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To use rounding and multiplication patterns to estimate product.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Estimating Products

B. Materials: Worksheets, Video Presentation, Cartolina, Marker
C. References: ,
D. Values Integration: Class Participation

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Reminders
5. Review
6. Motivation

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Engage
- The teacher must capture the student’s interest by reviewing the
given video and to relate in the real-life situation and problems.
2. Explore
- Using the that has boxes of canned goods, the pupils should also
solve the given numbers that is flashed on the video.

3. Explain
1. How to round off a number?
2. What is estimating product?
3. How to estimate a product?
4. How to estimate by rounding each number to the nearest tens?
5. How to estimate by rounding the first number up and second
number down?
6. How to estimate by rounding first number down and second
number up?

4. Elaborate
1. I would like to the pupils to be grouped into three to solve a
given word problem and be able to solve it by themselves.
2. Distribute a small piece of paper with the given word problem,
allow them to brainstorm for 5 minutes, then give them a piece
of cartolina and marker to write their word problem and their
Group 1
-59 injections of vaccination were sent to 31 hospital each. About
how many totals of vaccination injections were sent out?
59 x 31= 1,829 > 60 x 30= 1,800

Group 2
-A new software was dispatched to 28 stores in 81 CD’s each.
About how many CD’s were dispatched amongst all stores?
81 x 28= 2,268 > 30 x 80= 2,400

Group 3
-In a school cafeteria, 73 lunch trays are used every day.
Approximately how many lunch trays are in 29 days?
73 x 29=2,117 > 70 x 30= 2,100

3. Each group must have a spokesperson to explain how they

solve and rounded it off.
4. Identify groups with correct explanation.

5. Evaluate
-After the group activity, put students back into their proper seat and
distribute the worksheet and have pupils completed it independently.

-Ask if there is any unclear problems or questions which may have


IV. Assessment:
A. Which is the most reasonable estimated product in the options given?
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. 105 x 46=
a. 500 b. 5,000 c. 6,000 d. 6,500
2. 218 x 62=
a. 13, 000 b. 12,500 c. 12,000 d. 11,000
3. 327 x 192=
a. 60,500 b.60,000 c.50,500 d. 50,000
4. 268 x 432=
a.120,000 b. 120,500 c.130,000 d.130,500
5. 2,627 x 154=
a. 500,500 b. 600,000 c. 605,000 d. 700,000
V. Assignment:

1. Round the factors to estimate the products.

a. 697 × 82 ≈ ________×__________ = ___________
A reasonable estimate for 697 × 82 is _________________.
b. 5,897 × 67 ≈ _____________ × __________ = ___________
A reasonable estimate for 5,897 × 67 is _________________.

2. Complete the table using your understanding of place value and knowledge of
rounding to estimate the product.
b. 82,290 × 240 =

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