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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Zack Hubbard Program: Secondary Education Course: Modern

World History
Lesson Topic / Title: Absolutism Lesson #3 – Life in the 1500s Slideshow

Lesson Date: 1/31/22 & Lesson Length: 60-120 min (2 Grade/Age: 9th – 12th
2/1/22 Lessons in 1, but 1/31/22 was
more or less a work day)
Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals
based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

- Students will develop notetaking skills. - Notetaking Skills, whether

- Students will identify aspects of life in 1500s used in my class, or another
Europe. teacher’s, it is a good skill to
have especially as students
approach higher education
such as College or AP level

- Though slideshow and notes,

students are recording and
developing an understanding
of the quality of life in 1500s
Europe, but as they fill out
their note sheets, students are
having to identify life in 1500s
Europe, whether it be the
monarch, a serf / peasant,
women, or a member of the
Catholic Church.

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

- In the slides, there are various

(D2) Making use of primary and secondary primary sources either used or
sources, identifying and analyzing major turning referenced to, and during the
presentation / lecture,
points and events in the history of world students are analyzing a point
cultures as it pertains to various historical and in history and how it changes…
recent migrant groups. * (Developing Across the that being the Life in 1500s
Unit) Europe and the distribution of
power through the Absolutism

Revised 07/19/2018
Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

- Life in the 1500s Slideshow Notes Follow-Along - Life in the 1500s notes to help
(Formative) – Structured Notes develop notetaking skills of
students. As they get closer to a
college level academics, they
would have approached
appropriate level of notetaking

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner
Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Student Resources: Pen / Pencil – For any in-class paper

based work we may / may not do.
- Life in the 1500s Slideshow Notes Follow-Along
(Google Classroom) Smart TV – Essential for any sort of
presentation, but mostly use it to post
- Laptop on the screen the activities that are
being worked on in class.
- Smart TV
Laptops / Google Classroom to Access:
This one is MAJOR. Just about daily,
Teacher Resources: items or agenda for the class day are
posted onto Google Classroom 
- Pen / Pencil Makes it so any student who isn’t
present who has access to assignments
- Laptop are able to keep up / do the work at
- Smart TV

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

1) Life in the 1500s Slideshow & Notes (Whole Class 1) Divided it up to about
W/ Discussions) (Part of 1/31/22, but mostly 40minutes of class  So that
2/1/22) way students are able to take
2) Historical Figure Analysis (What’s left is notes, but it doesn’t lose their
homework) (1/31/22) interests being such a long
3) Vocabulary Terms 12-18 (What’s left is presentation.

Revised 07/19/2018
homework) (1/31/22) 2) Work on the items from classes
before, and anything left
becomes homework to finish
up the rest of the unit.

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

modifications, accommodations)

N/ A – Like the class before, discussed with the Like the Lesson from 1/28/22,
student to make sure the type of work was discussed the work with
acceptable - Student was okay with the work as student to make sure it was
the text presented on the slideshow notes was appropriate and alright with
basic and easy for them to understand (This is for the individual. They are
the one ELL student I have). keeping up great with fellow

Field Courses Only – Post lesson


Reflecting on this lesson, I feel that it would’ve gone better should students have had the chance to
create elements of the slideshow and present them to the whole class versus just the teacher. It
would’ve cut out the hassle of creating a slideshow over information that I already knew about. That
and it would’ve been more entertaining for students to create something they would have to share in
class and would develop other skills such as web safety and resource checking. As it goes, the lesson
was still decent as it builds upon notetaking skills that students will need in the future regardless but
could’ve been a better approach to this assignment / lesson. Lectures are helpful, but they aren’t a
solution all the time.

Revised 07/19/2018
Revised 07/19/2018
Teaching Standards and Rationale

6 (i) Continually seeks appropriate ways to employ technology to support assessment practice both
to engage learners more fully and to assess and address learner needs.

Rationale: This is continuous within the unit as technology is included in some capacity just about
every class. Whether this be to explain or offer new material, Smart TV and Google Classroom is
used daily to support learner growth and to structure / scaffold classes when necessary. – With this
unit, going over a slideshow.

3 (f) Communicates verbally and nonverbally in ways that demonstrate respect for and
responsiveness to the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives learners bring to the learning

Rationale: For this class in particular, this is done through a slideshow, and is spoken from the
teacher aspect of life in the 1500s, and depicts different people and their ways of life as accurately as
possible, but to offer a distinct look into different cultures within 1500s European life. When
discussing religion in the 1500s Europe with this slideshow as well, some students had some insight
being from religious families which helped to enrich the experience of the discussion involving the
Catholic Church as well, and fostered an outside opinion / look into the topic.

2 (b) Makes appropriate and timely provisions (e.g. pacing for individual rates of growth, task
demands, communication, assessment, and response modes) for individual students with particular
learning differences or needs.

Rationale: Over the course of the whole unit, ample time is given for students who may or may not
need the extra time, or even learn different, such as my ELL student who may not be as effective
communicator as his peers through writing or typing, but verbally provides other facts and insight
to conversations.

Revised 07/19/2018

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