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Ivan the Terrible Brainstorm

1) Where did this historical figure rule?

Russia - Oprichnina

2) How did they contribute to society?

They modernized Russia into something that not many people agreed with. He
made it so the rich were taxed just as much as the poor were, along with the
government being split into different sections and branches so they all had
individual power and control of certain areas instead of everyone being in one
place at the same time. He made it so the common folk who owned land were able
to own it for themselves and not just own it for the government to use.

3) Positive Contributions to society:

Appointed a council of advisors, introduced self-government in rural

regions, reformed tax collection, and instituted statutory law as well as
church reform.

4) Negative Contributions to society

Killing and brutally torturing many citizens. Created the first secret Russian police
force called the “Oprichnik”.

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