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Peripheral Brain


NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) +

modified NIHSS (mNIHSS)

<National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in PDF format>

<National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in MS Word format>

NIHSS Flash Cards

NIHSS (official) with my notes


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May 4, 2015 / neuro, neurocritical care, reference, scale, Score, stroke


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algorithm anatomy anesthesiology aneurysm antibiotics AVM basic sciences cardio

checklist classification COVID COVID-19 crit care criteria critical care CVA dci

ddx definitions delirium dictation dvt EKG endo evd form formula gastro

guideline hem/onc hematology hydrocephalus hypertonic saline ICH ICU ID

illustration infectious disease internal medicine labs mechanical ventilation nephro

nephrology neuro neurocritical care neuroimaging neurointerventional neurology

neurosurgery ob/gyn outpatient pharm pharma physical exam preop procedure

protocol pulm pulmo radiology reference research rheum SAH scale Score

scoring status epilepticus stroke study table TBI TPA UHS WMH ultrasound

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