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Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 1

Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***

Revised Governemnt Service Insurance (b) the legitimate, legitimated, legally

Act of 1997 RA 8291 b;adopted child, including the illegitimate
child, who is unmarried, not gainfully
Government Service Insurance System Act of 1997 is employed, not over the age of majority, or is
the present law. over the age of majority but incapacitated
and incapable of self-support due to a mental
Commonwealth Act 186 – first created GSIS. The or physical defect acquired prior to age of
membership was made compulsory for all regular majority; and
and permanently appointed employees of the (c) the parents dependent upon the member
Commonwealth, and optional for all regular and for support;
permanent employees of the National Assembly.
Compulsory coverage were considered automatically Who are the beneficiaries?
insured on life "(g) Primary beneficiaries- The legal dependent
spouse until he/she remarries and the dependent
Concept of Pension children;
Pension is a periodic allowance of money granted by
the government in consideration or recognition of "(h) Secondary beneficiaries- The dependent
meritorious past services, or of loss or injury parents and, subject to the restrictions on dependent
sustained in the public service. It is not a gift or children, the legitimate descendants;

Retirement pension is different from retirement (i) Compensation- The basic pay or salary
pay received by an employee, pursuant to his
Retirement pension is in the nature of pay withheld to election/appointment, excluding per diems, bonuses,
induce continued faithful service and amounts to overtime pay, honoraria, allowances and any other
compensate for services previously rendered. emoluments received in addition to the basic pay
which are not integrated into the basic pay under
Design: to induce competent persons to enter and existing laws;
remain in public service and encourage retirement to
those who have become incapacitated from "(p) Gainful Occupation- Any productive activity that
performing the duties as well as they may be provided the member with income at least equal to
performed by younger or more vigorous persons. the minimum compensation of government
Government Employees with Separate Retirement
Schemes "(q) Disability- Any loss or impairment of the normal
1. justices and judges functions of the physical and/or mental faculty of a
2. Armed Forces of the Philippines member which reduces or eliminates his/her capacity
3. PNP to continue with his/her current gainful occupation or
engage in any other gainful occupation;
Salient Provisions under Revised GSIS Act
"(r) Total Disability- Complete incapacity to
(c) Employer- The national government, its political continue with his present employment or engage
subdivisions, branches, agencies or instrumentalities, in any gainful occupation due to the loss or
including government-owned or controlled impairment of the normal functions of the physical
corporations, and financial institutions with original and/or mental faculties of the member;
charters, the constitutional commissions and the
judiciary; "(s) Permanent Total Disability- Accrues or arises
when recovery from the impairment mentioned in
Coverage of GSIS System Section 2 (Q) is medically remote;
1. National government, its political subdivisions,
2. Government-owned or controlled corporations "(t) Temporary Total Disability- Accrues or arises
3. Government financial institutions with original when the impaired physical and/or mental faculties
charters; and can be rehabilitated and/or restored to their normal
4. the judiciary functions;

"(d) Employee or Member- Any person receiving "(u) Permanent Partial Disability- Accrues or arises
compensation while in the service of an employer as upon the irrevocable loss or impairment of certain
defined herein, whether by election or appointment, portion/s of the physical faculties, despite which the
irrespective of status of appointment, including member is able to pursue a gainful occupation.
barangay and Sanggunian officials;
"(e) Active Member- A member who is not separated
from the service; "SEC. 3. Compulsory Membership. - Membership
in the GSIS shall be compulsory for all employees
receiving compensation who have not reached the
compulsory retirement age, irrespective of
"(f) Dependents- Dependents shall be the following: employment status, except members of the Armed
(a) the legitimate spouse dependent for Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National
support upon the member or pensioner; Police, subject to the condition that they must settle
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 2  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***
first their financial obligation with the GSIS, and by law to remit regular monthly contributions for
contractuals who have no employer and employee life insurance policies to GSIS in order to
relationship with the agencies they serve. answer for life insurance benefits.

*members of the judiciary are special GSIS

"Except for the members of the judiciary and Members
constitutional commissions who shall have life
insurance only, all members of the GSIS shall have b) Active of Inactive
life insurance, retirement, and all other social security Active – presently employed in the government or
protections such as disability, survivorship, still in the government service and are required to
separation, and unemployment benefits. pay contributions

Inactive – no longer employed or separated from

service either by resignation, retirement, disability,
Who are subject to Who are NOT subject to dismissal from service, retrenchment, or who is
compulsory coverage compulsory coverage deemed retired from the service under Act.
1. All Government 1. Uniformed personnel
employees who are of the AFP, PNP, BFP, "SEC. 4. Effect of Separation from the Service. - A
receiving fixed and BJMP; member separated from the service shall continue
monthly to be a member, and shall be entitled to whatever
compensation and 2.Barangay and benefits he has qualified to in the event of any
not reached the Sangguniang official contingency compensable under this Act.
mandatory who are not receiving
retirement agre of fixed monthly
Once a member shall always be member despite
65 years, whether compensation
separation from service
elective or
- the member separated from service continues to be
appointive; 3.Contractual
a member, therefore, entitled to whatever benefits he
2. Elective officials employees who are not
has qualified to in the event of any contingency.
who will be more receiving fixed
than 65 years old at compensation;
It shall be mandatory and compulsory for all
the end of his term
employers to include the payment of
(including the period 4. Employees who do
contributions in their annual appropriations the
of his re-election not have monthly
heads of offices and agencies shall be criminally
without interruption); regular hours of work or
liable if they fail. They may also be held
3. Officials appointed not receiving fixed
administratively liable for non-remittance /
by the President of monthly compensation
delayed remittance of premium contributions to
the Republic of the
the GSIS.
Philippines who *members of judiciary
remain in office after shall have life insurance
GSIS Benefits
reaching the age of only
Members of the GSIS are entitled to the following
4. Contractual or
1. Separation Benefits
Casual employees
- members who resign or are
ho received fixed
separated from service after
rendering for at least 3 years but less
compensation and
than 15 years etc… p 372
render number of
2. Unemployment or involuntary separation
working hours for
the month
"SEC. 12. Unemployment or Involuntary Separation Benefits. -
Unemployment benefits in the form of monthly cash payments
equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the average monthly
*Class Notes (CN): Who are subject to compulsory compensation shall be paid to a permanent employee who is
involuntarily separated from the service due to the abolition of his
coverage? office or position usually resulting from reorganization: Provided,
That he has been paying integrated contributions for at least one
Difference of SSS and GSIS as to Casual (1) year prior to separation. Unemployment benefits shall be paid
Employment: in accordance with the following schedules:
Casual employment – there is absolute exclusion
in SSS while in GSIS they are covered provided "Contributions Made Benefit Duration
there is EE-ER relationship, working hours and
1 year but less than 3 years 2 months
they receive fixed monthly compensation. 3 or more years but less than 6 years 3 months

Classes of GSIS membership: 6 or more years but less than 9 years 4 months
a) Regular or Special
Regular Members – regular employees the 9 or more years but less than 11 years 5 months
Republic of the Philippines, national or local,
legislative bodies, GOCC with original charters, 11 or more years but less than 15 years 6 months
GFI, except the uniformed personnel of AFP,
"The first payment shall be equivalent to two (2) monthly benefits.
PNP, BFP and BJMP A seven-day (7) waiting period shall be imposed on succeeding
monthly payments.
Special Members– officers of the constitutional
commission, members of the judiciary, "All accumulated unemployment benefits paid to the employee
including those with equivalent who are required during his entire membership with the GSIS shall be deducted from
voluntary separation benefits.
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 3  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***
c) fails to present himself for medical
"The GSIS shall prescribe the detailed guidelines in the examination when required by GSIS
operationalization of this section in the rules and regulations
implementing this Act.
Forfeiture of disability benefits
The disability benefits will be automatically forfeited if
-available to permanent employees
the GSIS member refuses or fails:
involuntary separation from the
a) to have himself medically treated by a
service due to the abolition of office
physician when required by the GSIS
or reorganization
b) take prescribed medications
c) have himself confined in a hospital, when such
Conditions to be entitled to the confinement is required by GSIS
unemployment benefit: d) avail himself of rehabilitation facilities as may
1. he was a permanent employee at the time be duly recommended by the GSIS
of separation e) observe such precautionary or preventive
2. his separation was involuntary measure us prescribed by a physician to prevent
3. due to the abolition of his office or position the aggravation or continuance of his disability
due to reorganization
4. he has been paying the required premium 4. Temporary total disability benefit
contributions for at least 1 year prior to
separation 5. Retirement benefit
3. Disability benefit "SEC. 13. Retirement Benefits. - (a) Retirement benefits shall be:
- Permanent Partial
"(1) the lump sum payment as defined in this Act payable at the
time of retirement plus an old-age pension benefit equal to the
basic monthly pension payable monthly for life, starting upon
- Permanent Total expiration of the five-year (5) guaranteed period covered by the
disability caused by injury or disease resulting in lump sum; or
complete, irreversible and permanent incapacity
"(2) cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) months of his basic
to work or to engage in any gainful occupation.
monthly pension plus monthly pension for life payable immediately
a) complete loss of sight for both eyes with no five-year (5) guarantee.
b) loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or
wrist "(b) Unless the service is extended by appropriate authorities,
retirement shall be compulsory for an employee of sixty-five (65)
c) permanent complete paralysis of two limbs
years of age with at least fifteen (15) years of service: Provided,
d) brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility That if he has less than fifteen (15) years of service, he may be
or insanity allowed to continue in the service in accordance with existing civil
service rules and regulations.
Conditions for entitlement of Partial Disability
"SEC. 13-A. Conditions for Entitlement. - A member who retires
benefit : from the service shall be entitled to the retirement benefits
1. if he was in the service at the time of enumerated in paragraph (a) of Section 13 hereof: Provided, That:
disability or
(1) he has rendered at least fifteen years of service;
2. if separated from service, he has paid at
least 36 months contribution within the 5-year (2) he is at least sixty (60) years of age at the time of retirement;
period immediately preceding his disability or and
has paid a total of at least 180 months
(3) he is not receiving a monthly pension benefit from permanent
contributions prior to the disability. Provided
total disability.
that the following conditions are met:
To be entitled to the retirement benefits, the GSIS
1. he is gainfully employed prior to
member must meet the following conditions:
the commencement of disability
1. He has rendered at least 15 years of
resulting in loss of income as
evidenced by any incontrovertible
2. he is atleast 60 years of age at the time of
2. he is not a registered member of
3. He is not receiving a monthly pension
any social insurance institution
benefit from permanent total disability
3. he is not receiving any other
pension either from GSIS or another
Benefits that cannot be enjoyed by the member:
local or foreign institution
6. Survivorship benefit
* A member is not entitled to the benefit if the
If the GSIS member dies, the primary beneficiary are
permanent partial disability was caused by his
entitled to the following survivorship benefits
grave misconduct, notorious negligence, habitual
whichever is applicable:
intoxication or wilful intervention to kill himself or
-deceased was in the service at the time of
his death or if separated from service:
- has at least 3 years of service at
Suspension of disability benefit
the time of his death and has paide
Unless the member reached the minimum
36 monthly contributions
retirement age, disability benefits shall be
- if there are no primary beneficiary the
suspended when he:
Survivor benefit will go to the secondary
a) is reemployed
b) recovers from the disability as determined
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 4  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
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7. Funeral benefit – intended to defray the - Section 11 (b) of PD No 146 must be read together
expenses incident to the burial and funderal with Memorandum order 27.
of the deceased member, pensioner or
retiree. It is payable to any qualified Is pension gratuitous?
individual, in accordance with the following Pension is not gratuity but rather a form of deferred
order of priority: compensation for services performed and his right to
1. legitimate spouse it commences to vest upon his entry into the retirment
2. Legitimate child who spend for system and becomes an enforceable obligation in
funeral expenses court upon fulfilment of all conditions under which it is
3. any other person showing to be paid.
incontrovertible proof that he
shouldered the funeral expenses of Retirement laws are to be liberally interpreted in favor
the deceased of the retiree because their intention is to provide for
his sustenance and hopefully even comfort, when he
8. Life Insurance Benefit – is compulsory and is no longer has the stamina to continue earning his
available to all employees, except for livelihood.
Members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and the Philippine National Who has a superior authority?
Police. Supreme Court decided to uphold the superior
authority of the board over the general manager.
Prescriptive period for filing claims - General Manager’s approval is not beyond review
"SEC. 28. Prescription. - Claims for benefits under and reprobation by the Board of Trustees.
this Act except for life and retirement shall prescribe
after four (4) years from the date of contingency. Who has jurisdiction?
The GSIS has original and exclusive jurisdiction to
- Claims for GSIS benefits except for life insurance determine whether a member is qualified or not to
and retirement must be filed within 4 years from the avail of the old age pension benefit based on its
date of contingency. computation of a member’s years of service of the
-Claims filed after 4 years will be barred by government.
GSIS is a quasi-legislative body any claim shall be - The computation of members services with
filed in the GSIS such as the qualification of compensation included not only full time but also part
claimants etc time and other services with compensation as may
-Decisions are appealable to the Court of Appeals be included under the rules and regulations
prescribed by the system.
Whether or not Sec 18 is unconstitutional for
prohibiting a spouse from receiving survivors
Reason for Compulsory Retirement
pension if the dependent spouse married the
The reason for compulsory retirement is founded on
pensioner within 3 years before the pensioner
public policty which aims by it to maintain efficiency in
qualified for pension?
the government service and at the same time give to
the retiring public servants the opportunity to enjoy
Yes it is unconstitutional and violates due process ,
during the remainder of their lives.
discriminatory and denies equal protection clause
Whether or not per diem is considered as
- Denial of due process – the proviso is unduly
compensation under Revised GSIS Act?
oppressive and outrightly denying a dependent
- What would be controlling is the nature of the
spouse claim for survivorship pension.
remuneration not the label attached to it
- the outright confiscation of benefits due the
surviving spouse without giving the surviving spouse
GR: allowance for expenses incident to the discharge
opportunity to be heard.
of an office is not salary, but if the renumeration
- proviso undermines purpose of PD 1146 which is to
received does not constitute a mere “allowance for
assure comprehensive and integrated social security
expenses” but appears to be his actual base pay,
and insurance benefits to government employees
then no amount of categorizing the salary as a per
and their dependents in the event of sickness,
diem would take the allowance received from the
disability, death and retirement of the government
term “service with compensation” for purpose of
computing the number of years of service in the
Violation of Equal protection clause- the provisio
discriminates the surviving spouse
Extension of Service is it allowed?
- there is no reasonable connection between the
* The head of the government agency concerned is
means employed and the purpose intended.
vested with discretionary authority to allow or disallow
extension of service of an official or employee who
Life insurance and retirement benefit are distinct from
has reached sixty five years of age and completing
each other. The member must designate his
15 years of government service, this discretion is
beneficiary in both claims or else it will accrue to the
nevertheless to be exercised conformably with
estate and will be given to his legal heirs in
existing regulations (Rabor vs CSC)
accordance with the law.
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 5  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
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Life insurance benefit – any person, belongs to the
estate of the insured.

Unemployment or Involuntary Separation Benefits

payable to permanent employee

Appointment differs from designation

However, the term appointment under EO 966 is
used in general sense to include the term

Hence, petitioner is entitled to additional

compensation even though he was merely
designated which, following the letter and spirit of the
law, should be included in his highest basic salary
rate for purposes of computing his retirement
mployer’s Compensation
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 6  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
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Commission (ECC) 3. Transfer from the worker to the industry in which

he is employed, and ultimately to the consuming
Workmen’s Compensation legistlation has arisen public, a greater proportion of the economic loss due
out of conditions produced by modern industrial to industrial accidents and injuries
development. Under the compensation acts, the 4. Improve the relations between employers and
theory of negligence as the basis of liability is employees bu avoiding or reducing the friction
discarded, and in general, a right to compensation is incident to litigation
given for all injuries incident to the employment, with 5. Provide not only for employees a remedy which is
certain exemptions, the amount of which is limited both expeditious and independent of proof of fault,
and determined in accordance with a definite but also for employers a liability which is limited and
schedule in a summary and informal method of determinate.
procedure, although the elements of compensability
are not uniform in all jurisdiction. *not precluded to include similar benefits such as the
ECC , such remedy is treated as separate from ECC
The primary purpose of a workmen’s compensation
act is to provide compensation for disability or death Source of Compensation
resulting from occupational injuries or diseases or 1. Direct Payment
accidental injury to, or death of, employees. - payment of compensation by the employer
directly to the employer
The statute is remedial one enacted primarily for the 2. Insurance Statutes
benefit of the man who works in the pursuits subjects - requires the employer to take out insurance
to its provisions, it is for the benefit of injured either with an insurance bureau operated by
employees and not injured employers. the state (GSIS, SSS) or with a private
company (*maxicare), or to contribute to a
Purpose: compensation fund, and if an employee is
1. Provide compensation for disability arising from injured the compensation is paid by the
occupational disease insurer or from the compensation fund.
2. Accidental disease
Bodies that administer the ECC:
ECC- is not a charity but recognition of a moral duty SSS – private sector
and the erection of it into a legal obligation of the GSIS – government sector
public, not mere employer, to compensate
reasonably those who are injured while in the Labor Code – adopts the compensation fund type.
employment of others, as part of the natural, - all covered employers are required to remit
necessary cost of production. to a common fund a monthly contribution
equivalent to one percent of the monthly
Employees Compensation Act covers the salary credit of every covered employee.
following: - employee pays no contribution to the fund
1. All employees not over 60 years of age (any agreement to collect contributuon from
2. All employees over 60 years of age but has paid the employee is prohibited)
contributions prior to reaching the age of 60 - employer’s contribution makes up the State
3. All employers Insurance fund from which comes the
4. All members of the SSS and GSIS compensation to be paid to claimant
employee or the employee’s dependents in
Concept of worker’s compensation…When it all case the employee suffers from work-
started? connected injury or disease.
– Industrial unrest. When workers were compelled to
face hazardous conditions of employment: mines, *employer cannot deduct. It is the
steel mills, cotton mills, coal mills etc. sole obligation of the employer to
pay, but with respect to SSS the
Before: The burden of proof is on the employee that employee is required to contribute
the employer is not providing safety gears in the work Process
place before the employer is required to pay worker’s A compensation claim starts with a work-related
compensation injury or disease that befalls an employee. Within 5
days, he must notify his employer who, in turn, must
Present: such need was dispensed with. The enter the notice in a logbook (in some cases, notice
employee and employer became partners to the employer is not required). Within 5 days after
However, the injury, sickness, death must be making the entry, the employer reports to the SSS or
connected with employment. If there is no the GSIS the sickness, injury, or death that he deems
connection, compensation is not granted. work-connected. In effect, the employer decides
- only the connection of employment is required, no initially whether the injury or sickness is work related
need to prove the negligence on the part of employer. or not.

The claim goes to the System which decides on the

General purposes of Workermen’s compensation
claim. The two systems serve as administering
agencies of the Employees’ Compensation
1. Improve the economic status of the workers
Commission which is the policy-making body.
2. Obviate the uncertainties, delay, expense, and
hardship attendant upon the enforcement of court
The ECC is also the appeal body – w/n 30 days
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 7  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***
What the System denies may be appealed before the 1. the employee must have been injured at
ECC. What the ECC denies is appealable to the CA the place where his work requires him to be
or if it is favourable to the worker, it is final and 2. the employee must have been performing
executory. his official functions
3. if injury is sustained elsewhere, the
Effectivity employee must have been executing an
PD 626 applies only prospectively because it took order from an employer
effect on January 1, 1975, it applies to illnesses
contracted on or after that date. For those contracted “Arising out of” or “in the course of employment”
before that date, the applicable law is the previous - there is no particular formula can be laid down
Workmen’s compensation. which will automatically solve the case, since the
sphere of the employment is variable in extent
Workmen’s Compensation act distinguished from depending upon the nature of the particular work and
Employee’s Compensation Law aslo upon the nature

Workemen’s Employee’s Arising out of – occuring at the time of employment

Compensation Compensation Law while performing some duties. Ensues from a risk
There was presumption Abolished presumption reasonably incident to the employment and if some
of compensability of compensability and sense due to the employment.
If the ailment of the rule on aggravation
employee was of illness caused by the In the course of employment – employee expose to
aggravate due to work nature of employment. danger though the danger is not inherent to the
the employer is liable for employment
compensation Rationale: restore
sensible equilibrium Generaly held: it is not necessary that in order for an
between employees injury to be regarded as having arisen out of or in the
right to receive course of employment, should have occurred during
reparation for work hours of active labor, or on premises within the
connected disabilityxxx control of the employer
and because the
employee’s claim is Proximity rule
directed to the SIF, the - employment includes not only the actual doing of
employer does not have the work, but also a reasonable margin of time and
to controvert the claim space necessary to be used in passing to and
Employer should SIF from the place where the work is to be done,
controvert or dispute the where the latter is expressly or impliedly included in
claim for compensation the terms of employment.
with 14 days from the
date of disability or Proximate Cause
within 10 days from -does not imply neares in point of time or relation but
knowledge, if he fails, rather, is the sufficient cause, which may be the most
deemed as waiver remote of an operative chain. It must be which sets
the others in motion.
Requisites under the present law PD 442, Art 173 to - It is to be extinguished from a mere preexisting
be entitled to sickness or death benefits, the sickness condition upon which the effective cause operates,
or death resulting therefrom must be, or have and must have been adequate to produce the
resulted from either resultant damage without intervention of an
independent cause.
a) any illness definitely accepted as an
occupational disease listed by the -The proximate legal cause is that acting first and
Commission producing the injury, either immediately or by setting
b) any illness caused by employment subject other events in motion. They constitute a natural and
to proof that the risk of contracting the same continuous chain of events, each having a close
is increased by working conditions causal connection with its immediate predecessor.
law PD 626 requirements for a death to become
compensable: Class Discussions of Atty. Panes:
1. death which is caused by the employment
2. disease which is aggravated by his line of work Employment is not limited to work, but also covers
3. death by reason of the nature or his employment personal acts. We are only humans – for efficient
discharge of function we do some relief, taking rest,
Compensable Work-related Injury attending union meetings – are connected to
What gives rise to a compensation claim is either employment
injury or disease. But what is compensated is not the
injury or disease itself but the attendant loss or Chua Yeng vs Roma
impaired earning capacity. -nature of work requires extertion of effort. Natural
tendency of body to rehydrate. It was encumbent
Rule III Sec 1(a): For injury and resulting disability or upon the employer to provide water. Employee had to
death to be compensable, the injury must be the go to employers kitchen. - compensable
result of an employment accident satisfying all of the
following grounds: Luzon Stevedoring Co. vs WCC
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 8  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
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- taking a bath not only habitual but necessary to the > Death or injury on occasion of employment –
human body. Not only clean himself but find compensable
enjoyment due to monotonous work-compensable
> Increased risk jobs
Examples: - compensable jobs guarding the property
Routes/bus drivers - keeping or carrying of money increased
> When there is deviation of work such as routes, temptation -> robbery
injury is not compensable – he deviated from usual
work. > Employer assigned you in slum areas where there
> Compensable if after the deviation of work, are addicts – due to nature of the job increased
he resumed his travel to work. The deviation bodily harm -> compensable
ended, resumed to work – it is compensable
> Bus drivers, taxi drivers – increased risk of being
Seminars/Business meetings/ coventions etc. killed or harmed – take passengers who are
> The purpose of travel was intermingled with sometimes criminals
personal purpose – Employee was requested to go to
Boracay to meet a client of the employer, employee’s > Member of PNP, AFP exposed to rebels, NPA and
mind -> a chance to relax, to employer’s mind -> other insurgency
purpose is to work
Injury or death due to violation of company rules
Dual purpose: Compensable, regardless of > Yes compensable if violation itself is not the cause
employees purpose as long as primary purpose is for of accident
business or employment -serious doubt where employee understood
the rule, the doubt is construed in favor of the
>Not compensable if the employee made employee. He could not understand it –
some detours and was injured during the compensable
Example: meeting at the hotel, the > Violation was not intentional but curious –
employee tried cliff diving compensable
somewhere else and he was injured.
>Negligence does not preclude compensability as
Employer sponsored activities / vacation / retreat long as it is not notoriously negligent
- it is compensable – if you happen to fall and
was injured Limit to compensability
- encourage efficiency of emplouyees > 1.cause by employees intoxication
recharge and be more efficient with work 2. wilful intention to kill or injure oneself or another
-in cases of accidents rule is it is 3. notorious negligence
Disability – does not refer to bodily injury. Refers to
Employer gave the employee a bonus, trip to Korea earning capacity
> Employee suffered injury while in Korea – it is
compensable You are receiving Disability benefits but you have
> Injury sustained in a Social Club and its - you can no longer claim for disability benefit, since
membership is encouraged by the employer – income has restored
Disability is partial not permanent (does not lose
> Sports events sponsored by the employer, intrams, your earning capacity)
sportsfest, compete each and injury was sustained – - despite to partial permanent disability does not
compensable prohibit discharge of partial benefits even if you are
Acts of God, Force majeure
> Caught in typhoon or natural catastrophe Dependents:
- when required to be in a particular place at Does not mean absolute dependency not literal
that time – compensable dependency
- dependent who can fend for himself can still be
> Worker is struck by lightning while working – considered as dependent
Requirement of Spouse
> Ship employee drowned along with ship, it is 1) lawfully married even if spouse is gainfully
compensable employed

> killed or injured in a typhoon or storm required to be Separated spouse (Separation de facto)
in a particular place – compensable - as long as he/she is an innocent spouse he/she is
entitled to warrant such benefits
> Employee assaulted by fellow employee death
resulted – compensable if attack arose from work Period to file claims under the ECC
dispute, resentment originating from work assaulted Art 201 – 3 years from the time the cause of action
by subordinate accrues
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 9  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***
- 3 years lapse can still claim Art 1144 of the Civil > Workmen’s compensation act covers occupational
Code provides 10 years for obligations created by injuries, which, as such, must have causative
law connection with something not merely in common
with the public, but peculiar to the employment.
Mode of filing – Mere filing of notice of the injury or
disease effectively suspend the running of the In the course of employment deals mainly with the
prescriptive period. element of time and space or time, place and
circumstances. Thus, if the injury occurred fifteen
minutes before working and within 100 feet of the
ECC Cases | Doctrines employer’s premises on sidewalks or public roads,
the question “in the course of” is flatly raised.
Personal needs | Necessary to the human body
Proximity Rule Exception
Yeng vs Roma Exception to the general going and coming rule is
- acts are reasonably necessary to the health and that:
comfort of an employee while at work, such as An employee is generally considered to be in the
satisfaction of his thirst, hunger or other physical course of his employment while coming to or going
demands, or protecting himself from excessive cold, from his work, when, though off the actual premises
are nevertheless incidental to employment, and of his employer, he is still in close proximity
injuries sustained in the performance of such act are thereto, is proceeding diligently at an appropriate
generally held to be compensable as arising out of time, by reasonable means, over the natural,
and in the course of the employment practical, customary, convenient and recognized
way of ingress, or egress either on land under the
Compensation can be granted even if the injury control of the employer, or an adjacent property with
occurred while the order was not performing acts the express or implied consent of the employer.
strictly in the course of his duties, but engaged in an
activity Proximate Cause
- either related or incidental to his duties Belarmino vs ECC
- doing an act in the interest of his - her fall was the proximate cause or responsible
employer cause that set in motion an unbroken chain of events,
leading to her demise.
Luzon Stevedoring Co vs Workmen’s - Where the primary injury is shown to have arisen in
Compensation Commission the course of employment, every natural
- he was undertaking something that is necessary to consequence that flows from the injury likewise
his personal need and comfort since taking of bath is arises out of the employment, unless it is the result of
not only habitual in a sailor but necessary to the an independent intervening cause attributable to
human body. complainants own negligence or misconduct.
- No clear evidence that his death was due to
notorious negligence and not to a cause which he - Her fall was the primary injury that arose in the
could have reasonably avoided course of her employment as a teacher, hence, all
medical consequences flowing from it are
Iloilo Dock and Engineering Co. vs WCC compensable

Going and Coming Rule under the Workmen’s > it Is not the intention of the legislature to make
Compensation Commission employer an insurer against all accidental injuries
General Rule: In the absence of special which might happen to the employee
circumstances, an employee injured in, going to or - but only for such injuries arising from or
coming from his place of work is excluded from the growing out of the risks peculiar to the nature of the
benefits of Workemen’s compensation acts. work in the scope of the workman’s employment or
Exception to the general rule: incidental to such employment, and accidents in
Four recognized exceptions to the going and which it is possible to trace the injury to some risk or
coming rule: hazard to which the employee is exposed in a special
degree by reason of such employment
1. Where the employee is proceeding to or
from his work on the premises of his >Soldiers | PNP
employer; Hinoguin vs ECC
2. Where the employee is about to enter or - a soldier should be presumed to be on official duty
about to leave the premises of his employer unless he is shown to have clearly and unequivocally
by way of the exclusive or customary means put aside that status or condition temporarily by e.g.,
of ingress or egress; going on an approved vacation leave. Even vacation
3. Where the employee is charged, while on leave may, be preterminated by superior orders.
his way to or from his place of employment or - A solider in the AFT must accept certain risk that he
at his home, or during his employment, with will be fired by forces hostile to the State of the
some duty or special errand connected with Government.
his employment - must also assume the risk of being accidentally fired
4. Where the employer, as an incident of the upon by his fellow soldiers.
employment, provides the means of - Accidental discharge of the M-16 arose out of an in
transportation to and from the place of the course of his employment as soldier on active
employment. duty
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 10  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***
Alano vs ECC (Principal) - disease afflicting the teacher was aggravate due to
- There was nothing private or personal about the the conditions of work
school principal’s being at the place of the accident.
She was there because her employment required her Theory of increased risk
to be there. - because of the conditions of work, compensability is
- The claim is compensable when an employee is construed in favor of the employee because the
accidentally injured at a point reasonably proximate conditions of work increased the risk of the disease
to the place at work, while he is going to and from his
work, such injury is deemed to have arisen out and in Degree of proof required
the course of his employment - The degree of proof required in PD 626 is merely
substantial evidence, which means relevant
Lazo vs ECC (Security Guard) evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as
- met an accident on his way home adequate to support a conclusion
- compensable - the accident may be said to have
arisen out of or in the course of employment, for *Aggravation of a disease can be applied if the
which reason his death is compensable employee started to work before the enactment of the
new law (?) (not sure)
> The new law discarded the concepts of
“presumption of compensability” and “aggravation” to > when there are two or more possible explanations
restore what the law believes is a sensible regarding an issue of compensability that which
equilibrium between the employer’s obligation to pay favors the claimant must be chosen
workmen’s compensation and the employees’ rights
to receive reparation for work-connected death or Personal insight: In order for an illness to be
disability appreciated before the ECC(or favorable response
before the court) that the illness is aggravated by
> Applying the new law, it must be proved that her employment, it is necessary to show:
working conditions increased the risk of her - Substantial proof
contracting the fatal illness - claimant must show reasonable work connection

Occupational Disease > to establish compensability under the increased

risk theory, the claimant must show proof of
> Contracted in direct connection with work, came reasonable work-connection, not necessarily direct
during industrial revolution, massive industrialization casual relation. The degree of proof required is
substantial evidence
Disease caused agents
Pottery – silica dust harmful to the lungs Dabatian vs GSIS
Factory of plastic products – lead, harmful toxins -peptic ulcer is not accepted as an occupational
Matches – phosphorus – expense at the health of disease
workers - Dabatian died when old comopensation law had
Mines and coal mines – steam industry – coal already been abrogated. No competent evidence
particles caused black lung disease and other known whatsoever was submitted to prove that Dabatian’s
disease ailment was contracted prior to January 1, 1975 in
order to bring it under the protective mantle of the old
> discovered that diseases were specific among the compensation law.
industries > aggravation of illness no longer present in
the current law
Asbestos – cause of asbestosis, fatal conditons
Radiation – hospital workes Under the new law, in order for the employee to be
entitled to sickness or death benefits, the sickness or
> Considered as occupational disease – disease death resulting therefrom must be, or must have
which appeared after several years which is resulted either:
attributed where the patient worked before a) any illness definitely accepted as an
> Exposure to disease causing occupational disease listed by the
agents inhaled, contact, can be ingested by Commission
workers b) any illness caused by employment subject
to proof that the risk contracting the same is
Occupational disease increased by working conditions
-one which results from the nature of the
employment, and by nature is meant conditions to - since peptic ulcer is not included in the list,
which all employees of a class are subject and which petitioner has the burden of proving that the nature of
produce the disease as a natural incident of a her husband’s work increased the risk of contracting
particular occupation, and attach to that occupation a the disease
hazard which distinguishes it from the usual run of
occupations and is in excess of the hazard attending Lupo vs GSIS (vaginal bleeding, incomplete
the employment in general abortion, lifting heavy tax books)
- the opinion of the ECC medical officer that there
Menez vs ECC was no causal connection between the ailment and
- compensable. Exposed to dirty surroundings, poor work conditions of the wife of the petitioner cannot
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 11  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***
overcome the substantial evidence submitted by
petitioner’ Interorient Maritime Enterprises vs Pineda
- Additionally, medical opinion to the contrary can be -60 days obligation of the employer after the contract
disregarded especially when there is some basis in ends
the fact for inferring a work connec tion. - State Insurance Fund is liable
- not a wilful act of the seamen, he was mentally ill
ECC Discussions - Employer has an obligation to safely deliver
employee to the point of hire.
Article 166. Compulsory coverage. — Coverage in
the State Insurance Fund shall be compulsory upon Article 173. Exclusiveness of liability. — Unless
all employers and their employees not over sixty otherwise provided, the liability of the State Insurance
years of age: Provided, That an employee who is Fund under this Title shall be exclusive and in place
over sixty years of age and paying contributions to of all other liabilities of the employer to the employee,
qualify for the retirement or life insurance benefit his dependents or anyone otherwise entitled to
administered by the System shall be subject to receive damages on behalf of the employee or his
compulsory coverage: Provided, further, That in case dependents. The payment of compensation under
of an employee who is both covered by the SSS and this Title shall bar the recovery of benefits as
GSIS, only his employment under the GSIS shall be provided for in Section 699 of the Revised
considered for purposes of his coverage. Administrative Code, Republic Act Numbered eleven
hundred sixty-one, as amended, Commonwealth Act
>>Employees Compensation Act covers the numbered one hundred eighty-six, as amended,
following: Republic Act numbered sixty-one hundred eleven, as
1. All employees not over 60 years of age amended, Republic Act numbered six hundred ten,
2. All employees over 60 years of age but has paid as amended, Republic Act numbered forty-eight
contributions prior to reaching the age of 60 hundred sixty-four, as amended, and other laws
3. All employers whose benefits are administered by the System,
4. All members of the SSS and GSIS during the period of such payment for the same
disability or death, and conversely.
Article 168. Effective date of coverage. —
Compulsory coverage of the employer during the Ysmael Maritime Corporation vs Avelino
effectivity of this Title shall take effect on the first day - employee or his heirs are no longer free to opt for
of his operation, and that of the employee on the date the other remedy. In other words, the employee
of his employment. cannot pursue both actions simultaneously.

Art 172. As thus applied to the case at bar, respondent Lim

Article 170. Limitation of liability. — The State spouses cannot be allowed to maintain their present
Insurance Fund shall be liable for compensation to action to recover additional damages against
the employee or his dependents, except when the petitioner under the Civil Code. In open court,
disability or death was occasioned by the employee's respondent Consorcia Geveia admitted that they had
intoxication, willful intention to injure or kill himself or previously filed a claim for death benefits with the
another, notorious negligence, or otherwise provided WCC and had received the compensation payable to
under this Title. them under the WCA
It is therefore clear that respondents had not only
1. Employee’s intoxication
opted to recover under the Act but they had also
2. wilful intention to injure or kill
been duly paid. At the very least, a sense of fair play
himself or another
would demand that if a person entitled to a choice of
3. notorious negligence
remedies made a first election and accepted the
benefits thereof, he should no longer be allowed to
Class Discussion:
exercise the second option. "Having staked his
>> As a general rule, suicide is not compensable.
fortunes on a particular remedy, [he] is precluded
Except when the employee jumped and in the
from pursuing the alternate course, at least until the
Collective Bargaining Agreement, the employer shall
prior claim is rejected by the Compensation
pay for the lost of life
- CBA is a contract and being a conrtract
cannot hinder the employee and emloyer
from entering a contract
- Art 172 only limits the State Insurance Fund
but it does not limit the agreement of the
Employee and Employer.

>> Negligence does not limit compensability. It is

notorious negligence that limits compensability
- Soldier testing a dynamite in an open sea is not
notorious negligence – it is in connection of work.

Mabuhay Shipping Services vs NLRC

- wilful act to harm others, challenged and assaulted
an employee
-was in a state of intoxication
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 12  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***
• Government Sector Employed
• Private sector employed
National Health Insurance Act b) Indigents
c) Individually paying
Dependents: - The legal dependents of a member • Self-employed
are: • OFWs
1. the legitimate spouse who is not a member • Employers and employees of international
2. the unmarried and unemployed legitimate, organizations and foreign governments
legitimated, illegitimate, acknowledged children as based in the Philippines
appearing in the birth certificate, legally adopted or • Privately Sponsored
stepchildren below 21 years of age • Others including the following:
3. Children who are twenty one years old or above o Individuals who are separated from
nut suffering from congenital disability, either physical employment and who intend to
or mental, or any disability acquired that renders continue membership
them totally dependent on the member for support o Parents who are not qualified as
4. the parents who are sixty years old or above legal dependents, indigents or
whose income is below an amount to be determined retirees/pensioners
by the Corporation in accordance with the guiding o Children who are not qualified as
principles set forth in Article I of this Act legal dependents
o Unemployed persons who are not
qualified as indigents
Health care benefits are accessed through accredited o Citizens of the Philippines residing in
healthcare provides. Health Care Providers refers to: other countries
1. Health care institution d) Non- Paying
2. Health care professionals
3. Health maintenance organization Guiding principles
4. Community-based health care
organization Compulsory Coverage as provided under RA
Sec.10 Benefit Package (see provision) - All citizens of the Philippines shall be required to
enrol in the National Health Insurance Program in
Sec 11. Excluded Personal Health Services order to avoid adverse selection and social inequity

Sec 12 Entitlement of Benefits

- at least 3 months have been paid within the
6 months prior to the first day of his or his
dependent’s availment. Provided, that the
member can show contributions thereto with
sufficient regularity.

The following need not to pay the monthly

1. Retirees and pensioners of the SSS and
GSIS prior to the effectivity of this act
2. Members who reach the age of retirement
as provided for by law and have paid at least
120 monthly contributions
3. Enrolled indigents

Sec 17. Quasi-Judicial Powers

a) conduct investigation for the determination
of question, controversy, complaint, or
unresolved grievance brought to its attention,
and render decisions and determine the case
even in the absence of any party
b) summon parties to a controversy
c) suspend temporarily, revoke permanently,
or restore the accreditation of a health care
provider or the right benefits of a member
and/or impose fines after due notice and

*suspension of benefits of members not more

than 6 months

IRR Section 6. Nature and Scope – The NHIP shall

cover the following members and their dependents:

a) Employed
Social Legislation and Agrarian Reform Law 13  
Kimberly Benazir May R. Codilla Notes
***Caveat: Use this material at your own risk***

Home Development Mutual Fund PD 1752

Law: Mandatory Coverage – Membership in the

fund shall be mandatory upon all employees covered
by the SSS and GSIS and their respective
employers; Provided however that coverage of the
employees whose monthly compensation is less that
4,000 shall be voluntary, provided further, that upon
membership with the fund, their employees shall
contribute an amount in accordance with section 1 of
Rule VI hereof

Discussion ni sir: Mandatory upon the following

1. Private and government sector
2. Uniformed Members
3. Bureau of Management
4. Foreign Employers
5. Spouses who devote full time at home
*self-employed subject to mandatory coverage

Termination of Membership
1. Membership Term Maturity (20 years or 240
monthly contributions)
2. Death
3. Retirement
4. Permanent Total Disability or Insanity
5. Deoarture from the Country permanently
6. Termination from the service by reason of health
7. Occurrences other than the above shall not
constitute termination of membership as may
otherwise be provided by the Board of Trustees (such
as Resignation – does not terminate membership)\

Effectivity – ER: 1st day of business operation |

EE- 1st day of Employment

>> Suspension or Layoff – membership is not

terminated, payment is only suspended

>> No retroactive effect

>>Nature of Obligation of the Employer

- Fiduciary obligation – he is a trustee of the
contributions of the employee

Parallel program – apply for integration

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