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Hind tne employees _wino_ave wor Someone oF reporting +0 Someone. “4 ence eel + |wAQTd tne name of employees veperting +o King or undey_King.. a Select ename _ Prom _emp P z whee Mg In (select cag ee ci from emp whee ename IN t KIN G7!) 5 hs _+ lweatn ne name ef smitn’s manager's _moanad or. 2 J | Select ename i! e Poon _ennp “wneie eropno_in Setect_mg% Peongme em (ee Her _ were _empne_|n (select mgr __peom emp uphere _ename Miler ra) 5 er “(select _Deptna — pec ep | Scanned with CamScanner one 5/021 a2 race Ne: uhh where _empno Io _{ Select mg% 0 Prom emp = es 3 _ whee _empno In _( Select max cl vee 4 Foor emp whee ename In een rrite eeS orhs)) Ya fu WAQTO the name 4 \ob of tne empl OM Ce Smug whe ae | eesti) Ga eiake’s manage? leedect Aname, LOC Be plait [Porno Dep} —— F areal ole iis eect were) ae nie eeee ae Paom ¢ Scanned with CamScanner id tbdaa DAReD Ih we_trnpro in ( elect mgr | i _____ Pau emp ename So Drom emp where emp no 30 (select mar Poe emp _winere_enarr in 'oLA ~)J— a Js eres Pines ee ce i [wWAATD the Details of tne employees wd € ssalany Naa fn tne Same Department > | Ltnree olf gits and werk: — ne]_cloes not weport 0 _ jas that of ‘scorr’ monages Ke | bloke s manages. ss ri at ee eemeripieey = ane} _Dipiro” corr!) and: Mb1R iNOT ID (select emp poten Peon emp _— Be: Scanned with CamScanner MN Se 8 8 eo et oh ol Db obalelel od oda ebLEELEEE . ith CamScanner ee oe Hlocaes by clause 41 260! » Ascenclé clescenclir Ou et ete ay ae eo aw, a an —_— | - i syntax % | ey ee a cas) a : mession [cas] ate ined) _colname | ex pre | fern retrace Tonewe << Filter conalitfien > _ jgreur by cel Lexpression _ ae wl Busca, pals 1c i 5 Vnavin “< cond” on rare | cond” on grup Cy co) ) exp | > {Orden "3 cojnarne _[expressieo_ case] Hi ies cy mee i 5 - = ; 3 Hapuwre oP executor r - i aa ge Neto) yee te Kee ra fable Prom Database f put t+ uncle MI ms emeculcenin smelt aioe # Po ROL - Bis ~ Row - Row = by = Row a SE eas paneer O eS + cg Inovding pe (peop - by = Boop __g: |) Select _=— Bt _tyreup oy = Group ae a ‘Duder by rep = by = Yroup ll Scanned with CamScanner PAGE No: inthe seer ae Orem ee em LG ah ae eo | Oreotere i Asal Asc 5, eee |; _——*8 re ri ae ere Select Sat + |WaaTD +e Salany tn descending Orcler Select val | fom aap ee Oude by Sat olesc 5 au i ere « |wa@ro +ne Name op employees 1° ascencling || Ooder _ eee ana a em eal || select _ename | Peon emp 2 ‘| Ostler a! ename 5 es In _alescensting i [weet * he same op_enpinys | Oncler. _ ta ss em eel sefect ena - = | Foor &Op [Onder bY ename | Peper eeepere clesc 5 Scanned with CamScanner , .) | re @ 10, 2) ae qe — = ———— PAGE No cis aE gore ee bares i a ——|[-f Seveo Te 8 i a ~ 6 oe el owe ffaize cetuemns are Wie se theta jive _puesert ee table beet , by_efe lover ft will not be cltsplayed.” “frie cure bdo s5)pes > of (pape Column ney aie cy follows 4 ws RIUM Sa 2 Tesla > 3H LW) ROWNUM . | Select ename , wowiel, wownu nn 2. x | Poon an ae ae —_—— o [select Dname, rovhd, 2oOnum iz ae Pour Dept Bek a ix ||Setect emp-x., aowid , saw our) ae OR, [prem eonp j ae saw ay i a eed $, a 18 chanacier aclelwess of cee wecozd, jt 4s uni que_f. 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We car ; ‘te MECOD oe nen Pie _9DW. when “we inset tne net? 2s wil) be grosastel mi Scanned with CamScanner ve ok = Slee mei ~ me oe aoe see pit * ts pms ie me ) 1 Se Osis a4 @ Sadat Wunber 0} given 7) Pe omoles but UF is nek Comstemt Gis ed, BM owe Nua yes Ar Migr ic ED, 4) | cant make ft as _putmony key? f ) le cannot make sou au es because gad, een iow consiany a SD, 5) || Row-num oi) be oS ami tne execution D, a of the quent. en a P, 6) re efoult value of ronum a 4 ae _ 4) | Winy do we we — Row -numn Z i eee To get tne NI? max oF _ io rin ed ee waAgro ane a*t max saleny.. | setect ec on | Booro emf vonwie Sade Scanned with CamScanner i Setect max (set) NON IUMRco stern ae Poom emp Bea _ || wonee Sat _< (Select max (st) Ay —— fee 0 2 Je J i ve ik i 2 Bi it @- Per ea re S74 maximum Satay pee pee a Pp ae ctect maxtsat) i i Se We rorn ern pil TE eteae 50a 4 Hee Ee er a aa i Say get Not In (Select max Wat) _ ARS i ae ne a : fro canis t 3 i egy chia ls where set Not In ( select a CS ese nese ee __max(sst) t I—_|}— zs _ fro emp) Beil ° i 5 tae ae ear R nN e ee eee i Faia t 4 __||setect max Gat) __— L____|[peum em prone psa 2 are Lz | crore sat < [select max (5-0 is Es {| i lane from erp * LF I fa hea ipnere sat < [Seleck max teat) | : | ope free emp ) 5 iiaanode 4st minimum salary Scanned with CamScanner || owre 6,10, 2} + waatn the 224 minimu Select mio (sat) cvigpanern py aa Poor emp. [select min iat) _ pee whee Sok not in ! Setect min (sat) i Bs Hwee i: woneté soul _ aE geteck rnin (824) nok 19 (ee capa (Setect Poin (eat) a fren cco) Pena __where era > {select Erving (sat) P vu ] Jew emp ))5 weit | UU Uw?) | | |i i Step No 4% Wace nea. L we exp yg! 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Baum em ee Order by goul_dese J) where syno_=10)5

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