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PRBRBRARAARAERRERRRARRAGRARRSRReRR dd fede Fs 5 a Yoel a 4 > 2 K om pe, g —— n =. : = WN 2 JIITSISINISISTITSISISISTIISIISISISISIII SILI IISISISISI RRORRRRARARARRRRRRRARARAARReRReaaR IIIIITITIIIIITSIIIISIII SITET ITSISIIISISISISISISISI SIA: CITIZENS OF HEAVEN zens of heav'n, chil = dr of the house. of | the Lord, ~S Fa + ther, in the Son, through the $pir - it. we are go- ing to the SON Se f =} ; — he now go ue moun twin ofthe Lord, the ct ofthe ie ing God ind to arenes & SSS =r = $ = Boze Les ue om gor pra with the_mproi= ads of an ges, tm a sls“emn song of glos ry, Witt the ase seins Bly of” God's sons, whose names are writ- ten i heavens SSS 3 Let us now aps proach our God who judg -er all men, and the spit - ics of the just tor of the new cove ev nant cee ty wat a ALL PRAISE, GLORY AND WISDOM. u ment To our God thtoush = Go Cm Dm Gm Om cm Gm ~e a5 G ms 4, ee ec cra : ee es 44 h wast 72) » Behold, there appears a great crowd which Clothed in whi And the angels befote the is a um: bet, from all nds four living cota” tates, they kneel be * no, man could robes, holding poline in their throne, withthe elders and the 5 = =e = = SSS = = = $7 eaions fom al peoples, rama wes and tongues They sand ore he fe oe Sih a gh tr. vee. "Sahat to our iad whe sts upon the fore the throne, ter eee fon the pounds They yt ma as ‘i ° a A 4 = meee i= Se 6S ais isite f throne, and be- fore the Lamb. neoor “Tae i thrones te the amb MRE tents Shes oe” wd PO" a RE ERS RE BS is soon 4 ea tesa =n apy ‘. al Gm “Cm.m Gm im m =! AIL prate, glo~ ty and wis- dom, FC om Gm “BS er Ing aad hon or, power and Gm_F Bb cm Dm Gm Emm Gm eae i a Se ta ba Cyl HAIL ,HOLY JOSEPH -. fm © “ Hal, hoe ly Joseph, our Sa- vious eatth- ly guide, Hin a7 & Chante hus- band of the Vit-gin, Be ev er at our ade ” wv 1 The one you had be- thio thed was Zo tn dream the an- gel met you And 1 found tobe with hl. In love you didnot Last your fears way. You wut ed in hie 8 ar WS 2S a J ame ter, You wee wo fuse and | kind. Eo mas tae Teach to tve by fale BA cae pene teat Nae nreth You 4 In times | of pers nee cue thon, The fa face torles, schools homes «vl and ahield all thee eee. i LITANY OF THE SAINTS - tates cn, onowAmiON, RIGO Patan, © C 6, Se Afstew ~ 1. Sohn GB * 8. St Mary Magdal = Hoa fry, mother of | God, ray for uk t Mary Mégdelen oa 4 ak van, meio St oy tun PE Mat Gi ; 3. Saint John the pias, ray for un ff 10S Imnatof Aceh ~, na slat Se ay for un me ; st SS raw aad ine PR 12. St Perpetun 6 St Felicey % i 1B Se Baa e 23 £ 2} 14. Gibeory L sa i t P . J Bei 15. St Auprating 16 St Athandsiue 17. Se Msttin.1B. Sp Bénedice 19. St Francis & Se Deminle ie 20. St Francis Xivier 21. St John Vianney (22 St Macrna 23. St Scholaic) 24. St Clive as {Se Chtherine 25: St Theresa (26' St Rene 27, St Jone Frances de Chiral 28. Se Loune de Marillac) 29. All men and women, saints of God U Rarirehariehrnani aria Fie tance Owe + ace oa Me Q _ - 32. From every sin ~ 33. From everlaiing death 34. By your coming asman ave your peo ple || 35- By your desth hear our peor ple |] 54 3rd rtng to new He ~ . , rd heat eur pray Br root afc of Q 37. Be mercial 9 us, sinners = = LORD, HEAR OORT” ‘ PRAYER S = 38. Guide and protect : ~ four Holy Church. ~ 39. Keep our Pope and all clergy. faithful in religion Y 40. Grant peace and unity coal nations®4t, Strengthen and Keep usin your service (942. Bless these chosen ones @ 42. Bless thete chosen ones and make them holy : 944, Bless these chosen ones, make them holy and set.them apart for sacred duties. ~ 45. Give new lite to these chosen ones by the grace of baptism, ~ ‘ X46. By your grace, Bes this font where Your childeen wile rebom ~ (47. Make th ie nd labour of all religious promote the welfare ofthe family of man) (48, Make all religious communities live and grow in the love of Chaise and the spe - of thet founders ) 49. Reward the patents of your servants forall thet spice) = (50. Give these servants of youra grace and strength to persevere in thele purpore) 5, Jesus, Son of the living Cod--LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER L hear hese our hear heat out pray er! Lord Je- a0% prayer! 52. Chris 53. “Lord Jesus, ~ : U.s . TRUST IN THE LORD wotot « AoArEO #Y FAN . ae scent ons Sone en ey z a ~¢ = SS} “fy ad Tustin the Lord, O you sons, of God, and bless his “ry fi = ' ~D t 7 : oe, and bless hin mame, Hap py ate they who & En? ” km? a > 5 3 . tin him and less his name, ——— and Bless his name: . = > . i » ts En - ¥ = -& bod kup ght fe ings Sing to in sew ba, 2 deeds to be tsts ede Het loves juste ee and The 3. hope for is kinds nets; Out earth wait on the God e 4 name which we tase m May your” Tove be ups Lod. © a = ness, 4 tho Rave put our hope i ——— - engine oe 5 a + — Ee r ié SE 5 ing: Pe fe: tis = . JB who is our and our help i j i i i i t i DON BOSCO U.6 ses MUSE AMO WORDS: SK, fovIGE NarAReTH c : = —— SS = 2 Se 1. Lets lle joie and sing 10. the Lowd for the stint we sos: vere and re our ert 2 Don Bos co was a friend of —all, he — won youth with @ smile, He lived up to 3. So whilewith joy we ce le— brate and —sing with voices clear, we ask of this our F {. thanks fo Got and. sig it inpood chien. Lets: join with all who “co= té brate the 2 no! "ble call and worked ard alle time, For, poor, a- bane doncdyouth tis lo, he 3. int so reat to he Wii right here. ARd‘Heip ts howto” tie. “eleh day the c c or 1. feast from year to year of StJohn Bosco the saint so great, to ev- ry youth so dear! % fave his life en- tire and never ceased to con- quetsoulshis on ly one de- sire! — 3. lov rious life he led that wemay strive on lifes path-way the love of God to spread =a Don Boss <0, we tove to. sing = you are our Father true, Long — tive our — saint , Long live our saint = = i GATHERINGS HOHE, MASS. or Te PEOPLE of GOD | = | = —— Chriss have mers evs oi Lord, hove merc S25 o=F Poe Ay be ra = a {Sp ay bork have mer~ ey Al Christ, have met eye} 3. Lod, hae mere gy Sj SSE ch P us ry ra SF paid oa “pe AA pale =e oe saa, sins ofthe o Glo-ry to God on high And on earth peace 10 men of good wil. We praise you. we USS SSS SSS Ss) 7S SS SSS SS 15 FoF © ton! Gas, ha-ven-Iv Kings God Be father al= mht Lond Jean Chante ot be 0 fot ten Son. © Lord God, Lamb of God, Som of the’ Father, you who take a= way the = = muy ae ET ci © of pavers You tho ae oe te nt Wd WP ME Rr Tae lly 00 w (a SS For you a+ lone are ho =Iy: you a. lone are the Lor [= You artone ate hi: a-bove all, oh =e eS SS © Jeesus Christ ther seth the Ho-ly Spr «sigan the glo-ty of God the Father A> men Ch the Ne Ale mide Maker of ens wen and” et, a A and of al thing se and ete - S 4.God ot God, Light of light. Troe God of true God, “ S “6.1Who for us men fand for our sal» vation came down from heaven. yg, °~ Ee was abo cel for’, red ander rtm and war bared S$ M.1GAnd He neende whe 10 Nown, dst at wane he Fates EE DB WAnd mthen camaetuenin ver of Mey grceding tena haw andthe Sone L Mind in One,/Holy,s Cae thor ies and pote ton te Chueh, GB Y 16.And I look for the reser of thee dead and life of the world to come, ae ani Da an iE Fee i= = = ——— Git Jenin weer Js Chit te ely Sgpten Son of God onwumuwite al open L Semen eke OM tae the Ba, cantar eit Me Se Fane Bee nce NC HM Ge: renal ine were alee and the ed dor He fess pm see ORE Sc BS IE-Aad tat ene ila ih yw naa coe eed Hormccn Eade Sonnac" came Wome Te Bi a oe Eopim SeeshcTatin Rn ow nave nencr. MASS of GOD OUR FATHER ™ Ve 2. ‘ 1 canton __2. Chole 3. cone Contors ‘Choir, (Unison Vernon) I Lord, have mever. Lord. have merey. Lord, Rave mer-ey. Christ have mer-ey. Christ, have mercy 5 Crate Copter Choe ‘con ‘Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lotd,, have mercy. Lord, have meveys 3 Holy, Holy, Hoty & i Notnhety, Holy Lan Golo ona. Herven and each ae Glo you pry, Hoxin nil the Mist pipet bs Hie the “Name of the Lord, ho san na in the’. high go Lamb of God who ta- ket a-way the sinsof the work, ave mercy on ub a : Lamb of God who ta ket a-way the sintof the world, hive mercy on ws z = = Lamb of God sho: ket away thesins of che world, gant us peice: Glory t0 God Glory to God on’high. And on earth peace ro wien of good willl We praise thee, we bless thee, we a ore thee, we elo-ricfy thee, we give thee thanks for chy great -glo- ry, © Lord God heavin-ly King, God the Fa-ther Al- mighty © Lord, Je-sus Christ, the only be-gor-ten Son © Lotd God, Lamb of God, =F Son of the Father Who ta-kest away. the sits of theaworld,ave mercy on us.Who ta-Kest away the on evs hin Pid on sos of the world, re ceive our prayers wus, Fer thou on-ly att hi Iy.Thow on-ly art the Lord, Thou on-ly art the most high, OQ Je-sus , To-ge ther Sith the Ho-ly Ghost” in the glory ef God the Fa- ther, A= men | BELIEVE ‘Celebrant Congrepation, EGE = 1 ele ia one Got, The Father Al-mighoey, marker of heaven and cath and of all singe 3 SSS = ae Se eae SS visible and in -v-t-begnl n one Ld eof Cai, eon bet Son of Gl adm of the eae SSS re all av ges. God of God, Light of Lights tiae Ged. -trueKGod begat not made, con-sub SSS =e _stin-til with “the Father, by who ee And the third day He rose a-gain 2¢-cord-ing to the Scrip -tures and as - cen ded = in-to heaven, ans si¢-teth at the right hand of is fol he ante sll sme gain_with SSE SS BSs4 slo-sy to juulse both che liv-ing on the _dend, of _whote_Lingdom there _shall_be_no end- ‘And inthe Ho-ly Ghost the Lond and Giv vet of fe, pro. cesd-ing from the Fa-ther and the Son, 4 == = = a oi SSS = SSSS= who to-ge-ther wih the Fa-ther and the Son is a-dored and glo-ri-fied. Who spoke by the Ss SSS z Prophets. And in one to ty Ca tho = lie_and_A-- posto -lie__Chutch, Icon = fess r= == SS SS SS SSS = one_Dap forthe _resimia. son of sins_and__Yook_for_she rex sur tection ofthe word 10 co seb = W. NARAMETH Yo CO Gi bad G 4 3 a LORD Have MERCY, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. “TE DEUM” MASS. tise, Wy 4, J. Wolekaert SSS = Th SSs SSS Lard have mercy Lad, fave mercy. Lord, have met-ey. Chit, hive mercy. Chit have mee. (Christ, have mer-ey, Lord, have mercy. Lotds have mer-cy. Lord have mer er aE ee id earth aged (SSeS eS] fine of the Loud’ Lamb of God, You who take a+ way the sine of the world, have mercy on uk U6 2. S- 2S SS re Lory TO Cop. Lamb of God, You who take 2-way the sins of the workl, grant us peace. qi SSS i SSS Sey Glo-ry to God in the high-est. And on earth peace to men of good will, We pralse You; we Hew Yous we adore You: we elo-ri-fy You; we give You thanks for Your great glo-ry. Lord God, hea-ven-ly King: God the Fa-ther al-migh-ty. © Lord Je-sus Christ, he on-ly be-got-ten Sons =peSSIS Lord, God, Lami of God, Son of the Fa ther. You, who take a-way the sins of the world,have mer-oy =! iii would, re + ceive Sur prayer. You who sit on the fi Sgt way the sins of the == SSS Re right hand of ‘the Fa-ther, have mer - cy on if aN SSS Sean= JSETSY SS Bory of the Preah, A on us. You who, take 1 BeLievs, 1 believe in one Gad, The Fath-or Al-migh-ry, Makeer of heaven and earth, and of all things sisi Ble and tneviesi-ble And tn one Lond Jesus Cl tors, the on-ly be-pot-ten Son of God; born of the BSS SSS SE sg Wee ide Wh Faron mah == Se pee aor (ERNE Nel! ond He was also eeu fied for uss sufsfered vin-dse Pon-tivs Pilate and was burvied: and or the af SSS Sp shitd day He rose” a-gninac-cor-ding tthe Scrip-tures; He as-een-ded in-to heaven and sis —* SS = 2 the Htht hand. ef the Father, and He shall come a-esin with locry to iwee the Wiig 2+ and the “dead: and of is King-dom there shall be no end. And inthe Ho-ly Spek, the 3 fl . a SS SSS SSS SS Lord and Gi-ver_of ie, Who roveeedy from the Father and the Son: Who wo-pether £ ~ Sa SSS SESS 3 with the Fresher andthe Soni asdored and glo-eisfed: Who opote by the Provphes Z_, ofS 5 = 4; = § SSS SSS SS SSS tL And in one Wocly Cauthoric and A-possto-e Chueh: 1 eon-fes. one Bapstim forthe p= f PE i SSS === S32 | mmission of sins; and 1 look for the te.- sur 624 world to come A = men, tection of the dead: and the life of the L MASS ~ wonour or St, PIUS XW. Lone Haye mencr. : “4 “Lord, have mer - ey. Lord, have mer- cy. Lord, have mer-cy. ~ oe ft —_ = — 2 eS aS ~ : Toer-ey. Chit, have mercy) ‘Lond, have merocy. Lord have thet ey. Lou, hove met =< — 2 Hou, HOLY, HOLY, “Fy i Holy, Ho Ty, Ho: Wy Lord, God of hosts Heawen and earth are «full of Yout glory- ~ry 34 ; wy 5 - hightetr 3. uaa up : 7 - . fave terse Sn ae i : Limb of God, who thes a way the tnt of the word, hive mer-ey on : 1S SS SS Ss: ; Lamb of God, who takes aay the snk of the work, panto pece wt tony 10 600 a phe oc . — x a a se ee ‘Amd ov cath poce vo wen of good wil, We pre Your we blew Your we a-dore You: we -t Bon 3 r: gS EE - Goon fy You, we give You tanks for Your great glo-ry. © Loed God hea-ven-ly KingiGodthe . — ahh 3 5 aa of ce SS = 2h Facherabmghctr, © Lord Je-ws Christ the only be-gor-en Sons © Lord God, Lamb of 5 © ee jp a —{SSs SSS SS e= H c God, Son ot the Fax ther. You, who take = way the sins of the world have mer cy on § a ” 7 mag - SSS SS Sas 2 the sins of the world ve > ceive our payer You who 2 = SSS Se Steet . st on the right hand of che Fa-ther, have mer + ey on us For Yous $ —f . = ay - (ESE a SS Sc} SS i: Tene ate hoo ly; You a lone ate the Lond: You alone ae high above all # = = =; : SSS SSA : yous Christ, with che Holy Grow in she glory of God the Fa ther A = mem @ Holy, Hoty: Lent Ged o! Glosey t0 God inthe high est = SEES a les you; WE a-dore you: We glo-naiy you. We give thanks for your great lant. = = = 3 c=! SF =F God the Father al= mighty. © Jesus Christ the only. be © Lord Gnd Heas‘nly Ki sot ten Sen, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You who take q+ way the S= =F === SSS sins of the have mer-ey on us. You what uke sway the “sins of the world pape Sas You who sie at the right hand of the Fa-thef, have mer-ey on = =sa Sp Satet: = a — CChristate most high:to =e ther with the Ho-ly Spi ri inthe glo-47 of God the Father. A=men i I b I Lord have mer-ey, Lord have met-cy, Lord have mer =ey:Christ have_mer-ey, Christ have mer-ey; Lord have mercy, Lord have mer -cy Lord have mer orth, somear 45 seaeiiae leds, maerovrmlentt, | SET Ta Ghebt the Loreto Lamb of God, vou" who in Lamb of God. you who uke a- way the . sins of the world, grant us Glory to God in che high-est: And on earth” peace to the men he loves; we praise you, we bless you, we a- dome you, wedo. fy you we give you thank for your peat” do-ry Lord | Gad heavenly God the Fa + ther al- migh -y King be-gotsten Sons O Lad Je-sus Christ, the on ly Lord God, Lamb of God . ‘Son of the Fa-ther. You who take away the sine of the world , have mer- ey onus an SSS Sash x ¥ Jou who ‘take a way the sins of the world, te- ceive our prayer; 168 who sit atthe ight hand of the Fas ther, have mer cy on viv For you on ~ we hers Yd ny are the Lord, you on-ly, O Je-aus Christ ate most high. To Pats Sea aS SSS} gether with the Ho-ly Spirrit, | in the glo-ry of God the Father, A + men. Take a+ way the sins of the world, have mercy 08 3 i 5 Christ have merser, Lamb of God, you who tke a- way the ins of the world, have mer - cy on peace MASS OF ‘THE SACRED HEART V.7. A PEOPLE'S ENGLISH MASS v.97 LORD HAVE MERCY « Vz. I. von Lord,have mer- cy. Christ, have mer- cy. Lord, have mer- corre) Lord.have mer- cy. Christ, hve mer- cy. Lordshave mer- ey. a vg Ji sg | = Ss = ecemntinany at cums Het Ne is Ta A = 7S S555 SS] Lord, have mer- cy. “Christ, have mer- cy. Lord, have mer- gy NEW ENGLISH MASS. ie Lord. havelmer- ey. |Christghavelmer- ey | dd et Etoee “ JLord., have] mer- cy. | + : De Wo 2 =} 4 Glos to Gorin theshigh > et and peace ro his or ple on =] ee ‘pth. igh: ty» Cad andFa theriwe worship you, we five you thanks, we prize v0 conely Son of the Fa- ther, iS Se =H Lord God, Lambot God, SSS You take a say the sin of the world,havemmer-ey on seas eed at theight hand of the Fas ther, e+ esive our prayer. For you a~ lone are the | —" = are Hos One Yous horas stony You owe we theMon Hh oee © with the Ho. ly Spits ie, J the glos ry of God the Fas ther. A= men. bt 5 =f j=: = Le Hocty bo-ty bo-ly Lonkffof power anfoichty Heosenand cath a fil ofyourgoventiel @~ Poo i ioe san-nain the fhigh- est. [Bles'd is He wholcomes in the name of che fLord. Hossan-na in the high-ese] = or 4p = * a # SS HeSsshp =k 5 ‘or ti Lamb of God, you take a+ way the sins of the world, have mer-cy on us, “wofld, grant us peace. Lod, have mer- cy, Lord, have mete ove aA ~ “NEW MASS OF THE SACRED HEART. — V. 13, Chiat, ave mers ers Christy have met= cy. Lord have mers ey. Lord, have mer = Jes we the Fas thers it, en-ly Son of ight hand of the Fa= ther, Christ, with the Ho-ly “Spis ti fe- ceive our prayer. For You a= lone way the in of the world, have met» ey on wii You ae satel One, Youa- lone ate the Lord. "Yor a+ lone ate the most High, Je - the Holy Ho- ly, Ho ly, Ho-sly Low, God of power and might, heav- én and earth ate full of your gle - Ho- ran natn Ho-san-na_in Bles- sed is he who comes in the name of the Lords: Limb of God, you-take a- way the sins of the wotld shave met cy,” on" ua. Grane os EASY ENGLISH MASS. Vein. tote ve === SS Loed,have mer= cy Christyhave mer cy. Lordy have mer= ey cet 1 ew SS Glo-ry t© Godin the sr ~. = = fst, and peace to his peo- ple on ¢ Lord God, Lamb Of God, you take 3,- way the tin of the world: have mercy on us; you are. seat = ed if = Fas ther, re- eeie our atthe right hand of the For you a- lone ate the Ho-ly One, you a+ lone are the Lord, you a-_lone are the Most High, Je- sus Christ. Wh the Hoty, Sots 8, in te goo ial Onde Frode AT OS a Ho- ty, ho = Wy ho - iy Lord, : God of power and might Hav en and ath we AT Stir Cy s flo- my Ho- san =n inthe igh = ext. Bleed ihe who ‘ - comes inthe name of lod. Ho- sans mt inthe high = et ~ wo 3 Tamb- of God, you take a= way $. the’ alia’ of the 4 wotll: have mer- ey on” use world os grant was peace, MASS OF THE PILGRIM CHURCH. Veis. ~ aed You were tent 0 heal the con-trite, Lord have mer ey. You came to all nets, Christ, have met ey. ‘You plead for-us at the right hand of the Fi ther, Lord, have met ey. GTS coin, we Noho, and pace coh reo je on, SSS God and Fa ther, we r = oo i do- vy. Lord, Je-- sus "worship" oui we give You ankaywe rake you for your Christ, on- ly Sonof the Fa > ther, Lord God, ¢ ime Amt Sone, CAEN MON, HOA AH HOT AE Lamb of God, youtake a way the sin of | the world, havemer- cy on us: ‘you ate seat = a the right . bay SSeS = a hand of the Fa ther, re- ceive our prayer. For you a~ lone are the Ho - ly One, ~ you a+ loneate the Lord, you a- lone ave cheMon High, Je 3 = a Sed ¥ with the Ho- Wy Spis rit in the glo-ty Of God the Fa= ther, AL men, ¢ - ‘nt tay on at rom, i a Eee Sj = i Hoc toss ctr Leds Gad of fom ad wih. Hees en and ce SE Soares : ez — a = 5 oad == te -who comes in the ame of the Lock. Ho-san= na in the highs. St = Sessa = Sepa] wn ; Sy J - Link of God you uke a2 way the ne of the wouldve aer= cy om om . (SS ee aah = “2. Lamb of God,youtake as way” the sins of the world have mer-cy'on us. world, grant OF peace, Mine cheno HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. V.. 16-17-18. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly Lod, God of power and might a a. Blessed & he who comes in the name of the Lord. SSS Sas SL 5 full of your glo ty Ho- san mi ho- san na, Heaven ant Crtnat ronan samy HEN C87 G SperS pa horsin- na, hovsan-na inthe etre eae vi Gm Ho- ly, ho» ly, ho. ly Lord, ‘God of power sed mighe a 4 JD fd Jd poe Fe ye és 1» tm ts SS SSS Pagel “ Hrav- en and earth are full of your glo-- ry, Ho- san- na in the high ete . ft mom 14 Bess od vos, He who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho san sna in the hith- est ear naan ee 2555 eS rh are, — full of Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly Lord, God of power and might. your glo ry. Ho-sin-na in the hich est, Bless He who comes in the name of the Lod. Ho-san- main the high Si pe tee Am G Am G0 Am MASS “TO YOU, LORD.” V.19. Am G@ Am G Rm J 1. You were sene to heal the contrite: Lord have mer Am G Amo of; Lordjhave mer = oy, Am G6 Am Am = —=—4 Se 2. You came to call sin ners: "Christ, have mer ey; Vee bes Christ, Rave mer- ey. Am Am G6 AmGAm AmG AmG Am i i { - ty © God ta inthe igh es lest he conus in the name a the Lord. Ho Ld p Wadi 2 ie canes © bm omr m6 cro 5 A he AuoU!: And peace to his people on earth. in the high- eax. we Lotd God, heavenly King, . Alrighty God and Father, wa'nmou: We wonhip you, tm wae: We give you thanks, me snes We pase you or your Ban. . i Lord Jesus Christionly Son of the Father, im maots, For you alone aze the Holy one, * Lod God, Lamb of God, ma suaots, You alone are the Lord, j You take 2vay'the sin of the world, im noe, You alone are the meet High, Have mercy on us Jesus Chnst. i You ate seated at the right hand of the Father, + With the Holy Spirit, in the glory of Receive our prayer. God the Father, Amen. ; Lamb of God, you uke a-way the sine of the world,have |mer- oy (d) peace. . > Sot bachar = wyriass 16 rut. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY V.21. ae res snort ~ Am 07 Amor = 5 Ho- ly, ho-ly,ho- ly Lord, God of power and might.” # PP ER ee es sae Sipe F = |p tH feats Hay Pe 7 br Am _or_ oer eo the high- ext. _Blesred is he who MASS: THE JOY OF MY YOUTH V.22 D7 Gn d7 Gm sent to heal the contrite. Lord, have met cy. Lond have mer = ey Gm’ 07 Gm Cm gm ot or Gm 07 Gm Hex) You came 0 call sinner fers. Christ, have mer «cy. Chris, have mer = ey om D1 Gm Cm Gm pr DT Gm 07m Bs Leidshave inet es" Beem), Am ole: Glo-ry 10 God in the and pexce 10 hie peo- ple on dm fc 7 km c Am Per smithy God and Fa ther. We wor ship you, we give you thanks, we praite you for your glo- . 7 f so © «6 FG ky 2 Lord. Je-sus Christ, on" ly “Son of the Fa Am em Am G ther, Lord “ake a way the “sin of the world, have mer - om 6 om rd Tight: hand of the Father, fe ceive our prayer —For You n> lone Gam amg ome ey GA Ho-ly One, You'a- lone. are the Lord, Dm Eng 6 You a - lone ste the most” high, Am Am be Age Ye sus Christ, with the Ho-ly Spi- rit, in the glo- ry of God the Fa thet. A-mcne MASS OF THE MYSTICAL BODY ~~ -V.23, OF CHRIST. - pees aaa om 67 cmb Gn Led , have mer Christ have mer °. o cm GT cm G7 tm 67 cn Cio-y 10 Condin the hih- it ad peace 16 hit peole on ath. Pie ew ot tm Gt esSt= == ——— rmigh-tyGod and fie ther.We wor-ship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your qlo- ry Cm fm Gomme Gm fmm 67 (Cm) fm =f = Bor oa roe ee Fa) Lord Jes sus Christ, only Sonof the Fa- ther. Lord God, Lamb of Godyyou takes way the e cm Pm DSS 8 Pp dim Cm Fm 6 om SSS Seas ' cm 67 tmaremsze SS SSeases | Sox, Mosthigh, Je-sus Christ , with the Ho- Ty Spir-it in the glo-ty of God the Fa- ther.A. men. 5 "ts Em bremG7emtme tm «Gm em GT bm 5 pre - i i Ge ae Jo Hosly, ho-ly, ho-ly Lord, Godot pow'r and might.Heav-enand earth ate full of your plo- ry. Ho- fa 6 Cm GTEmGT Cm or Cm Im 6 wy GPrnain the bigh-est. Blessed is he who comes in the mame of the Lord.Ho-ssn-nain the high-est. oo Gin fm 6 tm Fm 6 a c = eS Lambof take a waythe sins cf the worldhave'mer-cy on us. .. world,grimt us peace. MASS OF ST. JOHN (re oman We 24. Fr {om} [80] Gm [Br6) A Om F [Fmoj7}8> C7 OF SS ss = pS oS e—— = Ss (Se Lord , have mer~ cy. Christshave f er Ree Lordy have mer- *. -F pod gd dda ad fod You were sent to heal the con-trte, Lord have mer cy. |Lotd, have mer~ You came to call sin-sners, Christhave mer- ey. |Christjhave mer ale epee casted eee | eed _ la . — === the Fas ther, Lord GodJamb of God, you 1k cn Gm mT Gm . HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. V. 26. tet ‘ 2 bo- Wy, ho ty fled, Gade pow and fight, : _ H ho- ly, ho- ly Lod, — God of and| might. mn i £ ~ ‘ ~ ; i i ot Bint he who come in sane of the Ln ¥ i ‘ HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. ~ V.27-28. a” Ho- ly, ho- ly, ho- ly Lord, Ged of power and might. An Em 5 2 i i i i a V. 28. YES, LORD, WE BELIEVE. woo € fa Foor oe © tm am of G7 Bette = ia ue hr lieve you a+ lone dre the lieve you a+ lone ae. the =f Yes, Lord.we be- hve you a: lone are the Truth Yes, 2 Yen, 3 Yes, Lotd,we be-heve you a- lone are the 2 tid : —— =e fae eciee T believe om Gad the Fal fwccroy [Cieator of heaven and earth fase crucified. died, and was buried.” IU Betive an Jevut Chat lie descended co the dead On the thud day he rose agin, his only Son, out Lond He ascended into heaven, and «seated it the right He was conceived by the poser ef doe Hole fhand of the Father He will cofne wpain to judge Spirit and bora of the Views lhe log and the dead. “ 0.4 owt beheve in the Holy Spit, the fly Cathole Church, the communion of in, foevns gas the Heurcign othe bey and he Me eveting aan 4 ee er Kn ED emp ks «Yes Lord, we be-lieve you a-lone ate the Lie, A= MEN! A= MEN! A= MEN! dtad did A pdd died. o- ween ge en mane om Hea- ven and earth are full a your glo ~ mM hoe < am ° tm em SY . =f SSJar= SS 5 J? ° Poa san = ral in the high- est. Blessed is he whe- comes in the c « om c 07 ty a eS SS === t= W pame of the Lord. Ho-san =” na in the high- est. : : MASS OF THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS. V.29. 5 -go= Emp © Amz, An tm ~ B Te dlahiove me aay Chir hivimer= say Lond Bae me «ey La have mp, . i Glos 1 to Godin thehehe ty Ted pee, hee” aE 2 cearhy Lyd Cod, bg el King al mih-ny- God sod Faz then, wg worship ~ j “Yogi we, tvs, you thanks: ve Prue ou, for, your Wo: 8 Laid Je~ au Chats g BY sveertaets » | J py gion theta el Gat Lamb), Gad, you ake ay way te, ae i = - i Of the world, hays tase You are sated at_ the right hand ofthe TF ter, e+ chive fur prayer, For you a+ lone are the ho- Hy one, aa the) Lord, you. a> loneyare the: ymost ~& an gh he Hos Sei gk Ibe done geh oe Fa oh : aS . P Ho Jn dpe Ms gho-dyy Lend jy God 796 ; - Bearer aed aie lilppl your do 1 sancopn the, eh 4 Z er a i gs === = ai « Bigs-ed He i “sd be w MASS IN HONOUR OF ST. THERESA. 6 ¥. Ei ya, Lord have mer- cy. ode Saas Lord,have mer- 29. o7 og (© God in the highest and o7 a § Sts Z i i= “iidh- ty God and Fa ther, We wor- chip you, we give you thanks, we ey - eg o7 Gece 0 6 An (nS Sh chaise pe ey y Y tord Je- sus Cte, on- ty Son of the Fa- ther, Lord Gad Lamb of Godyou take a- way the en ef the ~ ; #stsepsy SSS FoF wortds have mer-ey on us, You ate seat-ed at the tight hand of the Fa- ther, 1e-eeive our prayer Foe . Am 07 6, 07 L == iad} tt . #4 you a-lone ore the Ho- ty One, you a: lone ate the Lord, youa-'Tone ate the mse high. Je- sus a 6 SG Am 0 _AmO7G_Am Bens 07 76 ~ é == [padres z S eo weChtist, with the Hoty Sprst, inthe glo-ry of God the Fa- ther. A= men. A~ oe ¢ oy 6 07 6 6 Am_07 Gp7c 07 ¢ & Sea Sie dead ES etre i Y Metter, Land Gado owe and item nd cath eft air dor Hor oo7 3c Gore 6 Am 7 G07 G07 0 a a SS Sea Sat Sadotee i JT ie Poa. toram= crim hehe a Ble edit be whoconerinshe mane ol theLand Tome + ee ee so ¢ c i sae aa SS . nayHovsan- na inthe high- est. Lamb of God, you tke "a> way the sna of the wGrld have lor Mies ee og D7 Am 8 Amor6 4 SS SEe| Ss Se eae L meter onus. metey on us Lamb ef God you Uke a> way the sins of the wotldy grant ur peace. - MASS OF ST. ANDREW "Wea. . : - : ; Om nt be mo ; - § aH g AGmEAOm 7 > - 3 D - hen. BS Cansute” me- : : onde a a Leal oe - i : © omc Om 6? ¢ 1 og Ho: ly, hoe ty, ho ly Lord, God of power and might, heav- en and, . a4 Am Em Om 6 orc . i earth are ull of your glo- ry Ho- san- na in the high- est. Bles- sed is ” tr Om Am7 Om Amt Am c Om Rint Rew Om - Pee oaa a ke ae ee ee - Lamb of God, you take a-'way the sms of the world , Grant us peace. ee = ‘ - = & met =] Se ee ace ef == SSS SS ast rors Then noe be a- tesid, Lord, 1 wel- come you, O my God ; YOU WERE SENT. Ve 32. - A .. > . “6 6 == 1 You were sent 10 heal the con ete, 2 Yeu came to all fla 3. You plead for us me the ght hand of the = Fas thers Eb maj? Bbmaj7 Gm Dm Be, a ~ = You sad for us atthe tht hand ofthe oS KIRAWANI MASS. Vi. 3a. won J ID4 2 BEE, Lord jhave mer m7 ey. Lord, have mer o Christ, have mer= o Christ, have mer= on En a7 c an Em 07 em Lord, have, mer y. Lord, have mer on Em 87 tm 87 Em An Ho-ly, ho-ly, —ho-ly Lord, God of pow'r and might. Heav'n and eatth Em 87 An Em C6 Bb? em fll of your glo- ty, ho-san-na an the High: et. Bless- ed is B7 Em Am 87 An Em 07 Em Sj he who comes in the name of the Lotd. Ho-sa- na in the bigh= es WHE OF Co km g coe cA 8 Em 67 Em 1-2, Lambof Godyyou take a-way the sins of the world, have mere ey on us Em D coe co. 8 —m 87 | Em 1 wpe, Lamb of God,you (ake a-way the sing ‘of the world, — grant wus peace. YOU WERE SENT TO HEAL Chrine have mer- (Sar) You plead for us at the right hand of mt MASS OF ST. JOSEPH. V. 36. Gm 07 Gm Fab = Gm cm OmGmé GSE Ej 5 Christdhve mer = Lod shavemerr on i sour oy Bh Gm on ney i ge pitas i . a ey Glo- ry to God In the bigh = : on 1 On mf 8b __&b i SS EE Fest and peace 10 his peo- ple on earth — Lord God, hhea-ven- ly king, ale migh-ty God and : De kB, Gp Gein ah Gm mF BD se Fa thet. Wewor-ship vou, we give you thanks, we ‘praise you for your ,glo- -ry. Lord Je-sus . Eb om F Bb Om Gm _F. eb Gm m7 fa = === Sere == i st =e a= ¢ J CRhse, ont Son of the Fa- ther, Lod God, Lamb of Gal, yoo take a -way the sins of the Spt th th Ge ph abe om we } 2 = = OP Cy World have met ev on us You ate seated at the ight hand of the Fa ther te- ceive our prayer. For you a- lone are the Hlo-ly One, You alone ate the Lord You a- lone ate the Most Ob) fy Ob Eh Cm Om Gn ES £ Gm Fl 86 Bh tet HichsJee sus Chuistywitb the ho-ty Spirit an the glo-ty of God the Fas therA =! men. Neulg Bb: F Gm 0 Gm Gm om fm 6b Gm ES Gm Ho-lisho-lysho- ly Lotd, Godof power and might,Hea-ven and earth fe (Gl of your glo-ry. Ho- S Gntm Om Gn WE6 Cn. Om Gh) Fgh Ff BUN Gn san-nayhovsanéna, ho-san-na, ho-sai na, hovasnena tn the high est, Bleseaed ie he who Yr Sgn om E86 Coon Go she coines inthe namecf the Lord.Ho-san-na ho-san-naHo-san-nayho-san-na}i0~samna in che high- est. su De, cn Gq Ff 8h Bb, Lamb of God, you take a- way the sinaef the world, hove mer - cy Gant peace, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. Vv. 38, poty, holy Lord, {God of pow's and ‘might, [Heaven andfescth ace fill of p= Heaven andlearth are full of of pow’ and ey vourelo-ry, Tull of yout glo-jry. Hosanna, Halsan na in che igh ese . [Bles-ged your glory, full of your glo dry. Hosanna, Hefsanva in ‘the|highe est, [Dies sod fee Your ory. ful of your lof. —_Mowsn-na., —Holgnna in shefigh-ese. [Blenscd = = ata pL wat org a iv js he whokcomes in the name of w Lord. Hosanna, Movsanina in the} highest i is EN = F : Le Fe fo is he whojcomes in the|name of the|Lord. Hosan-ni-j~— Ho'san-na_in the| high-est - JF he whokomss ia the ame of cheflord. —Hotan-ha y Hehanna tn the high- ex “ 4 < 2. He on- ly - GLORY WE SING 1, Glos ry we sing to God on high, on, Lord Jee sus Chat, Lord of all, 3:Glo- ty t@ you, the Ho- ly one!" Glory you V. 39-40. peace on cath (0 the the a= it amb ot God, y Lord: To God be glo ¥Y. 40. GLORY TO GOD 5 a c rT Ter wwe wor: ship him,Lotd God our King and Ya- ther, from all it sin, go. him’ we pray for mercy fit ad the 1, Chest most high;The Spi © SSS f= SS Glo-ry to God in the Stn F En js = ae + Fe Ss) t—¥ D7 Guise hon Dm? rmigh-ty Gad and Fa ther, we wor-ship you,we give you thanks, we praise you for your glo- FY 5 ws 5 high est and peace «© his peo-ple on eatth. Lord Go heawen= ly Kiog «ate c Ep Om? Amy © an, = Sar Sree oS. A ss ed Lord, Je- #08 Christ y only Son of the Fa-ther,Lord Got, Lamb of, God, you tke a way the oat ont G]_¢ ¢ ‘ Boy € im et =e tee = rt j a Se sin of the world,have mercy on us.You ate seated ‘at the right hand of the Fa ther, re‘cive our Af © Em Fy, Om? tm _ Am petra sah fi Seas ; = Spr: For you as lne the Hos Oreo a oe ae se Lord, you a ane | a te Most high,Je = sus Christ with the Ho-ly Spirit , in the glo-ty of God the Fa- thers A~ mens Fae ther. 4 ge Praise, hon- or, and glo-ry are. yours. “GLORIOUS GOD a a Praise, hon - or, and glory ate yours a . SS ut God, King of es 8 ton, eyes eae cu God, miteel'= Germ bo= the Sl a oun God, King of gee a Son, Stereo > nos ° 2 = SSS SSS Fe a tes you, we wore ip you th ton: Glo W-cu God, ade os i 2 dete you, we come to you in prayet. Glo ri- ous God, might-y ¢- ~ TE 3 an you we wore ship you In sonst Glow rl- out God, wd oly Lord of life, = a Christ the Kings a a 87 to whom we hears, Praise, hon-or, and plo- ry ate yours. Praitey hon- or, and glo-ry ate yours, RESPONSORIAL =“ HOLY” 1 Hoe yy hoe ty, ho: 2, Blese a6 ae he who ccomes “ ven and earth ven and cath ate tll of your glo: na, hoe Name of "the Lord Ho- sans ne, ho at —! fe he, who comes in the fete ge eae fea s=| era, hovsanena in the highe es SSS | BELIEVE . Vi. 43. : AGREED FOR CHILDREN’S MASSES pee eee ig “ ane a4 i iy ai ie $ = ge f r - sey in Goda ave, and mae ker Pequot bee lieve in Jesus Chie, fy Son of gion bes lieve” in Christ, our Lond, owe owt req aa te: lieve in he who comes ing life and = Fy Ss 0 bee lieve in God's one Church, ‘of hope tor r Pi =-— : a rs Sf = =. bn « © En - f. i | 4 = F si # a= : 2 =e! | a 1 of the world, He guides and cares for each our % Got en high The vk? gin Maen eave by “ from our ans He cone quered denth and lives te 4 much to ally, the Hos ly. Spe le, one ‘0 5. all mankind As pit) grimanints well God and - == ne vs + > ~ fo i - crmowt mmooucnon amo wmmnwoe 1 » tor. eons on rawoc iv 2 the Spi- rie, 2 Rind othe Be thee pe A him we of. fet glo a 2 S. reach our home in he Bee eee FON. A GREGORIAN: THEME am ° hana ? Ser —+ Lad, | have mers ev. Chee, have mer~ cy. Lord y 0 4 i oe ce i + , Glos ry to God in the high- ext and peace to hit peo=pe on earth, eG, bn Ab tm am im A OAL om TG tm . (OR rer whe ight of the woud ays the aes of gS = | pemise you tia your gles ry. GLotd Jes sus Christson- ty Son of the Fax ny oe * fom tm & fim Be Lamb of Gel,you take a-way the sins of the worldshave mer- yon. us ty fA AT é tueht hand of the Far thet, 1e- ceive our prayer. For you 2: lone we 6 te wg Jou y-lone are tie Lon, you a long are the Most High, Je- qe. King al- mighty God and Fa thet, we wor ship you, we give you thanks, we oom f the we in the le. ey of Gon the omei? Yone word is a imp is mor fight for my path, Don's walk in chedavk ness 2 4 = 55) Heasin and earth are fll of your glo. ry, Ho: sana in the 3 é ee SSE ‘comes wn the name oF the Lord, in che high: gst Hos san ee in the high est | | king dom come, your will be done on extth as in hea Tor the kingdom, the power snd the flower fe youn, nom te? A ESS tthe world have mer- cy upon ua a = ‘et Blest is he who.comes in theName of the Lord, Ho— 2 34 d- Jb |, you take a- way the sins of che world,have met-ey on us world, grant us a I! id ls Jadot Joh Ad jnd Geely = F CHRISTMAS edWASS ihety Gad and Fa-thet We wor-thip you, we give you thanks, oe jet) ae om rT min Lord Jeans Chntjon- Iv Som of the Fae ther, Land Cl, Lamb of God,you ake a - jody) yd JJ. dt py yn rs aS 5 h 2 iF n =a pce po Atm Hm tm “ttt Per et You ate seated at the sieht hand sates fot z 4 sal=| f © oo 4) On 820 emt a + _— ara ee Sa eae n eee ag t MASS OF WADALA YOUTH V. 46 LORD MAVE MERCY ‘ i ie $3 i Lord, ave mets cy. Goa Glo-ry_ to God In the high-eat ond fl a i SES ert ta Gedney Wg Aber Goda Rte wor sp vous _ we i BoE pe tee apd Be serge ec ty. Lord Jesus Chrison-ly Soa of the Fa ther, ad e im | 5S SS SSS Lamb of God,you tke a- way the sins of the world,have mercy on us, have met-c¥ 00. ote tm a Bm ET =p) ieee uw You ate seat-ed ut the right hand of the Fa ther, re-eewe our prayer, te a echve our prayer .For You a- lone ae the ho-k fs © Me the ho-ly One + ©, no gm Toe 4 ne ae, the Lod You a: lore s Pace SS S it in the lovty of God the fxr G tem) aT ° SANCIUS —Ho-ly, Ho-ly, “Ho-ly Lotd,God of pow’ and might, @ at ° Pred mich, SS SS SSS eS lea earth are i a Hegvmendaaghane fil of yew gonrdlo-unca ia the hah-en.” Bln Hehe cous ia te ps . auuzaass on AT é =$SS2=—e SSS) eamEp Pe Lend Ho-sancne Cin the highs ex. Une oF G3) Last of Gadsyoy wae 6 a a Fk yam Gn GF ‘> SSS SSS aS ae “iag The snvgef the weldhave met-er on us. Lamb of God,you take a- way the ann of the a om OF Bn’ om cy weniyhave mer-ey onus. Lamb of God,you ake az way the ans of the world,gat ws pee. Christ Lod, have met a 6 a Se a x © fe) - Ro wort ate flat bout ga i— a Blea sed te Ant OF 600. tm i Bm £2, Lamb of God,you tke a+ way the sins En ° 3, Lamb of God,yob take a-way the sins ft ay ne Ho. sana in ——~ ° (em F117 Bn of the world, en eR ofthe world, ad He who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho-tan-na in ty En (rime the high - Ihave mara rant the high PSC Em Gm) Bm add ka HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. bm w “ Ho ly ho- ly holy Low, God of power and mist. bm c fa a7 i i } i 1 v Hea~ ven and earth ate full of your glo mm hoe 5 ‘ om we ° Him inthe high es Blt is he who comes in the 6 a Fem fw > name of | the Lord Ho-sn-na inthe high oe Vi. 49 HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. dew bn Ho- I, ho- ty ho- ty Lord, God of power and might « fn mm he Hea - ven and earth ate wll of your do = Ho tin i : i cs ec ne inthe high ee Blatt be who comer in the 3 i 3 O LORD, HAVE MERCY. : 1 om oor ok B ae lags ev © Lord, have mer- cy _on us. O Lord, have mer- gy, © Lord, have mer ¢} Dm Suz 4 F ee © Az Dm Bb c s+ © Lord, have mete cy, Christ, have met- ey on us, have mer-cy on us. a 1 ay a atm © aT oom c ~ i a r Chr ture mer en uhh me cy on S«OLon Ane mee ep enue 0 em7 or & me by 1% Om Gm7 a F ed = — +E ae PPE? z © erd, ave | me have |mer-ey on have mer-ey on HOSANNA V.52 - (HOLY, HOLY, HOLY.) smuce yo Ektrinat PP Hoel] aan. na, hossan-na in_the high- | ese. aed dd __ Mis TIL er ster nat a wo € F(7mo) TA Ctmaf 16 - 7 = _ fit a le sisi oe = é z rn : 3 . i GLORY TO GOD VV.55 F ee eb FC ar Ba Hemet Gnt-c7 =F 5 Glo- ry to God in the high- est, peace to his peo-fle on earth. earth, — Glo- Fy t God inthe high-est » peace (0 is peo- ple on earch. as = jog» al migh-ty God and —— Farther, 8 ae Bye you —- rhanksswe ~ protse you for your —— -do-ry- ip you, a ee ee ee fat SS SS Se a: fn Po Z Jersus Christ, Lamb” of God, on- ot the Tonesiethe hom ty One, fou ae lene ane the loans d_j_y py) is, ther, you pas Th rT f F SSS z = a SS ; St Set 3. With theho- ly Spire ic io the glo ery of the — Fas ther, htt tpg Ltt WD, St Ausk's Rood, & or 1. things both Z then ‘he 3. brings man = WE BELIEVE ker of fered, died, pro-fess reat rote kind V." 5:8 m7 the Father of oe to save us from our the Church en the be-lieve know he in will Chriss, his + Wy Son ove Lord, ven,” he st God's right and, if leap to fore give, 1.Born of God e+ ter= nal- Wy, God of true ZHe | willeome in ma-jen- will have’ no. 3. We " beelieve the dead shall rise for evs er oT beclieve with all “our heart, veld in a aoe SING HOSANNA Tvs teoe Peenarereioreesa aie ; Os ¢ 6 fot Aye 6 2 = 2 Fat SEE S555 sale woe ea eta Ly Ho-ly, ho-ty, ho-ly Lerd, God of pow-er and might. Hea. ven, hea-ven and earth are yO ec 6 Em > co c 6 a PEE cere Slot eg == oul Oa c cs mUA © te Ae L. a tut _of your dose | Bg hozan-na Sig no-no. oaStighosn-nasing hosan-maSing ho-en- hy, = £ = = = 7 4 3 S lJ ee J vv v a falls of your glo- ry. Sing ho-'san na. . Sing ho- san- na. a dd2D ddyb lo pabey ae = Ge . « : = Bies- eed, bles- sed is he who come’ in the name of the Lord, a D A. Tsing howsnna Sing al le to- in i em Peppa bre eel ie ©. Sing ho- san-na.Sing al-le- lu-ta.|l” Bles- sed, bles- sed is he who comes in the name ofthe Lor Ls —DadD dad 7 Ho- ven and t ee il H . 2 y 2 ‘ . ih Bellis) = = xt | @ Z a Z 2 . S . 2 ies Ws eh s of y ho earth God -qynnry unde Seam NOMEN NOM LNNDML I "eDNOE IN Y DN MASS IN HONOUR OF ST. PAUL Ve 59, = fe mt a SFicaee —_ 4 a ea a Lord, have met eg: Lordyhave met‘ ey. Christshave mer- ey. Chrstshave met won NEE] = = 3 ~. = (SSS SSS - “ Ho- ly, ho- ly, hoe ty Lod, God of power and might. Hea- ven “and earth are = : Aare mT # h 5 7 4 = = = L esa mare Roel =) —— Hocsancna inthe high- ext. Ho- san- ain the high est) n Fl Bm Gen? GD € AmT D a) Lamb of God,you take 2 way the si the word have met> ey on sold grant us peace: 7 mm DTG, tm Be tm =F PaaS ~ ee = FES Ho Glow ry to God in the high- est and peace to-his peo-ple on earth. Lord God, heavsnly KingAle — 6, em D6 top te ee migh- ty Cod and Father, we wor-ship you, we give you thanks,we pralte you for your glo- ry. 0 OT | Geman Ar ° 6 Bm Gem ea E es =e a5 is ly Son of the Fa- ther,.Lord God, Lamb of God,you take ar way the Q 1 Om Re) tie ie ean . fe sus Christ,with the Ho- ly Spi- rit in the glo-ry of God the Fas ther. A meny 4

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