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Study Guide

Operational Level
Case Study examination

Study Support Team

As you study toward the Case Study exam The calendar assumes a six-week study Booking your examination right at the start
for the Operational Level of the CIMA® duration before attempting your Operational of the programme is step one.
Professional Qualification, we created this Case Study exam. While some of you may
This will aid your motivation and time
guide to better prepare you. It provides a have already started your studies, others
management planning.
calendar of articles and recorded learning might require a little longer to assimilate
support resources that will assist your the knowledge.
Operational Case Study exam preparation. Please book your next exam here!
Either way, you’re free to follow this guide
The resources in the guide cover a range end-to-end or simply choose the support
Do not worry if you can’t find the time to
of themes and can be broadly split into you need when it’s appropriate for you.
read or view all the support resources listed
two main categories:
We would like to mention that this guide is not here. They are there only to supplement
Study support — Motivation, confidence, designed to replace tuition or the work of the your studies and are not a substitute for the
time management and memory recall tuition providers. It will not provide you with acquisition of essential syllabus knowledge.
the underpinning syllabus knowledge required
Exam support — Question answering Finally, we wanted to send our best wishes for
to pass the Operational Case Study exam.
techniques and exam day planning the successful completion of your Operational
The purpose of this guide is to make your
and execution Case Study exam.
studies more effective and maximise your
Crucially, these learning resources have exam marks through careful planning.
Study Support team
been curated to be read/viewed in a logical Getting the most out of this guide requires
sequence. The advice is relevant to your commitment and a focus on the end goal.
current stage in the learning journey.
Calendar of learning support resources Weeks 1 and 2 — Onboarding

Key learning Title Medium Duration Contents Why is this important? Access
for this week

Onboarding Welcome Webcast Recorded 7 Aim and scope of the programme, how to access Understand how to get the most out of this Study Guide, Here
video minutes all the resources and get connected during the what it can do and what it can’t.
six weeks

KEY 10 Steps to Kick-Start Animation 4 General study tips to help get you started You will find this especially useful if you are getting back to Here
LEARNING Your Learning video minutes with your studies studying after some time or have had exemptions to start
your CIMA studies.

How to Get the Most Out Article 10 Essential learning tips Your preparedness, discipline, and willpower are critical to Here
of Online Learning minutes realising the potential benefits of online learning. Use these
tips to get the best out of online learning.

First Steps Towards Article 10 Importance of producing a personal SWOT analysis Understanding your study strengths and weaknesses, Here
Your Learning Journey minutes before starting your CIMA learning opportunities and threats can help create your study plans
and aid focus. Use the link with the resource to download
your SWOT template.

Kick-Start Your CIMA Studies Recorded 50 Advice and motivation for those of you studying This is a ‘must watch’ if you need a little extra support Here
video minutes remotely and taking exams online from home and motivation to restart your learning journey and take
advantage of online remote exams.

Do You Need Help Finding Article 10 Time management guidance and a downloadable Give your study the structure it requires with this useful Here
Time for Your Studies? minutes study planner calendar template study planning tool. Simply complete the template to
understand how many hours per week you can commit
to study.

Kick-start II Recorded 1 hour Further time management support Take a look at the main reasons we ‘put off’ studying and Here
video and guidance get helpful guidance to improve your time management.
Take advantage of the tools to plan and improve the time
you commit to study.

Learn Smarter and Pass Faster Article 10 Six proven practical steps to aid your Improve your learning with these ‘evidence-based’ practical Here
minutes CIMA studies steps by learning scientists. It’s a perfect read for anyone
about to start learning a CIMA subject.
Calendar of learning support resources Week 3

Key learning Title Medium Duration Contents Why is this important? Access
for this week

Stay Sharp and Focussed Article 10 Quick links to access further study Here’s your access to critical examination resources Here
with These Six Tools minutes support resources. such as the examination blueprints.

Top Performer Insights – Secrets Recorded 40 Smart ways CIMA top performers use to prepare Learn the tactics top performers used to produce Here
from CIMA High Achievers video minutes for their exams, including how they analysed the top-scoring answers.
preseen materials; what resources they used to
develop exam skills.

Insights from Re-sit Students Recorded 1 hour Insight and tips from those students Essential viewing! Build on the learning of those who were Here
video currently studying. initially unsuccessful in their exams.

KEY The Work Ethic of Article 10 Explore the commitment and attitude Avoid procrastination with the practical tips included in Here
LEARNING Winning Students minutes needed towards study. this article.

Improving your chances of exam Article 10 Evidence-based tips to improve your chances Learn and leverage the key factors behind exam success Here
success – What the data tells us. minutes of exam success. as highlighted in this joint research by Kaplan and CIMA.
Calendar of learning support resources Weeks 4

Key learning Title Medium Duration Contents Why is this important? Access
for this week

Case Study Exam Support One – Article 1 hour Case Study Exam preparation guidance Get expert advice, based on the experience of those who Here
Preparing for the Case Study Exam with links to further resources. set and mark CIMA Case Study Exams.

Case Study Exam Support Two – Article 10 Case study examination answer planning Get expert advice based on the experience of those Here
Planning a Good Answer minutes guidance with links to further resources. who set and mark CIMA Case Study Exams.

Answer Planning – Article 10 Evidence-based tips to improve your chances The most common complaint from the CIMA Case Study Here
Does It Really Matter? minutes of exam success. (CS) examiners across all three levels is that students have
‘failed to answer the question that was asked’.

How to Apply in Animation 5 A practical illustration of how to apply Learn how to show application of knowledge in your Here
Case Study Exams video minutes in Case Study Exams. answers with this visual guide. Essential viewing!

KEY Management Case Study Exam – Article 1 hour Annotated walkthrough of a real Management This visual illustration compares an actual pass standard Here
LEARNING Question Walkthrough Case Study Exam question and answer. exam answer with an actual failed exam answer.
Calendar of learning support resources Weeks 5

Key learning Title Medium Duration Contents Why is this important? Access
for this week

KEY 10 Steps for Revision Article 10 10 practical steps to master revision, If you’ve completed your CIMA tuition/learning and are Here
LEARNING and Exam Preparation minutes with links to further resources and key tips. about to start the process of revising, this article is a
‘must read’. It will also help as a handy checklist for those
currently revising.

Total Recall – the Top Five Proven Recorded 50 Top five memory techniques and how Understand how memory works, what the most effective Here
Memory Techniques video minutes to use them to succeed in your CIMA exams. memory techniques are and how to use them to pass your
CIMA exam.

The Essential Steps to Mastering Recorded 45 An introduction to Objective Test and Case Study This webcast will detail the nine formulaic steps you Here
Objective Test and Case Study video minutes Exam questions and the differences between can learn, memorise, and apply to any Case Study Exam
Exam Questions. them, including nine steps to mastering Case Study question, regardless of the topic or level.
Exam questions.

Case Study Secrets – Recorded 1 hour Tackling the Case Study Exams — from analysing Learn how to effectively analyse the pre-seen Here
How to Pass First Time video the pre-seen to sitting the exam. and get key guidance on exam techniques.

Case Study Exam Support Three – Article 10 Case Study Examination guidance on developing Get expert advice, based on the experience of those who Here
Developing a Fuller Answer minutes your answer with links to further resources. set and mark CIMA Case Study Exams.
Calendar of learning support resources Week 6

Key learning Title Medium Duration Contents Why is this important? Access
for this week

Exam Prep – Remote Recorded 15 Details about online remote examinations. Get answers to the top questions on online remote exams. Here
Online Exams video minutes

How to Produce an Answer Article 10 Guidance on five key areas to prepare for your Find out what the examiner and markers are looking for in Here
the Examiner Will Love to See minutes Case Study Exam with links to further resources. a good answer; how to identify key information needed and
develop your exam skills through
question practice.

KEY Final 24 hours – Exam Preparation Recorded 1 hour Master your final 24-hour exam preparation. Why short-term study cramming is a wise strategy, but Here
LEARNING video sleep is essential!

Ready Or Not? Article 10 How do you know when you’re ready Know your exam-readiness with this checklist of questions. Here
minutes to take your examination?

Resit Guide Online 2–3 hours Definitive online guide for students resitting Includes insight from CIMA markers, examiners, Here
guide any objective test or case study exam. and academics.
From all of us here at CIMA,
all the best with your next exam!

All CIMA learning resources are in the CIMA Planner — here

Information, including key dates, about CIMA exams — here

Contact details of your nearest CIMA office — here

Need one-on-one support? Contact us here.

Follow this link to book

your next exam now!

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