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Physiology 4

1. Which main layer of atmosphere consists of isothermal layer?

a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

2. Which main layer of atmosphere consists of ozone layer?

a) Thermosphere
b) Mesosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Troposphere

3. Which type of gas is the product of cellular respiration in most life forms?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon monoxide
d) Carbon dioxide

4. What physiological zone makes trapped gas disorders occurs more frequently?
a) Efficient zone
b) Deficient zone
c) Space equivalent zone
d) In both efficient & Deficient zone

5. What type of vessels carry oxygen rich blood?

a) Arteries
b) Capillaries
c) Veins
d) Nutrition

6. What is function of hemoglobin?

a) Immunities against numerous disease process
b) Attracts oxygen molecules through an electrochemical magnet process
c) React to any breach in the circulatory system
d) Attract carbon monoxide through capillaries

7. What is function of respiration system?

a) It brings O2 in to the body
b) Removes CO2 from the body
c) Helps maintain temperature of body
d) All of a bore

8. What are common causes of hypemic hypoxia?*

a) Flying high altitude
b) Reduced PO2 in the lungs
c) Anemia and blood loss
d) Carbon dioxide poisoning
9. What s result of reducing blood flow?*
a) Hypoxic hypoxia
b) Anemic hypoxia
c) Histotoxic hypoxia
d) Stagnant hypoxia

10. What causes increasing physiological altitude?

a) Onset time and severity of hypoxia
b) Self imposed stressors
c) Nonprescription drugs
d) Individual factors

11. How can we prevent hypoxic hypoxia?*

a) Fitness of body
b) Exercise
c) Aroid self imposed stressors
d) Limiting the time at altitude

12. What causes hyperventilation?*

a) Low blood sugar
b) Abnormal loss of carbon dioxide from the blood
c) Low oxygen in the atmosphere
d) Blood pools and circulation are below normal

13. What s treatment of hyperventilation?*

a) Voluntary reduction in the rate of respiration
b) Fly to lower altitude
c) Talking or singing
d) a & c

14. What are chief source of gas in gastrointestinal tract?

a) Swallowed air
b) Digestive process
c) Fermentation
d) Bacterial decompression

15. What's treatment of middle air discomfort during flight?*

a) Fly to lower altitude
b) Valsalva technique
c) Climbing rapidly
d) Pinch the nose shut

16. Where are positions of frontal sinuses?

a) Cheek bones
b) Bones of the nose
c) Back of the throat
d) Bones of forehead
17. What's prevention of evolved gas disorder?
a) Valsalva technique
b) Chewing gum
c) Denitrogenation
d) Yawning and swallowing

18. What are physiological stressors?*

a) Job stress, Hot or cold environment
b) Illness, missed meal
c) Aircraft design, IFR condition
d) Alcohol, drugs, heavy workload

19. What type of stressor you are encounter when you doubt maintenance performance?
a) Physiological
b) Psychological
c) Cognitive
d) Human factor

20. What are side effects of antihistamine?

a) Rapid heart rate, pain
b) Hypoxia and hyperventilation
c) Drowsiness and dizziness
d) Deafness, irregular body temperature

21. What causes hypoglycemia?

a) Lack of oxygen in the tissues
b) Missing meals or substituting a quick snack
c) Alcohol and drugs
d) High body s blood sugar level

22. How can you avoid stressors?

a) Avoiding self imposed stressors, believe aircraft ability
b) Good preflight and knowledge of procedures
c) Practicing self talk, avoiding must and should
d) Changing your thinking, learning to relax

23. What is definition of acute fatigue?

a) Physical or mental activity between two regular sleep period
b) Feeling tired or sleepy
c) Inadequate recovery from chronic fatigue
d) Monotone task or insomnia

24. What is the most important treatment of fatigue?

a) Learn to be relax
b) Avoid heavy workload
c) Get rest and natural sleep
d) Hobby plans for weekend
25. What type of acceleration is when changing in speed and direction?
a) Angular acceleration
b) Linear acceleration
c) Radial acceleration
d) Centripetal acceleration

26. What is positive G (+Gz)?

a) When body is accelerated foot ward direction
b) When body is accelerated head ward direction
c) When body is accelerated back to chest
d) When body is accelerated chest to back

27. What is common in most illusions?*

a) They occur when pilot is overworked
b) They occur when high G maneuvers
c) They occur when turbulence and unstable air
d) They occur when visibility is restricted

28. What illusion happens when abrupt recovery or rapid correction is made to a bank?
a) Coriolis illusion
b) Vertigo
c) Leans
d) Smatogravic

29. What is vertigo?

a) Feeling of anxiety, stress
b) Misinterpretation of outside stimuli
c) Incorrect mental image of your position
d) Feeling that you are spinning

30. What are common symptoms of motion sickness?

a) Dizziness, nausea, sweating
b) Sleepy, fever, sweating
c) Vertigo, stress, anxiety
d) Drowsiness, nausea, anxiety

1-what are sensory organs about awareness of body's position?

visual , vestibular , kinethtetic(seat of your pants)
2-what are types of stress?
physical stress , physiological stress, psychological stress
3-what are types of hypoxia?
hypoxic hypoxia, anemic hypoxia , stagnant hypoxia , histotoxic hypoxia
4-what are different types of drugs?
Depressants, stimulants, analgesics
5-what are types of fatigue?
acute, chronic

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