With Joyful Lips Notations (Q20-T59)

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PUT A LITTLE MORE OF JESUS Q. 20 e din a Puc a lice more of Je— sus ia your ie, the world will be = r co a 7 No more Sighting: — no mote etfe, ev" ry- one would have # smiling face! coon (Ast suman avr vase) Gin. * “lies de more of JE = sm —— Por a lic-tde mote of Je aus, Chm a ” le more of Je — avs, — Just 2 es dle more of Je-sur into. your lie Lowhat to weary forall, would ear Z be the Gay) foreach would seek tw 3. shed 2” tex, Fo ey the 4 din fgg ball, No pre jus = we 5. friend - ship ~ bonds, No 8 hes No Leute the pow’ ot a er rn 3. Lord Would te ——— to 4 vous ates, no Sel We! ga oe IN YOUR PEACE. R. 1. apes oof lth Give dhem,O Lod, e+ ternal rest in a your light snd peace, 8 1 You ae lone ate pure; and your jus tice a Loin your, mers op, 0 Lord, cleanse “them from all 5 3. You ae Joy, you ate Pesce, you ate Life and 4 In your dwel- ling of peace, give "them heal» ane se 5. Christ, our Sa» wiour and God: dur'+ ing fe our > 6 Gol im- moral you egw nie 0 Loe eure mal Your word giver heals ing and new We 2 human weak pes and grane them your = cer somal teste 3. Res. sur- ree = tion; we exe ies, wm to you for aid . Aoand tes ieshe men, God of tens det nem and doves 5 joy sand coms fers, aut one and ons hope deaths BO 6& sing your prais ses, now and — through all == tet +o wv. me ——~ t In your peace, in your light and your love, Lord. grant WITHIN YOUR FATHER'S MANSION. R. : Je~ sun Christ will [leas our] earths ly food co [be fade you, whe save Sng wees [hw afi 1 While |P4a- ey, your dear | Mo- 2 The ar bread of ile He tyave lend of God He 1 The fgood and faith. fut And|now —ehroughend = less is word gave wondrous light youll 3 Nowlby your earthly heavens ly bicth be ie THIS DAY YOU SHALL BE WITH ME. R. 3. me pete. eee FS } This day you shall be with met pa a dss 5 mato vores . 1 ahatt | walle be = fore Lord am vthe| land of the | liv i : [that wath Lay plains tive en my il ston, 2. chrough = out my days, invoke him - Bd found diss eress, and be fore me. 4.°0 lod, de- liv « fom pel” - 5. our God is right. cous, of an . 6. for 1 was help ~ less he saved me 1. the Lord has kept your from falls 10 - Be whae shall oa der © my Mas kee - How dear the death. ol an who love him 10. sed shed your Wht on them for - SS ae = oT Lord, if you mark “our it ngs my Soul is € Glo yw God the bien ; ion . Save Chery fervour mer-cy's sakes | grant (Ro tor «nal a Yes, with the Lord ie | stead fase Fa ther be SS | SSS oe 4 He is the Siw- jour of 5. Praise to the Spiz tie who pty gd = OF FUNERALS. « R.>. = SSS aa a ; ¢ : mn 1 ey to you, © Lard. mm 10 pecenion (2 the hunch. = (35) No 154, 148 HN = vem 1 heard a woice fom heaven” saying: Hap-py ate those who die inthe Lord T love dhe wm 3 SSS irl Entrance rite: “Eternal rest” he, 148, You were ent to heal the con-trite. Lord, have mer ey. Lord, have mer « You came to cll sinners, Chirist, have mer ey. Christ, have mer cy You plead for as at the Fas ther. Lord, have mer ey. Lord,” have mer WV. Responsoriat Prslms: Ne 108. 2.22, 0.21 No 109-224, Vid. 6 No HO: 2.26, VoL 7M Ho Hts Beat Wd 2A No 12s 2.62, B29 Ne HSE 2.102, VAS. 7.89 No MA: ZS. ont. 6,Vo1e 2,3 Hon 16: Hel, Vid 2.3 Y. Verse before’ the Gospel: No. 123: ¥.5, om eS: tet ME YE Hoty, Holy, Holy = Ho-ly, Ho-ly, ho- Wy Lord, God of pon and might = SSeS a = Haven and arth are full “of yourglo- ey. Ho-san-na inthe buh» ot ofthe Lord Ho-san-ns an! the high My soul hope in the Loe, Out the eps ca w_, VIL Lamb ot Go == ae a] 4 H ad woud. sant wy Lamb of God, you ike a way the sing of the wonld, have mercy on US sa. bj = = # the body is aprinkled 147) =f Salted Come to meet (him), an gels of se M. Saints of God), came 10 (his) aid (him) 40 God the anont 1h R Res ceive (his) soul and pre+ sent ae a BI He en nM ! Y. May Cheisccho called yo, fake you ta hums Mayan gels ead yout Abeta hans ade ct PSE PPR Wh. | ¥. Give (ham) reste ternal, © Lond, and may your bbe shine on (hina) for es While the body is taken away (49-50) E = SES == gd: ise: “Gay the mar-eyes come to wel. Tay che an-fels lead you in- 10 pas ea > You and wke youto the ho-ly ele tyythe new and es ser nal Je- tue sa May the an- gels lead you in-to.pa-ta-dise, may the mat~ tyes come ie aed cake you to the bo-ly et = ty, the new and e- ter al Je-rvan-tem, Hn ee #3 = J 10 the dwelling place of my Lord. Like the deee (2 41) Re Aett L wil go 00 the @lo- sous shrine of God, mean Teds ae the depth of my mis-e ory and gif and fr~ give me all my sing To Yeu bord ie wp wen PEACE, MY SOUL Rm Omam ome 6 Peace, my soul Fe-tura where vourpeace lies, for the Lord R.6. mo GZ .nA) hat t1ee: ted you eo a skiod: Ty. Pesceymy soul, fm f0m am an has head your ipe'peat 1.1 love the Lotd for he has heard Amé tm Ew the has turned his ea Se tag Theysut-roun-ded mésthe ‘snires of death Om? G7 C Om tm Em? ime. 1 Gell into ame guish and sore rows ad Am Fo Em? bm ‘Then clled on the © Lord, rea- cue my lle. Peace ray. 3. © how just Dn? G7€ " Omé Em "> Em? Am F met~ ey, Yesour God is fll of com- passions. He pro-tects the en An fem? km An i the Lord, fll ot ae - dat te Aa - te: rum where your peace lie: , «For the Lord 4 = a Seaike 1 ed 1 name of the Ans swerk and the hm Ble 1 wasbrouphe to my knees and he saved me. Peace my- 4 Me as kept Ent tn tnt an En? tn =f = > = Ja , ‘my Mle from all dan. gers, my vse trom all cea; he bas Lepe my feet fom tlle sos Amé Em emt Am GA 1 will walk: in the pies- ence of the Lord in the lind of the live fhe Peace my” GIVE US, LOVING FATHER Roz 1 i i 1 FUNERAL ETL, 4 3 = . == “t T TES che dove tng Fae the, Pathe ene Whe ned ove to Hi 2 Pare don him(herdear Fa> ther, Ae tn death he(sie) lies May 4 te , & i} - Lee that death ls? on = Wy” The gate’ to pa rae dle. Lhe I force tae Be Neher) in pee aed im o> _ ee bn May he(the) share for ev. . Nowhithe)ile is done, 4 May his(her) death ree mind oo ‘ ie us, while on earth we roam, We 5 Theuth our hearts be bre ken, May we tee lise we an Em ’ En 3 dor ious Ree foresee on Of Jes tas Chiat, your Son f have mo bie ng'pice he, But Hens wen i” lor home, S meee a an our beo~ (ale) ther(ter) At home im pastes die. > ‘ bn € . Grant lm (her),Lord, eter alent Im ob rey . Inthe Kings “dom ofthe meaner tener 13T QRE A . INTO_YOUR HANDS, 0 LORD R. 8 ~ a - Inet your ands, Lond, =F com> mend = my sou is ( ie & item om o itt . ~ ETERNAL REST , om ane —————— i PFT ternal ret, grant to them, dd) dd SS tt By Spy 1 have carved you on the 1. "1 wit nes ver fore get you, my peo ple Ay a Fm Be 1 palm— of my — hand, Twill never fore get you, Twill f. 5 fn & BD not leave you or phaned. 1 will nes ver for get my own, ——— vesse Eb ry BD 2 Does a mo- ther forget her ba by? Or a Ab ra Fo » 2 child with in her womb? Yet—= +e ven if these “for get, yes com ek 3 2 even if these fore pee will ne ver for get my BD will gate er wilt sprin! Ue clean gait youll be MAY THE ANGELS GO. WITH YOU R.: 10 mem 8 ran An /D cp Em/D sano ry sts y ry the ane gels go with. you To the home of God's glo — God's tem=ple I shall go where the ane gels adore — eo with you, To ode May the saints bid you wel —— come land of the live ing T shall goto his dwell ing joice in his pre: sence —— Sains of God the Lord! Veree 1 f Am Dm? Em? FG p Praise the Lord, all you nx tions, praise the Lord,— ali you peo- ple Praise the Lord Braise the Lord , Praise the Lord, all you na+ tions,” Praise the Lord,—all you peo ple. Praise the Lord fd Praise the Lord a da) Amt D We have wit- nessed his mer cy, He is faith: ful for ° r wits nessed his. mer cy, "He is athe fut 24 Praise the Lord ever Verse 2. Praise the Father who made _us, Praise the Son. who redeemed’ Gs, - Praise their life-giving “Spirit, Praise-one God “through all.” ages! A VOICE SPOKE Ru Eb Baie. Fn Abs. Peer ‘A voice spoke from A voice Spoke from ‘A voice spoke from owen. die with Je~ Sos, Im Christ our fe demp— tion, toed see: = sal ; Ful oT AD a) BT eb The Sok says ie "ttow @— Nou they me b +s Hames Ande: Banbay 58 AS Al ish R “SING A NEW SONG." St Cal Send SEND FORTH YOUR MESSENGERS forth the world your Sa —t ° rmes- sen] gers. | Lord, whey spread your | ght our {hight af round, they wil] ing of your | lo] ey ‘You fenose us trom allfime, your nes-sen-gers to | be, to Mik Rasa Hm Rose 7.18.0» Same, ? fo Sy SS S= 3 1. You chore us from alltime, your mes- sen= gers tobe e 2 To ye her ice, we heak- cnt your all : 3 Gie ue your grace, tof low where you trod z We hive been asked to share your fe with those : S| While mea though far from You. still grope im fur tle search, > Lt raite our tight, as fot forall the world tee, 2 and joys ump we qme to bring your word tal 8 2. and thin to spend our days inners whee tO) our God 4 who. strangers though they be seek fom you. their fe pose 5. by our Kind doeds of Tove, we drow them four Churehs 5 Jee So EF raise our tight af tote for [all he word tose SSS SS _,, SEND FORTH YOUR MESSENGERS SS SSS | ‘Send|fouh your mes fiem- gers Lord] Je- aus, s 4 _s __¢ yw Ce? fe Pier ; ws froce, we" |atkcen to yout Jerope in fu ile Ay? tn Eng Lobe te trate your tebe a fio for [att he world wo fac j 2 ait! nd fore oes we feome to | bring your werd fa i 3. thus to spend our [days in | ser- vice to our | God. 4 ean ect «though the [ber Sek | fem you shee te | pse 5 jour kind “deeds of | love, we | draw them to ci enn ny dea d_|d dd = ttt TF GO FORTH AND PROCLAIM ~ $2.7 THE GOOD NEWS. wos) =j==3 ee won Go forth and pro- claim the good news, ma: king all Sen t = pal Ale ies We aA 2 meno ——== = = ee LO sing a new sony to the ford, sing te the Lordall the earth, ~ $5 The Lord in meat and wwe = thy of pale. toh feared as hove all pet £5. Bring an ffeing and en- ter ik courts. worthy the Lowd in his empl FB 3.tet the evens se- jocent eth be and, sna anand aw wi thin thunder prate, 5 9. Gwe glory to the Fae ther al =. mighiy. to His Son Jesus Chit the Lord » - od ~ 3 LQ sing wo the lod, Bless is — - 3 The gods of the her = thems ae sovehe % 0 anh ems tle tee fore hime L 2 Let the eer of the wood shout for ver ‘ 9. To the Spit who duels our te te ppt ato on tom vee EO ———e es ; S27” Prodaim bis help day by Gay, tell among the nations hi dlory a 4. Ie wat the Lord who made the heavens, his ate maesty and state and” power 6 © Proclaim to the nation God is king; the world he made frm in its place. y= The Lord comes to nue the earch, with justice he will rule she weil, BS fy 2 = 3 z SS —— sre = a = ~ 2 and hit wonders a athe peoples 4 and. splendour in his ho b — phe 6 He wil judge the peo. ples in fires. . 8 He wil jude peoples with his eth. 8 = ~ Se = = TO THE WORLD To the world a- round) pro- dlalm the good news of sal. va tion. To the end of all times 1 am with you al- Ways 1. Goforth n= 40 the world, make dis = ch ples of, alla - Sons. teach ing that all may see your good works. (mvs, a 4 Other sheep I have, not be- longing to this fold 5 They will list en to my voile, soone Gack there shall be and one sheprherd of the sheep. (20.1. 16 i : 6 And now here is my ser-rane in whom my woul de- lights 1 have ene dowed him SS SS] and Sars tee mathe mae ons tts.42 with my Spir = its" chat IT SHALL BE MY ENDEAVOUR. S. 4. TEXT : RABINDRANATH TAGORE ac tions, to” re = veal i j 1. Life of my life, 1 shal know = ing that thy liv = ing 2.1 shall ev-er try to keep. thoughts, know = ing that thou = Kin “dled the light of rea = music + touch, rt 21 shall ev- er try to drivel my love hast thy seat inthe = most Serna Tee shall be my en = deay = our ty flower , shrine CHRISTOPHER COELHO 0. FH. st to act. (Ie shall) to keep my bo - dy pure, up-on all my limbs. (It shall) my mind. (It shall) evils way from know = ing that thou ‘of my heart, (It shall) THE SPIRIT OF GOD. Sus. soon fon ao soe The Spie-te of God a 1s ‘The Spirit of God sends me foith, called to wit- ness the king-dom of r the nas tions; Called to pro claim: the good news of z the na- ions: Gilled term» sole the hearts over 5 the mas tions; “Called” fo. om” fort the poe who 4 the nas, ions: Called to ans ounce =the pect “of 5 the nae tions: Galled (0 te veal his glee ry > ‘The Spir-ic of God teste upon me, ‘The Spi- tof God ~_ conse crates Dy Gm ty ab cr . me The Spir- ie “of God bids me go ford to proclaim his peace, his joy, THE HOPES A Moat g _ ge =e SSS == 16. The “hones and joys of the world yea will car - ey in Jesus Christ; Christy The ~ NZ. With chose who risve and de> spuit you in Jesus Christ: Chitty The 3. You will de- Tight in the puos Hes in Jesus Christ; Chests With 4A Lasts ing peace you will build with in Jes-us Chrisey Christ) To ce c6 ° Em Em Amor ~ a= ~ mine your-f> bring -you—slewa -ichane=ment ofa king dome ; in the power of {On «in the poe -of mE OE En ‘The hopes and joys of the world you willfear- ry you, wil i] ha- mine your fa- cos, inthe power eFthe| Spire | blest a oro. ther, feome and fot- tow [Chrise! GUIDE HOLY SPIRIT. S.7 i wees wunnue ttt : ‘dune | - ; ‘ 1. Guide, ho- ty Spl lt all your hil + deny Keep us tale forthe 2 Brethe,ho- ly Spot! on your peo = ple with the Game of your Lido ty of the Bae then Lad've all 1 the pass Ges of the Shep: 2 love ove heart eae kin ale Send your light from 37 bove to eure our ini L herd, Be our light on the road that leads or tthe Ling - dom. 2 ness, Makeus ho- fy and. pure “in= “aplte our thoughts and ac» Mona. ie 3. Come.ho-ly Spi-ri love e- er nal,| End oud strife, grant us peace and cese_torfev- ddtid di lt y Make uslea- ger to heal thewounds ofthe af- fic- ret sili J ld Ad 3 stength (0 de-fend and help the nee-dy. _id J i Make us [brave to go fforth and live 25 Chiis-tans.Be our guide in this world to serve ous bro-chers = ad 1 ddjd 4 ald HAUL, HAUL AWAY ~ S.a, ee Ef ¥ 4 7 Haul, haul as Woy. Haul , haul Cast the nets if u z wide and sink the nets deep and ifs haul, haul ae way ~ Le PH bn F “ bm ~ i # ~ E24. othe sae tn the “bost nd he spoketo the crow. Haul, S52 He wid “Cust your nes vide whee the water is deep” Haul FE 3. Ob the cach ie vas huge and the towe te was amall. Haul, ~ Lo way, And hit velee wise nt aoft and is voice went tude L Low. cathe new wide = and snk he, ets deep> 3. wore His flendscame = to help whenthey hard Pes ter alle 2 — 1 Howl, haul a wae And he «poke of the just and the 2 Hel, haul ae way “Though we've worked through the night and we've 2 3 Haul, hal as ware “You must Ieeve un” aid Pe- ter, “for r L. pure and the free, and his voice caught the air tke a net inthe sea, And its 2 nos thing to thow, we will ery once a> gain just ber cause you say 30,7 And ies 3. we're men of sin.” But he said. “Comewith me and be fish ers of men"And iv LET ALL PROCLAIM- S.9 i I i 3 i i i i 3 1. Go tall the peo ple, Pro- claim My ame co all, 2 When in prayer you gather in two or three of more, 3. Love is) whac Task you to show co all the world, a hm Dm 1. Make dis- ci-ples eve- ry = where, Bap- ise them in My Name, ZL am thee a= mong you tbo, to guide you all the ume, 3. Lov- ing ever ey fel- low man, For- giv- jog all the time. a 1. Teach them to ob- serve the things T've t@ughe you all Jong, Know that 2 You thall be - my esse es Ithroughtout the, In-= dian‘land : Form 3. This shall be the by which all men williknow you're mines That you f Gn, a. f i Jt am wih you ae wos, Un atthe tad ol Sine Edu 22 RDI Lea? Wate tl Goa BaF, cee COME, FOLLOW ME S.10 « ce © bm OTe mt G7 noe ipa aa Jae, bringing men out of datk-ness, 60. come,take my light to the world! 7 eel —— a J —_= e t SSS t ~T a on Dms+ Dé 7 ° Saas 3 am thebread you must feed co the hungry, the wine that must fils eve- Fy tm Thewuth sd my wordie the Cras yoururttake if you “want to Xp. with new lite, hundred force when pars found whatmas lost, — So the went ie canon: Ys ing Bockthesteay- ing. and bind up thar-weaand f6- ny, dd Se SSS er ent Da? a Din? Te aah i " ~ birds have their neste, but the Son of ~ nue eens, S Reed ee oa ee oe oP a : Tee . slong, eve your nets and come, fol- low me —————— BLESSED ARE THEY~ 1 Bless ed are = they who are poor ia sole L Blew: ed ate they who ate meek and hums He 3. Blas: ed te they who wil moum in for tow 4 Blesed those who hung: er and hits foe users i SE ML thee isthe Kings dom of Gad Bless us, Lost - PEEL they wll dae heee ie the eat, Bless us, Lon ‘ 3. they will be come fore tee Bless uO Lon sts 4 they will be sets ee Bless un 0 Lond “ 1 poor ial es us. Low, ow God 2 meek and howe Bl Hes Gh) Led! ow Gad 3 dhe thee soe tomy, Hes us, © Lend! ou God fare uae, Wes) Lard; our Gat hac they may see the good at we doy and ge oe wry to Gah 5 Dlesed ate they who show ethers mercy, [6 Bleed the heaets char ate dean and holt, ‘ey wil know” ey too! hey wil” Behold the Lord Bic "s, O'tud Bie“ GPL eat our et “ee meter, ie us pure sed holy. Blas yO tordy ur Oak. Bigs OT ued, oS” Goa 7, Blessed te they whoring pees among you, & Bled “those who nufer fiom perseeuton, hey ae the, Children of (God ES then ie he” Kingdom of” God Blo “ts, "O “Lod Blas wh O Ld SF your pete te wich ub, fwhen "ney perscere wt Bie ORO" Let, "our" Goa ce Bes uso Ve out "Goa. ; FOLLOW ME S.2- a Fol- tow me, fol- tow me, lewve your home end fae mt = 8 “hyneat in alm wate ae Aen O6-388 5 Te kave™ your GRY ing nets and bons up- onthe = ” ° a ° a 3 : == : a Lewe the seed that you hive town, leave the cops that youve i ° ”, 5 me Trown, Kove the peor le yo have Known and fl-low - vos i e ° Y 1. The fox. es. have theirholes and the swal- lows have their ~ To you Mould fol tow me, you must Krave old ways be BAe though To goa ay Yous wil ners er beg a ~ 3 Y 1. ‘pew, but the Son of man has no. place to ie down, ¥ 2 ind) You must ke my cron and fol Tow on my pathy 3. lone, for the | Spi- wail be thee fe coms fore Yous L 11 do not oly fer com: tor, t do noe ate fer £ You ay be tar fromloved ones you may be fot om 5. Though Sof you mop seat= ten cach fale low his own fm ° a / ° De SS 5 2 ~ oS J. weatth but in me wil all ape pie, ness — ound = Xo heme, but omy Fae her will wes Comieyou —— at sts = 3 path, sul the Spirit of love will ead —— you home. LEAVE YOUR COUNTRY AND YOUR PEOPLE $..13 Leave your country and your peo- pl lesve Your fam! Wy and rou tends, Tre ved 1 the bed I chow your God will blest he ones he sce tke Ae bas har) be when he tines Gods Word te” de= ieee the path ins the ta a Sith Sourage up the Gib the tm a ‘ 1. heard call, forth in faith, and paar frow, te thd bonds thot 5 seems sand feed You thro” the x ar ides Kos TP thine he an & a —————— q th SS ‘ing Got mae ter of us. all. yoo, Ce the wee of God tas: “Got whee ey. Tals Tow his commande 2 with) one God ws pledge. YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSES Sou r me AnD is i bak L Wo. yoo fol = low —— ony. a ZW you tm Bie me eit x you toe ome Hi AA you we. led th the ze Dm em on . 1. you shatl be my wit nem Ifyou take ep — your — Z You shall te my wits nem for wth ome) im yup you 3. you shall be omy wits nem for hen cree ty oe al 4. Joy Shall beomy wits nen, What tomy wl be gis en yon 30 pom ' mo _ Ssh pp] ee ae ee Ey y= v : t i dh. com and We tow mend do mt 2 wil bear fouit ie 2 tee that — will te 3. know that you. ate when you love one an- other In — 4 odo” oot bea for" he who is the Spis st of your a om a D Som A ° fisid,— but bee lieve —— in me. mainy— a fruit —— cha will Tas. truthy as 1 have loved ‘you Fae "ther will —— soko ned £048 CATHERINE HOME ANDHENC)EoMBAY Lee WE ARE GOD'S PEOPLE Sus cron wotos; sower & KetY 5 6 fm amp 6 tm Am g 5 = * p - = : = —- = — a + = Bf We —— ate God's peo- ple: be has called us and cho- sen us -im C 07 G6 op DOG ee boy OE 2S Ste cho- sen us in Christ to work for the com-ing of his King ~ dom. swsmomenmat eg fe D eI or Chriss may be. wher ver we are. we may bring the Good News to all. we may spread his kiog - dom. of peace we may bring his just ice ey all this’, we're told, tin mem? ty of me? Sn ing - dom & .. YOU ARE A CHOSEN GENERATION S.16 dananctetnr ag ennny WQr ALND MATAR 3 eeesee a a] == Sg a eee You ate 8 chovsen se nes Hon, gto al pest-hood You ste the hon-cut of our prose Quen gin Masts Coo idm ” ion, 2 de «di ea - ted pgos ple thar should chow forth the prai-ses of Ia cl Youre ble a + mongall wo men for you treasured the Word in. yout D7 o ° sow ~ : him who has called you out of datk- ness, out of dark-ness, out of hea You wetetas ken ins to hea = ven ins to ea vem in =D « od 97 Emam aid o7 6 ~ dork — e385, Iiea — venes in: ro his mar-vell-our light, — in to his mat-vell-ous light. So come and So now t= on ¥ Se Praise Lord» Come on and Ho = same And let us | Lord. Come om and ~ ting = lo — jah and show forth the praises of him, tor he has | rate migh— ty, the Lord who did marvels for you, tor you were | SS = sing Hal = Te = show forth the praises of him for he has 414. ~ called you out of dark - ness, sout_ of dark ness out of oe ken In = to hea ven, in tO hen = ven, in - called yeu out__of datk- ness, out of dark nes, out of, oe a! d os 87 En ka Gd a) dark-ness in = to bis marevel- ous light — I - (0 is mar=vel~ ous lighe (For)) bea = ven darkness in = a bis mmarsvel- fous ight (ror) Int freedom, into free- dom, in 00 eee-dom, int free = =a Into fee-dom into Ieee-dom. neo tree-dom , pawd Ja aa SQ oye to iz mare vel vel = los tight! — —— to his mare vel = 5 vel lous lighe! ——_ aid a srk THE HARVEST IS GREAT - $17 Cosi? “The hate vest is gfeat and plen- t+ fal but the tab’ ers ate ver ey fem, 50 rene 0 in. myname, reach out and pro- claim: “The King- dom is near to you" , Dat oke in Fa es a Am Ania, SS SS 1. No thing for your jour. my tak, ng sta nota, no. ead 2 Sow my sed a tong the path, the fork, the thowms, good sul 3. See the har vest while with ait: the time fo. reap hie come A Live the ste cee” you im pare that death pies wey toe al: note iE Aner Fite D7 Z #. = == Bot my peace you give them and the words that Ihave ‘ 2 Some may wi ther, some may grow and bring forth hun dred 3. Look, the vine press is 49 fall, the vats now over = 4 How’ the cross of Christ des- ays the wie, dom ofthe = af f Dre WALTER PAIS IF YOU MAKE MY WORD YOUR HOME F Bb Gaim C7 F Bb It you make my Word your Home, you will oF cr F Bb cT. sure- yy be my ise: ci ples, you will =—then on learn the Truth, andthe Truth will mabe see ” 1 Bye sy, one who be comes a slave of sin, has 2 Those who call on their God as thei Fax ther, ate 3. Mf the truth nex ver comes from the vil one’, who 4 Ts. there no— bo dy here mong —— you’ who can F bb ce a 1. stayed a way from God. But the free dom of ile 2 chi dren oftheir. = God. When [tell you that 3 fa ther ofall lies, When my — deeds tell the truth 4 claim that [have sinned? Since you say — that’ you are F Ge pe mp E Bo ct F 1 in side my — house comes to those who be- lieve in me, 2 fave come from Him don't your hearts have some love for me? 3. that Ie come from God, should you then not bee lieve in ae? 4 the sons of God, then “you ought to believe. in me. . GOD'S SPIRIT IS IN MY HEART S19 i Se = 1 God'sspi-rit is in my — hear» He has calledme and set mea- § 2 dust as the Fa- ther sent me, So tm sen-dingyou out-— to ~ 3} XDon'tcar- ry a — loadin your pack, You don'tneed two shirts on your 2 4.Don'twor-ry what youhaveto say, -—- = don'twor- ry be~cause on that ~ E £7 Am 7 a i ~ a + oe a gf i: part.-—— This is what 1 haveto do, —-. what | haveto Y i 2. be (my) wit nes-ses thru'-out the world, -- the whole of the world 3. back. (a) workman can earn his own keep,-—~» can earn is own keep. — 4. day (God's) spi -rit will speak in your heart, -- will speak in your heart. He sent me to give the Good News to the poor, tell prisoners ~ ae & A — - = = SSS $=] ~ that they are priso-ners no more, tell blind peo ple that they can see,— ~ 87 e A > and set the down trodden free, and go tell «ev oy 27 A one the news that’ the King-dom of God has come, and go ~ D e7 A 87 A tell ev'ry one the news that God's kingdom has come ! = HOLY MOTHER 0 oF our x2, REDEEMER, Tea. Mocly Mother of our Re-dcemer, ev-er o.pen gate of heav-en, and star of the sa, come to the aid of your Perit erat Poros bt dae — = veer open gute of heav-en, and star of the se some to the aid of your === a SSS a 5 pe ch dren who have falen and who sec oo ge BathO Won de topo Ces fy Spee iden who hae flan and who seek othe. You eve bith, O Wonder, co your Cea SSeS S392 == 5 =e Che a cers ¢ aS SSS SSS aj $5 Wem, Ree ing of the angel Gabel, and_have pis, 07 00 8, ala net ot Gack Sees = —=I Sess 3s Wn. Recceve the geting of the anveet Gril, and have pie yon us, sn net S. oe asa 7S aa a CATHERINE "HOME, AL.DHERI, s ew soNc™ sine , QUEEN OF HEAVEN . T. 2. aes iar TERROMMANCE |. .-2. For the Lordwhom you were wor -thy to bear, Al-le = Iu - ial eed 2 - ss second verses (For a oe eee cs = * Gop, > de Bs a & a x my 5 B PRAYER” Rejbice thd be happy, O Virgin Mary, alieluisl me : vyiin y © God whojgave,Jo te Re Se the Lard has, risen ined, alleluiat = througt the-tesuivéction' of your Son, our Lord: Jesus Christ ‘grant that,we, may. obtain: ifroughr his Virgia:MotNer, Mary, the joys of everlasting life. Throu the same Cheat our Lord..Aihe, Foes seririans 2 gee ia, es Lan? tea tg eis {Vibsictes acid Prayer ‘atVespers trom Easten,to Trinity Sunday) We greet you, WE GREET YOU T. 3. (UITANIES oF OUR LaoY) bo y Vir gi, M use Marian feasts foth - ex of PERFORMANCE ‘The antiphun: “We i Cantor: syne» New fone! Holy Strength of Queen of Mother always: Cause of our 1. God Vir 3. love, = Moth = 5. Ros¢— Dwell = ing 7 sin- ners, Help of ai ° a cantor: PY 2. Mother of “4. Mother worthy of 6. Ark of the ad 8. Queen of wo 10. Queen conceived without 2, grace 4) mereisu, _ 6 Star, 8. Prophets, 10. heaven, Alt ° pray ‘and we bless your gin ‘Son, Jo” him all honor and> glo- yy Mary virgin, Ghristians, be yond com = pai: the ex whom we ad of all 9. Mir ~ gins, Glo -rious Queen of Mi gi Qu the Moth Vir Heay = Queen Queen the Lord Jesus Christ Maher the Ho - ly Spir = who are in ‘Grist, praise, Covenant, Angels, sin, Queen as Lord all the ex most gin most en - ly of Ae of Lord for for heed. Saints, necessary. The odd-numbesed verses may beni by th ane the ween cam eves by the oath — sung by and bass Mother of the r worthy of tenor ott Mystical ho. ane Retuge of ater every cher Queen of verse PRAYER Pour forth, we ask you, O Lard, your Brace into our hearts, that we, to whom the incar- nation of Christ, ae : fie a, he eae Bae, ALL THE BRIGHT MORNING STARS T.4, (HES All the bright mom-ing stars sing 10 i Pras Sas [a [At me bch mong sat ang to gehet Ber paix, nd ae Jn bythe slosh un dak TSS = SS = oF tf ae eee ey eee ee ae a SESE == fee] == and are Joined by the glorious dawn. Be 1 Hews en fy choirs of an= gels res joie and give praise, ZL see hen dove fy at ery dawn break» ing forth, 3. 1 see her love, f= diant- ly tein = ing a= Bovey 4. See her as- cond, 3 va = por of in = cense and myth, 5 © lee all a ges ie up in prnte of your Som, 6& 0 Vie gin Mason, Queen of al amet. and men ko WT ees Lk dow the eam een dean tee 3 As Queen of the Heavy = ens, 10 her Son. Caw eon eee a s 5 tots dim = tng mame mote tad sui malig ft gun, ms foe Gat we | be Heavens Ty choles of anrzgels te - jo re KEEP US IN YOUR Ma 1% for we y SEE fate save Gs ffom the Temp-cei- snare, glo~ tie ous Virw FAeare gfe from eve = ay anate a NE —" come by pain and sor row,be our so-laee ©; vetr more, keep us in your ten ©- ver come by pain and sor-row be our s0- lace € + CARE need a hae ven sure Use cAUNLR ae CONEY px Cy ver mote, keep usin gin Ma. ry Mo- ther ev - ppope Keep vs in your care, Q Mas my, for. we need “3 ha~ ven sure TO lon te ous View gin Mo-ther eve er bet Fea SS F a 1 Serj YOU ‘ARE THE HONOR. “T.6. vy of our You ate the hon-or, you ae the glo- - Sj = 4s = 1 You aw the los ry of Jes micas lem, How ty Vive gin Mar + ~ Yor are the pens at joy of Wee dy Hoe Wy Mire pn Mars ith eat hone or of our. race, Hos Wy Vine in Mar ct bythe Lord mose high. Vireo Mar Moy Vie gin Mare Ho ly View gin Mar ae get with out in the Church, You ate the honor, you ate the lo 1d )c0 4 ppeo-ple, Hocly Virgin Mar-y. gin Mar the glo 2 You are the great est joy of Tes rz, Hoe ty Vite gin Mary the high - rT f : x —— nM T T r tT May you be Bleed bythe Lord most NE, Ser 5 Now ind or alla ges wth. cur end, eee + mu 1 - == a3 ee TENT MY SOUL GLORIFIES THE LORD = OMAGNIFICAT 1) UL 1.4655. (The GRAIL wandation) ow =isk T.7. MUSIC: ANICETO NAZAKE Fr Lond, oy = i Be 1 My soul lores the Lord my spin tee jones in God amy (The AL mighty works macvile for : : Holy Hix Lp tg 2 He locks’ on his servants in her notinnare ence forth afl ages will call me 3. The Al mighty works marwcle for” me, : Hely is 4. His mercy is from aye to ee, on thoie who 5. He puts forth his zen in seength and 6 He casts the mighty Irom their ehrones and ies te 7 He fils the starving with good things, ecu tick way 8. He pron cece: eral, his servant, tee meme 9. O.mmethe Father, the Son and Holy — Spict My sout the merey promised 10 our fathers, for Abra = ham msizons. for MY SOUL SINGS THE GLORY OF GOD. we (MAONIRCAT 1) (pape) Torre! Dd Dodd Dy My soul sinus the ylo-ty of God, My spi = eit finds joy in my Sa-viour So tea. The Lord, To those whofear~ bi Thedvedshis aim hasdone suse his mighty powers the ato- gant He tore The Mis = The meter whichof old, he showed 19 our race | to Abra ~ ham and To God,the mighty one tcely he looks up-on his hunvblemaid, Hence forth will xe: ne -ra-tloas all me blest. the mighty one,whose name is ho ly, 50 wonder = ful ly as he deste with me ‘phi EE-~ ey is suve, his tery” which enduresfrom age tO age ‘of heart He puts 10 rout wgskingsioaton sew throneythe humble he has life = ad-— high. starving he has filled ia get ins fformabove and empty = handed sent 2637 the ich vant lsracl he Set with ith: fuleate, e- mem bering his holy cov- e- nant his pos-ter sty -tivepmise for ever - more + the Father,Son and, Holy Spink blest. both now andteever, world within Messed eaten name hearted HAIL QUEEN OF HEAVEN (AVE REGINA COELORUM) = Hail, ho- ty Queen of the Heaw = ens. Hall, ho» ty n |, — Pi ttigre SSS. Hail, Root of Jesse. Hail,Gate of Heaven. By you the Light has entered the wi —— = A SSS ft — fa iN SS = = estat ff ptt proto ine cers cede with Cherise tor Hail, ho= ty } >) Queen of the Heay + ens. Hall, hos ly, Queen of the eS} : Fee Mure? Hall, Root of Jes Potro the Light _hasen'= tered_the world 56. Hail, Gate of Heaven. By you Lg ddl eo fe gtd THo-+ in ai ant Splendor with Christ for PROPER OF THE MASS OF OUR LADY ON SATURDAY. T. 10. soon sone (SALVE SANCTA PARENS) mine: amcto mate { a at rrper rt pr Matt hosy Mocthe, the King you botey af eh 3 dhednb Tt ff i ez | lvl he ough ae welt up tom mt heart, = Le me wwe my weneno the fw Gly tenet faoer ade me See aa Mat So i LAST wat in he bepning i nw and eral Be, wal witout ood Ak ; te 5 = ai¢sssns : Vie= im Movter of Goh O Mery gay for us Alec kale * 1. Blessed and venerable are you, O- Virgin Mary, ‘| 1° Waa Mater of Gal I Afr chdith you semsined Spot Se i = py 1 “1. widow sie w poor vgn, yor beame the Meee So Scar X Hejwham the woud cannot anal cee Fimslé within yout womb, bee mae ms 3. 6 Monee Go inet cee = S——5S— 5 Hail Masry, fall of grace, the Lord is with thee, wo men, and blessd isthe fue thy image Blessd is the womb ofthe Virgin Ma~ ry which bore the Son of th'ester-Aal Fa ANONER, BOHBAY 54 A ‘SING A NeW SONG" St, CATHERINGS REJOICE, O VIRGIN’ MARY. TEXT An isorhythmic adaptation of the Annunciation (Lk, 1, 28-35), suse. «ott the doxology is based on Luke 1. 48. USE Gospel for Ember Wednesday of Advent. On the feast of the Annunciation; Gospel, Alleluia versicie, antiphan at Vespers and Lauds, Little Chapter at Sext PERFORMANCE Joyful and light — like chimes, s so AlRS F 2 Pr g Re ~ joice, 0 Virgin ¥, Re = joice, O full of grace gor $5 - : % anion ron cquat voreds, 1 h Re - jpice, O Vir-gin Mar-y, Re’ - joice, O fill grace. ul = orien, verses Re = folee, 0 Vir- gin Mar-y, Re - Joice, 0 full of grace. 1. For with - In you is the Lord, Re-joice, full of grace. ae 2 You will ber "a child in. joy, Re-Joice, full of grace x28 3. He fs (Son of God most high, Re-joice, full of grace. 32 4. at the ead of Jacob's race, Re-jolce, full of grace. *3 5. God the — Spir- it comes to you, Re-joice, full of grace. 456 6. This Ie why the, Ho- ly Child, Re-jolee, fall of grace. 4 7. Glo-ry be to God, on igh, -Re-Joice, full of grace. 1, Do not fear youhave found fa-vor 4n.God's sight, Re-Joice, full of grace. 2, Jesus is thename that you will give to him, Re-Joice, full of | grace 3. God will give him Da-vid's throne as he fore - told, Re-Joice, full of grace. 4. He will reignthrough-out the a -ges without end, Re-Jolce, full of grace 5. With his strength the Lord will 0 -ver-shad-ow you, Re-Joice, {ull of grace. 6. Who is born of you will be the Son of God, Re-Joice, full of grace. 7, Hehas made youmoth-er of his on-ly Son, Re-joice, full of grace. t HAIL HOLY QUEEN. T.12. 3 (SALVE REGINA. 1) RUE 1 wOUCKALT oy : 7S SS Sasa; ? Hail, ho- ly. Queen, mo- ther. of mer- cy, our life, our sweet= ness and sur feel | deen of Eve hope, hail! To thee do we ay, poor ban= ished — chil > i | #5 SSS i To thee do we send vp our sight. mourn - ing vale Tos Of tears thee, most gra cious ad vo- cate, thine eves i : bo HM ' o> wards us and af- ter this, our ex ile, show unto us the bless cd fran of i iS Becyhy Hl = Oy mk rue Oe: om O bv in O Da we me hm T. 13. HAIL HOLY QUEEN. cs owe (SALVE REGINA Hy = — n = Ss sa Z j= o SS SS SSS SSS SSS SS STS Wt, ber ty GER month af mesg Ml? Ow tn ow wens oe fo thee do we cry poor ban- ished chil - dren of Eve, hope. and our To thee doe send up our fiths mourn - ing and weep- ing in this vale of teats. j= SS = SSS Torn then most a+ cour ad vos cies thine eh of mercy to- wards um fete eer SS SS SSS SS et and af ter this our ex-ile show un- co us the blow: ed uit of thy womb, Jer th Ode» en © lov - ings O swee ee Ga Mas VIRGIN MOST PURE. T.14, an : ai a = - Let ur sing your [prais- e¢,Vir~ inmost] pure f Lec us sing. your |prais- es, Vie ie most| pure! tain was con-ecived by you. For he whomall hea. en could not cons : xe | he whom all heav- en could not i in was con-ecived by _ you ~ ~ was cons ceived by You of ll mos thers were cho-sen_ by u God’and bles-sed is your Son. = Glo- ry|fo the Fa |therthe| Son and Ho-ly | Spi- fit - MOTHER OF HOLY HOPE To15 Wear ceetus (smaoy 34, 230 3 a 3 Moth - er of ho- ly hope ond of love ev-er- last - ing, © pray for us. Fi i t | Moth = er of ho by +1 J2 SF = f=SSS EE a =a At the dawning of time Ia the ee "of God Asa wee thats plnt- ‘As the 0+ dot of spice ‘Comets me “all. who yearn Of 8 vit = gin was bom war Known by the Lord and his com ~ mand ba gv soe me rest, and my body = side flow- Ing streams, a ce> dar s00¢ the fragrance of balm. of choic et eayeth, be filled with my fruits and you will yet = 10 Lord, whom we pray. Glo. ty and pale weearn fh 5 % i re ——— i 2. —7 3 a fae = SS ——= The ave tome He chow the lind Whew | should ea= ub- tim my Lhe fheed therein For cee ers more Tahal le the Ges Bele SE on ek, SoT ck oor inthe hos ys peos He fey. pees fume. Ab fins game ine cen The my pate to Schunger for mote For all who. try me. wil Gnd. my mem- o- G-be 2 hls mame May eve ry age call his, Moth. er ho pF ——F WE PLACE OURSELVES. T.16. == 1 We place ovr selves in your Keeping, hoe Wy Mo ~ ther of God 2. Do not te-" fuse the prayer of your chil den in their din ees, 3. Bue des iv. er us from al dan= gery Ev-er Vir T.17. MOTHER OF CHRIST L «) ear: nan stcereronn marta A AOMNT ns memieh Wako ASE Mother of Chit, ben hou thy peo-pit+ erp Str of the deep and por- tl of the sky. - Mother Him oho tne fom ovhing made; nk ng we ste tnd cal wo ther aie Yo (© bythar joy which Ga-briel brought tothee. Thou Vie- gin fist and last, Let us thy mee. cy v E - oe T. 18. HAIL O QUEEN OF HEAVEN i ¥ (ay YOR: AME AEGINA cORoMM. we eae ramic) MOTHER WARD AKL — SHEE, - Hal.© Queen of bev'n ens theme Hal by ans gel Mittew owned. Root of Jam, Gne fo mor, Whece the worlds tue light wa'bom: Glo- rout. Vit- gin joy to chee; Love. be Gir, Plead with Christ our sins €0 apare - aed -- . whom fo heavn. they ee, Pa et thou wheré! al O EVER RADIANT. VIRGIN. T.t9. — Bh I ha Saar rare feu of cur Lord, we Rive you praise SS Oeverrirtion Vir + giny © Mother of our Lord , we give you prac © eer aa dane View gin, © Mother of out Lord, we give you sens Qrever radiant Vie in, © Motheer of our Low 1 now is past; the eains ave gone a= 2 beau ful, my love, how you we 3 longs tome, and ber long to 4 foun sain seated, my Tove, gat den, 5. As ra dint dawn breaks throuyss the dark- nest ofthe 6. Who is this com= i fromthe des ett ike the Tin co his gare den beds of epice, my love has 8. fior., love the King has ed you, this dwell- ing 9. To you, O Lord, be glo> ry and eter al 5 E i 1 AS ise my love, my bride, fiom Leb- a= on, and come. amy 2 2. As smong all” wo- men az a. Md thom. 2 5 3. He “brings his flock to gdse a= mong fields. (hy i i 4A, well of wae tet flow- ing fresh hil, (eam E 5. As moon so. your” beau- ty awes men. (4) : 6A tea game “mist m= bued with n= cense and with myrh? Gate) 7. To paths ef —lil- ies. “and to pas> ture there hie flock. (42) f 8.0, lee * us: fol- tow, we will “has- ten in your steps, (44) k 9. And smay-,-all a- ges’ sing your Bless ed moth. ers praise. MARY SAID, “YES” T.20. 110. mid-en, will you be The mother of the Sav jour! Your 2.No ras die will be his, Buc just 2 stm ple mange eA 3.tAnd soon the diy will come When ene m= ies will round him, And Er # =~ =f = oa = SS oS SS = 1. God has cho- sen you To five the world his Son. His 2. helps leas it~ le bate, From Herod's wrath hell run. And 3. nal him to tee, Your sin lest, spot let one. The 1 be your shiell, His Spi st come up = on you." And Zina fore ci and, Long. years Hell have to ling et.” And 5. peice of man kind’s ransom Will heavy ll wp- on Him! And serra ’ Dm e Dm 3 = i YiMa- ry bowed and said “God's will be donel™ And Many id, 2 Mas ry bowed and ssid “God's will be done!” 3.Mas ry” bowed and said “God's will be done! i i i CAL at JOY TO YOU 3 O_Vir gin T. 22. EM A reth tomy Be hed to the Tand- oust” Gos” ey eh or eee See oan Rae a Sete ‘ cop = ee re iyi ine by fhe TEL: gh sk tes foret — jordid NS a BE Mae they Mie GM ts whe Be a Monee Be Mee Howat . wor” fin Seed wih the So Ges ow Man ' my ‘ so f= 55 a = a v. Lee pet for ph, You te mee Sey Bes Your wih hi, “PY Rat ime the mathe with hoe ih Sh Me Le trae of Your wont You ate praised, by. all gene ere & Mord ber came tsk,” Through your pace, "he dwells Se” Sang § "Glo ry to Gad; On earth, peace) to men ay mt Tor By Be Rp! tes nd gous ars ates 2 at og Soap te te ee fo Dobe “USS Zot won done pias STS or Say Ba, OE a Be he pe ts Bln Sad ek SE GY Bo ate Bene a6 foe fe, GN tae Rah of a gee ate i i the of the the aed wes WITHIN YOUR SPLENDOR. vse. c cas Te 21. eooee eae uit: Fosts oF Ow Uo wren yk thm Cam feo aay 07 ° Within yout splen-dor ahd in your beauty, you reign_tt re] beau-ti-fel, O. Vir-gin Ma =r, 2d 4 1 ae tmrmy dauphe ter, Te ten and emmy oie: i Efe he ev ake betta hms or nd gee en ‘ 3 tet fe ewe sents, t= dant st 3 Que She tan { tna foueing See, me dew ae ede her ts 3 S$. Yevemime wil” Ee blot houh- ot all” the da tor comes tt My here or wre flow wih by Ole ow pees SOME hone Gf nd pre nt Blane ings to Mate Ye Soy ut (BO Moe ak Gad aad Machece ot a amid, hn 4 a or nt oF ob CT The king de vaies your love- le ness. 1 2. Fors get your peo ple and your home, fs 3. Be- fore the king, with-in his courts. | "ion, 4. They come with lads ne, filled. with joy |] sgn 5. And sll the na- ont! hon or you. |) “Ste 6 t ee ete ie kor aace ing de-stes your love-II-ne Alt chants and’ glos cy eve er = mores 1, The king d all Gutde 8. Gulde us to Ch > aes ,| ). 4 ey fret i Eh 8 MARY, MOTHER ME. T. 23. a 4 in aon Bog ; FE Aor hee, Manny, Masry, mocther me, Macey, Moz ther me = =j4 L Youwere st 2 teens a» ger when Gabriel spoke to you, AL 2% Tho! Je- sos Chit, your on- ty Son, we all ate your sons t00, For 3 At the Cros we tee Him thee, giving you to us, So 4. Now ithenwe love you, Ma- fy, Well love our pus dy. No 1 Your ‘con sent the Word took fesh, mar ny yeats ae go, 2% Bape i sm has made os all bro- thers fo Him,40, 3 make us ll your lov ing sont love. you more and. more 4 wae chaste thought or word or deed in us will ev. et show, HAIL, HOLY QUEEN. T. 2. Am e = = — ~ J oh == =| i Hail, oor lie, four sweet ness and our hope. To el Dme Ame you do we cry, Eve's poor banished chil- dren Am 7 An mourn- ang and weep ing in * his vale of jon. é s En t é Tom hen moe gracious ad ve ee yar Am Em ' st SSS = o> T ee of ome. wee AVE — MARIA T 25 g : 1 Our Le dy knelt in the eve > ning The sun - set on 2 2 Our Lae dy knele at mid = night ‘And an + gels thrilled ; 3. Ove la- dy knelt at noon ide A sword 5 with-in i : ! ib a) h i by her bee fob Ob- ol on’ wm gee tee i L we se The in - fant God be fore er i fone no ee : w fn i : SS = i LTHhil Ma- oy full of pace? i PORE Te Shanes “ 3° Of wo men thou art blest” 7 ae “ata Taos 1. Our Lady he i he eng eee The sunset on her face ‘And Gabriel came to greet her's A. sword within her breast Queen now of seven sorrows “OF WOMEN THOU ART BLEST.” 2 Our Lady knele midnight 4 And angels chilled 10. se ‘The infant God before hee: THE LORD ABIDES WITH THEE Our Lady nele in the morning And radiant fom the tomb Her risen Son embraced her. “THE BLESSED FRUIT OF THY WOH” 5. O Mary, Go's own Moshe Dear Mother of all men. Pray now for us poor sinners And ac our: death Ames. HAIL, MARY, FULL OF GRACE T. 2%- mens soata nov usc 8 Fos sceto. HAZAR, tina _€ 7 Morther of our Got, O pray for us, poor sta ners Hail, Ma ry, full of grace, a # oe 3 Yt PP J 1. You heard the Woot a reenter ae - 3 oe Lot, the ek 4 Your Son fe L 3 Yee Sou ' & Now Show yours to I jd db pd. en. Oey dd a Help 1 When iy the date 2 When we are hard 3. When Me tous 4 Help us to tie 1 Whee = 2 Love seems 3. Wheat a 4 Help o INVOCATION 6 lack « far, work be TO MARY. « your dil - ing ln frogs wo wer God's AMEN YES, Uacept. 1 believe in your word, I plce my tnt ia you dren, fRF fou, war, apy (ore HO Pi opm pir A A, MND OO vw sanazaw TO OUR LADY OF THE WAY T. 30 « Fre A : : 1. Noman an ties» amt tind youre mving though lone 2 ee on" : a ‘lg 5 = iJ ia i Pb ne aa @ Be withus; Maney, a+ lonig the way. Guide evry step we cake ‘ & Lead us to Je- sus, your lov- ing Son Come with us, Ma-ty, Come a 22. When Jer sus met with re- jee = lon, Many sood.by ihe cosy 3. Help uy OQ sar of the o- * exam Be gi im cor wel 4 OF ten ee noughin Wiles bane © quet, We shall run € dn ‘ toa t 2 How can amor, ther de- tert her 3. When we ate faced ith temp- ta ‘fon A Then, om at Caen, Ter, quest your Son Shel ale 40. sand “by Tossed by the storms of To makecot lives dis vine. 6 ae 9 ¢ ye wthus Mar ey, a- long the war. Guldeev-ny step we take. ' te op a ‘ py : z Se E ao ts fa 3 Son Come with ur,Ma-ry, Come. Lead us co Jer 10s, your lov- 1 WILL GREATLY REJOICE . T. 32. : xo 1 will greatly rejoice in che Lord, 1 will ‘greatly rejoice in the Lord , inv Bn Em c an, on soul shall ex-ule, shall ex-ule in my God, L will great-ly re joke in the Gime vo a, eG Am Sted. 1, Poe has clothed me with the “gar ments of sal- va > tion, 6 - i “He has covered me with the robe of righteous. ness, As a _bride~ groom decks him« z c An o7 aa elf with a gareland, As a brides a+ dorns herself with jew = ds 1 will © Breat-ly rejoice in the Lod, 1 will great-Iy on Em. c tn 8 re- joie in the Lod, my G, soul shall ex- ule, shall ex. uk c oi in my God, 1 will greatly re ~ joice in the Lord. 2 For z ‘Am o7 the arth — brings forth ite shoots and as agar den cau-ses what is c in ct 7 10 spring up, the Lord will cause right-eous-ness and praite Metab t G spring forth be - fore all the na - tions. Tall great - ly c Lord. 1 will great Tyre joie” tn the Lord, my soul shall ex-ule,- shall ex-ule tn my God, Iwill greatly te = joice in the Lord. © WITH WHAT Joy Tosa.” Very Freely . = © (Chanted) im © co oY © with whar joy we sing of Mare 1, 4 woman of great tov, he 6 Em © 6 Boe “ whose o- pen- ness and lov- ing kind- ness, gave birth to God's own “ton. ~ fi, © 7 = © L Mary © 90 gentle and dis-creetybe with us as we par 4 6 en c aa a 7 =¢ ——s a - to know the white per of hit pretence the won der of hin Tove - LET’S SING TO OUR MOTHER T. oO a wees =Es Lee sing (0 our Mo- ther, As we would sing t© our love, Mos ther inhea- ven yet Moe ther with ut om earth, L Masry we love yeu, Ma ry we ZL Viewgin most pru- dent, Daughter of 3 Faivest of crea tutes, pure est of 4 ther, Mo ther of oe 34. 1. praise you, You ate the jor of the earth, Aor xls ZS on, Bright as the Morn- ing Stat Fairs Be view ging, ‘You sre our pride and our boast. Bring. ing the Sle tun Bride of the Spi- it of lovee Reig ing tee (a ther ness Yous Hea- ven te- jolced at your birth. Clear ai the sun> thing, Your, eplen- dourteach- es a- far. 3. Sav- tour, “Cone quer-ing e- vil Guid-ing the sin- ner when lose 4eum- phant, Letd- lng your child ren Home to hes vena- bove THE FOLLOWING HAY BE SUNG AS INTRODUCTION AKD/OR ENDING. . 6 . Lev slog to our Moher, As we would-ting to our love a o calle t8g, re-call- Ing her goodness and bezu-ty- For the ls our Mo- ther and 6 ° a >. she ls our love, Mo-ther fa hea-ven yet Mosther with us on earth, Lets HOLY VIRGIN, BY GOD'S DECREE T. 35 and’ lov. ing 3€° cord, ss the and maid _ = your chil. dren 40 We pure pros tee> Hon dy world of 0-day, love and beau oy i - == BD ee mabe ys that he could give his Son to our race. = $2 of the Lard, you une der= took Gols plan 19 em~ brace } sl Gan neck! Probs lems of Mie you lp ur t0 face. ~ you pore tay, how: ing” the ath to. Chiise we muse ace pf —— eb ® _ Y oS Ses = 1 Ma: ry, we praise you, hail full of grace. ~ 2 Movey, we thank you, hall fall of paces ~ 3 Maer, we tose you, hail fll of pace, Macey, out Mor ther, hal full of grace, - Gn Dn bn Cy a F vores, fl Ju 1 SING A SONG T. 36. AN EASTERN MAGNIFICAT. » bm En x ° coe 2 Rie Ge fue wt 3j 2 He fps om hie ume Ble mad. Wye ue i i Mane ‘Bo Ta Be wot fr oa : 5 His dis- close his migh- ty power Wwe at ‘5 6& He the migh- cy from their thrones, Re ey Hoe ty Bis mame fore vers hee 4 On those who fear and wor ship him, eae i 5. The proud of heare he pute stout, Wks @ The hum- be folk he any shighy ALL 8 t . Ted ccm py tends the ch a= ways Able = esi! : & Ree eeeme bere ing isomer, Able = et 2 And whe aoe fore =e Ade = et WHEN YOU CAME TO BETHLEHEM T, 37, the Prom sited One ean ' me - Sp Sr Sj L Prom ised One ~ vee c i Ls | ? ~ > 1. When you cane 10 Bethe es hem, shel — er there wa 2 Berry Cha mae ite He wah te ham one 3 We would ike our heat pre pated, help Men dee « SS oa = 2 1. none. No one had room ta give S 2 sin. Not within ita Be ld 3 dea. May wes teal = Ty welcome Hin - 5 we 4. you end God's own Son. No one bad 3 2 but the hearts of mene Noe withsin fe 3 when He's born this year May we rele ty i c g FL L room 0 give you and God's on Son, ~ ,2 sae Be eld but the heats of mene 3 wel- come him when He's born this year. YOUR GREATNESS Ty. 3s. — — Your great- ness was your faith . a a E a a == 6 Ddim7 = SSS Se SS =f fl reat- ness was your gi- ven word — when you & Ree joice, —high~ ly fave ured, the 2% Ree jolee, ‘Abe ham's daugh- ter, o- 3. Re- joice, Zi-_on's daugh- ter, the 4 Ree joice, our = Par tron, = you 5 s, a 1. Lod — is with you. * You shall be- come = 2 bee dient in faith. Like b— asc — of the 3. mo- ther of oue King We, his — king- ly 4. belp us eves ry day > We your - faith- ful Fg Bm aye. A a the Lord's own words t© you. 2 prom: ise, your Son we all = ae waits 3 to you we lad- ly singe 4 chil dren, pro- fess our toy al> ty. ¢ 2 aera = aa Ma. ry over us a she loved her Son, Mav ry lover us the ehileen of Od N ——— ee = = y vides “us ahd through cach tors my ads us when we have raved 3 3. When doubt makes cons fused and iled with An a Dm? Fmb or ~ She lifts our hearts—— to Him, = who is our guid» ing light. ~ and in the dark: nets of” sin, — She is the _morn- ing Ste — |] tee Mold the Queen = of peace, She's ale ways sand- ing neat. — 4 v ei eo = as See Y MOTHER OF JESUS ST-n0 4 7 nes bears ing the Hight, ot the world, © « = ee ke amt wh the at he cons eaweed by the Spee God - 2 Then inthe Whence of time ~~ came the 3a Wond'- tous the mom- ent that heard ———— you. say aM oy, our Lae dy ot Hight) — you ate 1. Spi- ie did shine, beeathed on the deep and the 2 Spi- tie sub+ blimey Deeathed on the womb of the 3. men” to the Words Son of the an 4 Fee ther's de~ light pry for us. sin to © An ‘ or « a 1. dark- ness ot night, bring» ing the pro» mise of light, 2 Vir pin of grace, called her the chos- en of God. 3. Light GF his ight, face of, the God — head une veiled. 4 Jer sus, your Son, show us the ight ofthe world. HAIL MARY, MOTHER OF OUR GOD . T..4 a ' xt) wuane lamp hae ale ways * burns; ————— for you the : On G : c Gm i va ' om - = —-——. - Stee tats yee a 2 You: gwe 2 place with-in your wom ° 3. its thanks to you ce tion came © ~ 1 dark- 2 bim * 7 oe “3 know God Dm ‘ . c ¥ 1 you that sin ful man tee oieed to now 4 2 vet 2 mother too, in you his home 3 sere vant tmo—— the” now noo ther maid ~ 27 found, ie you —— his home —— he found ~ 3 you. noo ther maid —— but you, SCHUBERT'S AVE MARIA Tom (NIGHT PRAYER) G/obax i oo ts 3 | i | i 5 Mas ny, full “of race. s fa ain i “| i Mighty God, ts with — Thee, — a mong —— all wo men Thou ~ ar i i A ° =f + =E Se | = = Fp womb,—————— Jee us Christ == the Lod) ———— Ho- ly a) Meo, Vie gin Movther of the Lord, Opry 0 Em Em6 . 7 to God — for us, ——— 0 ielp — us, help us, Hoy didim or Safa. ther, help us pow — and, at — the hour-of our death.— Mo- — 6 En6 G/Obas 07 « or « oe G : / Baerakong Boue - ALL HAIL TO YOU, MARY Teas sone ‘ - « 4 Al hal to you, Masry, mow fav = ured by Gol, L 2 When Gab til had po Ken, you. hum bly said ‘yer 3. To. hose for whom ack- ness and sadness arene, é é . Osh us to stow the path you once od 2 Mey we hive the -cmucl ge Gal's ord To come es L on Saw Je tus tour fen 'iSin, cur Sov door from ea 4 With Jo- sep your hus = band you for out Lo, 5. You ‘tea sured, deat Mo - ther, the God ce- vealed & — You spoke at | the wed = ding and pave the wine, ad 2 We uses fol ty ee ho the et your Son. Btn an gush en = fold> ed ate ther and Son. a 9. When Christ died he gave you at kind's new Eve 10" God's lite was. your iw = ing, with you found peace, =, guide pa- sents and children file's one res wade ¥ By seck- ang true wis- dom ‘our faith willbe ald He now gives his peo ple the bread divine, Y gat al ot God's ehitd- rem tmay tae and’ be one By sharing their pas- sun out vies tony woe In- spire all your children to dawe, hope, be= hve ~ May his lov. ing presence imu find ims creme o ; © VIRGIN FAIR Te aa » « . oo a ew © wir- elo tir, star of the sea, my deat cat mo- ther, _ SB aaa cterint © tom agen wana ua, we tZeH WOM, We B Gt & S > me. O7vir~ gin foi star of the sea, my a2 Ghila ci braced, who! hse 1 2) tor the ho- ly boy, whose home was plain and shor of 3. ieved that love would’ reign,” who on 2 hill watched Jesus $. sore sew wiped way as God the» Father's will as A o 1, “Word, bg. ieved and = trus= ted Ein thie Lord * 2. wealth yer was” enriched by Godb own breath, 3. die as onthe cross they. aed bm teal 42 done when fom dents hold fw feed your Som MY SOUL PROCLAIMS THE LORD T. ae Magnificat ~ soul pros —————— chains the Lord nae tions now will hate for eve fils the —————— hon gry ith sie mae oie 1 2 3. more! His same 1 prise 2 int 4 thing, the —— rich he sends 3 tay, : 5. ext, mage cat, praise —— God) L He looks on my he Wits me 2 his ie — le onthe het made ~ 3 His —— strong right ———— arm puts down the cs The —— pro-” mise mate to. Abe ae — 5s. Moge—— oni cat mage one Lup, and —— lads ness lls my days v 2 great; 1 mage oie ty the Lewd 3. proud and so ———— low. y et ~ $ hem te filled by = him- each day, 5. eat, me one cat, praise God! ——— Ave Maria - T. 46 fons wots tno £ oe Bee Gn c > Som © . \ 3 H AS we Ma lew, ab Do— mi— nus te com, bene dimes tu kneel be- fore you. ag bow my dream and see your Tall (1 have give, you, eve ory” 3. As 1 knee be fore you. and 1 pray't, take this - dav. make it 2. wish yours, Mo- ther. of Christ, Mo- ther of 3. smil- face, ewe ry thought, ev’. Y yours and fill me with ——— L your -love. ———— 2 mine, pree © sent them = to = my _— Lord. ——— Biword is lose in your em- brace. ———— PRAISED BE THE FLOWER > T. 47 = 2 {Ret ik os ate a me owe the dawn ich hay bloomed hich has come the mad ll Of grace 4% Pried be the moth cr of En the wom: Sn in tears © Praised he queen Who Se tends SSS S= Blessed by Blested be Biesied be Bessed be Blested be Blessed be the the the the the the bud whieh Sun Whieh Bill loved Child born Moth. er Moth. er bas has by om who spront from the root of Jes sek vine, and this Jess bee me ie a cor ihe ar Soar ig BS BEE Beate 22d ee cam iP. se Sakasi fe fer ee eae me co & Gomée win he sas tad Sith fhe he fale (owen Bret wansmor) A Dm Do SS = SS ee =e —t + $ Morey. the Motheer “of Je nis and se van Ba D Fim Queen of the earth and of hea- ven, we bless your F how Of the Lord, preie 10 a ly Chi, e Je D Christ, yout . MY SOUL MAGNIFIES THE LORD T. 4 gee 4h ‘My soul — ma- gn fies the =~ Lord, ————~ And my ie 2 He took, up ons lows Wy ser" vant, fron tow 3) We has shown ———strengtb — wth ‘his arma, ——— And the i 40" He filed the ung ry with good things nd the : 5) The mer cy pron mised fo our a= thers Ne te ¥ i 1. spe sit has ree joiced in God my Saviour, For — te sho . 2 on all gener tions will bless me, And his mer oy i 3. ar. tog ant of heart he puts to rout, —— He rows dowa : 4. ith = he has sent a Way — emp, He has helped —— 2 Sham and to his child ren for eee Ge ye} D (A tas) ar 3 J. miebety tas done great things And ho yi his name. 2 dues theough all. a ees, On those who fear his name, 3. mighety fom their thrones, The ow yo he has raed Re ay hie eee vam Re mem bering his) love, 5. Father; Son and Spi it Both “now anew er more: * > fatal imag: nis fles the Lord, my soul — mag nk fles the Lord, and my z Ee A D D7 spi- rit has te- joiced in God my Sa- viour for — he that is mighty has done G D (A bass) ar eb 5-2 —_, 3 = ° reat things, and ho ty isis, name, My soul ; MOTHER OF JESUS, FULL OF GRACE 7. g_ serait g rn oC toe Cacti toy i i a J DG (om) tm c c om c ~ , praise you, ~ al a D Ba Em Do _ : 4 == a #E SS? L 1 Hep ot those in need, | Strength and powr of the L | 2 Womb whieh bore Godt own | Son,’ | Ho ty ‘Mor ther of 3. Dwell ing pace of the | Lord, | Mo = thee Kind and dis 4 Queen of hem ven and | earth, | Glo- tious Queen of the Se S Mo ther wor thy of | love,” | Mother whom we ad: 6 Dawa that came in” the | sigh, | More ning star” ofthe ~ 4 it ao |i f/f SF 7 Fa 4 3 —— f+ ~ oe oT > Bm Em > ~ (oles =— Ss its —— =a] - iy + t 1, Com- fort of — Sine ners all, So- lace in = our des - pair. ~ 2 Bless. ed Vie gin most | pure, | Splen- dour ra dinnt with | grace 3. Spouse so gem te and | meek, | Of al wo men most | Best, ~ 4 Queen con’ ceived with out fing” | Queen as- sumed in = to heavo, 5..Moo~ ther wore thy of prate, | Mo: ther cause of — our | joy 2 6 Gate of hea ven ly tiiss,” | Sun ex ‘Guide tothe | Lord ao od = ~ plied Ls SE = Ss s A : i _ LET IT BE so F j | . : roi laa CG) F cr c Des co SS = ted 1 In great paste she made— her way to her cous- who was with inikt Dr G7 c Aw D Gc 1, When they Kiseed the-child moved with- in and-they knew the spite it was there c Da Ca 3 Let as sing of this great aay 3 andthe life $0 vie brant in os (Wr) you, Bet are T. 51 mong all wo-_men best are Mo "ther of QUEEN OF HEAVEN, REJOICE T. 52 lee eee 5 — —_ [SSeS 2 When's wor 3 We man de- ares you were blest ofA Fe mem ber your prayer Tor the sate “sing. the 1. Son you were wore thy 2 said that you 3. em for the fo teat were from the Sant Poor of our face, hhas now tie sen ins deed ashe The best iss tenet of all and his While the peo- ple pro- claim you"hiost © cic o 1 said, ak te te 2 invest die eh 3. Best mong wor men By Dearest Mother, your glade ness we sve For you weasuied his word in. your heart Let the angels sing, Hi ta or ee Ae GC Da7 Gs G7 vax AMF GTP Am yak te, ink of the well 1 will mag~ air fy Your name,O — Lord, t hye Ra of Your— tove, t e é t te - I WILL MAGNIFY YOUR NAME, O LORD Seat: Mpnificat v7 venses cog 1. > s i 9 > (pies : aS Tet tf TF 1, 1 will worship you to the end of my days, Ww at With a 2. The Abmigh-ty has done- mar-vels for me, fy — iat Yes, his 3. He haslookedup-on his — humble — maid, AL ly — ia! Ge- ne. 4. He has filled thepoor,sa-tis- fied all theitneeds, Al ly —— ja! And the 5.1 will wor- shipyou to the end of my days, Al ju — ia! With a a Ei e ¢ or G heart rich heart 2 that is full of praise, — cy enduresfrom age to tions — all will. call_ me emp-ty that is full of fe fo a sa GLORY AND HONOUR TO MARY T.54 F Bb F LE there be glo = £y and ho-nour and prai— ses, glo» ry and! ho- sour to fy and ho- nour 10 F F ce go - ho - nour, — glo Fy and ho-nour to her! . me ce ; ee =e 3 SS SS = the sar snes the Lith pow — te Bi SSR hoe By fee Bete ed = 4 a 1 She's the star . a am WORDS Araceae 1 "a tong the way, She's a com fort to those in 2—of Jem sus Christ —— Thosal ges will call her 3. — God's plan for her. She was pre: sent at Ca 9, Dm Ga ca F = = SS SS se + jt 1, dark ness, She's a Beas con tor the ones who 2 blessed, "Gee ne rations ver ne-rate het 3, pleading. She was stan- ding ————— by the cross of pS = SSS 1, fo tose In datk- ness. She's a Bea- con for the ones who stray, —— O HOW WE LOVE MARY T.55 ; 1a ROUND IN TWO PARTE:TAT) MUSICS JOAN PARSONS east - oe a cp > c as 5 oe St F ppt F LO howwe: Ma ty to praise you, ho-nouryour name, — bless you al- es 2. Hail,futl of Mo-therof Je- — sus,Queen of the heave, Queen of the BES Meee for te th into" Tove aeyeu point Quan the = lee = ‘ 33 zZ i Gs SSS 2 # = a iE # ef D> c epee > 6 B (ee Ee = by F tr EE ale PIPE EP GE [LL v7 Yoo are he Of Jes Chist and Mo- the of hs — mane GOL Gur Me swengtnof the weak’ and hap of Shs Py [Set en See whenvteatectled 10. sertesnd aeCeahs hoya 5 = =a oS z aaa the (nermain) @ You're the plo ry of our race, bnew ev "ry mor = T and we will praise ‘you through all e-— ter LET MY SOUL PROCLAIM THE GREATNESS 1.56 enone a E Bm. E DFE A fH = “I ig (ita) venses Fim oD Bm? z eas the rich centr, Co"Abraham end Ma Gone for seer chore i Beginning {5 nov and ¢ = ver shall be would without ena a 2. Me Looks on his servant. in her tey-li-nesn, see te wee & Troe their thrones a el his Servant, 10. Glory be to the Father and to the Sem STAR OF THE EVENING SKIES 1. Ten -der—ly atch ing oter all your child-ren_ who roam, 2: Hopes and frus— tra tions of life, is Seep faith Jou Share. 3. ges in" tie of, temp—ta =’ tion bath great and Seals x of true ove Mme Sane 3 ven tous by Je- sus, four F Eb° «cn7 Ave Mav ria, Gresti-e ple 7.58 REMEMBER, O MARY Re — member, 0 tla ~ry, re — mem-be, O aS -Dw» Pray'rs of your chil-dren, their trust in—— you, Re — mem-ber, 0 Ma vy re Bb c Bb ro ‘member, 0 aa Ma— ty, as we come be- fore you, our trust you. God's chil dren re — mem—ber you, Ma-ty, so mild, Your ~~ children are told’ of your and Pain. we con — ti ~ nue’ to come draw us 2 Dear Ma —ry, our moth= er, your 3. In sor ~ row 4: Sb Lord by whom we're re~ con — ciled. God's Ty te a —good'ness renowned rom of Gou's 3 clo — ser to Christ,to our bro~ ther, your Son. Re F aT Bb love is with you, healing us of our, sin. So 2 Spirit is with” you in ev — ry em — brace. God 3 mem~ber the needs of our world em pray. Be c Dm 4.0 pen your arins,— draw us gent "oy i 2. smiles in your eyes; we see him in — your— face, Rmear us to com— fort your— chil — Yee ou a AVE MARIA T.59 Andane Joen. warsons ob Ea ie SHEE Rove Mand a oe IA) + sd “= 3.Prayfor us al,’ —yourchilden be low, please, pray for us = za ‘ a j. Sess ; SS = Pat 5 ae f 1. And we lm you up tn’ nign-est es toom, our nears wit joy TE wee H pator you— Werecouddbe no hope, no hae fr his — 5. Pray ev e-ry hour— of ev~ ery day, —pleaseprey for us - ES bd aot A wiega, aL ie = SEEtr

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