3rd MB Meeting Article

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The Management Board (MB) of the Fisheries Management Areas (FMA) 4 successfully carried its
3rd MB meeting under one common goal - institutionalizing a mechanism to better manage in a
sustainable manner the fisheries resources of the four regions demarcated within the FMA 4. The
convergence happened through Zoom Conferencing on October 28, 2021. The meeting lasted for
almost three hours and the body were able to approve five resolutions, a step closer towards the
proper management of fisheries in East Sulu Sea.

The MB is composed of sectoral representatives from Regions VI, VII, IX, and BARMM. The body is
chaired by BFAR-IX Regional Director, Mr. Isidro M. Velayo, Jr., MDM and co-chaired by Honorable
Mayor, Mr. Joel M. Ventura of Sibuco. The MB Chairman welcomed the guests in their third time this
year to converge. For more than a year, Chairman Velayo recognized that everyone in the fisheries
sector has been seeking feverishly ways to adapt to the changes made by the pandemic. With the
intention of overcoming the crisis, and the obligation to maintain the economy and continuously
feed the nation's growing population, he is firmly aware that the Bureau needs to do something as
an institution and as a source of strength and hope for Filipino fishers.

“Just like a lighthouse in a stormy night, the bureau stood the test of time and unceasingly shed light
on the uncertainties that currently surround us today. Cliché as this may sound, but we are a
beacon of hope for so many”, a remark made by Chairman Velayo that inspired the members and
observers alike to perform their jobs dutifully to the best of their abilities. The speech ended in a
positive tone, recounting to the management body that without the FMA, issues regarding
sustainable management of the fisheries will stay in hindsight. He encourages everyone to work
together hand-in-hand in unravelling a new era that is fish food-secured and sustainable.

The meeting proper commenced with Ms. Divina Ignacio, NSAP Project Leader and the Alternate
Focal of the FMA in Region IX declaring a quorum after completing the roll call. The reading of the
meeting agenda and minutes of the previous meeting were approved unanimously by the body with
no questions and clarifications raised.

A lively discourse surfaced regarding the presentation of Mr. Matt Doyola, from BFAR VI, showing
the body that a portion of the Taklong Island as part of the FMA 4 map. Chairman Velayo recognized
that there are two similar cases, the Taklong Island in Region VI and Turtle Islands in BARMM.
There was a suggestion to recalibrate the FMA map since only a portion of the Taklong Island
National Marine Reserve is covered by FMA 4 and a greater part of the island falls under the
jurisdiction of FMA 11. The motion was affirmed by members of the board.

The next meeting agenda was conveyed by Ms. Ignacio. She said that during their meeting with the
core Technical Working Group (TWG), the group deemed it necessary to include the BFAR
Provincial Fishery Offices, FMRED Chiefs, and PLGU/OPAg representatives as part of the TWG. She
provided a list of proposed addition to the TWG pool of members. With minimal questions raised by
the body, Mr. Edgar Lim moved a motion to approve the proposed lists of TWG and was seconded
by the Mr. Mario Neil Montemar.

Also discussed during the meeting is the approval of Mr. Roberto “Ka Dodoy” Ballon’s addition to
the Scientific Advisory Group. The MB members were quick to approve Ka Dodoy’s SAG
membership. The scheduling of the EAFM Orientation for the MB was also tackled which was set on
November 11, 2021. The last agenda before the adjournment was the review of the Vision, Mission,
as well as the draft of the Operational Manual of the FMA 4.

The meeting ended with a closing speech delivered by the Co-Chairperson, Hon. Mayor Ventura. In
his speech, he said that everyone contributed so much in the success of the meeting. Mayor Ventura
appreciated all the inputs given by members of the Management Board and concluded that the
meeting is indeed fruitful.

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