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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Exploring the influence of economic freedom index on fishing

grounds footprint in environmental Kuznets curve framework
through spatial econometrics technique: evidence from Asia-Pacific
Mohammad Sharif Karimi 1 & Mohsen Khezri 2,3 & Yousaf Ali Khan 4 & Somayeh Razzaghi 5

Received: 14 April 2021 / Accepted: 19 August 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Environmental challenges are as vast as the universe, allowing for numerous studies on their various dimensions. Using 17 data
sets from Asia-Pacific countries between 2000 and 2017, this study attempted to investigate the economic factors influencing the
ecological footprint of the fishing sector. The primary contribution of this study is to examine the effects of nine economic
freedom indicators, as well as other control variables, on the status of fishery resources due to environmental pressure. The
findings confirm the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis in the fishing grounds footprint, indicating that GDP per
capita growth has a positive and significant effect, even though its squared form coefficient is negative. Other control variables,
including natural resource rents, urbanization, and energy intensity, do not significantly affect the fishing footprint. The different
components of economic freedom show different effects, while their cumulative effects in the form of the total economic freedom
index positively affect the footprint of fishing and lead to increased extraction from fishing resources. The results show that the
government integrity, tax burden, business freedom, and monetary freedom indices increase the fishing footprint. In contrast,
indices of trade freedom and investment freedom, by highlighting the adverse effects of fishing on the environment, help
countries reduce pressure on their aquatic resources. The findings of this study highlight the importance of examining how
various dimensions of economic freedom affect the ability to manage fishery resources effectively.

Keywords Fishing grounds footprint . Economic freedom .

Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues Management of fishery resources . Spatial econometrics .
* Yousaf Ali Khan
Mohammad Sharif Karimi
Seafood is critical for human nutrition and global food secu-
Mohsen Khezri rity. Demand for seafood has decreased over the last two de-
cades. Moreover, the fishing sector is considered a growth
Somayeh Razzaghi engine in many countries, such that the livelihood of more than 12% of people worldwide depends on the fisheries’ in-
1 come (WWF 2018). Fish are one of the most traded food
Department of Economics, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
commodities (Clarck and Longo 2019), and in 2018, over
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, 220 states traded approximately 67 million tons of fish glob-
Hamedan, Iran
ally, accounting for 1% of total merchandise trade.
Department of Economics, University of Kurdistan Hewler, Additionally, the pattern of seafood exports indicates that fish-
Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
ing activities have shifted to the global south, with Asian
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Hazara University countries such as China, Vietnam, India, Thailand, and the
Mansehra, Mansehra 23010, Pakistan
rest of the Mekong Delta becoming major exporters of fish
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, (Worm et al. 2009; Berkes et al. 2006).
Hamedan, Iran
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Environ Sci Pollut Res

On the other hand, average per capita fish consumption in for food, safe water, energy, roads, railways, urban lands,
Asia has increased at a pace of 2% per year since 1961, owing agricultural lands, coastal development, and other infrastruc-
to growing urbanization, the rapid growth of developing coun- tures. Economic freedom is frequently cited as a critical factor
tries’ populations, and their sizable percentage of middle-class in persuading more resource-intensive activities, and both
people with higher income. These developments underscore public and private sector activities increase the ecological
Asia’s increasing importance in the global fish market’s pro- footprint and, as a result, the footprint of fishing grounds
duction and consumption. Fisheries in Asia and the Pacific (Dietz and Jorgenson 2013).
have a predominant role in economic earning. For example, For instance, toxic material leakage from agricultural and
more than 2.2 million Indonesian people and approximately urban wastes into natural freshwater flows has decreased ag-
one million Filipino people are employed in the fishing sector ricultural productivity and freshwater fish stocks. Overfishing,
(Sugiyama et al. 2004). Additionally, 80% of people in the water pollution, and biodiversity loss caused by extended eco-
Lower Mekong River Basin rely on the river and its abundant nomic activities threaten the marine system’s sustainability
natural resources, and the coral triangle — the Amazon of the (Bilgili et al. 2020). However, a review of the theoretical
seas — relies on marine and coastal resources to support more foundations indicates that economic freedom on various other
than 120 million inhabitants. dimensions can also affect aquatic and fishing grounds, either
However, according to the FAO report, in 2020, about 31% positively or negatively. According to Clark et al. (2018) and
of fishing grounds are experiencing overfishing, and 58% of Clausen and York (2008), economic development is associat-
fish stocks are fully exploited. Industrial fishing techniques ed with losses in aquatic biodiversity and increases in fishing
such as cyanide and dynamite fishing are now carried out footprint. Frey (2003), Jorgenson (2009), and Jorgenson and
thousands of miles beneath the sea. Because ocean floor crea- Rice (2012) have shown that richer countries tend to expand
tures have a long lifespan and grow slowly, they are highly their aggregate consumption of environmental space via sev-
vulnerable to overfishing. The creation of marine deserts is a eral means, including establishing advantageous economic
new phenomenon that occurs in some parts of the world’s seas ties with less powerful, export-oriented states.
and oceans. In these barrens, a part of the sea that has been Additionally, peripheral areas and countries often serve as
plowing by trawl nets becomes lifeless and loses its animal sinks for various kinds of pollution. McMichael (2012) high-
diversity in the bottom and middle floor of seas, and fishing lights that, in addition to industrial and textile globalization,
activities generally become lean in these areas (Mulekom et al. capitalist globalization has extended into the agri-food sys-
2006). In this context, despite the Asia and Pacific region’s tems of less-affluent nations over the past few decades, deplet-
significant natural aquatic capital, new reports indicate that the ing developing countries’ fish supplies. Longo et al. (2013)
region’s biodiversity, particularly its ocean ecosystem, is de- show that increasing environmentally intensive aquaculture is
teriorating more than double that of the global average1 linked with economic development and integration into the
(Sugiyama et al. 2004). global food chain.
Additionally, the Asia and Pacific region’s population and Similarly, Clark and Longo (2019) examined the effect of
consumption have multiplied, and environmental concerns are economic development, region, and period on fisheries'
outpacing economic development (Rockström et al. 2007). footprints. The findings indicated that the magnitude of
Underwater biocapacity growth is slower than population fisheries' footprints has increased in the last decade relative
growth in Asia and the Pacific region, and this region faces to previous decades. Additionally, they demonstrated that
a biocapacity deficit that could cause social and economic economic development has a more significant impact on
problems and threaten food security and welfare (WWF fisheries footprints in developing countries than in
2018). developed countries. Moreover, Solarin et al. (2021) conduct-
This information warns of grave environmental concerns ed a comparative analysis of the persistence and sustainability
regarding global fish stocks, and many scientists believe that of fishing grounds footprints in 89 countries and found that
human-induced pressures on aquatic ecosystems are the pri- fisheries footprints exhibit a sustainable and persistent pattern
mary cause of this problem. They derive the environmental in low-income countries.
Kuznets curve (EKC), which shows how economic develop- This article examines the effect of the economic freedom
ment always results in environmental degradation. Economic index on the footprint of fishing grounds in Asia-Pacific coun-
freedom is positively linked with economic growth, and there tries. This article contributes to the current body of knowledge
is a pretty solid agreement. Economic freedom brings eco- about the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) in three signif-
nomic growth and welfare; however, it stimulates demand icant ways: first, there is no empirical research examining the
determinants of the fisheries footprint as a component of the
1 ecological footprint. Second, this study is the first to examine
Approximately 50% of coral reefs in Southeast Asia are at risk from
overfishing practices. The Gulf of Thailand and the east coast of Malaysia how various economic freedom variables affect the footprints
had lost over 40% of fish stocks within 5 years. of fishing grounds in Asia and the Pacific. Third, on these
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grounds, the current study uses a spatial econometric model to regulations) and accelerating ecological damages. Moreover,
examine the spatial characteristics of fishing ground footprints Asghari (2013) refers to the “industrial flight hypothesis”
in the region and determine whether destructive fishing activ- where firms in developing countries make an effort to maxi-
ities have spread to neighboring countries. mize their profits while ignoring environmental costs. Trade
The following sections comprise the remainder of the es- openness could lead to an increase in the size of the economy,
say: “Theoretical review” contains a review of the literature. which increases pollution (Abdi 2017). Omri et al. (2015)
“Methodical approach and data” contains a discussion of the confirmed the destroying effect of trade openness on environ-
methodology used and the data presented. “Empirical results” mental quality. Ozturk et al. (2016) found a positive relation-
discusses the empirical findings, while the “Conclusions and ship between trade openness and ecological footprint. Zhang
remarks” section discusses the research's conclusions and et al. (2017) observed a negative relationship between trade
observations. openness and CO2 emission in 10 newly industrialized
Additionally, according to stability effects, economic free-
Theoretical review dom can stabilize the macroeconomic environment over time,
enabling investors to make confident investment decisions. If
This section discusses the ecological footprint indicators and those countries’ economies become more reliant on natural
explains how these factors affect environmental quality. resources, their ecological footprints may increase
Additionally, the most recent studies on each indicator have (Antweiler et al. 2001). Clarck and Lango (2019) provide a
been reviewed and summarized here, beginning with examin- more precise explanation of the channels through which eco-
ing the effects of economic freedom on ecological footprints, nomic freedom results in fisheries footprints and demonstrate
particularly those of fishing ground footprints. Afterward, we how economic freedom and human activities degrade the ma-
analyzed the impact of urbanization, economic growth, energy rine system and jeopardize nations’ food security, particularly
consumption, and trade openness on the ecological footprint. in coastal regions. Additionally, the World Wide Fund for
Nature’s 2012 Living Planet Report (WWF 2012) identified
Economic freedom and ecological footprint the following significant direct pressures on natural resources
such as seas and oceans caused by economic activities:
Because economic freedom encourages a high rate of resource
waste, most studies supported the idea that economic freedom & Economic freedom and rapid economic development in-
has a negative effect on ecological footprints via three major crease the demand for additional energy, water, materials,
channels: efficiency channels, trade regulations, and stability roads and railways, coastal developments, agricultural
effects. On the one hand, they anticipate that economic free- lands, urban lands, industrial estates, and tourist destina-
dom will make markets more efficient and competitive and tions; as a result, coastal areas are at risk of land-use
use resources more efficiently. On the other hand, they ob- changes, ruination, and fragmentation due to human activ-
serve that efficient markets result in regulations, particularly ities that result in coastal habitat loss and negatively im-
ecological regulations that require consumers to accept clean- pact fishing activities.
er produced goods and services and that economic freedom & The high level of income growth and population growth
may result in a reduction in ecological footprints. According resulting from economic freedom stimulates resource con-
to the trade regulation channel, scientists refer to the concept version to goods and services. It increases global demand
of the “pollution haven,” in which trade liberalization encour- for seafood, resulting in the emergence of overfishing and
ages countries with a high concentration of capital-intensive destructive fishing methods such as cyanide and dynamite
industries to specialize in dirty industries. Alola et al. (2019) fishing to meet the global demand for seafood.
discuss the existence of many direct and indirect links be- & Industrial and metropolitan area’s pollution and overuse of
tween trade openness and ecological footprints. agricultural pesticides and chemical fertilizers cause fresh-
On the one hand, trade openness could encourage the uti- water pollution. Freshwater pollution has severe economic
lization of renewable energy technologies (Khan et al. 2017) consequences, including the extinction of aquatic ecosys-
and bring the advantages of economies of scale, and tems and food sources, primarily fish, and high treatment
consequently, it optimizes resource consumption and costs to convert contaminated water to drinkable water.
improves ecological quality. On the other hand, Cole (2004) Additionally, the treadmill of production academics sug-
explains the channels through which trade openness causes gests that economic freedom results in increased environ-
environmental demolitions. He introduces the “pollution ha- mental destruction (Gould et al. 2004; Schnaiberg 1980)
ven hypothesis” and explains how trade openness encourages and interrupt the cycle of the ecosystem, especially in
importing high energy-intensive products, especially in devel- aquatic food systems (Holleman 2018; Longo et al.
oping countries (with no solid environmental supportive 2015; Foster et al. 2011; Foster 1999).
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& The emission of greenhouse gasses from industrial parks Economic growth and ecological footprint
leads to climate changes that are harmful to sea and ocean
ecosystems and biodiversity (Chou et al. 2010). Grossman and Krueger (1991) presented an inverted U-
& A capitalist world food system is more likely to be eco- shaped curve that shows the relationship between economic
logically intensive (York and Gossard 2004; Longo et al. development and environmental quality. This curve indicated
2013), causing developed and wealthier countries to shift that the environmental quality would deteriorate in the first
the burden of fisheries to less developed countries through stages of development, and when the GDP per capita in the
imports of fish and luxury seafood from less developed country reached a threshold level, countries became aware of
countries. This forces these developing countries to mod- the importance of environmental quality. They start to make
ernize and commercialize their fishing sectors and start significant efforts to preserve the environment. Additionally,
over. the effects of GDP per capita on environmental quality were
& Regulations, allotments, monitoring, and fishing restric- ambiguous, and the findings of various studies were
tions in developed countries are a result of economic free- inconsistent. In this context, Stern (1998) and Stokey (1998)
dom. They restrict access to developed countries’ inland discussed three channels of (a) scale effects, (b) composition
marine natural resources and shift the fishing burden to effects, and (c) technique effects, through which economic
areas of the global south, such as Asia (Worm et al. 2009; growth could affect environmental quality2. The consequence
Berkes et al. 2006) of these three factors could determine the real effects of eco-
& Economic freedom enabled the development of trans- nomic growth on environmental quality. Therefore, while
portation and long-term storage technologies, the Farhani et al. (2014), Jalil and Mahmud (2009), Tamazian
growth of the supply chain, and the expansion of con- and Rao (2010), Al-Mulali (2011), Oshin and Oqundipe
sumer choices. As a result, regions with limited or no (2014), among others, have confirmed the environmental
access to seafood can now demand and obtain various Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis, however, Ozturk and
seafoods produced far from their home countries at Acaravci (2010), Perman and Stern (2003), and Hill and
reasonable prices. Then the pressure on globally avail- Magnani (2002) failed to prove the environmental Kuznets
able fish stocks would increase, making them more curve (EKC).
susceptible to annihilation. Moreover, Charfeddine and Mrabet (2017) investigated the
effects of economic development and social–political factors
In this context, Akadırı et al. (2021) examined the ef- on the ecological footprint in 15 oil-exporting and non-oil-
fect of economic freedom on the ecological footprint in exporting Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries.
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) The results validated the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC)
countries and found that the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis in oil-exporting countries and across the sample
(EKC) was found in the long run, and the hypothesis was but not in non-oil-exporting countries. Additionally, they
confirmed. Bjørnskov (2020) demonstrated how economic demonstrated that energy consumption exacerbates ecological
freedom and deregulation could contribute to environmen- footprints, whereas urbanization has a long-term beneficial
tal degradation or promote green technologies. Economic effect on the environment. Usman et al. (2020) investigated
freedom, he asserted, could spur innovation and increase the relationship among economic growth, energy consump-
the adoption of green technologies capable of reducing tion, foreign direct investment, trade policy, and environmen-
ecological footprints. tal impact in upper-middle-income countries. They discovered
Additionally, he asserts that strict government controls a detrimental effect of economic development on Africa and
and regulations may constrain firms and individuals re- Europe’s ecological footprints; a detrimental effect of renew-
garding pollution emissions. His study demonstrated that able energy use on Asia, Europe, and America; and a detri-
economic freedom reduces CO2 and greenhouse gas emis- mental effect on Asia’s commercial openness. They have,
sions, but it also shifted the environmental Kuznets curve however, observed negative environmental consequences of
(EKC) to the left, and because it takes a long time to reach commercial liberalization in Africa and America.
the EKC’s turning point, reversing the detrimental effects Additionally, they recognized that foreign direct investment
of economic freedom on the ecological footprint will take a and primary energy consumption contribute to Africa and
long time. Sharif et al. (2019) analyzed the impact of eco- Asia’s ecological footprints. Yang et al. (2021b) investigated
nomic globalization on ecological footprint among 10 the effects of industrialization, economic growth, and
globalized countries, and they report mixed and globalization processes on the ecological footprint in 10
contradictory results. You and Lv (2018) discovered the countries with the highest healthcare expenditure. They
adverse indirect effects of economic globalization on CO2
emissions across a panel of 83 countries using a spatial 2
For more information about the three channels, please refer to Charfeddine
panel data approach. and Mrabet (2017).
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realized that industrialization and economic growth are more as fish products to eat away from home in cities.
responsible for increasing the pollution level. Besides, Furthermore, healthy living styles and dietary preferences
globalization and urbanization reduced environmental in urban areas have increased global demand for fish prod-
damage. Abdouli and Hammami (2017) also confirmed the ucts, placing increased pressure on fish stocks and poten-
environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis in 17 coun- tially affecting fisheries’ footprints, particularly in devel-
tries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). oping countries. Tsuchiya et al. (2021) showed that urban-
ization, population, and aging have a significant adverse
Energy consumption and ecological footprint role in food ecological footprint per capita in Japan. In
general, the demand for natural resources to manufacture
Since energy consumption results in CO2 and SO2 emissions, manufactured goods is more significant in urban areas. The
it contributes to the degradation of environmental quality. speed of industrialization and its displacement with the
Numerous empirical studies have been conducted to deter- agriculture sector intensifies the ecological footprint. In
mine the effect of energy consumption on the ecological foot- parallel with urbanization development, rural migration to
print, and the direct and significant effect of energy consump- cities increases, and the demand for more gas, electricity,
tion on environmental degradation has been established. gasoline, food, and other services eventually cause more
Danish and Wang (2018) argued that, on the one hand, the significant environmental pollution (York et al. 2003).
primary sources of CO2 pollution in developing countries are In this context, Cole and Newmayer (2004), Liddle and
transportation, agriculture, industrial, and service sector, all Lung (2010), Kasman and Duman (2015), among others, have
being energy intensive. On the other hand, developing coun- confirmed the positive effect of the urbanization level on the
tries have inadequate rules and regulations against pollution ecological footprint. In contrast to these findings, some re-
activities, leading to an intensification of the ecological foot- searchers, including Chikaraishi et al. (2015), Fan et al.
print, and these countries eventually transform into a haven for (2006), and Dodman (2009), have argued that urbanization
carbon-intensive industries (Sarkodie and Strezov 2019). degrades environmental quality. They argue that a high level
Nathaniel and Iheonu (2019) and Saidi and Omri (2020) of modernization in urban areas could help mitigate urbaniza-
argued against the adverse effects of renewable energy con- tion’s environmental degradation.
sumption on environmental quality, arguing that using renew-
able energy generates waste residues from the combustion of Resource rent and ecological footprint
biomass materials and can contaminate land and water
resources. Usman et al. (2021a) discovered that the use of Only a few studies are examining the role of natural re-
renewable energy improved environmental quality, while the sources in determining the quality of the environment.
use of non-renewable energy has a detrimental effect on envi- According to Wu et al. (2017), natural resource extraction
ronmental quality in the 15 highest emitting countries. In an- has led to the destruction of the environment. Danish et al.
other research by Usman and Hammar (2021), they realized (2019a, b) argue that the intensity of natural resource rent’s
that renewable energy consumption had significantly acceler- destructive effects on the environment is increasing due to
ated the environmental quality in APEC countries from 1990 the emergence of environmental problems such as defores-
to 2017. In addition, Usman and Makhdum (2021) examined tation, water scarcity, and climate change. In addition, low
the effects of renewable and non-renewable energy utilization energy sources, and drastic natural resource extraction,
on the ecological footprint in BRICS-T countries. They real- which are exacerbated in developing countries, cause en-
ized that a 1% increase in non-renewable energy leads to pro- vironmental pollution (Danish et al. 2019a, b). Ahmed
duce ecological footprint by 0.55%; in contrast, a 1% increase et al. (2020) reviewed the impact of natural resource rents
in renewable energy consumption leads to a 0.22% reduction on China’s ecological footprint and showed that a rise in
in ecological footprint. Khalid et al. (2021) show that primary rent for natural resources leads to an increasing
energy consumption improves Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri environmental footprint. Ulucak and Ozcan (2020) also
Lanka’s ecological footprint while demonstrating a reduction found that the rent and the exploitation of natural
in Bhutan. In all South Asian Association for Regional resources lead to increased CO 2 emissions, but its
Cooperation (SAARC) nations except for Bangladesh, the function in the ecological footprint and carbon footprint
use of renewable energy substantially improves environmen- in OECD nations has no statistically significant impact.
tal quality. Danish et al. (2019a, b) confirmed that the environmental
quality in BRICS nations is adversely affected by resource
Urbanization and ecological footprint rent. Nevertheless, by considering the importance of tech-
nological innovation, Khan et al. (2020) showed a negative
Urbanization is one of the consequences of economic free- effect of natural resources on CO2 emissions for BRICS
dom, rapidly increasing public demand for fast foods such nations.
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Methodological approach and data yity ¼þλ∑
φþj¼1xw ij yþ
it β jt þ
ci ðφoptional
þ xit β þ
Þþci ðαoptional Þ
t ðoptional Þ þ υit

þ αt ðoptionalÞ þ uit ð3Þ

Methodological approach
yit ¼ λ∑Nj¼1 wij yjt þ φ þ xit β þ ∑Nj¼1 wij xijt θ
Model specification
þ ci ðoptionalÞ þ αt ðoptionalÞ þ υit ð4Þ
This section examines applying a spatial econometric model
where yit represents a dependent variable for cross-
to analyze fisheries’ financial freedom footprints, emphasiz-
sectional unit i = 1, 2, …, N at time t = 1, 2, …, T. Also,
ing the spatial dependence of determinants’ ecological foot-
xit stands for a 1 × K vector of exogenous variables, while
prints in Asia-Pacific nations. In line with Carlsson and
β represents a K × 1 vector of parameters. It should be
Lundstrom (2003) and Ulucak and Khan (2020), this exam-
noted that ∑Nj¼1 wij yjt accounts for the interaction effects
ines the experimental version of the ecological footprint as
follows: of dependent variables in the adjacent units on the depen-
dent one; wij denotes element i, j of an N × N matrix of
lnEFPit ¼ β1 þ β 2 lnGDPit þ β3 lnGDP2it þ β 4 lnENERit spatial weights; λ denotes the endogenous interaction ef-
fect response parameter; υit stands for an error term of
þ β5 lnURBit þ β 6 lnRENT it þ β7 lnFreeit
independent and identical distribution; ci is a particular
þ ci ðoptionalÞ þ αt ðoptionalÞ þ υit ð1Þ spatial effect; and αt accounts for the time-period particular
effect. A particular spatial effect accounts for all time-
The logarithm of the ecological footprint per capita invariant space-specific variables, whose omission would
index (lnEFPit) is a function of several explanatory vari- result in biased estimations in a typical cross-sectional
ables, including the logarithms of GDP per capita study. On the other hand, a time-period-specific effect ac-
(lnGDPP), energy intensity (lnENER), trade openness counts for all time-specific effects, the absence of which
(lnOPE), urbanization (lnURB), natural resource rents can result in skewed estimations in common time-series
(lnRENT), and the economic freedom indexes (lnFree)3. research (Baltagi 2005). The error term of unit i in the
The EKC concept remains a criterion for demonstrating spatial error model in Eq. (3) (i.e., uit ¼ ρ∑Nj¼1 wij ujt þ υit
how economic growth drives environmental sustainabili- Þ is considered to be dependent on the error terms of adja-
ty. Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), an inverted U- cent units j based on matrix W and an idiosyncratic com-
shaped curve, represents the environmental quality fol- ponent υ i t . Furthermore, the spatial Durbin model
lowing this concept. Regardless, environmental popularity contained in Eq. (4) was suggested by LeSage and Pace
will initially decline and increase as the economic system (2009). It would extend the spatial lag model with inde-
expands (Grossman and Krueger 1991). As a result, the pendent variables of spatial lagging where θ is a K × 1
poor coefficient of the squared form of GDP per capita is vector of parameters.
technically mentioned and deserves to be studied within
the ecological footprints equation.
The long-run estimation using the PFMOLS model
Spatial econometric model
According to Pedroni (2001), the OLS estimator is a biased
According to Anselin et al. (2008), a spatial panel mod- and inconsistent estimator when applied to cointegrated
el could include a lagged dependent variable or follow a panels. As a result, a new model known as the panel fully
spatially autoregressive process in the error term. modified OLS (FMOLS) estimator was developed. The
LeSage and Pace (2009) introduced the spatial Durbin FMOLS estimator has the advantage of producing consis-
model, which includes spatially lagged independent var- tent estimates of β in small samples while accounting for
iables. The spatial lag model, the spatial error model, the regressors’ possible endogeneity and resulting serial
and the spatial Durbin model are denoted by the follow- correlation, allowing for standard normal inference
ing formulas: (Carlsson et al. 2007). Additionally, FMOLS can accom-
modate considerable heterogeneity among panel members
yit ¼ λ∑Nj¼1 wij
(i.e., countries in this case).
The cointegrated panel method in FMOLS allows re-
For further studies on the effects of GDP per capita, energy intensity, trade searchers to pool information on the panel selectively
openness, urbanization, and natural resource rents on ecological footprint in- while allowing the heterogeneity of short-term dynamics
dex, please refer to Ahmed (2020), Kassouri and Altintash (2020),
Doytch (2020), Alola et al. (2019), Wang et al. (2013), Ekeocha (2021), and and fixed effects among various panel members. Finally,
Sharma et al. (2020). the FMOLS technique provides disturbance-free, typically
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standard distributions besides providing asymptotically 8. Funding freedom: funding freedom indicates no con-
unbiased estimators. straints on the float of funding capital. Individuals and
corporations are allowed to transport their resources into
and out of particular activities.
9. Financial freedom: financial freedom is a way that people
get to make lifestyle decisions without being overly con-
Data were collected from 17 countries in the Asia-Pacific from
fused about the monetary effect because they may be
2000 to 20174. A summary of the constructed variables used
in the analysis is presented in Table 1. Also, Table 2 provides
the descriptive statistics of the data. Data used in this research
The summary statistics of the data are given in Table 2,
is taken from World Development Indicator (WDI), Global
showing that for most of the variables, the standard deviations
Footprint Network (GFN), and The Heritage Foundation
are significantly lower than the mean, showing a low level of
(Heritage)5. All variables are in a logarithmic form, and, there-
fluctuations in the model’s variables.
fore, the estimated coefficients are elasticities.
The economic freedom index quantifies the extent to which
individuals and organizations collaborate globally and has
been trending upward in recent years, while the international
Empirical results
economy operates in a moderately free environment (Miller
et al. 2020). The Heritage Foundation applies four major cat-
Regression results of the spatial econometric model
egories: a rule of law that governs property rights, governmen-
Two distinct likelihood ratio (LR) tests were used to determine
tal efficacy, and government integrity; plus the amount of
the probability of time-period and spatial fixed effects in the
government tax burden, government expenditure, and fiscal
health; plus regulatory efficiency in business, labor, and mon- model. To this end, the model with simultaneous spatial and
time-period fixed effects is compared to the model with time-
etary freedom; plus market openness. The time interval period
period fixed effects or the model with spatial fixed effects. In
of several freedom indices was constrained in this research to
allow for the use of only the indices defined as follows: the absence of a null hypothesis, the model with concurrent
spatial and time-period fixed effects is selected. If the null
hypothesis is accepted, on the other hand, the following model
1. Property rights denote the capacity to accumulate non-
public possessions and wealth. is selected. Table 3 summarizes the LR test data for the vari-
ous models. The test results indicate the significance of the LR
2. Integrity of authority: it refers to government practices
test statistics and reject the null hypothesis for only the time-
that oppose systemic corruption in government institu-
tions, such as bribery, nepotism, cronyism, patronage, period fixed effects in most models. Therefore, the spatial
fixed effects were selected as the best model to proceed with
embezzlement, and graft.
estimation. Table 3 represents the Hausman test results to
3. Tax burden refers to the economic burdens imposed on
financial sports by governments (in the form of direct and examine the possibility of replacing the fixed-effect model
with a random-effect model. The null hypothesis emphasizes
indirect taxes such as payroll, income, and excise taxes, as
the presence of random effects in the model in this test. At a
well as price lists and cost-delivered taxes).
4. Government spending: this metric indicates the cost, du- 1% significance level, the Hausman test rejects the assumption
of random effects in all models and confirms the presence of
ration, and intrusiveness of government.
fixed effects.
5. Commercial enterprise freedom demonstrates an individ-
ual’s ability to establish and operate a business without A subsequent test in Table 4 determines whether including
the spatial lag or error in the model in the absence of spatial
undue state interference.
interaction effects results in a statistically significant improve-
6. Monetary freedom: monetary freedom is a combination of
a degree of charge balance and an assessment of price ment. Thus, Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests are performed on
a spatially lagged dependent variable and spatial error
autoregressive model using the residuals from a non-spatial
7. Exchange freedom: alternate freedom is a composite mea-
model (Elhorst 2010). The test statistic has the chi-square
sure of the absence of tariff and non-tariff obstacles that
distribution. If the LM test rejects the null hypothesis, the
affect imports and exports of products and services.
spatial lagged and spatial error models are confirmed. Due
Including Australia, China, Indonesia, Korea, Rep., Malaysia, Japan, to the existence of spatial fixed effects being confirmed by
Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the LR test, this study examines only the Lagrange multiplier
Philippines, Russian Federation, Singapore, and Sri Lanka
5 (LM) statistics for this model. The results in Table 4 indicate
Data is available online at
development-indicators,, and that the test statistic values in all models are statistically sig- nificant at the 1% level. Therefore, spatial lagged and spatial
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Table 1 Variables construction

Variable Variable constructed Source

lnFGFit lnFGFit = log(FGFit) GFN

FGFit= Fishing Grounds footprint in the country i in time t
lnGDPit lnGDPPit = log(GDPPit) WDI
GDPit= GDP per capita in 2010 prices$
lnENERit lENERit =log(ENERit) WDI
ENERit= Energy intensity level of primary energy
lnURBit lnURBit =log(URBit) WDI
URBit= Urban population (as a percentage of the total population)
lnRENTit lnRENTit = log(RENTit) WDI
RENTit= Total natural resources rents (as a percentage of GDP)
lnEFIit lnEFIit = log(EFIit) Heritage
EFIit= Total Economic Freedom Index
lnPRIit lnPRIit = log(PRIit) Heritage
PRIit= Property Rights Index
lnGIIit lnGIIit = log(GIIit) Heritage
GIIit= Government Integrity Index
lnTBIit lnTBIit = log(TBIit) Heritage
TBIit= Tax Burden Index
lnGSIit lnGSIit = log(GSIit) Heritage
GSIit= Government Spending Index
lnBFIit lnBFIit = log(BFIit) Heritage
BFIit= Business Freedom Index
lnMFIit lnMFIit = log(MFIit) Heritage
MFIit= Monetary Freedom Index
lnTFIit lnTFIit = log(TFIit) Heritage
TFIit= Trade Freedom Index
lnIFIit lnIFIit = log(IFIit) Heritage
IFIit= Investment Freedom Index
lnFFIit lnFFIit = log(FFIit) Heritage
FFIit= Financial Freedom Index

Table 2 Descriptive statistics

from 2000 to 2017 Variable Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. dev. Observations

lnEFPit 1.988 5.419 4.00 −2.66 1.68 306

lnGDPit 8.389 8.120 10.957 6.121 1.443 306
lnENERit 1.660 1.685 2.533 0.657 0.384 306
lnURBit 3.840 3.840 4.605 2.595 0.539 306
lnRENTit 0.060 0.840 3.819 −8.075 2.802 306
lnEFIit 4.091 4.044 4.493 3.777 0.170 306
lnPRIit 3.743 3.912 4.500 2.303 0.553 306
lnGIIit 3.548 3.466 4.543 1.386 0.531 306
lnTBIit 4.320 4.329 4.517 3.987 0.114 306
lnGSIit 4.359 4.419 4.557 3.666 0.177 306
lnBFIit 4.173 4.217 4.605 3.570 0.238 306
lnMFIit 4.322 4.331 4.546 3.661 0.117 306
lnTFIit 4.216 4.285 4.500 2.976 0.240 306
lnIFIit 3.726 3.807 4.500 1.609 0.495 306
lnFFIit 3.763 3.689 4.500 2.303 0.373 306
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Table 3 The LR test for the

existence of the spatial and time- Spatial fixed effects Time-period fixed effects Hausman test statistic
period fixed-effect in the models
and Hausman test results Model 1 5.973 (0.996) 891.818*** (0.000) 55.498*** (0.000)

Model 2 8.865 (0.963) 854.576*** (0.000) 64.43*** (0.000)

Model 3 6.311 (0.995) 863.19*** (0.000) 50.683*** (0.000)
Model 4 6.079 (0.996) 870.599*** (0.000) 61.984*** (0.000)
Model 5 9.446 (0.949) 913.701*** (0.000) 72.258*** (0.000)
Model 6 6.006 (0.996) 828.285*** (0.000) 50.463*** (0.000)
Model 7 11.9 (0.852) 896.243*** (0.000) 60.974*** (0.000)
Model 8 11.073 (0.891) 903.612*** (0.000) 62.55*** (0.000)
Model 9 5.462 (0.998) 892.453*** (0.000) 67.669*** (0.000)
Model 10 8.757 (0.965) 894.828*** (0.000) 34.094*** (0.000)
Model 11 5.944 (0.996) 860.759*** (0.000) 53.034*** (0.000)

Note: p value, ***, **, and * show significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively
Source: Authors’ estimations

error effects should be ignored in the model. As a result, the experimental studies on the factors affecting fishing grounds’
model’s lack of spatial interaction effects emphasizes the im- footprints.
portance of ignoring such effects when conducting This result is consistent with Khizran et al. (2020), where
they revealed a fragile spatial environmental effect of financial

Table 4 The LM test for the

existence of the spatial lag or the Spatial fixed effects Time-period fixed Spatial and time-period
spatial error in the models effects fixed effects

Model 1 LM spatial lag 0.331 (0.565) 0.645 (0.422) 0.135 (0.713)

LM spatial error 0.137 (0.712) 0.31 (0.577) 14.663*** (0.000)
Model 2 LM spatial lag 5.421** (0.02) 1.153 (0.283) 9.762*** (0.002)
LM spatial error 23.71*** (0.000) 0.34 (0.56) 0.202 (0.653)
Model 3 LM spatial lag 0.476 (0.49) 0.748 (0.387) 0.312 (0.577)
LM spatial error 3.37* (0.066) 0.53 (0.466) 13.957*** (0.000)
Model 4 LM spatial lag 1.433 (0.231) 0.82 (0.365) 1.685 (0.194)
LM spatial error 7.65*** (0.006) 0.188 (0.664) 4.002** (0.045)
Model 5 LM spatial lag 0.159 (0.69) 0.967 (0.326) 0.151 (0.698)
LM spatial error 0.163 (0.686) 1.056 (0.304) 14.373*** (0.000)
Model 6 LM spatial lag 2.828* (0.093) 0.648 (0.421) 4.79** (0.029)
LM spatial error 1.409 (0.235) 0.317 (0.573) 27.863*** (0.000)
Model 7 LM spatial lag 0.294 (0.588) 1.46 (0.227) 0.127 (0.721)
LM spatial error 0.1 (0.752) 0.565 (0.452) 12.34*** (0.000)
Model 8 LM spatial lag 0.224 (0.636) 0.508 (0.476) 0.404 (0.525)
LM spatial error 0.024 (0.876) 0.033 (0.857) 12.036*** (0.001)
Model 9 LM spatial lag 4.876** (0.027) 0.161 (0.688) 2.902* (0.088)
LM spatial error 0.026 (0.872) 1.004 (0.316) 9.773*** (0.002)
Model 10 LM spatial lag 0.338 (0.561) 1.063 (0.303) 0.055 (0.815)
LM spatial error 1.387 (0.239) 0.02 (0.888) 9.948*** (0.002)
Model 11 LM spatial lag 5.065** (0.024) 0.638 (0.425) 5.277** (0.022)
LM spatial error 11.203*** (0.001) 0.285 (0.594) 0.973 (0.324)

Note: p value, ***, **, and * show significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively
Source: Authors’ estimations
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development in a panel of SAARC countries from 1990– In contrast, developed countries prioritize activities that are
2017. They confirmed the existence of country-specific envi- more detrimental to the environment. Other control variables,
ronmental quality characteristics in their sample countries. including the logarithm of energy intensity as an indicator of
Tables 5 and 6 present the results of estimating different energy efficiency, rent of resources, and urbanization, do not
models. The control variables of all 11 estimation models are significantly affect the fishing grounds’ footprint. This result
identical, and the difference is in the existence of 9 different conforms with Usman and Hammar (2021) and Khalid et al.
components of economic freedom in each model. The reason (2021), where they observed that renewable energy consump-
for such a distinction is the possibility of collinearity between tion significantly improved the environmental quality in
different indicators of economic freedom. According to the APEC countries and most SAARC countries. Moreover, our
results, each percentage growth in GDP per capita leads to results are inconsistent with the results of Usman et al. (2021b)
significant growth of approximately 3.6% in the fishing foot- and Majeed et al. (2021), where they observed that the use of
print index. The coefficient of the squared form of the loga- non-renewable energy has a devastating effect on environ-
rithm of GDP per capita is also negative and significant. A mental quality in their sample countries.
value of −1.9 indicates that the Kuznets (EKC) hypothesis In terms of urbanization’s impact on environmental quality,
holds for fishing grounds and that economics follows an our findings are consistent with those of Chikaraishi et al.
inverted U-shape. (2015), Fan et al. (2006), and Dodman (2009). They conclud-
This finding is consistent with those of Tsuchiya et al. ed that an elevated level of modernization in urban areas could
(2021), Nathaniel and Khan (2020), and Clark and Longo help mitigate environmental degradation caused by urbaniza-
(2019). They conclude that the effect of GDP per capita on tion. Our findings, however, contradict the observations by
the fisheries footprint varies according to income level and Tsuchiya et al. (2021), who found that urbanization has a
that developing countries prioritize economic development significant adverse effect on the ecological food footprint per
over environmental quality. capita in Japan.

Table 5 Estimation results for models 1A to 6A

Model 1A Model 2A Model 3A Model 4A Model 5A Model 6A

lnGDPit 3.638*** 3.461*** 3.647*** 3.835*** 3.482*** 3.629***

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
lnGDP2it −0.188*** −0.177*** −0.19*** −0.192*** −0.189*** −0.187***
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
lnENERit 0.175 0.164 0.214 0.248 0.116 0.177
(0.316) (0.342) (0.228) (0.155) (0.497) (0.315)
lnRENTit −0.005 0.01 −0.016 0.012 0.001 −0.005
(0.873) (0.745) (0.63) (0.692) (0.964) (0.878)
lnURBit −0.355 −0.416 −0.382 −0.733** −0.173 −0.354
(0.236) (0.16) (0.203) (0.024) (0.556) (0.239)
lnEFIit 0.991***
lnGIIit 0.201***
lnTBIit 0.912***
lnGSIit 0.016
LogL 47.178 51.978 47.889 51.292 56.398 47.182
R2 0.985 0.985 0.985 0.985 0.986 0.985

Note: p value, ***, **, and * show significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively
Source: Authors’ estimations
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Table 6 Estimation results for models 7A to 11A

Model 7A Model 8A Model 9A Model 10A Model 11A

lnGDPit 3.643*** 3.621*** 4.415*** 3.22*** 3.687***

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
lnGDP2it −0.192*** −0.185*** −0.226*** −0.163*** −0.191***
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
lnENERit 0.107 0.213 0.165 0.226 0.175
(0.54) (0.219) (0.331) (0.185) (0.316)
lnRENTit −0.014 0.007 −0.001 −0.014 −0.004
(0.652) (0.825) (0.984) (0.649) (0.901)
lnURBit −0.407 −0.262 −0.364 −0.424 −0.373
(0.17) (0.381) (0.213) (0.147) (0.217)
lnBFIit 0.318***
lnMFIit 0.462***
lnTFIit −0.402***
lnIFIit −0.179***
lnFFIit 0.038
LogL 51.161 50.781 55.353 55.173 47.311
R2 0.985 0.985 0.986 0.986 0.985

Note: p value, ***, **, and * show significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.
Source: Authors’ estimations

The total economic freedom index in model 2A shows a (2019), Liu et al. (2018), Solarin and Al-Mulali (2018), and
positive and significant effect so that each percentage increase Asghari (2013), all of which confirmed a negative relationship
leads to a 0.991% increase in the fishing grounds footprint. between FDI and ecological footprint in the US, China, devel-
This result is consistent with the results of Akadırı et al. oped countries, and MENA countries, respectively.
(2021), Bjørnskov (2020), Clark and Lango (2019), Although scientists confirm the positive effects of econom-
Holleman (2018), Longo et al. (2015), Foster et al. (2011), ic freedom on economic growth and welfare, they argue that
and Carlsson and Lundstrom (2003), where they confirm the economic freedom stimulates demand for food, safe water,
positive effect of economic freedom on ecological footprints. energy, roads, railways, urban lands, agricultural lands, coast-
However, the different components of the economic free- al development, and other infrastructures. Then economic ac-
dom index showed controversial effects, such that the govern- tivities in public and private sectors exacerbate the ecological
ment integrity, tax burden, business freedom, and monetary footprint (Dietz and Jorgenson 2013). Additionally, economic
freedom indices, respectively, with coefficients of 0.2, 0.912, freedom promotes a high rate of resource waste. As a result,
0.318, and 0.462, have positive and significant effects on the most studies supported the idea that economic freedom harms
dependent variable, and these results are inconsistent with ecological footprints. These contradictory findings for various
Baloch et al. (2018) and Sun et al. (2019). The trade freedom economic freedom indices are also confirmed in this study.
index with a coefficient of −0.402 and the investment freedom
index with a coefficient of 0.179 showed adverse and signif- Regression results of the PFMOLS model
icant effects on the fishing grounds footprint. This result is
consistent with Yang et al. (2021a, b), Doytch (2020), Additionally, we investigated the model variables’ long-run
Zhang et al. (2017), Khan et al. (2017), and Carlsson and effects on the fishing grounds footprint using cointegrating
Lundstorm (2003), whom all confirmed a negative and signif- panel estimators, specifically, the panel fully modified OLS
icant effect of trade openness on ecological footprint. (PFMOLS) provided by Phillips and Moon (2000). The pos-
Additionally, our findings corroborate those of Zafar et al. sible non-stationarity of the model variables and the
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possibility of a long-run relationship led to the re-estimation of consumption standards lead to more extraction from fishing
the models in Tables 7 and 8 using a different econometric resources.
model that allowed the long-term effects of the variables to be This upward trend in fish extraction is reversing, and ex-
examined. The sign and significance of the coefficients of traction intensity gradually decreases to the point where it may
Tables 7 and 8 are in line with Tables 5 and 6, and only the eventually cease entirely. The intensity of energy consump-
magnitude of the coefficients is somehow different. Therefore, tion as an indicator for production efficiency has no discern-
the results can be viewed with more confidence. ible effect on the footprint of fishing, implying that the chal-
lenges associated with extracting fishery resources take prece-
dence over improving production procedures and efficiency in
Conclusions and remarks this field. Rents from natural resources, which in most studies
have harmed ecological footprints, do not significantly affect
This study examined the effectiveness of determinants of fish- fishing footprints. The expansion of natural resource rents,
ing footprints using data from 17 countries in Asia-Pacific such as oil, leads to the emergence of windfall revenues for
countries from 2000 to 2017. In nine different models, nine countries. This incentivizes production and alleviates eco-
indices of economic freedom were combined with control nomic pressure on other environmental resources, and a sub-
variables. Diagnostic tests ruled out the existence of spatial stitute exists. The findings indicate that the presence of earned
effects on the way variables affect each other, indicating that income from other natural resources does not affect the envi-
fishing footprint management policies should be based on ronmental pressures associated with the extraction of fishery
national rather than regional policies. The study’s findings resources and alternatives, implying that fish consumption
confirm the Kuznets curve hypothesis in the studied countries’ patterns take precedence over earned income from other nat-
fisheries sectors. Significance of the level and squared form ural resource extraction.
coefficients of the logarithm of GDP per capita indicate that in Urbanization also facilitates migration from rural to urban
the early stages of economic development, new technologies areas and alleviates the environmental pressures of natural
for harvesting aquatic resources and expanding seafood resource consumption in rural areas. Only a few models

Table 7 Long-run estimation of fisheries footprint using PFMOLS for models 1B to 6B

Model 1B Model 2B Model 3B Model 4B Model 5B Model 6B

lnGDPit 5.079*** 4.707*** 6.793*** 5.232*** 4.753*** 5.155***

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
lnGDP2it −0.269*** −0.247*** −0.373*** −0.268*** −0.265*** −0.275***
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
lnENERit 0.461 0.422 0.428 0.565* 0.287 0.417
(0.173) (0.201) (0.31) (0.092) (0.38) (0.217)
lnRENTit −0.019 −0.004 −0.041 0 −0.014 −0.021
(0.713) (0.939) (0.559) (0.993) (0.784) (0.682)
lnURBit −0.551 −0.575 −0.865 −1.044* −0.297 −0.536
(0.294) (0.263) (0.153) (0.064) (0.56) (0.305)
lnEFIit 1.023*
lnPRIit −0.179
lnGIIit 0.228**
lnTBIit 0.976***
lnGSIit −0.124
R2 0.987 0.987 0.988 0.987 0.987 0.986

Note: p value, ***, **, and * show significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively
Source: Authors’ estimations
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Table 8 Long-run estimation of fisheries footprint using PFMOLS for models 7B to 11B

Model 7B Model 8B Model 9B Model 10B Model 11B

lnGDPit 5.074*** 5.309*** 6.126*** 4.434*** 4.429***

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
lnGDP2it −0.275*** −0.28*** −0.322*** −0.232*** −0.215***
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.003)
lnENERit 0.344 0.595* 0.488 0.493 0.787**
(0.302) (0.076) (0.139) (0.129) (0.042)
lnRENTit −0.035 −0.005 −0.015 −0.03 −0.013
(0.493) (0.927) (0.765) (0.551) (0.821)
lnURBit −0.652 −0.396 −0.571 −0.572 −1.187*
(0.205) (0.45) (0.262) (0.255) (0.048)
lnBFIit 0.43**
lnMFIit 0.824***
lnTFIit −0.497***
lnIFIit −0.187**
lnFFIit 0.125
R2 0.987 0.987 0.987 0.987 0.986

Note: p value, ***, **, and * show significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively
Source: Authors’ estimations

demonstrate an adverse effect of urbanization on fishing foot- On the other hand, economic freedom is another factor in
print, indicating that the trend toward urbanization has had economic growth, placing additional strain on manufacturing
little effect on reducing fishing resource extraction. and fishing resource consumption. Market behavior is
Primarily based on the outcomes, the economic freedom distorted by both inflation and fee controls. With a fiscal pol-
outcomes on fishery footprint are tremendous for indices, in- icy that seeks to contain inflation, maintain fee equilibrium,
cluding government integrity, tax burden, commercial enter- and preserve national wealth, humans can rely on market
prise freedom, and monetary freedom. These outcomes can be prices soon, and investments, financial savings, and other
traced back to their subsequent effects on economic growth, long-term goals may be undertaken with a greater degree of
which resulted in increased population and consumption and optimism. Through assessment, an inflationary policy seizes
simplified access to goods and services within nations. money in the form of an invisible tax, distorts costs, and mis-
Improved government integrity through the elimination of allocates resources and increases the cost of doing business.
systemic corruption, results in increased economic growth, Additionally, a few financial freedom indices, such as
as corruption undermines the transparency necessary for the change and investment freedom, reduce environmental strain
green functioning of a free market. Additionally, the higher and reduce fisheries’ footprint. These effects may be attributed
the tax load, the smaller the return for an individual’s mone- to the fantastic outcomes of such freedoms at the business
tary passion and the lower the motivation to work at all. On the level, which fosters investment in industries focused on export
other hand, increased tax rates impede people and businesses expansion or in industries no longer associated with the fish-
from pursuing their objectives in the marketplace, lowering eries zone, allowing for alternative production forms within
the total level of non-public area recreation. Commercial en- the production quarter. The degree to which authorities ob-
terprise freedom is another indication of economic expansion struct the free flow of international commerce has an imme-
since redundant laws are the most pervasive impediment to diate effect on people’s capacity to achieve their financial
unrestrained entrepreneurial activity, driving up production goals and optimize their productivity and well-being. In many
costs and making it harder for entrepreneurs to succeed in cases, alternate obstacles also placed superior-era services and
the marketplace. products past the reach of neighborhood marketers, restricting
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