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A Thesis Presented to the

Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2

Bernal, Alessandra Sarah M.

Cayanan, Daniel M.
Laxa, Adriane M.
Mañalac, Merielaine L.
Pamintuan, Mark Kevin T.
Velasco, Wayne Jet D.
Zita, Jhan Cristan S.

November 2021

Monster Numbers: A Descriptive Study on the Possible Causes of Mathematical Anxiety to

Senior High School Students of Mary the Queen College (Pampanga) Inc.,



In this age of globalization, our lives are intimately connected to mathematics.

Everything includes computing math, from purchasing basic goods at a grocery store to

estimating your car's speed or looking at the clock to calibrate the time. The world's growing

economy has forced constant reform in mathematics education. The academic achievement

of students determines the success of an academic institution. Mathematical lessons are

continually changing in terms of content, application, manner of learning, and how this

contributes to the attainment of national goals.

In the Philippines, one cannot deny the fact that yearly the educational institutions all

over the archipelago are generating mathematically incompetent graduates. The findings of

the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS) in 2019, demonstrates

the failure of the country's education system, which now has ranked the country among the

underachievers in the stated examinations

According to the findings of research studies, the underachievement of Filipino youth

in mathematics can be attributed to difficulty in understanding mathematical concepts, lack

of motivation as well as study habits, strict instructors and failed major examinations, the

cluttered curriculum in Math, students' fragmented foundations in basic fundamentals, a lack

of adequate school facilities, and negative views and preconceptions of Filipinos toward

Math to name a few, as Laguador, (2013) mentioned.


Mathematics is widely acknowledged to be a disliked subject among Filipino students.

Students have a common misconception that mathematics is a tough subject that should be

avoided at all costs. Regarding these, the researcher considers that the latter has a substantial

impact. Lee-Chua (2012) termed these negative perceptions and prejudices of Filipino youth

towards Mathematics as Mathematical Anxiety.

Mathematical anxiety is characterized as a sensation of stress and apprehension that

interferes with mathematical performance ability, number manipulation, and problem

solving in a wide range of daily and academic contexts as defined by Khasawneh, Gosling,

& Williams, (2021). If a student is apprehensive about mathematics, he/she may experience

both psychological and physical symptoms as Chang & Beilock, (2016) have mentioned.

In relation with it, Zhang et al. (2019) defined mathematical anxiety as feelings of

tension and worry that prevent people from managing numbers and solving mathematical

problems in a variety of everyday and academic situations. Following other educational

researchers, A. M. Olson and Stoehr (2019) propose that mathematical anxiety is defined as

a stress response accompanied by negative physiological responses (such as nausea, rapid

heartbeat, and cold sweat) when engaged in or thinking about math problems. As a result, it's

reasonable to assume that the causes of mathematics anxiety are complex in origin.

Luttenberger, Wimmer, & Paechter (2018) added that math anxiety is recognized as a

prevalent concern in both K-12 and higher education. Thus, this garnered significant

attention as a researched topic among educational scientists as noticed by Dowker, Sarkar, &

Looi (2016). For example, according to the 2012 Programme for International Student

Assessment (PISA), 59 percent of 15-year-old students in the 34 participating Organization


for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) researchers attribute that math classes

are challenging for them, and 31 percent said that solving mathematical calculations makes

them very nervous (2013).

Moreover, as stated by Udil, Kusmayadi, & Riyadi, (2017), numerical distress can be

defined as the emotional outburst of an individual, which can impact mathematical academic

achievement. In this case, the individual's negative empathetic response to mathematics is

viewed as a factor influencing the poor learning outcome of students.

Furthermore, the outcomes of the PISA also implied that mathematical anxiety could

be adversely influenced by a range of factors as stated by Foley et al., (2017), including such

variations in the methodology and the educational level of participants such as elementary

school, junior high school and senior high school as reported by Passolunghi et al., (2016).

In relation to this factors, based on Gunderson et al., (2018), the research findings

from 2000 to 2018 has a spectrum of possible moderators, which include gender, class level,

and geographical area that may influence the mathematical of students.

Of all the things considered, the researchers will be motivated to identify areas that

lead students to endure mathematical anxiety. Furthermore, a better understanding of the

roots of mathematical anxiety is beneficial, predominantly for the Philippine Educational

System, as it will lead to the development of methods and solutions that will expand the

country's mathematical education while similarly increasing the interest of Filipino students

in mathematics as a discipline and profession. Nevertheless, this research raises awareness to

majority of students who are facing mental health issues such as mathematical anxiety that is

very relevant since then.


Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the possible causes of Mathematical

Anxiety to Senior High School students of Mary the Queen College of Pampanga this

academic year 2021-2022. Specifically, this research will seek to answer the following


1. How may the respondent’s profile be described in terms of:



2. How may the root causes in Mathematical Anxiety be described as to:

2.1. Teacher’s Approach

2.2. Student’s Lack of Motivation

3. How does Mathematical Anxiety affect students’ experience on solving equations?

4. Is there any significant difference between the gender, teacher’s approach, and lack

of motivation in student’s Mathematical Anxiety?


There will be no significant difference between the gender, teacher’s approach, and

lack of motivation in the Mathematical anxiety of STEM Senior High School students.

Theoretical Framework

Two theories will serve as the foundation for this research. The first is the Debilitating

Anxiety Model (DAM), which was created by Emma Carey, Francesca Hill, Amy Devine,

and Dénes Szücs of the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. The theory is

founded on the premise that mathematics anxiety reduces mathematical performance. For

example, if a teacher asks a student to respond to a mathematics question as part of a class

session, a student who suffers from mathematics anxiety may experience unfavorable

symptoms such as high heart rate, cognitive disorientation, and perspiration. This theory is

applicable since it describes the experiences of students who are experiencing mathematical

anxiety. In addition to this concept, Ian Lyons and Sian Beilock investigated the

physiological changes that occurred in mathematically stressed students using functional

magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Their findings revealed that when a student anticipated

a mathematical activity, the frontoparietal network got active. Working memory takes place

in the frontoparietal region of the brain. Thus, the study offered evidence that mathematics

anxiety impacts students' cognitive functioning and, as a result, their ability to learn


Furthermore, a new interpretation framework developed by Gerardo Ramirez, Stacy

Shaw, and Erin Maloney emphasizes the importance of the appraisal process in the

development of mathematics anxiety, which will be at the top of the list in the decades

ahead. According to the interpretation framework, if students can positively reappraise their

negative responses associated with mathematics anxiety, they may be able to see

mathematics as a challenge rather than something to avoid. "It can be successful to persuade

individuals to reconsider their current concerned attitude or embrace the thought that influent

learning might be advantageous," as said by their theory. For example, if a teacher can

persuade a student to interpret his or her apprehensive feelings upon entering a mathematics

lesson as feelings of enthusiasm rather than fear, learning is more likely to occur.

Furthermore, the researchers believe that these theories will help the students appreciate the

value of hard work and hardship in order to improve mathematics will benefit their learning


Conceptual Framework

Teacher’s Lack of
Male Female Approach Motivation


Mathematical Anxiety

The figure above shows the conceptual paradigm of the research study. It indicates the

root causes of Mathematical anxiety to students. As shown in the illustration, Mathematical

Anxiety has different causes in both genders. Moreover, it shows that teachers’ approach and

the lack of motivation from students are contributing factor of the apprehension. On the

contrary, statistical studies imply that the two genders are not different in terms of the causes

of Mathematical anxiety. Similarly, teachers and lack of motivation are not related to the

extreme fear of the subject. Therefore, this quantitative study will be designed to determine

the possible causes of Mathematical anxiety of Senior High School STEM Students in Mary

the Queen College Pampanga, Inc.

Significance of the Study

This research is essential to determine the possible causes of mathematical anxiety to

Senior High School students. It could be of interest to the following people:


Students. The results of this study will help the students who experience mathematical

anxiety and for them to have certain knowledge about it. The students will also know how to

have courage and confidence when facing mathematical problems.

Teachers. This given data will guide the teachers on having students experiencing

mathematical anxiety. Through this research, teachers may discover how the fear or anxiety

of students may or may not affect their performance in mathematical subjects.

School Administration. This study will intend to help out the school officials and

administrators. This is to help them build the best programs and policies to help students and

teachers cope with mathematical anxiety. Additionally, the school administrators can provide

a solution or activity that would help the students lessen mathematical anxiety.

Parents. They will have to establish knowledge about their children who experiences

mathematical anxiety. Parents can boost their child’s confidence and help them to overcome

their distress in encountering mathematical problems.

Future Researchers. This study will be used as a guide and basis for conducting data and

information about mathematical anxiety. The results of this study are helpful to the future

researchers. This study may become one of the good sources about the mathematical anxiety

of students and give convenient facts.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will cover and determine the possible causes of mathematical anxiety. The

primary subject of this research study will consist of Senior High School students enrolled in

academic year 2021-2022. The respondents will be limited to the STEM (Science,

Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) strand in Mary the Queen College of Pampanga


Inc.,. The respondents of this study shall include both Grade 11 and Grade 12. There will be

10 students per section in every grade level who will act as respondents in this research. This

study will seek to determine the possible causes of mathematical anxiety with relation to

gender, teacher’s approach, and lack of motivation from the students.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to have a better understanding of the frame of reference;

hence the conceptual and operational definitions were given.

Anxiety. It is a psychological emotion associated with feelings of tension, increasing blood

pressure, and worried thoughts. According to Felman (2020), anxiety is often normal and

healthy, but if a person experiences disproportionate level of anxiety, it is already a medical

disorder. In this study, anxiety is the emotion experienced by students and it is their


Emotional Outburst. These are sudden and extreme changes in emotional expression that

occur when strong emotions outnumber a person's ability to regulate the intense feelings. In

this study, it is the people who have pre-existing conditions or have suffered traumatic brain

injury that was caused by massive mathematical anxiety.

Frontoparietal Network. According to Marek, et. al. (2018), this network is responsible for

our skills/ability to function and coordinate behavior in an accurate, rapid, and flexible goal-

driven manner. It is located on the frontal part of the brain and is responsible for higher

functions including analytical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. functions including

analytical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. In this study, it is a device used to get

some evidences in the behavioral activities of students experiencing mathematical anxiety.


Mathematics. It is an essential tool that is being used in several fields, including natural

science, medicine, social sciences and engineering. According to Jones (2021), Mathematics

started from counting, calculation, study of shapes, and measurement and later evolved to

logical reasoning and abstraction. In this study, mathematics is an academic subject that

provokes anxiety to students.

Mathematical Anxiety. In the study of Luttenberger, et. al. (2018), Math Anxiety is defined

as feelings of intense fears and increase of physiological reactivity when an individual

encounters math related contents. In this study, Mathematical Anxiety is the main variable

that we need to observe and describe.

Number Manipulation. According to the definition powered by Oxford Dictionaries-

manipulation is the behaviour to manipulate something in a skillful manner. And number is

defined by the Oxford Dictionaries as well, as an arithmetic value. To sum it all up,

according to of Khasawneh, Gosling, & Williams, (2021) in their study, manipulation of

number is one of the factors that cause emotional problem (anxiety) to students. In this

study, it is the difficulty of a student in solving a mathematical problem.

Numerical Outburst. It is an emotional factor that anyone can feel with situations relating

to numbers. According to the definition from, numerical is the ability to work

with numbers. In this study, it is the one of the experiences faced by students who suffered

mathematical anxiety.


DAM - Debilitating Anxiety Model

FMRI - Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging


K-12 – Kinder to Grade 12

MQCP – Mary the Queen College Pampanga

OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

PISA - Programme for International Student Assessment

STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

TIMSS - Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies


This chapter elaborates the research methodology that will follow for this study, which

includes the research design, respondents, instruments, procedure, data analysis, and ethical


Research Design

This research study is made of quantitative research as stated by Fleetwood (2018); it

is defined as a systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and

carrying out statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques. Thus it refers to the

process of gathering numerical data in order to explain a problem or phenomenon.

Researchers can collect and analyze numerical data using mathematically based methods

through quantitative research.

This quantitative study will utilize a descriptive research design to attain its main

objective which is to determine the possible causes of Mathematical Anxiety to Senior High

School Students in Mary The Queen College (Pampanga), Inc., in the academic year 2021-

2022. A descriptive research is being used to describe the characteristics of a phenomenon,

situation, or population as per Mccombes (2020). It also answers what, where, when, and

how questions.

how questions. Therefore, in the context of this study, the researchers will aim to determine

the possible cause of Mathematical Anxiety such as gender, teacher’s approach, and lack of

motivation of students.


The respondents of this study will be Senior High School students of Mary the Queen

College of Pampanga who were enrolled in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,

and, Mathematics) strand. Moreover, one hundred and thirty students will participate in this

study. The researchers will use convenience sampling, which is a non-probability sampling

technique that collects research data from a conveniently available pool of respondents. As

stated by Sedgwick (2013), convenience sampling is a sort of sampling in which the first

available primary data source is used without any further constraints for the research. Prior

to the selection of individuals, no inclusion criteria were defined in convenience sampling.

All subjects are welcome to take part. The Senior High School STEM students of Mary the

Queen College of Pampanga will be divided according to their respective grade level and

section in this study. The table below shows the respondents’ divisions as well as the number

of respondents that will be obtained from the total population.

Table 1

The Population of the Study

Grade and Section No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Grade 11 - Galatians 10 7.70%

Grade 11 - Ephesians 10 7.70%


Grade 11 - Philippians 10 7.70%

Grade 11 - Hebrews 10 7.70%

Grade 11 - Titus 10 7.70%

Grade 11 - Philemon 10 7.70%

Grade 11 - Thessalonians 10 7.70%

Grade 12 - Acts 10 7.70%

Grade 12 - Baruch 10 7.70%

Grade 12 - Timothy 10 7.70%

Grade 12 - Judith 10 7.70%

Grade 12 - Revelations 10 7.70%

Grade 12 - Ecclesiastes 10 7.70%

130 100%


In gathering data, the researchers will utilize online survey questionnaires. Because of

the pandemic that we are facing in this current situation, all survey questionnaires will be

sent to the respondents thru social media platform specifically the Messenger app. The

respondents may answer the survey questionnaires thru Google Forms. The form will be

divided into four parts. The first part will be about the personal questions including the

gender, age, grade level, and grade section of the respondents. The researchers will use

demographics survey questions for this part to know some information from the respondents.

The second part will contain 5-item questions about how the teacher’s approach can become

The second part will contain 5-item questions about how the teacher’s approach can become

one of the root causes in the Mathematical Anxiety of students. Moreover, the third part will

cover another 5-item question about how student’s lack of motivation can be one of the

possible causes of Mathematical Anxiety. The researchers will use a Likert Scale for the

second and third part of the survey questionnaires. The options may range to strongly agree,

agree, disagree, and, strongly disagree. And lastly, the fourth part will consist of a question

about the experiences of students in answering mathematical equations. For this part, the

researchers will conduct an open-ended question to identify different scenarios of

Mathematical Anxiety that students encounter.


In carrying out this study, the researchers will follow a set of procedures. To begin

with, they had the formulation and approval of the research title and the purpose of their

study. Furthermore, the researchers will write to the principal of Mary the Queen College's

Senior High Department, requesting a permission to collect data at the school. They will

utilize convenience sampling technique in selecting their respondents. Furthermore, consent

letters for respondents will be generated. This consent form will inform them of the study's

purpose and the confidentiality of their data. Once that is fulfilled, the researchers will begin

distributing the survey questionnaire via Google Forms and social media platforms,

specifically Messenger. The information gathered from the questionnaires will be

systematically compiled and analyzed. Finally, the data will be analyzed and finalized for

discussion and presentation, as well as for the development of potential programs to help

students who are struggling from Mathematical Anxiety.


Data Analysis

The data will be organized, tallied, and tabulated, and the frequency distribution and

percentage, weighted mean, and T-test will be used to analyze the results. In statistics, a

frequency distribution is a graph or table that shows the number of observations within a

given interval as stated by Britannica (2013). Thus, frequency distribution and percentage

will be used to describe the demographic profile of the respondents particularly their gender

and age. According to Ganti (2021), a weighted average is a calculation that considers the

relative value of numbers in a data set. Hence, a weighted mean will be utilized to determine

the possible causes of Mathematical Anxiety. As per Hayes (2020), a t-test is an inferential

statistic used to assess whether there is a significant difference between the means of three

groups that may be related in some way. As a result, the researchers will utilize T-tests to

determine whether there is a significant difference between gender, instructor style, and lack

of motivation in students' Mathematical Anxiety.

Ethical Consideration

Research ethics can be simply defined as the morals and values necessary to preserve

both the participants' rights and the data acquired during a survey. The researchers will

request permission through a formal letter to the Senior High School Department Principal,

to allow them in conducting the study that involves STEM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics) students from Mary the Queen College (Pampanga) Inc. The

researchers will devote considerable effort to the legal aspect of their ongoing thesis study.

The researchers will go through a number of processes to ensure that this study is valid and

legal. To guarantee the participants' safety and rights, the researchers will acquire their


consent, which will include an assurance that their identity will remain anonymous, as their

responses will be available only to the researchers. Anonymity of individuals participating in

the study will be ensured. The respondents will not be forced and will have the right to

decline on participating in this study. The researchers will respect the results as well and will

not attempt to alter the outcomes.



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Statement of the Problem


Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms
Research Design


Ethical Consideration

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