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Experiment11: To determine the distribution of electric field in an air gap with

two spherical and rod electrodes using FEMM.

Spherical Electrodes:
Dimensions of Electrodes: __ cm radius
Applied Voltage on high electrode: _____kV
1) Air Gap: __ cm
i. Mesh generated
ii. Solution observed
iii. Voltage Curve
iv. Magnitude of Electric Intensity Curve
2) Air Gap: __ cm

3) Air Gap: __ cm

Rod Electrodes:
Dimensions of Electrodes: __ by __ cm
Applied Voltage on high electrode: _____kV
1) Air Gap: __ cm
i. Mesh generated
ii. Solution observed
iii. Voltage Curve
iv. Magnitude of Electric Intensity Curve
2) Air Gap: __ cm

3) Air Gap: __ cm

Explain how the field is distributed
Answers to Questions:
Experiment12: To determine the distribution of electric field in an air gap with
two flat and cone electrodes using FEMM.

Flat Electrodes:
Dimensions of Electrodes: __ by __ cm
Applied Voltage on high electrode: _____kV
4) Air Gap: __ cm
v. Mesh generated
vi. Solution observed
vii. Voltage Curve
viii. Magnitude of Electric Intensity Curve
5) Air Gap: __ cm

6) Air Gap: __ cm

Cone Electrodes:
Dimensions of Electrodes: __ cm radius
Applied Voltage on high electrode: _____kV
4) Air Gap: __ cm
v. Mesh generated
vi. Solution observed
vii. Voltage Curve
viii. Magnitude of Electric Intensity Curve
5) Air Gap: __ cm

6) Air Gap: __ cm

Explain how the field is distributed
Answers to Questions:
Experiment13: To determine the distribution of electric field in an air gap with
two rod-flat and cone-flat electrodes using FEMM.

Rod-Flat Electrodes:
Dimensions of Electrodes: __ cm by __cm, __cm by __cm
Applied Voltage on high electrode: _____kV
7) Air Gap: __ cm
ix. Mesh generated
x. Solution observed
xi. Voltage Curve
xii. Magnitude of Electric Intensity Curve
8) Air Gap: __ cm

9) Air Gap: __ cm

Cone-Flat Electrodes:
Dimensions of Electrodes: __cm radius, __ by __ cm
Applied Voltage on high electrode: _____kV
7) Air Gap: __ cm
ix. Mesh generated
x. Solution observed
xi. Voltage Curve
xii. Magnitude of Electric Intensity Curve
8) Air Gap: __ cm

9) Air Gap: __ cm

Explain how the field is distributed
Answers to Questions:

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