Prelims Introductory Calculus MT 2021: Sheet 1

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Prelims Introductory Calculus MT 2021: Sheet 1

1. Evaluate the following integrals:

Z 1 Z 2 Z
1 3 −x
(a) x+1
dx, (b) x e dx, (c) (2x3 − x) tan−1 x dx.
0 e 0

2. For integer n, let Z ∞

In = xn e−x dx.
Show that
In =In−2 ,
and determine the domain of n if we only consider integer values.

Find I5 and, given that I0 = π/2, find I6 .

3. Find the solutions, with their domains, to the following initial-value problems
dy 2xy 2 + x √
= 2 , y( 2) = 1,
dx x y+y
dy π π
sin x sin y = cos x cos y, y = .
dx 2 4

4. Solve the initial value problem

dy y
= , y(0) = 1,
dx x+y+2
using the substitutions
X = x + a and Y = y + b,
for some suitable constants a and b which you should find. Indicate the domain of the solution

5. Find the solution of the initial value problem

d2 y 1
= , y(0) = y 0 (0) = 0,
dx2 1 + x2
π 1
and verify that y(1) = − ln 2.
4 2

6. By making a substitution z = dy/dx, or otherwise, solve the initial value problem

d2 y

dy 1
= (1 + 3x2 ) y(1) = 0, y 0 (1) = − .
dx2 dx 2

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