Arabic 15 4 2022

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‫( حدث‬taHaddatha) V- to speak; talk

‫( بد‬budd-) (plural ‫( ِب َددَة‬bidada) or ‫( َأ ْب َداد‬ʾabdād)) – escape; flight; separation

‫( صحة‬siHHat-) – health; fitness

‫( الزم‬lāzim-) – necessary, obligatory

‫( تعاون‬ta3āwan-) – cooperation

ٍ ‫( َت َو‬tawālin), – following; subsequent

‫( تال‬tālin-)masculine plural ‫ال‬

‫( عديد‬3adīd-) – numerous, many

‫( فكرة‬fikrat-) (plural ‫( فِ َكر‬fikar) or ‫( فِ ْك َرات‬fikrāt)) – thought, idea

‫( ترك‬taraka) (yatruku) – to relinquish; abandon

‫( درجة‬darajat-) (plural ‫( َد َر َجات‬darajāt) or ‫( دَ َرج‬daraj)) – stair; stairway; degree; mark (at school)

‫( وسط‬wasaT-) (plural ‫( َأ ْو َساط‬ʾawsāṭ)) – middle center; waist; environment; (pl) quarters, classes (social)

‫( واضح‬wāDiH-) – clear, distinct, obvious

‫( خصوص‬xuSūS-) – particularity; specialty

‫( صحيفة‬SaHīfat-) (plural ‫صحُف‬

ُ (ṣuḥuf) or ‫ص َحاِئف‬
َ (ṣaḥāʾif)) – newpsaper; journal
ُ (ḍurūb) or ‫( َأضْ رُب‬ʾaḍrub)) – beating; violence; hurry
‫( ضرب‬Darb-) (plural ‫ضرُوب‬

‫( َح ِي َي‬yahyā) – to live

‫( الفتة‬lāfitat-) (plural ‫( اَل فِ َتات‬lāfitāt)) – banner; billboard; sign

‫( فرق‬farraqa) II – to seperate; disperse; distringuish

‫( فض‬faDDa) (yafuDDu) – to break open; pierce

‫( حاصر‬HāSara) III – to beleageur

‫( وقع‬waqqa3a) II – to sign (put a signature under); to apply

‫( مشروع‬mashrū3-) – kosher, allowed, just

‫( سور‬sūr-) (plural ‫( َأسْ َوار‬ʾaswār) or ‫يران‬

َ ِ‫( س‬sīrān))a – wall that encloses a building
‫( اعتبر‬i3tabara) VIII – to take example (from = bi-); to consider as

‫( عرب‬3arraba) II – to translate into Arabic; to express

‫( تلقى‬talaqqā) V – to obtain

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