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Imagine. Imagine the billions of other planets out there, billions of stars, billions of galaxies,
universes. What if that is truly all you were doing? What if reality only exists to serve one purpose?
What if that purpose was to influence your perspective, and perspective, only there for you to receive
the influence given to you? In this book, a boy discovers his true meaning in life, slowly like all mortal
beings do-as you and I do. So if I don’t know the meaning of life, why am I discussing it? There’s a simple
answer, as there always is. People always want to find a truth in life, and that’s simply what I strive for.
No lies, only truth.


Mark of Entropy

One reality is fit to shape the life a boy named Andrew, a reality that I personally shape,
perhaps with the influence of another? Meaning I can make him whomever I choose. This is very
thrilling to say the least… Let’s make Andrew half-elven, but raised by two human parents. Let’s
also say he wasn’t adopted or ever orphaned. Why, you ask? As a writer I have to build a certain
amount of tension. To make a long story short, your questions will be answered in time. They
always are, you just need to pay attention. He was born of a unique star sign in his reality., the mark
of entropy. There are nine in total, as there are nine muses in your reality, the signs of flame, vapor,
wind, ground, life, death, order, and of course, entropy. Like the muses the nine marks influence a
person’s fate. How they will live or die. The mark of entropy is only visble every four years on one
exact night for 6 hours.

Now, what if I said there was a religion who opposed this? Yes, that should bring a bit of
tension to our little story. This opposing religion preaches that all beings exist only to exist, and that
life has no true meaning. Their leaders are tyrannical. All who were not converted were either
turned to slaves, or brutally executed, in front of an audience. Wars were waged over the two
opposing religions. Some of them, no one knew which side started. Naturally, they each blamed
eachother, and wars were fought over that as well.

This reality, as I have decided, is something a bit like Dungeons and Dragons, with a few
minor changes to the core rules. I play 3rd edition of course, 4th edition is like D&D’s Vista. I have
mentioned before, that I have made Andrew half-elven right; and that his parents were both
human? Andrew doesn’t care for it.

I guess we should give Andrew a friend. A love interest? Maybe. Her name will be Jacey,
Jacey Dee. Why didn’t I give Andrew a last name? I did, it’s Menas. Andrew Menas, half elven bard.
Yes, he’s a bard, talented in music, tone-deaf, or maybe we could make like Beethoven? That sounds
interesting, a synesthetic bard… something you don’t see every day. He carries two daggers. One
given to him by his mother before he left home, as a going away present, and the other, pick-
pocketed off of a high-way guard at a bar. Well what about Andrew and Jacey? The two were
childhood friends of course! Jacey was attack by wolves, and Andrew was the only one who noticed.
He was taking a stroll, while playing his lute, while he saw Jacey chased by the wolf pack, so he
pursued them. He knew he hadn’t the muscle power to fight them barehanded, so he used his lute,
and beat them down with it. Of course lutes aren’t very cheap in his days, smashing one wouldn’t be
wise, but it was necessary for saving his love interest.

Jacey found herself in need of repaying Andrew for saving her life, so she became apprentice
to a healer, so that she could one day save his life, ironically, Jacey was born under the mark of
death. Although her master tought her healing spells, he also gave her a hand full of offensive
techniques, such as the magic missile, her favorite spell.

So, we’ve covered pretty much all the essentials. No wait, every adventure needs a third
wheel! Yes, a marksman by the name of Juan, who is also half-elven and part of Andrew’s childhood.
Unlike Andrew, one of Juan’s parents is of Elven descent, his mother. Juan and Andrew, although
close friends, were also fierce rivals, who competed over everything you could… imagine.

Now what would they look like? Andrew is around 5’5”, he’s short but not really that short,
with black hair worn in a ponytail.

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