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Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1

Circulatory system and circulation

Firstly: the circulatory system

Circulatory system:
It is the system that transports the digested food, oxygen gas and
water to tall the body cells and carries the wastes away from the body

Its function
1 – Transports the digested food, oxygen gas and water to all body

2- transports wastes of body to special organs to get ride of them.

3 – helps in maintaining the body health.

Its structure:

Circulatory system consists of:

1 – The heart 2 – Blood vessels 3 – Blood

Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1

1 – The heart
The heart
It is a muscular hollow organ equals about the size of your fist.

Its location: >> inside the chest cavity

between the two lungs.

Its function : >> pumps the blood

continuously throughout the body.

Its structure:
- consists of four chambers (rooms)
located in two sides (right and left
- the upper chamber is called " atrium"
and the lower is called "ventricle"
- there is a wall separates between
right side and left side of heart, to
prevent mixing of blood in both sides.
- There is a valve between each atrium and ventricle to allow blood to flow from atrium
to ventricle and prevent its returning back.

The four chambers of heart are always full of blood and connected to the blood vessels.

Do you know?
- The heart normally pumps 4.5 to 5 liters of blood per minute. And this rate increase up
to three times when exercising.

- the heart is about 350 gm. In man weighing 70 kg.

Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1

2- Blood vessels:
Blood flows inside body through network of blood vessels,

Types of Blood vessels

A: Arteries B: Veins C : Blood capillaries

A: Arteries:
They are thick blood vessels which come out from heart exactly from the two ventricles.

Their function:
Transport the blood from the heat to all the body parts.

Their properties:
1 – they are large and wide at beginning (at the heart) , then they become smaller till end in
network of blood capillaries near the cells.

2 – all arteries carry blood rich in oxygen except the pulmonary artery which carries blood
rich in carbon dioxide.

Examples of arteries:
1 – Pulmonary artery.

Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1
2- Aorta.

B: veins:
They are thin blood vessels that begin at the body cells and open in heart exactly in two

Their function
They carry blood from al the body parts to heart
at the two atria.

Their properties:
1 – they begin in the form of blood capillaries at
the cells, then collect together to become larger
till reaching the heart.

2 – all veins carry blood rich in carbon dioxide

except the pulmonary veins which carry blood rich
in oxygen.

Examples of veins:
1 – superior and inferior vena cava.

2 – pulmonary veins.

- atria receive blood fro veins, while ventricles pump blood through arteries.
- Arteries end with blood capillaries, while veins begin with blood capillaries.

:Comparison between arteries and veins

Points of comparison Arteries Veins
Thickness Thick Thin

Function Carry blood from heart to all Carry blood from all body
body parts. parts to heart.

Types of blood Carry blood rich in oxygen Carry blood rich in carbon
except the pulmonary artery dioxide except pulmonary veins
which carry blood rich in carbon which carry blood rich in
dioxide oxygen.

Examples - Aorta. - pulmonary veins.

Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1
- Pulmonary artery - Superior vena cava and
inferior vena cava.

:C: Blood capillaries

.They are network of tiny blood vessels with very thin walls -
.they are located within tissues and around the cells -

:Their functions
.they connect the ends of arteries and the beginnings of veins – 1
their thin walls allow the blood to deliver food and oxygen to the cells and carries carbon – 2
.dioxide and wastes

The blood – 3
.It is a red liquid

:Its structure

Blood consists of:

A: B C D
Red blood White blood Blood Plasma
cells cells Platelets
(Corpuscles) (corpuscles)

Type Description
A Red blood cells ( R B C ) They are red cells without nuclei
Their functions
Carry oxygen gas from lungs to – 1
.body cells
Carry carbon dioxide gas from -2
.all body cells to lungs

Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1
B: white blood cells (W B C ) They are white cells with different
.forms of nuclei
Their function
They defend the body against
.microbes by attacking them

:C : Blood platelets They are small cell fragments (parts)

:Their function
They help in coagulation of blood
(blood clot) so they help in wound
when the body wounded and the **
blood exposed to air, platelets stick
.to prevent bleeding and heal wounds
D : Plasma It is a yellow watery fluid in which all blood components
.are suspended
:Its function
carries the needed food – 1
.substances to body cells
that it carries the harmful wastes – 2
get formed in cells to another cells to
.ride of them

?Blood platelets are very important

.As they help in coagulation of blood when body is wounded

?Blood is a fluid
.Due to presence of plasma which is a watery fluid

the functions of blood.

,transfer or delivery of materials to all body cells – 1

.red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide -
.plasma transports food, vitamins, salts and harmful wastes -

defense and protection of body – 2

white blood cells attack microbes -
.blood platelets help in healing wounds -
.blood keeps temperature of body constant -

Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1

:Questions on lesson

:Complete the following statements

..…………………………… the …………………… system consists of heart, ……………….. and – 1

.…………………………… the heart is located within the chest cavity between the – 2

.………………………… the heart is a muscular …………….. , which always full of – 3

..……………………… the heart consists of …………………… chambers connected to – 4

the two sides of heart consists of ……………….. chambers, the upper one is called ……………… – 5
..…………………………… and the lower one is called

…………………………… the two sides of the heart are – 6

in each side of heart , there is a ……………………. To prevent the blood from returning back – 7
.to the atrium

.…………………… the blood flows from the atrium to ………………….. through the – 8

…………………………… vessels that carry blood to the heart are called – 9

.end with blood capillaries , while …………………… begin with blood capillaries ..……………………… - 10

the tiny blood vessels which connect between the ends of arteries and the beginnings of – 11
.………………………………… veins are called

..………………………… the blood consists of ………….. , white blood cells , ……………………….. and – 12

.blood cells attack microbes that cause diseases to human ..…………………………… - 13

.blood platelets form ……………………. Which help in healing wounds – 14

………………………… the yellow watery component of blood is called – 15

Choose the correct answer

..………………… the heart is a muscular pump in the size of your – 1

.a. fingers b. foot c. head d. fist

Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1
the circulatory system transports the …………………………. Inside the body – 2
a. digested food and water b. respiratory gases
.c. wastes d. a , b. and c

.the heart is a ………………………. Muscular organ – 3

.a. strong solid b. strong hollow c. weak solid d. weak hollow

there is a …………………. Between the two sides of the heart to prevent the mixing of blood in – 4
.both sides
.a. valve b. wall c. atrium d. vein

.…………………… blood vessels which carry blood from heart are the – 5
.a. arteries b. veins c. blood capillaries d. valves

.Carry the blood to the heart .…………………… - 6

a. veins b. platelets c. arteries d. blood capillaries

begin large and wide at the heart ……………………………… - 7

.a. arteries b. veins c. blood platelets d. blood capillaries

…………………… the function of red blood cells is – 8

a. blood clotting b. carrying the digested food c. carrying oxygen
.d. b and c

..………………… the digested food is transferred from digestive system to the body cells by – 9
.a. plasma b. red blood cells c. white blood cells d. platelets

..…………………… the blood is liquid due to the presence of the – 10

.a. platelets b. plasma c. blood vessels d. heart

……………………………… the functions of blood are – 11

a. the defense of the body only
b. keeping the temperature of the body constant only
c. the delivery of materials only
.d. a. b and c

write the scientific term

..………………………… the lower tow chambers of the heart – 1

..……………………………… .the artery that carries blood rich in carbon dioxide – 2

……………………………………… .the ends of arteries and the beginnings of veins – 3

Science 5th primary 2nd term unit 2 lesson 1 part 1
..…………………………………… the cells that have no nuclei – 4

……………………………… .one of the blood components that help in healing wounds – 5

.…………………………… the cells which carry oxygen gas – 6

Give reasons
?the two sides of heart are separated – 1

?blood flows in one direction inside the heart – 2


?blood capillaries have thin walls – 3


?the red blood cells have a great importance – 4


?the heart contains valves – 5


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