" Noli Me Tongere, For Caesar I Am: Metaphor Caesura

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1 / ” Noli me tongere, for Caesar I am

These words are written in latin language. In English It means” do not catch me, i belong

To king Caesar= king Henry VIII .These letters are engraved with diamonds, they are not written, they
are engraved.

Here is a comparsion between the beauty of the deer, the beauty around her neck. And the women.

Women love to beautify thierselves by wearing rings, neacklaces.

The poetic Device is a metaphor. Or Caesura

. And wild for to hold, though I seem tame

.. The deer is speaking to the hunters telling them “ don’t approach me, even

Though i seem tame, beautiful, small but you cannot catch me, I can protect meself. So do not approach

Potic Device : In the second line there Is a contrast between appearance And reality.

Because none of the sides, she is beautiful, weak, because she is a woman, but inside she is stronge, she

Is wild, she can protect herself.

Or Caesura.

Q 2 Elizabeth allowed about 100,000 protestant refugees from Holland and France To settle in England
and carry on their trades, papermaking, silk weaving. Elizabeth Insisted on each foreign settler taking
and Teaching two English apprentices.





“The Hind” by Sir Thomas Wyatt.

Q 1 / Fainting I follow. I leave off therefore

She runs away, that’s why following her it will be in vain. Because she runs away, she became the queen
Or the king’s wife . therefore he will leave the matter,

8.Since in a net i seek to hold the wind

He says trying to follow this woman is like to hold the wind or chase the wind in a net.

9. Who so list her hunt, i put him out of doubt,

The voice of the poet is changed. In the beginning he is calling the hunters to hunt the deer and in the

Second stanza he says, whoever wants, or thinks of hunting the deer i doubt that he spend his time

Useless. I believe that anyone wants to hunt the deer, his attempt will be useless.

The volta in this line it changes the voice of the poem of the thought.

Q 2 / Henry VII enforced a law against the abuses of the maintenance of retainers by the nobility.

Because these land lords have army ready, which the army supposed to be only to the king.

They collecting heavy taxes from the people. And destroy the shop and stealing the goods.

He established the court of star Chamber to imprisonment and the powerful nobility were taught to
obey the laws of the king.

Q3 “ spring “ by Henry Howard.

Or Henry Howard Earl of Surrey.

Q4 /

The shakespearean sonnet consists of 3 quatrains and couplet . The pertarchan consists octave and

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