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Alyssa Rejiene A. Maputi Seatwork Activity #3 April 21.


Module 3: Selection
Seatwork Activity

1. Explain why it is important for a selection tool or instrument to be valid.

 It is important for a selection tool or instrument to be valid because validity is the
most important factor in considering whether or not to use an assessment method.
An assessment that does not accurately identify who will perform effectively on a
job has no value to the organization. Validity of selection tool and instrument, as a
measure of effectiveness, helps the organization come up with right decisions.

2. Develop an interview guide for a structured interview that contains at least ten behavior-
based questions that prove the skills of a candidate in handling difficult people at work.
 Here are 10 behavior-based questions about handling difficult people at work:
1) Can you describe an instance where your supervisor or manager just gave
you too much work with not enough time? What did you do?
2) How do you handle a disagreement with your colleagues? Give me an
example of when you successfully persuaded someone to see things your
way at work.
3) Have you ever had to work under someone who wasn’t very good at
communicating? What happened?
4) Tell me about a time when you successfully explained a technical problem
to a colleague who didn’t have a tech background?
5) Tell me about a time when you had to work with someone completely
different from you. How did you adapt to collaborate better?
6) What do you do when your co-worker refuses to, or just can’t complete
their part of the work?
7) How do you handle irate colleagues?
8) We all make mistakes sometimes we wish we could take back. Is there a
time that comes to mind where you wish you had handled a situation with
a colleague differently?
9) Share an example of how you were able to motivate employees or co-
10) How do you handle it when there’s a conflict among team members?

3. Describe how a hiring manager should arrive at a decision to hire the best candidate.
 For a hiring manager to arrive at a decision to hire the best candidate, it first starts
with determining who would be good candidate that suits for the job. They could
follow the selection methods which is paper screening – they may go through all
resumes and come up with short listing; testing – measure abilities of candidates
through psychological or psychometric tests; and interview – asking the
candidates questions related to their job. According to research, hiring managers
can also look at job applicant’s online activity and profiles such as social media
accounts in making hiring decisions.
Alyssa Rejiene A. Maputi Seatwork Activity #3 April 21. 2022

4. Describe the characteristics of a good interview both from the perspective of a hiring
manager and from the perspective of an applicant.
 A good interview may have the following characteristics:
 Responses are in the form of narratives, which convey more than opinions
and information
 Responses are detailed and descriptive
 Responses are personal and based on experiences
 Responses applicants have emotional significance to the respondent and
are not mere intellectualizations
 Knowledgeable about the job
 Adequate experience and trainings
 Attentive listeners
 Free from bias and undue emotion
 Control of anger and aggression
 Stable personality
 Extrovert behavior

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