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Base on the lesson on Module 7, Utilitarianism is a doctrine that the greatest happiness of the

greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct. When making a creating decision,

we should look at the result of an action. Whatever brings the greatest happiness to the most

people is the morally right choice. Utilitarianism could, therefore, allow killing or stealing if it

will lead to the best possible outcome for the most people. When looking at Robin Hood, while

he's stealing, he's doing this for the higher good of many instead of the discrete (generally, Robin

Hood steals from the Sheriff of Nottingham). Robin Hood’s basic ethical principle, to peculate

from the rich and give to the poor, occurs to be a utilitarian approach. This is because he is doing

an action that may not be essentially a right action. However, the result of stealing from the rich

and giving to the poor does generate the greatest happiness for the greatest number.

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