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University Student Name: Nathaniel Wright

Date and Time of Lesson: February 10th, 8:15-9:00 am # in sequence (e.g. 1/2, 2/2):
Grade Level: 2nd grade
Number of Students: 15

Lesson Content:
1. Intro: Instant activity and then go over what we are going to be doing in class
2. Physical Fitness and Activity: Jump rope activities
3. Lesson Focus: Manipulative Skills Using Bean Bags
4. Closure: Review of what we went over in class

SHAPE America Standards:

S1.E13.2 Throws underhand using a mature pattern
S1.E16.2 Catches a self-tossed or well thrown large ball with hands, not cradling against the body.
S4.E3.2 Accepts specific corrective feedback from the teacher.
S4.E4.2 Works independently with others in partner environments.
S5.E3.2 Identifies physical activities that provide self-expression(e.g., dance, gymnastics routines, practice tasks in games environments.

GaPSC Standards:
PE2.1 The physically educated student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns
PE2.2 The physically educated student applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and
PE2.4 The physically educated student exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity

Psychomotor Lesson Learning Outcome (I can Statement): I can successfully toss a bean bag underhand to my partner during the lesson focus.
(Write behavior in bold, condition underlined, criteria in italics)

Cognitive Lesson Learning Outcome: I can recite the cues of tossing and catching to my partner while participating in the activity
(Write behavior in bold, condition underlined, criteria in italics)

Affective Lesson Learning Outcome: I can demonstrate a respectful attitude to both my classmates and my teacher by listening when the
teacher is talking, and by congratulating my fellow classmates after a successful catch.
(Write behavior in bold, condition underlined, criteria in italics)

Teacher Learning Outcome: I will be able to deliver my instruction effectively by keeping my back to the wall and making sure I have an eye on
all students.
(Integrate focus for your work with observation instrument given for the teach)

High Skilled- Catching and tossing with one hand, or catching with non-dominate hand

Low Skilled- Move partners closer to each other

Different Sized balls

Equipment Needs:
12 Bean Bags
10 Nerf balls
6 Pool Noodles
10 Hula Hoops
10 Jump Ropes

Spread apart
Keep your eyes up
Watch out for other students
Move safely in open space

Resources: (which resources, how did they help with planning, where did you apply the knowledge in your lesson?):
Dynamic PE ASAP. It helped me come up with some ideas on what to do for fitness activity/instant activity.

Developmental Analysis:

Extension Refinement Application


Have them toss and catch with opposite hand Make sure you are watching the bean bag into your See how many times you can go back and
hands when catching forth without dropping the bean bag
Making distance further Step towards your target See how many times you can catch it
with one hand without dropping it.
Have them clap before the bean bag gets to Follow through when your tossing to your partner

Instructional Plan:

Induction or Anticipatory Set (What, Why, How)

Good morning class, my name is Mr. Wright today we are going to be adding onto what you learned last class, instead of catching a bean bag from
a self-toss we are going to be working on tossing and catching with a partner. Can one of you raise your hand and tell me why this would be
important to know how to do? These two skills are important in almost every sport you encounter so it’s good to know the proper technique. Later
you will get into pairs and work on tossing and catching with one another.

Time Anticipated Task Goal of Task (Include Student Organization and Cues Application
Progression for Each Differentiation) Management Task(if
Lesson Part (Include (Include a diagram when applicable)
all critical elements in applicable, demonstrations,
Bold) grouping, transitions in
bold, equipment changes,
safety reminders, at the
point they are introduced)
Introductory Activity

No Instant Activity (verbatim) To get the students heart rate up and to help S S S Face forward
longer students understand to keep their eyes up and be S S S Eyes and Ears on
than 3-5 First, we are going mindful of others S S S me
min to play a game Eyes up
called tentacle tag. T Safe space
I’m going to
choose three of Safety reminders: Do not hit
you to be the other students with noodle.
chasers. The rest Make sure to lightly tap them on
of you are going to the ankle when tagging them.
be jogging around When jogging around make sure
trying not to get that you keep your eyes forward

touched by the so that you don’t run into

tentacles. Once anybody
you are tagged
freeze in place. To
become unfrozen,
I want you to spin
around 3 times.
Make sure you
keep your eyes
forward and be
careful of your
because I don’t
want any of you to
get hurt. I will
choose three of
three of you to be
the chaser. When I
say go you can
start. When you
hear me say stop
I want you to go
and sit on your
designated spot,
for those of you
who were my
taggers I want
you to walk with
your noodle and
lay it against the
wall. After you
do that walk back
to your
designated spot
and sit down. Go.

Physical Fitness and Activity

Physical Fitness and To help students learn different ways they can T Hands on knees
Activity (verbatim) exercise with only a jump rope. Encourage them S S Eyes on me

No Now we are going to be to be creative in ways they are physically active Go

longer doing some fun stuff with S S S Stop
than 10- jump ropes! Each of you
12 min are going to have your very S S
own jump rope. When I tell S
your row to go you will get S
up and grab a jump rope. Safety Reminders: Make sure
Once you get your jump you have enough space between
rope I want you to jog to an you and your other classmates,
open space and sit your so you don’t hit or run into each
jump rope down in front of other.
you. Make sure you are in
your helicopter space. Once
you have done so I want
you to put your hands on
your knees and have your
eyes on me. When I say go
I want you to pick up
your rope and jump rope
with it. If you are not able
to do so that is completely
fine, you can swing your
rope to the side while
jumping. When I say stop,
I want you to put your
ropes down and put your
hands on your knees with
eyes on me. Go. Stop. Now
when I say go what I want
you to do is instead of
picking up your rope I
want you to leave it on the
ground, and I want you to
jump forwards, and
backwards over the rope.
When you hear me say stop
put your hands on your
knees and keep your eyes
on me. Go. Stop. On my go
let’s do the same, but let’s
try to jump forward and
backward on one leg.
When I say stop who
remembers what I want

them to do? When I say go

I want you to pick up
your jump rope and show
me your best tricks! Make
sure you are in your
helicopter space so you
don’t hit any of your
classmates. Go. Stop. Now
When I say go I want you
to place your jump rope
vertically and jump side
to side over it. Go. Stop.
Everybody put their hands
on their knees and have
your eyes on me. When I
say go I want you to pick
up your jump rope and
slowly take it back to
where you got it from.
After you have done that
you can have a 30 second
water break. Once you’re
done getting your water,
jog to an open space and
have your eyes on me. Go.

Lesson Focus

Lesson Focus(verbatim) To help students with manipulative skills such as Step See how many times
Who can raise their hand throwing and catching. Also allows student to Release you can catch it
No and tell me what sports work with partner and builds teamwork. Follow through without letting it
longer involve throwing and drop.
than 18- catching? Awesome! In a
20 min minute, we are going to get
into pairs and practice
tossing and catching. First T
who wants to volunteer and
help me demonstrate to the
class how to underhand toss
and catch? When using the
underhand toss there are 3

main cues, step, release,

follow through. When I say S S S S S
go, I want you to walk to a
hula hoop with the bean
bags in it. Once you get a Safety Reminders: Make sure
bean bag, I want you to when tossing to your partner that
skip to an open space. you’re not tossing it too hard.
Once you get to an open
space put your bean bag
on the floor in front of
you and leave it there
until I tell you to pick it
up. Go. Now I want you to
point to the person closest
to you and stand next to
them. This will be your
partner. On my mark, you
and your partner will take
your bean bags and find an
open space and line up
across from each other.
When you get there set your
bean bags down in front of
you. When I say go, one of
you will pick up a bean bag
and underhand toss it to
your partner. After each
successful catch, I want to
see you give a big air high
five to your partner. Let’s
see how may you can catch
before it hits the ground.
When I say stop place the
bean bag back on the
ground in front of you and
have your eyes on me. Go.
Stop. Now when I say go
you’re going to do the
same thing but this time I
want you to try to catch it,
and underhand toss it
with one hand. When I say
stop put your bean bags
back on the ground and

have your eyes on me. Go.

Stop. This time when I say
go continue tossing back
and forth with your
partner, but I also want
you to see how many
times you can clap before
the bean bag gets to you.
When I say stop put your
bean bags back on the
ground and direct your eyes
toward me. Now when I
say go I want both of you
to pick up your bean bags,
and I want to see if you
can underhand toss them
and catch them at the
same time. When I say stop
I want you to take your
bean bag and put it in the
hula hoop you got it from.
Go. Stop. After your done
with that I want you to skip
back to an open space on
the floor and wait for
instructions. Now I am
going to split you into two
groups. Once you are in
your group I want you to
form a circle. One person
is going to start off with
the bean bag and they will
underhand toss it to a
different classmate, and
so on so forth, once the
final person gets it toss
the bean bag to whoever
started with it. That will
be the order you toss in the
entire time. I want to see
how many successful toss
and catches you can get,
without letting the bean bag
hit the ground. When you

hear me say stop I want

whoever is holding the
bean bag to walk quickly
and put it in a hula hoop
and meet me in the center.


No Closure To make sure students understand the cues of the

longer Good job today class who underhand toss. And to encourage them to be
than 3-5 can tell me what the three physically active outside of class as well
minutes cues of the underhand toss
were? Good! Next class we
will be working on tossing T
at target. When you all go
home this weekend I S SSSSSSS
encourage you to ask your
parents about maybe
getting you a cheap jump
rope so you can show them
the exercises you learned!

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