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a7 eee eee ae Concer, poet cua c TE qgggggysyaaggaaaaasasaag44s (E to K SERIES) JIIISISISTSISITSISIIISISISIISISISISISISTITIISIIINI. pedesessaassssssssssHs gaggggggy Antiphon for wus BESTIR THY POWER E.1. equal voices. ace. : veal thy bounty and good-ness, diffuse thy splen-dour and gr: BF toamorege nD j . . i 5 = i =: —— = == 2 pe yt ot partite . Be-stir thy power and} come Lord! tol sive our sin-la-den race, Fe 3 F 2 leh en pl Ladd i EF = Ee ‘ : — 4 x? a == Tt = ara oe 5 —v-T rt a 8 veal thy boun-ty and| goodness, dif-fuse thy splen-dour as * angels Verses Life your From the Come,Re - deem - er To € our i eyes to the hill, seek the = Sa - viour un Lord ‘comes re - lease, He makes e - vil to and Lord, spread thy peace and con = God let us raise our glad. voi ~ ces in 1 dil heap = pears. te is God who comes to our 2% cease all, a = round. Night. and day, He guards us from 3. cord onthe earth; For — thy sec = . ond Com= ing we 4... praise “and es - teem, ren - der thanks and bless Him in 1. aid; Godin - car= nate g. ran - som has paid 2 harm: we’ det pend on the strength of his arm. 3. yearn; from our bend-age of sin we will turn, “4, song: to Him Glo- ry and Hon = our be = lone. nowt, oy JOY TO HEAVEN TEXT Antiphon and verses are taken from seviplual texts of the Advent liturry. Antiohon M4 and 45, 8: The moun = Show fordh Your love E.2. Taina your shall Ps. 118, 26: The Church welcomes with shouts of joy “he who comes in the name the Lord.” Verse 1: Ps, 96, 11-12 Verse 2: Ps, 80, 2-3. Verse 3: Ie 1. Joy to heav-en, let earth sing its praise! | Joy to heaven, let» earth sing ite praise! 3. Joy to heaveen, let earth sing its praise! 4 Joy to heaveen, let earth sing its praieel Mis prom - + SSS to the ple trom ‘ot our woe Lora; sin. earth, As we “Bless - ed te Aa we as aid a= watt the Lord, let he who comes | t watt Lora, ce — Ups in the name of tet our pe pro-cluim sa d pro-clatm hie pratse: A the. Lordl** hte praise: the trees and flow -ers shout praise to his namel will come to feed his sheep with lov - ing carel buds forth the Sav - ior - King, sent from on high! of maj ses ty and might, al - Ie~ lu - tal z 33 foe a ogg 8 fa 33 OMPUMATUR, HOMEY 293-46, hove, Let the eanth 0 . fe al === tt FPorr ct Heav-ens drop dew fiom a tore, Let the eath ovpen SSS a= . o - Lord, = O Shepherd of Asracl's. hear : © = Wisdom that ame forth from the snout of © Mae wid'e Son, = the shill of peoples 3 5 O Key of Me MO Seay ol Isl Otis ing Sn, = © Splendour of ever lasting - © King of all peo: ple =O Cénnerstene of the holy O Em-mn- ou d= our King, and Hope of the ss - 1 You.who gue your ho- fe-deem uy all 2 Fore told by man and show us all ~ x The whole ‘world calls ae lve gw + You who tei up+ on Foie - 5 ‘And byl = tint Sun and shed your lighe © Ua te ine all ee eS z And Re-“deem- prof a —_ 2 a a SoS SS} ¢ 7 1. By” your mighty arms— come, O' Lord, to save us, O come. . 2.The way that leads is homes come, O Lord, t@ save us, O com Dey noe your com ing , Lords come, O Lord, to save us, Oe ‘ 5 4. Those who wander a— bout in datk-ness © “come, O Lend, 10 save us, O com. 5, Upon those who live in the night of deaths © came, O Lord, co save us, O come, - & The work of your hands © come sO Lod, © save us, Ocome = . 2, Dely not your com. ing ,Lord— © come, O Lord, 10 save us, 0 come § B Come, O WE COME,LAND OF OUR HOPE, E.4~ x EN 2. Weighed down by the so -rrows of eatth,see che na ions took for DSSS SSeS The people of Godt who had fled From the ry rants cruel command: By Godhave been faith the light, A= am for the Joys Re- sam from the bond-age of sin, We now freely join in the march, Our Saviour shall ely ~ r . 2X zB Bo dis z Pine ‘Sows We come, Land of our hope— Though hard be the jour-ney and PSS E : = of 2 aS» PSS SS SSS aa ful-ly led, Sufea- cross the dry ar- id sand: With eyes that are constant: ly wed To the 7 cf wm vn For ues end ing peace and de light ©. wheres the land that ean fill” The de-—* us tw winWhot ha bien the goal of our search Our home is God's heaven a- bovesTo =n, = eI tant Land of God's woid? The Land for , wa ev "rv ribe yadzynee 90 ery of pain wou be noes 2. sires that burn in the eate? The rue cans of God is the home,That a ee this joy can im- part_) 3. eves ey soul Hewill send, TP bons est in son and in love, We rn fol tase cnin to the za q Ce xf We come, Land of our hope— we know that to you we be- co c We come, Land of our hope — our’ hearts o-ver-flow ing with ( ie! ~ song.— we come, Land of our hope, — We come! Sistor Diachshed BF UT Divine Muslel, ~ ei Melt mmc a veoson REJOICE ISRAEL. su. Se nee pein een seve “ = : je FT oy Sd | i ie «gum Tall Em-eacau set. F | . 3 a2] . 2 1 . Of a vir- gin shall = He be bom, = Em- manu ¢t ~ Shepherd of Israel, lis = ten to ou plea, 1." you who lead your peo ple to wo oF : ; MARANATHA E.6 ie F § wcor. 16, 22 “Maran J ee J Se cccyecmn AU caine eral soe ae eee ea re scenes ona a. a coon ‘The ra-dlant Star of, morn-Ing and God's own Light. + 2.'te Spirit and the Bride say: Pa: ‘With the Apostle Paul oF ~ and the early Christian rg community we continue 26 ite orever{or[tneTesriy gS Church by. singing aos “Maranatha.” “Come, ° Lord.” Bg rid - PRAYER feo 7 Re Tee wa) ters of everlasting — life. life-giving water. Your. > = whole Chtirch cries out. = s with one vaiee | “Come = :. - Amen. 7s ° 4. Yes, 1 come ver -y soon!” A. - ment Come, «Lord Je = sush Show your good - ness |< J What bess aga, Lard ve |omve er looked thel uit 2 You eslmed, O Lord, the heat of your anger. Reve us now, O God of our helps Will you prolong your grievance for ever? Against us will your swath never cease? 3 Your promise now flfls bring us back ro lle snd let your people glory in you OLord. reveal your love and your merey ‘and to your people grant saving help 4.fLhsten 0 the voice of the Lord, my God, f voice that speaks a message of peace His saving belp is near co those fearing His, oF you) peo - SHOW YOUR GOODNESS, LORD. E.>. Lord and_re- — pour on us the| grace that shall y 4 5 See, fthfilness and love weet topgther 3 and’ fighteovines and. peace now brace, i Soon fathtlness shall ring fom the earth below, and justi will Toqk down from the ely 3 6 The Lord Wise wil grant us his Blessing 5 four land will yield its harvest an full Before the Lord, shall justice for ever walk the earth's salvstion follow bis steps 7. Give glory to ‘the Father almighey To Jesus our rodeemer and Lord . To God, the source of love, Holy’ Spint bet Both now and for all ages’ Amen ©, COME, EMMANUEL. E.8. My pro ple, my peas ple, for- gee yourgrief; Twill cmeto The Lord is nigh pre pare “the sway, make straight che paths, for your King shall Your in = stained hearts shall faie- er be than whic. ese snow, and he will re Ma- =, Mo - ther_of ror Re vice, te your joice, pro - chim your joy , O Lyou, be not a= fraid, am your lov- ing God, with eager hearts Deome, the day draws neat, — Keep con = stant vi B.ftesh each bur= dened soul 4.God and Queen of Heavy man - kind’s sal yas tion __.has_come_throuthyou_| New life a+ waits you, re = deemed from sin FT ON THE DAY. eee E.s FTP IR MERSE HH Can 8B we A ALD fone (Rk. De Be F Be F Tttt eT FS ere Om the ey wen eS sr mone stall 158 yen he dy we i fo He ay flo ty of the Lord wal shine fouth in aplen> dot, a a — oa & B FOB FOF Dm Gn CBB C_Dn BSE T rer seal the tea fo your ep, That doy rt ee, yous see Godt ou Fa the ws Gn7 Be Dm cr Dm Am (A) 1. © Lord Je - sus, youare the fret = bom of the dead! God, whe is iv = ans 2. O Lord Je - sus, youare the first ~ bomof the dead! You ate my shi 3. O Lond Je- sui, youars che Grst = bors of the dead! — When Me has cad! pr i i i i i Gm vr Be BF Dm7 Am Dm ore SE Sot toe 1. any soul thts for vo, (B) When shall 1 sce youfice 10 fee, Lord my Gad? [ : a 2 thcjor | of mr Mes” Ganado me om the path= way vn, 3. anddewth ng- ers “neat, Smile on me, Lord, nd be say sv fry my hope HOE Dar Am Dm cc 7% ? Ee ow Gi SSS SS =I i3 ws 108 moun vocts: —|{UB) 1. When shall 1 see you face 10 face, Lord my God} ty Gnnuse won toon woot) 2: Guard and protect me, on the pahowoy to heaved Gy fon fe woes wrt 3 Sale On me Lod snd be my sav + dor CHRISTMAS, A > jeer SAVIOUR WILL COME E., 10. Wear a mune: me rxormerte (Aoumo) emt oat : = ee : = ul Christ-mas, a Sa- viourwill come, Chist-mas, a babe in 2 sta-ble Ao _ aed as hr = — : Zi == gd ea Z ig 5 aj Se ae Ly-ing on straw ina man-ger, Je-sus the Lord will be born. Sassy e7 ar he voi~ cos of an orks will sina or . Glo-ry to God in the highest and peace to his peo-ple on earth. To all the 2To all the 3.To all the 1. him in stor= vas tion, 2. help in mis for - tune, 3. shows and for= give ness, Em? de- = tute, Cry~ ing to de- so- bate, Plead-ing for men he loves, Par- don he To all the de- To all the de~ To all the men ar 1 tute, Hope he brings and ro as sur = ence. 2. late, Love he brings and con-s0- Ia = tion brinas and joy a- wa ons. 3. leves. Peace he wk EGG al Geta bat = COME TO OUR AID E.n. Tors man ca ADT ARONGONAL ra (Es L tony count vo “Sete 1 i - ; : Cone to our sid, 16+ jtore your people, Lond. [Smile up-on us andlwe shall be se i : = . aS Se Sar . ’ 1.0 Ghep- herd of I» as et bear, you who guide your own) fock - 2 How jong ia your an ger, © lord, wil your hear Ing be [deaf wo oe 3A” ine out of E~ ype you [brought and fo plane ie" youldrove vet 4. Then hy Koveyou tom down i [wally hat ie frat now te [plucked "the 5.0.” Lord, lee your hind ev=" er rest” on the men you havdchs ©. Give braie’ to the Fa= ther al (mh ys pve prase to. he Se ee ~ Ss r crt tft err t == ——- ———| - +} — Ene throned as mit the fan gels in aplen = dou - On bead of tar you|fed us, yourpeo- ler | The way then you, prepared for ts spread Ing Pro- tat,” Lendsthe [vine whichyou plan> ted, ™ ‘And hence from you no |more shall we tum a- way; | Grete re Re Se e EME deaiowes | = iy = i 4 ———. = —— p—p— a = i - SS + =i fF ; 1. Roweyour strength and re- |veal yourself, then come v0.” [us ~ and 5 2 Ene ems ies are at fodds with us,” our neigh-boursmock a i . 3. te tooktoot, soonieféled the land, its bran~ ches [rach the 4 Have fee gard) for his fahoor of this vine, that [reeds your 5 Bing oh face, pane ife 3 and we cabal [praie your - poy ee Ir one God 7 for al ee -fteim~ t i. - SSS err tT curr rrr tr THE HOUR HAS STRUCK. E. 12-135 ne Trefhour has struck for your] sav- ing. J =) 1 The eine ap pointed Tas come. | forthe tinyedimm et Cols ape = The time 5p pointed” hat con tor diy yor ae clled * 3. The dime vd cal ap 7 ap pointed has come, 1. proich- hge Life up your head , a : i i i i i i 2Sa- viour. Liss ten to him, ree Bees ples.” Come,fol- low his that be COME, EMMANUEL. aa Come, save us, your peo- ple F On? or c Come, Bnemans us dy Come, save us, your peo ple. =O er c ° 67 Je « 1. Christ. you até our fest. Chit, yousre our ed - 2. Christ, you.are “our way. O, Christ, you ate our = foy! “ + 3. Christ, you are our star. O Christ, you ste our fired ~ K€ Cowan, you se ou Puch, =O Chats youwe our Dread ~ COME QUICKLY, LORD. E. ts. a yy “tm ee ° 6 e & = 5 = —— - J tf 1p. rt 1-4.Come,O — | Lord, quick- ly | come, come in glo- ¥ ~ 5.Come,O | Lord, quick - ly come, in Our life - time, js | oy 2 J |: —— = & ek —— teu. come in | glo- ry, [come in | glo- ey. | quick- ly ow | ife- time, . ee - TTT iF = 1S THIS THE ONE? Ev is. bo oar tare mote cone: nian mean, om ene a 7 Ge a Is this the one the pro- phets fore - told? ‘Shall we = 3 om @? ” Om i 7 i J i J i J £2 vow and Lond, Gad wun, Ems mae tue 2 a. one 670-5) A oo : 4 : i : 4 ats oem pea — © b Gra- cious Lord, ©- ver look your peo- ples guile. and for~ give their sins. - 2. Gras clus Lord | Night sursoundsue ar we walk. But we bear yout spe 3. Gras cious Lords See =the. lands patched with hist, Forte lef “lt yearn fa ar a7 - ; Fil us wth your av- tog pace. end ve- val ou" love. 2 Ceme| © Son of tithe teouteness, shed your sav~ Ing light = 4 Come to us like dew from heaven that the earth may bloom = Gms nor 87 (5+) Gm? ‘6 rm - COMFORT MY PEOPLE q Ca i ‘ = roa Tere out Ind to Jee a ' 6 Es SSS eo a a eee Lin the des- “ert make a path for the Lord Em-ma- nu-- dl. 3. For” the go- ty of the Lod ion hal be te veld Comes oe f . THERE IS A LONGING Bae tn @ en 1 Thee fe a lonp-Ing in me for you, my God, Thee is a 7 2. There ly 2 weakeness in me, give strength, my Oa There 8 2 Thee a caveing in me for Love y ‘my Gel, There ie a bread, my Lord. “There ie é i i i i ; i i i 5 2. yearning in sor= row in me. give song,’ my Lone Therein 2” fills wre in 3. madness in me five wisdom, my Lond. Theres a hatd-nes in ar) ———— +: : time, Se lam ie eee a ene in mee i SOME ME weeny Lod Thee 2 tind ORE . Boime, give 5) my Lord. There is a searching in me’ tor am the God you are long ing for. 1 Ro swhe S imy Lord) 2 3 1 t am the strength that ill als waye bes 1 - my Lord. am the Love” that.youvene= ver found, 7 o 2 RYE You the rend you ate hun gee « ing for. 1 give youthe yy 3 RTE YOu the Sone hse youtt sing ST” RE for. 1 give Jou the Pomwe you the Wits dom that ae” man fy found, 1 give you the 4 En Yj You ate yearn = ing for. 1 five you the wa ter you ate * 2 conquest of Es tare aie 1) five you the bright- ness that he Jor thar wil have no" bounds. Ith oe Dat th, featch- ing in the ~ Graai7 ¢ ‘ Em bot m bs i = 1h thitse= ing for, 2 world 3. world it only You come to me now, just at has need, if one ty You come to me now, just as you ate, round, if only You come to me now; just as you ares you ate JESUS .COME om (Am) Ewe. Gm Dm) = i : { i » : ~ FS mej en ye fal Bel nes ee come He wt come he when 4 1. think = He is. gone. Hell be there just when you find He's se } Gm (om) Gm (om) ‘Om (tm) Grom) 5 33 ¥ 2. come just when you want to shut your door, He will come just when you f 2 want ~ tobe a lone He'll be there Just. when youre = nora g Go (Dm) ‘Om (An) Gm(Dm) é ~ 2 wae. Don't make Him wait , be a+ ler, lee Him come. WAKE UP, O PEOPLE! E. Wake wp, © peo ple, the Lord sve ny one! a } F 1. Your sav ing Lord ts near, Wake vit ~ Zs The night of sin has pase, Wake opt - 3 To. the ty love and peace Wake up! ‘4 Tha Christ may be your Shield Wake up! : tpn tm ! = E po zs i LH glo- ey will ap-) pear Wake up! , 2 The Light Boner at fase. Wake unt 3 3) To Wee all quar els come, Wake up! poo 4 That death to “le may yield Wake up! 3 fm nt tm : z a ‘ i = 1. Your hourof ace is nesteet thon it ev- ef wos a 2% The Day Srr,Chiistthe Son of God will soon ap. peat 3. Tove chara "you do. may stand the light of - i. That heaven's gate be op- ened wide a- gai GO UP TO THE MOUNTAIN. »o Brignely with apie & m0) pugs), Buen) Bay) Go + up to the moun-tain, joy ful,bear-er of good news. 39) Bem) EE ) 200) E. x == SS {SS =e i Shout with 3340) See, the Yahweh, come Ya, it full Those who hope in the Lord — Those who hope inthe BAGO) voice 5 our God is Fr(8m) Sind their Lord — is com ing, tw and our is the ing, the they soar like an ea BY ny strength Tarps ae. 20 heart shep + ——— herd , glad — speak to 1. —— like an 2, ——— ‘should they the your eae gle they lead- ing the days of our fitch = ful fy walk. flock, ————— Me Go THE SUFFERING PEOPLE vp s010 Drs im 7 Dm CS sacs: eS = The nul? = reg Our eye tte Our hearts ste dry and ovr : ee fa - ne ee a 1 “ a eB 2 L. sick in pain, and the voice of peo- ples in chains. Ztail is ard, can-we reach “the goat all av lone? ~ 3 you we for thru you the word is te~ deemed , = Fro} pt , 2 — ae - J i na 1 You, © Lotd,, ate the Love that heals sid the fe that cores all de- sense. 2. Youte the Way ' and the Trurh ©" Lord, and theLight that shines: tn our loom 3. Comeybe bom tm our mids and bring Init Ing peace and joy to. the world Am? Drm Am Dm Me? ° Lord 3 : EVERY VALLEY E.2 Bem dow {amen op fin Gnajt 5 < i he Eve ty — vale ley shall be exe al ted and eves ry Bill made ae a ° Fl 6 A ay i Yow — And all Gots — peor ple shall ee for ther i 34 ; . a i ens . o ty . g 1. A. voice criss out im the wil der- ness: “Pre- pare the way of the Lord. tee e 4 an fA 2 — a ae = Jo. in the des- ext bigh- way, 2 bith way tor our God.” Em 6 , 2 Com- fort all any E peo— ple; the time for war | is gone, Ths Fes Bm b 2 Wind shall see, the deaf shall hear; the lamme shall leap for joy. — fy Fim Bn ‘ eo a ——- a SS Sas a) 3 Sand ups on the moun- tain top: IME up your woke 10 the te Buz woo: 1b, og a ot = = = j 3 joy fule Wy Jee tw, sa- lem, be- hold, bee hold your God. = PREPARE YE THE WAY E.a ~*~ J res gaye the wag. ofthe Led, make His pathy aleht,— 35 ue F oon - a ge : a = 1) mount=— ln and ll al be brought fow and ea crooks en sk e wade -teaight, ad he + flesh shall sce the sal— va—— Xi ——— n_omer- cy, break up your fal- low ground, HOPE,SWEET HOPE OF ALL AGES E. 26-25 » = Dmy Gm c fo save — your peo ple As Come, Re dee mer and — Lord, Come, to save — your people, IF =e SS ¥ ' Hope, aweet hope of all sages, | Jesus Christ a i 3 a i Hope, sweet hopes of all poe ple, Jes) Christ! ef we - ° gfe 5 Gn tat > Hof e ' 2 = Ext a7 and + ae Bg Pk Come to ou ad to-day anda wy = Jee ws : Swenith=cp our weaks ened “faith when it sways fee an r 2 Your love a- lone is that — saves, Ie sus : “For ve and gee the ee ec 3. Like heavenly ain “thar tink in = to eth, Jes aun Sin i Pour down your love and bring isco birth, © Je> gus Cin 4 Glo ty God and pee to all’ nations, Jeo sus hr Love Gus Ge fed wo win usb vastiomy Jes tus Chie COME, EMMANUEL , COME E. 25 4 ' a r Dm Gm7 a4 oy ald gt 5 Joe L Goma Ew map eh Come to me a OE 2 Come 0” Be ts Som Come, te re == your ee oe 3. Come, OR ter Son Game te tee yew pee He 4, Come, Dee ire of the wri ——— Come fo sve — four feos ple 5} Come, De tight of out heny Come, o é: = oe be w= ——— Come, de lay — no 3 Vid’s Son, ———- Come, de lay — no fing Sun, Come, de lay —— no sie of the world, Come, de- lay -— 80 a light of our hears ——- Come, de lay — nro 3 ee. mer and Lord, Come, de lay — no Let Heaven Rejoice Ent ” child. ren pros eaim —chrough fn ” > erty and foo ammo our King 7 zy 1. Sound the. crum- ety in. tothe : ZL Rise in splen- dof; shake off your Put ¥ 3. Relre your Vol: ees, be not a Pro- & Sing : new fone un-tth For 5. Nae tions tem. ble, wise men ae a a 6 Son ot ‘an ee, Glo» ry on. ‘And En fied Ha Bm a = of the Lod is nean his peo ple, —— your robert Jor. the fore ning ie eve» ory land has died) Bue has done wobdée- Tul deeds Him, thankp Flim, —— is bon this niche, ful" counsal- lor, = omen on cath god tie dings: A Em Aud a7 - 1 it your voice, pro» claim ke the = 2 you hall see the gle of the 3. He hae ori ens He ‘ell come 4% Dance be fore Him, Play be~ fore the B 5 migh> ty God, A fa the, prince of & Born this. day,” your) Sa vior and Your LIKE A SEA WITHOUT A SHORE. +, s c br cy =a ( aownay 1088 1, Like a sea without a — shoe, love di-vine is bound- i 2 So that man-kind could be free" he —ap-peated a- mong _u: z 3. All our vi- sions, all our dreams are but ghost. ly «>, z 4. Death, where is your’ vic-~ to ry! Death,whee is yours ye fae 26h CENTURY FOLK HYFINAL, VOL 9 7 6 é 1. Time is now and ever more and his love sur - rounds + 2 Blest are thosewho have not seen, yet believe his 3 of the ta- diane cla- rie ty wai> ting at Mile's cle 4 Clo- ser than the air we breathe is our rie sen Kiv chat Ma - ta - 9 na—— thal Ma = a ~ na that Come, Lord Je- sus, come! JESUS IS COMING E. oc . —— ==} aS Ee eee Jee wu com> ter, 4 loge td ap ped Om, eftim m7 OMIM) FT Gn ominey papas “is born thin night. of great e+ eie= ing en's freight, {peace on arth and | Bene REJOICE FOR CHRIST HAS COME F.u. Lo Re-floice, re foice, for ts Christ has frome andfall havel seen his sal-| va 1S Letlor cean [abun dee faith its [waves the To God the |Fa- ther and the [Son, all Saar vic to-|ry, his arm has [beoughe us sal - 3. nave. Letlall” the flaim the |Lord, ter [al be fmirch and re- 5. dwell.Let}ait the sheat for Joy. the. hilly the moun. tains to 7. ee To|God, the Spit. ie blest, both [row for fas ges un . zp Sy pl ph fro = => 2. The +Lord hat shown his says ang power, r= vealed his 4 Sing joy- fol, prawe- ce tothe Lond,” with harp and 6 Exes lt! The Lord draw. ing nears = He = comes t0 2 juts Kee to alma Kind, te mem= bers ing “his Aone thee make mal 0. dy. Wih mums pets andthe 6 eign overall, the. eae, the world «with just. ee 2. truth and love, is—smer- cy, for his own prow ple. ANTS 4 sound of hom, to God the = King of) cre a= tlon. ANT. G he will ole and all the peos ples with fairness, ANT. Ga Ca a al SOMEWHERE FAR. F whero Inthe idst of noise and fy the hung- ry, side and Did you hear the an gels? Am Dm ; i i | i i i Ina sta~ be. poor, Je- sus Christ was cen his voice be heard? No, we'll five in Chist him- self con= coals: To the low- iy, You can hear it stil If ypu bens bom of) Mary in 2 we peace and si- lence, Ea= ger for meek and huni ble, He —him- self reveals. cave to ens ter, # youre of good will. 4 Atm Dm ‘ c i <= fete Beth-le- hem to go I ae legce youl An GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN. Soo 6 6 Am © Go tell it on the moon- tin, 0- ver the hills. and ———e td er eyewhere, Go tal_it on i a erotik Se ¢ “ ram ise — —- a é f f 1. While shep- hes kept their wateh = Ing on 2. And to. when they had scene they 3. Whee wae seeke ery t 4 He mde 2 me watch an we Am. ‘ « < = = ¥ ft SE = : ; i 1. wandering flocks by nthe, bee hold from out of Uy 2. all bowed down and "prayed, they was velled on tow £ 3. sought toth night and days 1 aiked my Lorde i fon the ey way ado Tam i A ‘ > or i i Le hea Sen there shone, 2 hos yikes 2. gether to where’ the Babe wat and + help me and he showed me the way, + Chris tian, t am the teat of alle JESUS IS HIS NAME Foo 3 © hi 7 be La whey Gog i bie mS Bae : € © i 3 = —_ As i Loewe ie me te ar 5 ae ee a a Oe ii . He B 2 tile ‘The Mes- si- ah Le Light of the world, Rock of 2 Ree deem - es, Al pha and ° Lov tion, Im" mane ue a Rome The «= World = made Bashy . L. Blessed Lamb of Goa. 2 Jee sus is His Name. c Dr a c the sheep, God, The 2 Sere vane of God, Lod of Hoss, ‘The ———— 1. Way, Truth, and Life, Je wuss Hin ame, 2 Bread of Lite Je wuris His mare, THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. F. 15. - ‘The light of the light of Chris has come. 1. AN men must be Born a = gain 10 see. the king-dom of God; the ie 2 God gnieup His on= ly Son out of love for the world, so that 3. The light of God has come tous 0. that we might have sal - va -tlon:from the war ter and hiss Sei bring new life in God's lover zat men [RS beclieve in Him will live for Te ete L 3. darkenes of our sins. we walk in-to glory with Crit Je- aus © US A CHILD IS BORN F, «x. © amr 7 c 6 67 & on 8b 887 ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID'S CITY F. “Ok Mae oy 2 With the 3. Chee tan 4 And he 5. And he 6 When like c 1. Chris 2 anh 3 bee 4 shar - 5. place 6 white was thar Mo- ther alld, poor, . and mean, and low. ly, hid: ten mut be feels eth, our omd- ney Jeads his dren on srs gy his hile g dren crowned her its te out Sav Jour dient, good ae eth ine where he shall wale i 5 = ~a L. Osce tn rope ah sDavs sds Stood YoHe came down to earth ftom hese ven, Whos 3. And throveh sll tis won- drow child- hood He would v Rife he four child~ bood'y pat- setm, Day by a 5 And our eyes se testa tee him, Theeogh his : 6 Noe tothe pootlows Ip na Bey With the a on ‘ : \ - ee i == 4 PFS - u 1 lows ty cats tle shed, «Where Mother id her e ; : and-Lord of ay And Ne thel= ter wan : cur and oe bey, Lave, and wth. the low. ly Body Me she ge, He tle, weak and . 5 own “es deems mg + lovey, For that Child" dew nd 6 om © xsod: int oe We hte Rmiboe S ‘ or < ~ = SS é by tans ger for his - ie, And Me cradle wae co, In whose gene wre he fess, Tea and smiles ke she - fete Sur Lord a hewn ae ’ : wa, Set God's ighehand on : 5 é ¢ : : Je aun led om? Y Mis, ss ed” he J te te og Ai le i L i ONCE IN DAVID’'S ROYAL CITY i - FR». i : fer FF om => == 3 JS et aS = g © Once in Dae vids ty al ky Stood a Low i 2 He Gme down to earth ftom heaven, Whois Gad i 3. And through ail his wondrous child- hood He would hon our i 4 For he ts our child hood's pattern, Day by day 5 5 And our eyes at Inst shall see himy Though his own i & Noc im that poor lowe ty sta Bley With = the ox ot 3 07 ‘ © Gc Ff 67 Lect. de shed, Whee 2 Mo- thet nid her a> Z lord of all, And his shel ee was gst 3 and 0% bey Love, and watch the low= ly Maid Sus he grew, He” wash fle, weak dnd 5 deem- ‘ing love, For that Child s0 and 6 sands ing by, We shall see hms buen bn ' 7 = in 8 mane ger for his, ed Mary wat tt 2 And his cas dle was a tally With the poor and 3. Ip whose gens tle arms he avs Chis uae children 4 Tears and smiles ke us he news And he. fede 5. ls our Lord in heav'n a overs ‘And he leads his © See at God's right hand on igh ‘When ike sate hit cor ¢ 6 6 F i J toe ee ih EM OM hy, imme aoe $i Tho & SEES Sone 6 ' Glo- y G8, dlo-ty i God, Je sus Lived on Mid, © And’ he To the Allin ‘ c heise catch bee shat = place white glo- to God hee dient, good eth in ‘where he shall wai f in the ee child ho = W he lad - ness. round: SILENT NIGHT ° F. a2. “ EES BS ts — 7 u lent night! Ho = ty night + ‘Bethles hem sleeps, yet what Tighe “ 2 Tent night! Ho Ty night £ Shep herds ise see the light, 3 Tent night! Ho~ Wy night | Son of God, Ohh lighet a ; F € & Gan : | SS ae SS So ig i = e 1. Float a+ round the ho ly ait: Songs of Ang els Gil the airy Yo Hew te ale lee kr tas tings Which the angel cho-- run loa: . 3. Ras di ates trom thy mareger bed; O- ver realms with dark ness sper, - oa @ c F or ¢ 1. Serine of heaven ty peaces Strains of heavenly peace! L"Chwie the Saviour has come,” “Christ. che Saviour has come 3. Thou sin Beth-le “hem born ! Thou, in Beth-lechem born! F. 22. WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED ° core sc r © om tb r eae ted on the ground, White shep- herds watched their Bock by sight, All ot 2. Fear not, id he (for migh-sy dread Had seued their troubled ming 3. ‘Te you in Da- vide sown this day fs born of David's Tine 4 4 ‘The heavenly Babe you there shall find To hu man view dis plaved, : 5. Thus spake che Ser aphs and forch- with Ap- peared 2 shin ing throng, i high, And tothe earth be peace: 6. AIL plo ry be te, God on c oF + © tm Af C Om ot fw \ SS SSS SS SS aee The angel ofthe Lord came down, And glo» ty shone a+ round : <2 “Ghd the dings of greatjoy bring’ To yoo and allman: Kind. 5A Saws our who Christ the Lord: And this shall be “the sen 4. AN means Hrwrapped in swathe ang bands And in 2 mans ger ted!? - ‘Ad- dressed theit joy ful song. and nes ver ceasel” 5 OF ang: cle prate- ing God, who. thus 6 Good will henceforth trom heaven co men Bes gin © COME ALL YE FAITHFUL « = hn . ‘ « > - i : * S i i 1G come , all ye tah fal, Joye ful and aie um a L zl 2 of God 5 Linke =o i 4 of Ane gs,” Sing inte ule ‘a . : 4 Yea, Lowd,, we —— greet thee» Botn this haps py mone ve ¥ = I . : ~ ; 1 © come ye, 0 come ye, 19 Beth = ee hem rr a - a 3 Sing all geet ie cen of heaven a a 4 dee NS yt0 thee be gle yg 1 Come and be- hold him, Born the king of An ele: - 2 Veo oy = God ) Bevgot- ten, mot ces a= ted: 3. Glee oy te God Ta the —— highs este 4 Word of the Fae ther Now in flesh ap- pear ings © come,ler ut a+ dove him, © comejlet os adore him, OQ comejler vb > S km Gy D { rs a - “dove tums —= y Chriss, ——— the Lords 1 Oe 2 0 mon 3. How si 40 ho So God Cart out 1 Yee in thy dark 2. For Christ is born 3. No ext may hear 4. We hear the Christ - 1. The hopes and. fears 2 White, mor tals sleep, 3. Where meek souls wil 40 come to us, He town of lent y, "how ly Child of ‘And praises sing co ime parte to Beth le hem, How still we see = eth Beth, A+ ove thy deep and dresm- less God the lene-ly, le hem,Der+ crnd vo ut Pro- claim the ho- The won- drous gift fleep The si- lent stats King,And peace to en hhu- man hearts The blets- ings of four sin, and enter ects shin ch Mae his com = mas An F of all the the an- gels te- ceive him, + bide with ch The In, Be born ins fer last~ ing “lights ty And, gath- ered all a- bovey ing; But gels The years Are” reat glad th dings tel: a this world of sin, Gm F imet_ in thee to — night. keep Their warch of — won-d'ring love, still The dear Christ en ters in. us, Our Lod Em- min-u- dl thee y ® P bis

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