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Dear Alexis,

Well howdy this is yet another letter to me,but this time instead of talking about what will happen
or what you may have wanted to happen, we get to joyfully explain why we didn't get those goals
done :). Kidding but this letter will be similar to the one before.

As I may have mentioned a few times, I'm not the greatest with spelling, grammar, keeping goals,
setting goals, you get the point obvi, but I can say this with the most upright confidence that there
is most definitely an improvement, a small small small improvement but greatness takes time :).

One learning goal I have noticed a significant improvement would be engaging in intellectual
conversations about important issues, including personal, social,and academic topics. I was able
to comprehend and understand for the most part the achieving goal, gaining more knowledge
about a subject, so I can help others get a better understanding as well. The beginning of first
quarter was a bit difficult for me not only with English but other classes. I was having a hard time
comprehending the assignments and being able to stay focused enough to fully complete the
assignments. I have grown a lot since the beginning. I started off last quarter with not doing my
assignments . This quarter I had a new mindset when I started actually studying and noticing the
goals I have been unknowingly been achieving. I got on top of all my assignments and the
learning goals.

Also during my first and second quarter I noticed even in the first letter to myself my other goal
was to be inquisitive,motivated, self-directed learners, meaning this year's letter to self and
reflection on myself having good energy during my writing to engage the audience. Being able to
capture the audience's attention. The one thing that captures and grabs my attention when reading
a book, (which isn't very often)because it is difficult for me to stay focused on a story if the story
doesn't have new and exciting events that happened leaving cliffhangers reaching a climax but
then the climax dying down and a new bigger totally unexpected one shows up again and
completely changes the game. You know that show “your not the father” Well a story like that
only the audience finds out he's not the father and the mother isnt the mother either, all come to
find out the birth mom is in the audience watching the show. Like you see that would be a great 2
second show but something like that only over a course of a short story or a longer one. I (we)
know what interests us so I try to encourprit what I would consider entertaining and bring my
personality into every text,story,novel,essay, assignment, really anything I would write and give it
a little pizazz.

Writing efficiently in a variety of academic,civic and workplace geres, being able to use creative
words, and of academics to write efficiently. Being able to understand the source of the argument.
All communication fits its purpose, and writing efficiently and effectively. Definitely improved in
those aspects of writing. I have taken into better consideration the things I'm reading. Double
back to make sure I know and understand what I just read. Trying to analyze the text as if I was a
teacher grading the story or passage. Breaking it down as if I was being questioned. This not only
helps me better understand the text but also know how someone would break down my text or
my passage. Helps me become a better writer by analyzing and understanding others' work.

Understanding the ways in which reading and writing informational text and supporting each
other. But giving constructive feedback for them to come back and correct. Reading along with
writing can be very influential and informative. Being able to understand someone else's writing
helps a lot when writing my own. This helps and has helped me a lot with my own struggle of
writing. But looking back at the way I used to set up my arguments in a paragraph rather than
now I would say is a significant change. It's not perfect but I'm still learning. I hope we continue
to grow and become amazing writing but mostly more open minded to other topics.


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