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S. D. M.


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Question Bank
Semester : V Semester .
Course title & code : Data Communications (18UCSC500)
Course Instructors : S M J and S H N

Module – I (CO1)
1. Define simplex, half duplex and full duplex transmission mode. Give one example for each. A
scanner has a resolution of 600 x 600 pixels/square inch. How many bits are produced by an 8-
inch x 10-inch image if scanning uses 8 bits/pixel?

2. List and explain different factors which determine the performance of communication in a
network? If a network with a bandwidth of 10mbps can pass an average of 12000 frames per
minute with each frames having an average of 10000 bits. Compute the throughput of this

3. Compare datagram and virtual circuits. The internet below consists of three LANs
interconnected by two routers. Assume that the hosts and routers have the IP addresses as

Suppose that all traffic from network 3 that is destined to H1 is to be routed directly through
router R2, and all other traffic from network 3 is to go to network 2. What routing table entries
should be present in the network 3 hosts and in R2?
4. Explain briefly the following terms:
i. Bandwidth
ii. Throughput
iii. Latency
i. Jitter
Suppose a computer monitor has a screen resolution of 1200 x 800 pixels. How many
bits are required if each pixel uses 256 colors?
5. Discuss OSI reference model in detail. Compare and contrast it with TCP/IP reference model
6. What do you understand by DNS? How does DNS work? Explain
7. What is data communication? Explain different forms of data representation. Suppose the size
of an uncompressed text file is 1 megabyte.
a. How long does it take to download the file over a 32 kilobit/second modem?
b. How long does it take to take to download the file over a 1 megabit/second modem?
c. Suppose data compression is applied to the text file. How much do the transmission times in
parts (a) and (b) change?
8. Compare and contrast the features of data link layer and transport layer. Suppose that the
TCP entity receives a 1.5 megabyte file from the application layer and that the IP layer is willing
to carry blocks of maximum size 1500 bytes. Calculate the amount of overhead incurred from
segmenting the file into packet-sized units.
Module – 2 (CO 2)
1. Define Channel Capacity. What key factors affect highest data rate for noiseless channel and
noisy channel? Signal to Noise Ratio is often given in decibels. Assume SNRdb=36 and the
channel bandwidth is 2Mhz. Calculate theoretical channel capacity?

2. State Sampling theorem. With help of suitable diagrams, explain the process of transforming
analog data in to digital signal using Pulse Code Modulation technique.

3. Why multiple line coding techniques exist? Encode 0001110101 using following coding
i. NRZ-I
ii. Manchester
iii. Differential Manchester

4. Explain the Internet Checksum method of error detection. Suppose a header consists of four 16-
bit words. 11111111 11111111, 11111111 00000000, 11110000 11110000, 11000000
11000000. Find the internet checksum for this code.

5. Explain the CRC method of error detection. Let g(x) = x3 + x+ 1. Consider the information
sequence 1001. Find the code word corresponding to the preceding information sequence. Also
illustrate how error is detected at receiver.

6. Explain the process involved in PCM with neat diagrams. A digital transmission system has a bit
rate of 45 megabits/second. How many PCM voice calls can be carried by the system?
7. The modulation techniques FSK/PSK transmit only W pulses per second over a band-pass
channel that has a bandwidth of W. This it achieves only half the signaling rate as compared to
low pass channel. How this is overcome? Explain.
8. Explain how CRC based error checking works. Using CRC, given the dataword11110000 and the
divisor 10011
i. Show the generation of the code word at the sender site
ii. Show the checking of the code word at the receiver site
Module – 3 (CO 3)
1. Compare Frequency Division Multiplexing, Time Division Multiplexing and
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
2. Illustrate the function of different SONET layers
3. With neat sketch discuss the SONET frame format
4. Illustrate the Multiplexing n STS-1 signals into an STS-n signal. Calculate the number of voice
channels that can be carried out by an STS-1, STS-3 & STS-12
5. Define the functionality of Add/Drop multiplexer, Pointers & Virtual Tributary
6. Illustrate the working of Cross bar switch. Consider a crossbar switch with n inputs and k
 Explain why the switch is called concentrator, when n>k? under what
traffic condition is this switch appropriate?
 Explain why the switch is called expander, when n<k? under what traffic
condition is this switch appropriate?
 Suppose an N X N switch consists of three stages. An N x K
concentration stage, a K x K cross bar stage and a K x N expansion stage.
Under what conditions is these arraignments appropriate?
7. Explain the working principle of multistage switch with a neat diagram. Consider the
multistage switch, with N= 16, n =4 and K=2. What is the maximum number of
connections can be supported at any given time?
8. Illustrate the TSI technique helps in the design of hybrid switches & time division

Course Instructors
A. Sharada H N
B. S M Joshi

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