Evidence - CSTP 6

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1 Re'lecting on teaching practice in support of student


• Level of Development: Applying

• Date: 3/2022
• Evidence:
1. Meeting with colleagues - Teacher meets regularly with grade level
teachers to discuss how things are going in the classroom, both
socially and academically. Teacher regularly attends staff meetings.
2. Reflective Conversation - Teacher questions:
-Was I able to get to everything I had planned in the lesson
-Did students seem engaged and interested throughout the lesson?
-Were the activities and work expected appropriate for the learning
-Did my students learn what I had intended for them to learn?
-What can I do better for next time?
3. Lesson Plan Book - Teacher reviews lessons already given and looks
for ways to improve strategies and techniques for next time

6.2 Establishing professional goals and engaging in continuous

and purposeful professional growth and development

• Level of Development: Exploring

• Date: 3/2022
• Evidence:
4. BTSA Descriptions of Practice - Teacher reflects on their own
teaching practice and commits to educating herself about new
techniques and strategies
5. BTSA Individual Induction Plan (Information Gathering) - Teacher
looks for ways to grow and improve within their teaching practice
6. BTSA Inquiry Process/Documents or Verification of Professional
Development Completion - Teacher engages in professional
development when provided by school
6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional
community to support teacher and student learning

• Level of Development: Exploring
• Date: 3/2022
• Evidence:
7. Grade Level Meetings - Teacher regularly
attends grade level meetings in which a
variety of topics is discussed. Teacher uses
grade level meetings to discuss curriculum,
classroom management, and teacher
8. Staff Meetings - Teacher regularly attends
staff meetings in which all teachers (K-4)
discuss things going on in the classroom and the school community

6.4 Working with families to support student learning

• Level of Development: Exploring

• Date: 3/2022
• Evidence:
9. Communication to Parents - Teacher regularly communicates to
parents using a variety of means such as email, the app Remind, and
being available both before school and after school for quick
questions or comments
10. Homework Assignments - Teacher ensures that
homework is given out weekly and has clear
directions so as to make it easier for parents to
support students at home
11. Reflective Conversation - Teacher uses
Morning Meeting and classroom discussions
as a way to get to know students better.
Teacher uses this information to help put
lessons into context by relating it to students’ home lives in a
meaningful and impactful way

6.5 Engaging local communities in support of the instructional


• Level of Development: Exploring

• Date: 3/2022
• Evidence:
12. Lesson Plan -
Teacher makes an
effort to bring the
local community
into lessons
Example: We had
the Youth Science
Institute do an in-
house field trip
about our local
Santa Clara Native
American Tribe:
The Ohlone

6.6 Managing professional responsibilities to maintain

motivation and commitment to all students

• Level of Development: Applying

• Date: 3/2022
• Evidence:
13. Observation - Teacher undergoes a
professional observation by the
principal of the school once per year.
The picture I’ve attached is from the
principal asking when we would be a good time to go over my
observation that was on April 14, 2022.
14. Reflective Conversation - Teacher balances teacher life with home/
family responsibilities by leaving school at school before
transitioning into evening with family. Teacher is available to talk
with parents both in the morning and in the afternoon if there is an
issue that needs to be discussed.

6.7 Demonstrating professional responsibility, integrity, and

ethical conduct

• Level of Development:
• Date: 3/2022
• Evidence:
15. Observation - -Teacher demonstrates a professional manner both in
the classroom and within the school community at all times.
Teacher follows all state legal requirements as well as all school

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