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Georgia Orfanides

Music Education: Professional Practice

Dr. Amy Lewis

Summary and Analysis of A Resourceful and Pedagogical Approach to Teaching Students with

Special Needs

I read chapter 4 of Dr. Hammel’s book, Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs, and I

learned about the importance of connections and a team based approach. Dr. Hammel introduces

the concept of working with the faculty, students, families, and all other resources in order to

best serve students with special needs. She highlights the importance of becoming part of a team

of professionals to create the best learning environment for every student. In the discussion of a

team based approach, Dr. Hammel also implies that the best schools work as teams and that

music teachers need to be active members of these teams. The chapter explains the importance of

open channels of communication with other faculty members and families of students with

special needs. When discussing students in one’s classroom, it is important that educators have a

positive attitude, recognize strengths and offer solutions to parents. This chapter also goes into

detail about IEPs and 504 plans and how music educators can become more literate in these

plans and how they can implement changes in their classroom.

I appreciated Hammel’s point about collegiate education. She touched on the fact that

college students are not always taught how to approach accommodations for students with

special needs and I believe that this is unfortunate. It is a sad reality that educators graduate

college and enter the workforce with no knowledge on how to properly assist students with

disabilities. This makes it harder for these students to succeed in the classroom and creates
further disadvantages for them in education. Music educators need to work especially hard to

make every student feel included in their classroom. I believe that Hammel’s discussion on

collaboration within a school system can fix this problem. By working with educators and

families more knowledgeable on the strategies necessary for students with special needs to

succeed; music teachers can become better advocates for their students. I would extend the idea

of collaboration in a school setting to collaborating on a county wide level. I believe it is

important for music educators to connect with other educators to discuss different problem

solving methods. This can introduce educators to a wider range of opinions and possibilities

This reading can influence the way I approach classroom management and how to foster

relationships with my colleagues, and students. This reading has given me a new perspective on

what it means to be an inclusive educator. I have learned how team-based problem solving is

essential to the success of students with disabilities. I have also learned how to approach

fostering connections with students and their families. It is imperative that I prioritize positivity

in order to meet challenges in my classroom. This chapter has given me insight on how to

understand an IEP and 504 document. I will use this information to advocate for my students

with special needs.

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