Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Detection Method

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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Machine Vision based Traffic Sign

Detection Methods: Review, Analyses
and Perspectives
School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250061, China (e-mail:;;
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA (e-mail:
Corresponding author: Faliang Chang (e-mail:
This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFB1305300), the National Nature Science Foundation of
China (61673244, 61703240), the Doctor fund of Shandong Province (ZR2017BF004).

ABSTRACT Traffic signs recognition (TSR) is an important part for some Advanced Driver Assistance
Systems (ADAS) and Auto Driving Systems (ADS). As the first key step of TSR, traffic sign detection (TSD)
is a challenging problem because of different types, small sizes, complex driving scenes and occlusions, etc.
In recent years, there have been a large number of TSD algorithms based on machine vision and pattern
recognition. In this paper, a comprehensive review of the literature on TSD is presented. We divide the
reviewed detection methods into five main categories: color based methods, shape based methods, color
and shape based methods, machine learning based methods, and LIDAR based methods. The methods
in each category are also classified into different subcategories for understanding and summarizing the
mechanisms of different methods. For some reviewed methods that lack comparisons on public datasets, we
reimplemented part of these methods for comparison. Experimental comparisons and analyses are presented
on the reported performance and the performance of our reimplemented methods. Furthermore, future
directions and recommendations of the TSD research are given to promote the development of TSD.

INDEX TERMS Traffic sign detection (TSD), Traffic sign recognition (TSR), Object detection, Neural
Networks (NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), AdaBoost.

I. INTRODUCTION as inputs of the following tracking or classification methods;

OMPUTER vision and pattern recognition based traffic hence, the accuracy of the traffic sign detection and locating
C sign detection, tracking and classification methods have
been studied for several purposes, such as Advanced Driver
results has a great influence on the following tracking or
classification algorithms.
Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Auto Driving Systems Though the structures and appearances of traffic signs
(ADS). Generally, traffic sign recognition (TSR) systems are different across the world, the distinct color and shape
consist of two phases of detection and classification; for characteristics of traffic signs provide important cues to de-
some TSR systems, a tracking phase is designed between sign detection methods. In the past decades, many detection
detection and classification for dealing with video sequences methods were designed based on detecting special colors
[1]. For TSR, camera and LIDAR are two most popular used such as blue, red and yellow [2]; these methods were com-
sensing devices. In this paper, we review the literature on monly used for preliminary reduction of the search space,
traffic sign detection (TSD) based on camera or LIDAR, followed by some other detection methods. Shape or edge
and do comparison and analysis of the reviewed methods detection methods are also popular in the detection literature.
based on the reported performance and the performance of Different shape detection methods are designed to detect
our reimplemented methods. circle, triangle or octagon. Shape and edge detection methods
For a TSR system, traffic sign detection (TSD) usually can also be used to extract the accurate position of a traffic
is the first key process. TSD is a process of detecting and sign.
locating signs. Then, the detected traffic signs are utilized In recent years, with the development of machine learn-

VOLUME 4, 2016 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2924947, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

ing methods especially deep learning methodologies, the restrictions or text information. Though traffic signs have dif-
machine learning based detection methods have gradually ferent structures and appearances in different countries, the
become the mainstream algorithms. There are three main most essential types of traffic signs are prohibitory, danger,
traffic sign detection structures: AdaBoost based detection mandatory and text-based signs. The prohibitory, danger or
[3], Support Vector Machine (SVM) based detection [4], and mandatory signs often have standard shapes, such as circle,
Neural Networks (NN) based detection [5]. These detection triangle and rectangle, and often have standard colors such as
structures have many derivatives with different input features, red, blue and yellow. The text-based signs usually do not have
different training methods or different detection processes. fixed shapes and contain informative text. In Fig. 1, we list
The machine learning based detection methods have achieved some types of German signs, Chinese signs, and American
the-state-of-the-art results in some aspects [6]. signs. Signs from Germany and China are classified into
In some TSR systems, a tracking method is needed. The prohibitory signs, danger signs, mandatory signs and other
goal of traffic sign tracking is usually designed for boosting types of signs. American signs are classified into regulatory
classification performance, fine-positioning or predicting po- signs, warning signs, guide signs and other signs. More signs
sitions for detection in the next frame. from these three countries can be found in German GTSDB
After traffic sign detection or tracking, traffic sign recog- dataset [6], Chinese TT100K dataset [10], and American
nition is performed to classify the detected traffic signs LISA dataset [11]. In this section, we firstly describe the
into correct classes. The main classification methods include importance of traffic signs for human driving safety and then
binary-tree-based classification, SVM, NN and Sparse Rep- describe the machine vision based TSR systems and their
resentation Classification (SRC), etc. The binary-tree-based applications; lastly, benchmarks for TSR are listed.
classification method usually classify traffic signs according
to the shapes and colors in a coarse-to-fine tree process. As a A. TRAFFIC SIGNS FOR HUMAN DRIVING SAFETY
binary-classification method, SVM classifies traffic signs us- Though traffic signs play an important role in traffic safety
ing one-vs-one or one-vs-others classification process. SRC and regulating drivers’ behavior, they are often unattended.
and NN belong to binary-classification methodology and can In the study of [91], Costa et al. show that different types of
recognize multiclass traffic signs directly. signs have different ability to capture the attention of drivers.
In the past decade, there are some surveys on TSR. Fu et al. During gazing, the drivers may not remember the content of
[7] reviews part of the TSD methods before 2010; most of the a sign or may miss some other important signs.
reviewed methods in [7] are out of date. A. Møgelmose et al. During driving, traffic signs with different distances and
[1] presents a comprehensive survey for TSD, which covers different presentation times have different influences on the
popular detection methods before 2012. Gudigar et al. [8] accuracy of sign identification for human drivers [12]; the
and Saadna et al. [9] present reviews for both detection and study in [12] shows the drivers have 75% accuracy with less
recognition. These two reviews list limited reported results than 35 ms presentation time and 100% accuracy with 130
for detection and lack comprehensive comparisons and sum- ms presentation time; this study also shows the drivers need
maries of their reviewed detection methods. Furthermore, all enough time to correctly recognize the signs in front.
previous surveys do not review the LIDAR based methods. According to [13], the sign context and drivers’ age have
Distinguished from these previous surveys, we classify the effect on traffic sign comprehension; their experiments show
reviewed methods into fine categories, reimplement part of that younger drivers perform better than older drivers on both
the TSD methods for comprehensive comparisons of these accuracy and response time, and that the sign context increase
methods, and also review the LIDAR based TSD methods. In the comprehension time.
this survey, we mainly review the TSD methods in last five
years, and give analyses and future research suggestions. B. MACHINE VISION BASED TSR SYSTEMS AND THEIR
This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents APPLICATIONS
the introduction of traffic signs, influence to human driving Based on some types of sensing devices, such as on-board
safety, machine vision based TSR system and its applica- cameras and LIDAR, different TSR systems can be designed
tions, and benchmarks for TSR. Section III shows overview for traffic sign detection, classification and result presenta-
of traffic sign detection; traffic sign detection methods are tion. For a TSR system, the key stages are detection and
classified into five categories: color based methods, shape classification. The detection stage can detect and locate traffic
based methods, color and shape based methods, machine signs; the detection and localization accuracy largely affects
learning based methods, and LIDAR based methods. From the following processing. Then, the classification stage can
Section IV to Section VIII, the methods in these five cat- classify the detected traffic signs into different types and
egories are reviewed. Section IX gives the conclusions and output the results of TSR. In some systems, a tracking stage
perspectives. is needed for processing consecutive frames.
Some structures of TSR are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 (a)
II. TRAFFIC SIGN is the most popular camera based TSR structure without
Traffic signs are placed along the roads with the function of tracking; this structure can detect and recognize traffic signs
informing drivers about the front road conditions, directions, in a single frame without using any temporal information
2 VOLUME 4, 2016

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

Camera Image Detection Classification Output

(a) Camera based structure without tracking
Signs: Camera Image Detection Classification Output

(b) Camera based structure with tracking for consecutive confirm from [1]

Mandatory Fine-
Signs: positioning

Camera Image Detection Classification Output

Other (c) Camera based structure with tracking for fine-positioning from [14]
tracking Filtered
(a) Detected Position
Classification Output
ROIs prediction

Camera Image Detection

Signs: (d) Camera based structure with tracking for position prediction from [15]

Danger LIDAR
Mandatory Camera Image
from data
Classification Output
cloud to image
Signs: (e) LIDAR and Camera based structure from [16]

Other FIGURE 2: Different structures of traffic sign recognition

Signs: systems.

from videos. Fig. 2 (b) is a camera based structure with
tracking described in [1]; this structure can consecutively
confirm the tracking results in consecutive frames to boost
classification performance. Fig. 2 (c) is a camera based
TSR structure with tracking for fine-positioning [14]; in this
Warning structure, the tracking results are used for fine-positioning
Signs: and classification. Fig. 2 (d) is a camera based structure with
tracking for position prediction [15]; the multi-ROI tracking
process in this structure is utilized for position prediction and
getting filtered ROIs for classification. Fig. 2 (e) is a common
LIDAR and camera based TSR structure [16]; the data cloud
from laser scanning is utilized for traffic sign detection; the
detection results in data clouds are projected into images
Other captured by camera; then, classification is processed with the
Signs: detected signs in the projected images.
TSR systems have various well-defined applications. We
(c) summarize some reported TSR applications in recent years.
1) Driver-assistance systems. In the literature on TSR, a
FIGURE 1: Different types of traffic signs from Germany, large proportion of methods are for assisted driving. A TSR
China and America. (a) German signs, (b) Chinese signs, driver-assistance system can assist the driver by informing
(c) American signs. Signs from Germany and China are the contents of traffic signs ahead, including restrictions,
classified into prohibitory signs, danger signs, mandatory warnings, and limits. There have been some commercial
signs and other types of signs. American signs are classified products for assisted driving.
into regulatory signs, warning signs, guide signs other 2) Autonomous vehicles. In the past decade, many compa-
signs according to Wikipedia. More signs from these three nies and research labs focused on designing their autonomous
countries can be found in German GTSDB dataset [6], Chi- vehicles. The TSR system is a very important part for au-
nese TT100K dataset [10], and American LISA dataset [11].
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

TABLE 1: Publicly available datasets

Details of the public datasets
Dataset Purpose Classes Total images Total Signs Image Sizes Country
GTSDB Detection 43 900 1, 213 1, 360 × 800 Germany
GTSRB Recognition 43 50, 000+ 50, 000+ 15 × 15 to 250 × 250 Germany
BTSD Detection 62 25, 634 4, 627 1, 628 × 1, 236 Belgium
BTSC Recognition 62 7, 125 7, 125 26 × 26 to 527 × 674 Belgium
TT100K Detection/Recognition 45 100, 000 30, 000 2, 048 × 2, 048 China
LISA Detection/Recognition 49 7, 855 6, 610 640 × 480 to 1, 924 × 522 United States
STS Detection/Recognition 7 20, 000 3, 488 1, 280 × 960 Sweden
RUG Detection/Recognition 3 48 60 360 × 270 Netherland
Stereopolis Detection/Recognition 10 847 251 960 × 1, 080 France
FTSD Detection/Recognition N/A 4, 239 N/A 640 × 480 Sweden
MASTIF Detection/Recognition N/A 4, 875 13,036 720 × 576 Croatia
ETSD Recognition 164 82, 476 82,476 6 × 6 to 780 × 780 Europe

tonomous vehicles, making the autonomous vehicle know the The GTSB has two datasets including German Traffic Sign
current traffic regulations in public roads. Detection Benchmark (GTSDB) [6] and German Traffic Sign
3) Maintenance of traffic signs. TSR systems can be used Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) [24]. The GTSDB and
for maintenance of traffic signs or roads. In [17] and [18], GTSRB datasets were created for the competition of detec-
TSR systems were utilized to check the condition of traffic tion and recognition of German traffic signs. Both GTSDB
signs along the major roads. Wen et al. [19] utilized mobile and GTSRB are large comprehensive datasets, which have
laser scanning data for spatial-related traffic sign inspection. been widely used in training and testing of different TSR
The luminance and reflectivity of traffic signs were evaluated methods. The GTSDB includes 600 images for training and
with a camera to fulfill the purpose of automatic recognizing 300 images for testing. The GTSRB includes more than
deteriorated reflective sheeting material of which the traffic 50, 000 traffic signs with different illuminations, sizes and
signs were made [20]. directions, for training and testing.
4) Engineering measurements. In [21], detection and 2) BelgiumTS (BTS) dataset [25].
recognition of traffic signs in Google Street View (GSV) The BelgiumTS dataset has two datasets including the
were used to automatically extract traffic sign locations for BelgiumTS detection dataset (BTSD) and the BelgiumTS
engineering measurements. classification dataset (BTSC). The BTSD and BTSC are
5) Vehicle-to-X (V2X) communication. Traffic sign is an large comprehensive datasets for detection and classification
important scatterer for vehicle-to-X (V2X) communication respectively. The BTSD dataset provides only partially an-
scenarios, and can affect the propagation channel apprecia- notated positive images. There are total 25, 634 images in
bly. Yan et al. [22] presented an integration of the full-wave BTSD including 5, 905 annotated training images and 3, 101
simulation, analytical models, measurement, and validation annotated testing images. The BTSC includes 4, 591 training
of the bistatic radar cross section of three types of represen- images and 2, 534 testing images.
tative traffic signs for V2X communication. 3) Tsinghua-Tencent 100K (TT100K) [10].
Appeared in 2016, the TT100K dataset includes 100,000
6) Reducing fuel consumption. Based on detecting some
images with 30,000 traffic signs. Each traffic sign in this
certain types of signs ahead, Muñoz-Organero et al. [23]
benchmark is annotated with a class label, its bounding
implemented and validated an expert system that can reduce
box and pixel mask. The images in this dataset are with
fuel consumption by detecting optimal deceleration traffic
2048 × 2048 resolution and cover relative large variations
signs, minimizing the use of braking.
in illuminance changes and weather conditions.
4) LISA dataset [11].
C. BENCHMARKS FOR TSR The LISA dataset is a large dataset for American signs,
We describe the public benchmarks for TSR. Because signs which includes video tracks of all the annotated signs. There
from different countries are usually different, it is difficult to are 7, 855 images with 6, 610 signs. This dataset can be used
compare the TSR methods designed for different countries. to verify detection or tracking methods.
The public datasets provide benchmarks for comparison. 5) Swedish Traffic Signs (STS) dataset [26].
Table 1 provides a summary of these publicly available The STS dataset includes more than 20,000 images with
datasets. The detailed descriptions of these public datasets 3,488 annotated signs. The STS includes all frames from
are as follows. the videos, which means that both detection and tracking
1) German Traffic Sign Benchmark (GTSB). methods can be test on this dataset.
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

6) RUG dataset [27]. TABLE 2: Color based detection methods

This small dataset contains 48 images with 360 × 270 pix- Category Paper Year Method Detected colors
els, each representing a traffic scene. The images are grouped [2] 2010 Normalized RGB thresholding Red, blue, yellow

Color Based Detection Methods

RGB based thresholding [30] 2010 Color Enhancement Red, blue, yellow
in 3 classes including pedestrian crossing, intersection and [31] 2015 Color Enhancement Red, blue, yellow
compulsory for bikes. Hue and saturation [2] 2010 Hue and saturation thresholding Red, blue, yellow
thresholding [33] 2004 LUTs based HS thresholding Red, blue, yellow
7) Stereopolis database [28]. Thresholding on other [2] 2010 Ohta thresholding Red, blue, yellow
The Stereopolis dataset is made of 847 images with 960 × spaces [34] 2015 Lab thresholding Red, blue, yellow, green

1080 resolution of complex urban scenes in France. Chromatic/Achromatic [2] 2010 RGB, HIS, Ohta decomposition white
Decomposition [34] 2015 RGB based achromatic segment white
8) Fleyeh Traffic Signs Dataset (FTSD) [29]. [2] 2010 SVM classification Red, blue, yellow
Pixel classification
This dataset consists of 4, 239 image of traffic scenes with [36] 2012 Probabilistic neural networks Red, blue, yellow

640 × 480 resolution. It is collected in different parts of

9) Mapping and Assessing the State of Traffic InFrastruc- or shape based methods are designed with machine learn-
ture (MASTIF) dataset [92]. ing methods; in this review, we still classify these methods
This dataset consists of three small datasets collected into the category of color based methods or the category
in 2009, 2010 and 2011, respectively. The dataset-2009 of shape based methods. The category of machine learning
is a classification dataset containing 6, 423 signs from 97 based methods in this classification means the TSD methods
classes. The dataset-2010 has 3, 862 images with resolution directly designed for detecting signs not for detecting colors
of 720 × 576 pixels; there are 5, 184 signs from 88 classes. or shapes. The category of LIDAR based methods means the
The dataset-2011 contains 1, 013 images with resolution of TSD methods designed to deal with point cloud data captured
720 × 576 pixels; there are 1, 429 signs from 53 classes. by LIDAR. The methods in these five categories are reviewed
10) European Traffic Sign Dataset (ETSD) [93]. and analysed in the following sections.
The ETSD dataset is composed with different traffic signs
datasets that were captured from different European coun- IV. COLOR BASED DETECTION METHODS
tries, including GTSRB [24], BTS [25], STS [26], RUG The distinct color characteristics of traffic signs can attract
[27], Stereopolis [28], FTSD [29], and MASTIF [92]. The drivers’ attention and can also provide important cues to
ETSD dataset has 82, 476 signs with 164 classes. The signs design color based detection methods. In the past decades,
in ETSD have sizes varying between 6 and 780 pixels. The a large amount of detection methods are designed to detect
ETSD dataset contains many images with different lighting distinct traffic sign colors such as blue, red and yellow. These
conditions, occlusions, motion blur, human made artifacts methods can be directly used for traffic sign detection, and
and perspectives. can also be used for preliminary reduction of the search
space, followed by other detection methods. This section
III. OVERVIEW OF TRAFFIC SIGN DETECTION reviews and gives comparisons of the color based detection
In [1] and [9], the traffic sign detection (TSD) methods are methods.
classified into two categories including shape based methods
and color based methods. Now, it have been commonly
accepted that the machine learning methods have some su-
periorities over the traditional color or shape based methods In this subsection, different color based detection methods
in some aspects. The machine learning methods often need a are classified into five categories. Color based detection
large amount of training samples with informative both color methods are summarized in Table 2. The details are reviewed
and shape information. Besides machine learning methods, as follows.
there are also some methods designed based on both color 1) RGB based thresholding:
and shape characteristics. It is not appropriate to classify Using the channels in some color space to do thresholding
these TSD methods into color or shape based methods. is the most intuitive way to segment some special colors.
Furthermore, LIDAR based methods have developed rapidly Selecting a suitable color space is a key point to these
in recent years, and previous review methods did not review methods. The RGB space is the most basic color space for
LIDAR based TSD methods. images and videos captured by cameras. Though RGB can be
In this review, we divide the traffic sign detection meth- used with no transformation, the R, G and B channels have
ods into five categories: color based methods, shape based high correlation and are sensitive to illumination changes. It
methods, color and shape based methods, machine learn- is difficult to robustly segment a special color with some fixed
ing based methods, and LIDAR based methods. The color thresholds in RGB space.
based methods are the methods mainly designed with color One popular solution is the use of a normalized version
information. The shape detection based methods are the of RGB (NRGB) with respect to R + G + B. In the NRGB
methods mainly designed with shape information. The color space, different illuminations have little effect on the pixel
and shape based detection methods are the methods designed values; and two channels are enough to perform classification
with both color and shape information. Though some color because the rest channel can be obtained with these two chan-
VOLUME 4, 2016 5

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

nels. The masks for each color can be obtained as Red(i, j), saturation thresholding are as [2],
Blue(x, y) and Y ellow(i, j) [2]: 
 True, if H(i, j) ≤ T hR1
Red(i, j) = or H(i, j) ≥ T hR2
False, otherwise
 
 True, if r(i, j) ≥ T hR 
Red(i, j) = and g(i, j) ≤ T hG  True, if H(i, j) ≥ T hB1

False, otherwise Blue(i, j) = and H(i, j) ≤ T hB2
False, otherwise
 
 True, if b(i, j) ≥ T hB 
Blue(i, j) = 
 True, if H(i, j) ≥ T hY1
False, otherwise and H(i, j) ≤ T hY2
 
Y ellow(i, j) =

 True, if (r(i, j) + g(i, j)) ≥ T hY 
 and H(i, j) ≤ T hY3
False, otherwise.

Y ellow(i, j) =
False, otherwise.

where, H and S are the hue and saturation channels; T hRi ,
(1) T hBi and T hYi are the fixed thresholds, which can be found
in [2].
In order to avoid rigid thresholding [33], a soft threshold
where, r, g and b are the normalized red, green and blue chan-
method based on two lookup tables (LUTs) was presented
nels; T hR, T hG, T hB and T hY are the fixed thresholds,
to extract red and blue colors in the Hue and Saturation
which can be found in [2].
channels. In the method described in [33], color extraction
Ruta et al. [30] enhanced colors with maximum and min- was achieved by using three LUTs and then thresholds are
imum operations using RGB values. For each RGB pixel applied to get extracted results.
i = [iR , iG , iB ] and s = iR +iG +iB , a set of transformations 3) Thresholding on other spaces:
[30] is, There are some methods that are designed based on some
other color spaces, such as Ohta, L*a*b* and XYZ. With
the purpose finding uncorrelated color components, the Ohta
fR (i) = max(0, min(iR − iG , iR − iB )/s),
space was used to extract red, blue and yellow colors [2]. In
fB (i) = max(0, min(iB − iR , iB − iG )/s), (2) [34], a K-means clustering method was used for detecting
fY (i) = max(0, min(iR − iB , iG − iB )/s). blue, red, yellow, and green colors on the L*a*b* space.
4) Chromatic/Achromatic Decomposition:
Most color based detection methods are designed for sig-
After the transformation in formula (2), the red, blue nificant colors including red, blue and yellow. The chro-
and yellow colors can be enhanced in their corresponding matic/achromatic decomposition methodology tries to find
enhanced images. Thresholds can be used in an enhanced the pixels with no color information. A detailed descrip-
image to extract a special color. Yet, the blue mandatory signs tion of these methods with five categories [2] is: chro-
with very dark or bright illumination have similar values in matic/achromatic index method, RGB differences method,
the blue and green channels, which may result in failure in normalized RGB differences method, saturation and intensity
extracting blue color with formula (2). Salti et al. [31] did based method and Ohta components based method. In each
not consider the strength of the blue with respect to the green category, different thresholds are adopted on different color
and changed the enhanced blue channels accordingly to, spaces to extract white traffic sign color. Lillo-Castellano et
al. [34] combined L*a*b* space, HSI space and RGB space
to detect white color.
fB0 (i) = max(0, iB − iR )/s). (3) 5) Pixel classification:
The thresholding methods based on some color spaces
often have some thresholds to be adjusted. The adjustment of
2) Hue and saturation thresholding: these thresholds depends on the trained images and usually
does not have enough generalization ability. Some authors
The hue and saturation channels in HSV color space or tried to transfer the color extraction problem into pixel classi-
HSI color space are more immune to illumination changes fication problem, and used classification methods to classify
than RGB [32]. The hue and saturation channels can be each pixel in the input image.
calculated using RGB, which increases the processing time. The SVM classification method was used to classify color
The hue and saturation channels based methods are usually pixels from background pixels in [35] and [2]. In [36],
simple and partly immune to illumination changes. One the input pixel values were used to train a neural network
drawback is that the instability of hue may result in unsat- for color pixel classification. These methods first get color
isfactory results in different scenes [2]. vectors from some color spaces and then use the color vectors
The output for extracting different colors using hue and to train a SVM based or a NN based classifier. With a
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

process to classify every pixel in the input image, the pixel

classification algorithms are often slower than other color
extraction methods.


In this subsection, we compare the color based detection
methods. Because most of the reviewed color extraction
methods gave their results on some datasets that are not (a) (b)
publicly available, we reimplemented some methods with de-
tailed reported steps and parameters, and tested them on the
public GTSDB dataset to give a comprehensive comparison.
In this comparison, the reimplemented color extraction
methods includes NRGB thresholding method [2], HSI
thresholding method [2], Ohta thresholding method [2], and
HSV thresholding method [37]. The parameters we used
were the same as those used in the original references.
(c) (d)
The detailed parameters can be found in the corresponding
references. The test dataset is the GTSDB dataset. The results FIGURE 3: Radial symmetry voting method [39]. (a) is the
are reflected in several parameters including detection rate input image with a road sign. (b), (c) and (d) are sample radial
(DR) and extraction rate (ER). DR is the ratio of the number symmetry images for the three largest radii. Detection peaks
of detected objects to the number of all objects. ER is the ratio appear in (c).
of the pixel number of extracted regions to the pixel number
of the input image. A detection result is considered true if the TABLE 4: Shape based detection methods
IoU (Intersection over Union) is more than 50%. Comparison
Category Paper Year Method Detected shapes
results are shown in Table 3.
Shape Based Detection Methods

[38] 2015 Hough Circle and triangle

Shape detection [39] 2008 Radial symmetry transform Circle
TABLE 3: Comparison of color based detection methods [86] 2004 Radial symmetry transform Polygons
Shape analysis and [41] 2003 Complex shape models Circle, polygons

Blue Red matching [42] 2008 Shape decomposition Circle, square, triangle
Fourier [26] 2011 Fourier descriptors Circle, square, triangle
Methods DR (%) ER (%) DR (%) ER (%) transformation [43] 2008 Fast Fourier Transformation Circle, square, triangle
HSI 97.14% 35.35% 97.23% 34.57% [45] 2014 SIFT Circle, square, triangle, octagon
Key points
[15] 2014 Harris corner Circle, triangle
HSV N/A N/A 88.92% 30.20% detection
[46] 2014 Interest points clustering Different shapes
Ohta 84.76% 23.60% 95.56% 3.50%
NRGB 92.38% 9.02% 90.03% 1.15%
The HSI based method achieves the best DRs of 97.14% Common standard shapes of traffic signs are triangle, circle,
and 97.23% on detecting blue and red colors respectively. rectangle, and octagon. Shape characteristics used for shape
Yet, the HSI based method achieves more than 30% ERs detection include standard shapes, boundaries, texture, key
which are usually too large for a ROI extraction process. points, etc.
The Ohta based method achieves good results on detecting
red color with a low 3.50% ER and a high 95.56% DR, A. REVIEW OF SHAPE BASED DETECTION METHODS
yet fails to extract blue color with a high 23.60% ER and a In this subsection, we classify the shape based detection
relative low DR of 84.76%. The NRGB thresholding method methods into four categories and review them as follows.
can keep a relative good balance of DR and ER, achieving Shape based detection methods are summarized in Table 4.
92.38% DR and 9.02% ER on blue color detection, and 1) Shape detection:
90.03% DR and 1.15% ER on red color detection. The Shape detection methods are usually designed for traffic
experiment results in Table 3 show that the methods using sign detection with standard shapes. The shape detection
fixed thresholds on some color spaces can not achieve good techniques such as Hough detection [38] are utilized to detect
performance in both DR and ER. One reason of this poor special shapes. The Hough based methods are usually slow to
performance is that color thresholding is sensitive to various compute over large images.
factors, such as illumination changes, different colors, time of Derived from Hough method, Barnes et al. [39] designed
day and reflection of signs’ surface. The other reason is that a more efficient method for speed sign detection, called fast
the thresholds used by the methods in Table 3 are published radial symmetry. The fast radial symmetry utilizes radial
for color extraction in some special datasets from different symmetry voting mechanism to detect symmetry shapes,
countries and may result in relative bad results when dealing which is robust to un-occluded shapes and run as a detector
with other datasets. faster than Hough. The fast radial symmetry was also utilized
VOLUME 4, 2016 7

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to detect traffic signs with polygonal shapes [40]. The radial not achieve high performance on their own datasets. There
symmetry voting results in [39] are shown in Fig. 3. are two main reasons. The shape based detection methods
2) Shape analysis and matching: [26] [45] often rely on distinguished edges and may fail
The analysis and matching of different shapes can be when detecting signs with small size or vague edges. Without
used to detect signs with significant edges. Fang et al. [41] using edge information, the key point detection methods [46]
designed different complex shape models for circular signs, [15] need distinguished points or corners, which may bring
triangular signs and octagonal signs. The manually designed instability when detecting vague signs.
shape models reply on distinct edges and are often sensitive Besides these four listed methods in Table 5, the other
to noises and shape changes. shape based methods often have similar advantages and
A decomposition method was designed in [42] to represent shortcomings. Compared with the color based detection
complex shapes using multiple simpler components. The de- methods, the shape based detection methods are often robust
composition of complex shapes are determined by maximal to color changes. The main shortcoming is that the shape
supported convex arcs, which can partition several connected based detection methods are often sensitive to small-size and
traffic signs and remove the internal contents. vague signs. For example, the Hough transform method [38]
3) Fourier transformation: and the shape matching method [42] need edge detection
Fourier transformation provides a useful way to represent first, the performance of which highly relies on distinguished
traffic sign shapes. Larsson et al. [26] utilized Fourier de- edges. Hence, the shape based detection methods are often
scriptors to express traffic signs and then combined locally used to deal with traffic signs with distinguished edges.
segmented contours to detect different traffic signs.
Larsson et al. [45] designed traffic sign detection method TABLE 5: Comparison of some shape based detection meth-
based on Fourier Transformation. Arroyo et al. [43] utilized ods
Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) analysis to express differ-
Methods Performance Dataset
ent shapes of traffic signs and then adopted a triangle normal-
F&S [26] Recall: 94.23%, Precision: 78.54% 641 signs
ization and reorientation algorithm to locate sign positions.
FL [45] Recall: 95.37%, Precision: 95.40% 216 signs
4) Key points detection:
Gabor [46] Recall: 96.33%, Precision: 89.75% 300 signs
Singularities or angular edges of traffic signs can be de-
Harris [15] DR: 89.92%, FPPF: 0.16 2,850 signs
tected by key points detection methods to represent signs.
Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) local descriptor [44]
is a popular scale-invariant and rotation-invariant key point In some methods, the shape detection methods can be
description. Boumediene et al. [15] utilized Harris corner combined with color based methods to fulfill the traffic sign
detector to detect corners of traffic signs. For every corner, a detection work. For instance, the methods described in [41]
candidate ROI can be selected according to the shapes in the and [42] utilized color based methods to extract candidates
corresponding corner neighborhood. Khan et al. [46] utilized and then designed shape based methods to detect signs from
Gabor filter to extract stable local features of the detected the extracted candidates. The method in [46] utilized Harris
interest points, and then designed a clustering method to to extract features and then designed data association method
detect traffic signs. to associate the features in consecutive frames.

In this subsection, we do analysis of the shape based detec- In this section, we review the detection methods using both
tion methods. Four shape based methods that have reported color and shape characteristics. A large number of TSD
detailed performance are listed in Table 5. These four meth- structures are combined with some phases; the method in
ods include the method based on Fourier descriptors and each phase is designed based on color or shape. The color
spatial models (F&S) [26], the method based on correlating and shape based methods in this review mean the methods
Fourier descriptors of local patches (FL) [45], Gabor based designed based on both color and shape characteristics in-
method [46] and Harris based method [15]. The performance stead of logical combination of different phases.
is measured by recall and precision for the methods in [26],
[45] and [46], and measured by detection rate (DR) and false A. REVIEW OF COLOR AND SHAPE BASED
positives per frame (FPPF) for the method in [15]. DETECTION METHODS
The methods in [26], [45] and [46] have recall values of We classify the color and shape based detection methods into
94.23%, 95.37% and 96.33% respectively, and have preci- three categories and review them as follows. Color and shape
sion values of 78.54%, 95.40% and 89.75% respectively; based detection methods are summarized in Table 6.
these results mean that the methods in [26], [45] and [46] 1) Extreme regions based detection:
did not have good results on their own small-size datasets. The Maximally stable extremal regions (MSERs) method
The Harris method [15] has a DR value of 89.92% and an detects high-contrast regions of approximately uniform gray
FPPF value of 0.16 on a video dataset with 2, 850 signs. The tone and arbitrary shape, and is therefore likely to extract
results in Table 5 show that these shape based methods did colored regions within traffic signs. Greenhalgh et al. [47]
8 VOLUME 4, 2016

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(a) Original image (b) Enhanced red and blue (c) MSERs detection

FIGURE 4: Re-implemented MSERs_NRB detection method in [48]. (a) is the original input image. (b) red and blue enhanced
image of MSERs_NRB. (c) detection result of MSERs_NRB. The results were gotten with a threshold of 1.5.

(b) Enhanced red (c) MSERs detection of red

(a) Original image

(d) Enhanced blue (e) MSERs detection of blue

FIGURE 5: Re-implemented color enhancement and MSERs based detection in [49]. (a) is the original input image, (b) is the
red enhanced image with the method in [49], (c) is the MSERs detection result of red color, (d) is the image of enhanced blue
with the method in [49], (e) is the MSERs detection result of blue. The results were gotten with a threshold of 5.0.

(b) Enhanced red (c) MSERs detection of red

(a) Original image

(d) Enhanced blue (e) MSERs detection of blue

FIGURE 6: Color enhancement and MSERs based detection in [31]. (a) is the original input image, (b) is the red enhanced
image with the method in [31], (c) is the MSERs detection result of red color, (d) is the image of enhanced blue with the method
in [31], (e) is the MSERs detection result of blue.

utilized MSERs to locate a large number of candidate regions and then utilizes the MSERs to extract red and blue regions.
and then utilized hue, saturation, and value color thresholding This method is named MSERs_NRB in this review. The
to detect the text-based traffic sign regions. greater of the pixel values of the normalized red and blue
Instead of detecting MSERs from a grayscale image, channels are used to form a red/blue enhanced image ΩRB ,
Greenhalgh et al. [48] designed a MSERs extraction method
based on color enhancement images. This method firstly R B
transforms the RGB space into normalized red/blue image, ΩRB = max( , ). (5)
VOLUME 4, 2016 9

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TABLE 6: Color and shape based detection methods

Category Paper Year Method Detection
Color and Shape Based Detection

MSERs, and Hue and saturation

[47] 2015 Text-based sign plates
Extreme regions Enhanced red/blue image and
[48] 2012 Red and blue signs
based detection MSERs
Enhanced colors with Gaussian Signs with different
[49] 2016
distribution, and MSERs colors (a) (b)
High contrasted Red, blue and yellow
[50] 2016 High Contrast Region Extraction
margin detection signs
[52] 2017 Center-surround saliency test Different traffic signs
Saliency detection
[87] 2018 Channel-wise feature responses Different traffic signs

Then, MSERs method is utilized to extract extreme regions

(c) (d)
on the image ΩRB . This method has robust results on regular
red and blue colors, and is not designed for other colors. FIGURE 7: The process of the ROI extraction of HCRE
The extracted results of our re-implemented MSERs_NRB [50]. (a) is the input RGB image. (b) is the image after color
are shown in Fig. 4. enhancement. (c) is the saliency image. (d) is the result image
Yang et al. [49] designed a color probability model to that is to show the extraction results; the gray region in (d) is
enhance traffic sign colors using Ohta space and Gaussian background.
distribution; then, the MSERs method is utilized to extract
ROIs. The extraction results of red color and blue color are
shown in Fig. 5. Unlike MSERs_NRB [48], this method can relationship. In this method, a graph was firstly designed to
enhance different colors and get enhanced image for each represent images; then, a ranking algorithm was designed to
color. exploit the intrinsic manifold structure of the graph nodes,
Salti et al. [31] designed color enhancement methods to giving each node a ranking score according to its saliency; fi-
enhance red, blue and yellow colors, then utilized MSERs nally, a multithreshold segmentation approach was proposed
and Wave-based Detector (WaDe) to extract traffic sign to segment traffic sign candidate regions.
regions. We re-implemented the color enhancement and
MSERs based extraction method in [31]. The extracted re- B. ANALYSIS OF THE COLOR AND SHAPE BASED
sults are shown in Fig. 6 DETECTION METHODS
These MSERs based methods in [48], [49] and [31] rely Because most of the color and shape based detection meth-
on the color enhancement results and suitable parameters of ods are tested on different datasets, it is useful to compare
MSERs. Hence, the color enhancement methods and suitable these methods on the same public datasets. In this review,
parameters of MSERs are very important for these methods. two MSERs based detection methods with details in their
2) High contrasted margin regions based detection: published papers were reimplemented, and were compared in
Unlike MSERs that can detect high-contrast regions of detailed curves on GTSDB in Fig. 8. The thresholds ranging
approximately uniform gray tone and arbitrary shape, High from 0 and 50 were used to get these curves.
Contrast Region Extraction (HCRE) was designed to detect MSERs presents a good technique to get color ROIs. The
high contrasted margin regions [50]. This method first en- methods in [48], [49] and [31] first enhance color using some
hances the red, blue and yellow colors using RGB space methods and then utilize MSERs to detect color candidates
transformation to enhance the contrast between these colors on the enhanced images; lastly, classification methods are
and their surrounding regions; and then a high contrast region utilized to classify these candidates resulting traffic sign
detection method is designed to detect the margin regions detection results. Combined with MSERs, the WaDe was
with high contrast. The extraction process of HCRE is shown used for color ROIs extraction in [31]. We reimplemented
in Fig. 7. the MSERs_NRB in [48] and the color enhancement and
3) Saliency detection: MSERs (MSER_NRGB_Enhancement) method in [31]. In
In [51], the center-surround saliency method was designed the reimplemented MSER_NRGB_Enhancement, we did not
to extract saliency regions of traffic signs based on the combine WaDe because the method in [31] lacking details
assumption that saliency can be reflected by local contrast. about the combination of WaDe and MSERs. The 300 test
This method calculates two cell-level saliency maps based images in GTSDB are used for testing. In Fig. 8, the curves
on two types of features including compressed Histograms of show the relation of the average number of traffic sign
Oriented Gradients (HOG) and non-normalized HOG (with- proposals (AN) and recall. The traffic sign proposals are the
out block-based normalization). In this method, the HOG extracted regions of MSERs.
features can be extracted from gray images or different color The curves show MSERs_NRB achieves the highest recall
channels. of 91% with an AN value of 389. With a similar AN value of
Yian et al. [52] proposed an algorithm that combines 407, MSER_NRGB_Enhancement has a recall of 92%. As
the information of color, saliency, spatial, and contextual MSER_NRGB_Enhancement achieves higher recall values,
10 VOLUME 4, 2016

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TABLE 8: Machine learning based detection methods

Training method and
Category Paper Year Features
0.9 detection structure
[6] 2012 Haar-like Cascade

0.8 [53] 2009 Dissociated dipoles Parallel cascade

[88] 2014 MN-LBP Split-flow cascade tree
0.7 AdaBoost based
[57] 2017 ACF Cascade of ACF

methods [58] 2016 ACF, LBP, Spatially Pooled LBP Cascade

0.6 [25] 2013 ICF (or ChnFtrs) Cascade of ICF
[11] 2015 ICF (or ChnFtrs) Cascade of ICF
0.5 [11] 2015 ACF Cascade of ACF
[59] 2016 Decision tree on image pyramid Boosted decision trees
0.4 [48] 2012 HOG Linear SVM

Machine Learning Based Methods

[89] 2013 Color HOG IK-SVM, LDA
0.3 [67] 2013 HOG SVM with RBF kernel
SVM based [62] 2015 PHOG SVM
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
methods [63] 2016 HSI-HOG, LSS features SVM with RBF kernel
The average number of traffic sign proposals
[52] 2017 Integral, compressed, color HOG Linear SVM

FIGURE 8: Comparison of different MSERs based methods. [64] 2014 Color global LOEMP Linear SVM
[65] 2013 Gabor SVM with polynomial kernel
[66] 2016 HOG, LBP and Gabor SVM
[69] 2013 SVM+CNN
[70] 2015 RGB thresholding+RCNN
the AN becomes larger, which means that there are more [76] 2018 Convolutional neural network (CNN)
backgrounds that are wrongly classified as ROI regions. CNN based
[71] 2016 fully convolutional network (FCN) and deep CNN
[72] 2018 AN (Attention Network) and Faster-RCNN
[10] 2016 Convolutional neural network (CNN)
TABLE 7: Comparison of different color based methods and [74] 2018 Cascaded segmentation detection networks

color and shape based methods from [50] [73] 2016 Cascaded convolutional neural networks
[75] 2017 YOLOv2

Recall (%) ER (%)

Red Blue Yellow
RGBE [30] 70.56% 78.21% 36.84% 16.35% A. REVIEW OF MACHINE LEARNING BASED
RGBNT [2] 85.43% 87.90% 52.63% 6.40%
HST [2] 88.34% 92.34% 54.74% 50.91% DETECTION METHODS
MSERs_NRB [48] 92.34% 93.53% 62.30% 9.68% The machine learning based TSD methods are reviewed ac-
HCRE [50] 97.65% 98.80% 95.21% 16.90% cording to their adopted machine learning methods including
AdaBoost, SVM and NN. Machine learning based detection
In Table 7, the color and shape based methods of methods are summarized in Table 8.
MSERs_NRB [48] and HCRE [50] are compared with three 1) AdaBoost based methods:
color based methods including RGB enhancement (RGBE) Viola and Jones’ AdaBoost and cascade based detection
[30], RGB normalized thresholding (RGBNT) [2] and hue structure (VJ) [3] has been proved very efficient in some
and saturation thresholding [2]. The comparison results on object detection problems, such as face detection, car detec-
red, blue and yellow colors are shown in Table 7. Recall is the tion, license plate detection, etc. This structure has also been
ratio of the number of detected objects to the number of all successfully applied in different TSD applications.
objects. Extraction rate (ER) is the ratio of the pixel number Combined with some types of rectangular features, an
of extracted regions to the pixel number of the input image. AdaBoost based learning method and a cascade structure, the
Compared with the color based methods, the MSERs based VJ structure can select features with the AdaBoost method
method [48] and the HCRE method [50] can achieve higher for object expression and then detect objects in a cascade
performance in ROI extraction. The color and shape based process.
methods often rely on good color enhancement results and The selection of features is crucial for AdaBoost based
suitable parameters. Furthermore, the extracted candidates of TSD detectors. The Haar-like feature [3] is the most popu-
these methods may be incomplete, which brings difficulty to lar feature used in different detection problems. The Haar-
the following classification methods; without directly using like feature can express the gray level difference of traffic
the candidates as inputs, scanning the regions with classifica- signs. Considering that Haar-like features have connected
tion methods is a good way to overcome this problem. dipoles, Baró et al. [53] proposed the dissociated dipoles
feature, which is a more general rectangular feature. Using
unconnected two dipoles, the dissociated dipoles feature can
produce more features to express traffic signs. Multi-Block
In recent years, with the development of machine learning Local Binary Pattern (MB-LBP) feature [54] is another pop-
methods, the machine learning based detection methods have ular used rectangular features. Liu et al. [88] designed multi-
gradually become the mainstream algorithms and achieved block normalization LBP (MN-LBP) features to express dif-
the-state-of-the-art results in some aspects. ferent types of features. The designed MN-LBP feature can
be trained to find the common features of different types of
VOLUME 4, 2016 11

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(a) Haar-like features

(b) Dissociated dipoles (c) MN-LBP

(d) ICF

(d) ICF

(e) ACF

FIGURE 9: Features for AdaBoost. (a) Haar-like features [3], (b) Dissociated dipoles [53], (c) MN-LBP [88], (d) ICF [55], (e)
ACF [56]. The detailed description of these features can be found in their corresponding papers.

traffic signs. tion [56] is based on a cascade of boosted week tree classi-
fiers which are trained using 10 channel features. The ACF
Without of using one type of feature, the Integral Channel
based detection methods have been used in some detection
Features (ICF, sometimes also abbreviated as ChnFtrs) can
problems, and have also been successfully applied in TSD
extract features such as local sums, histograms and Haar-
applications [11] [57].
like features from multiple registered image channels. ICF
was first presented for pedestrian detection [55] and was
Hu et al. [58] utilized some features to fulfill the detection
repurposed to achieve good TSD results in different traffic
work; the features include ACF, LBP and Spatially Pooled
sign detection problems [11] [25].
LBP, etc. These different types features can generate a large
Unlike traditional AdaBoost based structures that use gray amount of training features; yet, the training and detection
level features, the Aggregate Channel Features (ACF) detec- processes are often more complex than using one type of
12 VOLUME 4, 2016

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feature. In [63], the HOG features were extended to the HIS color
The structures of the Haar-like features, dissociated space and then combined with the local self-similarity (LSS)
dipoles, MN-LBP, ICF and ACF are shown in Fig. 9. features to get the descriptor for TSD. A derivative feature
The common AdaBoost based training methods include of HOG, called Color Global and Local Oriented Edge
Real AdaBoost, Gentle AdaBoost, Discrete AdaBoost and Magnitude Pattern (Color Global LOEMP). The LOEMP
other derived Boosting methods. These AdaBoost training utilizes HOG to express objects and then uses LBP histogram
methods can select powerful features as weak classifiers, codes of each orientation to get a texture vector for SVM
which can form a strong classifier for object detection. classification [64].
The design of cascade structures also plays an important Wang et al. [52] used several different HOG variants, in-
role in different TSD applications. The cascade structure cluding HOG, color HOG, integral HOG and its compressed
[3] is the most popular structure for AdaBoost based de- version. Using different HOG features can generate more
tectors. This structure can reject background in a coarse- vectors for SVM classification. If different HOG features can
to-fine process saving processing time. Yet, the classical express objects well, the performance may be improved.
structure often can only handle traffic signs with similar ap- Without using HOG-like features, Park et al. [65] utilized
pearances and structures. Baró et al. [53] designed a parallel edge-adaptive Gabor filter and SVM classification for traffic
cascade with some detectors working in parallel to detect sign detection. Berkaya et al. [66] proposed an ensemble of
different types of traffic signs. The detectors in this parallel different features including LBP, HOG, and Gabor, and then
cascade need to process an image several times, which is utilized SVM for classification.
more time-consuming and has more false alarms than using Different HOG features including HOG descriptor [4],
one cascaded detector. Liu et al. [88] proposed a split-flow PHOG [61], HIS-HOG [63] and Color Global LOEMP [64]
cascade tree (SFC-tree) structure to detect different types of are shown in Fig. 10.
traffic signs. Combined with MN-LBP features, the SFC-tree An exhaustive scanning process is used in the SVM-based
structure can detect traffic signs in a coarse-to-fine process. detection process, which is a time-consuming process for
Compared with the parallel cascade, the SFC-tree structure scanning a high-resolution image. Hence, most SVM based
just needs to scan the image once saving processing time. detection methods have a ROI extraction process, which can
Though AdaBoost based detection is very fast, scanning largely reduce the scanning regions saving detection time.
a high-resolution image is still time-consuming. Some meth- For example, in [67] and [68], color and shape based ROI
ods utilized color extraction or other ROI extraction methods extraction methods were utilized to provide candidates for
to give ROIs for the AdaBoost detection process [88]. In SVM classification. In [31], color enhancement and MSERs
some applications, AdaBoost based detectors can also be uti- based method was utilized to extract ROIs and applied
lized for coarse detection followed by some other detection SVM+HOG detector to classify the ROIs as objects or back-
methods, such as SVM or CNN [59] [25]. grounds. Many ROI extraction methods for SVM detectors
2) SVM based methods: have been described in the color or shape based detection
The SVM and Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) parts in this review. Furthermore, methods based on SVM
[4] based detection structure was first proposed to detect and HOG also play an important role in the classification of
pedestrians and has been commonly used in different de- shapes, normal signs and occluded signs [95].
tection problems in the past decade. This structure utilizes 3) CNN based methods:
HOG-like features to express the objects and treats the Most of the AdaBoost or SVM based detection meth-
object detection problem as an SVM classification prob- ods rely on handcrafted features to identify signs. Distin-
lem, in which each candidate is classified into objects or guished from these methods, the Convolutional Neural net-
backgrounds. The SVM based detection structure has been work (CNN) based detection methods learn features through
successfully applied in TSD problems. convolutional network. In recent years, with the develop-
The introduction of HOG-like features is the key of the ment of deep learning, many different deep neural network
success of SVM based detection methods. The HOG feature structures have appeared and made breakthrough in different
[4] is the most popular feature used in different detection detection areas.
problems. The use of CNN for the TSD problem started in [69] and
Using classical HOG features, the HOG+SVM based de- [70]. These works use a CNN classifier to classify objects
tection methods [31] [60] can achieve high detection results. from backgrounds and need ROIs extraction methods to get
Different features have been derived from HOG features. candidates. Zang et al. [73] utilized an AdaBoost classifier
The pyramid histogram of oriented gradients (PHOG) to extract ROIs for the following CNN based detector. Zhu
feature proposed in [61] has been used in some object detec- et al. [74] proposed a text-based detection method with two
tion problems including TSD. As a pyramid scaled version NN components including a ROI extraction network and a
of HOG, PHOG can represent the global and local shape fast detection network. The accuracy and efficiency of these
information, making it more effective for object detection methods are affected by the accuracy of the designed ROIs
[62]. extraction methods.
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(a) HOG descriptor (b) PHOG

(c) HIS-HOG (d) Color Global LOEMP

FIGURE 10: Different HOG features used for TSD. (a) HOG descriptor [4], (b) PHOG [61], (c) HIS-HOG [63], (d) Color
Global LOEMP [64]. The detailed description of these features can be found in their corresponding papers.

Instead of using some ROI methods, some CNN based follow to obtain more precise bounding boxes. Lee et al. [76]
methods have their own ROI extraction net. Zhu et al. [71] built their boundary estimation CNN based on the Single
proposed a method based on a fully convolutional network Shot MultiBox structure which can predict bounding boxes
(FCN) and a deep CNN for classification. The FCN is used across multiple feature levels. Besides TSD, many deep
for detecting traffic sign proposals and the CNN is used to learning methods are designed for traffic sign classification
classify traffic sign proposals. [94].
Yang et al. [72] proposed an end-to-end deep network that
extracts region proposals by a two-stage adjusting strategy. B. ANALYSIS OF THE MACHINE LEARNING BASED
The first stage is an Attention Network (AN), designed to METHODS
find potential ROIs and roughly classifying them into three After review of the AdaBoost, SVM and CNN based meth-
categories. The second stage is a Fine Region Proposal ods, a brief analysis of these methods including advantages
Network (FRPN) that generates the final region proposals. and shortcomings is presented in this subsection. Comparison
Without ROI extraction methods or nets, some networks results on some popular public datasets are also listed.
use one net to fulfill the detection task. Zhu et al. [10] Comparison results on the public GTSDB, BTSD, TT100k
proposed a robust end-to-end CNN that can simultaneously and LISA datasets are listed in Table 9. AUC (Area Under
detect and classify traffic signs. Most CNN based detection Curve), AP (Average Precision), recall and accuracy are used
networks are slow to detect signs. There are some networks for evaluation. In this table, “Small", “Med" and “Large"
that have fast performance such as You only look once mean the test sets with small, medium and large size signs.
(YOLO) net. Zhang et al. [75] utilized YOLOv2 to design GTSDB is the most commonly used dataset. For GTSDB,
their real-time traffic sign detection method. it is convenient to get a large amount of training samples from
Though most CNN detection methods provide accurate GTSDB and GTSRB to train a detector. The problem is that
bounding boxes, processes dealing with bounding boxes may there is little room to improve the performance on GTSDB.
14 VOLUME 4, 2016

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

Some AdaBoost based, SVM based or CNN based methods TABLE 9: Performance of different machine learning based
can achieve nearly 100% AUC values on prohibitive, danger methods on different datasets
or mandatory sign detection. According to the published Prohibitive Danger Mandatory
Dataset Methods Time (s)
results in Table 9, the HOG+LDA+SVM detector [89] and (AUC) (AUC) (AUC)
HOG+LDA [6] 70.33% 35.94% 12.01% N/A
the AdaBoost+SVR [59] method achieved the highest AUCs. Hough-like [6] 26.09% 30.41% 12.86% N/A
Three papers published their results on BTSD and two Viola-Jones [6] 90.81% 46.26% 44.87% N/A

papers published their results on TT100k. There is still much HOG+LDA+SVM [89] 100% 99.91% 100% 3.533
ChnFtrs [25] 100% 100% 96.98% N/A
room to improve the performance on BTSD and TT100k. For HOG+SVM [67] 99.98% 98.72% 95.76% 3.032
BTSD, the AdaBoost+SVR [59] method achieved the highest GTSDB SVM+Shape [68] 100% 98.85% 92.00% 0.4-1
SVM+CNN [69] N/A 99.78% 97.62% 12-32
AUCs, while the Faster-RCNN [72] achieved the best APs in SFC-tree [88] 100% 99.20% 98.57% 0.192 (3.19 GHz CPU)
detecting medium and large signs. For TT100k, the Multi- CNN [E-53] 99.89% 99.93% 99.16% 0.162 (Titan X GPU)

class Network [10] achieved a highest recall of 91% and a ACF+SPC+LBP+AdaBoost [58] 100% 98.00% 97.57% N/A
AdaBoost+SVR [59] 100% 100% 99.87% N/A
highest accuracy of 88%; and the AN+FRPN [72] achieved AdaBoost+CNN+SVM [73] 99.45% 98.33% 96.50% N/A
the best APs on detection of small, medium and large signs. ChnFtrs [25] 94.44% 97.40% 97.96%
1~3 (Intel Core i7 870
The American traffic signs from LISA seem different from 0.05~0.5 ( Intel Core-i7
AdaBoost+SVR [59] 93.45% 99.88% 97.78%
the signs from GTSDB and TT100k. The performance of BTSD
4770 CPU)

ICF and ACF was tested on LISA [11]. ACF has a better AN+FRPN [72]
AP(%): 50.82%(Small), 88.05%(med),
0.128 (Tesla K20 GPU)
performance on diamond, stop and no-turn signs. AP(%): 43.93%(Small), 97.8%(medium),
Faster-RCNN in [72] 0.165 (Tesla K20 GPU)
Compared with the SVM and CNN based methods, the 98.31%(large)
Recall: 56%; Accuracy: 50%
AdaBoost based methods are often much faster and do not Fast R-CNN in [10]
Curves can be found in [10]

need a ROI extraction process; yet, some AdaBoost based Multi-class Network [10]
Recall: 91%; Accuracy: 88%
methods often have weaker generalization when handling TT100k
Curves can be found in [10]
AP(%): 49.81%(Small), 86.9%(med),
samples with large differences in shape and appearance. AN+FRPN [72]
0.128 (Tesla K20 GPU)

There are some existing methods, such as ICF, ACF and SCF- Faster-RCNN in [72] AP(%): 31.22%(Small), 77.17%(med),
0.165 (Tesla K20 GPU)
tree, that can partly overcome this shortcoming. 87.32% 96.03% 91.09%
ICF in [11] N/A
The SVM based methods achieved the-state-of-the-art re- LISA
(Diamond) (Stop) (NoTurn)

sults in some aspects during the competition of GTSDB ACF in [11]

98.98% 96.11% 96.17%
(Diamond) (Stop) (NoTurn)
in 2013. The processing speed of SVM methods is often
faster than CNN based methods and slower than AdaBoost
based methods. The SVM based methods often need a ROI
extraction process to get ROI regions for scanning or candi-
date regions for classifying, which has a great effect on the Mobile laser scanning technology of the LIDAR has expe-
performance of the SVM based TSD detectors. rienced significant growth in recent years, and has been a
With the fast development of deep learning methodologies, key solution in many Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
the deep CNN based methods have achieved significant im- (ADAS) and Auto Driving Systems (ADS). With a mobile
provements in different detection problems. Compared with LIDAR system, 3D urban objects can be detected and clas-
SVM and AdaBoost based methods, the CNN based methods sified for different purposes. A review of the methods for
do not need manually designed features and can handle a detection, segmentation and classification of 3D urban ob-
larger amount of training samples to generate a detector with jects can be found in [77]. Recently, many road management
better generalization ability. Yet, only GTSDB and TT100K systems have utilized laser scanning to provide point cloud
have enough training samples, while BTSD and LISA have information for infrastructure inventory analysis and routine
limited training and test samples. From the test results in inspections [78].
TT100k in Table 9, it can be seen that the deep learning A schematic of the LIDAR based traffic sign detection
methods including Fast RCNN [10], Faster-RCNN [72] and from [79] is shown in Fig. 11. In Fig. 11, the point cloud
AN+FRPN [72] did not achieve a promising performance. captured by LIDAR is processed to detect traffic signs based
Especially in detecting small size signs, the methods of on the retro-reflective properties; then, the detected signs in
Faster-RCNN [72] and AN+FRPN [72] achieved low APs point cloud are associated with their corresponding positions
of 31.22% and 49.81% respectively. For deep learning based in RGB images; lastly, a classification process is performed
TSD methods, there is still much room for improvement to classify the types of traffic signs from the filtered set of
in the field of detecting license plates, especially small-size RGB images.
license plates. In this work we propose the next methodology: initially
Note that, though we use machine learning methods to our vehicle equipped with LIDAR and RGB cameras gathers
name the methods listed in Table 9, a part of these methods information (3D point cloud and 2D imagery). Then, the
have some assisted methods, such as color based methods point cloud is processed to automatically detect traffic signs
and color and shape based methods. based on their retro- reflective properties. Furthermore,

VOLUME 4, 2016 15

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2924947, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

TABLE 10: LIDAR Based Methods

Paper Year Equipment Process Methods Purpose
Clustering of the point DBSCAN clustering, Traffic sign detection
[77] 2016 LIDAR
cloud, shape recognition shape classification and shape recognition
LIDAR based occlusion Correctness and completeness Traffic sign occlusion
[82] 2017 LIDAR

Laser Based TSR Methods

detection based detection detection
LIDAR and LIDAR based detection and Multiview detection
[16] 2016 WSMLR
camera camera based recognition and recognition
LIDAR and LIDAR based detection and SVM and CSA+LR detection, Traffic sign detection
FIGURE 11: LIDAR based traffic sign detection from [79]. [83] 2018
camera camera based recognition SVM+HOG classification and recognition

(a) shows the point cloud. (b) is the detection results of traffic [85] 2018
LIDAR based detection and
camera based recognition
Voxel-based detection,
deep learning classification
Traffic sign detection
and recognition
signs. [79] 2016
LIDAR and LIDAR based detection and Bag-of-visual-phrases detection, Traffic sign detection
camera camera based recognition Boltzmann classification and recognition
LIDAR and LIDAR based detection and DBSCAN clustering, Traffic sign detection
[90] 2016
camera camera based recognition SVM+HOG classification and recognition
LIDAR and LIDAR based detection and Gaussian Mixture Models, Traffic sign detection
[84] 2017
camera camera based recognition DNN and recognition

traffic signs [83]. The structure of LIDAR and camera based

FIGURE 12: Structure of LIDAR and camera based system system from [84] is shown in Fig. 12. In this structure,
from [84]. For the data association of a laser point and its corre-
sponding image pixel, parameters of both camera and LIDAR
must be precomputed as a prerequisite [83]. Point clouds
A. REVIEW OF LIDAR BASED DETECTION METHODS can provide geometric and localization information; whereas,
digital images can provide detailed color, shape and texture
In this subsection, we classify the LIDAR based detection
information. By fusing images and point clouds, a promising
methods into two categories, including data cloud based
framework is to use LIDAR point clouds for traffic sign
detection methods, and data cloud and RGB image based
detection and digital images for classification. Using this
detection methods. The methods are listed in Table 10 and
technique, a mobile mapping system based on laser scanners
reviewed as follows.
and digital cameras was designed in [85].
1) Data cloud based detection: In [16], the 3D LIDAR points were assisted to detect
Pu et al. presented a laser scanning based detection method 2D multiview signs from the images. Then, the multi-view
for traffic signs, trees, building walls and barriers [80]. In sign recognition method was developed based on a metric-
this study, poles were recognized for up to 86%; this method learning-based template matching approach.
need to integrate with images to classify the poles into further Yu et al. [79] presented a structure for detection and recog-
categories. nition of traffic signs based on both LIDAR and camera. This
Considering the radiometric and geometric information method uses bag-of-visual-phrases representations for traffic
generated by laser scanning, Riveiro et al. [81] presented sign detection based on 3D point clouds. For the recognition
a method for detection of retro-reflective traffic signs. This task, a deep Boltzmann machine-based hierarchical classifier
method first creates an intensity map of point cloud and was designed based on 2D images.
uses thresholding method to select pixels of highly reflective Arcos-García et al. [84] presented an efficient two-stage
surfaces. Then a fine intensity thresholding process is used TSR system. The retro-reflective material of traffic signs
to get a filtered point cloud. Clustering method based on was used to design the detection process based on 3D point
Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise clouds. Then, a deep neural network is designed for classifi-
(DBSCAN) is designed to get a clustered point cloud for cation on RGB images projected from point cloud data.
feature recognition.
For maintenance of traffic signs, Huang et al. [82] pre- B. ANALYSIS OF THE LIDAR BASED TSD METHODS
sented an occluded traffic sign detection method based on Because of the large improvement of LIDAR technology,
point cloud data and trajectory data acquired by a LIDAR there are some LIDAR based methods appeared in the recent
system. Traffic signs with various occlusions can be detected years. The process of laser scanning generate 3D point cloud
and analysed. data. Some methods used point cloud data to detect poles
2) Data cloud and RGB image based detection: including traffic signs based on the pole structure of traffic
For ITS, camera and LIDAR are two most popular sensing signs. Some methods use geometric and radiometric informa-
devices. Camera can capture planar information like color, tion to detect retro-reflective traffic signs. LIDAR can provide
shape, and texture. RGB images captured with cameras are 3D point clouds, while cameras can provide 2D RGB images.
quite sensitive to illumination changes and viewpoint. As an Data association of LIDAR and camera is a promising way
active vision, LIDAR can provide 3D geometric information, for detection and recognition of traffic signs.
such as point clouds; yet, LIDAR cannot capture visual Because the specificity of 3D point cloud, most of the
planar information. Data association of LIDAR and camera traditional deep learning methods are hard to be directly
gives a promising direction for detection and recognition of applied in the detection problem with 3D point cloud. Dif-
16 VOLUME 4, 2016

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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2924947, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

ferent processes of point cloud preprocessing, thresholding, The previous TSD methods and public datasets mainly
filering, clustering are commonly used in LIDAR based TSD involved the challenging problems of small sizes, occlusions,
methods. Unlike deep learning methods, these processes usu- complex driving scenes, rotation in or out the plane, illumi-
ally still rely on manually designed models and thresholds, nation changes, etc. These variations belong to classical TSD
which may result in low generalization ability. problems and have been researched for many years. Rare
Though there are many studies for LIDAR based TSD, methods focused on the traffic sign detection problem at night
different previous studies used their own LIDAR systems. which has some difficulties to deal, such as headlight reflec-
There is no public dataset for testing LIDAR based TSD tion, street lighting and dark illumination. Extreme weather
methods. Hence, it is hard to compare and do analysis the has a great impact on the quality of the images captured
performance of different studies. by cameras. Extreme weather conditions such as heavy fog,
heavy rain and heavy snow were also not considered in
IX. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES previous methods. In future, new methods and new datasets
In this review, we divide the traffic sign detection meth- that can handle night and extreme weather conditions are
ods into five categories: color based methods, shape based needed to improve the ability of camera based TSD methods
methods, color and shape based methods, machine learning to deal with these conditions. The LIDAR based methods
based methods, and LIDAR based methods. Conclusions and have large potential to handle these conditions. Yet, a small
perspectives are given in this section. part of the researchers have their own on-board LIDAR to
The color based methods are often fast and relatively collect data and do research. Some public LIDAR datasets
simple. Though most of the previous color based detection for TSD may be released in future.
methods have been out of date, they are still important ways
to extract ROIs for the following fine detection process. REFERENCES
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