A I2l B c 0 D I

What happened at the airport?


37 38
2 What does the flag look like?
5 Where's the flour?

* * ~.

A 0 B 0 c U o n A [J

3 What are they watching?



6 What's the weather going to be like?

A 0 B [J

t'"" "'--~
\'/~'~J~'_),_" ,

, - ,

A 0 B c [l o
c n D U
7 What happened?
4 What did she buy?

B n A n B
, 1

c ~ D U
39 c U D I
Part 2 Part 3

Questions 8-13 Questions 14-19

• Look at the questions for this Part. • Look at the notes about stolen property.
• You will hear a radio programme which recommends somewhere to stay for a short holiday. • Some information is missing.
• Put a tick (.I) in the correct box for each question. • You will hear a college director talking to some students about what has been stolen.
• For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
8 Ternmouth is A 0 a country town.

B LJ a small city.

e n an industrial capital.

-, I a large port.


9 Why do people usually go to Ternmouth? A It has plenty of cheap shops.

B ! It's on their holiday route.

(14).... broken into.
e It's a popular holiday place.

D '"'
---" It's got excellent hotels.
College director has been in contact wi th

10 Some of Ternmouth's fish restaurants A i are good value for money.

", look out onto the cliffs. (15) .

e 0 serve hot food all day.

D ~ I
are built in the old town. Stolen objects include:

11 The old town has hotels A :~ without car parking spaces. (16J given to Wilton year" ago,

B U just offering bed and breakfast.

(17) by Ar no Ifin i ,
e 0 which are quiet but expensive.

D LJ with large popular restaurants.

(18) - very old, TV and video recorder',

12 If you want to stay at a cliff-top hotel you A n take the hotel mini-bus.
(19) stolen Erom filing c ab i; .
B U should go by car.

e U can park very easily.

D LJ get the bus from the centre.

13 The tourist office phone number is A [l 202618.

B 0 220186.

e U 202816.

D U 220816.

41 42
Part 4
Questions 20-25
• Look at the six statements for this Part. Speaking Test
• You will hear a conversation between a woman called Sally and a man called Karl who are making
plans for a party.
• Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrect.
• If you think it is correct, put a tick (,f) in the box under A for YES. If you think it is not correct, put a
tick (,f) in the box under B for NO. Part 1 General conversation (2-3 minutes)

Tasks Identifying oneself, giving information about people, asking

direct questions.

A B Sub tasks Spelling, numbers, responding to questions and information.

YES NO Ask each other questions to find out information about personal details, family,
home town, schools, jobs, etc.
20 Sally thinks their neighbours are dull. u o
Part 2 Simulated situation (2-3 minutes)

21 The guests will help by bringing food. Tasks Stating preferences, agreeing and disagreeing, making choices.

One of your teachers is leaving to work in another school. You have to decide
22 Karl has already planned what to eat. 0 0 what to buy her/him as a leaving present.

Look at picture 1 on page 45.

23 Sally enjoys chicken with rice and fruit. 0 n Discuss the different ideas and then decide what would make the best present.

., 1
24 Sally thinks watching a video would spoil the party. u
Part 3 Responding to a visual stimulus
r+ (5 minutes for Parts 3 and 4 together)
25 Karl promises to find a suitable video. I ; C
Tasks Describing people and places, saying where people are and
what they are doing.

Candidate A should look at picture 1 on page 65, show it to

Candidate B and talk about it.

Candidate B should look at picture 2 on page 111, show it to

Candidate A and talk about it.

Part 4 General conversation (based on the photographs)

Tasks Talking about likes and dislikes, expressing opinions.

Talk to each other about the kind of holiday you enjoy. Talk about the ways you
like or dislike travelling and the kinds of places you like to stay at when you go on

43 44

Reading and Writing Test
(1 hour 30 minutes)

Part 1
Questions 1-5
• Look at the sign in each question.
• Someone asks you what it means.
I • Mark the letter next to the correct explanation - A. B. C or 0 - on your answer sheet,

i Example:

o A Come in whenever you like.

B Please ring for an appointment.

C We will call you when we are free.

D Visitors please wait outside.

Part 1
Example answer:

A You can write your cheque at this pay desk.

B You must use a credit card if you pay here:

C You may cash your cheque at this pay desk.

D You do not need to write your own cheque


2 A Performances start an hour later this week. Part 2
Questions 6-10
B The theatre closes when the performance • The people below all want to buy a magazine.
begins. • On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight magazines.
• Decide which magazine (letters A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (numbers 8-101.
C Performances are every half an hour. • For each of those numbers mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.

o Performances start half an hour after the theatre

Part 2
opens. Example answer:
o A B COD I! F Q H
_=r--""':1~C__~__',. :J

3 A No driver can cross without first phoning.

6 Emi is at university studying Italian and Politics. She
B Certain vehicles are not allowed to cross here. doesn't have much time to read anything very detailed but
she is lOOkingfor something with plenty of news and
C Some drivers will need to phone before they information.

7 Carrie is sixteen years old and loves spending time

o You should cross here if you need the phone.
listening to pop music and lying on her bed reading. Sht. ia
always interested in finding out more about some of the
stars in the worlds of pop and fashion.

4 A These chairs are reserved for visitors.

A -
8 Bill travelled a lot when he was younger. Now that he has
B You need a ticket to sit here.
f, stopped work he enjoys reading about foreign people,
. places and customs even if he has already visited that part
C These chairs must not be touched.
- of the world.


These chairs have already been sold.

Waste paper should be put in the basket.

._,I Leroy used to be a detective. He still takes an active
interest in the work of the police, but these days he enjoys
reading fiction after years spent chasing real criminals.

Please place used

paper in the basket

This basket is full of waste paper.

Do not use the paper in this basket.

This basket must not be used for paper.


A Up till now Brigitte has never travelled far but this year she
has decided to go abroad for the first time. The travel agent
suggests that she reads about various countries first before
choosing her holiday.

47 48
Part 3
H.ead about the lives of real detectives. This The weekly magazine that brings the world to • Look at the statements below about the Griffith Observatory.
! monthly magazine brings you up-to-date true your home. Have you ever wondered what the I • Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each statement is correct or incorrect.
'I' stories about real life detectives as they chase Chinese eot for breakfast? Did you know that the • If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet.
criminals ucross continents. Find out how some of Sahara desert is getting bigger every year? This • If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.
the most dangerous criminals in the world are fascinating magazine, full of colour photographs,
caught by some uf the world's finest detectives.
is your window on the world.
Follow their routes on the free map which comes
Example answer:
I with every issue.

c o
11 The Observatory was bought by Los Angeles City.
A magazine that gives you in-depth articles on a
E.very week weU-known write" bring yo •• the different subject each week. Various top journalists - 12 The Observatory opened in the thirties.
latest in teenage love stories. Each magazine specialists in the subject area - bring you the best in
carrie. three fuU-length storie.• (l.'j weU a. political journalism for the serious reader. Order it
13 Shows at the Planetarium last two hours.
cartoons arul colour pictures of your fauourue from your newsagent now!
Jdm star •.
14 Tours at the Hall of Science have to be booked.

EUROPA NEWS "lee.4t1t Lilelif6e 15 Children under five will have to pay for some shows.

The weekly magazine that keeps you in touch with If you want to be part of the scene then Teenage
what'S happening, Filled with facts and figures about Lifeline is a must. Do you want to know who's 16 Both the Planetarium and the Hall of Science close at 10 p.m.
almost everything you can think of, plus articles by wearing what? Where to shop for the cheapest
our regular writers on the week's most interesting and the best in clothes, CDs, videos and posters?
17 School groups need to book their visits.
news stories. Special back page sums up the news for You name it and we write aboul il. Buy illoday!
the busy reader.
18 You can buy videos in the Space Stop.
19 The Griffith Observer is printed once a month.
The weekly magazine which tells you all TheKe exciting short s tor-ies ar-e wr-it ten hy
you need to know if you're thinking of well-known crime writers. Every magazine 20 The Griffith Observer has news about the US space program.
travelling. Helpful advice on what to pack brings you the best in criminal thrill~r s,
and what to buy once you're there. Lots of stories that are so good that you won't be able
colour photos to help you choose the best to put the magazine down! And every munth
hotel, the cheapest flights and a special we leave one cr-ime unanswered so tbat you,
.guide to different climates each week. the reader, can play deteurive ,

Part 4
Questions 21-25
•. Read the text and questions below.
• For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - A, B, C or 0 - on your answer


The Griffith Observatory and the park in which it is

located were made possible by a generous present
The Observatory is located at the north end of
from Colonel Griffith to the City of Los Angeles. The
Vermont Avenue on the south stope of Mount
Observatory has been visited by over 50 million ." The first few days after getting home from college were okay but then I began
.HOllywOOdin Griffith Park.
people since opening its doors in 1935. The
Observatory is operated by the Department of .to feel rather bored and lonely. My parents were busy working and most of my
Recreation and Parks. friends were either away on holiday or else had holiday jobs. I had tried to get a
job myself but without success. I was beginning to wish I had not come home
Planetarium Hall of Science when Isaw an advertisement for holiday courses in the local newspaper. For a
The Planetarium is a large theatre where, with the help Arrive earty to allow time to tour the Hall of Science. small fee you could try lots of different activities organized by the town's youth
of a Zeiss projector, you are transported to different
The exhibits include a Solar Telescope, Meteorites and . club. Each activity lasted half a day. I had not expected the courses to be very
parts of the universe. All the shows are very dramatic many more. Tours are given at regular intervals.
and full of interest and usually last one hOUr.suclects interesting but they were excellent. Ialso met neW people as many of the tourists
change several times a year. Call for furtner Summer Every day t 2.30pm - 10.00pm
intorrnatica. staying in the town joined in. You could do things like painting, acting, play-
Winter Tue. - Fri. 2.00pm - 10.00pm
writing or computing. 1 met some students from Bulgaria who invited me to visit
Planetarium Hours Sat. & Sun. 12.30pm - 10.00pm
Mon. Closed Bulgaria next year. You can imagine how excited I am; in fact it was one of the
Summer and holidays
Mon. - Fri. 1.30, 3.00, 7.30 Laserium best summer holidays I've ever had!
Sat. & Sun. 1.30, 3.00, 4.30, 7.30 Laserium sound and light concerts are given every
Winter evening after the planetarium show. Attending both the
Tue. - Fri. 3.00,7.30 planetarium show and Laserium gives you easy parking
and reserved seats.
Sat. & Sun. 1.30, 3.00, 4.30, 7.30
Mon. Closed Book Shop and Space Stop 21 What is the writer trying to do in the text?
Be sure to visit Griffith Observatory Book Shop and
Planetarium Admission Space Stop gift areas. Both have a choice of books
Children (5-12) $2.00 A describe a holiday in the country
and posters and unusual presents.
General (13-64) $4.00 B explain how she spent a holiday
Seniors (65 and older) $3.50 Special Activities
Children under 5 are allowed only to the 1.30 The Observatory offers a variety of short courses and C describe her new holiday home
popular lectures.
planetarium show and to soecrai children's shows.
Children under 5 will be charged an entry fee for
o explain why she COUldn't go on holiday
Griffith Observer
certain shows. There is no charge to the Hall of Enioy the Observatory's own monthly magazine. Read
Science. 22 Why would somebody read the text?
articles by famous writers who wifl thrill you with
School Programs stories out of this world. Each issue comes with
detailed maps and information to help you look at the
Special morning planetarium shows are offered to night sky. A to find out about holiday courses
school groups during the year. Entry fee is $1.00 per
person. .B to discover the writer's news
Friends of the Observatory (FOTO)
Phone only between 7.45 and 9.45am Tuesday through
FOTO is a commun~y support group that offers
C to make contact with Bulgarian students
Friday for additional information. Reservations are
numerous benefits to members and that helps the o to read about the advertisements
growth of the Observatory. Become a member and
make sure that the stars continue to shine on Griffith

Griffith ObservotOIY, 2800 East Observatory Road, LosAngeles, Coltiom«: 90027, USA

~3 How did the writer feel when she arrived home? Part 5
Questions 26-35
A She was pleased to have time to herself.
B She felt nervous about being alone.
• Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space .

C She was delighted to see her friends.

• For each question. mark the letter next to the correct word - A, B, C or 0 - on your answer sheet.

o She almost regretted coming back.

I Part 5 I
24 Why is the writer looking forward to next year?
Example answer:
A There will be ne~ holiday courses.
B She has found a holiday job. RAIL DISCO
C She is planning to go to Bulgaria.
Every Saturday night at six o'clock during (0) summer months up to 500 disco fans
C Her friends will visit her.
climb aboard a train in Turin in Italy. They (26) the next six hours dancing away until
the train (27) a popular disco at one of the towns (28) the Adriatic coast. The
!5 Which of these advertisements did the writer see?
whole trip (29) eighty dollars, including entrance into the disco.

A B Italian railways started the idea (30) a way of trying to reduce the growing numbers of
young people (31) have accidents every weekend as they drive the 400 kilometres to the
voura CEN,.RE coast.
~po ••t~ CeKtfae
A week's free course on an
Join a holiday course! We are Even (32) ............ the train pulls away from the platform the disco car is crowded with people
activity of your own choice. Open offering half-day courses in a (33) ............ all kinds of fashionable clothes. The discos stay open until four in the morning and
to visitors and residents alike. variety of water sports. During
(34) ............ at 05.30 the train is ready to begin its journey back to Turin. It will arrive in
Name your course and you can the summer holiday period all
(35) ............ for its exhausted passengers to get home for Sunday lunch!
spend a week enjoying yourself courses are hal] price.

0 A the B one C that 0 those

C o 26 A go B spend C do 0 take
YOU,.H CEN,.RE 27 A comes B travels C reaches 0 arrives
Throughout the summer holiday We welcome everyone to join in 28 A in B to C for 0 on
we are offering cheaper entry to our holiday programme A wide 29 A pays B charges C makes 0 costs
the town's sports and leisure
range of sports and activities is
facilities. Special low prices for 30 A as B like C such 0 that
tourists. Don't miss this available on a morning or
opportunity! afternoon timetable. 31 A what B these C who 0 they

32 A until B before C abcve 0 after

33 A dressing B having C wearing 0 showing

34 A then B where C when 0 since

35 A turn B case C fact 0 time

53 54
Writing Part 2

Part 1 Questions 6-15

Questions 1-5 • You saw this competition entry form in a local newspaper.
• Look at the form and answer each question.
• Here are some sentences about travelling by air.
• Write your answers on your answer sheet.
• For each question, finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
• You may use this page for any rough work.
• The second sentence is started for you. Write only the missing words on your answer sheet.
• You may use this page for any rough work.

Example: Air travel can be delayed by fog.

Fog ~~.~..~.~!~y..~i.r:.~r:~~~~ .
yateston ~~orter
1 Air travel is faster than any other kind of transport.

Full name: (6) .

Air travel is the .............•... , , .
Home address: (7) .
2 You usually have to wait a long time at the airport.
Nationality: (8) .

There are usually . Dale of birth (day/month/year): (9) .

3 Plane tickets are also quite expensive. Occupation: (10) .

Please write down u country wh"rp. you would like to spend a weekend:
You have to pay ..................................................•.........................................................
(11) .

.4 Cheaper tickets are available from some travel agents. Which season of the year would you prefer to go away?

(12) .
Some travel agents , .
If you win, who will you take with you?
5 If you are a student you can always get special reduced prices.
(13) .•...............................................................•.............................................

Unless you are a student , . How long have you known this person?

(14) .............................................•.................................................................

Signature: (15) '" .

Part 3
Question 16
• You have just spent a week at the Europa Park Activity Camp. Listening Test
• Below is your diary for"the week.
• Write a letter to an English-speaking friend teiling her/him about what you did on three of the days. (30 minutes + 12 minutes transfer time)
• Finish the letter on your answer sheet, using about 100 words.
• You may use this page for any rough work. Wed. lake
Part 1
Thurs. fitm Questions 1-7
/- -.
• There are seven questions in this Part.
t Fri. competition • For each question there are four pictures and a short recording.
J • You will hear each recording twice.
• For each question, look at the pictures and listen to the recording.
• Choose the correct picture and put a tick (of) in the box below it.

Example: What time is the match?


I have juet; spent a week at the Europa Park Activity Camp . A [71 B n c o G
1 Who is the child going with?

A o c n o
2 Where is the library?

•••••••••••• I' •••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

A n B c 0 o n
57 58
3 What's the problem?

c U o n
c 0
7 What does the customer ord er.?

A 0 B 0 c 0

5 What happened?

c [J o .:J

Part 2 Part 3
Questions 8-13 Questions 14-19
• Look at the questions for this Part. • Look at the notes about Bampton Weekena festival.
• You will hear the director of a language school talking to some students who have just arrived at the • Some information is missing.
school. • You will hear a radio announcer talking about the Festival.
• Put a tick (,I) in the correct box for each question. • For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

8 If your surname begins with J, your family will be in A U the school hall.

BOa room upstalrs,

C n the garden outside.

o C the dining room.

9 If your sumame begins with T, your family will be A [J in the coach.

B n by the office. 6AMPTON WEEKEND FEStiVAL

C o in the car park.
0 U outside the gate.
Friday: Parade starts at 19.00 flours

10 The party is for students A n and their families. (14) in Alice Park.

S o to meet the teachers. Demonstration by (15) .....••.......•............ on

C U who want to become actors. how to rescue people.

0 o who want to study music. (16) ...............••..•....... available at gate.

11 Students who need to find a bank should ask A o the school director.
S U at the office. Saturday: Children's Road Race

C U one of the staff. For children aged 10-14

0 r- their family. Entry forms available from (17) .

All forms must be (18) by an

12 Students' fees are due A LJ by next week.
S U that evening.

C o in three days. Race starts from (19) , .. , at

0 J the following day.

13 The school cook A U is a well-known international chef.

S 0 offers a wide choice of food daily.

C U will cook individual meals if asked.
o n enjoys preparing her own recipes.

61 62
Part 4
Questions 20-25
• Look at the six statements for this Part. Speaking Test
• You will hear a conversation over the telephone between a shopkeeper and a woman about a bill.
• Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrect.
• If you think it is correct, put a tick (,I) in the box under A for YES. If you think it is not correct, put a
tick (.I) in the box under B for NO. Part 1 General conversation (2-3 minutes)

Tasks Identifying oneself, giving information about people, askinq

direct questions.

A B Sub task., Spelling, numbers, responding to questions and information.

Ask each other questions to find out information about personal details, family,
20 The beds were quite cheap. _j home town, schools, jobs, etc.

Part 2 Simulated situation (2-3 minutes)

21 Mrs Enright usually buys things with her credit card. U .,
Tasks Discussing arrangements, making plans.
22 The clerk found the quantity of money amazing. !J LJ You want to have a meal together at a restaurant one evening this week.
You are both quite busy.
23 Mrs Enright has got her receipt. Cl n Candidate A should look at page 110.

Candidate B should look at page 112.

24 Mrs Enright remains very calm during the conversation. I' U Talk about the arrangements in your diary, find an evening when you are both free
and then arrange where to meet.
25 The shopkeeper hopes the police will help with the problem. __ ....J

Part 3 Responding to a visual stimulus

(5 minutes for Parts 3 and 4 together)

Tasks Describing people and places, saying where people are and
what they are doing.

Candidate A should look at the picture on page 110, show it to

-Candidate B and talk about it.

Candidate B should look at picture 3 on page 111, show it to

Candidate A and talk about it.

Part 4 General conversation (based on the photographs)

-Tasks Talking about one's likes and dislikes, expressing opinions.

Talk to each other about the sort of food you enjoy, and the kind of place you like
or don't like to go to when you go out for a meal.

63 64

Reading and Writing Test
(1 hour 30 minutes)

Part 1
Questions 1-5
• Look at the sign in each question.
• Someone asks you what it means.
• Mark the letter next to the correct explanation - A, B, C or 0 - on your answer sheet.


o A Come in whenever you like.

B Please ring for an appointment.

C We will call you when we are free.

o Visitors please wait outside.

Example answer:

A The road in front is closed to traffic.

WARNING B The road in front is likely to be busy.

MAIN ROAD C There are road works further along.

AHEAD o There is a parking zone further along.

65 66
2 A You should be quiet during teaching hours. Part 2
Questions 6-10
B You cannot go jn once a lecture has begun.
• The people below are at an airport and looking for somewhere to eat.
• On the opposite page there are descnptions of eight eating places.
C Only lecturers are allowed into this building. • Decide which place (letters A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (numbers 6-10).
• For each of those numbers mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.
o Please do not leave your lectures early.

Part 2
Example answer:

3 A You cannot get into the hotel after midnight.

6 Ken is in a hurry as he is late for his flight. He needs a
B Please tell the hotel if you are going to be back quick cold drink, however, before he goes to passport
late. control.

C The telephone is at the end of the corridor.

o Someone will answer your call if you remain 7 Jamila is meeting her uncle whose flight arrives at 12.30.
here. She left home early and wants to have a hot meal before he
comes, but at the same time be able to see the exit door,
as this is his first trip abroad and she is afraid he may get
4 lost.
A Please collect your order as soon as possible.

B You may have to wait more than 30 minutes for R Diane's midday flight has been delayed. The airline has
your order. offered to pay for a complete lunch if she sends them her
receipt. So she has decided to accept the offer and have a
C Your order will be ready in under half an hour. three-course meal.

o If you wait here we will tell you when your order

is ready. 9 Jorge and his children want a place where they can serve.
themselves as they each like different things to eat. They
don't mind whether they have hot or cold food.
5 , "'" dlea is kept for storing equipment.

'" B You are allowed to leave rubbish here.

PLEASE DO NOTLEAVE < j 10 Carolyn and her friend have arrived too soon for their
EQUIPMENT OR RUBBISH i~ C You may not leave any luggage in this area.
morning flight. They got up very early and now they want a
hot dnnK and something sweet to eat with it.

',J ,. J
a._' ,.
. ,.._.,;",'
~ ~.
o This area must be kept free of rubbish and

67 68
Your Guide to Restaurants and Bars Part 3
Questions 11-20


look at the statements below about Euro- Youth travel tickets.
Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each statement is correct or incorrect.
Have you got a sweet tooth? Then this • If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet.
This is a colourful kiosk serving a wide variety of
is the place for you. Enjoy one of our drinks. Choose your drink from our fresh fruit • If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.
special ice-creams served with a and we'll mix it with yoghurt or ice-creom if you
chocolate cookie. l.ot s of different fruit wont. Or just have a gloss of pure, iced juice!
flavours including lemon, banana, Open 06.30-21.00
Example answer:
strawberry. coconut and orange.
Open 14.00-20.00
11 Anyone who is not yet 24 years old can buy a ticket.
c o

CJ'ne (Rgstaurant Cafe Bar 12 You are allowed to break your journey wherever you want.
JUS! [he r~ace for the younger flIernlJe!s oj :t'le famlyl
The Restaurant is the best place to enjoy a
We SeNe 110!dogs, pizzas and hamburg91'S (Ill cooked 13 You can use your ticket for up to two months at anyone time.
full meal. We offer an international menu
on tll0 spot. Tryour hot cnoconto drinks or i1(lVQ(l cup
with plenty of choice. Choose a starter,
of fresh coffee while you wait. Open 11.30-2:l.00
followed by a main meal, cheese and dessert 14 You have to buy a return ticket.
all for rhe price of £17.50.
Open 08.00-15.00
15 If you travel from London you have to pay extra for sea crossings.

16 You can't buy a ticket without showing your passport.

i SEAFOOD & SALAD BAR $a'l1.~wich$i~e
I Recently opened and already a favourite with all /" • hurry? Tn,,, '''j'Y ,,,. 'f ••" fmhl,· ••••i.
our passengers. Help yourself to Our delicious cold 17 Journeys on certain trains will cost you more.
J.71~lI1i,llt1.Cllm. fr •••• fire differ •••t ki"~J «[ brt.~
fish and salads. There's always something different
on the menu. Close to the departure gates to save '71~ IIIt'lt !"t ",lid"., Y'" lik •• " lo!' A ""'II,t.
you time. Our friendly staff will make sure you "".1 i••itJllf ."i !m.t •• Iu, for ""1St,! 18 Travel insurance is included in the cost of your ticket.
don't miss YOUT flight! Of." oil ~.,
Open 10.00-21.00
19 Euro-Youth tickets come with maps and timetables.

20 Euro-Youth tickets offer cheap accommodation in some cities.
~" F.

f<:AfJiAe Tea & Coffee lIouse

This caft is near the Arrivals point. It offirs quick,
w~ ~tlrvfo!'six diff~r~nt kin.IM uf tea and r'nfff'!'t!
along with var-ious eukes , hiseuits anti c:()Hkj~s.
fr(shly prepared hot dishes. ldenl for peopl« waiting
You'll find us neu r the entrance to the :;hopping
jar family or frimds or jllst thou who enjoy
gall"ri" s. Open 21 hours
watching the world go by. Open 06. 00-22. 00

Part 4
Questions 21-25
A new kind of ticket - a new kind of freedom •

Read the text and questions below.
For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - A, B, C or 0 - on your answer
Euro· Youth is a new kind of low- Planning Your Jouftley
cost roil ticket available to young Part 4
We recommend two publications, in Example answer:
people under 24. It has been particular, to help you plan your O!ABCD
designed to take you from London i_c::::::J=:=::::J
Trans·Eura ioumey.
to anyone of around 200 selected
The lirst is a budget guide to
destinations end let you trovel et -
Europe, of which thete are many Anybody running a cnmpany knows that a well-planned conference can greatly
your own pace.
cvcilobie. Particularly good is
You can stop off at cs many improve the performance of that business. The main reason for this is that it takes
Across Europe by Foy Nuutinen and
points cs you like, fat as long as your employees away from the daily work place and offers them somewhere fresh
you like within the two month Bendt larsen. It covers
for a short time. However, unless the conference is well thought out it will not have
period 'hat your ticket lasts. accommodation, visas, food, sights,
the best results and you will have wasted a great deal of money.
The destinations and the routes customs and even localtranspart.
you can choose from indude the The second is Multiplan's The first step is to find the right place. Can your employees easily reach the
European cities that are most often European Timetabie, the only one conference centre? Is it near a railway station? Is it dose to a good, iast road? Has it
~isited by young 'rovdlen from covering roil and ferry services plenty of suitable parking space? If you arc going to choose an hotel, then perhaps
around the world: Amsterdam, ocross the whole of Europe. It is the hotel has cheaper rates at weekends or, if it is in a popular tourist area, midweek
Poris, Rome, Berlin,Budapest, published monthly and also contoins rates may be cheaper.
Venice and many more. And at plans of rnojor city centres with
prices ,tarting as low as 120 dollars station locations and detoiled notes Another important requirement is food and drink. Breakfast is a time when people
all the fares are terrificvclue. on how 10 usa the book. can relax before the day's work begins, but you may not want a long break for lunch
There is a choice of one-way or in the middle of the day. Buffet IW1Chesare very popular ior this reason. Then there
return travel tickets, each ~Iid for
is dinner, which most employees consider a reward for a day's hard work!
two months from the date of 'Where To Slay
departure. There is plenty of budget'priced Whatever your needs, it is essential to think ahead if you want a successful
Prices include tra~1 from London accommodation ovailable in every conference.
and ferry crossings from the UKto country in Europe, including Youth
mainland Europe. Hostels, YMCA Hostels, pensions,
You must have your passpart 'sleepins' and even convents in Italy.
21 What is the writer trying to do in the text?
with you when you buy your ticket. Some peaple like to seve a day by
You will ho~e to pay exira on catching the o~ernight IToin- but be
express trains on the Continent, A complain about a bad conference centre
prepared for fellow travellers to talk
such cs the French TGVservices, into the early hours! B describe what makes a good conference centre
and for sleeping accommodation on C persuade employers to choose a conference hotel
Ifyou' re stuck, local tourist offices
other treins.
You are strongly recommended
can usually help to Findyou a bed. o advise employees where to stay for a conference
to toke out travel insurance for the
period of your iourney. This is 22 Why would somebody read the text?
quickly and easily arranged where
you can buy mis Euro·Youthticket. A to find out about organizing conferences
B to learn how to reward good employees
C to find out about running a business
o to learn some details about conference centres
23 What is very important when choosing a conference centre? Part 5
Questions 26-35
A cheap food and drink • Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
B free car parking • For each question. mark the letter next to the correct word - A, B, C or 0 - on your answer sheet.
C good transport connections
o popular tourist areas
Example answer: I Part 5 I
24 Why does the writer think a buffet lunch is a good idea? lol!.!'~~
A It's relaxing.
B It's quick.
C It's cheap. Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological

0 It's tasty. (0) But actually the idea for a computer (26) worked out over two centuries
ago by a man (27) Charles Babbage.
25 Which centre would the writer recommend to an employer? Babbage was born (28) 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up
plans for several calculating machines (29) he called 'engines'. But despite the fact that
he (30) building some of these he never finished any of them. Over the years people

'* * Topps Conference Centre
have argued (31)
designs. (33)
his machines would ever work. Recently, however,
in London has finished building (32)
has taken six years to complete and more (34)
the Science
engine based on one of Babbages
four thousand
• Enjoy beautiful scenery high up in the hills. parts have been specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a
Close to airport and golf course.
• Continental breakfast served in bedroom if special exhibition in the Science Museum (35) remind people of Babbage's work.
Choice of conference rooms.
Swimming pool and sauna.
• Minibus service to nearest town.
3 full meals a day included in price.
0 A age B year C lime 0 days

c o 26 A has B was C had 0 is

27 A known B recognized C written 0 called

WATT Royal Conference Centre
28 A on B in C by 0 for
CONFERENCE <> Situated in quiet countryside.
CENTRE <> Free car park available for guests. 29 A whose B who C these 0 which
~ 5 minutes from city centre 30 A wanted B made C started 0 missed
¢- TV and VHS included in your conference costs
and close to motorway
as well as three buffet-style meals a day.
;,.. Full breakfast, light lunches 31 A until B whether C while 0 though
and exciting dinner menus. that
32 A some B the C an 0
;,.. Choice of accommodation
to suit your financial needs. 33 A One B He C They 0 It

34 A than B therefore C when 0 then

35 A to B as C for 0 so

73 74
Part 2
Questions 6-15
Part 1 • You want to apply to go on a study holiday.
Questions 1-5 • Look at the form and answer each question.
• Here are some sentences about crime. • Write your answers on your answer sheet.
• For each question. finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. • You may use this page for any rough work.
• The second sentence is started for you. Write only the missing words on your answer sheet.
• You may use this page for any rough work.

Example: Over 300,000 cars are stolen every yeer.

Thieves ~~.~!. ..~?'::?.'.c?.?'?'.~.a::6..~~~.ry.'j~~.r:
?~.~: .
Westhay University
Luxford LX92 lAH
26 July to 15 August
If possible a car should be kept in a garage at night.

Family name: (6) .

If possible you .
First namefs): (7) .
2 Always take the car keys with you when you park the car.
Full address: (8) : ...................•.................................................•.........

Don't ...........................................................•......................................................... Date of birth (dayfmonthfyear): (9) .

Nationality: (10) .
3 Some stolen cars are driven by young people just for fun.
Occupation: (11) .
Young people .
Why are you applying for a study holiday'!

4 This behaviour is considered to be criminal. (12) .

Whatiangllage, can you speak?

People .
(13) ........................................................•.................... : .
5 There is great danger in driving too fast.
How will you he travelling?

Driving too fast ls ..............................................................................................•... (14) .

Signature: (15) .

75 76
Part 3
Question 16
• You are on holiday with some friends. Listening Test
• Write a letter to an English-speaking friend about two things you have done and mention something
unpleasant which happened a few days ago. (30 minutes + 12 minutes transfer time)
• Finish the letter on your answer sheet, using about 100 words.
• You may use this page for any rough work.
Part 1
Questions 1-7
• There are seven questions in this Part.
• For each question there are four pictures and a short recording.
• You will hear each recording twice.
• For each question. look at the pictures and listen to the recording.
• Choose the correct picture and put a tick (,I) in the box below it.

Dear Example: What time is the match?

We arrived here a week ago .


.............................................................................................................................. B 0 c n D :J
......................................................................•...................................................... What is the man holding?


...................................................... ········.···1.· .... ·........................•..........................

I ~~:
'~I ~I
, :
_ .c !I
. ~ "I

A LJ B c D 0
............................................................................................................................ 2 Which picture describes the fisherman's day?


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

........................................... .

A B n c 0 D C

77 78
5 Which bed does the woman want?
3 What is happening?


C· ;
'-' o

Part 2 "'an ;j

Questions 8-13 Questions 14-19

• Look at the questions for this Part. • Look at the notes about recommended hotels.
• You will hear a radio programme about traffic and travel. • Some information is missing.
• Put a tick (.f) in the correct box for each question. • You will hear a radio presenter talking about which hotels to stay at.
• For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
8 There is a traffic jam A 0 on the M3 motorway.

B in the centre of London.

C I~ near a motorway exit.

0 n on the M4 motorway.
9 London Bridge is A closed to traffic.

B [] covered with glass.

C 0 full of lorries.
Hotel Flora
, :
0 forbidden to walkers.
A] 1 rooms have TV. rad i 0 and (14) .
10 If you're travelling by train A n everything is normal. Buffet nreakfast included in price but noe
B n you will be delayed. (15) , .

C reservations are necessary.

0 L check train services.

(16) , Hotel

11 The car park at Manchester airport r

A is closed to the public .. SmalL 16 r oorns altogethe:-.

B C] has more space than usual. Eacil room na s a (17) bur, breakfast r:01':

C U may be completely full. included ~n price.

0 is reserved this weekend.

12 In Birmingham A lJ some shops will be closed. Hotel Continental

B LJ you have to travel around by bus Has .oi (18). .. on roof.

C [j students are organizing a march. Cood tood. especiaily dessercs.
0 n police have closed the university. You pay more for a room facing r.he (19) , .

13 On the M6 motorway A LJ it might be very foggy.

B 0 it is raining hard.

there has been an accident.

D n one part has been closed off.

81 82
Part 4
Questions 20-25

• Look at the six statements for this Part. Speaking Test

You will hear a conversation between two people who are deciding where to go for the evening.
Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrect.
• If you think it is correct, put a tick (.f) in the box under A for YES. If you think it is not correct, put a
tick (.f) in the box under B for NO. Part 1 General conversation (2-3 minutes)

Tasks Identifying oneself, giving infonmation about people, asking

direct questions.
;:'Ug tasks Spelling, numbers, responding to questions and information.
Ask each other questions to find out information about personal details, family,
20 The man is disappointed about missing the play. o n home town, schools, jobs, etc.

21 The woman wishes they had reserved seats. u Part 2 Simulated situation (2-3 minutes)

Tasks Making plans, stating preferences, agreeing and disagreeing.

22 The woman agrees that a concert is a waste of money. c You have been asked to look after three young children for a day.
Look at the picture on page 85.
23 The woman likes the idea of visiting his aunt. n n
Talk about how you would plan the day and what kind of things
you think would entertain them best.
24 The woman feels like doing some sport. n
Part 3 Responding to a visual stimulus
25 The man suggests going to the cinema. L.J (5 minutes for Parts 3 and 4 together)

Tasks Describing people and places, saying where people are and
what they are doinq.

Candidate A should look at picture 2 on page 65, show it to

Candidate B and talk about it.

Candidate B should look at picture 4 on page 111, show it to

Candidate A and talk about it.

Part 4 General conversation (based on the photographs)

Tasks Talking about one's likes and dislikes, expressing opinions.

Find out about the kinds of things you each enjoy doing in your
spare time and when you do them.

83 84

Reading and Writing Test
(1 hour 30 minutes)

Part 1
Questions 1-5
• Look at the sign in each question.
• Someone asks you what it means.
• Mark the letter next to the correct explanation - A, S, C or 0 - on your answer sheet.


o A Come in whenever you like.

S Please ring for an appointment.

C We will call you when we are free.

D Visitors please wait outside.

Part 1
Example answer:
01 :-
A B C 0

A Don't leave drinks here.

S Drinks are free here.

C There are no drinks left.

D You can buy drinks here.

85 86
2 A This ground is very soft. Part 2
Questions 6-10
B Don't pick these plants.
• The teachers below are looking for a holiday to suit their students.
• On the opposite paqe there are descriptions of eight holidays.
C This area is private.
• Decide which holiday (letters A-H) would be the most suitable for each teacher (numbers ~10).
• For each of those numbers mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.
D Don't walk on this area.

Part 2
Example answer:

3 A You should leave the fish alone.

6 .As Robson's students are studying French and German.

B These fish can hurt you.
She would like to find a holiday which gives them the
chance to speak both languages at some point while
C These fish eat special food.
they're away.

D You should not fish here.

7 Hilary's students are fourteen years old. Some of them
learn French, so she wants to find holiday course which
can offer individual language lessons for those who would
like to improve their French.
4 A This shop sells milk drinks.

B You can order milk from here.

8 Rosie has a small group of students. They all want to sail
but unfortunately some of them are unable to swim,
C We have no milk left today.
although they're keen to learn.

D Milk is not on sale here any more.

9 Mr Pearson's class has just started to learn German but he

wants a holiday which mixes studying the language with
plenty of free time to explore the foreign country.
5 A Please keep your shopping with you.

B This shop is looking for extra staff.

10 John has a class of eleven-year-olds who are crazy about
C Please ask if you need an assistant. sport. He'd like a course which organizes a complete
programme including all kinds of sport, meals and
D Please help yourself to what you need. entertainment.

87 88
A B Part 3
Questions 11-20
Summer Schools in the Czech Republic SUMMER IN AUSTRIA • Look at the statements below about travelling to Gatwick Airport near London.
Spend a week in a sports centre 15 minutes south We will arrange a programme to suit your students. •. Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each statement is correct or incorrect.
of Prague. Each day's programme is organized by ,
All our courses take place at the university in Linz, • If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet.
our professional trainers for children aged 10-14.
Prices include breakfast, lunch and dinner as well Morning classes are held in German, evening • If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.
as sightseeing trips. lectures on Austrian history are in English. We offer
an exciting programme of evening activities
including music, dance and theatre. Example answer:

c o
11 There is a train to Gatwick every quarter of an hour during the day.
Greek Sailing Holidays Summer Courses in Finland
Arrive by air and then hire one of our new boats with If you love water sports you'll love our one-week
all the latest equipment to sail around the Greek sports holiday on the finnish lakes. There are
12 The rail journey from London Victoria to Gatwick lasts an hour.
islands. These boats sleep up to twenty students and I opportunities to swim. sail and water-ski. Lessons are
two teachers. Trained sailing staff are available but available if you need them. There is also a chance to
you must be able to swim. 13 At Victoria Station there is an escalator on the platform.
I, learn Finnish at no extra cost! Everyone welcome.

14 Refreshments. are available in the train's restaurant car.


TOURING IN FRANCE Holiday Programmes in Germany 15 The train stops a short distance outside the airport,
Fly to Paris and spend a few days sightseeing in We offer morning classes:n the German language
this wonderful city before travelling on to at all levels from beginners upwards. In the
Toulouse. All our tours have a French-speaking
guide and accommodation is in comfortable
afternoon you are free to join our mountain walks
or to go shopping in the nearby town, In the
I 16 Trains leave Gatwick every 30 minutes during the night.

hotels. Prices include breakfast and evening evening we organize a fUll programme of i
, meal only. entertainments. All ages welcome. . 17 You do not need to book a seat on a train.
18 You can use a single ticket for up to a week after you have bought it.

5wiss 5tu~y Tours Summer Schools in France 19 Rail tickets across London include the cost of the Underground ticket.
Using tile excellem SWISSrailway system we offer an
We offer summer schools for students between the
unusual holiday, sport and study programme. Your
ages of 12 and 16. Live with a French family and
notet is a train: eat and sleep on board and spend 20 You can talk to a telephone operator for more details.
each day In a different part of Swilzerland. choose from :t range of different activities
Opportunities to speak French, German and Italian. including horse-riding. indoor hockey. football.
swimming and dry skiing. Private lang:uage lessons
arranged if requested.

89 90
Part 4
Questions 21-25

Gatwick Non-stop to
Gatwick every

Read the text and questions below,
For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - A, B. C or 0 - on your answer

Catch the train to catch the plane. Express 15 minutes sheet.

One of the great advantages of flying from Part 4

Example answer:
London Gatwick is the ease of getting there on
the non-stop GATWICK EXPRESS service from Victoria _~=c=:l
Station in London. It's reliable, convenient.
comfortable and very quick. Tile journey takes just
30 minutes. In the UK we each use about two hundred steel food and drink cans every year.
Victoria Station can now boast probably the best Steel cans are popular because they are convenient, easy to store and unbreakable.
City to Airport rail facilities in the world. The new
But when you have finished with a can what do you do with it? Do you throw it
terminal offers an escalator direct to the train-side
and also includes in-town check-in facilities, with away and forget all about It? Probably' lIut behind the scenes there are people
certain key airlines. whose job it is to make sure that the steel is never wasted, In fact, recycling or re-
Easy access for taxis. privare cars and coaches using steel cans is so successful that every day of the year more than five million
direct to the front of the GA1WICK EXPRESS Terminal cans start new lives in new steel products.
makes your departure trouble free.
The fully air-conditioned carriages have plenty of After you have thrown away your can, what happens? Well, first of all it is
extra luggage space. An 'at your seat' buffet collected by the men who empty your dustbin each week and taken to a tip,
service offers a full range of snacks and drinks. together with all the other household rubbish. Then the rubbish is sorted and the
Gatwick Airport station is directly below the South steel cans are taken separately to a special factory which tums dirty old cans into
Terminal. Lifts and escalators link the platforms
with the main part of the airport so you can step
high quality steel. It's this steel which may well find its way back into your home
off the train onto the plane. In Tact GATWICI< in the form of knives and forks, garden equipment and, of course, food and drink
EXPRm offers everything today's traveller needs to cans.
make their journey complete.
If you are travelling to Gatwick from further afield So the next time you open your fizzy drink just remember where your can may
and your rail journey is across London; you can
now use your ticket to transfer by London
GATWICK EXPRESS services leave
the airport every. Underground between your station terminal and
15 minutes during the day, and every 30 minutes Victoria at no extra cost.
early in the morning and late at night __
. For details of these services please ask at your
Journey times are 3S minutes on Sundays. . local station.
21 What is the writer trying to do in the text?
With this frequent service from early' morning Further information
until late at night, seat reservations are not Details about the GAfWICKEXPRESS are available on
required. a recorded information service, telephone 0171 A advertise canned drinks
Return tickets last for one month, single tickets 9282113.
B describe the steel industry
for three days. For those meeting friends a Day For enquiries about London Transport cross
Return fare is available. Please enquire when C provide some information
london Underground connections as well as
making your holiday arrangements. services from central London to Heathrow Airport, o describe rubbish collection
Other rail services to Gatwick telephone 0171 222 1234 for a recorded
Passengersto the north-west of England and the information service.
. 22 Why would somebody read the text?
Midlands can now enjoy high-speed services direct Servicesmay be altered without notice.
to and from Gatwick Airport, avoiding changing It is recommended that journey details are
trains in london. checked near the time of travel. A to learn about the soft drink industry
B to understand how rubbish is collected
C to find out more about how steel is made
o to discover what happens to old cans

91 92
23 How do we know that re-using steel is very successful? Part 5
Questions 26-35
A Every person uses 5000 cans a year. • Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
B All cans and tins are now made from steel. • For each question, mark the letter next to the correct word - A, B, e or 0 - on your answer sheet.
e Over 5,000,000 cans are recycled daily.
o It reduces the amount of waste to collect. Example answer:

24 What does the writer suggest about our attitude to old cans?


A We are not interested what happens to them.
B We should be more careful where we throw them. The tourist industry is considered to be (0) world's largest industry. Before 1950 about 1
e We could help by sending them to the factory. million people (26) abroad each year (27) by the 1990s the figure had
o We are making things difficult for the dustbin men. (28) to over 400 million every year.
(29) large numbers of tourists, however, are beginning to cause problems. For example,
25 Which of the following pictures shows the life of a canned drink? in the Alps the skiers are destroying the mountains (30) came to enjoy. Even parts of

A B Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported to be covered (31) old tins, tents and food
that have been (32) away.

But at a time when we bave greater freedom to travel (33)
people are asking how they can enjoy their holiday (34)
the countryside.
ever before, more and more
causing problems by spoiling

Now there is a new holiday guide called Holidays That Don't Cost the Earth. It (35) you
~~ ~ how you can help the tourist industry by asking your travel agent or your tour operator the right
o questions before you go on holiday.

0 A the B a C one 0 that

26 A travelled B came e sailed 0 were

e o 27 A as B because C but 0 when

28 A gone B flown C risen 0 raised

29 A Such B More C Few 0 So

30 A which B you C who 0 they

31 A for B on C with 0 below

32 A put B thrown e given 0 tidied

33 A than B when C then 0 while

34 A outside B instead C beside 0 without

35 A says B offers C tells 0 gives

93 94
Part 2
Questions 6-15
Part 1
• You have lost your wallet while you were shopping.
Questions 1-5 • The Lost Property Office has given you this form to fill in.
• Here are some sentences about holiday courses abroad. • Look at the form and answer each question.
• For each question, finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. • Write your answers on your answer sheet.
• The second sentence is started for you. Write only the missing words on your answer sheet. • You may use this page for any rough work,
• You may use this page for any rough work.

Example: Courses are organized by Brattan Holidays.

Brettan Holldays organize courses abroad. .


Church St.
1 Students must be at least sixteen years old.

Students have · .. · · · .. · ······· ······· .. · .. ··

2 Each course lasts two weeks.

Family name: (6) .
Each course is .
First name: (7} ...........•............•..................................................

3 Every tenth student goes free. Address: (8) .

What have you lost? (9) .

There is no charge : .
When did you lose it? (10) .
4 Students visit museums and galleries.
Please give colour: (11) and size: (12) .

There are visits . Please give contents:

(13) .
5 Food and transport are included in the price.
. 'Wl,ere diu you lose your property?
The price .
(14) .

.Signature: (15} .

95 96
part 3 PAPER 2
Question 16
• You have been staying with an English-speaking friend for a few days.
Listening Test
• Write a letter thanking your friend for your visit and mention three of the things which you particularly
(30 minutes + 12 minutes transfer time)
enjoyed during your stay.
• Finish the letter on your answer sheet, using about 100 words.
• You may use this page for any rough work.
Part 1
Questions 1-7
• There are' seven questions in this Part.
• For each question there are four pictures and a short recording.
• You will hear each recording twice.
• For each question, look at the pictures and listen to the recording.'
• Choose the correct picture and put a tick (,I) in the box below it.

I arrived home safely last night after a good journey. . .

Example: What time is the match?


..................................................................................................................... - .

............................................................................................................................. A :Lj B 0 c n o 0
.............................................................................................................................. Where are they meeting?




.............................................................................................................................. A 0 B U C 0 l.J

............................................................................................................................. 2 What are the shoes like?

A n B n C 0 0 \


3 What can they see? 6 What's happening?

--_:_~ '=~ _--_-

A B 0 A 0

- -==--- -- - I
. JI ~_ .

c n o U c· n o 0 "
4 What is he looking for'? I What's the complaint?

A :::J B c U o n
5 What's the matter?
A 0 B Li

•. - .••••••. 000:....

c 0 o C
99 100
Part 2 Part 3
Questions 8-13 Questions 14-19

• Look at the questions for this Part. • Look at the notes about a radio competition.
• You will hear an announcement on board a ship. • Some information is missing.
• Put a tick (,I) in the correct box for each question. • You will hear a radio presenter talking about the competition.
• For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
8 If you want to keep fit you should A [J go to C deck.

B U give your name to Bob.

c meet in the games room .

0 n go to the lower deck.

9 The jogging group meets A U at 9.00.

B U in the gym.
c n on E deck. i
0 0 in the games room.

Win 2 tickets for a (14).............................•

10 The morning talk begins with A a film on healthy eating.

B n you completing your own medical history. Place: International Foot-ball St-adium

C 0 a discussion on staying healthy. Date: (15) .

0 U you competing in a health quiz.
Ring (16) if you can answer three

11 The weather today A n will be changeable. questions.

B [J is the same as yesterday.
Be ready to give your:
C I remains cool and cloudy.
name and address, (17)... '" and
0 will be very warm.
(18) ..
12 If you want to see the film you should A I avoid being late ..
You are allowed to ring the radio station (19) .
B 0 reserve your seat.

C 0 queue at 21.00 hours ..

0 U buy a ticket.

13 The disco A n lasts all night.

B 0 has no finishing time.

C U lasts for three hours.

0 U goes on until 02.00 hours.

101 102
Part 4
Questions 20-25
• Look at the six statements for this Part.
• You will hear a conversation between a woman called Tanya and a man called Bob who are walking
Speaking Test
home after a meal in a restaurant.
• Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrect.
• If you think it is correct. put a tick (,f) in the box under A for YES. If you think it is not correct. put a
tick ("I) in the box under B for NO. Part 1 General conversation (2-3 minutes)

Tasks Identifying oneself. giving information about people. asking

direct questions.

A B Sub tasks Spelling. numbers. responding to questions and information.

Ask each other questions to find out information about personal details, family.
home town, schools, jobs, etc.
20 Tanya enjoyed the meal. LJ

21 Bob thinks the meal was good value for money. 0 L..J
Part 2 Simulated situation (2-3 minutes)

Discussing alternatives. agreeing and disagreeing. making choices.

22 Tanya thinks the restaurant was good but too expensive. n -,
You are studying English in the UK. You have decided to go to an evening class
once a week as a way of meeting more people.
23 They both agree the music was annoying. f
C Look at the picture on page 105.
Talk about the things you can do and decide what would be best for you.
24 Bob agrees that the meal took a long time. 0 U

Part 3 Responding to a visual stimulus

25 Bob is keen to have even more to eat. n CJ
(5minutes for Parts 3 and 4 together)

Tasks Describing people and places. saying where people are an.
what they are doinq.

Candidate A should look at picture 2 on page 45, show it to

Candidate B and talk about it.

Candidate B should look at picture 2 on page 112. show it to

Candidate A and talk about it.

Part 4 General conversation (based on the photographs)

. Tasks Talking about one's likes and dislikes. expressing opinions .

Talk to each other about whether or not you like shopping and
the kind of places you like to do your shopping.

Universtty 0 loas Syndicate
Local Ex.mADa' Examinations
International ~

" , -. '
• '.• -.,c:"
. -

Examination Datalla 9999101, 9

For SUpeI'V.
lor's use only·

Preliminary -" Eng lish Test
Shad. horollh~Il"rlDRAWN
,ABSENTor""" ~ 1''<
L'_"" 4_=_~__ " M999/9~ .:.'


ncil .
Markaone letter for each question. J •
like this:
your answer

If you th'nk
For I
A is the nght an sheet like this:
m arx your ,answe rswer to the ,-
'~~=O::A=~ ::::~~. ~

lOS 106
.g:t .•••ig.iQf.i:i ••

F.X:I..\IIN-\rlil'i, (·urrlf1t.~\TES .'I: Iltl'lO.\lAS
University of Cambridge
Local lixarninations Syndicate
E:,,\C,USH AS .\ FORf.IG~ L-\''iGCMiE
international Exammations Part 3: Write your answer in the box below

Examination Details 1999199 99/D99

Shade here if tnt! 1,:;.111Uldate
Examination TItl'" P:E.T.
•... C.~r ••,tandid_ ~ ..%A999/9999i
Candidat. Name A.N. EXAMPLE
.,Sign here if- the details above are correct.

• T;i·I..·~h·~-S~;~isor.
no~~:-~f~·'·d;t·~·ii'~··;b~ve 1----------'---,---- ....
----- ..
are not correct.
1-------.-.----,--- ... ...
__ .----------t
00 nat
Part 1 wn(e here

3 1------- .__ . .__ _ ._
., ..' .... ',:,,'-' .. -
1------_._-----_._---_. ,_
.. _

Do not
Part 2 wnte here
Do not write below this line " - , .
161' .' "--: ·8'

~.-- =" =
7 First Examiner:
-----.----.-----~.---------~-- Second Examiner:
.8 ..•
f--', .....

':., =
Examiner No. Canoioate's marks: Examiner No. Candidate's marks:
I 'I Task Language
)0' Task Language
= I 'I

1":-':1---.' •.
1.141 : ..:.
. "
= =



- _j I
'- __L 1_
- ..J I.. .L

Continue on the other side of this sheet ---------+

107 108
University of Cambridge
EX.-\.\lINATIONS. CfJlT1F1CATl:'S " 1)IPl{),'oV\S
Local Examinations SYndicate I
ENGI.lSH AS A FOREI(il"i L\;,,{C I TAGF. International F~"aminations

Examination Details
Shade here if the candidata EXamination Title;

Centre/Candidate No.

Candidate Name

• Sign here if the details above are correct.

., Tell the Supervisor now if the details above Rail

are not correct. 5l;Qtio~
• You must transfer all your answers from the listening Question Paper to this answer sheet.

Usea pencil 6. Change your answer i

For Parts 1.2 and 4: Mark one letter for each question. R like this: I

For example. if you think A is the right answer to

tne questton; mark your answer sheet like this: '-___.'---
'IOr.d1"/' IFI
For Part 3: Write your answers in the spaces
next to the numbers (14· 19) like this: o 1=° =1

00 not·'·
Part r Part 2 "
.Part 3 write here' Part 4
~~£g 8 1==== 6 C 0 14 14 A B
= 20 ==
2 ~~£g 9i,At::::lc:::1=c::::I
6 C D 15
- A B
21 ==
3 ! ~~£J1 10lABCD
==c::::Ic:::::'I 16 16
22 ~~
ABC D 1'7
==== 111~~£g, 17 = 23 ~~
5 i~~£g, 12:~~£g 18 18
==?: 24 ~~
A B C D "J9, 25 ~~
6 ~=== 13i~~£g, 19 ~ ~-

7 ! ~~£g,
Picture 1 Picture 2

Test 3 Part 2
Reading Reading
KEY 1 A 10 E 19 8· 28 0 1 D 10 G 19 A 28 0
2 B 11 A 20 B 29 A 2 D 11 B 20 B 29 0
3 D 12 A 21 A 30 B 3 C 12 A 21 B 30 A
One mark for each correct answer 10 day + month + year 4 C 13 B C
4 C 13 B 22 0 31 C 22 B 31
11 any language or just mother tongue 5 C A 5 A 14 B 23 D 32 B
TEST 1 14 23 B 32 C
12 any surtabte hobby. e.g. playing football, cinema 6 C 15 B 24 B 6 E 15 A 24 C 33 C
33 A
13 any suitable reason, e.g. I want to practise my English. I 7 F 16 B 25 C 34 B 7 F 16 B 25 D 34 A
want a penfriend 8 B 17 A 26 B 35 0 8 B 17 A 26 B 35 D
1 C 10 H 19 A 28 A 14 any suitable length of time, e.g. 6 months '9 H 9 H 18 B 27 C
18 B 27 D
2 B "11 B 20 A 29 0 15 NOT printed name
3 A 12 B 21 C 30 0 16 There are sample student answers on page 127. The Writing Writing
4 C 13 A 22 C 31 8 following pomts should be Included:
1 has two separate sWImming pools. 1 fastest kind of transport.
5 A 14 B 23 A 32 A TASK
'60 2 can use/are allowed/permitted to use/can go in. 2 long waits at the airport/long waiting times.
15 B 24 D 33 C specific suggestIons for three thIngs to see and do. NOT 3 quite a lot for (a) plane ticket(s).
7 E 16 B .zs,c. 34 8 just a list
3 can go in free/without
not charged if you are under
if/don't have to pay/are
4 offer/have/sell cheaper tickets: make cheaper tickets
8 G 17 A 26 C 35 A appropriate length
4 can hire sports equipment. available.
9 C 18 B 27 B appropnate closing formula 5 ... you can't always get special reduced prices.
5 you fit/healthy.
LANGUAGE 6 full name 6 full name
appropriate use of structures including tenses 7 address in own country 7 address In own country
... of choice on the menu. informal register 8 natIonality 8 nationality
... are spec~1 seats for very young children. general impression of correct spelling 9 day + month + year 9 day + month + year
3 day there is a new menu.
range of vocabulary relevant to topic and levet to male/female 10 any suitable occupation. e.g. student. nurse. housewife
4 includes not and cold dishes. sentences linked coherently 11 any suitable length of time. e.g. 1 year/since I was 10 11 one country only EXCLUDING OWN COUNTRY
S can reserve (a) family table(s)/a table for the family.
12 any suitable hobby. e.g. basketball (accept 'I don't have 12 spring/summer/autumnlwinter/rainy/dry/hot: NOT A
See page 128 for complete writing information.
6 surname/family name any') MONTH
first name 13 any person. e.g. my sister etc. Accept proper name,
Listening 13 any sutabie reason. e.g. I want to practise my speaking
8 address in own country
14 I don't eat meat (accept No/None/Nothing or a dash) a.q. Petra
9 nationality 1 C 10 0 18 mountain bike
15 NOT printed name 14 any suitabte length of time. e.g. 2 years
2 A 11 D 19 blue (and) gold 15 NOT printed name
3 B 12 B 20 B 16 There is a sample student answer on page 127.
Example 16 There is a sample student answer on page 128.
4 A 13 A TASK
21 A
clear mention of the three points: new house. neighbours TASK
5 C 14 long dress 22 A
INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CLUB 6 D 15 40 23 A and the area • reference to three activities (not necessarily those
22 Palmer Building~ Highampton HG16DE Illustrated/mentioned)
7 D 16 radio cassette (player) 24 A See page 128 for complete writing information.
• attempt to elaborate as opposed to mere listing
8 D 17 Walker Street/SI. 25 B
9 B Listening See page 128 for complete Writing information.

Surname: t&)
1 A 14 staff room
Speaking Listening
first name: (7) TONY 2 A 15 police
There is a full speaking test on page 126. 3 D 16 clock I D 14 concert
Address: (8) Dr055~I~a"5e ~ ..LONEBURG GE:~MAfoIY
4 D 17 painting 2 A 15 emergency services
Candidates are awarded marks on these four scales:
Nationality: (9) Gt:rman 5 C 18 (eight/8) glasses 3 C 16 tickets
Fluency 4 A 17 festival office
Date ,,' birth (day/ month/vear): (10) ... 5/7179 6 B 19 exam(ination) papers
Accuracy and appropriacy of language 7 A 5 B 18 signed
20 A
Which languages can you speak? Pronunciation 6 B 19 Town Hall Square
8 D 21 B
(11) En.eili5h.. German. Task achievement 7 C 20 B
9 B 22 B
A mark of 0-5 IS awarded for each scale ranging from 0 for a 10 C 23 A 8 0 21 A
What are your hobbies? 9 C 22 A
candidate who achieves nothing to 5 tor a candidate who 11 B 24 A
(IZI Ba5ketbail performs effectively at this level. There is no pass mark for 12 B 10 8 23 B
25 B
each scale. The raw score is weighted so that the speaking 13 D 11 D 24 8
Why do )'OU want to join the Oub?
test represents 25% of the total score. 12 A 25 B
(13) .. to.mak~. more. frien"". Speaking 13 C

How lung 11.1\"t> you oeen learning English? (14) .. ~y~~.r_s:.

See page 113 for marking information.
Signature: (15). . Tonjl.Ku.rt._i
See page 113 for marking information.

113 114
Reading Reading

1 8 10 H 19 B 28 8 1 0 10 A 19 A 28 C
2 A 11 A 20 8 29 0 2 0 11 A 20 8 29 A
3 0 12 A 21 8 30 C 3 A 12 8 21 C 30 0
4 8 13 A 22 0 31 8 4 0 13 A 22 0 31 C TEST 1 P Four Wlliell picture is tIleif'mother?
5 0 14 B 23 C 32 C 5 C 14 8 23 C 32 B V1 Look at this picture of Mum when she was a girt.
6 B 15 8 24 8 33 0 6 G 15 8 24
P : presenter
A 33 A V2 Let's see. Is that her in those glasses?
7 G 16 A 25 C 34 A H 16 8 25 8 34 0 V" voice
VI No, not that one. ThiS is her wllh all that ong curly hair and
8 C 17 A 26 B 35 A 8 D 17 A 26 A 35 C P This is Preliminary Test One. There are four Parts to the amazingly short skirt,
9 E 18 8 27 D 9 F 18 8 27 C Test. You will hear each recording twice. OU(lng the Test V2 Wow!
t/Jere WIll be a pause before each Pan to at/ow you to look
P Five What lias happened to the boy's bike?
Writing Writing througll the quesUons, and other pauses to let you think
V1 I'm not gOing out this evening after aiL
1 '" should/ought car in a garage at night,
to keep a/your 1 to be (at least) sixteen years old, about your answers, You should wnte your answers on the
V2 I thought you and Yann were going tor a bike ride.
2 .. , leave the/your car keys in the car when you park, 2 two weeks long/in length/for two weeks, question paper. You will Ilave twelve minutes at the end to
tIansfer your answers to the separate answer stieet. V1 We were, but the front wheel of my bike's bent and I haven't
forget to take the/your car keys with you when you park. 3 ". for every tenth student
been able to fix it.
3 .. , dnve (some) stolen cars (just) for fun. 4 .. , to museums and galleries forlby the students, Part One
4 ... consider this to be cnminal behaviourlbehaviour to be 5 .. , includes food and transport. There are seven questions in thiS Patt. For each Question, P Six Where did tile man spend hIS holiday?
criminal. 6 family name/surname there are four pictures and a srca recording. You will hear V1 Did you have a good holiday?
5 ... very dangerouS/fuji of danger. 7 first name each recording twice. For eacl! QuestIon, look at the V2 Yes, great. Instead of our usual two weeks camping by the
6 family name/surname 8 address to include town/city NOT just street or apartment pctures and listen to the recording, Choose tile correct sea, we rented a cottage in the mountains. The scenery was
7 first name 9 wallet picture and put a tick in the box be/ow it, wondertul and we went for !ong walks every day without
8 address including country 10 day + month + year soong a single person
Before we stan, here is an example.
9 day + month + year 11 any suitable colour, e.q, brown
'10 nationality Wllat time IS the matcll? P Seven What's the problem?
12 any suitable size, e.q, small OR 20 em x 20 em
11 any SUitable occupation, e.g, student, housewile 13 any suitable contents, e.q, money, credft cards etc, V1 {scream;
V1 Are you going to watch the match on television tOl11ght?
12 any suitable reason, e.q, to meet people from other 14 any suitable place, e.q, on the bus, in the supenmarket V2 I don't know. What time's it on? V2 What's the matter?
countries 15 NOT printed name V1 Ten past eight. V1 There's a huge bee!
13 any language V2 It won't hurt you. It's more interested in the jar of jam than
16 There is a sample student answer on page 128, P The woman says the match starts at ten past eigllt. The first
14 any SUitable answer, e.q. by car/with my friend you!
TASK octure is correct and tile tICk lias been P(Jt in tile box under
15 NOT printed name
• clear expression of thanks/gratitude the picture. P That is tile end of Pan One. You now have half a mInute to
t6 There is a sample student answer on page 128, • mention of three positive aspects of the visit cbec« your answers. We WIN teli you wilen Part Two begins.
Now we are ready to start, Here IS a sron recording tor the
See page t28 for complete marking informaticn. first four Olctures. Don't forget '0 put a tIck In one of the Now tum to Pan Two, questions 8-13, Look at the
• clear mention of two holiday activities - not necessanly
boxes! Usten carefully. , . questions for this Pan. You WI;/ hear a woman giVIng details
with reference to the picture stimulus
Ustening about the week's activities at a summer camp. Put a tick in
• mention of something unpleasant. e.g. minor accident On.. Where IS Mana?
1 8 14 laser show
the correct box for eacll cuesux: At tile end, the recoraev;
See page 128 for complete wnting information, VI Have you seen Mana anywhere? IS repeated. Now we are ready :0 start. Usten carefully".
2 C 15 Apnl 23{rd) or 23/4
3 C 16 V2 She's in the garden, reading, V , ., please can we have seme quet, fhe longer you take
015166438 :0
4 A 17
VI Oh, is Anna With her? stop talking, tna longer It'll be before you can <11 go. I know
telephone number/tel. no. } any
V2 No, she's alone,
1 A 14 bathroom 5 0 18 age order you're exerted. but If you don': ! sten you won't know where
2 0 15 lunch and dinner/other meals 6 D t9 oncelone time P Two Wllat are they going to sat? to go. Rigot. Now Ine first aay c; the course IS always a bit
3 C 16 GOld Cross 7 A 20 A confusing, so listen careUIy ana then you'll know what to
V1 Gosh, I'm rungry. What's for supper? I hope you've made
4 C 17 shower 8 D 21 B ;::lenty cf chips.
5 0 18 (swlmmlng)(heated) pool 9 D 22 B Those of you eoirg rock c~mb;ng put your hands up. OK.
V2 I baven't. actually. I've just made a large salad, but there's a
6 B 19 mountains 10 B 23 B
loaf of fresh bread if vou want c. You hac better go now because Guy IS waiting for you, Off
7 C 20 A 11 0 24 A you go to :he gym. That's past :he swimming pool and the
8 0 21 A 12 A 25 A P Three W'here are the two fnencis gOing to meet?
car park. You can't rruss It - It's a great big yellow bUilding,
9 B 22 B 13 8 V1 Are you coming to the meeting tonight? On, Just a mnute. At the end of :he momnq. that's at
10 D 23 B V2 Yes. wnat time does ,t start? midday, make sure you come back here to the grass tennis
11 C 24 A Speaking V1 Eight o'clock. I'll meet you ootsoe toe gate. courts and your group leader "I take you off to lunch which
12 C 25 8 See page 113 for marking information,
V2 OK. is served at 12.30. Don't be late oecause the attemoon
13 A courses start at 13.30.

Now the group dc:ng horse ndlng. You have to walt at the
main gates for the bus. Make 5l.<e you're wearing either
See page 113 for marking information,

115 116
riding boots or strong shoes - not tramers. The bus will V1 Thank you, Tony, and our third caller is on the line and it's P Now tisten again. P Four What did she buy?
bring you back for lunch but it will stop on [he road outside Ted Jones. Right, Ted, what are you wanting to sell? That is the end of Part Four, You now have rNelve minutes V1 What did you buy then? Oid you get the skirt you wanted?
,he reception area, so you WIll lust have to walk the few V4 Well, ;ove got a real barqam, It's a mountan bike - in brilliant to check and transfer your answers to the answer sheet. V2 No, I cculcn't find what I wanted but I spent 100 much, as
metres to the tennis courts and your group leader Will meet .condition, blue and gold - and it's hardly been ridden. It'd usual. Anyway. j got a Invely shirt. a pair of jeans and - wait
That is the end of the Test.
you there. cost a fortune to buy new and I'm Willing to sell it for £340 'or it - a hat!
And hnally, those of you dOing disco dancing, Your class cash. Ring me on my work number - that's 73155 any time V1 A hat? I thought you hated hats!
and you can nae it home. But you'll have to ring straight
meets in the drama hall. TI,al's the building you can see
away if you're Interested because ... TEST 2 P Five Where's the ffour?
through the trees on your right. Go straight in, througn the
V1 Pass me Ihe flour, please.
mUSIC studio, past the practice rooms and up the stairs, P Now Irsten again.
p r:'1;S is Preliminary Test Two, TIlere are four Parts to the V2 Which tin is It in?
You must remember to take a towel because you have
That is the end of Part Three. Yeu now neve a nwvne to Test. You will hear each recording twice. DUring the Test V1 The one at Ihe end of thR ,hRlf. It's slightly smaller than the
showers over there before meeting up for lunch.
check your answers, We wrN tell you when Part Four begins, there will be a pause before each Part to allow you to look others.
A couple more things before vou all disappear. Please make Now tum to Part Four, questions 20-25. Look at the SIX , through the ooestone. and other pauses to ie! you think V2 Oh, right.
sure that you ten your teacr-ers as soon as possible if you about your answers. You should write your answers on the
statements for this Part, You wiJI hear a conversation P Six What's the weather going 10 be like?
want to change your course. Then they can fill in another quesllon paper. You will have twelve minutes at the end to
oetween a garage owner and a woman who recently bought
form for you. Don't lust go eft to a new class without saying transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet. V1 Do you know what the weather's going to bo like tomorrow?
a car frcm him. Oecide if you think each statement IS correct
anything or we shall start looking ior you and that wastes We're hoping to have a picnic by the river.
or incorrect. If you think it is correct. put a tick in the box PartOne
everybody's time, V2 Then take your umbrella because II'S sunshine and
under A lor YES. I; you think It is not correct, put a tick 111 the There are seven questions in this Part. For each question.
Oh yes. one very irnoortant ttling, food. When it's fine. we box under B for NO. At the end, the recording IS repeated. there are four pictures and a short recording. You wI/I hear
V1 Oh no. Lost time we went, the weather was perfect.
SMII eat outsoe and that means you have to collect your each recording twice. For each question, rook at the
Now we are ready to start. Usten carefulty ..
own PicniC lunch from the dining room. Don't expect your pctures and usten to the recording. Choose the correct P Seven What happened?
a picnic box with
group leader to conect it for you. You'll find V1 Hello there, Mrs Murray.
r:;icturg and put a tick in the box below it. V Police are looking for the driver cf a lorry which hit a parked
your name on it. Then in the evening we organize a V2 Ah, good rnorruoq, Mr. Homer. I was hOPIng to see you,
Before we start, ,1ere is an example. car at the corner 01 Station Road early today. The driver of
baroecue and each group takes ~ in tum to cook for the V1 Always happy to see a good customer. What can I do for
VVhat time is the match? the lorry failed to stop and two passengers in t'le car were
Whole camp SO.. you?
badly injured. Anyone who saw the accioent is ...
V2 Well, I'm not very happy with this new car whICh I bought V1 Are you going to watch the match on television tonight?
P Now flsten again.
P That IS the end of Part One. You now have hajf a minute to
last month. V2 I don't know. What time's It on?
ThaI is the end of Part Two. You now have a mmute to V1 We've never had any complaints before about that model. V1 Ten past eight. check your answers. We wrtl te/I you wilen Part Two begins.
cneck your answers. We wiU tsH you wreo Part Three It's one of the best cars on tha road. I drive one myseU, you
P The woman says the match starts at ten past eight. The first Now tum to Part Two, questions 8-13. Look at the
Oegms. know. Never had anything wrong With It.
picture IS correct and the tid< nas bean put in the box under questions tor this Part.
Now tum to Part Three, quest",ns 14-19. Look at the »ores V2 Well. I'm haVing problems trying to start mine. Every
the picture. You will hear a radio programme which recommends
about some things which are being advertised for sale on a morning it's tho same thing. And I've been iate for work
because of it. Now we are reacty to start. Here is a short recording for the somewhere to stay for a snort holiday_ Put a rick in the
radio programme. Some information is missing. Yeu will
first tour pictures. correct box for eecn question. At the end, the recording is
hear different people talking about what they want to sed. V1 Leavioq It out at night are you, eh? ! expect It's getting
For each question, fill in {he missing informaCion in the damo. Don't lorget to put a trek in one olthe boxes! Usten
V2 No. I never leave it out at night. I put It away in the garage as carefully ... Now we are ready to start, Listen carefully ...
rombered space, At the end, the recording IS repeated.
soon as I get home tram worx. It's really annoying. There
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully .. One What reooeoea at the arrport? V1 .. and at trus oomt in the programme, 'I'/e come to cur
must 'De something wrong with the engine. recorrrnenoanon of the week, If lOU me looi(.i~g for a
V1 ... Hi there everyone and it's trne agrun for Radio 749 Shop V1 Well, I suppose we'd better have a look at it for you. Bring It V1 Did you near about that robbery at the airport?
weekend break, why '101 Day a Visit to Ternmouth? I know
Window, And our nurnber, i~you don't already know it, is in next week and .. V2 No. What happened?
that for most of us Ternmouth IS H larqe city Wjt~1 heavy'
double three - five - seven - eight, If you have any thong to V2 I'd like you to look at it as soon as possiale, Mr Homer. I V1 Some thieves managed 10 steal people's luggage while rt
industry. the second biggest port in the country and r,ardly
seW, then ring In during the programme and we'll see what didn't expect all this inconvenience with a new car. was being loaded onto a plane In broad dayl-ght!
the place you would Ihirk oi gOing 10 for a que: weekend
we can do to help you. And our first caller IS on the line. V1 Well, we're very busy this week, Why don't you bring it in P Two What does the flag [oak like? break. But hideen away are all <Inds of exciting places and
Isabel, hi there. .sabetl And what have you got to sew? early tomorrow morning and I'll get one of tne lads to look at
V1 Which country coes that flag belong to? here's Julia to tell us more.
V2 On. hello, Rod. Urn I've got a dress. A long dress, actually, it? 3ut you'll need to leave it all day because he'll have to V2 Most of us know Ternrnouth as :he Glace we drive through
V2 I can't see it property. What's It like?
in pale pnk silk. I've only worn it once and it seems a pity to drive it around a bit.
V1 u's black With a line down the middle and a star either Side to catch Ihe ferry when we're gOing on holiday and we've
Just leave it in the wardrobe. It onglnally cost £500 but I'm V2 In that case, can you :end me a car for the day, please? I
of the line. prooably never thought cf slopp,ng 'here. Well. a few
only asking £200 for It. It's size 40 and if people would like can't manage all day wlthoul transport. minutes from the larry termlnollS Iha mam Shopping street
V2 I've no idea. I don't recognize It at all.
to nng me they're welcome to come and try It on. V1 Well, I don't know. We only lend out cars for the day to A walk along trus street and you come across all kinds of
V1 And your number, Isabel? customers WhO are having theirs repaired. P Three What are they wetcrunq?
inexpensive shops: clothes boutquss. craft sooos.
V2 Oh, right. 491268. V2 But I am! V1 00 look, aren't they sweet! Can you see those two playing books-cos. speoalist load shops and morR.
V1 Many thanks and on to our next caller who is .. ? V1 We don't know tnere's anything wrong with it yet. With a ball?
V3 Tony Banks. I've got a racno cassette player I want to setl. V2 But I wouldn't be bringing It in if it was periectly all right. V2 I wouldn't call lions sweet and I'm glad I'm not that bait,
And if you're looking for somewhere to eat, you couoo'r
wish for more cnoics. Some ot the fiSh restaurants are the
It's only a few months old and it's a really good one. They would 1?1
best I've ever eaten In, The manus are clearly eovernsec
cost over a hundred pounds ;n the shoos. This one's red V1 Look, I can't make any promises, Mrs Murray, Come and
outside eacn restaurant so you kOOw exacttv wrat you're
and I want CB5 for It, out I'm open to offers! I'm not on the have a wore With me tomorrow morning and I'H see what
paying for. The fish IS freSh, usually caught that same cay.
phone but you can Cail rouna any day after six o'clock. And can be done,
I live at 21 Walker Street. So don't alll1Jsh! V2 Very well, Mr Homer.

117 118
P Now tisten ag8ln. P Four What is the person holding?
Some of the restaurants are bUilt into the sea wall and and a~hough they are insured they could net be replaced.
overlook the harbour. You will find they serve drinks and hot I'm glad to say the bottles of crink were not rernoveo. Tbet IS the end of Part Four. You now have twelve minutes Vl What're you play[ng with?
meals [hroughout the oav. to criectc and transfer your answers to the answer sheet. V2 It's an old bullet.
Not surpris[ngly. both the TV and vioeo recorder nave been
30 where to stay? There are plenty of hotels and they vary in taken. But oernaos most 'Nor-ying of all. IS me tact that the TIlat IS the end of the Test. Vl A bullet!
pnce. If you're looking for lUSTbed and breakfast, ro V2 It's all light, .t's not live. My grandfather gave it to me years
end-of-term exarnmauon papers have been stoien from the
reccrwnend going for one of the small, cneaosr hotsrs In the ago but he oidn't give me hiS gun!
filing cabinet. If these papers cannot be marked, everyone in
old :own. ;f yC~J stay on a bed and breakfast basis - most ot
the college w[1I sutter. Without tnese papers there can be no P Five What happened?
.hem don't have a restaurant anyway - then you can take all
your other meals in different places in town, which is great
resutts, and Without results there can be no lobs for those of TEST 3 V1 Have you seen ROb? He broke cis arm at the weekend.
you who have been offered iobs wrnch depend on these
tun. V2 Oh no! I'd heard he 'a hurt himself but I Ihought [t was iust "
results, 'Jaw if you can help. ,f yOU have seen or heard P This is Preliminary Test Three. There are four Parts to the
few cuts and nothing too senous.
:f you're Iook[ng for something with a little more luxury, then anything wrncn.. Test. You WiN hoor each recOrClng twice. Dunng tile Test
I'd suggest one of the cutt-top hotels. rlrgh up and hidden there 'Ntll be a p<1use before each Part to allow you to look P Six Wh.,t happened?
P Now listen again.
behind trees are two or three very grand betels offering all through !.he questions,- and other pauses to let you think V1 How on earth did that happen? Did you hit somothlng?
the comforts you would expect. With their own swimming That is the end of Part Three. YOUnow have a minute to
soou: your answers. You snoua write your answers on the V2 No. i was dnving along when a stone sudderuv hit the
pools as weH. However, there are no buses :0 this area so check your answers. We will tell you when P3rt Four begins.
question oaper. You wlf/ have twetve minutes at the end to windscreen,
you II neec your own transport Irom the City centre, Parking Now tum to Part Four, questions 20-25. t.oo« at the SIX transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet. V1 How awlul. What a good iob it didn't hit youl
is no proolern and [n The busy season some of the hotels statements for this Part. You wiil hear a ccrversetico
Part One P Seven What does the customer order?
I1Jn their own taxi service. between a woman Called Sally and a man coseo Karl who There are seven questions in this Part. For each question
.are making plans lor a party, Decide if you 'h,nk each V1 What can I get you?
Now. for those 01 you interested in visiting "ernmoutn, I'd tnere are four pictures and a short recording. You wlH ilea,
statement is cxrect or incorrect. If you thin.i( it is correct, put V2 A mineral water, please.
recommend rtflging the tourist office for jLirt~er details, each recordmg twice. For each question, look at the
a tick in the bcx under A for YES. if you thinK it is not Vl Wrth ice?
Theyll aiso send you up-to-date information. Have a pencil pICtures erx: listen to the recordmg, Choose the correct
V2 No, -hanks. Wlthout. Oh, and a oish of peanuts.
ready and 1"1gIVe you the phone number: double correct, put a tick in the box under B for NO AI the end, the
picture and put a tick in the box below it.
rercording IS repeated. Vl Certainly.
Before we start, here IS an example.
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefUlly". P That is the end at Part One. Y()IJ now have half a minute to
We'll give you the number again at the end of the
What time IS me match? cnock your answers. We wilt reil you when Pari Two begins.
~rogramme. but [f you dO decioe to scene a .. V1 Karf. have you 'got the list of ceoole we're ir·ti1ing to the
party? V1 Are you going to watch the match on television tonight? Now turn to Part Two, questions 8-13. Look at me
P Now listen again.
V2 ; don't know, What time's it on? questions for thiS Part.
V2 Well. it's the usual crowd plus the couple frcm next coor.
That is me end of Part Two. You now have a rmnut« to
V1 Oh no, not them, they're so ::o(lng. V1 Ten past eight.
You will hear the director of a language school talking 10
check voor answers. We Will tgil you when Part Three
V2 LOOk, Sally, I <now. But they'll guess we're having a party P The woman says the match starts at ten past Bight. Tile first some students who have iust arnved at tile sebec: Put a
because of the norse and in any case we as-eo them last ;:Jlc!ure is correct and the tick has been put in the box under tick in the correct box for each question. At the end, lile
Now lum to Part Three, questions 14-19. Look at the notes time. the ptcture. recOrding IS repeated.
about stolen property. Some information is mIssing. You will V1 Oh, ali right. What about food and dnnk tt-en?
Now we are ready to start. Here is a short rercordmg lor the Now we are ready to start. LJsten carefully ..
hear a COllege direccor talking [Q seme stucents about what V2 Well. it's the usual arrangement. We'lI orovos the food and
first tour pictures.
hal;) oeen stoien. For each ouestion. M in the missing everyone will bring along something to drinl<.. V Good afternoon, everyone. My name's Richard Parry and
information in the numbered space. At the end, the V1 Sounds good to me. What're we eatmq? Con' { ,forget to out a tick in one of the boxes! Usten l'rn the school director. I do hoce you have all had a good
recording IS reooetea. V2 I don't know. I've been so busy I haven't done anything carelulty .. journey, although I'm sure you must be feeling rather tired
about it yet. One llho is the chitd gomg ,vilh? . No doubt you are looking forwaro to meeting the t(lmilies
Now we are ready to start. Lis ten carefully
V1 ,"oW about saiaos - you know different sorts of salads? . you're going to be Slaying With during the next month. Now,
V Gooc rrommq, everyone. Thank you for ccrrunq along, I'm V1 Hi! vVrere·re you gOIng?
V2 We did that las; time. I think we should do sometninq lease listen carefuily to the following arrangements as tt",e
afraid there IS a serious matter whictl I am "'oplng we can V2 The swirnmmq pool. Do you want to come?
diHerent this time. enous famiiies are waiting In groups to meet you.
clear uo as soon as possible. Last nigh;, scC')eone broke V1 Who 'e you gOing With?
V1 What about that crucken thirg we had wh,n we were on It your surname - your fam[ly name that [S - begins with the
into the staff room and a number of t;!ings are missing. I V2 My parents. -hey're really gocd swimmers.
holiday? ietter A to F, your host family w·1I be waiting for you In this
have already spoken to the police and i trust things will go P Two ,W;ere is the ilbfilry?
V2 You mean that chicken and rice with stmlNtCrries anu hall. At the end 01 the meeting, you should wait behind In
,"0 furtber. Tlle police believe that wnoever 'S responsrole for
grapes and snrt? Vl Excuse me. could you tell me where the libral'{ Is. please? here. Now, lor those 01 you whose name oeqms with G to L
the tnett is probably a member of t'1ls college.
V1 Yean, I can't remember what twas canec. r was really nice! V2 c'm. 'et me think .. ~ight. You're not tco far away. Cross over - you should go downstairs, not upstairs, but downstairs tc
Now, the things that are missing. Frst of ail, a vaioaole clock V2 I didn't like it tr-at much. I oon: like chicker Nlt!"'; things like here and tUM left, then left agalf1 at the roundabcut. and the dining rocrn. When you get :here. make sure you go 10
which was p-esented to the coilege over a rundreo years trurt, No. I 'll thinK about It later :oday and locc up a few you 'I! see a large sculpture on the pavement. That's Just In the far end of the room by the drinks machine. That's
ago has oisappeared. The clock cannot easily be sold as ,t recipes. front of tre Ibrarv. irnoortent as people whose names begin with a letter from
has the name of ~he college on the front and wouid V1 OK. Music? Sralll ask Yusef to bnng some er his V1 .,an<s. M to " should also go cownstars and walt at the ooposite
immediately De recognized. A painting of t::e college by cassettes? end of the dining room near the coors into the garden. And
Arnolfinl has also been stolen. and again this would be easily V2 Well, how about getting a v[dec tor a change? P Three ',Vhat's [he oroblem? the final group - those 01 you wltn narnes from S to Z, must
recognized as it shows the main college ou laings. V1 A video? You mean all sit rocnd ane watch a video? go out of trus nalt, past the office to the car park - (where
Vl Hey. oo-it do chat!
V2 Why not? We could hire a re3ly gCICICmove.
Now. whoever took these ooiects also orc-e open the V2 VVhat? the coach stopped when you arnvec) all right? - out to
cupboard [r, tne staft room and took some annoue giasses,
V1 WeH, I don't see any point in -avlnq a party i~ that case! where the cars are oarked by the man gate and your
Vl Shine mat lamp m my eyes. Tce light's reaay bright.
eight a;togethe'. These were given to the c~llege many V2 All nght. It was ,us; an dea tM it doesn't """"er. Forget it. families wlll be wating there.
V2 Sorry.
years ago by another orector. They could eas[ly get broken V1 -tooesuv, <an, you do nave seme funny iceas at tirres!
Just a few more things before you go. please. Tomorrow

119 120
night there WlH be an intraductal'{ party with your teachers. stadium. You can watch the skills of various rescue teams mind coming Into the store and bringing that with you, I'm P Three What is happening?
We hope you will all come. There'll be tooc and drink, as they demonstrate how to save people from a burrunq sure ..
V1 Look, that little girl over there coy the tree is Cl'flng.
games and mosic and. if you playa mcsicalnstrurnert. let building. ExCIting stuff, so I'm tofd. You can buy tickets at V1 But it's two months ago. I haven't kept the receipt. Why
V2 No. she isn't.
us know as we need some more m"siclans! Or, if you would tM gates when they open at twenty hundred hours and car would i keep it once I'd paid for every tiling? i'VA been a
V1 She IS. You can see the tears on her cheeks.
like to join In the entertainment - perhaps you sing or dance parking IS free. customer ot veers tor years and norhing like thiS nas ever
- ceme along early and heip the teachers prepare the happened betore. P Four Who is waltrng for Mr Svenson?
On Saturday morning. there's a ch,ldren'S road race for
programme. 12 New please, Mrs Enright. don't upset yourself. t'-n sure we V Will Me Svenson, recently arrived from Stockhc:m. please
children who are ten to fourteen years Old. 'f you want your
Dunng the day. your family Will show you around the town. child to enter, you must collect an entry form from the can sort this out. Can I ask you to come into the shop as come to the customer services cesk where hs Wife and two
They',1 also tell you which bUS :0 catch so you can get to Festival ofice and hand it In at the start of the race. Once soon as you can? I oont want to call in the police. I'd like to Children are waiting for him?
school each aay and they'll answer all your cuesnons about your child has Riled In the form. make sure that they get an sort this out personally If I can. I'll have another word with
P Five Which bed does the woman wstv?
where ;hlngs are, like the oanks, the shops, the post office adult's signature - either tnelr teacher. Mum or Dad or a our clerk and ask our bank to look at. .
V1 Which bed would you like? They both seem very
and so on. But my effice staff are always willing to help with neighbour - anyone so long as they~re over eighteen, P Now listen agam.
comfortable .
difficulties over travel or visas, for example Everyone In the race must be in the Town Hall Square by
That is the end of Part Four. You now have twalve minutes V2 If you don't mind, I'd like the bed With the bedside light so I
:en on Saturday morning at the latest. 3S mat's When the
If you haven't C61d your school tees - and some of you to check era transfer your answers to the answer sheet. can read. I've almost nnlshed that thnlier I started yesterday.
race begIns. The course is two kilometres long and the
haven't - Will you please co so by this ~ime next week. ! V1 That's nne by me. I'm too tired to read anyway.
roads w!1I be closed while everyone is running. Later on if; That is tile end of the Test.
realize some of you may need 10 change money and wiU
the morning there's a competition to find Bampton's best P Sbc Which book does Ihe girl buy?
noed time to go to the bank. which IS why we give you
seven days. If there are any problems then please come and entertainer who", V1 Are yeu buying that book on smos? I didn't know you were
see me. P Now iste« again. TEST 4 interested in smps:
V2 I'm not. I've just been looking at the pictures. No. tms IS the
And finally, food. Vel'{ important. as I'm sure you'll agree. That is tne end of Part Three. You now have a minute to P Ttus IS Preliminary Test Four. There are four Parts to (he
one I'm bUYing - on modern aircraft,
We do offer a small cho.ce at lunch time. All your other check your answers. We will tell you when Part Four begins Test. You wiu neer each recording rNice. During the Test
V1 I thought you hated ftylng.
meals are taken With vour family. riowever. if you have a there WIll be a pause before each Part to allow you to look
Now tum to Part Four, questions 20-25. Look at the SIX V2 t do, but I love watching planes.
Special request, Within reason. and you tell our chef wnat it through the Questions. and other pauses to tet you think
statements for thIS Part. You WIll hear a converzotion over
is. she will co her oest to prepare It for you. You may need P Seven Wllere does the man p~1 the playrng cards?
the teiephone between a shopkeeper and a ,"oman about a about your answers. You should write your answers on the
:0 give her Ire recipe, but she's an excellent cook and in the
bill. Decide If you think each statement is correct or question·oaper. You will have twelve minutes at the end to V1 Where Shall I put these playing cards? By the T'n
past has COOKedall kmds of different toco. Now If you nave transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet. V2 No, I like to keep that table clear. Can you put tnern on that
incorrect. If you think It IS correct. put a ttc« in the box under
any questions, then ... shelf under the plants. please.
A lor YES. If you think it is nor correct. pur a tick in [he box Part One
P Now Itsten agam. under B for NO. At the end, me recording is repeated. There are seven questions in this Part. For each question V1 Sure.

That IS the eno of Part Two. You now have a minute to Now we are reedy to starr. Listen carefully ... there are (our pictures and a short recording. You Will hear P That IS the end of Part One. You now have had a minute to
check your answers. We will tell you when Part Three
V1 Hello. 894755.
each recording tWice. For each question. look at the check your answers. We wilf rell you when Part rwo begins.
begins. octures and listen to the recording, Choose the correct Now tum to Part Two, questions 3-/3. Look al the
V2 Is that Mrs En"ght?
ocuue and put a tick in the oox below it.
questions for this Part.
Now tum to Part Three. questions 14-19. Look at the notes V, Yes. speaking.
about the Bampton Weekend Festival. Some Information IS V2 This IS Mr "ameson from the Bed Shop. Before we start, Ilere IS an example.
You will reor a mdio programme about traffic and travel. Put
mlssmg. Ycu wlfll")ear a radio announcer talking about me V' Oh helio, Mr jameson. What time 1$ the match? a tick In the correct box tor eecn question. At the end. the
Fesrrval. For .:tach question, tlli in the missing information in V2 I'm sorrv co trouole you. Mrs Ecright. but i wonoer If you recording is repeated.
V1 Are you gOing to watch lhe match on television tonight?
the numbered space. At [he and, the recording is repeated. ceLid let us have your payment for the beds whIch we
V2 I don't know. What time's It on? Now we are ready to start LifitP.f1r..:~rp.fuJIy ..
deiivered to you two months ago. it's rather a large sum of
Now we are ready to start Listen carefully. .. V1 Ten past signt.
money, as you know, They were exoeosive beds ... V1 , .. aoc nOVol at 9.00 a.rn.. we come to our weekend travel
V1 ... and today sees the start cf the Bampton Weekend V1 But it's been paid, :v1r Jameson! P The woman says the match starts at ten past eigllt The first check with POlly Burton.
Fesuvar. Non-stop fun and entertainment for the whole V2 Um, I think you"1 rind tha: it hasn't. picture is correct ooo the tic« nas been out in the box under V2 GOOd morning. And arter a wee~ wrucn haS be9n proOI,,"'
family from Fnday evening tnrouqn ,0 late night Sunday. And V1 Bet I paid It rnysert. About a week after the Oeds arnved, I the picture. free, I'm atraid there are diffic:..;llles aneeo tor some of you
neres Reoec::a Wlt~ the programme details. so nave a planning to travel :his weekend Howl?'1~r. me Neat".
came into your store. Now we are ready /0 starr. Here is a snort recording for tile
pencil ready. forecast is for less rain. so that's som*?tt'ling.
V2 And do you remember how you paid it? By cneque, was It? first tour oictures. Don 'f forget to put a tick in one of the
V2 There's so much happening tr,IS weekend that I'm afraid I
V1 No. most unusually for me, I actually had er:ough casn with boxes I Listen carefully. . First of all, for tnose of you trnvo,hru win Londo ..•. Tn•• has
can't give you details about svervtninq. However, I'n teli you
me, I had some foreign money ieft over from my hoiiaay so I been a crash on Ihe M4 motorwav .lnd poItce $Oy ~tolll long
about some of the main things and you can pick up a On •• What IS the man holding?
changed it and decided to use that. Norma,ly I would have Queues of cars Drs building uo. YOlJ should try '0 telVft the
deradeo programme from the Festival Office in town. The NO. don't tell me -
used my erect card. V1 What've you got behind your back?
mctorwav at exit number 3, and :Ilke ~Olhlf 'oul. USlnQ
weekend starts with a parade trus evening at nineteen cbccolatss'
V2 And you paid trus Into our accounts office? one of the main roads Into the capItal.
hundred hours leaving from the Town Hall steps and V2 No. thesel
Vi Of course! I remember the Clerk being surprised at all the
finishing up al the sports stadium. For those of you who V1 on, :hey're lovely, and my favaunte colour roses too' Thank In the centre of London. a Iorl'{ nas Iolt III Io4I<l01 boll""
cash. She said she'd never had a bill paid :iKe Ihat before!
enJOYgood music, there's a concert in Alice Park at twenty you! while crossing London Brielle ~ol r.e 'Hili" (1'01 I~'H" ,. • 101
She laughed at the fact that' had all the notes and cons in
thirty hours given by the Barnpton Youth Band conducted ot broken glass not just on Ihft 'OIl(J hut on It'•• plwfW,*,11
a little oag.
by Ray Watson. Seats are limited but there's plenty of P Two Which octire ooscribes the ffsherman's day?
as welt, and it Will take a taw 0"10'" ctvnrtU\tf\t,J"
V2 ;-his is vel'{ odd. The clerk doesn't remember the bill being
standing space. been cleared up, II you can. you "nou,J ~)I(I .,_,..,"'.
paid and ..
Another main anraction of the evening is a demonstration by V1 But :hat's ridiculous!
Have you caught any fish yet?
You bet. How about that one in thA basket?
driving over London 8(1dcJe un!!, 4'"'' "."'ty
the emergency services on the field beside the sports V2 Well, if it was paid you'll have a receipt, so ,fyou wouldn'l V1 Gosh, It's enormous. I hope you're gOing to throw rt back.

121 122
!f you are planning on 'ravelling by train over the weekend, onginally a small school. only has sixteen rooms but all the V1 All right. But so far you haven't suggested anything other P Three What can they see?
checking train times with your .ccai station is essential rooms have their own shower. Pnces are for chan a farnlly visrt, I think we snootc stay ;n and watch
V1 Leak at the peoore in that rowing boat. I'm sure they're in
before leaving home. There IS a lot of englneenng work and accommodaticn only, but there is a dining room where you :elevision if we can't agree what else to do. There might be
trouble. One of them keeps waving and the other one is just
a"hough most servces are normal, some journeys may take can have a gooc breaKfast ar a reasonable price. As this a good him on.
hanging over the side.
longer Ulan USU(l1. • note! is in the centre of town. there is no pnrking area, V2 OK. But another time, let's plan ahead and make sure we
V2 You're "ght. Come on, let's go and get helo.
get tickets for things we want to see.
Now for those of you flying from Manchester airport and although there 's an underground car parx nOI far away
P Four What is l1e looking for?
noplng to leave your car at the airport car parl<: be prepared 'Nnere you can leave a car overnignt for a small fee. P Now listen again.
V1 What're you looking tOr?
;or delays. or better stili. leave your car at home. Part of the , you want a really mooem hotel try the Hotel Continental. That is the end of Part FOllr. You now have twelve minutes
V2 My exercise book - the one w~h the srocxer players on the
undergrO'Jnd car park is being reoutt at the moment so cnly 'his is a large luxury hotel where guests can swim in a to check and transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
front that I use lor phYSICS.
:1alt the usual car park spaces are in use. You may arrive to bsated pool - walt 'or it - on the hotel roof! It also has an
That;s the end of the Test. V1 It's over there by your walkman.
lina that there is no space at all! So do try to use public excellent restaurant which IS famous for its desserts. All the
transpca to reach Ihe airport. rooms have TV. radio, fridge and mira-bar. !f you want a p. Five What's tile maller?

We have also been toto that university students in roem with a vIew of the mountains then voun be charged V1 Can you hear someone screaming?
ainningham are planning to march through the city centre extra. In my opir-ion, though, it's worth it. You can sit on TESTS V2 Yes, It'S that baby Over there. He doesn't :ike being left
this afternoon to protest against rent increases. This means your balcony and watch the sun siip down behind ... outs.oe tne newsagent's.
P This is PrelimInary Test Rve. There are four Parts to the
:hal the main shopoing streets will be closed to private P Now Iisren again. V1 Oh, poor thing. I'll go over ana play with him then.
Test. You Will hear esct: recording twice. Dun·ng the Test
traffic from noon. and police expect the rrarch to last at ,here will be a pause before each Psrt to allow you to look PSI" What's happening?
That is the end of Patt nlree. You now have a minute 10
'east 'wo hours. If you are planning on shopping in ~hrough ttle Questions, and other pauses rc fer you think
check your answers. We will tetl you when Part Four begms. V1 I'm sure ,hat building's on fire.
Birmingham city centre you may prefer 10 travel into Ine city aocui your cJf1SWers.You should wnte your answers on the
Now usn to Pan Four, questIOns 20-25. Look at tne SIX V2 Oon't De silly.
oy bus. question paper. You will have tHe/ve mmutes at the end to
statements for this Pan. You WIll hear a conversation V1 Well. .ook at the smoke pour:ng out from uncer the roof. I'm
.And finally for those of you using the M6 motorway. The transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet.
between two people who are deciding where to go tor the gOing to pnona the tire brigade.
rnotorwav police are asking metorists to watch for signs Part One
telling them to reouce speed. There is thicK fog on some
evening. oecoe ytll1 think cacn statement is co-recr or
If p s..ven WI:at's fhe complaint?
incorrect. If you tNnk it is correct, put D tick in the box under There are seven questions in this Parr. For each question,
sections of the M6 which is not likely to clear before mid- V1 Who made this bed?
A for YES. If.YOu think it is not correct. put a tick in the box mere are lour pICtures and a short recording. You wdl near
momlng. it raned heavily during the night and the motorway V2 ! cid,
under B for NO. At th" end, the recording is repeated. each recording twice. For each question, look at the
can be dangerous ,f you are CriVlng too tast and suddenly V1 Well. you've forgotten to put ,he pillow back and what's all
pictures and listen to the recording. Choose the correct
run Into tog. You have been listening to ... Now we are ready to srart. Usten carefully .. t".is lewellery doing on the bed?
picture and ;Jut a tick in the box below it.
V1 HI, I'm home. V2 Oh, sonry. I'll tidy it away.
P Now listen again. 8eiore we start, here is an example.
V2 Hi. Did you remember to get the tickets? P That IS the end of Patt One. Ycu now have half a minute to
That IS the end of Part Two. YOli now have a minute ro What time IS the march?
V1 'Nell. I remembered. but they were sold out. check your answers. We will tei! you wnan ,"art Two begins.
check your answers. We Will tell you when Part Three
V2 Oh no. I was really looking rorwarc to it. tts the last night V1 Are you going to watch the match on television tonight?
OegII1S. Now tum to Par: Two, questions 8-13. Look at the
thai play is on. V2 I don', know. What Uma's it on?
questions for this P3rt,
Now tum to Part Three. Questions 14- r 9. Lock at the notes V1 'know. 'Ne srouo have booked last week. Anyway. I'm V1 Ten past eight.
about recommenoea ,'''lO!eis.
Some information is missing. sure there'it bA uncrhcr cnance to see it. i he thing is. what You 'Nill hear an announcement on board a Ship. Put a lick
P The woman says!/le match storrs at ten past eight. The first
You wI/I hear a radio oreseue' lalking about whiCh hotels ro do we do new? Stmll we go out for a meal? in the correct box for each ques~on. At the end. Ihe
stay at. For each question, fill In (he mls..<:>ing informatton III
prcrure is correct and the tick has been put in the box ':Jnder recording ;5 repeated.
V2 No. We did a,at last weekend.
rhe oicture.
tne numbered space. At the end. the rer:ording IS repeated. V1 What about il concert? No'll we are ready to start. issten caretuHy ..
Now we are ready 10 stert. Usten carefuily .. V2 I never see the point in payiflg to go to a concert. I mean Now we are reaay to start. Here is a sron recording for the
first tour pictures. V Good morning. ladies and gen:lemen. This IS 8Cb. vour
VOUcan buy tapes and CDs and listen at rome or on the
V ... arc now we come to the part at the programme where
entertainments officer for the day. If I could cave YOU(

we rscornrneoc wnere to stay. So have pencil and paper

Don'l iorget to put a oct in one of tna ooxe«! Usten attention for a few minutes, I'd .ike to ~eUy~u what's on
V1 9ut then you can get a Videa of 0 film. so I con't understand carefully ..
ready and at the erd of the programme I'll give you tccav's programme.
your arqurnsnr.
addresses and telechone numbers. I'll also be gIVing fax One Where are they meeting? First off, tor those of you who are teellng 8".erqetlc, the keep
V2 "es, but you can never gel the video until a long time atter
numbers. although faxing a reservation is usually more V1 You're in a hurry! fit class meets en the lower deck In tw~nty minutes at nl~e
the film has ceme out. It's a waste of money going to a
exoensive. ncnoreo hours. It you haven': been along before. why not
concert. V2 I know. i'rn late. I've got an aooomtrneru with a journalist to
As we mentioned earner. it you're looking for an hotel on t!'":e V1 It's not. I love seeing a iive partormance. There's always do an interview ana I Should have met him over an hour come aJong and JOin in some gentle sxercrse In :he snip's
'akeside. we recommend Hotel Flora. whicn is beautifully such a fantastic feeling in the audience. such an aqo. He said he'd walt outside the cathedral. I just hopa gym? However, for those 01 YOIJ feeling +o-e enerqenc, this
situated. Each room has TV and radio, its own bathroom atmosphere. he's still Ihere! mormnq's Jogging session Will ce taxen oy Jim and ha':l be
and prices include a buffet breakfast. Lunch and dinner cost: V2 We could go and see my aunt. We said we'd call In last starting out from the games roc",",", 011 C deck at nine thlny,
P Two What are the shoes like?
extra but. as there are lots of sating places along the week and we didn't hove time, Please make sure you are wear,ng tr8Jners and light clotheS
V1 ! :ike vcur shoes! I've been leaking for a pair liko that with flat for t:o:h these actIVIties.
lakeside. you'll crooably want to explore those. Do reserve V1 I cio not finish war\< early so that we COUld go and see one
heels and round toes for ages.
accommodalion early, however. as the hotel is very popular of your relations. Yow about going down to the sports This momlng's talk will be given by t~e ,;hIP'S doctor In the
V2 We!1. I got these In the mar\<el. They've got plenty ._ you
in the summer season. centre? I cooio de with some exercise anc.. main cinlng room and begln~ al eklVen nuncred t)Ours, It IS
s"ould have a look.
Hotel Flora is Quite expensive, so if you're looKing for V2 ~don't feel the least bit energetic. I've hac a very hard day caned 'You and Your Lrtestylo' and ()f Nort~am wllll)e
something a litlie cheaper. lhen try the Gold Cross Hotel. and the lUst thing I want !s to run around. asking each of you to 'II In YOI)( own petSOM Malth
This is a :amlly-owned business. The hotel. Which was questionnaire at the start Of t~. talk rtu w,U "elp you and

123 124
Dr Nortt'1am to disc:..JSSvarious aspects of your own Please don't write in to the programme with your answers. It
:ndivlduallifestyies which you might like to change or you can't get through the nISI time. then keep trying. But, Sample Speaking Test exchange to a conclusion by sayrng something

improve. It promises to be an interesting and entertainirg SUitable to the task, for eXat1'ple:
and it's a big but, you can cnly make one call and. :n order
hour. to win the two tickets, your V1ree answers i:'IUSt be Ihope you reve a good day out.
completely correct. OK then? Got your pencils? Good lucl<- Test 1 Time Allow 2-3 minutes for candidates to work
If you missed yesterday's competitions in the swimming
and here is the first question: who said, 'If you want to ..' through the task Inclucl<ng time to absorb the
pool, 'hen come along this arternoon at ftf!een hundred
hours for more fun and games. You don t need to be able to P Now listen again. Part 1 General conversation
swim and Irs one way of keeping cool as It lookS set to be a
That IS the end of Pari Three. You now have a minute to
really clear Cloudless day, unlike yesterday, when you Tasks Identifying oneself, giving information about
crecx your answers. We Will tell you when Part Four begms. Part 3 Responding to a visual stimulus
probably needed an extra sweater! people, asking direct questions.
Now tum to Part Four, ouostions 20-25. Look at the SIX Sub tasks
Now, on to this evening, and tneres a change to the Spelling, numbers, responding to questions and Tasks Descnomq people and places, saying where
steterovs for til,s Part. You will hear a conversation information.
advertised film programme. Starting In the ship's cinema at people are and what they are doing.
between a woman ceuea Tanya and a man called Bob who
twenty hundred hours - not Iwenty-one hundred as Examiner Hello. Please sit down. Examiner Now I'm going to give eElen of you a photograph
are w(,3fkmg home after a m9{l1 in a restaurant. DeCide if you
advertised The Singing Moon. There
- is the classic movie What are your names? of some people. Pedro, here is jour
{!link each statement is correct or Incorrect. if vou think it is
are no uckets for this event, but as seats are rather limltea, Would you tell me your candidate numbers so I photograph.
correct. put a ic« In the box under A for YES. If you th,nk:j
you're advised to come along early. can check. them, please? (Show candidate pcture 1 on cage' 11).
is not correct, put a rick in the box under B (or NO. At the
And then, straight alter the movie, for the nigrt owls end. me recoraing IS repeated. Do you know each other? Would you show it to Rosa and talk about It,
amongst you, IS the late-night diSCO. If you have a special If Yes Imagine (or pretend) that you don't please?
Now we are ready to stsrt. Listen carefUlly ...
record request. why not hand It In to me dunng the day and know each other and find out some Rosa, I'll give you your photograpn In a moment.
I'll do my best to make sure It'S played at toruqnt's disco, V1 I don't know about you, Tanya. but I'm still hungry. information about escn other, please. Right, Pedro, would you start nov», PIOOSp,:'
which starts at twenty-three hundred hours and goes on V2 No. I'm fine. It was a gOOd meal. Rather expensive though.
If No Well, I'd like you to find out some Thank you.
until- well, who knows? - wnenevsr you decide and that's V1 More man rather! I thought they chorged far too mueh for
lilformation about eecn other, please. If you need:o mterveoe. avoid direct Questions
late, late, late ... but we'll let you go to beo beiore what we got.
Pause .. prompt if necessary. but supply oromots.
breakfast ... V2 But if you want to cot out somewhere good, you have to be
orepared to pay quite a lot. It's not just the lood you're Candidates should contribute about four or .five Now, ,40s[1, here IS your ptiotograo/l
P Now listen again, turns each. If necessary, prompt 10 elicit
:Jaylng for. You pay for the surroundings, the service, the live (ShOW canrndare picture 1 on page 112).
That is the end of Part Two. You now have a minute to ·:1usic - even the fresn flowers on the table. It's aU those personal ir-lormation such as home town. school
Would you show It to Pedro and tell him eoou: It.
check your answers. We Will tell you when Parr Three 'hings which make it sucn an enjoyabie evening. 01' college, lob or family, reasons for learning
begins. V1 I suppose so. But I think it'd be better to buy something English, etc. Choose a sunaole word for spelling
Are you ready? ..
really special and eat It at home. from each candidates contribution and ask for It
Now turn to Parr Three, questlOfls 14-19_ Loo« at the notss Thank you.
V2 Oh yesl And who does the cooking? at the end of the conversation. for example:
about a radio competition. Some information IS miSSing. You
Rosa, you said you came from Avila. How do Allow the candidates to talk with as little
'Nill hear a radio presenter talking about the competition. For V1 I'm always ready to help.
you spell that? intervention as cossible. In ,alklng about the
each question, (iJf in the missing information in the numbered V2 That's not the point. I want to be able to elljoy a relaxing
pictures, they shouid be able to paraphrase or
space. At the end, the recording IS repeated. everunq and that means eating out and .. Pedro, you said your famlfy name was
Rodriguez, How do you spell that?
gloss a word in order to explain an ioea if they
V1 And wasting money. Just think What we could have bought
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. do not know tne exact word.
i' we'd slaved at horne, Time Allow 2-3 minutes, then at an appropriate point
V ... 50 congratulations to last week's winner, wno Writ snortv V2 But u's not as much fun! I loved the mUSIc. . thank :he students and move on to Part 2. Remove tho pictures before going on to Part 4
be receiving the top twenty classical comoact discs. Ard VI Well,! just found It smbarrassinq. I hated It wlhen the violinist
now on to the competition spot 01 the week. MaKe sure stood nght beside me. I didn't know wnere to look.
you've got a pen or pencil ready so you can wnte down the V2 I 'now. Part 2 Simulated situation Part 4 General conversation
detars. And make sure you're near a phone so you can ring V1 Well, you didn't help. You kept smiling at him! (based on the photographs)
in. Right. V2 Oh come on, Bob. What d'you exoect? !-ie's got to earn hiS Tasks Making plans. agreeing and disagreeing, asking

This weeK we're offeflng ten prizes. so there's a chance for 'Mng. It must be really difficult to play lor people who for and gIVIng opinions. Tasks Talking about one's likes and cisrkss.

ten people to win two free tickets for the Laser Show at the behave as :1 they can': see you! Examiner :to ootn candidates) expressing cpir-ions.
V1 Weil, I was there to oat. It I wanted to go to a concert ..
'ntemational Football Stadium. 't's absoluteiy bnllianl so If I'm gomg to descnbe a situation to you. Examiner [to both cardidates]
you want to be there on Apnl 23rd. aU you ~Jve to do is V2 I know, you'd have bought ucksts. Well - we won't go there
You nave been asked to organize a day tnp for The oeooe in your photographs w"re enjoYIng
answer three questions and Ihen ring us on 015166438. again. 'Ne'!1 try mat new place next time. The service was
your English class cogether being together.
avvtully slew - we were tnere about four hours, you :";now.
You must have all :nree answers before you nng In. Then Please look at the picture on page 25. Now, t'a like you to ra/k. to eect: ctner about
VI Now, there I would agree with you. That's probably wny I'm
you Will be asked for your name and address, your I want yOU to calk about wnat you would like to spending time with friends or members of your
hungry. It's time for the next meal!
telephone numoer and your age. The first fIVe correct callers do and what preparations you wsll 'Java to make. famify.
win each receive 'Wo rickets. so you can take a friend with P Now listen again.
Just tno« for a lew seconas. Talk about the klnrls of things you like or dislike
you, or your mum or dad or your qranorna: The usual Iweive That is the end of Part Four. You now have twelve minutes Is that all (lgllt? Shall I repeat it? domg with your (riends, and the things which
:Ines will be open at the end of the programme. so give us a t:) check and transfer your answers to the answer sheet. you like or disiike Going witll your farmly.
Rosa, would you like to begin?
r-nq as soon as you know the answers. Time Allow the candidates aoout 5 minutes for Parts 3
That IS the end 01 the Test. Allow candidates enough time 10 complete the
and 4 together. As far as poss.tne avoid
task Without intervening, but prompt If
intervening, but orcrnpt if it .s essential.
necessary. At an appropnate point bnng the

Sample student answers Oear(Carla)
TEST 3 in the room and watching on the TV and soon I've fed up wilt!
... We are going a very nice museum. Wail! It'S a
to visit it. I was leI! it in the room by myself when everyone wer«
for Writing Part 3 museum for young people. Then we are going co dance to a Dear (Roberto) playing outside which really does upset me. But now I've used
very funny disco till the moming and after having a rest we're Idid write my letters and cards. Ihope you will write
to It and
... How are you? I'm fine. I spent my holiday in the Europa
going to visit some friends, If you want, I organized a lackey to me soon.
The sample answers below are examples of students' work and Par/( With my family. Iarrived on Monday and first of all we had
vary in standard. After looking at the samples, teachers should match where we can play. Appan of this, Ihave a Inend that is
a little rest after our long journey because we were very tired. From
refer to the mark schemes for each Test and the writing very iotrestec: in you, I hope you like him because is very
We were very pleased 10 see lots of eXCiting things to do. On Marco
assessment cntena on page 128 in order to help them assess ,'1andsome. For weekend we are going to a party in Mary's
Wednesday we spent a day on the lake and we took some
their own students' work. house, there you can dance, drink, listen co some NaCionai pack tucnes with us. We were in a boat and it was really fun. Marks awarded: Task 5 Language 3
music and meet a lot of boys.
On Thursday a walk and watched a film in the
we went for
Students are only required 10 transfer what they write AFTER
Love, evemng. It was really good. I wish I could watch It again. On
tne printed prompt There is no need to transfer the name of the
Axel Friday there was a tennis competition and the winner will have TESTS
person they are writing to, but It will help them to Identity with
£100 and at last I won. I think Ishould scop now.
the task If they know who they are addressing in thelf letter. Marks awarded: Task 5 Language 4 Dear (Mana)
5 very good answer at this level Anna ... Thank you very much for leting me stay at your home, I rec
4 good answer Sample C a wonderful time dunng tnoes days, especially the party on
3 adequate answer Comment Marks awarded: Task 5 Language 4 Friday night. It was the best I ever had and the music was
2 limitedanswer wonderful too, I wish I could do the same when you stay wilt!
The student has misunderstood the task by reterring to 'two
1 poor answer me. I also liked the shopping and the video we wetcrea. You
weeks' instead of a 'weekend' and would therefore lose marks
o achieves nothing
for not fulfilling the task. The language is competent and TEST 4 raughr me quite a lot of E'ngiish and my Engiish has improved
Total mark = task + language: maximum mark 10 some of the vocabulary is very effective, but the short length qUite a lot. Please thank your parents, they had been very kind
limits the student's opportunity to gam a high mark. Dear (Juan) to me, Anyway thank you very much indeed,

... We are staying in a house by the seesta« and enjoying It. From,
TEST 1 Oear(Tom)
We go every day for walks in the nature. But Ibroke my toot GiuJiana
The answers in Test 1 reflect different levels of ability, ... First we will have a good dinner at home and then we'll go while I was playing football and I was in hospital for two days
Marks awarded: Task 5 Language 5
camQing near the lake. There I would like to go swimming and and it spoild my holiday. The only thing I could do was setting
Sample A fishing, We'll eat fishes and berrys. Maybe we'll go to the
Comment moiuncains and in the forest. Here we can collect wood to
make a campfire and we'll roast the fishes and some Writing assessment criteria for Part 3
This is a very good example of task fulfilment and although
sausages, We will be back two weeks larer.
the tanguage control is occasionally faulty, the student would MARK TASK LANGUAGE
not be penalized at this level, 8ye 5 Veri good attempt at task, covering all content Generally good controi, and confident use of language. Coherent linking at
Pato elements fully. with minimal digression. Ganeralty sentences using simple conessve devices. Language ambitious. including
Dear (Benson) coherent, reqUIring no effort by the reader. complex. sentences and range of structures and vocabulary. Language errors
Marks awarded: Task 2 Language 3 may sun De present. but they are minor, due to ambition, and non-impeding .
. . I will meet you at the bus stop at about 77:OOam on
Saturday. Then I think we should have lunch first before dOing The remaining sample answers show how students have 4 Good attempt at tasx, covering all the cor:tent Reasonable control of language and linking of sentences. Either language is
anything. After lunch you could play on my TV game or we completed the tasks at the appropnate level, even though th. elements, with some elaboration. There may be some sound but unambitious. or language ambitious, i.e. showing evidence of range
could play basketball in my garden, it should be 4.00pm by language is Quite frequently faulty. minor repetition or digreSSion. though overall SCript is of structures and vocabulary with some errors, but these generally non ..
then, and' borrowed a Video caJled "Supperman" which we reasonably COherent and requires minimal effort by the impeding.
can watch after dinner, which should be finished by 8:00pm, reader.

then we could go for a swim just before bed time. The next E..,tdenc8 of some control at language. and Simple sentence structure generaUy
morning we couid spend a whole morning watch Chinese
TEST 2 J Reasonable attempt to cover task. May be a rather
Simple account with little elaboration, or a luller sound. Language likely to be uoambmous. or If ambitious croeeory flawed. A
video, and we will go to China town to go the things you wanc Dear (Simon) attempt containing some repetition or digression. One number of errors may be present, e 9. in structures, tenses. spelling, articles.
to buy before you go back to school. content element may have been omitted. Coherent prepositions. bot tney are generally non-Irnpedinq. Linking of sentences not
... Our new house is in the country and is really big with a enough to make meamng dear. although littte effort always maintained,
Wish you good health, garden full of trees. I have a bedroom with my own T. V. and I may ce required by the reader.

With lots of love can see a farm from my window. The air is much better than
2 Some attempt at task, possibly with limited Erratic control of sentence structure and use of tenses. e.g. past simple not
Tony where I used to live, and there have many big playground, understanding. Two content elements may nave been used appropriately in many cases. Language may be very
where you can play football. As there is very quiet. Ican
Marks awarded: TaskS Language S coocentrste on my works which is really nice. The problems I omitted, or there will be noticeable irrelevance or
Incoherence. which will require considerable effort by
simpfistic/timited/repetrtive. Errors in the spelling of PET vocabulary o~en
occur. Language errors will impede communication at times. Punctuation may
are we're new, that means we don't know our neighbours so I the reader. Task may be unfinished. be noticeably absent, leading to incoherence ot sentences.
Sample B have got no friends to play with. But soon I should have some Poor attempt at task, because has !ittte relevance. is Very poor control of language. OiHicuil to uncerstand due to. e.g. freQuent
Comment friends, I hope as some boys live next door. Anyway, what far too short or very incoherent. grammatical errors, errors in spelling of PET lavel words, or poor sentence
about you then, construction. There may be a general absence of punctuation, I.adlng to
The student has again futfilled the task but there are more
serious incoherence.
significant slips in usage which would lead to the loss of a From Patrick
mark for tanguage achievement, o , Candidate has misunderstood or misinterpreted task. Achieves nothing, language impossible to un(j~stand.
MarkS awarded: Task 5 Language 4 Content bears no relation to task.

N8 These guidelines are subJect to amendment.

127 128
Five tests for the Cambridge
Preliminary English Test
(Ca"'h";d~. Levell)

These five practice tests closely reflect the revised

PET (1996) both in terms of content and appearance,
therefore providing effective and realistic exam practice.

• The author is a highly experienced examiner and has

been involved in the PET revision. Her up-to-date
knowledge provides students with accurate
preparation for the revised test.

• The five practice tests include the greater number of

topics and wider vocabulary range of the revised

• Genuine examination conditions are simulated for the

Ustening Test through the inclusion of instructions,
pauses and repeats on the cassettes.

• Full colour photographs and illustrations are included

for the Speaking Test.

• Photocopiable answer sheets give students valuable

practice in transferring their answers trom the test
papers within the time limits of the real test.

The With Answers edition contains detailed information

on marking and sample student answers to Witting Part 3,
as well as a full key, tapescripts ot the recorded material
and an expanded version of one ot the speaking tests.

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