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SJP0010.1177/1403494813504502T. Haugen et al.BMI and Physical Fitness in Adolescents

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2014; 42: 67–73

Original Article

Normative data of BMI and physical fitness in a Norwegian

sample of early adolescents

Tommy Haugen, Rune Høigaard & Stephen SEILER

Faculty of Health and Sport, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway

Aim: The purpose of the present study was to 1) provide normative data quantifying the physical fitness level and body mass
index of 13–15-year-old Norwegian adolescents using a multi-component fitness assessment, and 2) compare the physical
fitness of Norwegian teenagers with available European and International fitness data. Methods: 1059 adolescents (529 males,
530 females) from 12 public schools in Kristiansand were invited to testing at age 13, 14, and 15 years (Grades 8–10). Test
participation was 75%–80%. The participants performed objectively anthropometrical measures (height and weight) and six
field-based physical fitness tests. Results and Conclusions: As expected, sex differences in physical fitness expanded
from age 13 to 15. Strength and power increased more in males than females. Aerobic capacity increased slightly
in males while remaining stable or tending to decline in females. Balance and gross motor coordination improved
identically in males and females from age 13 to 15. Compared to European and International reference data,
the sample performed superior in endurance and balance, slightly above median in lower-body strength, but
inferior in flexibility.

Key Words: Balance, cardiovascular endurance, coordination, muscular strength, obesity, overweight

The Scandinavian countries have not escaped the investigated worldwide variation in cardiovascular
trend towards decreased physical activity and endurance tested with the 20-m shuttle run test.
increased prevalence of overweight and obesity among Regretfully, Norwegian data were not available for
both children and adults [1,2]. Given the potential either of these reviews.
benefits of good physical fitness and body composi- Indeed, normative data quantifying different com-
tion on future risk of diseases [3], considerable atten- ponents of fitness in Norwegian children and adoles-
tion has been given to increasing physical activity to cents is scarce, making longitudinal assessment in
improve physical fitness and reduce or maintain a the adolescent population of Norway difficult.
healthy body composition, also within adolescents. Moreover, normative data from Norway is warranted,
In recent years, a substantial body of research has both for cross cultural comparison and for identifica-
accumulated quantifying physical fitness levels tion of secular changes [9].
among adolescents worldwide according to age and With increased focus on physical inactivity, cardi-
sex [4–6]. Tomkinson and colleagues [7] included ovascular fitness, and overweight in youth, the term
available studies reporting Eurofit data for children physical fitness has tended to become more narrowly
and adolescents from different regions of Europe, defined in practice, with focus on endurance testing
and the findings suggested fitness among adolescents and body composition, and less on other dimensions
from Northern and Central European countries was of fitness that are part of motor development and
relatively high compared to the other reporting coun- daily function, such as strength, motor coordination,
tries. Similarly, a paper from Olds and colleagues [8] flexibility, and balance. Thus, in a larger context of

Correspondence: Tommy Haugen, Faculty of Health and Sport, University of Agder, Service box 422, 4604 Kristiansand, Norway. E-mail: tommy.

(Accepted 19 August 2013)

© 2013 the Nordic Societies of Public Health

DOI: 10.1177/1403494813504502

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68    T. Haugen et al.
understanding how investigating physical activity calibrated by the researchers prior to the testing.
patterns relate to youth fitness, a broader fitness test- Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight in
ing scope is desirable, including upper-body strength, kilograms divided by the square of height in metres.
lower body strength/power, flexibility, balance, coor- Cut off-points for overweight and obesity was
dination and cardiovascular endurance. obtained in accordance with the suggestions from
The purpose of the present study was twofold: 1) Cole et al. [10], and for thinness (grade 3) in accor-
to provide normative data quantifying the current dance with Cole et al. [11].
physical fitness level and the body mass index of
13–15-year-old Norwegian children using a multi- Physical fitness.  The general physical-fitness test
component fitness assessment, and 2) to compare the battery included six physical subtests, quantifying
physical fitness of Norwegian 13–15-year-old adoles- upper-body strength, lower body strength/power,
cents relative to their age and sex matched peers from flexibility, balance, coordination and cardiovascular
23 other European countries (static balance, lower endurance.
body strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endur-
ance) from Tomkinson et al. [7], and to their age and 1. Upper body strength was estimated using a push-
sex matched peers from 37 countries around the up test (PU) to failure [12]. Subjects were
world (cardiovascular endurance) from Olds et al.[8]. required to keep their body straight. All push-ups
had to be performed with a minimum angle of
90˚ at the elbow before returning to the arms fully
Materials and methods extended position. The number of push-ups to
Participants failure was recorded. Males executed the push-
ups on the hands and toes while females executed
All eight-grade students in the Kristiansand public
the push-ups on the hands and knees.
school system (529 male, 530 females, mean age at 2. Lower body strength/power was assessed using
initial testing was 13.4, SD = 0.3) were invited to
the standing broad jump (SBJ). Subjects com-
participate in this study. Kristiansand, Norway has a
pleted three trials with the best result registered
population of about 80,000. Participants completed to the nearest cm. Distance was measured from
a questionnaire, performed a series of field based the takeoff point to the landing point of the back
physical fitness tests, and completed objective height of the heel in accordance with the Eurofit testing
and weight measurements. Testing was repeated on instructions [13].
the same sample of students in the Fall of 2004 (aged 3. Flexibility was measured with the sit and reach test
13 years), 2005 (aged 14 years), and 2006 (aged 15 (SAR) using the procedures of the Eurofit direc-
years). Participation rate was 75%–80%. This study tive. Subjects sat on the floor with knees extended
was approved by the regional research ethics review and feet placed at 90 degrees against a box. Testing
board for southern Norway. Participation was volun- was performed without shoes. The edge of the box
tary and based on informed parental consent. was 15cm behind the zero point for measurement
such that if the fingertips were in line with the box
Procedure edge, a flexibility score of 15cm was assigned. The
participants were asked to reach forward slowly
All data was collected during October and November
and extend forward as far as possible, in a smooth
of the observation years. The physical fitness tests
stretching movement. Scores were measured to the
were carried out during a physical education session,
nearest 0.5cm. The best of three trials was
administered by trained research assistants or quali-
fied PE instructors who had been specifically trained
4. Balance was measured using the Flamingo bal-
to administer the fitness test battery. Anthropometric ance test (FLB) from the Eurofit test battery.
measurements were performed by either school
Subjects balanced on one leg (without shoes) on a
nurses or research assistants.
3 cm wide plank, 4cm above the ground, for 60
seconds. Participants held the other foot with their
hand. When in balance a 60 second timer was
started. The time was stopped each time an error
Height and weight.  Standing height was measured (falling off the plank or letting go of the foot). The
without shoes to the nearest 0.5 cm. Weight was mea- result was registered as numbers of errors made
sured without shoes in lightweight clothes to the before achieving 60 seconds of balance time.
nearest 0.1 kg, using the portable balance scales Subjects who fell repeatedly with minimal balance
available at each school-nurse office. All scales were time were assigned an error score of 30.

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BMI and Physical Fitness in Adolescents   69
5. Cardiorespiratory endurance was estimated by sex matched peers from 37 countries around the
using the endurance shuttle run test (ESR) [14], world [8]. Higher percentile than 50 indicate supe-
which requires participants to run back and forth rior performance relative to country averaged data
between two lines set 20 m apart. The running from these sources.
pace is determined by an audio signal, and the
velocity increased by 0.5 km/h every minute. The
test was terminated when the participant failed to
reach the end lines in time with two consecutive Figure 1 provides the results of the height and weight
audio signals. The result was recorded as the for both females and males. An independent t test
number of completed 20-m shuttles. Estimated showed no significant differences in either height or
VO2-peak (mL/(kg·min); EVO2) and was esti- weight at age 13. At age 14 and 15, there were signifi-
mated from this score via regression equation. cant differences (p < .02) between males and females
6. One KTK-subtest (Körperkoordinationstest für in both height and weight, with males scoring higher.
Kinder) [15], the Side-to-side jump (SS) was Moreover, as can be seen in Table I, mean BMI
included to estimate motor coordination. The increased significantly in both sexes with increasing
KTK-test battery is a standardized normative age (p < .01).
instrument which measures gross motor coordi- Bivariate correlations showed statistically signifi-
nation. According to the KTK protocol, the par- cant positive relationships between all the physical
ticipants were told to jump from side to side over fitness components. However, the correlations were
a little beam (60 cm × 4 cm × 2 cm) with both low to moderate (Pearson’s r = 0.2–0.5, p < .01). As
feet together, as many times as possible within a can be seen in Table II, in females, there were statisti-
period of 15 seconds. The original KTK test was cally significant increase in performance in all fitness
applicable to an age range of 5–14 years. Because tests except EVO2. In EVO2, there was a statistical
the present study also consisted of 15-year-old significant reduction in performance from age 14 to
adolescents, a small modification was made to the age 15.
instructions. During two consecutive trials, the As can be seen in Table III, male adolescents con-
participants were required to make 15 sideways sistently performed better on the physical fitness
jumps as fast as possible, and the total time used tests with increasing age. More specifically, there
(in seconds) was recorded as the result. were significant differences in performance in PU,
SBJ, and SS at all three time-points. In EVO2, SAR,
The three tests taken from the Eurofit-battery and FLB however, only age 13 was significant differ-
(Standing broad jump, Sit and reach, and Flamingo ent from age 14 and 15.
balance test) have been validated previously [16]. In Table IV, FLB, SBJ, SAR and ESR results from
The push-up test [12] and the ESR [14] are proven our Norwegian sample are compared with age-
to be highly reliable (in adolescents). Test–retest reli- matched peers from 23 other European countries
ability for the modified version of the KTK side-to- [7], and also the ESR test with age-matched peers
side hop test was 0.84 in a group of 45 college from 37 countries around the world [8]. Mean per-
students (unpublished data). centile for the Norwegian sample was for FLB 71;
euroESR 76; worldESR 72, indicating superior per-
formance than the reference sample. In SBJ, the
Statistical analyses
mean percentile was 57, slightly above median. The
Anthropometric measures and fitness test results for percentile for the SAR-test however was 29, indicat-
the time points were summarized using mean + ing inferior performance for the Norwegian sample
standard deviation as well as percentiles. Where compared to the reference data.
appropriate, sex differences were compared using
independent samples t tests. When exploring changes
in physical fitness performance by age, repeated
measures ANOVA was conducted. Pearson’s correla- The purpose of this study was to present normative
tion coefficient was used to explore correlation values of body mass index and multiple components
among the 6 fitness tests. A p value of < .05 was con- of physical fitness among Norwegian adolescents
sidered statistically significant. Mean and confidence aged 13–15 years, and to compare the Norwegian
limits of the percentiles for the physical fitness tests sample with age-matched peers from other countries.
for 13–15-year-old adolescents from Norway were The normative data quantifying the current physical
compared with their age and sex matched peers from fitness level of 13–15-year-old Norwegian children
23 other European countries [7] and their age and can be seen in Tables II and III. The different fitness

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70    T. Haugen et al.
190 80

185 70



Weigth (kg)
Height (cm) 50

160 Female height
Male height
155 20
Female weight
Male weight
150 10
13 14 15

Figure 1.  Mean and standard deviation for height and weight development among males and females through ages 13, 14 and 15 years.

Table I.  Mean body mass index, standard deviation, 95% confidence interval, and prevalence of overweight and obesity according to age
and gender.

13 years 14 years 15 years

  M F M F M F

N 457 429 448 380 461 403

BMI (Mean) 19.2a 19.8b* 20.3a 20.6b 20.9a 21.4b**
STD 2.92 3.13 2.90 2.98 3.02 2.97
95 % CI LCL 18.9 19.5 20.0 20.3 20.6 21.1
  UCL 19.5 20.1 20.6 20.9 21.2 21.7
Thinness % 5.0 7.5 3.2 7.1 3.5 6.7
Overweight % 13.6 11.4 15.2 13.7 15.0 13.6
Obesity % 2.6 2.6 1.8 1.3 2.2 2.2

Note. N = number of participants; M = males; F = females. Cut off-points for overweight and obesity from Cole et al. [10] and thinness
(grade 3) from Cole et al. [11]. a–b Equal letter indicates significant difference (Repeated Measures ANOVA; p < 0.02). * Female BMI sig-
nificant different from males (Independent Sample t test; p < 0.01). ** Female BMI significant different from males (Independent Sample
t test; p = 0.03)

components show only low to moderate inter-corre- Europe (10%–20 %). However, similar to other
lation. This supports the need for a multi-component Western countries, the prevalence of overweight and
measure of physical fitness [17]. obesity among Norwegian adolescents are increas-
The mean BMIs found in this study (Table I) are ing, and the current prevalence is comparable to
generally consistent with other studies of adolescents recent estimates from Western and Northern
from similar age groups. For example, Bjørnelv and European countries [20].
colleagues [18] reported mean BMI for Norwegian The mean VO2-peak estimates obtained in the
15-year-old females and males to be 21.0 and 21.3, present study are similar to other findings from
respectively. This is close to identical to the findings Norwegian adolescents. For example, Kolle and col-
in the present study (20.9 and 21.4 for males and leagues [21] reported mean VO2-peak of 41.1 (6.0)
females, respectively). Lobstein and Frelut [19] sug- for 15-year-old females and 51.9 (6.7) for 15-year-
gest a trend showing that the non-Eastern bloc coun- old males. Females increased their performances in
tries surrounding the Mediterranean are reporting a all fitness-tests, except ESR. In ESR, we identified a
higher prevalence (20%–40 %) of overweight youth decline from age 14 to 15 years. Males improved in
(aged 11–17 years) than do the northern areas of PU, SBJ and SS. There were also improvements in

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BMI and Physical Fitness in Adolescents   71
Table II.  Means, standard deviations, and percentiles of physical fitness in 13–15-year-old females.


13 years N 414 408 412 407 395 377

  Mean 22a 10b 160c 76d 19e 44f
  STD 11.8 6.1 23.8 12.0 7.7 5.1
  Percentiles 10 9.0 17.0 130.0 61.0 8.0 37.6
  25 14.0 13.0 144.0 68.0 14.0 40.3
  50 21.0 9.0 160.0 77.0 19.0 43.0
  75 30.0 5.0 177.0 84.0 24.5 48.2
  90 35.5 2.0 190.0 89.2 28.0 50.9
14 years N 413 411 419 421 418 381
  Mean 27a 8b 166c 85d 22e 45fg
  STD 14.1 5.9 23.9 13.5 7.9 5.7
  Percentiles 10 11.0 16.0 136.0 68.0 12.0 38.6
  25 18.0 12.0 150.0 78.0 17.0 40.0
  50 25.0 8.0 168.0 86.0 22.0 44.1
  75 33.0 4.0 184.0 94.0 27.0 49.5
  90 42.0 1.0 195.0 101.0 32.0 52.2
15 years N 373 381 388 389 383 352
  Mean 31a 8b 171,8c 90d 23e 44f
  STD 14.5 5.4 24.0 13.5 8.3 5.8
  Percentiles 10 15.0 15.0 141.0 74.0 13.0 36.9
  25 21.0 11.0 155.0 82.0 18.0 39.7
  50 30.0 7.0 172.5 91.0 23.0 42.5
  75 40.0 4.0 188.0 98.0 28.0 48.1
  90 50.0 2.0 203.0 106.0 34.0 50.9

Note. N = number of participants; PU = Push-ups (counts); FB = Flamingo balance test (n of errors); SJ = Standing broad jump (cm); SS
= Side-to-side jump (count); SR = Sit and reach; EVO2 = Estimated VO2-peak from Endurance shuttle sun test (mL/(kg•min). a–g: Equal
letters indicate significant difference according to age (Repeated measures ANOVA; p < 0.01).

Table III.  Means, standard deviations and percentiles of physical fitness in 13-15 years old males.


13 years N 410 406 422 405 403 393

  Mean 18a 10bc 176d 75e 14fg 49hi
  STD 10.2 6.2 22.8 12.3 7.5 6.0
  Percentiles 10 5.0 18.0 144.0 59.0 3.0 40.3
  25 10.0 14.0 162.0 68.0 8.0 45.6
  50 17.0 9.0 178.0 76.0 14.0 48.3
  75 24.0 6.0 190.0 84.0 19.0 53.6
  90 30.0 3.0 203.0 91.0 23.0 56.2
14 years N 423 430 434 427 429 406
  Mean 24a 9b 194d 86e 16f 51h
  STD 12.3 5.6 23.2 12.3 7.9 6.3
  Percentiles 10 10.0 17.0 160.0 70.0 4.0 44.1
  25 16.0 12.0 180.0 78.0 10.3 46.8
  50 22.0 8.0 195.5 87.0 16.0 52.2
  75 31.0 5.0 210.0 93.0 22.0 55.0
  90 40.0 3.0 223.0 100.0 26.0 58.5
15 years N 409 406 415 404 427 396
  Mean 30a 8c 204d 92e 17g 52i
  STD 13.4 5.2 24.4 14.6 8.6 6.3
  Percentiles 10 13.0 15.0 174.0 76.0 4.0 42.5
  25 21.0 12.0 190.0 85.0 11.0 48.1
  50 30.0 8.0 205.0 94.0 16.0 52.3
  75 40.0 4.0 220.0 101.0 23.0 56.5
  90 48.0 2.0 233.4 107.0 28.0 59.3

Note. N = number of participants; PU = Push-ups (n counts); FB = Flamingo balance test (n errors); SJ = Standing broad jump (cm); SS
= Side-to-side jump (n counts); SR = Sit and reach (cm); EVO2 = Estimated VO2-peak from Endurance shuttle run test (mL/(kg•min). a–i:
Equal letters indicate significant difference according to age (Repeated measures ANOVA; p < 0.01).

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72    T. Haugen et al.
Table IV.  Mean and confidence limits of the percentiles for the physical fitness tests for 13–15-year-old adolescents from Norway, relative
to their age- and sex-matched peers from 23 other European countries [7].



13F 68 66 71 53 50 57 23 20 26 70 66 73 67 64 70
14F 74 71 77 59 55 62 32 28 35 84 81 86 77 74 80
15F 72 69 75 64 60 67 34 30 38 80 77 83 78 75 81
13M 70 67 74 52 49 56 27 24 31 66 62 69 62 59 65
14M 71 68 74 60 57 63 31 28 34 81 78 83 73 70 76
15M 71 68 74 55 52 59 26 23 29 77 74 79 73 70 76

Note. Mean percentiles (x) and lower (LCL) and upper (UCL) 95% confidence limits for the Norwegian sample relative to the matched
peers from other European countries. The physical fitness tests were flamingo balance (FLB), standing broad jump (SBJ), sit-and-reach
(SAR), and endurance shuttle run (euroESR). Note, for the endurance shuttle run, the Norwegian sample was also compared to age and
sex matched peers from 37 countries around the world (worldESR) [8]. Higher percentile than 50 indicate superior performance.

ESR, SAR and FLB, but only from age 13 to 14 potential cultural differences and potential changes
years. During early adolescence, strength and power over time.
increased in both sexes, most likely due to increased In contrast to generally better fitness performance,
muscle mass [22]. Cardiovascular fitness may in gen- the flexibility score was lower in the Norwegian sam-
eral be reduced by lower performance, or increased ple than in the reference data. One may speculate
fatness, or both [23]. The increase in peak VO2 for whether flexibility is in some ways inhibited by early
males is usually explained by greater muscle mass onset of puberty. Peak height velocity in legs occurs
(combined with matching relative increase in heart in general 6 to 9 months earlier than do trunk length
size) and higher haemoglobin concentration [22]. [30]. This asymmetric acceleration in growth could
Beunen and Malina [24] claim the highest peak VO2 affect the flexibility (especially when measured by the
in females to be near the time of peak height velocity. sit-and-reach test) during pubertal growth. To which
Onwards, it has been reported that puberty has an extent the onset of puberty in the Norwegian sample
independent positive effect on aerobic power in males compared to the European reference sample may
but not in females [25]. account for the difference in flexibility is unknown.
When comparing the results from this study with To our knowledge, no study has investigated the flex-
the European and worldwide reference data (Table IV), ibility of adolescents when taking into account the
superior performances were identified in both bal- possible difference in growth velocity of legs and
ance and cardiovascular endurance. These differ- trunk during maturation.
ences may be due to several factors. Flammer and Taken together, this study provides normative
Schaffner [26] reported that Norwegian children and data on multiple fitness dimensions and BMI for
adolescents spent more of their leisure-time doing Norwegian adolescents during a period of rapid
sports-related activities, than did other European growth. Such data on Norwegian adolescents are
countries. In the Norwegian society, the use of nature scarce. A solid sample size throughout the three test
and outdoor recreation is an important cultural points is one of the major strength of this study.
aspect [27,28] and the use of nature as a playground However, the region of Kristiansand may not fully
for activity is also common [29]. Indeed, Tomkinson represent Norwegian adolescents aged 13 to 15 years.
and colleagues [7] argue that both the popularity of Future population studies stratified on geographical
vigorous outdoor winter sports and the societal areas in Norway are warranted. Furthermore,
importance placed upon sport may be plausible although providing a relative comprehensive battery
explanations for the superior performance of north- of physical fitness tests suitable for adolescents, other
ern European countries. Taken together, this may be tests not included may be preferable or at least
a plausible explanation for the endurance, and also equally relevant.
possibly the balance results. However, Wold [9]
argues that the higher physical activity level found in
Norwegian teenagers compared to other European
countries is rapidly declining toward the European Quantifying different components of fitness in
level. Further studies accurately assessing both physi- Norwegian adolescents are important in order to
cal fitness and physical activity will be required in investigate cross cultural comparisons and for the
order to establish more objective evidence regarding identification of secular changes in physical fitness.

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BMI and Physical Fitness in Adolescents   73
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