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Name : Ismi Aprilia

NM : 1914401071
Class: D3 Tk 3 reguler 2

Elderly is someone who has entered the age of 60 years and over. Elderly is an
age group in humans who have entered the final stages of the phase of life.
Groups that are categorized as elderly will occur a process called the Aging
Process or the aging process. Old age as the final stage of the life cycle is a
normal stage of development that will be experienced by every individual who
reaches old age. This is a reality that cannot be avoided by every human being
(Notoatmodjo, 2014). The proportion of the world's population over 60 years is
expected to continue to increase. Estimated increase from 2000 to 2050 will
double from about 11% to 22%, or in absolute terms increase from 605 million
to 2 billion elderly (WHO, 2014). From 2010-2014, the population growth in
Indonesia continued to increase every year, from 3.54 million per year to 3.70
million per year. Currently, the number of elderly population ranges from 27
million (national figure), and it is predicted that in 2020 it will be around 38
million or 11.8% of the total elderly population currently in Surakarta city of
11.3% ( DKK Surakarta, 2016).
With increasing age, physiological functions decrease due to the aging process
so that many non-communicable diseases appear in the elderly. The results of
the 2013 Riskesdas, the most common diseases in the elderly are Non-
Communicable Diseases (PTM), including hypertension, arthritis, stroke, Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM). To realize
healthy, independent, quality and productive elderly, health development must
be carried out as early as possible during the human life cycle until entering the
elderly phase by paying attention to risk factors that must be avoided and
protective factors that can be done to improve health (DKK Surakarta, 2015).
To improve the health status of the elderly, the government has made several
health service policies for the elderly. The general objective of the elderly health
service policy is to improve the health status of the elderly to achieve healthy,
independent, active, productive and efficient elderly for the family and society.
While the specific objectives are to increase the coverage and quality of elderly
polite health services, improve coordination with cross-programs, cross-sectors,
professional organizations and other related parties, increase the availability of
data and information in the field of elderly health, increase participation and
empowerment of families, communities and the elderly in health care. efforts
and improving the health of the elderly, increasing the participation of the
elderly in efforts to improve family and community health (KEMENKES, 2016).
Old age is defined as a decline, weakness, increased susceptibility to various
diseases and environmental changes, loss of mobility and dexterity, and
physiological changes associated with age (Aru, 2009). Elderly is someone aged
60 years and over, both men and women, who are still active and work or those
who are powerless to earn their own living so they depend on others to support
themselves (Tamher, 2009). In general, a person is said to be elderly (elderly) if
he is 65 years and over. Elderly is not a disease, but is an advanced stage of a life
process marked by a decrease in the body's ability to adapt to environmental
stress. Elderly is a condition characterized by a person's failure to maintain
balance against physiological stress conditions. This failure is related to a
decrease in the ability to live and an increase in individual sensitivity (Efendi,
The aging process is characterized by visible physiological changes and not
visible. Physical changes that look like skin that starts to wrinkle and loosen, gray
hair, missing teeth, and the accumulation of fat in the waist and abdomen.
Physical changes that are not visible such as changes in organ function, such as
vision, hearing, bone density. For this reason, it is very important to carry out
regular health checks.
Several things that support the health of the elderly include: and fulfillment of
physical needs that support the healing process of the elderly. In addition,
attention is also needed, love affection, and care support from family members
as well as care provided by medical personnel. (Amalia, 2019) The health of the
elderly that needs to be considered includes physical activity, mental or
psychological activity, social activities, social support, and care facilities when
sick. In the mental health of the elderly, one of the most important aspects is the
relationship or relationship, one of the most important aspects is the
relationship or relationship with the family and the quality of communication
within the family environment. Families who care for the elderly can show care,
warmth, care, love, support, and respect for the elderly. (Amalia, 2019).

Elderly (elderly) is someone who has reached the age of 60 years. The elderly
population is increasing both in developing countries and in developed
countries, this is due to an increase in life expectancy (life expectancy), mortality
(mortality), and a decrease in fertility (fertility), which as a whole changes the
structure of the population.
In the elderly, there is a decline in cells due to the aging process which can result
in physical decline, organ weakness, various diseases, especially degenerative
diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease, dementia, fractures due to
osteoporosis and so on (Depkes, 2017).

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