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Journal:"The Special Education in the


Special education refers to the preparation of teaching procedures and

materials, and other interventions designed to address the needs of a child
with learning differences, disabilities, and giftedness. Moreover, special
education’s concern is the optimum development of the individual child to
become a skillful, free and purposive person, able to plan and manage his
own life and attain his highest potential in society (UNESCO, 1988).
It is further mentioned in a case study conducted by UNESCO, that in a
country such as the Philippines which guarantees to all its citizens, children
and youth with special needs are provided with access to educational
opportunities that develop their potentials and enable them to become
productive members of the society and to live meaningful and fulfilling
On the other hand, provision of special education in the Philippines is
inferred from two provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Article II,
section 17 provides that the state must give priority to education, while
Article XIV, section 1 guarantees that this education be accessible to all.

The Sped program of DepEd provides a holistic approach in catering to the

needs of learners with various exceptionalities. This program ensures that

learners with exceptionalities will have access to quality education by giving

them their individual and unique learning needs.This initiative caters to
learners with visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual disability,
learning disability, autism spectrum disorder, communication disorder,
physical disability, emotional and behavioral disorder, multiple disability with
visual impairment, and to those who are orthopedically handicapped,
chronically ill, and gifted and talented.

I will support the SPED Program in Philippines by" Get creative with
accommodations and supports'
Many students with special needs have challenges with independent learning.
They often need specialized instruction and more scaffolded support, such as
having tasks broken down for them into more manageable chunks, visual aids,
and frequent check-ins to ensure they are on the right track.

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