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Mission of UNIS and Parameter Statements page 3

Timeline 5

Action Plans

• Accreditation 5-Year Review 6

• Accreditation 10-year Self-Study 8

• Faculty 10

• Finance 11

• Information and Communication Technology 12

• Internationalism 14

• Modern Language Teaching 1 16

• Modern Language Teaching 2 17

• Peace and Conflict Resolution 19

• Relationships with NYC and US 21

• Support of International Families 23

• Student Travel 25

• Sustainability 27

• UN Affiliation 29

Mission of UNIS

The United Nations International School provides an international education

that emphasizes academic excellence within a caring community for
kindergarten through twelfth grade students from families of the United
Nations, as well as from other families seeking a similar education for their
children. The School promotes the appreciation of the diversity of persons
and cultures, provides an optimal environment for learning and teaching, and
offers a global curriculum that inspires in its students the spirit and ideals of
the United Nations Charter.

Strategic Planning
Parameter Statements

• United Nations International School is a K-12 school under the auspices of the
United Nations.

• UNIS is committed to a comprehensive international curriculum that prepares

students for the I.B. program and entry to universities and colleges around the

• UNIS is committed to an educational program that promotes the spirit and

principles of the United Nations.

• UNIS is committed to an international student body.

• UNIS is committed to an exemplary international staff.

• UNIS is governed by By-laws adopted on 10 May 2001 and Board of Trustees





Year 2008-2009 Technology (ICT) Place UNIS in forefront of technology use Director of Technology, Dominique Lap; HOD Academic Computing, Kamran Bayegan
Faculty Attract and support outstanding faculty and staff Assistant Executive Director, George Dymond
Modern Language Teaching 1 Improve quality of program through teaching Head of Dept, Frank Bruno; Assistant Executive Director, George Dymond
Accreditation 5-Year Review Evaluate Accreditation recommendations Director of Curriculum, Maggie Lacsny-Jones
Finance Finance Strategic Plan Director of Business Operations, Stephen Roache

Year 2009-2010 Internationalism Ensure curricula are international Queens Principal, Judith Honor
Sustainability Incorporate principles into mission Dean of Students, Marc Magnus-Sharpe
Support of International Families Increase efforts to acclimatize new families Director of Admissions, Amelia Rattew; High School Counselor, Kenya Washington
Modern Language Teaching 2 Improve language proficiency Head of Dept, Frank Bruno; Board Member, Patricia Velasco

Year 2010-2011 Relationships with NYC and US Engage with NYC and US culture and history MS Principal, Tony Brown
UN Affiliation Intensify relationship with UN Tut Principal, Radha Rajan

Year 2011-2012 Student Travel Increase travel options Dean of Students, Marc Magnus-Sharpe
Peace and Conflict Resolution Work to create a peaceful world JS Principal, Deborah Karmozyn

Year 2012-2013 Accreditation 10-year Self-Study Prepare for 10-year accreditation visit Director of Curriculum, Maggie Lacsny-Jones

Action Plan – Accreditation 5-Year Review
Plan Number: 1

Introduction: The accreditation process of CIS (Council of International Schools) is a highly effective means of initiating and
maintaining school improvement and adherence to publicly stated standards. The purpose of this process is to
provide an opportunity to improve the quality of education offered at the school through a process of self-
examination followed by an evaluation by an objective external appraisal, which will attest to the quality of the
evaluated school. The school is evaluated against two benchmarks: the school’s own philosophy and objectives and
the CIS Standards for Accreditation (from CIS Preliminary / Preparatory Visit Handbook).

Goal: Through the CIS reaccreditation process UNIS will continue to improve its programs and strengthen its position as a
leader in international education.

Strategies: Complete the tasks necessary to prepare for the CIS team visit in April 2009. The accreditation process and its
results will advance the strategic goals and improve the quality of the UNIS program.

Action Plan To ensure that UNIS is well prepared to go through the accreditation process and achieve full reaccreditation, and to
Purposes: support further work in related areas to be addressed in the strategic plan.

Action Tasks
1 Present the overall CIS accreditation process to the UNIS faculty.

2 Form a self-study steering committee, with membership open to the UNIS community as per recommendations from the CIS

3 Organize and work with the UNIS community to complete the self-study report necessary for the team visit.

4 Submit the completed self-study report to CIS.

5 Coordinate the official CIS team visit.

6 Review the CIS reaccreditation report.

7 Present to the Board of Trustees any recommendations made by the CIS Visiting Team.

8 Implement and monitor all recommendations made by CIS.

Assigned To: Director of Curriculum, Maggie Lacsny-Jones

Timeline: Year 2008-2009
Board approved:

Action Plan – Accreditation 10-year Self-Study
Plan Number: 2

Introduction: The accreditation process of CIS (Council of International Schools) is a highly effective means of initiating and
maintaining school improvement and adherence to publicly stated standards. The purpose of this process is to
provide an opportunity to improve the quality of education offered at the school through a process of self-
examination followed by an evaluation by an objective external appraisal, which will attest to the quality of the
evaluated school. The school is evaluated against two benchmarks: the school’s own philosophy and objectives and
the CIS Standards for Accreditation (from CIS Preliminary / Preparatory Visit Handbook).

Goal: Through the CIS reaccreditation process UNIS will continue to improve its programs and strengthen its position as a
leader in international education.

Strategies: Complete the tasks necessary to prepare for the CIS team visit in the spring of 2014. The accreditation process and
its results will advance the strategic goals and improve the quality of the UNIS program.

Action Plan To ensure that UNIS is well prepared to go through the accreditation process and achieve full reaccreditation, and to
Purposes: support further work in related areas to be addressed in the strategic plan.

Action Tasks
1 Present the overall CIS accreditation process to the UNIS faculty.

2 Prepare and submit the CIS “Request for Prior Information” document.

3 Plan the preparatory visit and include members from all parts of the UNIS community.

4 Review the reply from CIS on the results of the preparatory visit.

5 Form a self-study steering committee, with membership open to the UNIS community as per recommendations from the CIS

6 Schedule in-house training time with the faculty.

7 Organize and work with the UNIS community to complete the self-study reports necessary for the team visit.

8 Submit completed self-study reports to CIS.

9 Coordinate the official CIS team visit.

10 Review the CIS reaccreditation report.

11 Present to the Board of Trustees any recommendations made by the CIS Visiting Team.

12 Implement and monitor all recommendations made by CIS.

Assigned To: Director of Curriculum, Maggie Lacsny-Jones

Timeline: Year 2012-2013
Board approved:

Action Plan – Faculty
Plan Number: 3

Introduction: UNIS will attract and support an outstanding faculty and staff committed to, and capable of, fulfilling the UNIS
Goal: UNIS must continue to attract, support, and retain a diverse and talented faculty and staff of experienced,
international, and internationally minded individuals who value quality and excellence in teaching and learning.

Strategies: Find ways to support UNIS faculty and staff by seeking solutions related to the challenges of living in New York
Action Plan To continue to attract an experienced, international faculty by providing a stimulating educational work environment
Purposes: and competitive salary and benefits package for UNIS faculty.

Action Tasks
1 Review current compensation data available from other like international schools and comparable NYC independent schools.
2 Address the critical issue of relocation in the greater NYC area for faculty and staff and review what other international
schools provide for relocation services.
3 Consider hiring an (internal) employee to be responsible for managing relocation of incoming faculty.
4 Review the support structure for the UNIS relocation process, including the orientation program and the administrative
structure to support issues related to relocation.
5 Continue to explore ways to strengthen the link between appraisal and professional development.

Assigned To: Assistant Executive Director, George Dymond

Timeline: Year 2008-2009
Board approved:

Action Plan – Finance
Plan Number: 4

Introduction: The Strategic Plan defines, among other things: the most critical UNIS issues to be addressed over a five-year period
(2007-2012), the desired condition of UNIS at the end of the five-year period, the ways UNIS will protect itself from
certain strategic vulnerabilities, and the requirements for the school's success. The school must work to ensure that
the Strategic Plan is financially feasible and the financial resources will be in place to support its timely completion.

Goal: UNIS will take the necessary steps to provide the financial support for the 2008-2013 Strategic Plan of the SPC.

Strategies: Prepare financial models, plans, and action items that prioritize, fund, and support the new work of the SPC.

Action Plan To provide the financial support for the successful completion of the plans and action items in the approved
Purposes: initiatives of the SPC.

Action Tasks
1 Create a proposed timeline for work, which identifies and prioritizes the initiatives that need funding under the Strategic Plan.
2 Examine the financial feasibility of the planned initiatives. Develop alternative financial plans, in conjunction with the
Finance Committee, as needed.
3 Develop a budget for each action plan.
4 Review the alternatives and the financial feasibility of the Strategic Plan with the Development Committee and assess the
feasibility of raising funds through the Annual Fund or Capital Fund.
5 Recommend a financial plan for the new Strategic Plan.

Assigned To: Director of Business Operations, Stephen Roache

Timeline: 2008-2009
Board approved:

Action Plan – Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Plan Number: 5

Introduction: UNIS has a long-standing commitment to the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in
teaching and learning. Computers and other technology tools are in constant and creative use throughout the school.
UNIS aims to prepare its students to be active participants in the ever changing technological world and to become
lifelong learners. ICT is an integral part of school life, and technology is central to the functioning of UNIS,
supporting its organizational, educational, and communication needs.

Goal: UNIS will prepare a roadmap for the school with the view of positioning it in the forefront of technology use and
supporting its educational and organizational needs.

Strategies: Reassess the place of ICT in the school in the future and determine the personnel, budget, and material resources
necessary to support it.

Action Plan To review and update the ICT plan for the school in support of teaching and learning.

Action Tasks
1 Ensure the systematic teaching of Information and Communication Technology skills and concepts in all subject areas.
a. Develop a process by which technology will be taught through the subject areas.
b. Conduct a needs assessment and identify the technology areas in which faculty development is necessary.
c. Develop strategies for implementation of the above.

2 Devise the means to ensure that all students graduating from UNIS have reached the level of ICT competency they will need
to be prepared for college and beyond.

a. Identify the technological skills necessary for any UNIS graduate.
b. Propose appropriate assessment methods and remedial courses at proper junctures to meet the needs of new
Propose new and challenging short courses to facilitate further exploration of technology by students. Propose additional
preparatory courses for students who plan to take the IB computer science courses.

3 Identify the human and material resources necessary to support the expansion and integration of ICT courses and teaching.

4 Plan an upgrade of ICT facilities, infrastructure, and security measures to support teaching, learning, and administrative work
in the school.
a. Propose support and security strategies for expanded use of online resources.
b. Formulate a document retention and archiving policy that covers the storing, retrieving, archiving, and expunging
of computer files, documents, video, photos, and sound recordings of the school.
c. Formulate an equipment and software renewal policy that will ensure that all hardware and software (including,
but not limited to: computers, laptops, printers, ActivBoards, projectors, servers, UPSs, switches) stay current.
d. Continue to explore new and emerging technologies.

5 Update the ICT Strategic Plan as needed, but at least every three years.

Funding: Action plan items 3 and 4 will result in plans that will likely require increases in funding. The extent of the
financial impact will partly depend on the proposals and suggestions made as a consequence of items 1 and 2.

Assigned To: Director of Technology, Dominique Lap; HOD Academic Computing, Kamran Bayegan
Timeline: Year 2008-2009
Board approved:

Action Plan – Internationalism
Plan Number: 6

Introduction: UNIS represents the idea of a global community through its richly diverse student body and staff. The community is
enriched by the various countries, cultures, religions, and languages represented here. We wish to celebrate this
cultural diversity, share our festivals, and showcase the arts. We want internationalism to be at the very heart of our
curriculum and our co-curricular programs.

Goal: UNIS will draw on the riches of the community to foster the knowledge, understanding, and love of the different
peoples, places, and creations of our world. Our curriculum should reflect in its design the international nature and
mission of the school.

Strategies: Strengthen the international components of the K-12 curriculum. Find new ways to reflect our cultural diversity,
particularly through shared art, music, dance, and drama, in co-curricular programs. Use technology as a tool to
support these initiatives.

Action Plan To establish the place of internationalism at the core of teaching and learning in the school.

Action Tasks
1 Develop a teaching and learning policy that encourages our students to become lifelong learners while embracing cultural
2 Develop an instrument to review the role of internationalism in the curriculum.

3 Expand the art, gym, and music programs to include all regions and cultures in the K-12 curriculum.

4 Review the curriculum to determine how and when contemporary issues are addressed.

5 Define the qualities needed for global citizenship and identify areas in the curriculum where we foster these in our

6 Involve representatives of the various constituencies of the school community in a review of the ways UNIS celebrates
world festivals and the arts of different cultures.

7 Ensure that the arts of the different regions of the world, both large and small, are reflected in events at UNIS from time to

8 Share and expand the ways in which technology is used to support internationalism in the curriculum through: Webcast
conferences with other schools; links with UNESCO; links to world newspapers, radio stations, and television stations;
use of UN Websites; use of Moodle and blogs; podcast lectures; videoconferences; mini-simulation exercises in different
subject areas with other schools; projects that provide technology for lesser developed regions that result in a shared
learning experience for all.

9 Become more involved in conferences such as EDUCA, seek opportunities to present case studies developed at UNIS, and
evaluate Microsoft’s Classroom of the Future.

10 Form a group of students and teachers keen on using technology to brainstorm additional ways to use technology to foster
cross-community and cross-cultural understanding.

11 Initiate discussions with other schools to explore the ideas of an international grid for learning.

Funding: Web camera equipment, software, etc.; $20,000

Assigned To: Queens Principal, Judith Honor

Timeline: 2009-2010
Board approved:

Action Plan – Modern Language Teaching #1
Plan Number: 7

Introduction: UNIS strives to develop in its students the ability to participate in and contribute to an international environment. In
order to achieve this goal, UNIS students need to develop proficiency in two separate modern languages, besides
their mother tongue.

Goal: UNIS will improve the quality of modern language teaching by continuing to select internationally minded teachers
who have the ability to work successfully with international students.

Strategies: Review and evaluate the modern language teacher selection process in the light of UNIS’ needs.

Action Plan To maintain a strong modern language department, which makes it possible for students to develop proficiency in
Purposes: two modern languages in addition to their mother tongue.

Action Tasks
1 Form a committee to review the modern language program and the administrative support for the program.

2 Review the selection process and expected qualifications of modern language teachers, particularly government sponsored

3 Investigate the possibility that UNIS might be a part of the government sponsored teacher selection process.

Assigned To: Head of Dept, Frank Bruno; Assistant Executive Director, George Dymond
Timeline: 2008-2009
Board approved:

Action Plan – Modern Language Teaching #2
Plan Number: 8

Introduction: UNIS strives to develop in its students the ability to participate in and contribute to an international environment. In
order to achieve this goal, UNIS students need to develop proficiency in two separate modern languages, besides
their mother tongue.

Goal: UNIS will improve the quality of modern language teaching at the school through the development of a
comprehensive program dedicated to building language proficiency.

Strategies: Review the current foreign language program (curriculum and methodologies) to ensure proficient language
development as well as an understanding and appreciation of culture.

Action Plan To provide a strong modern language program, which makes it possible for students to develop proficiency in two
Purposes: modern languages in addition to their mother tongue.

Action Tasks
1 Review foreign language programs taught at all levels (beginner, standard, and high levels).

2 Review and evaluate the role of addressing culture as part of the language teaching goals.

3 Consider implementing foreign language teaching through the medium of other subject areas, for example, science modules
taught in French and Spanish.

4 Ensure that all language programs have the same quality and rigor.

5 Consider whether library books/library resources should be available in all taught foreign languages.

6 Ensure that specific language guidelines created by UNIS reflect language growth at all levels.

7 Consider the role and development of foreign language labs.

8 Develop a more consistent culture of displaying student work and making the subjects more visible to the community.

9 Encourage more productive interaction between classroom and foreign language teachers.

Assigned To: Head of Dept, Frank Bruno; Board Member, Patricia Velasco
Timeline: 2009-2010
Board approved:

Action Plan – Peace and Conflict Resolution
Plan Number: 9

Introduction: With its diverse student body and staff committed to the UN goals, UNIS should serve as a model for the peaceful
resolution of conflict.

Goal: UNIS will involve all members of the community to work to create a more peaceful environment by respecting
differences, showing empathy for others, and resolving conflicts peacefully.

Strategies: Share and find ways, throughout the various levels of the school, to resolve conflicts when they arise in order to
promote a more peaceful and supportive environment.

Action Plan To review the programs on conflict resolution for students and staff and develop healthy avenues to deal with
Purposes: differences.

Action Tasks
1 Review the counseling curriculum within the school to determine if programs are effectively dealing with conflict and if there
is a need for additional programs or resources.

2 Find additional ways to work as a team to achieve shared goals and focus on world issues such as ecology, poverty, and
human rights, to reinforce the concept of a responsible and responsive global community.

3 Develop staff workshops that encourage cross-curricular and cross-grade level interactions as a means of bringing the school
together, understanding similar challenges, and addressing shared difficulties.

Funding: Stipends, software: $2,000

Assigned To: JS Principal, Deborah Karmozyn

Timeline: 2011-2012
Board approved:

Action Plan – Relationships with New York City and US
Plan Number: 10

Introduction: New York City and the United States of America offer cultural, theatrical, and social events for every age group and
interest. The school should present additional opportunities for students, parents, and staff to take advantage of host
country and city offerings as a community.

Goal: UNIS will strengthen its relationship with New York City and the United States by engaging positively with their
cultural, historical, theatrical, and social organizations and exploring possible exchanges and partnerships with such

Strategies: Establish partnerships with cultural, historical, and theatrical institutions around New York City and throughout the
United States.

Action Plan To find ways to expand and strengthen the relationships between the UNIS community and New York City and the
Purposes: United States.

Action Tasks
1 Establish a committee to focus on the role of the host country and UNIS and to organize regular outings outside the school
day to venues of interest in the city or its environs.

2 Identify parents, alumni, and staff who have connections with appropriate American organizations, both within and outside of
New York City, to build partnerships, explore travel opportunities, and develop ongoing relationships.

3 Consider giving each new family a one-year subscription to a New York City magazine, such as Time Out New York, which
lists all cultural events within the five boroughs.

Assigned To: MS Principal, Tony Brown

Timeline: 2010-2011
Board approved:

Action Plan – Support of International Families
Plan Number: 11

Introduction: UNIS provides information and orientation for families new to UNIS before and upon their arrival at the school. We
wish to expand our orientation program for new families, and especially international families, to support their move
to UNIS and the unique cultural setting of New York City.

Goal: UNIS will increase its resources to help acclimate new students and families to the school, find more ways to build
lasting connections and networks amongst current and new UNIS families, and use our knowledge of Third Culture
Kids/Families to support their overall adjustment to the school and the culture of New York City.

Strategies: Find ways to foster interconnectedness among the community throughout UNIS by providing greater levels of
support for new and continuing students and their families, focusing on sharing cultures and religions, and increasing
socio-political awareness.

Action Plan To review and expand our welcoming committee and related group activities and strategies to support new members
Purposes: of the UNIS community.

Action Tasks
1 Identify the needs of international students entering UNIS and develop new student orientation programs to support them at
all grades.

2 Work through the Parents Association to expand current practices to welcome new families to UNIS and ensure their
successful transition to both the school and the city.

3 Expand programs for international students and parents to support their enculturation into the UNIS community while
simultaneously encouraging the sharing and celebrating of their own cultural heritage.

4 Plan ways for the UNIS admissions office to work more closely with student support services, the Parents Association, and
the administration to identify and meet the needs of new students and parents at the school.

5 Develop a Website link to provide information on available orientation and community programs for international families
living and working in New York City.

Funding: Publications, software, speakers; $5000

Assigned To: Director of Admissions, Amelia Rattew; High School Counselor, Kenya Washington
Timeline: 2009-2010
Board approved:

Action Plan – Student Travel
Plan Number: 12

Introduction: UNIS offers opportunities for student travel locally and abroad. We want to improve and expand such opportunities
to help foster a deeper knowledge of other places, cultures, and languages among our students.

Goal: UNIS will work to increase the travel options for our students and foster a sense of internationalism within our
student body.

Strategies: Establish contact with other international schools and countries with UN agencies as a way of increasing cultural and
linguistic exchange.

Action Plan To expand travel opportunities for students with the purpose of broadening their understanding of other cultures.

Action Tasks
1 Capitalize on those initiatives that have already proven successful, specifically the Japan, Mexico, and Quebec trips, to
encourage student travel for practice of the languages taught and represented in UNIS.

2 Establish contact with other international schools to expand our student exchange programs.

3 Establish contact with UN institutions around the world where UNIS students can do volunteer service while pursuing
specific UN goals.

4 Expand travel opportunities related to other school initiatives such as the environmental education program.

5 Explore the possibility of additional student participation in specific international events such as choral festivals, sports

competitions, etc.

6 Encourage UNIS graduates and their parents to consider a gap year abroad for UNIS alumni/ae before they enter college.

Funding: Exploratory visits, stipends; $10,000

Assigned To: Dean of Students, Marc Magnus-Sharpe

Timeline: 2011-2012
Board approved:

Action Plan – Sustainability
Plan Number: 13

Introduction: UNIS has made a commitment to support sustainability in the short and long term within the school and in
partnership with other schools.

Goal: UNIS will prepare our students to sustain our social, physical, and ethical world and protect the local environment
both inside and outside the school.

Strategies: Develop a plan for the school to act responsibly toward our climate and increase awareness of and collaboration
around issues for sustainable development through our curriculum and extracurricular activities.

Action Plan To build a sustainability framework for the school.


Action Tasks
1 Develop a plan for the institution to act responsibly toward our climate.
a. Establish and publish a working definition of and principles for sustainability for the school.
b. Form a working group from members of the UNIS community to meet and formulate a charter with specific goals and
principles for achieving sustainability.

2 Ensure that sustainability of resources, furnishings, and facilities is part of the UNIS purchasing and acquisitions plan and the
ICT criteria.

3 Reflect sustainability achievements and issues through the UNIS portal and other communications.

4 Create a student-based green map project to report on and benchmark the school’s sustainability efforts via the Green Schools

Green Map initiative.

5 Publish an annual UNIS Sustainability Review to document and report on programs and developments.

6 Investigate ways in which other schools are implementing sustainability programs.

7 Participate in and support relevant external sustainability programs and initiatives.

8 Include activities for sustainable development in our curriculum and extracurricular activities.

9 Provide professional development for faculty and administration in the areas of awareness, skill development, curriculum
assessment and development, and leadership development.

10 Consider using a modified version of the Chronos for Schools program developed for the Department for Education and Skills
in the U.K.

11 Consider implementing a “Build to E3” program in the curriculum for all three UNIS schools.

12 Use technology to support curriculum development and design: Moodle, a sustainability e-learning tool, videos, blogs,

13 Identify and make use of United Nations resources.

14 Review existing community service and after school programs and ensure opportunities for participation in activities for

15 Invite speakers from the broad UNIS community to inform and educate both in the classroom and for our faculty.

Assigned To: Dean of Students, Marc Magnus-Sharpe

Timeline: 2009-2010
Board approved:

Action Plan – UN Affiliation
Plan Number: 14

Introduction: UNIS is unique because of its affiliation with the United Nations. In striving to uphold a key component of the
UNIS mission, the school promotes a culture and curriculum that support the spirit and ideals of the UN.

Goal: UNIS will intensify its existing relationship with the UN, its Missions, and its other affiliated organizations through a
deeper understanding of the UN’s work and through a higher level of connectedness and exchange.

Strategies: Find ways to provide opportunities for teachers, students, and the wider community to deepen our understanding of
the UN.

Action Plan To review the curriculum, as it relates to the UN, to bring more information about the UN to students and faculty.

Action Tasks
1 Identify strengths and areas in need of improvement in the existing curriculum materials on the UN and allocate time to
improve and expand this curriculum.

2 Identify UN affiliated community members who are willing to share their knowledge of the UN with students, speak at faculty
house meetings about UN current events, and present a series of evening presentations about the UN for interested faculty and
UNIS families.

3 Find ways for new and continuing faculty and support staff to become more familiar with the work of the UN. Work with the
UN to ensure that UNIS faculty may take full advantage of existing UN workshops and initiatives.

4 Work closely with the UNIS director of student activities and the special representative of the UN Secretary General for UNIS

to identify existing volunteer initiatives for high school students with the UN and its affiliates and to develop programs to
broaden the range of activities offered.

5 Explore the possibility of a “gap year” for graduating students with the UN.

Funding: $5,000 approximately

Assigned To: Tut House Principal, Radha Rajan

Timeline: 2010-2011
Board approved:


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