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European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 19, No.

1, 2–4
ß The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. All rights reserved.


Denialism: what is it and how should scientists respond?

Black is white and white is Intergovernmental Panel on Climate applications unsupported by evidence
Change have suffered similar attacks or lacking logical thought. The view of
black from commentators with links to General Jack D Ripper that fluoridation
HIV does not cause AIDS. The world major oil companies. was a Soviet plot to poison American
was created in 4004 BCE. Smoking does All of these examples have one feature drinking water in Dr Strangelove,
not cause cancer. And if climate change in common. There is an overwhelming Kubrick’s black comedy about the Cold
is happening, it is nothing to do with consensus on the evidence among War is no less bizarre than those

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man-made CO2 emissions. Few, if any, scientists yet there are also vocal com- expressed in many of the websites that
of the readers of this journal will believe mentators who reject this consensus, oppose this measure.
any of these statements. Yet each can be convincing many of the public, and In some cases, denialism exploits
found easily in the mass media. often the media too, that the consensus genuine concerns, such as the rejection
The consequences of policies based on is not based on ‘sound science’ or of evidence on the nature of AIDS by
views such as these can be fatal. Thabo denying that there is a consensus by African-Americans who perceive them
Mbeki’s denial that that HIV caused exhibiting individual dissenting voices as a manifestation of racist agendas.7
AIDS prevented thousands of HIV as the ultimate authorities on the topic While conspiracy theories cannot
positive mothers in South Africa in question. Their goal is to convince simply be dismissed because con-
receiving anti-retrovirals so that they, that there are sufficient grounds to spiracies do occur,8 it beggars belief
unnecessarily, transmitted the disease to reject the case for taking action to that they can encompass entire scientific
their children.1 His health minister, tackle threats to health. This phenom- communities.
Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, famously enon has led some to draw a historical There is also a variant of conspiracy
rejected evidence of the efficacy of parallel with the holocaust, another area theory, inversionism, in which some
these drugs, instead advocating treat- where the evidence is overwhelming of one’s own characteristics and moti-
ment with garlic, beetroot and African but where a few commentators have vations are attributed to others. For
potato. It was ironic that their departure continued to sow doubt. All are seen example, tobacco companies describe
from office coincided with the award as part of a larger phenomenon of academic research into the health effects
of the Nobel Prize to Luc Montagnier denialism. of smoking as the product of an
and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi for their ‘anti-smoking industry’, described as
discovery that HIV is indeed the case of Defining and recognizing ‘a vertically integrated, highly con-
AIDS. The rejection of scientific evi- centrated, oligopolistic cartel, combined
dence is also apparent in the popularity denialism with some public monopolies’ whose
of creationism, with an estimated 45% The Hoofnagle brothers, a lawyer and aim is to ‘manufacture alleged evidence,
of Americans in 2004 believing that God a physiologist from the United States, suggestive inferences linking smoking to
created man in his present form within who have done much to develop the various diseases and publicity and
the past 10 000 years.2 While successive concept of denialism, have defined it dissemination and advertising of these
judgements of the US Supreme Court as the employment of rhetorical argu- so-called findings to the widest possible
have rejected the teaching of creationism ments to give the appearance of legit- public’.9
as science, many American schools are imate debate where there is none,5 an The second is the use of fake experts.
cautious about discussing evolution. approach that has the ultimate goal These are individuals who purport to be
In the United Kingdom, some faith- of rejecting a proposition on which a experts in a particular area but whose
based schools teach evolution and crea- scientific consensus exists.6 In this views are entirely inconsistent with
tionism as equally valid ‘faith positions’. viewpoint, we argue that public health established knowledge. They have been
It remains unclear how they explain scientists should be aware of the features used extensively by the tobacco industry
the emergence of antibiotic resistance. of denialism and be able to recognize since 1974, when a senior executive with
Elsewhere, the hand of powerful and confront it. R J Reynolds devised a system to score
corporate interests can be seen. It took Denialism is a process that employs scientists working on tobacco in relation
many decades for the conclusions of some or all of five characteristic to the extent to which they were suppor-
authoritative reports by the US Surgeon elements in a concerted way. The first tive of the industry’s position. The
General3 and the British Royal College is the identification of conspiracies. industry embraced this concept enthu-
of Physicians4 on the harmful effects of When the overwhelming body of scien- siastically in the 1980s when a senior
smoking to be accepted, while even now, tific opinion believes that something is executive from Philip Morris developed
despite clear evidence of rapid reduc- true, it is argued that this is not because a strategy to recruit such scientists
tions in myocardial infarctions where those scientists have independently (referring to them as ‘Whitecoats’) to
bans have been implemented, there are studied the evidence and reached the help counteract the growing evidence
some who deny that second-hand smoke same conclusion. It is because they have on the harmful effects of second-hand
is dangerous. In large part this was due engaged in a complex and secretive smoke. This activity was largely under-
to the efforts of the tobacco industry to conspiracy. The peer review process is taken through front organizations
deflect attention to other putative causes seen as a tool by which the conspirators whose links with the tobacco industry
of smoking-related diseases, from stress suppress dissent, rather than as a means were concealed, but under the direction
to keeping pet birds. The reports of the of weeding out papers and grant of law firms acting on behalf of the
Viewpoint 3

tobacco industry.10 In some countries, intestinal abnormalities in 12 children even though other senior Nazis were
such as Germany, the industry created with autism, which merely suggested a smokers, blocking attempts to dissemi-
complex and influential networks, possible link with immunization against nate anti-smoking propaganda and
allowing it to delay the implementa- measles, mumps and rubella.19 This has ensuring that troops has sufficient
tion of tobacco control policies for been used extensively by campaigners supplies of cigarettes.27 Logical fallacies
many years.11 In 1998, the American against immunization, even though 10 include the use of red herrings, or
Petroleum Institute developed a Global of the paper’s 13 authors subsequently deliberate attempts to change the argu-
Climate Science Communications Plan, retracted the suggestion of an asso- ment and straw men, where the oppos-
involving the recruitment of ‘scientists ciation.20 Fortunately, the work of the ing argument is misrepresented to make
who share the industry’s views of Cochrane Collaboration in promoting it easier to refute. For example, the US
climate science [who can] help convince systematic reviews has made selective Environmental Protection Agency
journalists, politicians and the public citation easier to detect. (EPA) determined in 1992 that environ-
that the risk of global warming is too Another is a paper published by the mental tobacco smoke (ETS) is carcino-
uncertain to justify controls on green- British Medical Journal in 2003,21 later genic, a finding confirmed by many
house gases’.12 However, this is not shown to suffer from major flaws, other authoritative national and inter-

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limited to the private sector; the admin- including a failure to report competing national public health institutions.
istration of President George W Bush interests,22 that concluded that exposure The EPA assessment was described by
was characterized by the promotion of to tobacco smoke does not increase the two commentators as an ‘attempt to
those whose views were based on their risk of lung cancer and heart disease. institutionalize a particular irrational
religious beliefs or corporate affilia- This paper has been cited extensively by view of the world as the only legitimate
tions,13 such as the advisor on repro- those who deny that passive smoking perspective, and to replace rationality
ductive health to the Food and Drug has any health effects, with the company with dogma as the legitimate basis of
Administration who saw prayer and Japan Tobacco International still quot- public policy’, which they labelled as
bible reading as the answer to pre- ing it as justification for rejecting ‘the nothing less than a ‘threat to the very
menstrual syndrome.14 A related claim that ETS is a cause of lung cancer, core of democratic values and demo-
phenomenon is the marginalization of heart disease and chronic pulmonary cratic public policy’.28 Other fallacies
real experts, in some cases through an diseases in non-smokers’ as late as the used by denialists are false analogy,
alliance between industry and govern- end of 2008.23 exemplified by the argument against
ment, as when ExxonMobil successfully Denialists are usually not deterred by evolution that, as the universe and
opposed the reappointment by the US the extreme isolation of their theories, a watch are both extremely complex,
government of the chair of the but rather see it as the indication of their the universe must have been created by
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate intellectual courage against the domi- the equivalent of a watchmaker and the
Change.15,16 These events led a group nant orthodoxy and the accompanying excluded middle fallacy (either passive
of prominent American scientists to political correctness, often comparing smoking causes a wide range of specified
state that ‘stacking these public com- themselves to Galileo. diseases or causes none at all, so doubt
mittees out of fear that they may offer The fourth is the creation of impos- about an association with one disease,
advice that conflicts with administration sible expectations of what research can such as breast cancer, is regarded as
policies devalues the entire federal deliver. For example, those denying sufficient to reject an association with
advisory committee structure’.17 the reality of climate change point to any disease).
The use of fake experts is often the absence of accurate temperature
complemented by denigration of estab- records from before the invention of Responding to denialism
lished experts and researchers, with the thermometer. Others use the intrin-
accusations and innuendo that seek to sic uncertainty of mathematical models Denialists are driven by a range of
discredit their work and cast doubt to reject them entirely as a means of motivations. For some it is greed, lured
on their motivations. Stanton Glantz, understanding a phenomenon. In the by the corporate largesse of the oil
professor of medicine at the University early 1990s, Philip Morris tried to and tobacco industries. For others it is
of California, San Francisco and who promote a new standard, entitled Good ideology or faith, causing them to reject
has made a great contribution to Epidemiological Practice (GEP) for the anything incompatible with their fun-
exposing tobacco industry tactics, is a conduct of epidemiological studies. damental beliefs. Finally there is eccen-
frequent target for tobacco denialists. Under the GEP guidelines, odds ratios tricity and idiosyncrasy, sometimes
He is described on the Forces website as of 2 or less would not be considered encouraged by the celebrity status con-
‘infamous for being the boldest of liars strong enough evidence of causation, ferred on the maverick by the media.
in ‘‘tobacco control’’ that most ethically invalidating in one sweep a large body of Whatever the motivation, it is impor-
challenged gang of con artists’, adding research on the health effects of many tant to recognize denialism when con-
that ‘he cynically implies his research exposures.24 Although Philip Morris fronted with it. The normal academic
into smoking is science, banking on the eventually scaled back its GEP pro- response to an opposing argument is to
sad fact that politicians, let alone the gramme, as no epidemiological body engage with it, testing the strengths and
media, have no idea that epidemiology would agree to such a standard, British weaknesses of the differing views, in
is not real science and that his studies American Tobacco still uses this criter- the expectations that the truth will
define the term junk science’.18 ion to refute the risk associated with emerge through a process of debate.
The third characteristic is selectivity, passive smoking.25 However, this requires that both parties
drawing on isolated papers that chal- The fifth is the use of misrepresenta- obey certain ground rules, such as a
lenge the dominant consensus or high- tion and logical fallacies. For example, willingness to look at the evidence as
lighting the flaws in the weakest papers pro-smoking groups have often used a whole, to reject deliberate distortions
among those that support it as a means the fact that Hitler supported some anti- and to accept principles of logic. A mea-
of discrediting the entire field. An smoking campaigns to represent those ningful discourse is impossible when
example of the former is the much- advocating tobacco control as Nazis one party rejects these rules. Yet it
cited Lancet paper describing (even coining the term nico-nazis),26 would be wrong to prevent the denialists
4 European Journal of Public Health

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