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A Research Paper

Submitted to the

Faculty of Quezon National High School

Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements in

Practical Research I


Mendoza, Jayvee

Revilla, Mira Gwehn P.

Villapando, Joyce G.

S.Y. 2019-2020

Mr. Abraham A. Sanchez

Research Adviser

The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the

following people who made the study possible and helped in the successful

accomplishment of this research:

To the research adviser, Mr. Abraham A. Sanchez, who have guided the

researchers in every aspects of the study and provided helpful actions to aid in

formulating more efficient methods which made the whole process of the study


To the participants/respondents who willingly gave their valuable time to the

researchers. Their fruitful responses contributed a lot in the process of data

gathering and drawing conclusions relevant to the research objectives.

To the researchers’ parents who provided financial support as well as

understanding for the researchers. They also aided the researchers in finding

needed participants in the study which made it easier for the researchers to

accomplish the study in a shorter period of time.

To the researchers’ friend who gave the researchers an idea of a good topic to

be studied in compliance with the task of accomplishing a research paper. The

researchers were able to come up with a this title because of the topic ideas

willingly given by the researchers’ friends.

And finally, to our Almighty God who was their all throughout the research

process and provided everything that are needed by the researchers in

accomplishing each tasks in the research conduct within the targeted period of



We dedicate this study to our Almighty God, to our parents, and to the

blue collar job workers across the nation who are greatly affected by the TRAIN

law. They served as motivation for the researchers to finish the study on top of

the struggles encountered along the process of conducting the research.

Since this study would not be possible without the guidance of God, the

researchers offer this achievement of producing a successful research paper to

Him. We would also like to give all the credits, recognition and success to Him.

Our parents also deserve every dedication for they are the ones who

provided major support in conducting the study. Now that the research was done,

we would also devote this study to them.

And lastly, the researchers dedicate this study to the blue collar job

workers around the Philippines who experience the underlying effects of TRAIN

law. We hope that this study will be able to contribute to their field and pave the

way to help workers like them. The researchers were driven to accomplish this

study hearing the blue collar job workers’ voices concerning TRAIN law.

Table of Contents

Title Page i
Acknowledgement ii
Dedication iii
Table of Contents iv
Abstract v
Chapter 1- Introduction 1
Background of the Study 2
Conceptual Framework 5
Statement of the Problem 6
Significance of the Study 7
Scope and Limitation 8
Definition of Terms 9
Chapter 2- Review of Related Literature 11
Related Literature 11
Related Studies 21
Chapter 3- Methodology 26
Research Design 26
Population and Sampling 26
Locale of the Study 28
Data Gathering Procedures 28
Research Instrument 29
The Interview Protocol 30
Chapter 4- Results and Discussions 34
Chapter 5- Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 41

References 46
Appendices 49


This study focuses on the view of blue collar job workers regarding TRAIN

law, the effects of this law to their budgeting and expenses, and their ways of

dealing with its negative effects. The researchers used phenomenology type of

qualitative research as this design is the most applicable one to be used since

the researchers sought to understand and describe how the lives of blue collar

job workers are affected by TRAIN law. Convenience sampling was the

technique used by the researchers in gathering blue collar worker respondents.

After the data gathering and process of analysis using thematic coding, findings

were: 1). Majority of the blue collar job workers are not totally literate about

TRAIN law, although comprehensive upon observation and experiencing this

policy in everyday living. 2). Blue collar job workers were confirmed to be

significantly affected by TRAIN law mostly in a negative way especially in terms

of: 2.1) budgeting and 2.2) expenses. 3) Blue collar job workers have various

coping strategies to deal with the negative effects of TRAIN law. From the

general context, TRAIN law is basically a burden for most blue collar job workers’

perspective as it elevates the prices of basic commodities while their

compensation remains on its state, thus making it difficult for them to adjust.

Chapter 1

Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act, popularly known as TRAIN

Law is officially signed on December 19, 2017. It is a change in taxation

concerning the personal income tax. On January 1, 2018, this law started to took

effect. According to Gimena (2019), among the purposes of TRAIN 1 was to

raise revenue for government’s social services and infrastructure programs. It

reduced the personal income taxes but imposed higher excise on petroleum and

other non-essential goods.

The increase of excise tax on these products affected its prices. Still

according to Gimena (2019), the implementation of the law resulted to the

consumers shouldering the effects of the increase in the excise tax, especially

the poor. As stated by Cabuenas from Research Analytics Group (2018), most

Filipino netizens view the TRAIN law negatively. From the study conducted by

Research and Tech Lab, 94.08% of the recorded sentiments online with regards

to the implementation of the TRAIN law considered this as not helpful at all. Still

according to RTL, the public claim that this law is only beneficial to government

officials, leaving the minimum wage earners behind.

In addition to that, business newspapers around the globe have noted that

the price spike, combined with the impacts of the Tax Reform Acceleration and

Inclusion Law, has in recent months slowed down household expenditure, a main

financial driver. Since the previous year, food and non-alcoholic beverage prices

have increased by 8.5%, forcing consumers to cut other costs. For middle-class

consumers, the price increase and the direct impact it will have on households is

a more urgent issue that needs to be resolved as some analysts try to clarify the

alleged long-term advantages of rising inflation. Some economists and

consumers, however, are more worried about how inflation might hit society's

financially disadvantaged industries (Manglinong, 2018).

Consequently, Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law imposes a

great effect among Filipinos, especially the lower minority of laborers and there is

therefore a need for an assessment and evaluation regarding this that is why the

researchers came up with the study entitled, “TRAIN Law: An Overview to the

New Tax Reform Law Affecting Blue Collar Job Workers”.

Background of the Study

The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law had greatly affected

the economic state of the country for more than a year since it was implemented

and most laborers especially the blue collar job workers and informal workers

group are the ones that were mostly affected by this law.

The inflation levels of the country rose alarmingly in 2018, reaching 6.7%

by September. In view of rising consumer prices, since the first wave of excise

taxes was enacted, the TRAIN law has experienced skepticism and criticism. In

August 2018, only the poorest households in the National Capital Region (NCR)

felt inflation at a whopping 8%— far heavier than the 6.4% national headlined

inflation rate. In addition, households whose revenue was below 30%

experienced food inflation at 8.8% in August, up 3.7% from 5.1% in January.

After all, the suggested excise tax tranches will make it much harder for the

poorest Filipinos to deal with and adjust properly to increasing commodity prices

(Ocampo-Tan, 2019).

Aside from that, people with low incomes may find it hard to pay for items

such as accommodation, food and services when these goods' prices increase

and exceed their salaries. People with low incomes may keep their heat off

during winter months and air conditioning off during summer months to pay for

fundamental living expenses, putting themselves and their kids at danger for

hypothermia and heat-related health issues. If rents and mortgages with

adjustable interest rates increase, low-income individuals may not be able to

prevent falling back on payments, resulting in expulsion and homelessness

(Campbell & Donohoe, 2019). In addition to that, A college education's increasing

expenses can make it inexpensive for low-income employees. Children of low-

income parents may drop out of high school or leave university to work menial

employment to assist their parents pay for fundamental living expenses. This, in

turn, can generate a generation-wide cycle of poverty.

Inflation also raises living costs, commodity prices and decreases job

possibilities for products. This scenario directly affects the revenue of families

and their capacity to spend (Sulekha & Tharmalingam, 2019). Higher cost of

food, petrol and utility means less cash stays after payment for these necessities,

leaving little for savings or discretionary expenditure. In order to offset the

increase in prices, customers tend to purchase less, move to cheaper

replacements, or drive further to discover bargains (Ullman, 2019).

TRAIN 1 would increase poverty incidence by 1.72% for household,

2.03% for individuals, 1.87% for women, 3.2% for fisherfolk, 2.06% for transport

workers, and 2.33% for farmers, and poverty still expected to increase for all

sectors (Ordinario, 2019).

On President Rodrigo Duterte’s SONA, militant groups from Northern

Mindanao mounted a massive protest rally composed of workers, urban

organizations, and members of the transport sector to demand the government to

scrap TRAIN law (Saliring, 2018). Many other groups expressed disagreement to

the implementation of TRAIN law. Other groups of people, including students and

workers, expressed their dismay in this law through the use of major social media

platforms, demanding the abolish of TRAIN law. These situation only show that

there is disappointment among some of the Filipinos regarding the

implementation of this law.

The lives of low income families also changed significantly, especially in

terms of their economic state. In the community itself where the study was

conducted, it can be clearly seen that the system of financial allocation of

common households was relevantly compressed and the expenditures by the

consumer across commercial areas were evidently decreased since the pertinent

increase of commodities’ prices during the second quarter of the previous year.

Moreover, increase of working hours in the researchers’ household and

budgeting and expenses adjustment were manifested. Flow of money seems to

be imbalance wherein the out flow of cash is relatively higher than the normal


Given that dilemma, the researchers came up with the study aiming to

assess how TRAIN law actually affects the poor, especially the blue collar

workers who are said to be the mostly affected by the implementation of the said

law. The researchers want to provide a clearer picture and overview of the

effects of TRAIN law from the view of these workers.

This study focuses on the view of blue collar job workers regarding TRAIN

law, the effects of this law to their budgeting and expenses, and their ways of

dealing with its negative effects.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1 shows the effects of TRAIN law to the blue collar job workers.

As shown in the illustration, Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion law affects

blue collar job workers in terms of their budgeting, expenses, and salary. Since

TRAIN law has a direct effect to the finances and revenue of the country, it

therefore bears a direct effect to the finances of the people as well. The impacts

of gross domestic product modifications differ for individuals at varying rates of

revenue. Low-wage employees are extremely subjected to economic changes as

they tend to work in pro-cyclical industries such as building and production. By

comparison, the wealthy are extremely exposed because there are more

bonuses and stock options in the form of their revenue (The Data Team, 2017).

Since the new tax reform has a direct bearing to the salary and wage of workers

as stated in the data earlier discussion, it can be concluded that it has also direct

effects to their budgeting and expenses. In the succeeding pages, the

researchers have further explained how the Tax Reform Acceleration and

Inclusion law affects the budgeting and expenses of blue collar job workers.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the effects of Tax Reform Acceleration and

Inclusion Law to blue collar job workers. Specifically, it sought to answer the

following questions:

1. How do blue collar job workers view TRAIN law?

2. How do blue collar job workers describe the effects of TRAIN law in terms


2.1. budgeting

2.2. expenses

3. How do blue collar job workers deal with the negative effects of TRAIN


Significance of the Study

This study entitled “TRAIN Law: An Overview to the New Tax Reform Law

Affecting Blue Collar Job Workers” could be beneficial to the government,

especially to the revenue department for it will help them analyze how the new

taxation system affects a major sector of the labor force which is the blue collar

job. With this, they can be able to construct an idea on how they can further

improve and revise the said taxation system.

Second, conducting this research could also help in constructing a better

plan for economic and societal growth and development in terms of taxation

systems. Knowing about the pros and cons of TRAIN law and how it impacts one

of the most productive sectors of the society, which is the blue collar job workers,

can give them ideas on how to make this particular sector more productive,

which eventually, also makes the economy grow more competitively.

This study could also help the labor department in hearing a significant

number of infamous sector under them regarding the implementation of the new

tax reform law. With this, they can be able to identify steps to assist and aid blue

collar job workers, enabling them to develop more productive workers while

adapting with the revolutionary taxation law at the same time

Aside from that, non-governmental organizations and different local labor

force associations could also benefit in this study by giving them logical facts and

informations from which they can rely on to decide specific actions to take

regarding the effects of TRAIN law in their sector. Additionally, it could enable

them to extend their perspective about the tax reform law to see it in both brighter

and darker view. And since the implementation of TRAIN law in their field is

currently a timely issue, giving them knowledge about its effect among workers

can serve as an initiative on whether to criticize or support it.

This research could be beneficial to the blue collar job workers for it will

give their sector a chance to express to the government how TRAIN law affects

them with a more analytical and objective way. Through this, blue collar job

workers could also assess and reflect on how this specific law affects workers

like them and give them awareness about its underlying consequences for them

to be able to come up with a more efficient plan of budgeting. Additionally, this

could also help the remaining population by providing them a deeper

understanding of the effects of TRAIN law and the specific points of why should it

be and why should it not be implemented.

Lastly, this study can serve as reference to future researchers who wants

to conduct further investigation as to how the TRAIN law affects particular

communities, as well as to the deeper understanding about the blue collar field.

Scope and Limitation

This study mainly focuses on the effects of Tax Reform Acceleration and

Inclusion Law to blue collar job workers, especially to their budgeting and

expenses before and after TRAIN law was implemented. It also talks about how

blue collar job workers deal with it and how they view this law from their own


The researchers conducted a face-to-face interview with ten blue collar job

workers as their respondents, with 16 main questions (excluding follow-up

questions) in connection to the research questions on the earlier pages. In

addition to that, the researchers also chose the participants based on their

convenience so that both interviewee and interviewer would be comfortable.

Definition of Terms

This portion explains the different keywords used in the study. Contained

in this part is the conceptual and operational definition of the technical terms in

the study.

Blue Collar Job Worker refers to someone who needs them to do a decent

quantity of manual labor in their job (Mighty Recruiter, 2019). It was

operationally defined in the study as the main subject that was

investigated as to how TRAIN law affects them.

Budget is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future period

of time and is usually compiled and re-evaluated on a periodic basis

(Ganti, 2019). In the study, budget is operationally defined as the

distribution of the workers’ income in each of the commodities that they

are consuming.

Budgeting is the process of preparing detailed projections of future amounts

(Averkamp, 2019). The researchers operationally defined budgeting as

the way or process of planning for the allocation of the workers’ income.

Expenses is the money that something costs you or that you need to spend in

order to do something (Collins Dictionary, n. d.). It was operationally

defined in this study as the amount of money intended to avail a certain

amount of the workers’ necessity

Inflation is a quantitative measure of the rate at which, over a period of time, the

average price level of a basket of selected goods and services increases

(Chen, 2019). In the study, it was operationally defined as the

economical phenomena which has a direct bearing to the prices of the

products and services that the workers avail.

TRAIN Law also known as Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion Law, is a

change in taxation concerning the personal income tax (Gimena, 2019).

In the study, it was operationally defined as the main factor that was

investigated as to how it affects the blue collar job workers.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough

and in-depth review done by the researcher, to fully understand the study


Review of Related Literature

Blue Collar Job Workers

According to Chen (2019), a sort of job is referred to by the word "blue

collar." Blue-collar jobs are typically categorized as manual labor and hourly

salary compensation. Some areas falling within this category include building,

production, maintenance, and mining. Those with this kind of work are described

as working-class employees. Originally, a blue-collar job did not involve the

employee to have a lot of education or even knowledge in the slated sector of

work (again, unlike a white-collar situation requiring at least a high school

diploma and some college in subsequent decades). The word "blue collar" has

developed today, however, and it is prevalent in this position to discover

employees who are officially trained, qualified, and extremely compensated.

As mentioned by Chu (2019), a blue collar worker refers to someone who

requires them to do a good amount of manual labor in their profession.

Warehousing, oil fields, firefighting, construction, production, hygiene, custodial

work and technical facilities are some of the most prevalent sectors employing

these people. Most of the blue collar workers are paid hourly salaries even

though some people with these employment earn an annual salary or are paid by

the job. Blue collar jobs are extremely specialized and involve the ability of

someone to perform a specific job.

Warehousing, oil fields, firefighting, construction, production, hygiene,

custodial work and technical facilities are some of the most prevalent sectors

employing these people. Blue collar jobs are extremely specialized and involve

the ability of someone to perform a specific job. They do not involve any formal

education, however, for the most portion. Typically, a high school diploma or

GED is all it takes for this type of job (Mighty Recruiter, 2019).

However, in Singapore, with two-thirds of the population planning to

maintain white-collar employment by 2030, the career path of the blue-collar

becomes progressively unattractive to young people. There is a clear stigma

attached to job in the blue collar, as pay is often smaller than in employment in

the white collar, and physical labor is considered unpleasant. But demand has

risen over the years for cleaners and other blue-collar workers. In reality, skill

shortages in manufacturing and other regions are growing, which could result in

huge losses of income by 2030 (Biswas, 2018). Additionally, Rapoza (2018)

stated that there is a shortage of blue-collar labor in the United States, and

research analysts believe it is not due to manufacturing returning from China and

elsewhere. According to the Conference Board, the retirement of Baby Boomers

and low-income workers leaving the workforce on disability claims has largely

resulted in the low numbers of job applicants in the blue-collar. In addition, more

seniors from high school are going on to four-year degrees in liberal arts and

receiving extremely qualified employment or beginning careers in professional

services or in public services. This only shows that the current position of blue

collar job and blue collar workers in the society is not establishing something

better for the present generation. Financial matter is a huge factor and the same

situation will not impose a good impact for the country’s economy, especially that

the blue collar workers field is facing a pressing problem today.


According to Ganti (2019), a budget is an estimate of income and

expenditure over a defined future period and is generally compiled and

periodically re-evaluated. Budgets can be produced for a individual, a family, a

group of individuals, a company, a government, a nation, a multinational or

anything else that produces and spends cash. A budget is a microeconomic idea

that demonstrates the trade-off created when exchanging one good for another.

In addition to that, a surplus budget means profits are anticipated in terms of the

bottom line–or the end result of this trade-off, a balanced budget implies

revenues are supposed to be equal expenditures, and a deficit budget means

costs will exceed revenues. Creating and using a budget is not just for those who

need to monitor their cash flows carefully from month to month because "money

is tight." Nearly everyone can profit from budgeting, even individuals with big

paychecks and plenty of money in the bank. Personal budgets are extremely

helpful in managing the finances of an individual or family over both the short and

long term horizon. In the case of TRAIN law implementation in the country,

household budget was obviously affected either in a positive or negative way.

Budgeting is the method of planning future company operations by setting

performance objectives and formalizing them. A budget is really a plan for the

future (Shaun, 2019).

On the other hand, Gaffney (2017) said that, inflation, apart from the rate

of exchange, impacts the result of capital budgeting in other ways. Inflation

generally increases the cost of products and services, including construction

materials, machinery and labor. Based on the outcomes of the capital budget

analysis, these enhanced expenses could make certain projects unfeasible.

Inflation significantly impacts capital budgeting. It forms part of the market rate of

exchange, and capital budgets disclose the true price of the project using the

actual rate of return rather than the market rate. Inflation, apart from the rate of

exchange, impacts the result of capital budgeting in other ways. Inflation

generally increases the cost of products and services, including construction

materials, machinery and labor. Based on the outcomes of the capital budget

assessment, these enhanced expenses could make certain projects unfeasible.

In connection to this study, inflation brought by the aftermath of TRAIN law would

greatly affect budgeting in such a way that allocation could be tighter than the



Banton (2019) stated that living expense is the amount of cash required to

maintain a certain standard of living by providing fundamental costs. With pay

rises lagging behind increasing commodities, expect to beat the cost of living

increases in almost every aspect of everyday life. To compensate for the rise in

prices, consumers tend to buy less, switch to less-expensive substitutes or drive

farther to find bargains (Ullman, 2019).

As stated by John (2019), an imbalance in the supply-to-demand

relationship creates higher prices of commodities, as more individuals compete

to purchase a restricted amount of products. Inflation periods are prevalent in

free-market economies. Inflation, however, can have a deep impact on one’s

living standards because of the decline in their purchasing power. This only

means that living standards among households and individuals might as well

reduce in level due to the effects brough by the tax reform system.

Living standards are mainly based on two variables: revenue and

expenditure. Inflation happens when daily spending increases. However, inflation

can have a deep impact on living standards because of the decline in purchasing

power. By reducing the purchasing power of revenue while increasing daily

costs, inflation can harm living standards. Workers and families, especially those

with low to average amount of wages, would usually have an imbalanced

revenue and expenditure, with the expenditures being higher than the in-flow of

money due to the rising prices of commodities.

Results of the study by the Philippine Statistics Authority (2016) showed

that Filipino families' median annual household earnings is about 267 thousand

pesos. The average annual household spending for the same year, by contrast,

was 215,000 pesos. Therefore, Filipino households save an average of 52,000

pesos per year. The average annual family income in 2015 would be valued at

189,000 pesos, while the average annual family expenditure would be valued at

152,000 pesos for the two reference years using the 2006 prices. Approximately

41.9% of total annual family spending on food was spent in 2015. The proportion

was much greater for households in the bottom 30 percent revenue group at 59.7

percent, while for households in the top 70 percent revenue group it was 38.8

percent. The data implicates the relatively large economical gap between the

higher and the lower class of the society. Thus, financial effects of tax reform

would expectedly cause a gradual and gentle effect for the higher class, while

visible effects would be felt by the lower to middle income households.

According to Numbeo (2019), living cost in the Philippines is 48.20 percent

smaller than in the United States (total information for all towns, rent is not

considered). Rent in the Philippines (average data for all towns) is 78.11 percent

smaller than in the United States. Families with the greatest incidence of poverty,

such as those in the fisheries and agriculture industries, are hardest struck as

elevated inflation rates stay unabated, making the daily survival of poor Filipino

families difficult to cope with, with family size rising (Popcom Philippines, n. d.).

Therefore, workers that would be mostly affected if the rising inflation continues

would be farmers, fishermen, and those at the poorer boarders of the society.


According to the Department of Finance (2019), the Tax Reform for

Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law (Republic Act No.10963), is the first

package of the Duterte’s Administrations Comprehensive Tax Reform Program

(CTRP), which aims to propose significant changes to the Philippines tax system.

The objective of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP) or

TRAIN's first package is to produce a fairer, simpler and more efficient tax

collection scheme. This module includes modifications resulting from this new

law on income tax rates, streamlined tax on transfers, excise tax on particular

products, according to Traid Training Center (2018).

Furthermore, TRAIN law tax tables mandate that 0% tax shall not be

obligued among individuals with PhP 250,000.00 annual income, 20% among

individuals with PhP 250,000.00 to PhP 400,000.00 annual income, and for the

higher income following the same succession. Individuals with over PhP

8,000,000.00 annual income pays over PhP 2,000,000.00 under this law.

However, the tax table decreases as the year 2023 approaches as stated by

PwC Philippines (2018). Mixed income earners and self-employed and

professionals (SEPs) also varies, still depending on their income. Therefore, low

income individuals would have lesser responsibility in the tax and revenue of the

government. However, those with the higher income business and organizations

would pay higher taxes which might also affect low income households due to

their high influence in the economy and commodity prices.

As stated by Gimena (2019), TRAIN 1 reduced personal income taxes

after 20 long years of non-adjustment tax rates; but it imposed greater

commodity excise taxes. The legislators wanted all these reforms to result in

lower prices, more job opportunities and a brighter future for each and every

Filipino, with the support of people.

Effective January 2018, the TRAIN Law lifted excise taxes on fuel goods.

The legislation also offers for further rises planned for 2019 and 2020. Under SB

2104, the excise tax will be returned to the pre-TRAIN law rates and will try to

suspend the planned rises if there are three conditions for a period of three

successive months in any period before January 1, 2021: inflation exceeds

government target, average price of food increases beyond 7% and crude oil

price increases for up to PhP 4,080.00 per barrel (Manahan, 2018).

In a lecture at a latest stakeholder forum, the Department of Finance

(DOF) said petroleum excise is a extremely progressive tax since those who eat

more will pay more tax than those who eat less. Citing a DOF survey,

representatives from the Department of Finance said the top 10% of Filipino

families who earn about PHP113,000 a month consume approximately 51% of

petrol. On the other side, 13 percent of petrol consumed by the top 1 percent of

Filipino families earning PHP288,000 and more a month. Thus, the excise tax

hike has a greater impact on homes that earn more (Villanueva, 2018). This is in

contrast with the statement that as gasoline prices rise, it is likely to be spent on

a bigger share of household expenditures, leaving less to spend on other

products and services. The same applies to companies whose products have to

be transported from location to location or which use fuel as a significant input

(such as the aviation sector). Higher oil prices tend to make manufacturing more

costly for companies as they make doing the stuff they usually do more costly for

families (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2009).

Still according to the same article by Villanueva (2018), reforming the

decades-old tax system of the Philippine government is the key factor in the tax

reform measure of the Duterte administration as it aims to finance the massive

infrastructure program of the government called "Build, Build, Build." The current

government is bidding to spend at least a trillion pesos annually until the end of

its 2022 term to build the necessary infrastructure across the country to ensure

not only continued domestic expansion, but also to ensure that growth is truly

inclusive. It has recognized 75 priority infrastructure projects under the BBB,

which are aimed at financing through Official Development Assistance (ODA)

loans that provide low-income loans,

Price rises peaked at 6.7% last September-October, a high level of almost

10 years, primarily owing to quicker inflation of meat and non-alcoholic drinks as

well as petroleum goods, the latter also owing to external variables. Finance

Assistance Secretary Antonio Joselito Lambino II informed the Philippine News

Agency (PNA) that "elevated petroleum import prices and food supply difficulties"

have been the biggest contributors to inflation in latest months. However, he

quoted that the effect of these two has subsidized, with the supply problem being

resolved by several Malacañang directives to guarantee appropriate supply of

rice, still stated by Villanueva (2018).

With this given information above, the researchers concluded that Train

law affects the society by increasing inflation rate, especially during the early

implementation due to its direct effect to the petroleum prices. Although it is not

yet clear whether increased petroleum prices causes a domino effect for the

remaining commodities, recent studies suggest that it mostly affects those in the

higher income households. This is in contrast with what most information say that

high petroleum prices caused by inflation due to TRAIN law implementation

causes other commodity prices to increase as well. Generally, the implicated

effects of TRAIN law is in contrast with the objectives of its implementation stated

in the earlier literatures mentioned in this study. However, its effects are currently

being assessed and analyzed by the government which will tell on whether to

continue this new system of taxation or settle with the pre-TRAIN law rates.

Review of Related Studies


A study entitled “Assessment of TRAIN’s Coal and Petroleum Excise

Taxes: Environmental Benefits and Impacts on Sectoral Employment and

Household Welfare” (Castillo, Clarete, Muyrong, Tuaño & Banaag, 2018)

assessed the impact of the first package of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and

Inclusion, which includes an increase in petroleum and coal excise taxes, passed

by Congress in 2017. The study reviewed the context of the energy sector in the

Philippines given that petroleum and coal are the largest sources of energy in the

country. Under the whole TRAIN package, the output effects are slightly positive,

especially for the several agriculture and service sectors, resulting in a higher

level of carbon emissions. There is a slight rise in employment under the whole

package, but poverty incidence increases slightly as excise taxes have an

adverse effect in terms of higher commodities prices among the poor.

In addition to that, Mangondato, Cabalida, Ibrahim, Mimbantas, Sagarino

& Maneja (2018) also conducted a study entitled “Effects of Tax Reform for

Acceleration and Inclusion Law to the Sales in Pala-O Public Market”. Pala-o

Public Market is one of the major producers of the necessities and

commodities of the consumers in Iligan City thus the way it will be affected

by the newly implemented TRAIN Law is of great concern. This study aimed

to understand the effects of the taxation structure to the economy in the long

term as well as to mitigate its effect towards economic growth. This study

also aimed to investigate the affectivity of TRAIN law in localities such as Iligan

City and its impact not only to the store owners and the consumers but to the

society and economy as a whole. Indicated in this study is that for the most part,

its impact is felt by the minor industries. Taxes levied on other goods and

services tend to raise the product's cost. The scientists also noted that not all

shop owners know about TRAIN law and its effect on their life. With this, it can be

concluded that most blue collar job workers felt the aftermath of TRAIN law

implementation such as financial deficiency.

Review of Related Studies

Blue Collar Job Workers

Examining whether employed people are impacted by the economic crisis

using information for 28 European nations for the period 2008 to 2012 provided

that strong proof that unfavorable macroeconomic circumstances are negatively

negative with workers' life satisfaction. Furthermore, it was discovered that

greater regional unemployment and inflation rates are predominantly associated

with reduced life satisfaction rates for staff who are in a poor economic position

or expect their future economic condition to be worse. By comparison, the crisis

does not affect employed individuals who are doing well financially and who have

excellent opportunities (Arampatzi, Burger & Veenhoven, 2014). With this given

information, it can be concluded that workers are most likely to be affected

negatively by unemployment and inflation because of TRAIN law.

However, it was found out in a study by Tippins (2016) that the finances of

blue-collar workers were the most acutely impacted as these workers lost their

jobs during the Great Recession of 2007 through 2009. The literature revealed a

minimal understanding of how blue-collar workers allocated funds for their

retirement, and what their investments might be when they invested, implicating

that blue collar job workers tend to impulsively manage finances especially

during their later years. This given data only indicates that blue collar job workers

tend to be impulsive in terms of expenses especially when their income is on

their hands.

In a study conducted by Church (2017) about the spending habits of urban

and blue collar consumers from 1984 to 2015, it was found out that over the past

30 years, the structure of the consumer budget has changed significantly. The

paper outlined the wide-ranging modifications and a selective set of

comprehensive classifications like smoking, alcohol, and personal care. Both the

typical urban consumer and the typical blue-collar urban consumer have

dramatically decreased their budget allocations to food and beverages, apparel,

transportation, and other goods and services while increasing the share of their

budget to housing, medical care, and recreation. In addition, blue collar

customers saw their rent distribution nearly double, compared to a much lower

rise in the rent share for the typical urban customer. This only implicates that blue

collar job workers allocate their income more wisely nowadays by spending more

on the basic necessities rather than recreations and entertainment.

A study conducted by Bonacich & De Lara (2009) wherein the result of

economic development brought by the population growth among blue collar job

workers and placement of many families to financial risks was investigated, it

was found out that the labor and true estate markets of the Inland Empire have

drawn huge investment in the area. Companies in the motion of products have

capitalized on this nexus of inexpensive soil and labor to make the Inland Empire

a significant center of distribution. Working families have paid a steep price for

delivering the goods to the nation's retail shelves. A goods motion sector, which

adds to financial insecurity and bad environmental health, has unduly burdened

them. Goods movement jobs have the potential of providing well paid

employment for the region's large blue-collar workforce. Thus, poor financial

development among laborers, especially blue collar job workers, might potentially

force them to switch to other ways of living that could provide them more

economic growth.


As mentioned in the literatures and studies cited above, Tax Reform

Acceleration and Inclusion Law has a direct impact in the economy and has a

relative effect to the inflation rate in the Philippines. Due to this, the financial

aspects of the Filipino citizens are greatly affected, especially their income and

expenditures. With the increasing inflation rate brought by the implementation of

TRAIN law and several factors in the country, budgeting and expenses of

individuals and families are directly affected. This law affected petroleum prices,

which was known to cause a domino effect among most of the commodities and

eventually to the economy and inflation rate itself, although recent studies

suggest that it mostly affects those in the higher income households.

On the other hand, blue collar job workers play a significant role in driving

the economy. This group of laborers is commonly of middle to low income

earners and is directly affected by the inflation. Any increase in commodities

brings a significant effect to these workers. Economic and financial crisis in the

society affects blue collar job workers more than the financially stable earners. In

addition to that, blue collar job workers are also impulsive when it comes to their

finances and tend to spend more. However, current blue collar job workers tend

to prioritize necessary commodities in their expenditures nowadays. But still, this

sector seems to lack economic growth that migh be due to lack of engagement,

career advancement, and financial issues.

In line with this, the researchers studied how the Tax Reform Acceleration

and Inclusion Law affects blue collar job workers, especially in relation to their

budgeting and expenses.

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the research design and the whole procedure in

conducting the study from choosing the samples to the interview conduct itself.

The succeeding pages further explain and specify the locale, data gathering

procedure, and the research instrument.

Research Design

The researchers conducted a phenomenology type of qualitative study,

describing and analyzing how the Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion law

affects the blue collar job workers. Qualitative study is a research conducted to

obtain knowledge of the reasons, views and motivations behind it. It offers

insights into the issue or contributes to the development of concepts or

hypotheses for future quantitative research (DeFranzo, 2011). Moreover,

phenomenology is a type of qualitative research design that attempts to study

human experiences and responses to a particular phenomenon (Grand Canyon

University, n.d.). The researchers aim to gather accurate and valid data and

information from the blue collar job workers from nearby and within the area of

Lucena City. In order to achieve this, the researchers conducted a face-to-face

interview with the respondents.

Population and Sampling

The population for this research includes blue collar job workers

experiencing TRAIN law in the Philippines, while the accessible population

includes the blue collar workers nearby and within Lucena City, since they are

the workers within the reach of the researchers.

Nine workers were interviewed by the researchers. This nine was

comprised of blue collar job workers from various fields such as the service,

industrial, and agricultural field to represent their respective population.

In addition, blue collar job workers from the said fields were considered

appropriate by the researchers given that this study assesses how the new

taxation system affects this field of the labor force.

Convenience sampling was used by the researchers in selecting the

respondents. This type of sampling is a kind of non-probability sampling method

wherein the data were collected from a portion of the population which is

conveniently accessible for the researchers (Dudovskiy, 2019). The sampling

technique was chosen by the researchers for the ease of gathering the samples

since workers in a busy city like Lucena are commonly preoccupied with multiple

everyday tasks, so choosing the currently available worker that fits within the field

of blue collar job in either of the aforementioned sectors is the best choice of

sampling method to be used.

This sampling technique was applied and achieved by reaching out for

different blue collar job workers working across Lucena City and inquiring about

their schedule so that the researchers can set the interview in a way that meets

the respondent’s free time as well as the researchers’. The researchers made

sure that the blue collar worker participants are of as diversified fields of blue

collar job as possible in order to achieve more saturated data and avoid focusing

on a narrower and specific field of blue collar job only.

Locale of the Study

Lucena City shelters vast number of blue collar job workers across the city

proper. The researchers have selected respondents within the area. The

interview was conducted in each individuals and the interview proper was done in

their houses or any comfortable place that the respondents prefer. The interview

was delivered orally, including the main questions and the follow-up questions.

The researchers chose to select respondents from Lucena City so that it will be

within the reach of the researchers and interaction with the participants will be

easily established for they and the researchers have the same social

background, culture and approach to people.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers prepared the interview guide that was used in conducting

the interview with the respondents. Questions contained in the interview guide,

as well as the follow-up questions delivered by the researchers, are ensured to

be parallel with the research questions provided in the first chapter.

In addition to that, the researchers also used mobile device in order to

document the whole interview. The researchers have also took some notes to

serve as the framework of the whole interview proper. Through this method, main

points and key terms can be easily acquired from the physical copy of the

interview and further details and minimal information as well can be accessed

using the digitally-recorded copy of the interview. This method also ensures that

no necessary information would be missed and left undocumented while having

more convenience in the conduct of analysis of the data at the same time.

In terms of the process of data analysis, the researchers used various

softwares, integrating technology to improve ease as well as the validity of the

results. Answers provided by the respondents were sorted and explained on the

succeeding chapters.

Research Instrument

The researchers prepared an interview guide as one of the data collection

instrument in this study. Since this study is a qualitative research, questions are

contextualized in a way that will prompt the respondents to provide descriptive

answers, thus the researchers are expecting to gather mostly qualitative data

from the respondents.

The questions contained in the guide were anchored to the research

questions to provide the researchers the answers to the said questions after the

interview process. The interview guide has four sections, including introductory

questions preparing the respondents to the topic, respondents’ understanding

about TRAIN law, its effects to them in general, budgeting and expenditures

aspects, and their ways of dealing and response to TRAIN law. Below is the

interview protocol used by the researchers during the interviewing process.

The Interview Protocol

The researchers started scheduling for the interview after finalizing all the

interview questions needed for the participants. This involves the sending of the

interview letter. The participants were also asked to sign the waiver as a sign of

their agreement to take part in the study.




Introductory Protocol: The note taking method will be audio-taped. If the

respondents agree with it, the waiver will be signed. Only the researchers will

have access to the tape that will be demolished after transcribing it. In essence,

this document states: 1) all information must be confidential, 2) the involvement

of the respondents must be voluntary, 3) the respondents may stop at any time if

they are uncomfortable, and 4) the researchers do not intend to cause any harm.

The interview may last for an hour. The researchers may have a follow-up

question. If time starts to run short, it may be essential to interrupt the

participants to move forward in order to finish all the questions asked by the



You have been chosen to speak to us today because you were known as

a blue collar worker who was affected by TRAIN Law. Our research study

focuses on the effects of TRAIN Law on the blue collar worker.

A. Interview Background

1. What is your job?

2. What is your monthly rate/salary?
3. What are your expenditures?
4. Is it enough or not? If not, what are your common solutions to it?

B. Interview Guide

Respondents’ Understanding and View about TRAIN Law

1. How do you understand TRAIN law?

2. Where did you get your idea about TRAIN law?

3. Why do you think TRAIN law was implemented?

4. How do you think TRAIN law drives the society as a whole?

Effect of TRAIN Law among Respondents

5. As a blue collar job worker, how do you think TRAIN law affect your life in

general? Cite examples.

6. How will you compare your budgeting system under the implementation

and before the implementation of TRAIN law?

7. How will you describe the hardships in budgeting that have you

encountered under TRAIN law?

8. In terms of your expenses, how will you compare it the time before and

after TRAIN law was implemented?

9. How will you compare prices then?

10. How did you adjust your expenditures?

11. How did you adjust the allocation of your income in response to TRAIN


Participants’ Response and Way of Dealing with the Effects of TRAIN Law

12. How do you deal with the effects of TRAIN law?

13. From your point of view, do you think TRAIN law should be implemented?


14. How do you think will the TRAIN law affect you in the long run?

15. What do you think should be done to improve/minimize the effects of

TRAIN law?


Thank you very much for the time you spent in this study. Your

perspectives will be very essential for our study.

The purpose of this interview is to know the effects of TRAIN Law on the

blue collar job workers. We're really interested in the opinions and ideas you've

shared about our study.

The result of this study will help the blue collar workers regarding the

effects of TRAIN Law in their daily lives.

This interview is guaranteed confidentiality through the following procedure:

1. The outcome of individual respondents’ answer will be pooled with group


2. No data collection instruments identifying information should be positioned by

the participants

Is there any information you believe may be helpful in this research about

your experience?

In behalf of the researchers, we humbly thank you for your participation in

this study.

Chapter 4
Results and Discussion

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of

data based on the thematic coding done by the researchers from the participants’

responses during the data gathering process.


The interview guide was divided into two major sections. The first one is

the introductory questions which seeks the background information about the

respondents that is relevant to the main inquiries. Based on the answers of the

participants, it was confirmed that they are blue collar job workers mainly coming

from the industry and service sector. Most of the blue collar job workers have

rate-based compensation, although most of the workers from industry sector

have a salary-based income meaning they have regular fixed amount of

compensation. They spend this mostly on their primary necessities with a big

portion for the basic and domestic necessities such as education and food.

Respondents claim that their income is insufficient and they generally deal with it

by means of debt.

Theme 1: TRAIN Law as an Additional Disbursement

The participants generally understand Tax Reform Acceleration and

Inclusion law as additional disbursement due to the taxation changes made by

this law. With this, they claim that salaries among workers was generally

affected. Although some respondents admittedly claimed that they lack absolute

understanding about TRAIN, their perception

In terms of the medium from which the respondents got their idea about

TRAIN law, there were only two underlying factors that appeared from the

interview which are (1) personal experiences and (2) mass media.

Some respondents claimed having no idea about TRAIN law but based on

the further analysis of the researchers, it appears that these respondents have

considerable initial knowledge about TRAIN law aside from the fact that this

policy had been briefly explained by the researchers after asking them about

TRAIN. It simply implies that blue collar job workers have significant experiences

on TRAIN law that might explain their responses in the latter questions.

With almost all of the respondents claiming that they have gotten their

initial ideas about TRAIN law from television, radio and Internet, it can be

deducted that mass media has been an essential medium by which information

about TRAIN law was assimilated. News has been one of the biggest source

mentioned by the blue collar job worker participants from which they heard about

TRAIN law.

On the other hand, some participants claim that they got their initial

knowledge about TRAIN law from both of the two aforementioned factors. For

instance, in the statement:

“Ay diba nakikinig naman tayo ng mga balita. Ay araw-araw na

natin halos naririnig yan tsaka araw-araw narin naman nating nae-
experience yang TRAIN law na yan.”
Translated Version: “By listening to the news, we got ideas about
TRAIN law. Aside from that, we hear and experience TRAIN law
Thus, TRAIN law, as a significant macroeconomic reform, was both

experienced and is widely circulated in the society by the mass media, from

which the public gather some basic information about TRAIN.

Perception of blue collar job workers as to why tax reform was

implemented were: (1) to sustain government projects, (2) compensation hike,

(3) liability compliance, (4) liability compliance, and (5) political corruption.

From the first four abovementioned reasons, macroeconomic factors were

what mostly discerned by the blue collar job workers as the reason for

implementing the tax reform. It was parallel to what Villanueva (2018) said in an

article that TRAIN law primarily objects to finance infrastructure programs and

development of the country.

“Sa palagay ko’y sa mga gawaing pang… ano… pangnasyonal,

mga structure, infrastructure… ganun siguro.”
Translated Version: I think its for infrastractrural purposes.

However, negative implication of this kind of policy from the perspective of

blue collar job workers is the political corruption, since this law raises the taxes

collected by the revenue department, leaving doors for potential misuse of


From the view of blue collar job workers, general implications of TRAIN

law in the society were (1) poverty and (2) financial imbalance. These are two of

the universal factors that appeared from the responses given by the participants.

Due to the effects of TRAIN law such as higher commodity prices and

household debt, level of poverty among workers also increased. Moreover, it was

also stated by Villanueva (2018) that prices peaked at 6.7% during the last

quarter of the previous year and its influence to petroleum and food supply prices

greatly contributed to the massive inflation. This has supported claims of the

interviewed respondents as to what extends had the TRAIN law affected the


Theme 2: Changes brought by TRAIN Law

General effects of TRAIN law mentioned by the respondents are as

follows: (1) higher expenses, (2) small retention, and (3) debt. Literatures agreed

to this such as for instance, as stated by Banton (2019), increasing prices of

commodities directly affects living expenses.

‘Mahirap nga kasi nga gawa ng presyo ng mga bilihin… basta…

nahihirapan ako.’
Translated Version: It's really hard because of the commodity price.
I'm struggling.

Subtheme 2.1: Budgeting Adjustments

Budgeting system among blue collar worker families have changed

significantly along with the emergence of TRAIN law. Participants claim

that before the implementation of TRAIN law, their household budget

appears exact and sufficient. With the occurrence of TRAIN law, blue

collar job workers claim to have been experiencing difficulties in budgeting

as well as lesser income which affects their capability to sustain the

household. In line with this is the fact that inflation generally increases the

cost of products and services, including construction materials, machinery

and labor (Gaffney, 2017).

‘Ay noon, ang mga tao… ang budget, nagkakasya na yung

kuwan… puhunan ko nadadagdagan pero kaunti lang [ang] kinikita.’
Translated Version: Before, their budget was enough. My capital
increases but my income is still low

Furthermore, difficulties encountered by blue collar job workers in

terms of budgeting under TRAIN law were tighter budgeting and need for

additional job. Since tighter budgeting hinders workers from spending for

their household necessities, thus forcing them to look for extra income

through doing extra jobs.

However, the allocation of the participants income is adjusted in

terms of perceptive budgeting and lifestyle adjustment, as well as reducing

their consumption of expenses. Ganti (2019), stated that, personal

budgets are extremely helpful in managing the finances of an individual or

family over both the short and long term horizon.

Subtheme 2.2: Expenses Adjustments

Expenditures among blue collar job workers have changed

ominously along with the occurrence of TRAIN law. According to the

paticipants statement, before the development of TRAIN law, the prices

was cheaper as well as sustained prices. As comprehended by Banton

(2019) living expense is the amount of cash required to maintain a certain

standard of living by providing fundamental costs.

However, with the occurrence of TRAIN law, participants

encountered hardships in terms of expenses. Blue collar job workers

reduced their expenditures because of massive inflation. According to

John (2019), inflation, can have a deep impact on your living standards

because of the decline in your purchasing power.

Furthermore, the participants did adjustment in terms of their

expenditures. Participants became more economical and they highlighted

their priorities as well as effective budgeting. Rendering to Rapoza

(2018), financial matter is a huge factor and the same situation will not

impose a good impact for the country’s economy, especially that the blue

collar workers field is facing a pressing problem today.

‘ Ay iba-iba noon… basta malaki ang pagkakaiba’

Translated Version: It’s easier before. There’s a big difference

Theme 3: Overall Lifestyle Adjustment due to TRAIN Law

Coping strategies applied by the blue collar job workers as appeared from

the interview were as follows: (1) economic adjustment, (2) multiple employment,

(3) financial literacy, (4) increased liability, (5) financial dependence, and (6)

health restriction. This is in contrast of the findings of Philippine Statistics

Authority (2016) that the average annual family income in 2015 would be valued

at 189,000 pesos, while the average annual family expenditure would be valued

at 152,000 pesos for the two reference years using the 2006 prices, wherein the

household expenditure is less than the household income. This could be

associated to the fact that tax reform law was only implemented on 2018. Latest

reports are however still unaccessible or unavailable.

In terms of the opinions of respondents on whether to continue or stop this

policy was mostly the latter, with minor cases agreeing to this law provided some

conditions and other provided a neutral response. Political abuse and corruption

is one of the most emphasized reason of the workers against it. Participants who

agree, on the other hand, considered national development as the primary

reason of why to implement the TRAIN. Neutral stands, however, highlighted the

importance of mutual bargain between the government and the workers under

their fields.

Moreover, poverty, unemployment, debt and financial insecurity are the

predictive implications of TRAIN law in the perspective of the respondents. In line

with this is the circumstance of the high demands in blue collar jobs because of

the stigma attached to the income and social status of people who work under

this category (Biswas, 2018).

Respondents’ suggestions on minimizing the effects of TRAIN law to them

are financial aid, political credibility, and market monitoring.

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter contains the summary of the study, conclusions drawn based on the

emerging themes that have appeared on the previous chapter, and recommendations

for future related studies and the professionals involved in the related field.


The study entitled “TRAIN law: An overview to the New Tax Reform Law

affecting Blue Collar Job Workers” aims to identify the effects of Tax Reform

Acceleration and Inclusion Law to blue collar job workers. Specifically, it sought

to answer the following questions: 1). How do blue collar job workers view TRAIN

law?, 2). How do blue collar job workers describe the effects of TRAIN law in

terms of: 2.1) budgeting ,2.2) expenses, 3). How do blue collar job workers deal

with the negative effects of TRAIN law?

The respondents are blue collar job workers experiencing TRAIN

law in Lucena City, since they are the workers within the reach of the

researchers. Nine workers were interviewed by the researchers. The researchers

interviewed the participants and assesses how the new taxation system affects

their field of labor force.

The interview guide containing the questions was prepared by the

researchers. Mobile device was also used in order to document the whole

interview. Through this method, main points and key terms can be easily

acquired from the physical copy of the interview and further details and minimal

information as well can be accessed using the digitally-recorded copy of the

interview. This method also ensures that no necessary information would be

missed and left undocumented while having more convenience in the conduct of

analysis of the data at the same time.

The researchers used convenience sampling in selecting the respondents.

This type of sampling is a kind of non-probability sampling method in which data

were collected from a part of the population that is conveniently accessible to the

researchers. The sampling technique was chosen by the researchers for the

ease of gathering the samples since workers in a busy city like Lucena are

commonly preoccupied with multiple everyday tasks, so choosing the currently

available worker that fits within the field of blue collar job in either of the

aforementioned sectors is the best choice of sampling method to be used.

Based on the participants’ responses , it was confirmed that they

are primarily blue collar job workers mainly from the industry and service

sector .Most of the blue collar job workers were paid on a rate-based basis. They

spend this mostly on their primary necessities with a big portion for the basic and

domestic necessities such as education and food. Respondents claim that their

income is insufficient and they generally deal with it by means of debt.


Conclusions drawn by the researchers from previous discussions are as


1. Majority of the blue collar job workers are not totally literate about TRAIN

law, although comprehensive upon observation and experiencing this

policy in everyday living. There are few collar job workers who are familiar

with the basic premises of tax reform in which they have mostly get ideas

from the media and internet. Most of them describe TRAIN law as a

collective term or policy that brought the emergence of sudden and

extreme elevation of inflation rate this past months which was to blame on

the massive price hike of basic commodities, specially the petroleum

products, since the previous year. Blue collar job workers’ understanding

about TRAIN law is therefore raw and shallow, however, comprehensive

enough to give themselves awareness and make necessary adjustments.

2. Blue collar job workers were confirmed to be significantly affected by

TRAIN law mostly in a negative way especially in terms of:

2.1. Budgeting system of blue collar job workers was generally

tightened along with the assimilation of TRAIN law. With

higher prices of basic commodities, blue collar job workers

have no choice but to compress their budget and allocate

less in each of the components of household and personal


2.2. Expenses of blue collar job workers was generally reduced.

TRAIN law implied less expenditures for blue collar job

worker household by either purchasing of a certain

commodity in a lesser quantity or diminishing one or multiple

items from the household expenses. Collectively, TRAIN law

caused doubled difficulties among blue collar job workers

due to financial adjustments that they need to make in order

to cope with the continuously changing macroeconomy

brought by the pioneering implication of TRAIN law in

financial matters,

3. Blue collar job workers have various coping strategies to deal with the

negative effects of TRAIN law. Financial credit is one of the major option

considered by blue collar job workers amidst the financial crisis brought by

TRAIN law. Lifestyle adjustments are also necessary, especially the

compression of finances although few workers considered having multiple

jobs to heightened there household income. For the part of the

government, on the other hand, blue collar job workers suggested the

allocation for financial aid for those on the lower row of the sector like

them. Proper macroeconomic management might also be an effective way

to lighten the impact of TRAIN law to the workers.

From the general context, TRAIN law is basically a burden for most

blue collar job workers’ perspective as it elevates the prices of basic

commodities while their compensation remains on its state, thus making it

difficult for them to adjust. As long as the positive implications of TRAIN

law remain unfelt by the blue collar job workers, it can cause more and

more poverty, as claimed by the blue collar job workers.


From the light of the findings, the researchers recommended the following:


Local sectors are not given much attention by the government. With this,

they encountered a lot of difficulties in terms of budgeting and expenses. So in

this, the researchers suggests to the government to make an action as well as

giving attention to the lower sectors.

Blue Collar Job Workers

Blue collar job workers have felt the aftermath of TRAIN law. With this,

they experienced hardships because of massive inflation, but low salary. In this

statement, the researchers suggests to the blue collar job workers is to find an

effective way on how to deal with the effects of TRAIN law.


This study will also be useful for the future researchers by giving those

ideas and guide to improve and develop their own studies regarding the effects

of TRAIN law and other related topics.

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Trade Training Center
Ullman, M. (2010 June 25). How inflation affects your cost of living. Investopedia.
Retrieved from

Villanueva, J. (2018). TRAIN on its 1 st year of implementation. Philippine News
Agency. Retrieved from

Appendix A
Thematic Coding
Questions Answers Code Theme Clustered

A. Introductory Questions

1. What is your job? Carpentry carpentry

subcontractor ng mga
housing unit

administrative aid [janitor]

administrative blue collar job
security guard aid workers
blue collar job
food vendor [and cook] food services workers

nagma-manicure, nagte- personal

theraphy, all-around services


Ako ay… ang trabaho ko ay

isang make-up artist at
nagpa-part time din ako sa
real estate.

Ay di security guard

2. What is your Depende sa mga kuha, 500 rate-based

monthly rate/salary? isang araw. Hindi fixed ang
sweldo ng isang karpintero.
Depende sa tawag.

Ah… depende yun pag

maraming nagpapagawa ng
bahay sa mga housing. Ah…
almost 20,000 monthly.

Ang basic ko is nasa 11,000.


Depende sa kinikita ko araw-

araw. Hindi pare-pareho. fixed salary compensation regular income
Minsan 350, minsan 400,
more or less 10,000 a

Hindi sweldo… yung

kumikita ako.

Oh… sa maghapon, ano…

minsan, 300. Pag maliit-liit,
100. Pero araw-araw

Kulang-kulang 13,000.

Ah… wala akong salary kasi

ako ay on-call sa aking
income. Edi sa tawag sa
akin… hmm… siguro ay mga
average ko ay… sa isang
araw mga 500.

Ang sweldo ko ay 11…ah 12,

563 pag kinaltas na yung
dapat kaltasin ang natitira na
lang ay 5,800.

3. What are your Ahh… pang araw-araw na

expenditures? pagkain.
Ay mga household, yung
mga pang pagkain,
matrikula, kuryente.
Pagpapaaral sa ‘king mga
anak, mga basic necessity ng
Ahh… kuryente, tsaka sa necessities
tubig, tsaka sa pang-tuition
ng kapatid ko.

Baon ng mga eskwela, tubig,

kuryente, pagkain. basic needs

Pagkain ko lang.

Oo, yun. Magkano lang

naman ang kuryente ko.

Syempre… pangkain sa primary
araw-araw, pamasahe, necessities
gamit ng mga anak.

Pinagkakagastusan ko is
baon ng mga anak ko tapos transportation
yung ibang expenses sa
school kagaya ng mga t-shirt, children
projects, ah… uniforms, and expenses
then yung aking food and
then… since hindi naman
ako umuupa [sa bahay] at
tumitira ako sa nanay ko, so
wala akong ibang expenses domestic
maliban dun and then extra expenses
yung ga iba kong kailangan
like… ah… damit or shoes…

Syempre bahay, ilaw,

pagkain… syempre gamot


house rent


4. Is it enough or not? Madalas ay kulang… shortage

If not, what are your pinagkakasya… ay sa
common solutions to tindahan, mangungutang.
it? Pagkasweldo, bayad. debt credit sufficiency level
Ay sumasapat naman.
Pinagkakasya na wala
namang magagawa eh. Ay exact sufficient
laging si utang… credit lang… solutions in
yan lagi pag kulang, utang insuffieciency
muna sa kapitbahay.

Kung tutuusin, kulang. Pag

iisipin natin kasi sa
pamumuhay ngayon, mahal
ang mga bilihin at… katulad
kong narenta ng bahay,
nabayad ng tubig, ilaw, kung
may CATV ka pa o may WiFi
ka, kulang talaga ang 11,000
sa isang pamilya.

Ah… mas malimit ang


Hindi pa din… uutang sa 5-6




Eksakto lang.

Meron akong ano…

paupahan sa Maynila.

Hindi… nangungutang.

Hmm… pag may nag-aaral

hindi sya sapat. Ah… siguro
yung ibang part time job
ayan. Gaya nung nag-real
estate ako ah… baka sakaling
makabenta, madagdagan extra income
yung earnings ko at aside
dun sa trabaho ko na
pagiging make-up artist,
nagbebenta rin ako ng
make-ups… ganun.

Ay hindi…ahh syempre
hahanap ka ng extra
income…nag-mamasage ako,
nagluluto ng mga…nag-
babake ng mga ano…mga
matamis, mga cakes.

1. How do you TRAIN Law? Naaapektuhan

understand TRAIN kami nun. Pag tumataas ang
prices increase
bilihin, yung sweldo yun pa

law? rin… sa pinagkakagastusan. additional
Ah naririnig ko at saka yan expenses
ay dinagdag sa aming
VAT[Value Added Tax]… pag
tax hike
kami nangongontrata additional tax poverty
kasama yan sa aming...
binabawas yan sa aming
abate salary
TRAIN Law. Ang retention
pagkakaintindi ko… ang deduction
pagkakaalam ko sa TRAIN
law, ayan yung mga… basic
commodities natin na
nagsisitaas ang presyo dahil
dun sa batas na ginawa ng
TRAIN law. Ngayon, bilang
ako sa isang padre de
pamilya, lubhang apektado
ang bawat Pilipinong katulad
ko nga na ano… na kailangan
din naman na sana pag-
isipan ng gobyerno ang
paggagawa ng batas para
dun sa makakatulong sa
bawat mamamayan lalo na’t
may pamilya.


Pagtaas ng buwis sa mga


Eh wala tayong magagawa

dun. Ah… unang-una, hindi
natin hawak, diba?

Yung parang ano… dagdag

ng buwis sa paninda.

Hindi ko sya alam talaga,

yung detail. Pero naririnig ko
sa news.

Parang narinig ko yan, kaya

lang parang… narinig ko
lang. Actually hindi ko sya

masyadong pinapansin kasi
masyadong… ano sya, yun
bang pagtaas ng bilihin…
pagtaas ng mga kung anek-

2. Where did you get Sa inyo. researchers

your idea about TRAIN
Ay diba nakikinig naman personal
tayo ng mga balita. Ay araw- encounter
multimedia Personal
araw na natin halos naririnig
yan tsaka araw-araw narin
naman nating nae- mass media
experience yang TRAIN law
na yan. experiences media
Malimit naman tayong…
nagkakaroon tayo ng…
nanonood ako ng TV,
nagbabasa rin ako ng dyaryo
kaya… nalaman ko yan.

Sa inyo.

Sa mga balita sa TV.

Sa mga balita.

Sa internet.

Sa news lang, naririnig ko

sya sa TV at sa radio.

Parang narinig ko sya sa TV

ahh…diba sa balita.

3. Why do you think Sa palagay ko’y sa mga

TRAIN law was gawaing pang… ano…
implemented? pangnasyonal, mga
structure, infrastructure… national Government
ganun siguro. Kaya nga ay projects projects
lang sa mga nababalitaan national
natin...mga katiwalian sa necessities
gobyerno yun ang hindi lang

maganda . corruption mendacity

Sabi nila ay para daw

makakuha ng dagdag budget
para dun sa mga
infrastructure na mga ano… additional
hmm… tulay na yan. revenue
Kasi kalimitan naman natin
dito sa ‘tin ah… ang inaano
ng gobyerno is magkaroon
ng malaking pondo o income
ang gobyerno o… tax para
magkaroon ng… magkaroon
ng dagdag na pera ang
gobyerno para rin naman
sa… sa mga project ng ating compensation
gobyerno. hike
Hmm… sa tingin ko parang…
parang sa ano rin nila…
papagawa ng mga kalsada…
pag-aano ng buwis.

Siguro ay… para ano…

maraming maibigay ang
president sa kanyang mga
sinuswelduhang pulis,

Yun ang hindi ko maaano…


Siguro para pandagdag

pambayad sa ibang bansa.

Ah… sa aking palagay lang

‘to siguro dahil gusto nilang
madagdagan ang income ng salary increase
bansa, para madagdagan
ang buwis at ah… sa
pamamagitan nun, magawa
yung proyekto na kailangan
ng ating bansa.

Siguro… para maging ano… no idea liability

para makatulong, para tayo compliance
ay bumaba yung bilihin,

magkaroon ng batas na… debt payment
may standard ang presyo ng
mga bilihin ng mga iba’t
ibang produkto…para hindi
sya maging mahal.


lower prices


4. How do you think Ay pagka tungkol dyan ay no idea

TRAIN law drives the wala tayong alam dyan kasi
society as a whole? sila-sila lang din nakakaalam
dyan sa gobyerno.

As a whole, edi yung sa mga

pagtaas ng bilihin. Kasi
tumataas yung gasolina
natin gawa dyan sa TRAIN higher prices
law… Yan! Yan ang laging
apektado, mamamayan. Poverty

Siguro pag iisipin ko ‘yan,

ang… ang… ang effect affects citizens
n’yan… sa buong
komunidad… sa atin kasi,
karamihan sa atin dito, hindi
natin na halos maramdaman
ang ating sweldo, unang-
una. Kasi dapat kahit
papano, ang pag-ano ng
sweldo natin… pag[receive]

ng ating sweldo ay nauukol deficiency
dun sa … sa buong pamilya.
Kaya nangyayari, short nang
short, sa mahal ng binibili,
eh tayo’y… mangungutang
at mangutang pa rin. Hindi
nangyayari nakaka… dapat financial
nga maka-save tayo eh. Dun imbalance
sa ating sweldo, may ipon
man lang dapat tayo.

Ahm… tulad nyan mahirap

ang isang tao, nagbubuwis shortage
parin… nilalakihan pa rin ang
buwis, ganun lang.

Ay… malaking epekto kasi household

marami nang naghihirap. debt
Kagaya ng panahon ngayon,
ang mahal-mahal ng bilihin
tapos ang liit-liit ng kinikita.

Aba’y talagang
maaapektuhan sa hirap ng
buhay, diba? Kahit ba ako.
Dati bumibili ako ng tangke poverty
ng gas, [ngayon] nag-uuling
na lang ako kasi nag-iisa ako.
Kaya tipid. tax increases
Syempre lalong
nakakapamulubi… pahirap
nang pahirap.

Hmm… naaapektuhan ng
TRAIN law? Syempre unang-
una, pag tumaas ang bilihin
tapos hindi sapat yung
income ah… kulang. Kulang
ang ano… ang… magiging
kulang ang kita para sa isang
pamilya at lalong maghihirap
ang isang pamilya.

Syempre kapag mahal ang

bilihin, apektado ang buong
komunidad. Di sila… marami

ang di makakabili ng tamang
pagkain, masusustansyang
pagkain, kasi mahal nga eh.
Then isa pa, ahh… dahil
mahal ang bilihin, tataas din
ang ano… tataas din ang
presyo ng mga pamasahe.
Madaming naaapektuhan,
hindi lang yung pagkain
natin, hindi lang yung pang-
kalusugan sa…
pangkalahatang pamumuhay
natin nakakaapekto to.


overall impact

5. As a blue collar job Ay dun nga sa mga pagtaas higher prices
worker, how do you ng bilihin… dahil sa TRAIN
higher expenses
think TRAIN law affect law tumaas ang bilihin… ay
your life in general? yun nga sa mga ano…
Cite examples. pagtaas ng bilihin ay
syempre pagtaas ng bilihin
yung sweldo namin ganun constant
parin… wala parin. salary
Ay gaya ko ako’y nakonsumo
dati, na sa gasolina
nakonsumo ako ng… ang
budget ko ay isang linggo
500. Ay ngayon nagiging financial
600, 700 na. Tumataas imbalance
talaga ang demand ng ano

Apektado. Gawa nga ng

sweldo. Ngayon… katulad demand
ko… kami… nasa gobyerno increase
nga kami… pero maliit ang
sweldo. Ngayon, kung ano
yung… halimbawa,
dadagdagan kami ng sweldo,
ah… siguro at least kahit
papano, yung effect ng low salary
TRAIN law… mababawasan
sa aming mga pangunahing

gastusin. Diba?

Syempre kada buwan

babawasan parin nila yung
small retention
sahod namin, magbabawas
ng 150 para sa… sa mga ano
nila… halimbawa ay
Philhealth ganun, dun nila
binabawas . Tsaka sa mga
bilihin namin… tataas,
gasolina… yun.

Mahirap nga kasi nga gawa salary

ng presyo ng mga bilihin… deduction
basta… nahihirapan ako.

Eh sa hirap kaya gumagawa

ako ng paraan para kumita.

Dumadami ang aking utang.

Ah… sa pamamagitan ng
ano… mahal na bilihin, hindi
sasapat ang kita ng isang
ama o ina ng tahanan para
sa kanyang mga anak. Ah… worsen
sa akin, ah… dahil sa TRAIN hardships difficulties
law, ah…
extra job
So kagaya ko, ang trabaho
ko ay make-up artist.
Paminsan ay nagma-
higher debt
manicure, pedicure, poverty
hairstyling… so syempre impoverishmen
mataas yung magiging t
puhunan ko kung ang
bibilhin ko ay hair color, nail
polish, or gamit sa pag-
rebond. So sa halip na
mababa yung magiging
puhunan ko sa aking
trabaho, naaapektuhan din
syempre yun. At kapag
mataas yung puhunan mo,
so kailangan mo din magtaas
ng singil sa service na


naaapektuhan, syempre
dahil mahal din nga ang
bilihin, sa liit ba naman ng
sweldo namin, diba wala
rin… hindi rin naman
pagkakasya yung sweldo

6. How will you Halos wala namang same

compare your pinagbago… ganun din. condition
budgeting system
Ah nung bago magka-TRAIN
under the
law maayos yung… medyo
implementation and enough
nakakaano pa ako sa exact earnings
before the income
consume nung aking pang
implementation of
araw-araw na travel saka sa
TRAIN law?
aking pagkain… yung mga
budget araw-araw, nakaka-
absorb pa ako dun. Pero
ngayon talagang gipitan. before TRAIN
Ah… nung una kasi… nung law

una, yung… pag-iisipin mo, tighter
yung pag magsi-save ako ng finances
40 pesos a day… halimbawa,
pag sumweldo ako ng…
halimbawa, makakapag-save
ako dapat dati ng… siguro difficulties in
mga… at least mga… yun… budgeting
kung iisipin mo nga, mga
400. Pag iisipin ko, kung isi-
save ko yun, for emergency savings
purposes… siguro meron ako
nun. Pero ngayon, wala…
wala talagang maisi-save.
Walang natitira kasi sa
mahal ng bilihin… tsaka yung
mga bayarin, totoo yun.

Yun katulad nun

mahihirapan na ako mag-
budget… mag-aano ako ng… after TRAIN law
mga gastusin araw-araw. no savings
Bibiling bigas, ayun… mga
pagkain…nung mga sa…
kuryente. Mahihirapan na.
Maliit na nga yung sahod…
yun na nga.

Ay noon, ang mga tao… ang harder insufficiency

budget, nagkakasya na yung budgeting
kuwan… puhunan ko
nadadagdagan pero kaunti
lang [ang] kinikita.

Eh marunong naman akong

mag-budget eh. Marunong
akong mag-budget.

Kasi nung [bago ang TRAIN

law] talaga mahirap ngayon.
Ngayon limang piso? Hindi
ka na makakabili [sa
halagang] limang piso.

Mahirap ngayon. Kung

anong hirap noon, doble
lower income
ngayon. lesser revenue

Ah… dati nung hindi pa
nagkakaroon ng TRAIN law
ah… mga 300 or 400, 500…
ano na yun… ah kumbaga
sakto na yun, medyo
nakakabili na ng konting
extra para sa mga anak pero
since nagkaroon ng TRAIN
law, enough lang yun para sa

Actually nung una naman

kahit wala pa nyan, ang
budget naman ay
nagkakasya kasi mas maliit… doubled
mas maliit pa nung una yung hardships
presyo ng mga bilihin. Ay
ngayon kahit lumaki nag
sweldo mo, dahil pataas…
pataas ang price ng bilihin at
ng iba’t-iba pang ahh…
konsumo natin… ay kahit
lumaki ang sweldo mo hindi
rin magiging sapat, lalong-
lalo na kung hindi ka naman additional
marunong gumastos ng extra disbursement
pera. expenses

7. How will you Wala naman… paghihirap?

describe the hardships Ay ewan ko rin kung anong
in budgeting that have nagiging epekto nun… sa
you encountered akin ay parang wala lang.
under TRAIN law?
Ay ngayon tipid sa ulam. less effect
Imbes na ika’y may tuyo at
less food
isda, isda nalang o kaya tuyo
na lang. Budget-budget
talaga imbes na kakain ka
nalang sa inasal, inasar na tighter
ngayon eh. budgeting
Ah ito naman… ang budgeting
ginagawa dyan namin, bilang
mag-asawa… eh, kaming strict budgeting
mag-asawa nagtutulungan
din naman. Ibig kong

sabihin, kahit papano para…
madagdagan nang konti ang
kinikita na… para makabili
naman ng kahit papano kung
talagang kailangan kasi
imbes na… imbes na
kailangan mo asukal na puti
eh syempre bibilhin mo
asukal na pula na lang, diba?
Ay… para maka-less lamang,
diba? Ngayon, at least kahit
papano eh… nagsa-sideline
yung asawa ko, naggagawa
ng… para makatulong sa
amin, nagawa sya ng
paninda at nagtitinda ng
kahit kaunti para at least ay
magawa yung dapat naming
ano… mabili yung dapat

Ah… tulad nun solo nga ako

sa pagtatrabaho, solo ako sa
aming pamilya… mas lalong
mahihirapan ako kung need for
ipapatupad ‘yang batas na secondary job
extra job additional job
‘yan… dapat wag na
ipatupad yan kasi, para di
masyadong mahirapan ang
mga taong naghihirap na sa
panahon ngayon.

Mahirap dahil nga… sobrang


Mahirap talaga [ang] pagba-

budget kahit sabihin mong
nag-iisa ako… mahirap mag-
budget. Hindi na nga ako…
yun ngang ano… yung
pagkain ko, talagang budget
na budget. Hirap talaga.

Sobrang hirap kasi… liit

naman ng kita, ang mahal ng

bilihin. difficulties

Hmm… kailangan
pagkasyahin mo yung
income mo sa isang araw
para sa baon, sa pagkain,
syempre yung baon hindi
lang sa pagkain ng anak yun,
kasama syempre yung
kanilang pamasahe, dun mo
ibabase yung ano, kanilang
ahh ibibigay na panggastos
sa kanilang school, pati sa…
ganun din naman sa pagkain
kailangan ay ano… i-budget
din kasi sa kagaya ko 5 ang
anak ko, kailangan ay squeezed
mabudget ng tama yung finances
ano… yung income ko.

Ahh…paano ko nga ba
ilalarawan yan…paano ko ba
iaano…actually yan namang
TRAIN law… ay magiging
okay din naman sya…then,
kung ang kailangan lang
natin ay maging… matuto
tayo sa sarili natin, tayo ay
gumastos ng sapat kung ano
lang yung kinikita natin…at
magtabi ng pera na
nanggaling dun sa kinita
natin. Bawasan natin palagi
kahit alam natin na maliit
lang, basta ang ginagastos
natin ay yung…halimbawa
kumita ka ng 1000, alangan
namang…ang gastusin mo
lamang ay 800, itabi mo
yung 200. Hindi yung kumita
ka ng 1000, gumastos ka ng
1500, o edi sala yun.


spend less
financial literary
learn to save

8. In terms of your Sa kagastusan… wala pa…

expenses, how will wala naman.
no changes
you compare it the
Ah yung ngayon edi

time before and after paghihigpit nga ng sinturon
TRAIN law was sabi ko nga. Yung kaunting…
implemented? kaunting higpit, kaunting
budget para magkasya
talaga… magkasya talaga ang
budget natin edi kaunting Reduced after TRAIN law
higpit. expenditures

Wala. Wala rin naming para

bawasin sa gastusin eh, kasi
dun ka lang din… yung mga
kailangan mo sa pang-araw-
araw iba-budget mo yun…
edi syempre alangan
namang bawasin mo yun eh
kakailanganin mo rin.
Dadating halimbawa… suka,
toyo, bawang ah… suka-toyo
saka mga kung ano-ano…
pag bumili ka n’yan… bibili
ka n’yan yung medyo
malaki-laki na, diba? Kasi
[alangan] ka [namang] bibili
ka nung maliliit kasi
pagdating nung ilang araw,
lalo kang mapapamahal
dahil bibili ka uli nung maliit
eh. Kahit hindi gasinong
maayos yung brand nung
binili mo, at least meron ka…
meron kang magagamit.

Ngayon, nasu-survive ko pa
naman ngayon.

Ay iba-iba noon… basta

malaki ang pagkakaiba.
Halimbawa, ang 100 pesos
[pang] bigas at ulam na.
Ngayon, bigas lang.
Hindi, sa akin… halos pareho brands
lang din eh. Halos pareho
din… nasa tao yun kung
papano mag-budget.

Noon nagagawa pang i-
budget kasi nga alam ang
presyo. Ngayon ang daming
nadadagdag [sa presyo]. significant
Ahh nung dati kumbaga
maalwan sakin yung ano… more items
ahh yung buhay dati,
lesser items
compare ngayon kasi noon cheaper prices before TRAIN
pag humingi ng project ang law
anak ko, halimbawa ang
worth ay 300, 400, kaya ko
pang ibigay yun… ngayon,
hindi basta-basta, kailangan
talaga paglalaanan kung ano
man… ahh.. bago…
kumbaga, kabibigay pa lang
ng project o hindi pa
nabibigay, sinabi palang ng
teacher kailangan ano…
sinabi na sakin, so malaanan
ko ng pera yung kanilang heightened
kailangan sa school. prices faster inflation
Actually nung wala pa yan,
ang gastusin naman namin
is…madali lang syang kitain
tsaka madali naming
nabubudget. Ngayon ay
awan ba, nadadagdagan
kahit hindi mo naman… nasa
isip mo ngayon ang bibilhin
mo ay sardinas ay 12, pag advanced
punta mo dun sa grocery 17 budgeting
na pala sya. So hindi sya
talaga ano…hindi sya magta-
tally. So talagang aangat ka
ng aangat, tataas ng tataas
ang gastos mo.

9. How will you Ay malaki ang pinagbago ng significant
compare prices then? mga presyo ng bilihin kasi changes
noon ang bigas 32 lang ay
ngayon kwarenta na. fees hike
Tumaas nga kumpara nung
panahon namin noon.

Ah malaki, kasi dati bago huge difference

mag-TRAIN law nasa
singkwenta lang ang
galunggong eh… singkwenta
to otsenta. Ngayon 160 na…

Sa ngayon talaga medyo

mahal talaga. Mahal ang
bilihin, ah… kahit naman
nung panahon nung… nung
ibang pangulo na wala pang
TRAIN law ay nag-abot na rin
naman… nung nga nag-abot
pa ang gasolina ng nasa 70
pesos eh. Pero ngayon na…
na-maintain naman na
ngayon ng nasa 50, medyo
maano ang gasoline. Pero
yung bilihin talaga, sobra
ang taas talaga.

Ayy… dati nakakabili pa ako

ng mga… mga sapatos ko
pag may natitira sakin… maintain
sapatos, damit, ngayon hindi

na eh…sa sobrang taas ng prices
bilihin ngayon eh. Kailangan
mag-budget eh.

Ay talagang malaki ang

pagkakaiba noon at ngayon.
Syempre ang taas ng bilihin
ngayon… sobrang taas.

Ah maganda ang presyo

noon kesa ngayon. Halos
mataas kaya mas maige pa
bumili ka na lang ng… sa
tindahan ng gulay, yung luto

Dati yung 100 mo, andami

ng mabibili. Ngayon [yung
100] kulang pa sa tatlong
kilong bigas.

Syempre mas mataas yung

bilihin ngayon, kasi dati pag
meron kang 500, ahh medyo
okay na yon. Although ano,
yung 500 before, one day
din lang yon pero ngayon,
yung 1000 mo, siguro one
day lang yon.

Ahh anlaki ng pagkakaiba ng

presyo noon at ngayon.
Nung una kasi sentimo lang
ang itinataas, ngayon talaga
peso na. Peso talaga ang
itinataas hindi sentimo…
pero kapag, katulad nyan
gasolina…pag tumaas, peso,
pag bumaba, sentimo. Oh
diba anlaking ano nun…
malaki ang impact nun sa
atin, sa pang-kalahatan.


higher price

10. How did you Adjust? Edi budgeted efficient effective

adjust your lamang ang mga bilihin… budgeting budgeting
expenditures? paggagastos… bawas-bawas
sa mga binibili.
Yun, imbes nga isang kilong Efficiency
galunggong, kalahati na lang
ngayon… adjust-adjust lang
talaga para mabuhay.

Ang gastusin siguro… yung

gastusin naming ngayon…

yung sinasabi ko nga… bibili
ka nga malaki para after
ano… bago dumating ang
sweldo, kakaunti na yung… became more
bibili ka ulit. Kasi pag naubos economical
yung… maliit lang ang binili
mo, edi bibili ka ulit, eh
papano kung wala ka nang
ano sa budget… wala na
yung budget mo? Medyo
lalakihan kahit hindi ga…
hindi na branded yun, yung…
iyong binili. Meron ka pang…
meron kang kailangan…
meron ka pang budget
kapag kailangan.

Ayan, oo [mas murang

brand]. Pag minsan kasi
totoo yun eh. Ah… kung sa
gamot ba ay okay rin naman
yun, para na rin generic,

Budget-budget na lang. Tiis-

tiis na lang, ganun. Bibili na
lang ng mga para lang sa
bahay… mga kailangan, yun

Sa pag-aadjust ay mahirap.
Kasi nga yung kinikita ko,
imbes na naibibili na ng
pangangailangan ng anak ko,
napapapunta pa sa

Ay… kagaya nga ng sinabi ko, basic

sanay ako sa ganun. Sanay necessities
akong mag-adjust. effective
Oo, marami [binawas sa
gastusin]… maraming

Pagtitipid, bawas ang baon

ng eskwela. highlight
Ahh yung mga hindi
masyadong kailangan, hindi
na muna kailangan bilhin,
kaya yung talagang
kailangan bilhin at kailangan
ng mga anak, yun muna ang

Ang nangyayari, syempre

babawasan mo yung mga
bagay na…mga hindi mo
kailangan, wag mo ng bilhin,
kasi wala kang choice dun
eh. Ang bilhin mo ay yung
pangangailangan mo sa
buhay, kailangan ng pamilya
mo. Syempre yung food,
clothing and shelter. Yun ang
pangunahin nating
pangangailangan, so dun
yung ating pag-uukulan ng
pansin dun sa ating kinikita…
hindi yung ‘ay gusto kong
manood ng sine’ ay hindi na
kasya eh, edi wag kang
manood ng sine. Nood ka na
lang ng TV.


11. How did you Nagbawas kasi nga yung reduced

adjust the allocation mga binibili… mga expenses
of your income in pangkaraniwang binibili.
response to TRAIN
Meron, meron. Ah dati
law? seldom food
nagkakape ako tatlong beses lowering social
maghapon ngayon isang status
beses na lang, sa umaga
nalang. Pag minsan hindi pa,
tubig nalang na malamig eh.
Yun ang ano… yun ang inalis reduced
ko. Dati pag kumakain ako consumption
ng umagahan may softrinks
pa ako eh, ngayon wala nang
softdrinks. Wala na ring
kinakain ng agahan.

Siguro wala kasi kami nung

misis ko, pag kami’y
namimili o halimbawa, ako
ang bumili, siguro tinitipid
lang namin yung nandoon
kasi nga medyo mahal. Pero
pag at least pag may
dumating na pera,
halimbawa may naipon si
misis, halimbawang sa
pagtitinda, yun na lang. Sa
pagkain, halimbawa’y bigas, tighter
isda, o karne man yan, expenditure
nagdadagdag na lang kami
kug halimbawang maubos.
Pero yung pag-adjust, siguro
tipid-tipid talaga.

Oo. Yung mga… tulad ng
damit. Pag bibili ako ng
damit na gusto ko, ngayon di
ko na mabibili. Tsaka yung
pagload-load nung sa ano…
di na ako nagloload. Para lifestyle
makatipid rin naman ako. adjustment

Yun na nga… ay di… di ano…

binawas-bawasan gaya ng
pagbili ng masasarap na
pagkain. Sa halip na karne,
tuyo’t itlog na lang.

Kagaya nung sya ay mahilig

sa Jollibee, ngayon hindi na. removed extra
Mahilig sya sa mga ice expenses
cream-ice cream, kahit may
pera sya, ngayon, hindi na.

Syempre marami kaming

inalis na pangangailangan…
gaya ng sa mga bata.

Hmm wala naman kaya

lamang ahh… hindi na
kaagad binibili, di gaya ng

Oo syempre, kailangan
nating i-distribute ng ano
yun…kasi para makita mo
kung sakto ba talaga yung
budget mo. Kasi pag di mo
hinati-hati yan, ang budget
mo, 0 balance ang aabutin
mo, 0 ka na, meron ka
pang…may balance ka na…
may balance ka pang

delayed advanced
expenses financial
wiser budgeting

12. How do you deal Effects ng TRAIN law? Kasi no idea

with the effects of pagka sa TRAIN law… ang
TRAIN law? alam lang namin gumawa
lang ng bahay. Ay di sa mga
balita nalang kami
nakakarinig nun. ‘Yang pag-
aadjust? Ay awan ko rin
kung papano ia-adjust.

Pangkalahatan… yun bale

sasabihan lang kami kung
halimbawang magbubudget
talaga. Budgeting, adjust ng
budget… bawas ng kain,
bawas ng luho… yun ganun
na lang.

Sa totoo, ang pag-adjust,

pag haharapin natin ang less
buhay sa ngayon… ang pag- expenditures
aadjust ay nasa sa atin nang
sarili kasi hindi naman natin
maiiiwasan pero kung ang
dapat talaga nating gawin is
magtipid, gumawa ng economical
paraan para madagdagan adjustments
ang kita, at magtutulungan
ang bawat pamilya na… ito

lang muna tayo, halimbawa.
Pero yung hindi talagang
kailangan, medyo bawasan.
Pero kung kinakailangan, Thriftiness
lalo na sa mga batang nag-
aaral, dadating ang mga…
katulad ninyo, dadating extra income multiple
[yung] “ay meron po kaming employment overall lifestyle
ganito, meron po kaming changes
ganun, meron kaming…”
katulad ninyo, may thesis
kayo, ganyan-ganyan.
Syempre kailangan ninyo,
pera… kailangan ninyo ng
ganire, kailangan ninyo ng
ng load, kailangan nyo ng
ganun… yun ang inyong…
financial literacy
Katulad nung anak ko, kaga- priorities
graduate lang nung June…
bago sya maka-graduate,
andami nyang kailangan Debt
kaya… sa totoo lang
hanggang ngayon lubog pa
ako sa utang. Hindi pa ako

Ahh… ano lang… para ang

gagawin ko na lang ay…
tawag dito… hihingi na lang financial aid
ako ng suporta sa mga
kapatid ko para makatulong
sakin sa gastusin sa bahay…
may trabaho din naman sila.
Ahh… may sapat kaming
bilihin sa ano… sa kailangan
sa bahay.

Ay… hanggang ngayon

nama’y hinaharap ah. Ah…
walang magagawa kundi
sumunod sa agos.

Naa-adjust ko. Madali lang


Ayun nga… yung tungkol sa Resilience increased
pagkain, ganun… sa mga… liabiliry
kagaya niyan, pupunta
akong palengke, dati nagta-
tricycle pa ako. [Ngayon]
naglalakad ako. O, diba? financial
Yung ita-tricycle ko doon na dependence
bente pesos, ibibili ko na ng
pagkain, diba?

Syempre kailangan harapin

kahit hindi kaya.

Hmm siguro ano… dahil

hindi naman ako mahilig sa need for
fast food, at ang mga anak external aid
ko hindi rin sila mahilig sa Unfelt
fast food, kaya hindi ko
masyado nararamdaman
yung ganun na… hirap na…
epekto ng TRAIN law except
dun sa pangangailangan sa

Ahh… syempre unang-una,

dahil para hindi ako
magkasakit, iiwasan kong
kumain ng mga pagkaing
nagdudulot ng pagkakasakit
sa akin. Ahh… kung ako ay
mahilig manood ng sine,
hindi na muna ako
manonood ng sine, may TV
naman. O kung ako ay
mahilig pumunta sa mga
iba’t- ibang kasiyahan… kung
hindi naman talaga
kinakailangan, pwede
namang pumunta sa
kasiyahan ng hindi ka bibili
ng magarbong damit, so wag
ka ng bumili nun. Kung
kinakailangan, hindi mo
naman kailangan lagi
magregalo kung kani-kanino.

Oh dahil yun nga ay bawal sa
atin. Ganun lang ang dapat
gawin para tayo ay hindi
maapektuhan ng pagtaas,
sobrang pagtaas na yan eh.



13. From your point of Pagpapatupad ng TRAIN

view, do you think law? Sa amin…
TRAIN law should be naaapektuhan kami. Kung
implemented? Why? hindi ipatutupad… ay yun against
nga lang, paano naman yung
mga infrastructure natin na Infrastructure infrastracture
sinasabi nila.

Ay kung ikagaganda naman

ng ating bansa yung kanilang
kinukuhang yun ay okay lang
ako, pero kung yung
halimbawa ay sa epekto nga
na nakikita ko walang… wala agreed agree
akong nakikitang maganda
eh, kasi sa korupsyon.

Sa totoo lang… diba on going

naman ang TRAIN law, diba?

Ibig sabihin ko’y wala na

tayong magagawa dun.
Siguro kung halimabawa
meron mang mag-ano nga mendacity
dyan ay i-adjust ang
sweldo… pataasin yung

sweldo natin at kung resilient
makokontrol nila ang presyo
ng bilihin, dun na lang. Kasi
kawawa talaga yung… ang
mga nagpipilit magtrabaho
katulad ng mga… may anak mutual
din akong nagtatrabaho na agreement
kakaunti ang sinusweldo.

Sa totoo, pag iisipin natin,

paano natin ititigil? Yun
kasi’y naisabatas na yan,
diba? O… papayag ba ang
gobyerno [na] ititigil yan, edi
hindi? Kasi sa kasalukuyang
administrasyon, sya [ang]
nagpakana niyan, diba? Edi
hindi pa yan basta maititigil.
Pero kung siguro pagdating
ng ibang administrasyon,
baka magawan ng paraan
yan para maamyendahan na
hindi naman siguro dapat
kaming lahat ang
mangyayari. Dapat siguro’y
piliin lang yung mga dapat
bigyan ng ganyang… sa
TRAIN law.

Dapat nang itigil. Kasi

nahihirapan na yung… lahat
ng tao ay naghihirap eh. Sa
taas ng bilihin ngayon eh.

Hindi [na ipagpatuloy]… ay

kasi nga mahirap. new
Ay itigil na sana… maraming
mahihirapan. Hindi lang ako,
lahat tayo.

Hindi [na ipagpatuloy]. Kasi

nga gaya naming mahihirap,
di bale sana kung ang taas
ng sweldo.

Hmm hindi ko kasi alam

talaga yung dahilan kung
bakit inemplement pero
siguro dahil nga kailangan ng
ano… ng bansa natin ang against
dagdag income o dagdag
buwis. poverty

Pero sa akin naman,

depende kasi yan. May mga
part kasi na pwede syang
ipatupad, may mga ano
naman na hindi pwede. So
depende na lang sa atin yan
kung paano natin sya
iintindihin… kaya lang, mas
mainam na din kung wala
sya. Hindi rin naman sya…
parang tingin ko, hindi rin
naman sya nakakatulong…
kasi ang natutulungan nyan
ay yung mga malalaking
ano… mga malalaking
kumpanya, na kumikita ng
malalaki. Sila lang din ang
nakikinabang nyan. Pero
katulad natin, katulad ng
maliliit ang sweldo, hindi.
Lalo na yung mga
manggagawang mga… mga tax revenue
karpintero, mga magsasaka,
hindi naman natutulungan
nyan eh.





14. How do you think Kung hindi maaapektuhan

will the TRAIN law ang mga bilihin… sa mga
affect you in the long bilihin ay maano pa rin,
run? andun parin ang mga
epekto… Yung mga bilihin
nga, edi syempre
maaapektuhan, pagtaas ng
TRAIN law ay di pagtaas din
ng bilihin. Ay ang maiiwan ay
ang mga nasa mabababang higher prices
economical poverty
Ah marami… malaki parin, gap
malaki ang pag… uhm baka Poverty
tumigil na ako ng
pangogontrata, yun ang
isang ano dun… yung factor
nyan kasi wala na kaming early
kikitain, dun nalang mauuwi retirement


Sigurado[ng] maaapektuhan lack of income

kasi sa pang-araw-araw
talaga iyan ay ginagamit
nating mga pangangailangan
natin. Ang iniisip ko dyan,
hindi nga kami
makakabangon na maliliit na
manggagawa kung kami’y
hindi bibigyan ng pansin ng
gobyerno upang mapataas
naman ang aming sweldo
para naman kami [ay]
makalebel dun sa mga…
aming mga gastusin. Katulad
ng sinasabing TRAIN law na
yan, ang taas-taas nung
bilihin pero hindi naman
kami halos… bibili kami,
hindi… at least nabibili
namin, pero hindi branded,

Yun. Makakapag-double
working ako.

Ay… di ko masasabi sa
ngayon at ang hirap nga ng

Maraming mahihirap na
talaga… maraming

Hindi ko alam… imbes na

makapag-ipon, wala na. double
Kung paano maaapektuhan? working
Ahh… syempre ahh… pag no idea
nagtagal yung ganyang
sistema, na mataas ng buwis
ahh patuloy na
mahihirapan… ahh… pagpo-
provide ng kailangan ng

Actually parang tingin ko
eh…yung pera o sweldo ko,
no savings
talagang hindi na
magkakasya. Yung mga financial
balanse kong maiiwan lalong insecurity
masususon-suson yun. Wala
ng pag ano yun… hanggang
sa ikaw ay bumaon na sa

economical gap

worsen debt

eternal debt

15. What do you think Gagawin ng gobyerno? Ay di

should be done to syempre pangalagaan nila
improve/minimize the ang mga… lalo sa health… ay
effects of TRAIN law? di syempre yun din ang
pangangailangan ng tao.
Tsaka mahihirap… ay subsidize government aid
syempre nangunguna na ang necessities
kalusugan, pagpapaospital.
Yun nga isusubsidized ng
gobyerno ay… yun lalo na
ang PhilHealth kung iaano ng aids in basic
gobyerno na libre ang ospital needs
para dun man lamang ay

makaluwag-luwag ang mga
mamamayan at ang tao.
Pagpapababa ng bilihin…
yun sa ganun maano…
maganda-ganda… yung sa
health nga nangunguna.

Ah sa akin yung mga… yung

libreng high school, yung
mga libreng matrikula, yung
mga… yung mga sinasabi lower prices
nilang ah… ano yun 4P’s.
Yung mga naitutulong nila
dapat i-sustain nila yun.
Tsaka dagdagan pa yung accessibility of
mga benefits dun sa… necessities
halimbawa sa mga… ah
beneficiary… yung mga SSS
free education
beneficiary. Sa mga
matatanda dapat libre na
ang mga hospitalization ng
lahat. Yun lang sa aking ano.
Tapos magbigay ng isang sustained
utility ah… public utility na benefits
talagang libre din ang sakay
man lang para dun sa

Iyon na ngang sinasabi ko

kanina. Dagdagan ang
sweldo naming na mga
simpleng empleyado at kung
maaamyendahan… hindi
dapat katasaan ang mga
bilihin. Hindi lahat itataas
kasi pag tinaas mo nang…
magsasama-sama na yung
lahat. Katulad ngayong
magpapasko, nagpaplano na
naman yung ibang mga
manufacturer na magtataas, Improved
itataas yung kanilang mga macroeconomic
bilihin tulad ng spaghetti, management
tomato sauce, ganyan,
ganun… nagpaplano na

naman sila, eh papano yung salary hike
ibang… buti sana kung lahat
ay may bonus. O kung
halimbawa, ako,
napangutang ko na yung
bonus ko… o, ano pang ibibili
ko pagdating ng pasko,
bagong taon, diba? Dadating
‘yang November, kukunin
lang din sa akin. O, eh
papano magsi-celebrate ng
pasko, diba? Yun yung dapat
isipin ng gobyerno.

Ahh… ibababa lang yung

buwis… para bumaba din
ang bilihin.

Kailangan ng gobyerno ay…

‘wag nang mangutang nang
mangutang sa ibang bansa.
Asikasuhin na lang ay
kabuhayan nito [Pilipinas],
kaysa naman mamamayan
ang pahihirapan.
Ibaba nila [ang presyo]. policies
Dapat silang gobyerno ang
gumawa ng paraan para
ibaba ang mga presyo [ng
bilihin], diba? Susunod lang
tayo eh. Alangan naman na
gusto nating… puro tawad
na nga ang ginagawa ko sa

Ilagay nila [ng gobyerno] sa

dapat kalagyan yung
kinukuha nilang pasobra.

Epekto o mabawasan? Ahh

siguro ano… ahh… maging
maayos lang yung
pagbabudget kasi hindi na
na natin maaalis yun e,
kumbaga batas na yon at

siguro… ahh okay lang
naman yung buwis ipatong
sa mamamayan, pero
dapat… ahh… gugulin ng
gobyerno sa tamang paraan
para sa ikabubuti ng lower tax
mamamayan kasi kumbaga
hindi masosolusyonan ang
kahirapan kung hindi
aayusin ang pamamalakad.

So dapat gawin ng gobyerno reduce wiser financial

na siguro is ahh… ano… national debt management
yang…tingnan nilang mabuti
yung mga…mga pagkaing
ibinebenta sa merkado… promote local
kung talagang tumutupad income
sila sa tamang presyo… sa
batas ng tamang presyo kasi
kapag yun ay na-ano nila…
hindi na…maiiwasan na yung
mayroong nagbebenta ng
napaka-taas, meron namang
magabababa, mataas… ay
hindi pare-pareho. Dapat
uniform ang presyo. Kaya
lang minsan talaga hindi na
rin maiiwasan dahil…
halimbawa yung manok na
ibinebenta mo ay nanggaling
pa ng sariaya, syempre
pamasahe pa papunta dito…
kasama yun sa kwenta ng
pagbebenta… ng marketing.
So talagang tataas yun…
kung yun ay dun ay kinuha
mo ng 100, syempre,
ibebenta mo dito yun ng 120
o 110 ang isang kilo. Kaya Improved
lang kung hindi sya political
natitingnan ng gobyerno… management
hindi sya nakikita…
nasusubaybayan ng proper
gobyerno, may mga tao na expenditure
lumalampas, inaabuso nila

yuon. Nagbibigay sila ng mas
mataas na presyo.

standardize monitoring the

pricing market


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