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Lesson Planning Template:

Lesson Plan Format Using Understanding by Design Framework

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

Title: Understanding the Crisis in Ukraine

Grade: 10 Grade
Author: Nicole Ohl-Shaw/Crots
Number of Class Periods: 1
Essential Questions: What is the history between Russia and Ukraine? How is the United
States trying to help?

Learning Objectives: I can watch two videos regarding the crisis in Ukraine and formulate
answers to the worksheet.

Content Rationale: Students will watch two seven minute videos regarding the crisis in
Ukraine. These videos will cover a wide variety of history between Russia and Ukraine.
Students will complete a worksheet that follows along with the video. This worksheet is
printed out for students to complete. After that, students can ask questions regarding the
worksheet and current events happening in Ukraine.

Instructional Strategy Rationale: Students will be able to gain some knowledge regarding
the current events of Ukraine. Students will watch videos and discuss different topics
regarding this current event. Students will then complete a short answer assignment that
follows along with the videos for 12 summative points.

Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence (Assessment)

Diagnostic/Formative Assessments: There is no formative assessment for this lesson.

Summative Unit Assessments: The assignment assigned that day will be worth summative
points. This will help students grades significantly if they complete it with correct answers.

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences (Procedure)

Instructional Strategy (please include estimated time for each step):

● Bell Ringer/Opening/Activator:
○ 15 min. CNN 10. Students will watch the 10 minute video regarding current
events and write a two sentence summary about the topics covered.
● Activities:
○ 15 min: Students will watch two 7 minute videos that inform viewers about
Russian and Ukrainian history as well as explain what is going on and why this is
currently happening.
○ 15 min: Students and teacher will go over any questions on the worksheet. This
time will also be spent discussing current events regarding Ukraine.
○ 10 min: At the end of class, students who need more time to complete the
worksheet can work on it. Other students can participate in a group kahoot about
● Anticipated Students Interactions/Questions:
○ 5 min. Questions regarding the worksheet and setting up class.

● Exit Ticket/Closing/Summarizer:
○ Completion of the bellringer and worksheet.

Anticipated Total Time Required: 55-60 minutes.

Other Important Information

Google forms
Google Classroom
Google slides
Google Chrome book

Modifications and Accommodations:

Students were given a choice to participate in the debate or just present their person. The
students who are participating in the debate where their peers will vote on who will make it to
the next round will be rewarded with extra points.
Students who did not participate in the debate and only presented were given the chance for full
points, regardless if they were in the bracket or not.
Some accommodations were made for those students with IEPs and 504’s who were very
uncomfortable speaking in front of the entire class. Some points may be lost, due to the missing

Google slides from previous lessons are put on google classroom for those students who were
absent or need to review information they learned. For those students with a 504 or IEP, students
will get extra days to complete an assignment. Some students get the chance to complete
assignments in other classes where they are given extra help.
Extension Ideas: Students who are absent or have a 504 or IEP can get an
extension based on their personal needs in the classroom.
For those students who are absent, they will get a few
days to a week to turn in the assignment, depending on
the amount of school they missed. Because this is a
summative assessment, students must complete this
assignment, there is no alternative assignment.

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