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State Police Complaint Authority, is an independent body set up by the Government as an


Authority finds its origin in Judgment of famous Case titled as “Prakash  Singh & Ors Vs Union of
India & Ors”. where in State Police Complaint Authority is an independent entity set up under the
Haryana Police Act 2007 to hear grievances of citizens against the police Authorities. As an
oversight autonomous body, we enquire into complaints of omission and commission on part of
police Officers/Officials.

Directions were given to the Union Government, State Governments and Union Territories for the
Police Reforms, the establishment of Police Complaints Authority at the State and District Level.

And as directed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, Haryana constituted the State Police
Complaint Authority initially on 16.08.2010 with Chairperson only.

It was reconstituted in Feb. 2019 with Sh. Ram Niwas, IAS (Retd.) as its Chairperson.

A fully functional Authority has been reconstituted on 20th April, 2021 having a Chairperson and
two members.

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