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1029/2009WR008364, 2009

Lagrangian modeling of advection-diffusion transport in open

channel flow
Bishnu H. Devkota1,2 and Jörg Imberger1
Received 7 July 2009; accepted 7 August 2009; published 9 December 2009.
[1] A fully Lagrangian method is presented for the accurate simulation of advection-
diffusion transport in both steady and unsteady open channel flows. Numerical results are
presented for Gaussian tracer distributions, top hat tracer distributions, and steep tracer
fronts (step function) profiles in a uniform flow and are compared against analytical
solutions and against the results obtained with an Eulerian Quadratic Upstream
Interpolation for Convective Kinematics with Estimated Streaming Terms (QUICKEST)
method. It is demonstrated that the Lagrangian scheme can totally eliminate numerical
diffusion and oscillations including those normally observed in steep frontal regions in most
Eulerian schemes. In steady, uniform flow, the scheme allowed a large time step to be
used and provides exact solutions for a wide range of Courant numbers (results are presented
for Cr from 0 to 20) and for an entire range of grid Peclet numbers (from 0 to infinity). These
simulation results for a uniform flow were extended to flows due to simple waves,
solitary waves, and undular bores; again, the scheme produced excellent results. It is shown
that the simple Lagrangian model is an efficient and accurate tool to predict transport in
advection dominated systems, and when it is coupled with the new Lagrangian river model,
the dynamic river model, it can be an ideal model for long-term and large-scale simulation of
transport for water quality in river systems and for transport with steep frontal regions.
Citation: Devkota, B. H., and J. Imberger (2009), Lagrangian modeling of advection-diffusion transport in open channel flow, Water
Resour. Res., 45, W12406, doi:10.1029/2009WR008364.

1. Introduction parabolic-hyperbolic character of the systems [Yeh et al.,

[2] Numerical methods suitable for the solution of the 1992].
transport equation: [3] Eulerian models that have grids fixed in space have a
number of difficulties when transport is advection dominat-
  ed. These include numerical diffusion, oscillations, insta-
@C @C 1 @ @C
þU ¼ KA ; ð1Þ bilities and peak clipping because of the numerical
@t @x A @x @x
representation of advection terms in the transport equation
[Fischer et al., 1979; Durran, 1999; Yeh, 1990; Zhang et al.,
remain the subject of extensive research in computational 1993]. First-order upwind schemes [van Genuchten and
fluid dynamics [Celia et al., 1988; Durran, 1999]. In Gray, 1978] or upstream finite element schemes [Huyakorn,
application to open channels and river flows, equation (1) 1978; Bradford and Katopodes, 2000] are effective in
describes the evolution of contaminant concentration C(x, t) reducing numerical oscillations, but these upwind methods
in a one dimensional flow in a channel of cross-sectional introduce large numerical diffusion [Yeh, 1990; Zhang et al.,
area A(x, t), a mean flow velocity U(x, t) and a diffusion 1993; Abbott and Basco, 1995; Gross et al., 1999]. Numer-
coefficient K(x, t). Transport by advection and diffusion can ical diffusion can be reduced by using second- or higher-
be separated and are additive processes [Fischer et al., order schemes, but these schemes then produce oscillations
1979]. In the Eulerian solution of equation (1), difficulties [Leonard, 1979; Neuman, 1984; Leonard, 1991]. Numerical
arise because of the dual nature of the transport equation oscillations and diffusion can both be minimized by using a
[Zhang et al., 1993]. When the transport is advection small grid size and small time steps, such that the Courant
dominated, the equation behaves as a first-order hyperbolic number, Cr = UDt/Dx and the grid Peclet number, Pe =
equation, but when the transport is diffusion dominated the UDx/K are small, but this comes at the expense of compu-
equation behaves as a second-order parabolic equation. To tation time [Manson et al., 2001]. However, even with small
accurately model the advection-diffusion transport, the time steps and small grid size, negative concentrations may
numerical scheme must be able to handle the mixed still be encountered because of numerical oscillation in the
vicinity of sharp fronts or in regions of high local concen-
tration gradients, for example in the modeling of outfalls of
Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia, Crawley, wastewater or heated water discharge. Although third-order
Western Australia, Australia. upwind schemes such as Quadratic Upstream Interpolation
Now at Water Corporation, Leederville, Western Australia, Australia.
for Convective Kinematics with Estimated Streaming Terms
Copyright 2009 by the American Geophysical Union.
0043-1397/09/2009WR008364 [Leonard, 1991] yield satisfactory results [Gross et al.,

W12406 1 of 14

1999; Lin and Falconer, 1997], QUICKEST produces models to a hydrodynamic code because, in a Lagrangian
oscillations and has some numerical diffusion near sharp formulation, we are dealing with parcels that always
frontal regions. ULTIMATE QUICKEST suppresses the contain the same mass [Jobson, 1987]. However, the early
oscillations, but still exhibits numerical diffusion and hence Lagrangian transport models [Fischer, 1972; McBride and
smears the concentration at sharp frontal regions [Leonard, Rutherford, 1984; Jobson, 1987; Schoellhamer, 1988] had a
1991; Lin and Falconer, 1997]. Furthermore, being explicit, number of shortcomings. First, these transport models were
these schemes have limitations in that the Courant number not coupled to Lagrangian flow models, instead they used
must not exceed one in advection simulation and hence an externally supplied, reach averaged, velocity field at
small time steps must be used. This makes these schemes fixed grid points that needed to be interpolated. Second,
unsuitable for long-term and large-scale simulations of the mixing was calculated based on the exchange flow
transport that are often required to capture seasonal- and between two adjacent parcels requiring a small time step.
basin-scale variation of water quality in river systems Third, these models required new parcels to be introduced,
[Thomann, 1998]. Although the implicit schemes allow at each time step, at the upstream boundary, necessitating
the use of large time steps and large Cr, this does not bring the introduction of a large number of parcels. However, it
any accuracy at time steps significantly larger than the should be noted that the Lagrangian scheme may introduce
stability limit of the explicit schemes [Manson and Wallis, numerical diffusion if two parcels need to be combined,
1997]. Among Eulerian explicit schemes, QUICKEST was such as may be the case when the flow goes through rapidly
assessed by Gross et al. [1999] to be the best among six changing river geometry. Nevertheless, this combining
widely used advection schemes tested. Cahyono [1993] process can be optimized by choosing the parcel size that
concluded that ULTIMATE QUICKEST was the most matches the river basin geometry.
attractive among 36 schemes tested. [6] The objective of the present work is to incorporate a
[4] Semi-Lagrangian methods that use a fixed grid, but transport model within the dynamic river model (DYRIM)
solve the equation in two steps by decoupling the solution, per the work of Devkota [2005] and Devkota and Imberger
allow large time steps to be used. First, the advection part [2009a, 2009b]. DYRIM is a one-dimensional Lagrangian
(first-order hyperbolic) is solved in a Lagrangian sense by river model for the simulation of flow that computes
particle tracking and second, the diffusion part (second- velocity, depth and position of the moving water parcels
order parabolic) is solved in the fixed Eulerian grid. This in river channel and floodplain and the lateral exchange
method has been successfully applied using large time steps between them. The incorporation of the transport model will
in a river system [Holly and Preissmann, 1977; Manson et allow fully Lagrangian modeling of advection-diffusion
al., 2001] and in the atmospheric system [Staniforth and transport of heat, mass and pollutants in open channels,
Cote, 1991]. But, in the interpolation that is required to rivers and floodplain systems. In this paper, we first present
obtain the Lagrangian value in the advection step, a smaller simulations for pure advection and advection-diffusion
grid size is required to minimize the numerical diffusion and transport under steady, uniform flow in a channel using
instabilities in the sharp frontal regions [Yeh, 1990]. Al- bench mark test case problems to verify the accuracy of the
though, the zoomable (or adjustable) hidden fine-mesh scheme. Many of these tests are a subset of the benchmark
approach [Yeh, 1990] and an adaptive local grid refinement initial and boundary value problems used to test advection-
[Yeh et al., 1992] is able to eliminate numerical diffusion diffusion algorithms of this type, which represent the
and oscillations in the sharp front region in the entire range various practical problems in physical systems [Celia et
of Peclet numbers and Courant number above 1, in terms of al., 1988; Yeh, 1990; Zhang et al., 1993]. The results are
practical implementation, the process of zooming and then compared against an exact (analytical) solution and the
refining the grids at each time step is not straight forward results obtained using the QUICKEST method where pos-
[Zhang et al., 1993]. Also, a large number of grids are sible. We show that the simple Lagrangian method pre-
required that take excessive amounts of computer memory sented here can remove the deficiencies of Eulerian and
and run time. Zhang et al. [1993] used a modified single semi-Lagrangian approaches described above. It can totally
step reverse particle tracking in the advection step to elimi- eliminate numerical diffusion and oscillations, allow large
nate numerical diffusion and oscillations at steep fronts, but time steps to be used and provide exact solutions even at
the Courant number needed to be below 1, requiring the use very high Courant numbers for pure advection (or advection
of a small time step and a long computational time. dominated) transport including for steep fronts. The model
[5] The limitation of time steps and problems in the was also tested for pure advection simulation and mass
vicinity of steep fronts in the Eulerian and semi-Lagrangian transport in unsteady flows including cases with simple
approaches can be overcome by using a fully Lagrangian waves, solitary waves and undular bores in channels.
approach, in which the parcels of water (or grids) are moved
with the mean flow velocity and the advection term (first- 2. Lagrangian Transport Model
order parabolic term) is eliminated [Devkota and Imberger,
2009a, 2009b]. In the absence of the advection term, [7] Figure 1 shows the Lagrangian parcels moving with
numerical diffusion, oscillations and instability can be the mean flow velocity. In the Lagrangian system, the
totally eliminated because there is no need to establish the dependent variables are a function of the initial position
fixed grid points and allocate concentrations to specific ‘‘a’’ and time ‘‘t’’. Thus the advection-diffusion transport
locations and compute the advective flux; rather the grid given by equation (1) may be written as:
is a set of moving points that represent the centers of the !
marked volumes or parcels. Also, the Lagrangian transport ^ ða; t Þ 1 @
dC ^
¼ KA ; ð2Þ
is conceptually advantageous when coupling water quality dt A @^x @^x

2 of 14

Figure 1. Schematic of Lagrangian parcels moving under waves and currents: U is the mean flow
velocity, Vw is the wave speed, h is the water depth, Ck is the concentration of the parcel k, and the two-
headed arrows represents down gradient diffusion transport.

where C^ (a, t) is the concentration of the tracer, dC/dt

^ is the with the degree of implicitness measured by a weighting
total derivative, ^x (a, t) is the Lagrangian position of the factor q [Sinokrot and Stefan, 1993]:
parcel at time t, A(^x, t) is the cross-sectional area of the flow
and a is the initial position of the parcels. The longitudinal 2 !nþ1 !nþ1 3
@C ^
dispersion coefficient K, was given by Fischer et al. [1979]: 6 KA  KA 7
C nþ1 ^
C n 6 @x @x 7
k k 6 kþ1=2 k1=2 7
¼ q6 7
0:011W 2 U 2 Dt 6 Anþ1 nþ1
k Lk
K¼ ; ð3Þ 4 5
2 !n !n 3
where U is the mean flow velocity, W ispthe ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiwidth of the
ffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ^
@C ^
channel, h is the depth of the flow, u* = t b =r = gRS is 6 KA  KA 7
6 @x @x 7
the friction velocity, t b is the boundary shear stress, R is the 6 kþ1=2 k1=2 7
þ ð1  qÞ6 7; ð6Þ
hydraulic radius and S is the friction slope (bed slope for 6 Ank Lnk 7
4 5
uniform flow).
[8] For pure advection transport (K = 0), equation (2) is
given as: ^ (a, t)n+1
where C k is the concentration of the particle at time
n + 1, that was at position a at time t = 0 (or the
^ ða; t Þ
¼0 ð4Þ concentration at the new position ^xn+1, at the present time n
dt + 1), C^ (a, t)nk is the concentration of the same particle at
^ no longer previous time n (or at the previous position, ^xn at time n) as
In equations (2) and (4), the concentration C shown in Figure 2 and Ln+1 = ^xn+1 xn+1
k k+1/2  ^k1/2 is the length of
represents the concentration at a point in space and time, but the parcel at time n + 1. The scheme is flexible in that it
rather the concentration of a fluid particle in the Lagrangian becomes fully explicit if q = 0, fully implicit if q = 1 and
positions, as the parcels move with mean flow velocity semi-implicit if 0  q  1, but in practice usually q = 0.55–
along the trajectory given by the fluid kinematics relation 0.65 is chosen if a semi-implicit scheme is used [Hoffmann
as: and Chiang, 1993].
[10] The new position of the parcel (the grid) at time level
d^xða; t Þ ^ n + 1 is given by equation (5) as:
¼ U ða; t Þ; ð5Þ
k ¼ ^xnk þ U Dt; ð7Þ
where ^x (a, t) is the position of the particle at time t that was
at position a at t = 0, U ^ (a, t) is the mean (cross-sectional
average) flow velocity in the Lagrangian coordinate. The   
where U ¼ 0:5 U^ ða; t n Þ þ U
^ a; t nþ1 ð8Þ
Lagrangian form (equations (2) and (5)) of the Eulerian
equation (1) eliminates the advection term so that the
equation takes on a purely parabolic appearance that can be is the time average velocity, U^ (a, tn+1) is the velocity of the
solved efficiently with a finite difference or finite element parcel at time n + 1 that was at position a at time t = 0 (or
method. Equation (4) shows that, in a pure advection system the velocity at the new position, ^xn+1 at the present time n +
(or nondiffusive system), the concentration of the parcels 1, U^ (a, tn) is the velocity of the same parcel at previous
remain unchanged and any smearing in concentration time n (or the velocity at the previous position, ^xn at time n,
provides an estimate of numerical diffusion and any ^x(a, t) is the position of a fluid particle at time t that
overshoot and undershoot provides an estimate of numerical originated at position a at time t = 0. The velocity and the
oscillations. This can be used as a criterion to test the position of the parcels are computed by DYRIM. It should
numerical diffusion and oscillations in any scheme. be noted that if the flow is unsteady (or nonuniform), the
length of the parcel changes as the flow evolves [Devkota,
2005; Devkota and Imberger, 2009a, 2009b]. The simula-
3. Numerical Method tion results are used to describe the effects of the grid
[9] A variety of numerical methods exist to solve equa- distortion on the spatial concentration profiles.
tion (2). In this study, a Crank-Nicolson type scheme is used

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Figure 2. Schematic of Lagrangian computational moving grid: solid circles represent the locations of
the centers of mass of the parcels, open circles represent the locations of the faces, solid lines represent
the trajectory of the centers of mass, and dashed lines represent the trajectory of the faces.

[11] Equation (6) may be further discretised as: The widely used QUICKEST method that is a third-order
upwind explicit scheme [Leonard, 1979], is given by Abbott
1 ^ nþ1  C
C ^ nþ1 and Basco [1995] as:
^ nþ1
C ¼ ^n
C þ qDt nþ1
Kkþ1=2 Anþ1 kþ1 k
k k kþ1=2
Vknþ1 nþ1

!# Cr  2  n
^ nþ1 ^ nþ1 Cknþ1 ¼ Ckn þ g ð1  Cr Þ  Cr  3Cr þ 2 Ckþ1
nþ1 C C 6
 Kk1=2 Anþ1
k k1

k1 Cr  2 
"  g ð2  3Cr Þ  Cr  2Cr  1 Ckn
^n  C
C ^n 6
1 n kþ1 k

þ ð1  qÞDt Kkþ1=2 Ankþ1=2 Cr  2  n

Vkn n
Dxk þ g ð1  3Cr Þ  Cr  Cr  2 Ck1
!# 2
^n  C
C ^n

Kk1=2 Ank1=2 k k1
: ð9Þ Cr  2  n
Dxk1 þ gCr þ Cr  1 Ck2 ; ð12Þ

where V is the volume of the parcel and Dxn+1k = ^xn+1 xn+1

k+1  ^k where Cr = UDt/Dx is a Courant number. In section 4 of the
is the center to center distance of the parcel (the grid size at paper, the present methods are compared, where possible,
time n + 1). For an uniform flow and uniform grid size with the analytical solution, as well as the numerical results
using an explicit approach (q = 0), equation (9) can be obtained with the QUICKEST scheme, for a range of
simplified as: Courant numbers and Peclet numbers, where Pe = Cr/g or
UDx/K. It should be noted that equations (10) and (11)
C k
^ n þ gDt C
^ nþ1 ¼ C
^ ^n ^n
kþ1  2Ck þ Ck1 ; ð10Þ compute the concentrations in the Lagrangian moving frame
that are a function of the initial position a and time t. The
where g = KDt/Dx2 is diffusion number or mixing fraction. position of the moving parcel at time t is given by equation
It should be noted from equation (10) that for pure (7), whereas equation (12) gives the concentration in an
advection simulation, regardless of the flow regime (uni- Eulerian fixed position x and time t.
form and nonuniform), the Lagrangian approach provides
an exact result if there is no error in computing velocity 4. Results and Discussion
field and tracking of parcels, equation (7). If either a fully 4.1. Advection-Diffusion in Steady Flow
implicit or a semi-implicit (0 < q  1) scheme is used,
equation (9) forms a tridiagonal matrix that can be [12] The model was first verified using two examples to
efficiently solved using the Thomas algorithm [Fletcher, demonstrate the capability of the Lagrangian algorithm to
1991]: solve the transport equation in steady, uniform flow for a
range of Courant and Peclet numbers. Example 1 is a set of
nþ1 initial value problems (Table 1) and example 2 is a set of
DtKk1=2 Anþ1 nþ1
DtKk1=2 Anþ1
k1=2 ^ nþ1 þ
C 1þq
k1=2 boundary value problems (Table 2). In example 1, seven
Vknþ1 Dxnþ1
k1 Vknþ1 Dxnþ1
k1 simulations were carried out for the solution of pure
! advection and advection-diffusion of an initial Gaussian
DtKkþ1=2 Anþ1
DtKkþ1=2 Anþ1
þq ^ nþ1  q
C C^ nþ1 tracer distribution and pure advection of an initial top hat
k kþ1
Vknþ1 Dxnþ1
kþ1 Vknþ1 Dxnþ1
kþ1 tracer distribution (Table 1). A channel of 10,000 m length
DtKk1=2 ^n
Ank1=2 C k1
DtKk1=2 Ank1=2 was used with a mean flow velocity = 0.5 m/s, a flow depth
¼C^ n þ ð1  qÞ þ = 0.5 m, bed slope 1 in 2000 m, a channel width, W = 50 m
k n n n n
Vk Dxk1 Vk Dxk1
! # and Manning’s n = 0.0278 (s/m1/3), giving a longitudinal
DtKkþ1=2 Ankþ1=2 n
DtKkþ1=2 ^n
Ankþ1=2 C kþ1 dispersion coefficient, K = 280.45 m2/s using equation (3), a
þ C^n þ : ð11Þ
Vkn Dxnkþ1 k
Vkn Dxnkþ1 value typical for large rivers [Fischer et al., 1979]; and W =
10 m, and Manning’s n = 0.0264 s/m1/3, giving a longitu-

4 of 14

Table 1. List of Cases for Example 1, Initial Value Problemsa Although the Dirichlet boundary condition is used in these
Dispersion Initial test cases, the model can handle Neumann boundary
Velocity Coefficient Condition, conditions as well, where the derivative of the concentration
Case (m/s) (m2/s) so (m) Dt (s) Dx (m) Cr Pe in the boundary is specified.
1A 0.5 0.0 167.47 50 50 0.5 1
[15] The exact solution for advection-diffusion of a
1B 0.5 0.0 167.47 1000 50 10 1 Gaussian profile was given by Fischer et al. [1979]:
1C 0.0 11.68 341.76 420 100 0.0 0.0
1D 0.5 100.0 632.45 50 100 0.5 0.5
1E 0.5 11.68 216.15 420 100 2.1 4.28 M ð x  Ut Þ2
C ð x; t Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  : ð16Þ
1F 0.5 0.0 NA 50 50 0.5 1 4pKt 4Kt
1G 0.5 0.0 NA 1000 50 10 1
Cases 1A and 1B are pure advection, 1C is pure diffusion, 1D and 1E The exact solution for pure advection (equation (4)), which
are advection and diffusion of Gaussians, and 1F and 1G are pure advection is a limiting case when K = 0 in equation (16) can be given
of top hat distributions. by

dinal dispersion coefficient, K = 11.68 m2/s (typical for slow C ð x; tÞ ¼ f ð x  Ut Þ ¼ Co at position x  Ut; ð17Þ
moving water). In some cases the K value was specified to
be suitable for testing pure advection and testing the range where f is a function that satisfies the initial condition.
of Peclet numbers (Tables 1 and 2). These initial value [16] Figures 3a and 3b show a comparison of the results
problems are relevant in a range of practical applications of concentration profiles for pure advection of a Gaussian
such as instantaneous release of pollutants, chemicals, or oil distribution (cases 1A and 1B, respectively) against an
spills in river systems that can exhibit steep frontal regions analytical solution and the results obtained from the
or high local concentration gradients (for example top hat QUICKEST method (for the grid Pe infinite and Cr = 0.5
tracer distribution). The simulations were carried out with a and 10). The Lagrangian results cannot be distinguished
range of Cr from 0 to well above 1 (up to Cr = 20) and the from the analytical solution for both Courant numbers,
grid Pe from zero to infinity (Table 1). In example 2, five which demonstrates that the Lagrangian scheme can effi-
simulations were made, two for the pure advection and three ciently handle large Cr and allows the use of a large time
for advection-diffusion of steep front (step function) profiles step. The Lagrangian results were obtained using the
as shown in Table 2. These boundary value cases are explicit mode (q = 0). It should be noted from equation
relevant in practical situations such as transport of effluent (9) that in pure advection simulation, both explicit and
from outfalls of wastewater or heated discharge in river implicit schemes become the same and not only give the
systems. It should be noted that the top hat described here is same results but also can handle any Courant number in
an initial value problem that has a steep front at both sides, uniform flow or in specified velocity field. The QUICKEST
while the step function is a boundary value problem that has result is also generally good for Cr less than 1 (Figure 3a),
a steep front at one only side with a continuous source of the although the peak is slightly underpredicted because of a
contaminant at the upstream boundary. small numerical diffusion. Importantly, QUICKEST is not
4.1.1. Gaussian Tracer Distribution applicable for Cr greater than 1 so that its result is not
[13] For pure advection of the Gaussian tracer distribu- shown in Figure 3b. Lin and Falconer [1997] reported that
tion, the initial condition was given by Fischer et al. [1979]: in the pure advection simulation of an initial Gaussian
! distribution in a rotating two-dimensional (2-D) flow,
M ð x  Uto Þ2 ULTIMATE QUICKEST also underpredicted the peak con-
C0 ð x; 0Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  ; ð13Þ centration in the same manner as in one-dimensional flow.
4pKt o 4Kto
[17] Figures 4a – 4c compare the results of advection-
diffusion simulation of a Gaussian tracer distribution (cases
s20 ¼ 2Kt0 ; ð14Þ from 1C to 1E, respectively) in steady, uniform flow. The
Lagrangian results were obtained using the explicit mode
where M is the initial mass per unit area and s2o is the initial with weighting factor q = 0 (equation (10)). Figure 4a shows
variance that is a measure of the spread of the distribution. a pure diffusion (case 1C with Cr = 0 and Pe = 0) and
For pure advection simulations (cases 1A and 1B), the Figure 4b shows the result of advection-diffusion (case 1D)
initial value of so was 167.47 m (with K0 = 280.45 m2/s and with Cr = 0.5 and Pe = 0.5 (in a case where diffusion
to = 50 s) so that initial length of the tracer cloud was
sufficiently long (1000 m or 20 parcels under the Gaussian
curve as shown in Figure 3) to capture the initial Gaussian Table 2. List of Cases for Example 2, Boundary Value Problemsa
profile whose peak was located at about 3000 m. For
advection-diffusion simulation the initial value of so and the Velocity Dispersion
dispersion coefficients were as shown in Table 1. Case (m/s) Coefficient (m2/s) Dt (s) Dx (m) Cr Pe
[14] The boundary conditions were given by the Dirichlet 2A 0.5 0.0 1 1.0 0.5 1
condition, i.e., by specifying the concentration as: 2B 0.5 0.0 40 1.0 20 1
2C 0.5 0.5 1 1.0 0.1 0.2
C ð0; t Þ ¼ 0 ð15aÞ 2D 0.5 0.5 1 1.0 0.5 1.0
2E 0.5 1.0 10 1.0 5.0 5.0
Cases 2A and 2B are pure advection, and cases 2C, 2D, and 2E are
and C ð1; t Þ ¼ 0: ð15bÞ advection-diffusion of steep fronts (step function).

5 of 14

Figure 3. Comparison of the results of pure advection (Pe infinity) of Gaussian tracer distribution
profiles in steady, uniform flow as obtained with an exact solution, Lagrangian model and the
QUICKEST scheme: (a) case 1A and (b) case 1B. The QUICKEST result is not shown because this
scheme in not applicable if Cr is greater than 1.

dominates the advection in the numerical grid in the sense where x1 and x2 define the position of the hat and L is the
that Pe is less than 1), in which both Lagrangian and length of the channel. The exact solution for pure advection
QUICKEST have produced excellent results. Figure 4c (K = 0) of a top hat distribution also is the same as equation
shows the result of case 1E, which is similar to case 1D, (17), in which the concentration and the shape of the hat
but with Cr = 2.1 and Pe = 4.28 (where advection does not change at it moves with the mean flow velocity.
dominates the diffusion in the numerical grid as Pe is Initially, the center of the hat was located at 3000 m, x1 =
greater than 1), in which the Lagrangian scheme has 2700 m and x2 = 3300 m so that the width of the hat was
produced excellent results and QUICKEST is not applicable 600 m. Simulations were carried out with Dx = 50 m and
at these high Courant and Peclet numbers. These simula- Dt = 50 s and 1000 s. This gives simulations with Courant
tions demonstrate that the Lagrangian explicit scheme can numbers 0.5 and 10 (Table 1, cases 1F and 1G,
efficiently handle advection-diffusion where both Cr and Pe respectively).
are well above 1 and allows the use of a large time step. [19] Figures 5a and 5b show a comparison of the results
4.1.2. Top Hat Tracer Distribution of concentration profiles of pure advection of top hats (cases
[18] The ability of the model to reproduce pure advection 1F and 1G, respectively) against an exact solution and
of a top hat tracer distribution was also tested. As a top hat QUICKEST scheme for the grid Pe infinity and Cr = 0.5
distribution has steep fronts on both sides (Figure 5), this is and 10. The Lagrangian model results are in exact agree-
more difficult to simulate than a Gaussian distribution. The ment with the analytical solution even for Cr = 10. The
initial condition for the top hat distribution was given by initial top hat distribution did not change in concentration or
shape. This shows that the Lagrangian scheme eliminates
C ð x; 0Þ ¼ Co ¼ 1:0 when x1 < x < x2 ; ð18Þ numerical diffusion, oscillations, or any other numerical
problems and allows the use of a large time step for
advection simulation including for steep frontal regions. It
C ð x; 0Þ ¼ 0 otherwise: ð19Þ should be noted from equation (11) that for pure advection
(K = 0) the Lagrangian solution, in fact, provides the
The boundary conditions were given as: analytical solution (equation (16)), by transporting the
concentration grid to grid (equation (8)) and thus provides
the exact result irrespective of the shape of initial tracer
C ð0; t Þ ¼ 0 ð20aÞ
concentration distribution.. Also, it should be noted that in
the simulation of pure advection of a top hat or any other
and C ð L; t Þ ¼ 0; ð20bÞ

6 of 14

Figure 4. Comparison of the results of advection and diffusion of a Gaussian tracer distribution in
steady, uniform flow as obtained with an exact solution, Lagrangian model and the QUICKEST scheme.
(a) Case 1C shows a pure diffusion of the Gaussian, (b) case 1D shows the result of advection and
diffusion, and (c) case 1E shows the result of advection and diffusion. The QUICKEST result is not
shown because this scheme did not handle this Cr and Pe.

shape tracer distribution in a channel with variable cross- Naturally, at Cr = 10, QUICKEST is not applicable.
sectional area or steady nonuniform flow, the spatial con- Lin and Falconer [1997], who used QUICKEST and
centration profile will change in size as it evolves. The ULTIMATE QUICKEST for the simulation of pure advec-
concentration profile will stretch or contract depending tion of a column in a 2-D radial flow and reported that
on the stretching or contacting of length of the parcels ULTIMATE QUICKEST suppressed oscillations, but failed
(parcels) to conservation of volume [Devkota and Imberger, to preserve the shape of the hat and the concentration was
2009a]. But this will not introduce any numerical diffusion smeared because of numerical diffusion. It should be noted
and oscillations as the concentration, being moved by a that being an explicit scheme, ULTIMATE QUICKEST also
Lagrangian model, will simply be transported from grid to requires Cr less than 1. This example thus demonstrates that
grid by the mean flow velocity. We describe the stretching the Lagrangian scheme, unlike QUICKEST methods, is
of concentration profile below for unsteady velocity field. efficient in that it allows the use of a large time step and
[20] As shown in Figures 5a and 5b, QUICKEST results provides an exact solution to pure advection even at large
are not satisfactory even for Cr less than one. The results Courant numbers.
have not only numerical oscillations as evidenced by the 4.1.3. Steep (Step Function) Tracer Fronts
peak concentration being overpredicted and underpredicted [21] In example 2 for boundary value problems, five
near the sharp front region, but also have numerical diffu- simulations were carried out for the advection-diffusion of
sion as seen by the smeared sharp fronts. Overall the shape a steep front (step function) in uniform flow (Table 2). Two
of the top hat distribution was not preserved. The top width simulations were made for pure advection (cases 2A and
of the hat decreased and the bottom width increased. 2B) and three for advection-diffusion transport (cases 2C

7 of 14

Figure 5. Comparison of the results of pure advection of top hat tracer distribution in steady, uniform
flow as obtained with an exact solution, Lagrangian, and QUICKEST methods: (a) case 1F and (b) case
1G. QUICKEST method is not applicable in this high Courant number.

through 2E). The steep front (step function) can be advection, which is a limiting case for K = 0 is merely a
described as: translation of the step function:

C ð x; 0Þ ¼ Co ¼ 1 for 0 < x < b; ð21Þ C ð x; t Þ ¼ Co x < b; ð25Þ

C ð x; t Þ ¼ Co ¼ 0 otherwise; ð22Þ C ð x; t Þ ¼ Co at position x  U t: ð26Þ

where b is the width of the step. The boundary conditions [22] Figures 6a and 6b compare the results of concentra-
were given as: tion profiles for pure advection of initial steep front profiles
(cases 2A and 2B) where the grid Pe is infinite and Courant
C ð0; t Þ ¼ Co ¼ 1 ð23aÞ number, Cr = 0.5 and 20, respectively. The Lagrangian
results have an exact match to the analytical solution
including for Cr = 20, which demonstrates the efficiency
and C ð1; t Þ ¼ 0: ð23bÞ and accuracy of the model. As shown in Figures 6a and 6b,
QUICKEST results are not only oscillatory evidenced by
The exact solution for advection-diffusion transport (K > 0) the over and under predictions, but also have some numer-
for the case b = 0 was given by Fischer et al. [1979]: ical diffusion evidenced by the smearing of the steep front.
  For case 2B, where Cr = 20 (or for greater than 1),
Co x  b  Ut QUICKEST is not applicable. The oscillations near the
C ð x; tÞ ¼ erfc pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 4Kt sharp frontal region in the QUICKEST results were also
    reported by Leonard [1979] and Abbott and Basco [1995].
Co x  b þ Ut U ð x  bÞ
þ erfc p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi exp : ð24Þ Leonard [1991] compared various schemes for the simula-
2 4Kt K
tion of steep fronts and concluded that the ULTIMATE
The initial condition for advection-diffusion simulation was QUICKEST performed the best of the Eulerian schemes
given by equation (24) with t = 5 s and the initial condition tested.
for pure advection was given by b = 10 m in equation (21). [23] Figures 7a –7c compares the results of advection-
It should be noted that as the top hat distribution is a case diffusion of steep fronts (step function) cases (Table 2, cases
with steps on both sides, the analytical solution for the 2C through 2E,). Figure 7a is case 2C where Pe and Cr both
advection-diffusion of the top hat can be given by are less than 1 (Pe = 0.2 and Cr = 0.5) and Figure 7b is case
superposition of equation (24). The exact solution for pure 2D, in which Cr = 0.5 and Pe = 1 (a case where the

8 of 14

Figure 6. Comparison of the results of pure advection of a steep tracer front (step function) in steady,
uniform flow as obtained with an exact solution, Lagrangian and QUICKEST methods: (a) case 2A and
(b) case 2B. QUICKEST method is not applicable in this high Courant number.

advection and diffusion has equal strength in the numerical used in a simple wave (case 3A), a solitary wave (case 3B)
grid as the grid Pe is 1). For both cases, Lagrangian and and an undular bore (case 3C). The analytical solution of
QUICKEST have produced excellent results. Figure 7c is transport in unsteady flow is the same as given in equation
case 2E, where advection dominates the diffusion in the (17), the only difference being that the velocity field is
numerical grid as the grid Pe is greater than 1 with Cr = 5.0 unsteady, but the concentration of the parcels remains
and Pe = 5.0. The Lagrangian result has exact match to the unchanged as the tracer concentration evolves in time. It
analytical solution, but the QUICKEST scheme is not should be noted that, in the Lagrangian transport simulation,
applicable at such high Courant and Peclet numbers. It the position of the parcel may introduce some error arising
should be noted that for these boundary value problems from any inaccuracy in the Lagrangian velocity field and
under steady flow, the semi-Lagrangian schemes of Yeh tracking of parcels, but as the velocity field computed by
[1990], Yeh et al. [1992] and Zhang et al. [1993] required DYRIM (used in this simulation) has almost exact match to
Cr less than 1. The Lagrangian model results were obtained the analytical solution [Devkota and Imberger, 2009a,
using the semi-implicit mode (with q = 0.55) to demonstrate 2009b], the position of the parcel and hence the evolution
the applicability of different modes of the scheme described of the concentration is also error free.
above. 4.2.1. Pure Advection Mass Transport in Simple Waves
4.2. Pure Advection Transport in Unsteady Flow [25] The velocity field used in this simulation represents a
simple wave velocity field (Figure 8a) that has excellent
[24] The purpose of this test was to demonstrate the agreement with the analytical solution as described by
ability of the model to handle advection dominated transport Devkota and Imberger [2009a]. The mean fluid (or particle)
in unsteady flows and to obtain insights into mass transport velocity was 0.0– 0.6 m/s, maximum at the wave peak,
under waves and currents that include simple waves and where the depth is greater and reduces to zero away from
dispersive, solitary waves and undular bores. The hydrody- the wave and the wave speed was approximately 4.03 m/s.
namics phenomena and practical applicability of these The simulation was carried out in a 1000 m long channel
waves are described by Frazao and Zech [2002], Chanson with Dx = 2 m and Dt = 0.2 s. This gave an initial Courant
[2000] and Devkota and Imberger [2009a, 2009b]. Despite number, Cr = 0.48, but Cr varied as both the velocity and
the importance of mass transport in such flows in practical the grid size varied in time and space (Cr increased to 0.545
situations [Chanson, 2000, 2004], simulation results do not for the parcel located under the wave peak as the wave
appear to have been reported. In the present study, pure evolved). In the simulation, the center of the top hat was
advection transport of an initial top hat tracer distribution initially at 400 m with x1 = 398 m and x2 = 402 m (in
that has steep fronts on both sides (Table 3, example 3) was equation (18)), so that only three parcels located in the

9 of 14

Figure 7. Comparison of the results of advection-diffusion of a steep tracer front in uniform flow as
obtained with an exact solution, QUICKEST and Lagrangian methods for (a) case 2C (b) case 2D, and
(c) case 2E. QUICKEST result is not shown as this scheme did not handle this high Cr.

region of the wave peak had a concentration of 1.0 mg/L. that in the next 50 s, it moved only another 5 m as the
The rest of the parcels had zero concentration (Figure 8b, as velocity was much reduced behind the wave and eventually
shown in concentration profile at t = 0,). reached zero in the top hat region. In fact, after 50 s the
[26] Figure 8b shows the simulation results of the evolu- hat was left behind the wave (which was in the same
tion of the top hat concentration distribution in the simple position), as the current velocity in the position of the hat
wave for 60 s. The result is exact to the analytical solution was zero.
as the initial top hat distribution remained a top hat, without
any change in the concentration or shape of the hat as it
evolved. This shows the model totally eliminates numerical Table 3. List of Cases for Example 3 (Initial Value Problems),
diffusion and oscillations under unsteady velocity field. As Pure Advection in Simple Waves, Solitary Waves, and Undular
the parcels (grids) located under the wave were stretched to Boresa
conserve the volume after they were left behind the wave
[Devkota, 2005; Devkota and Imberger, 2009a], the spatial Wave
concentration profile was also stretched as seen by the Velocity Dispersion Height
Cases (m/s) (m /s) (m) Dt (s) Dx (m) Cr Pe
increment in top and base of the hat. The top hat, which
moved with mean flow velocity (0 – 0.6 m/s) traveled only 3A no mean currents 0.0 0.2 0.2 2.0 variable 1
10 m in 60 s and was left behind the wave, which moved 3B no mean currents 0.0 0.2 0.025 0.25 variable 1
3C variable 0.0 0.2 0.10 0.5 variable 1
with a wave speed of 4.03 m/s and traveled a distance of
241.8 m in the same time. In the first 10 s, the top hat a
Case 3A is a simple wave, 3B is solitary wave, and 3C is an undular
moved about 5 m and the rate of movement decreased such bore.

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Figure 8. Pure advection of a top hat tracer distribution in a simple wave, case 3A, with (a) simple wave
VELOCITY profile and (b) evolution of the top hat concentration.

4.2.2. Pure Advection Mass Transport in Solitary current velocity varied from 0 to 0.6 m/s and the wave
Waves speed was approximately 3.431 m/s, but the wavelength
[27] The velocity field used in this simulation represents a was much shorter (approximately 20 m) and velocity
solitary wave velocity field (Figure 9a), that is almost exact dropped off to zero within 10 m from the position of the
to the analytical solution as described by Devkota and wave peak as compared to 150 m in the simple wave. The
Imberger [2009b]. The small tail behind the wave, seen in simulation was carried out with Dx = 0.25 m and Dt =
the velocity profile, is a characteristic of a propagating 0.025s. This gave initial Courant number, Cr = 0.4 for
solitary wave of the type used in this simulation as the parcel located under the wave peak, but Cr increases as
described by Devkota and Imberger [2009b]. The mean the wave evolves as explained above. Figure 9b shows the

Figure 9. Pure advection of a top hat tracer distribution in a solitary wave, case 3B, with (a) solitary
wave velocity profile and (b) evolution of the top hat tracer concentration.
11 of 14

Figure 10. Pure advection of a top hat tracer distribution in an undular bore, case 3C, with (a) undular
bore velocity profile and (b) evolution of the top hat tracer concentration.

evolution of a top hat distribution under a solitary wave that as the top hat remained a top hat as it moves. In the present
was initially positioned at 100 m. The model reproduced simulation case, although the undular waves left the top
the exact shape of the concentration without any numerical hat behind, the hat moved with the mean flow velocity
diffusion and oscillations. The top hat, which moved only (Figure 10b).
0.5 m in 5 s, was left behind the solitary wave, which [30] The above results show that DYRIM is able to
moved 17.15 m at the same time. In this case also, the top accurately predict transport in unsteady flow and the results
width and the base of the hat increased to conserve water have given insights on mass transport under waves and
volume and the mass of the tracer as explained above. After currents. In all the simulations, there was exact conservation
5 s, the mean current velocity in the position of the top hat of the mass of the tracer. The conservation of the fluid
was zero so that the top hat had not moved and was totally mass was also almost exact as explained by Devkota and
left behind the wave (Figure 9b). In the absence of the mean Imberger [2009a, 2009b]. For transport under waves, the
current, there will be no turbulent mixing, which suggests Courant number and time step used were small, which
that the solitary waves virtually do not transport any mass were required to accurately simulate these fast moving
of the tracer. waves.
[28] It should be noted that in the above two examples, [31] It should be noted that as the grid stretches and
the tracer was initially under the wave crest and the spatial contracts, the longer parcels may have to be split and shorter
concentration was stretched as the wave moved forward. If parcels merged [Devkota and Imberger, 2009a, 2009b].
the initial tracer had been ahead of the crest of the wave, This may introduce error as this new concentration after
then the spatial tracer profile would have first contracted as merging and splitting is required for use in the later
the crest reached the tracer location [Devkota, 2005; computation. However, the error may be minimized by
Devkota and Imberger, 2009b]. spatial interpolation of solute mass in splitting and balanc-
4.2.3. Pure Advection Mass Transport in Undular ing mass while amalgamating the parcels [Manson and
Bores Wallis, 1997]. Moreover, the error will be limited only at
[29] The velocity field used in this simulation represents a the merged or split parcel at that particular time step, but not
velocity of an undular wave train as shown in Figure 10a. at each time step and each parcel. Although the present
Details of the computation of this velocity field and the simulations have shown that merging and splitting of
evolution of an undular bore are described by Devkota and parcels (grids) can be avoided, future research should be
Imberger [2009b]. Unlike the simple and solitary wave directed toward the grid convergence studies to avoid this
cases, the undular bore had a mean flow velocity of 0.292 splitting and merging process and on the accuracy of the
m/s in the upstream region and the wave speed was advection-diffusion simulation in the case of merging and
approximately 3.3 m/s. The simulation was performed with splitting. Also, a useful piece of further work would be to
Dx = 0.5 m and Dt = 0.1 s. This gave an initial Courant compare the results of the fully Lagrangian model with
number, Cr = 0.75 for the parcel located under the wave those of a good semi-Lagrangian model, in order to assess
peak. Figure 10b shows the evolution of the top hat tracer the benefits of the former, in terms of accuracy and
distribution, which was initially located at the 100 m computational efficiency, over the latter.
position. The result exactly matches the analytical solution

12 of 14

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