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Effectively in Organizations

Communicating Effectively in Organizations

Aericka Fish

Eastern Florida State College

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Communicating Effectively in Organizations


In what ways can face-to-face communication between managers and employees help them to develop
better ways to reach a common understanding?

What kinds of issues between managers and unions might be better handled through other
communications media such as written communication?

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Communicating Effectively in Organizations

Communicating Effectively in Organizations

1. In what ways can face-to-face communication between managers and employees help them to
develop better ways to reach a common understanding?

Communication inside an organization is extremely important. Without it, organizations can

potentially fail leaving millions of people without a job. Chrysler did a great job turning things around

after their leaders had discovered that the company was not benefiting from the lack of

communication between its managers and employees. Chrysler’s employees were constantly getting

information from a paid representative that read their information from a carefully prepared script.

They didn’t feel that the communication was worthy because it didn’t come from someone they

knew or respected. Chrysler then decided it would be best to put someone in the leadership position

that had background in the business. Tom LaSorda had generations in the Chrysler business. His

father and grandfather both worked to make Chrysler what it was to the present day. Tom changed

the way Chrysler communicated with its employees and even after their unfortunate layoffs they still

used their new way of dealing with their employees to help provide past and present employees

with help. This is clearly why face-to-face communication is important. It provides the company with

a better group of employees who can in return help the company as well.

2. What kinds of issues between managers and unions might be better handled through other
communications media such as written communication?

Written communication is key when you are trying to communicate something that might be

questioned later. Unions in many cases have to lay off people in order to survive. When a Union

gets their number of layoffs, they have to communicate it with the managers of the employees

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Communicating Effectively in Organizations
they are laying off. The Manager then has to verbally and communicates a written document to

the employee so all of their bases are covered in case the employee wants to bring anything to

the board. Written communication is essential for things that could lead to court. With a

document of proof, many things will not hold up in court if you can provide them with written

proof. Unions may also have to draft up new policies for their workers. Verbally telling this to

workers may not stick as well as it would if it is written in front of them. Things have to be

written so they can be enforced.

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Communicating Effectively in Organizations

George, J.M. & Jones, G.R. (2012). Understanding and Managing Organizational 
Behavior. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: McGraw Hill.

Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games. (2017, September 23). Written
communication for business. Retrieved November 13, 2017, from

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